4 minute read
Dim House Gospel Glimpses
written by Rachel Dube
Do you ever struggle with finding the words to say to God in prayer? Do you ever struggle with knowing or believing who you really are, past what any eye can see, down to your hidden soul?
How comforting it is to know that our heavenly Father, who loves us more than we can fathom, has good and wonderful things in store for each one of us. He makes us promises in scripture, and He says in 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV) that “no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.” That means that if we are covered in the perfect righteousness of Christ through faith in His perfect life, death and resurrection, then we are God’s children and all of the Father’s promises are for us. They are for you. When you ask God for any of these promises offered in the Bible in prayer, you can be assured that His answer is always “Yes!”
Imagine if you, as a parent, have something very special planned for your child. How excited would you be if they told you their wish for the very thing that you already had planned? God loves for us to come to Him in prayer, to seek Him for the desires and concerns that are on our hearts. He delights in having us come close, in listening to us, and in pouring His love out on us. He wants us to know Him and to feel the depths to which we are fully known and loved by Him.
We can say anything to God. There are no special words necessary. But praying God’s Word gives us words when we have none. It helps us ask Him for the things He already desires for us. It solidifies His promises in our hearts. It helps to train our eyes to see ourselves in our true identity, as our Father sees us. His Word is alive and active, able to powerfully speak to, pierce and transform our hearts. Praying God’s Word allows us to agree with Him in prayer, adding our “Amen” (our agreement) “to the glory of God.” (Corinthians 1:20 NIV)
I encourage you to pray scripture over yourself and others. As you pray, personalize the scripture. Let your mind engage with it and make it your own, embracing its truth, finding hope in its promises, and expanding on it where the Holy Spirit leads.
The scripture prayer I have shared here is a compilation of several different Bible translations (NIV, ESV, AMP, TPT, MSG) as well as some of my own words, in order to get a more descriptive picture of what God is saying here in His Word and to expand it into a personalized prayer. As you pray, add your name or the name of whomever you are interceding for.
Father, out of the incredible riches you have just waiting to give out to your children, I ask that you would strengthen ______ right now and continually, with your power through your Spirit in _______'s inner being; that you would give _____ spiritual energy and ability, strength to persevere, to keep falling into you, to keep crying out to you, to keep listening to you and responding to you.. into the innermost parts of who ______ is, beyond what ______ has ever experienced before.
Help ______ to become deeply rooted and securely grounded in your love.
Good Daddy, in the tender, loving way that only you can, open the eyes of _____’s heart and mind, soften the areas that have become hard to your spirit, make ________ sensitive to your word and your voice, and able to discern your voice from the lies of the enemy. Make _____thirsty for you again, like a deer is for water.
Holy Spirit, make _______ fully capable of comprehending, with all of God’s people, the width and length and height and depth of your love, fully experiencing how amazing and endless it is for _______ ; and let _______ come to know practically, through _______’s own personal experience, this love of Christ Jesus, which far surpasses mere knowledge, so that ______ can have the richest experience of your presence, completely filled and flooded with you! Give _______ the gift of faith and of courage to reach out to you and experience the breadth of your love for _______, to test the length of it, to plumb the depths, to experience a new fullness of life in your love!!
You can do anything! Exceedingly, abundantly, far more than we could ever imagine or guess or even request in our wildest dreams! And you do it not by forcing us or forsaking us, but by working within us, deeply and gently by the power of Christ at work in us and with the Helper and Comforter you have sent to live inside of us!
We give you praise and glory and thank you, even now in the midst of the struggle, God, because you promise that you who began a good work in us WILL carry it to completion ( Philippians 1:6) and that all of your promises to ______ in your word are “a yes and Amen in Christ Jesus.” (2 cor. 1:20) You are outside of time and you already see your promises coming to fruition in and for _______! You already see ________’s victory over this battle and all that you will do in and through ’s life! Thank you Jesus. Remind _______ that your death was not in vain. You will make perfect the bride you chose and died to win! _______ is yours and you are making _____ perfect and spotless! Remind _____ daily that your mercies are new every morning! Great is your faithfulness to ______! Help not give up because you will never give up on ____ .”