DIM GLASS GOSPEL GLIMPSES SCRIPTURE PRAYERS written by Rachel Dube Do you ever struggle with finding the words to say to God in prayer? Do you ever struggle with knowing or believing who you really are, past what any eye can see, down to your hidden soul? How comforting it is to know that our heavenly Father, who loves us more than we can fathom, has good and wonderful things in store for each one of us. He makes us promises in scripture, and He says in 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV) that “no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.” That means that if we are covered in the perfect righteousness of Christ through faith in His perfect life, death and resurrection, then we are God’s children and all of the Father’s promises are for us. They are for you. When you ask God for any of these promises offered in the Bible in prayer, you can be assured that His answer is always “Yes!” Imagine if you, as a parent, have something very special planned for your child. How excited would you be if they told you their wish for the very thing that you already had planned? God loves for us to come to Him in prayer, to seek Him for the desires and concerns that are on our hearts. He delights in having us come close, in listening to us, and in pouring His love out on us. He wants us to know Him and to feel the depths to which we are fully known and loved by Him. We can say anything to God. There are no special words necessary. But praying God’s Word gives us words when we have none. It helps us ask Him for the things He already desires for us. It solidifies His promises in our hearts. It helps to train our eyes to see ourselves in our true identity, as our Father sees us. His Word is alive and active, able to powerfully speak to, pierce and transform our hearts. Praying God’s Word allows us to agree with Him in prayer, adding our “Amen” (our agreement) “to the glory of God.” (Corinthians 1:20 NIV) I encourage you to pray scripture over yourself and others. As you pray, personalize the scripture. Let your mind engage with it and make it your own, embracing its truth, finding hope in its promises, and expanding on it where the Holy Spirit leads. The scripture prayer I have shared here is a compilation of several different Bible translations (NIV, ESV, AMP, TPT, MSG) as well as some of my own words, in order to get a more descriptive picture of what God is saying here in His Word and to expand it into a personalized prayer. As you pray, add your name or the name of whomever you are interceding for. (Ephesians 3:16-19, Philippians 1:6, 2 Corinthians 1:20)