2 minute read

God's Glory

As I was painting this I could imagine God saying, My Glory shines through no matter what situation, no matter what journey you are on - throughout your life, I am with you. The path may not be clear, but I have your every step; I’m always there. This path is gold, heaven’s touch. Feel my surrounding arms of protection - the golden rays of my fatherly love pouring into your heart.

As you soak in this painting, let the glory of the Lord pour down and fill your being. Just as a rain shower clears the air, feel God’s love raining down to give clarity to the depth of His fatherly love.

"Life giving light streams from the presence of a king and his favor is showered upon those who please him.” Proverbs 16:15, TPT


Before I begin a prophetic painting, I always feel guided by God to play a certain worship song. Creating with God by my side, the worship music allows each note and nuance of the melody to become embedded into every brushstroke and colour that He chooses. I am taken to another level, a heavenly realm, to see God’s vision of what I am creating with Him. Through this combination, God’s presence is felt in a powerful multi-dimensional way.

While creating this painting, I was led to play my daughter Tayla Rede’s song, ‘Coming Glory.’ God’s glory was evident as I weaved this creation with the most amazing artist, our Heavenly Father. I invite you to read musician Tayla Rede’s words below about the song that God used to create this painting, and then treat yourself as you listen to the music and escape into God’s vision.

“‘Coming Glory’ was written from a deep place of hunger and longing for the glory of God to come and visit us once again. I believe there is a greater glory that is coming, a glory that will open up the heavens and allow us to see Jesus in ways that we’ve never seen Him before. God is moving on the earth and He is looking for the faithful ones that long to partner with Him to bring His kingdom to earth.

My prayer has been, ‘Lord purify my heart so I may see you, sanctify my life for the sake of coming glory, use me!’ May you encounter the Lord and His beautiful glory that is coming as you listen to this song.”

‘Coming Glory’ was recently released by Tayla Rede & Vineyard Anaheim on their latest album ‘Returning’ which you can find on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube under Vineyard Anaheim.

Lynne Hudson


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