17th edition
LORD of the
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Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences. Empowerment – Kimberly Ann Hobbs Teaching – Julie Jenkins We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.
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womenworldleaders.com/learn-with-us/podcasts/ 2
Letter from the Founder by Kimberly Ann Hobbs FOUNDER, WOMEN WORLD LEADERS
t is with immense pleasure that I get to share another letter with you and fill you up with encouragement.
As you dive into Voice of Truth magazine, get ready to experience a harvest of finding the joy our Lord Jesus brings. Throughout the world, we approach distinguishable parts of the year called seasons. Not only do seasons occur worldwide, but seasons also appear throughout our lives. When we include Jesus in any season, the closeness of God within us fills us spiritually, and we experience a harvest. In fact, any time we are filled with Jesus in any way, we experience harvest. On account of my husband’s and my relocation this past year, we have been enjoying the transition of the seasons. In Ohio, there are four distinct seasons. We moved into our home during the winter, experiencing the beautiful snowfall. Then, we watched as spring burst in with color and beauty. Soon after, we felt the sticky dog days of summer. Those days are now fading and giving way to the experience of fall, including dramatic color shifts as the leaves change and the fields yield their fruit. After a well-done season of planting and laboring, people everywhere are now preparing for the long-awaited, joyful time of bringing in their harvest. The Bible teaches using many examples and illustrations. In the book of Matthew, Jesus Christ refers to His disciples as workers of the harvest who are gathering others by their faith in Him. He calls God the Lord of the harvest (Matthew 9:37-38 KJV). We can look to our Lord as He provides our harvest. As we do what the Holy Spirit asks of us each day, it can be likened to a farmer preparing the ground, planting the seed, and tending the plants as they grow. We do what we are called to do, 3
and then we trust our God for the harvest—the bounty that He promises to provide. The question I’d like to pose to you today is this: How do you reflect God’s bounty in your everyday life? We pray that through reading this publication, you will see clearly the harvest God is providing. There is a symbolic meaning of harvest in scripture, encompassing two parts: God’s provision for us and God’s blessing for others. In our ministry of Women World Leaders, we celebrate with a spirit of harvest every season. We get excited together because we get to experience something special here daily. Of course, the harvest that we graciously get to be a part of belongs to God because He is the Lord of the harvest, not us. This makes us so happy. God always gets all the glory. MATTHEW 9:37-38 (KJV)
Jesus Christ refers to His disciples as workers of the harvest who are gathering others by their faith in Him. He calls God the Lord of the harvest.
As you read the pages of this delightful magazine and all the beauty that each article envelops, you will see God put in His rightful place. We recognize Him as the Lord of our harvest; He is the One who supplies all our provisions. God is giving us the ability to work, and He gives us families to love. When we recognize who the Lord is in our lives, we can then embrace the fact that He supplies all our needs in whatever season we are going through. And we choose to reflect His bounty in our everyday lives by tending the field and bringing in the harvest, part of which is the magazine you hold in your hands. I pray for you today, dear sister, that as you join me and the other ladies in this ministry reading through Voice of Truth and taking some “pause time,” you will reflect on a great question: Am I putting God in His rightful place during whatever season of life I’m in right now? I am praying for you. We, as a ministry, are praying for you, too. Exceedingly, Abundantly, Beyond,
Kimberly EPHESIANS 3:20
Carta de la
Dulce Mujer de Dios, Es un inmenso placer para mí compartir otra carta contigo y llenarte de ánimo. Mientras te sumerges en la revista La Voz de la Verdad, prepárate para experimentar una cosecha de encontrar el gozo que trae nuestro Señor Jesús. En todo el mundo, nos acercamos a partes distinguibles del año llamadas estaciones. Las estaciones no solo ocurren en todo el mundo, sino que también aparecen a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Cuando incluimos a Jesús en cualquier estación, la cercanía de Dios dentro de nosotros nos llena espiritualmente y experimentamos una cosecha. De hecho, cada vez que estamos llenos de Jesús de cualquier manera, experimentamos una cosecha. Debido a la mudanza de mi esposo y yo el año pasado, hemos estado disfrutando de la transición de las estaciones. En Ohio, hay cuatro estaciones distintas. Nos mudamos a nuestra casa durante el invierno, experimentando la hermosa nevada. Luego, vimos cómo la primavera irrumpía con color y belleza. Poco después, sentimos los días pegajosos y calurosos del verano. Esos días están llegando a su fin y dando paso a la experiencia del otoño, que incluye dramáticos cambios de color a medida que las hojas cambian y los campos dan sus frutos. Después de una temporada de siembra y trabajo bien
hecha, la gente de todas partes se está preparando para el esperado y alegre momento de recoger la cosecha. La Biblia enseña con muchos ejemplos e ilustraciones. En el libro de Mateo, Jesucristo se refiere a sus discípulos como trabajadores de la cosecha que están reuniendo a otros por su fe en Él. Él llama a Dios el Señor de la cosecha (Mateo 9:3738). Podemos mirar a nuestro Señor mientras Él provee nuestra cosecha. Al hacer lo que el Espíritu Santo nos pide cada día, podemos compararlo con un agricultor que prepara la tierra, planta la semilla y cuida las plantas a medida que crecen. Hacemos lo que estamos llamados a hacer y luego confiamos en nuestro Dios para la cosecha, la abundancia que Él promete proporcionar. La pregunta que me gustaría plantearles hoy es la siguiente: ¿Cómo reflejan la generosidad de Dios en su vida cotidiana? Oramos para que a través de la lectura de esta publicación, puedan ver claramente la cosecha que Dios está proveyendo. En las Escrituras, la cosecha tiene un significado simbólico que abarca dos partes: la provisión de Dios para nosotros y la bendición de Dios para los demás. En nuestro ministerio de Mujeres Líderes Mundiales, celebramos con un espíritu de cosecha cada temporada. Nos emocionamos juntas porque podemos experimentar algo especial aquí todos los días. Por supuesto, la cosecha de la que gentilmente podemos ser
parte pertenece a Dios porque Él es el Señor de la cosecha, no nosotras. Esto nos hace muy felices. Dios siempre recibe toda la gloria. Al leer las páginas de esta encantadora revista y toda la belleza que envuelve cada artículo, verán a Dios puesto en el lugar que le corresponde. Lo reconocemos como el Señor de nuestra cosecha; Él es quien provee todas nuestras provisiones. Dios nos está dando la capacidad de trabajar y nos da familias para amar. Cuando reconocemos quién es el Señor en nuestras vidas, podemos aceptar el hecho de que Él suple todas nuestras necesidades en cualquier etapa MATEO 9:37-38 (KJV)
Él llama a Dios el Señor de la cosecha. 6
de la vida que estemos atravesando. Y elegimos reflejar Su generosidad en nuestra vida diaria cuidando el campo y recogiendo la cosecha, parte de lo cual es la revista que tienes en tus manos. Hoy oro por ti, querida hermana, para que cuando te unas a mí y a las otras mujeres de este ministerio leyendo La Voz de la Verdad y tomes un “tiempo de pausa”, reflexiones sobre una gran pregunta: ¿Estoy poniendo a Dios en el lugar que le corresponde durante cualquier etapa de la vida en la que me encuentre ahora? Estoy orando por ti. Nosotros, como ministerio, también estamos orando por ti. Extremadamente, abundantemente y mas alla,
Kimberly EPHESIANS 3:20
PSALM 115:14-15
Gospel Grace
Empowering Lives with Purpose
Kingdom Promise: Abundance, Hope, and a Future KELLY WILLIAMS HALE
Faith and Family
Following the Son
Nonna’s kNOWledge
A Beautiful Mess
A Focus on Him
Sons of Kings
Through the Eyes of Merci
Biblical Profiles
El Roi...the God Who Sees Me LISA HATHAWAY
Recovery Reflections
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.
Through a Mother's Eyes
Dear Sister
Healing Heart and Soul
Beside Still Waters
Songs from the Spirit
Red Carpet Ready
Ever Interceding
POWER POINTS: God at Work Through Women Leaders Yesterday and Today
Voice of Truth Cover Story
Musings on the Book of John CONNIE HECKER
Chasing Butterflies Journals
Reheated Coffee
VOT Stories
Global Connections
CREDITS Kimberly Ann Hobbs – VOT Founder & WWL co-CEO Julie T. Jenkins – VOT Lead Editor & WWL co-CEO Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Designer Johana Torres – Spanish Translator Kelley Rene – Editor Lisa Morrison – Editor Kerri Bridges – Editor Jo Anne McKinney – Proofreader Shelly Haas – Proofreader Arlene Salas – Giving Acknowledgments
Have a blessed day! 10
WWL Ministry Coordinators Kimberly Ann Hobbs – co-CEO Julie T. Jenkins – co-CEO Lisa Hathaway – Business & Finance Diana Brown – Prayer Janet Berrong – Connection Coordinator Jessica Morneault – Events Connie Van Horn – Encouragement Ambassador Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Arts
Gospel GRACE by Stacy Jo Coffee-Thorne A Journey to Forgiveness
alvation, for me, came at an early age. Having grown up in the church with parents who made sure I attended every Sunday and a grandma who would do Bible trivia with me on every car ride, it was clear to me early on that I was created to follow Jesus. I don’t have a “white light” story or an “ah-ha” moment that immediately turned me around. Mine is a story of unending grace and unconditional love that saw me through nearly forty years and a gradual turnaround to be who God created me to be. After my parents’ ugly divorce and myriad life-altering events that led up to that, my life changed trajectory at the age of ten; all that I had known up to that point seemed to be nothing more than a distant and faint memory. Although church was still a huge part of my life, I began to wonder how God could have let all this happen. Fear, doubt, and lack of worth began to creep in, and by the time I was in my late teens, I had gone off the rails—sex, drugs, lots of alcohol, and rock 'n' roll took hold of me; I was living a life that was, in my mind, unworthy of love. I lost all vision for my future, and suicidal thoughts even crept in on occasion. But through it all, God’s grace and His hand of protection were always upon me. I have often compared my journey to that of the Israelites as they made their way towards the Promised Land. After escaping from slavery in Egypt, the Israelites journeyed through the harsh wilderness for 40 years, during which they faced numerous challenges, including hunger, thirst, and internal strife. Despite their lack of obedience and continuous doubts, God continuously showed grace and provision to His people. He provided manna from heaven for sustenance and water from a rock when they were thirsty. Still, because of their disbelief and rebellion, a journey that should have taken them eleven days took 40 years—that was me!! 11
There is significance in all things, and in scripture, the number 40 means new life, new growth, transformation, and a change from one great task to another great task. When I moved to Florida, I was just short of my fortieth birthday. After two failed marriages and a lot of painful memories, leaving my hometown in Ohio seemed to be the right thing to do; I viewed Florida as my “Promised Land”—a place where God would provide all that I needed spiritually. And I will tell you that He certainly hasn’t disappointed!! Next to recommitting my life to Jesus, marrying my husband, and giving birth to my four children, my move to Florida has been the best thing I have ever done. God has opened a whole new life with Jesus at the center, and my relationship with Him has grown exponentially. Things that I had never learned even after years in the church, including the FULL gospel of Christ—salvation, sanctification, healing, and the second coming of Christ—have now been brought to light, and I have adopted Romans 1:16, which says, For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes (NIV). But it took me some time to get to that place. I had received the salvation and sanctification offered to me through the crucifixion of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but you see, I had stopped there. I had not allowed Jesus to truly heal me from the inside out. Even though I had moved to Florida, and as I said before, it was the best move I ever made, I brought my baggage with me—the past, the hurts, the habits, and the
hangups. I had never officially given them to Jesus, and the unforgiveness for myself and others was holding me back from all He had for me. I still didn’t believe I was worthy of more. When I finally had this revelation and decided to allow Jesus to take my transgressions He had already died for, I stood empty-handed in a posture to receive His blessings. During that time, I was reminded that He had never left me or forsaken me, even when I was wandering in the wilderness for so many years. Through the process of inner healing, I have been able to see Jesus’ presence in each situation where I thought I was alone, and He allowed me to receive from Him a new experience to replace the old. Since then, I have seen my life change drastically—from my marriage to my relationships with my children, to business, and now to ministry as my husband and I launch a recovery ministry, fully led by the Holy Spirit. But that is a story for another time. My question for you today is: Are you carrying a burden you’re not meant to carry? If so, what is holding you back from giving that burden to Jesus? Perhaps like me, you are holding onto unforgiveness or resentment of yourself. I want to remind you that Romans 8:1 teaches, There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (NIV). If you are holding onto condemnation, you are basically saying that Jesus’ work on the cross was not good enough for you. Forgiveness flows from Him to us and then to others—only in that order. Without receiving forgiveness from Him and extending that forgiveness to ourselves, we are unable to truly extend forgiveness to others. God wants us to be free of all unforgiveness and resentment, and the Holy Spirit wants to guide us to our Savior, Jesus Christ, so that we may experience His truth as we receive His forgiveness. Are you ready to be free?
If you need prayer, please email us at prayer@ womenworldleaders.com so we can encourage you further. We love that God has called us, as a ministry, to love and empower women who desire to love God, come closer to Him, and serve Him with their whole hearts. 13
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Have you heard? Listen to Women World Leaders podcast—every Monday! Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ Podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement. Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
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Empowering Lives with Purpose by Kimberly Ann Hobbs
ur holy God is the provider of all our needs. God not only takes care of our physical needs and guides us through life with His careful eye on us, but He also takes care of all our spiritual needs and supplies knowledge to assist our human bodies. My first glimpse of truly recognizing my heavenly Father as a provider came at a very young age. Through a peculiar story I’d love to share with you, God ingrained a chapter of the Bible into my soul, revealing His provision in a way only He could. My grandmother lived in a very small old house on a humongous piece of property. As children, we were allowed to play and do whatever we wanted in that old house. My grandmother would fix up different rooms as she had the money to do so, but before she did, we could be mischievous inside without a care in the world. We had the “hang from the chandelier” experiences in that small 2-bedroom cinderblock house. “Non,” as we called our grandmother, was getting
ready to demolish her only existing bathroom, which had a clawfoot tub. True to her nature, she gave us permission to write on whatever we wanted in the confines of that little space. So we did! Over time, my brothers and I covered every inch of that room with uplifting kindness. In our messy children’s printing with permanent magic markers, we graffitied the old white tub and toilet and even climbed on the sink to write on the low-lying ceiling! Over the span of a year, we artfully decorated that small space every time we visited. We wrote Bible verses, drew pretty pictures, crossed out our mistakes as a child would do, and just kept writing until, eventually, not one space was left. People would go in and just sit and read the interesting walls of the “necessity room,” making it a funny, lasting memory. However, the more important message was inside the humor. When I or anyone else would sit to use the toilet, one of the first things I ever wrote in my first-grade handwriting was staring the
His rod and staff comfort me —
I shall not want — SOURCE
He leads me beside still waters — REST He restores my soul — HEALING He guides me in paths of Righteousness — DIRECTION
For His name's Sake — PURPOSE Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death — TESTING I will fear no evil — PROTECTION For He is with me — FAITHFULNESS
occupant in the face: the 23rd Psalm. I had printed it directly across from the toilet, covering the back of the rickety old wooden door. I often slept over with my Non; using that bathroom frequently allowed me to memorize that entire chapter. Just as God planned it in His infinite wisdom, my grandmother didn’t have money to complete the project right away, so it ended up being years that the bathroom remained decorated with our writings and funny pictures— which we thought were masterpieces. Everyone got used to reading the walls and learning scripture when they used the bathroom. It was amazing how much memorization took place in a tiny, old turn-of-the-century bathroom! Psalm 23 speaks of God’s provision and protection for us. God promises to provide everything we need, and, as the scripture states, He leads us through green pastures beside still waters. God provides for us both during the harvest and as we walk through the deserts. Our God can supply all our needs according to His riches in glory! And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19 NLT).
He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies — HOPE He anoints my head with oil — CONSECRATION
My cup overflows —ABUNDANCE Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life — BLESSING And I will dwell in His house — SECURITY Forever — ETERNITY
Jesus also instructed us to ask for provisions. MATTHEW 7:7-8 (NLT)
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.” But we aren’t merely to take all that God provides for us; instead, we are encouraged to thank Him for His provision. May you stop and think about the Provider of your needs and give Him all the praise and thanks He deserves today and every day you live. PSALM 105:1-2 (NLT)
Give thanks to the Lord and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done. Sing to him; yes, sing his praises. Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. 17
hen we think of Naomi, whose story is told in the book of Ruth, we often associate her with strength and wisdom. Naomi was instrumental in welcoming her once-pagan daughter-in-law, Ruth, into God’s family; Ruth actually became a direct ancestor of Jesus—now that’s a victory! But like us, Naomi’s life was not always smooth sailing— rough waters created a time when she felt like she might drown. The truth is, sometimes all we need is a life preserver. Thankfully, like Naomi, we can rest in God’s power as He keeps us afloat. My husband and I recently took a cruise with extended family. To give you some background, my other half has been a fish since birth— growing up snorkeling, deep-sea diving, and surfing. And, while I share an affinity for the water, I suffer from severe motion sickness. But when you’ve been married for over 28 years,
sometimes you have to take one for the team. So not only did we book the cruise, but we also chose an adventure of “extreme snorkeling” for the day we would be docked at Grand Turk in Turks and Caicos. To prepare, I purchased a Reliefband—an electronic device that emits an impulse on the median nerve under the wrist to reduce nausea and vomiting—and hoped for the best! The Reliefband worked well during our voyage on the large ship, and it even kept me feeling steady as we headed out in the small boat for our snorkeling tour. I had a new lease on life as I ventured out onto the open sea without my body revolting! Donning snorkeling gear, we began swimming in the most beautifully crystal-clear water I had ever seen— marveling at the schools of fish circling. But as time passed, lo and behold, I began to feel weak. Acutely aware of what was happening, I yelled to our guide that I was heading back to the small boat. I swam slowly, feeling weaker and weaker as motion sickness began to overtake me. Our guides had instructed us that if we needed assistance, we were to wave our arms and yell. They even said, “If you calmly raise your hands and don’t yell, we may miss you. If you need help, be sure to splash and make a loud noise.” But as I struggled, now barely paddling my way through the water, I thought, I don’t have the energy to wave my arms or yell. A situation that had started out so promising had quickly turned sour, and there wasn’t much I could do except continue mustering the energy to move toward the boat. Still, the day was beautiful. The water was calm. And the saving grace was that I had a life jacket on. The truth was I could lean my head back and rest, allowing the life jacket to keep my increasingly ailing body afloat. Naomi and her husband had been living in their hometown of Bethlehem when the tide turned against her. First, there was a famine, so the couple and their sons moved to Moab. While they were there, Naomi’s husband died. Then, both of her sons died. Naomi was struggling, becoming weaker as circumstances overtook her. But thankfully, she had
a life jacket—God was holding her above the waters of the world, even when she felt He was against her. Naomi returned to her home country, but when people greeted her by name, she replied, “Don’t call me Naomi,...Call me Mara, because the Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the Almighty has brought misfortune upon me” (Ruth 1:20-21 NIV). Naomi had lost her strength. She had told her daughters-in-law to return to their fathers and her friends that all she could do was wallow in bitterness. But our loving God became her life jacket. His protection enveloped her, bringing her family members she didn’t even know He had intended for her. When Naomi was floundering, God provided an abundant life she never could have “swam to” on her own. Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your strength? Sometimes, life’s events can knock the wind out of us, swallowing us with grief, dismay, or physical distress. When the tide turns against us, the world tells us to be strong, to take the next step, to “buck up” and move forward. There are times when that is appropriate, but sometimes, we simply have nothing left to give. When we no longer have the strength to rise up or wave our arms and yell, we can be still, fully trusting our God. He will never leave us or forsake us.
God held onto Naomi. And He will hold onto you, too, no matter what threatens to overtake you. In my story, I’m sure you can deduce that I made it back to the boat. The rest of the day was a bit rough, but that’s a tale for another day. I will never forget the lesson God impressed on me as I became weaker and weaker that day in the water: He is in control. With God, we never need to yell or splash about to get His attention. He is always watching. God’s got this. He’s got all this. He will keep us afloat when we are weak, provide more than we will ever need, and, most importantly, carry us where we should go.
Naomi will tell you. 19
uando pensamos en Noemí, cuya historia se cuenta en el libro de Rut, a menudo la asociamos con fortaleza y sabiduría. Noemí fue fundamental para dar la bienvenida a su nuera, Rut, que alguna vez fue pagana, a la familia de Dios, y de hecho se convirtió en una antepasada directa de Jesús. ¡Eso sí que es una victoria! Pero, al igual que nosotros, la vida de Noemí no siempre fue tranquila: las aguas turbulentas crearon un momento en el que sintió que se iba a ahogar. La verdad es que, a veces, todo lo que necesitamos es un salvavidas. Afortunadamente, al igual que Noemí, podemos descansar en el poder de Dios mientras Él nos mantiene a flote. Mi esposo y yo recientemente hicimos un crucero con la familia extendida. Para darles un poco de contexto, mi otra mitad ha sido un pez desde que nació: creció haciendo esnórquel, buceo en aguas profundas y surf. Y, si bien comparto una afinidad por el agua, sufro de mareos severos. Pero cuando uno lleva casado más de 28 años, a veces hay que sacrificarse por el equipo. Así que no solo reservamos el crucero, sino que también elegimos una aventura de “snorkel extremo” para el día en que atracamos en Grand Turk, en las Islas Turcas y Caicos. Para prepararme, compré una Reliefband (un dispositivo electrónico que emite un impulso en el nervio mediano debajo de la muñeca para reducir las náuseas y los vómitos) y esperé lo mejor. La banda de apoyo funcionó bien durante nuestro
viaje en el gran barco, e incluso me mantuvo firme mientras nos dirigíamos en el pequeño bote para nuestra excursión de esnórquel. ¡Tenía una nueva oportunidad de vida al aventurarme en mar abierto sin que mi cuerpo se rebelara! Con el equipo de esnórquel puesto, comenzamos a nadar en el agua más hermosa y cristalina que jamás había visto, maravillándome con los bancos de peces que volaban en círculos. Pero a medida que pasaba el tiempo, he aquí que comencé a sentirme débil. Plenamente consciente de lo que estaba sucediendo, le grité a nuestro guía que me dirigía de regreso al pequeño bote. Nadé lentamente, sintiéndome cada vez más débil a medida que el mareo comenzaba a apoderarse de mí. Nuestros guías nos habían indicado que, si necesitábamos ayuda, debíamos mover los brazos y gritar. Incluso dijeron: “Si levantan las manos con calma y no gritan, es posible que no los alcancemos. Si necesitan ayuda, asegúrense de chapotear y hacer un ruido fuerte”. Pero mientras luchaba, ahora apenas remando a través del agua, pensé: no tengo energía para mover los brazos
o gritar. Una situación que había comenzado tan prometedora se había vuelto rápidamente amarga, y no había mucho que pudiera hacer excepto seguir reuniendo la energía para avanzar hacia el bote. Aun así, el día era hermoso. El agua estaba tranquila. Y lo bueno era que tenía puesto un chaleco salvavidas. La verdad era que podía inclinar la cabeza hacia atrás y descansar, permitiendo que el chaleco salvavidas mantuviera a flote mi cuerpo cada vez más enfermo. Naomi y su esposo vivían en su ciudad natal de Belén cuando la marea cambió en su contra. Primero, hubo una hambruna, por lo que la pareja y sus hijos se mudaron a Moab. Mientras estaban allí, el esposo de Noemí murió. Luego, murieron sus dos hijos. Noemí estaba luchando, debilitándose a medida que las circunstancias la superaban. Pero, afortunadamente, tenía un chaleco salvavidas: Dios la sostenía por encima de las aguas del mundo, incluso cuando sentía que Él estaba en su contra. Noemí regresó a su tierra natal, pero cuando la gente la saludaba por su nombre, ella contestaba: “No me llamen Noemí, sino llámenme Mara, porque el Todopoderoso me ha amargado mucho la vida. Me fui llena, pero el Señor me ha traído de regreso vacía. ¿Por qué me llaman Noemí? El Señor me
ha afligido; el Todopoderoso me ha hecho sufrir” (Rut 1:20-21 NVI). Noemí había perdido sus fuerzas. Les había dicho a sus nueras que regresaran con sus padres y a sus amigas que lo único que podía hacer era revolcarse en la amargura. Pero nuestro Dios amoroso se convirtió en su salvavidas. Su protección la envolvió, trayendo a su familia a miembros que ni siquiera sabía que Él tenía destinados para ella. Cuando Noemí estaba tambaleándose, Dios le proporcionó una vida abundante a la que nunca podría haber “nadado” por sí sola. ¿Alguna vez has sentido que has perdido tus fuerzas? A veces, los eventos de la vida pueden dejarnos sin aliento, tragándonos con dolor, consternación o angustia física. Cuando la marea se vuelve en nuestra contra, el mundo nos dice que seamos fuertes, que demos el siguiente paso, que nos “animemos” y sigamos adelante. Hay momentos en que eso es apropiado, pero a veces, simplemente no nos queda nada para dar. Cuando ya no tenemos la fuerza para levantarnos, agitar los brazos y gritar, podemos quedarnos quietos, confiando plenamente en nuestro Dios. Él nunca nos dejará ni nos abandonará.
Dios se aferró a Noemí y te sostendrá a ti también, sin importar lo que amenace con alcanzarte. En mi historia, estoy segura de que puedes deducir que logré regresar al bote. El resto del día fue un poco duro, pero esa es una historia para otro día. Nunca olvidaré la lección que Dios me inculcó a medida que me debilitaba cada vez más ese día en el agua: Él tiene el control. Con Dios, nunca necesitamos gritar ni chapotear para llamar Su atención. Él siempre está mirando. Dios tiene todo bajo control. Él tiene todo bajo control. Él nos mantendrá a flote cuando estemos débiles, nos dará más de lo que jamás necesitaremos y, lo más importante, nos llevará a donde debemos ir.
Noemí te lo dirá.
Following the Son photo and writing by Michele Hughes Bridge Builder
y husband and I had just finished walking on the fine, white sand in Orange Beach, Alabama, when I turned around to take one last look. What an incredible opportunity to “take the shot” of the glow on the bridge of this stunning sunset with a half-moon in view. Sometimes in life, we need to stop, turn around, and take the shot or opportunity to build a bridge versus walking away. Bridge builders are people who create relationships that cut across the lines of conflict. They help establish relationships, improve communication, and build trust among people and groups. Jesus was and is a bridge builder. We, too, are called to be bridge builders. Have you ever been in a situation with someone where you knew you couldn’t agree and chose to walk away? Or maybe in our days of cancel culture, you just deleted them and wrote them off. But as we mature, we learn better ways of handling ourselves in these tense situations. For example, one evening at church, my husband and I were talking about baptism in our group. People were sharing their stories. One of the ladies disagreed with something we said, and she decided not to come back. When someone followed up with her, she returned,
and I invited her to a WWL event. God revealed to her a past baptism situation that she later shared with me. Soon after that, she signed up for baptism and shared her story. I am delighted to say that she currently serves on the baptism team. She and I experienced Israel together and have become very dear friends. God wants us to work together and live as bridge builders. He wants us to serve one another and grow in our relationship(s). Are you willing to stop and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through you for the sake of building relationships? In this way, we can win against the divisiveness of cancel culture. The Bible is filled with examples of bridge building. In John 8, Jesus built a bridge of compassion and mercy to a woman caught in adultery. Discover the life changing impact of Barnabas in Acts 4, 9, and 11. We must be willing to see the need. To build bridges, not barriers. Jesus makes a way. He is the bridge. We just need to be willing to allow His Will to be done and align our heart to His. LOVE WINS!
Michele Hughes, a #1 best selling author, resides in Jupiter, Florida,with her husband. They own and operate GoLifeSavers.com where Michele has taught CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor. Michele holds a master’s degree in education and serves on the leadership team in Women World Leaders. She loves the Son/sun, family, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.
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l u f i t u a e B ss e M by Jessica Prukner
he other day I pulled out and dusted off the bulging, ratty, colorful school keepsake books to add the year-end “last day of school” photo and compare it with the “first day of school” photo. The changes in just one school year are unbelievable when placed side by side. I made a commitment when the kids were in preschool to update their school keepsake books annually, no excuses. My mom had done a wonderful job of keeping all of my report cards, awards, and memories from my childhood; I so very much enjoyed strolling down memory lane that I wanted to make sure that even if my kids didn’t have school system yearbooks, I would continue the tradition. I remember purchasing these books like it was yesterday. The front cover has little windows for each grade level’s school picture and a big window in the center for their senior picture. The books were so thin and crisp; they cracked when I opened each page. Through the years, we have answered the questions on each page, documenting their favorite subjects, teachers, sports activities, and friends, as well as their height, age, and how they wrote their names. Such sweet memories. Now I notice there are so few pages left to fill and only a few empty windows on the cover of these once completely empty books. Oh, where has the time gone?
As we near the end of the school year and also the soonto-be end of their K-12 education, my kids have started to have mandatory testing required for certain lifenexts, such as college. My oldest is now registered for the ACT and starting her studies, and my other middle schoolers were required to take standardized testing for the first time this year due to our state regulations. Very early on, at the beginning of our homeschool journey, I was so worried I was messing up their education that I had administered standardized tests by choice. But once a few years passed showing they were at or even above their age of learning expectations, I found peace in the process of what I was doing as their mom and educator
and haven’t thought of these tests since. Sure, my kids take tests in their homeschool co-op classes and online math courses, but these tests seemed a little more rigid, serious, and long. I didn’t think much of it, but my middle schoolers had a bit of anxiety going into these tests that kind of threw me off-guard. Both did well and scored where I had expected them to, but one kid had some tears after seeing the score compared to the other kids who had tested in her age group. As her mom, I was immediately upset that she was upset. As an educator, I understood the purpose of these tests, but I realized again the importance of my choice to homeschool the kids through the years. This silly standardized test that only covered two sections, English and Math, had no idea who my kid was, how she interacted in the world, her strengths and weaknesses, or the ability to ‘test’ anything else that mattered in life, such as her character, integrity, morals, or interaction with the world. At that moment, I was able to turn a sad moment into a teaching lesson. Tests are part of life; they can be administered by teachers or even given by God. We can learn a lot from them and use them to understand certain lessons or areas of life where we may be struggling and can use some more help or assistance; but tests don’t label us. Tests cannot determine our worth or who God says we are. I grew up in a household where I was always striving for perfection. I wanted the 4.0, the A+, the scholarships, the accolades, to be the teacher’s pet; I had self-worth
issues, and I was working to fill that void by the labels I could earn to tell me that I was “good enough.” My kids have never known their grades, GPA, or who was the teacher’s pet. They have had the ability and gift of spending their entire education so far just showing up and being the best version of themselves each day. They have been able to focus on themselves as a whole person, not just for a test grade or a report card score. Have each one of my kids struggled? Absolutely! And I have found tutors and speech therapists for their individual needs and struggles along the way. Thankfully, these moments of weakness were never really felt or exacerbated due to some system of grading or placement that is put on kids at such early ages in the school system.
I just wanted them to love God, love people, and be confident in who they were in Christ.
So, if you are like me—a perfectionist at heart—and you have been homeschooling your kids for years or are just starting, know that you can find peace that the test scores and placements don’t matter. Their hearts matter. Their souls matter. The way they interact in this world with God’s people matters. I honestly believe that if you get all these things right, then God will take care of the rest. I can say this because, as my oldest is now “needing” the scores and tests to advance in life, they are there, coming in where we need them to be. Early on, when I was looking for a tutor to help with some of my kids’ struggles, I remember coming home with all these options; one of them was very expensive, extensive, and professional. I was all ready to sign them up. Of course I wanted the best for them. I remember my husband and me having a bit of a heated disagreement and he said something I will never forget. He asked me what type of kids we were trying to raise. He asked if we were trying to raise valedictorian geniuses who were out to get the best scores and be the top of their class
or good kids who learned about the world around them and loved God and people. That’s when I knew. If my kids ended up being some out-of-thisworld genius, great. But I wasn’t going to push them to become something that required them to wear a label of perfection. I just wanted them to love God, love people, and be confident in who they were in Christ. Ten-plus years later as we fill the last few pages of their books with grades, test scores, and photos, I am glad to say we chose the second option, and they have turned out to be absolutely fantastic and exactly who God wants them to be! We get one chance at this thing called life; make sure we are making the best choices for our kids and not the choice that the world and mainstream is pushing us towards.
by Dr. Jia Conway ROMANS 8:38-39 (NKJV)
For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angel, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
ons of the King, it can seem like you are always the one standing in the gap for everyone and everything else. Sometimes it seems as if the burdens of life are yours to bear alone and may even leave you wondering if God remembers that you are His. Can I tell you that the Word of God reminds us that the Spirit is praying for us? The Word of God reminds us that He is causing all things to work together for our good even when the good seems long, lonely, limited, overwhelming, unclear, and isolated. THE SPIRIT IS PRAYING FOR YOU! Therefore be encouraged to know that if you never get a “thank you,” “please,” “I appreciate you,” or even an “ I love you,” the Spirit is praying for you and interceding on your behalf. In the arms of God, your heavenly Father, you get to fall and let the Spirit of God make intercession for you. The promise of prayer from God to you, His sons, is a sanction of comfort through every trial and challenge, that God has a plan that He developed beforehand and that He purposely created just for you to be the beneficiary of. What you will
inherit from God's investment in you, man could never give or maintain. Your prayers before God, the author and finisher of your faith, have fallen on a ground of fresh soil, overflowing with milk and honey and infused with fresh manna from heaven. Your prayers before your heavenly Father have opened the ear gates of heaven towards the lips of His son. So be of good courage as you read the words on these pages and they touch the places in your soul that you thought had been dismissed and had fallen into a dry place of dismissal. Sons of the King, open up your spirit and receive what is being prayed over you and prayed into you. God is speaking, and He is moving on your behalf. Whatever it is that you are standing in need of, trust that your heavenly Father has given angels charge over you and has ordained a path for your life that has been covered by the fresh oil of heaven and the prayers of the Spirit! Sons of the King…the Spirit is praying for you! And there is nothing that will separate you from the prayers and love of God.
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El Roi... the God Who Sees Me by Lisa Hathaway
our God is so personal; He knows each move you make, the tears you cry, the thoughts in your head, and your heartache and pain. Yet He is the same God who moves mountains, parted the seas, turned a snake into a rod, brought a ram for a sacrifice, and protected Moses in the basket floating down the river. When I sit in silence with my thoughts, I am awestruck at how the God of the universe—whose power stretched the withered hand, made blind eyes see, and healed a woman who had been sick for 12 years—sees me, knows ALL my needs, and meets me in the most personal, sweet space. I am constantly amazed that God lavishes His goodness on us even when we don’t deserve it. He CHOOSES you and me every day. He prunes us, providing beautiful fruit after the hard season. He is the ultimate gardener— planting seeds in us and providing good soil for us to flourish in—but goodness gracious, He can prune! Our God wants so much more from us, and He brings it to fruition because His mighty hand is on our souls. So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are a God of seeing,” for she said, “Truly here I have seen him who looks after me” (Genesis 16:13 ESV). Even when we can’t see Him or feel Him, our God never stops working, meeting each of us at
such a personal level. That is the most beautiful thing about our Jesus—He sees us and is so faithful. When we take the scales off our eyes and look at all He has done for us, we can’t help but be awed at how He moves. In mighty, mighty ways, He moves. We must intentionally keep our eyes open, always watching for how He is moving—which will not always be exactly how we want. Our God can catch us by surprise, but we can trust that His ways and His timing are always perfect. He is never late and never early. He is just perfect. At times, I have longed for a tangible sign that God has not left me. And when I’ve asked, He has always provided— through a friend, a worship song, a stranger, or a family member. He gives me “God hugs,” as I like to call them, offering me hope that He is with me and is keeping His promises. If you ask Him, He will give them to you, too. “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you” (Genesis 28:15 ESV). Life is hard. Life can be challenging. But life is also sweet and can be so rewarding. Cling to the promises of God and seek direction when you feel alone. He has created you for a purpose—a purpose that He longs to share with you. Look at life through the lens of His love for you. He wants an intimate and personal relationship with you. God will pursue you and chase you down—because He won’t be satisfied even if one of us gets away. “If a man has a hundred sheep, and one wanders away and is lost, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others and go out into the hills to search for the lost one? And if he finds it, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine others safe at home! Just so, it is not my Father’s will that even one of these little ones should perish” (Matthew 18: 12-14 TLB). God will do anything to bring you back to Him; you are that valuable and cherished. Just look for Him. He is there. He sees you.
Abundance, Hope, AND A Future by Kelly Williams Hale WHAT'S INSIDE?
s a Christian, I know God has a plan for me. So, when things don’t go according to plan—my plan, that is—I try to find God’s lesson in the situation. One specific incident comes to mind that I’d like to share. Several years ago, I wanted to return an item I bought at a local bookstore. The first time I took it in, I was hoping to get my cash back, so I needed the receipt. That was nothing unusual; however, I had to find the receipt! While the cashier patiently waited, I proceeded to create a heaping mess on the counter: clipped coupons, two pens, some change, lipsticks (who needs four lipsticks in one purse?), and random slips of paper and other receipts—just not the one I needed. “You can get store credit,” the helpful, young clerk suggested. 32
“No, that’s ok. I have the receipt here somewhere,” I replied while still digging through my purse. At that point, the contents of my purse completely covered the countertop. The clerk continued to smile while customers began lining up behind me. “Huh,” I mumbled, “I guess I don’t have it. (duh) I’ll just take this back and look for it at home,” I managed to squeak as I scooped everything back INTO my purse. I knew I had that receipt...somewhere. Unfortunately, I never did find the receipt. Knowing I would only get store credit, I headed back to the store to return my item. As expected, when I told the clerk I didn’t have my receipt she said, “That’s ok, you can get store credit.”
and “cleaned ‘er up.” Although I understood the manager’s position, the facts were that I did purchase this item, it was brand-new, and I expected a refund (or store credit, which was totally ok with me). My plan was to return to the store with my “refreshed” item and discuss the situation with the manager. I fully expected our conversation to include me explaining how much money I spent at this store, asking if they wanted to lose a customer, blah, blah, blah. I wanted to stand up for myself but still be humble. I prayed for God to give me the right attitude and the right words.
Super, I thought to myself.
We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
By the way, I love this bookstore. In fact, I don’t think I’ve met a bookstore I don’t like. Truly, it’s like a library—I could spend hours there. After shopping for about 15 minutes, the store manager approached me and informed me that she could not accept my return without a receipt because it was an electronics item. “The policy is clearly stated on the receipt,” she said. I later looked at a receipt; it does NOT say electronics, but rather “software.” My item was an accessory to my son’s PlayStation but did include an instructional CD. What she said next, however, seemed more likely. “We really can’t put your item back on the shelf in the condition it’s in.” Aha! Now I understand. You see, between visit #1 and visit #2, the box remained in my vehicle and, um, did get a little banged up. And the plastic tabs that seal the box had come undone and somehow attracted dirt, sand, and small bits of fuzz. I could see her point. That evening, I stopped at Walmart to pick up some packing tape, brought my box home,
So. I headed BACK to the bookstore, carrying my item. The cashier asked straightaway, “Return?” “Yes,” I answered, “but I don’t have a receipt.” “No problem, you can get store credit.” O… kay... I was a bit nervous after my last visit. I figured I’d have to talk to someone to explain. But nope—no questions, no manager finding me squatting in the aisle looking at the books on the lower shelf to tell me that my box wasn’t “pretty enough.” Granted, the box did look better. They could easily restock it. The electronics guitar, instructions, and CD were still inside— untouched as before. But now, because the 33
package looked more presentable, everything was peachy-keen. Remember the beginning of this story? When I stated that when I encounter an unexpected situation (that often includes disappointment), I’ve learned to ask God what lesson I’m meant to learn? Hmmm…, I thought to myself. I walked into this bookstore with an “ugly” box that the manager deemed unworthy. But after I cleaned up the outside and went back with a “prettier” package, it was suddenly ok to accept. Even though the contents inside remained the same. With these thoughts swirling in my head, the Holy Spirit gave me this scripture: Your beauty should not come from outward adornment... Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight” (1 Peter 3:3-4 NIV). What a beautiful reminder! How often do we make a judgment based on what our limited eyes can see? I’ve been guilty of doing this; I bet you have been, too. But God does not judge the outer appearance. He cares more about what is on the inside. Instead of focusing so much on the “packaging”—how someone (or something) appears on the surface—let us remember that what is beautiful (and lasting) is found on the inside.
Dear God, help us not to get so caught up in outward appearances. Lord, we repent for judging ourselves and others by what the world says is “acceptable.” Help us remember that true beauty comes from the inside. Let us cultivate a gentle and quiet spirit, which is more valuable than gold in Your eyes. We thank You and love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Kelly Williams Hale is a speaker, author, and life coach. She is passionate about Jesus and encourages others to deepen their personal relationship with Him. Her teaching and online courses help Christian women walk in their unique calling to bring God glory. Partnering with the Holy Spirit, Kelly teaches women how be courageous and confident in Christ. Her speaking topics include spiritual growth, emotional resilience, and leadership. She is happily married (third time’s a charm!), a mom of three—each born a decade apart— delivering her youngest at 44 years old. Kelly is living proof that our mess truly becomes our message and past mistakes don’t define future success. You're invited to join the Facebook group, Sisters Who Shine, or visit thebebravelife.com for more information.
PSALM 139:14
They may have been beauty queens, but it’s about to get ugly.
Crowning Lori is a movie for women, by women, about women.
Karen Abercrombie War Room
Candace Kirkpatrick Vindication
Tina Gallo General Hospital
Director: Lisa Arnold God’s Not Dead
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Women World Leaders and World Publishing and Productions presents:
IMPACTED Women world leaders books are touching lives around the world by creating a burning flame of positive change. True impact ignites a fire that cannot be extinguished, a burning desire that spreads to others encouraging them to go out into the world and make a difference. You are in place for a purpose. God has purposes that He is accomplishing through your life and He will sovereignly put you in places for the spread of His glory. We invite you to read testimonials of personal encounters with God through powerful stories courageously shared. Esther 2:17 reminds us as He placed Esther in position to be queen, God has a purpose for us to do more than we can imagine! This edition's IMPACTED stories include: n Natalie Keith with Hope Alive: Debilitated to Exhilarated
with God n Katie Whitehead with Unseen: You Are Not Alone n Anavay Taffe with Victories: Claiming Freedom in Christ
Please contact us if you have read any of our books and would like to share how you have been impacted through a story or a teaching. Email us at: Connie@womenworldleaders.com
Natalie Keith • HOPE ALIVE Wow! Hope Alive is such a transformative book that breathed hope, forgiveness, love, perseverance, and endurance into my heart! Each writer tells her story of overcoming some of the darkest moments of her life; each is packed with such power that there is no denying I have a heavenly Father who chases me down even when I can't see, feel, or understand! It is so hard to choose just one story to highlight, as each one had such an impact and was an incredible testimonial of how Jesus walked alongside, making a way when there seemed to be no way. Each writer was incredibly brave in sharing her story so others could receive hope. There is something for everyone in this book. While reading this book, I was right there walking alongside these women in their transitional season from ashes to beauty. The authors do a remarkable job sharing scriptures and teachings from the Bible that pertain to hope coming alive! In between each story, these amazing leaders share straight from their hearts exactly what we readers need to hear as we move along to the next story. Some of my highlight stories were the testimonies written by Maria Horwitz, Cindy Edgett, and Emily Wheeler. Can I just say, WOW WOW WOW! These stories are straight miracles bringing hope! Each one is so different yet so incredibly powerful.
My heart palpitated as Maria shared her traumatic experience as a little girl, seeing her mother deceased on the floor after committing suicide. Maria had to muster up the strength not only to help raise her siblings but also to clean up the remains of her mother at only 13. She shares how redemptive our Jesus is, from her broken beginnings to living her most blessed life ever with her husband and children, and how the Lord restored all that was lost and broken. He gave her healing and her own family so she could be a witness of love and devotion, too. Maria is a true testimony of how God endlessly chases us down to bring healing, joy, and a blessed life ever! Cindy Edgett's story was so impactful for me because she endured such a hard season of loss and hopelessness. Despite experiencing a miscarriage after years of infertility and her doctor breathing doubt and speaking death into her situation, Cindy rose up and made sure to hear the voice of God to find healing from her loss and crushed dreams. She speaks on how God used her story for His glory. She was blessed with three birth children, an adopted girl, and now a son and daughter-inlaw! Not only did Cindy overcome and find hope, but she is now trained to help other women hear God's voice and stop the lies they believed. She is a mighty warrior for the Kingdom of God! Lastly, Emily Wheeler's story was so remarkable to me. The Lord brought full circle a family and husband as she came out of sex trafficking, drugs, and alcohol. He redeems so much even when we feel all is lost. Emily Wheeler is a pioneer for women, one who can speak about the loss of a mother as well as being sex trafficked and being in and out of foster care and family homes. She is a true testimony of God's restoration from top to bottom! I encourage you to dig into these stories and see for yourself what God can do if we hold onto hope! I pray this book, Hope Alive, will impact you, your life, and your thinking, encouraging you that no matter what, God is chasing you down, rescuing you, and bringing beauty from ashes. Trust in Him no matter what season you are in because He is truly a good Father!
Hope Alive
Debilitated to Exhilarated with God Hope is more than thoughts of something you want to happen. Hope is an assurance, a steadfast and most certain anchor in your soul that solidifies the reality that God is your refuge. God is the source of our hope. As you read the pages of this book, you will see firsthand how God brings Hope Alive to every person who is yearning for a reason to go on. The stories and teachings in this book will empower you to cling to God and His promises, allowing you to spring into the light of hope. You will see the Sonshine of light beckoning as you burst from the same soil that once gripped you and hear God’s voice that will bring Hope Alive to your soul.
9x Best-Seller! GET YOUR COPY TODAY!
Available through World Publishing and Productions, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. worldpublishingandproductions.com 39
Katie Whitehead • UNSEEN
Women World Leaders has inspired me and impacted my personal walk with Jesus. I love the inspiring stories in the books, the devotions, listening to the podcasts, and meeting and connecting with new people through the ministry. The words of truth always speak to me and inspire me to keep walking in faith with Jesus. I love how everything Women World Leaders represents is based on the Word of God. Reading and memorizing scripture is very important to me. When my friend Mendez first asked me to write and be a part of the book Unseen: You Are Not Alone, I was unsure. I was in college and still going through my struggle with my roommate. I thought I had to be healed to serve. However, I felt the Lord was calling me to say “yes” to writing even though I was afraid and my life was still hard. So I gave my yes to God, and He showed up big! I was able to write most of my chapter in one night. Late at night, I would sit in the same place for hours, spending time in prayer with my notebook, computer, and Bible in front of me. I was praying and talking to God about how I felt alone in those moments. Revisiting the feelings of rejection and giving them to God through writing was extremely healing for me. Having the opportunity to write for the book showed me in even more ways
how the Lord was and is always with me. The Lord was with me throughout the entire writing process from start to finish. When I needed to include more words in my chapter, my friend Mendez encouraged me to dive deeper and include more content where it was needed. It impacted me in ways I can’t explain. God was healing me word by word. I continued to pray through my writing and give the hard emotions over to God. I also journaled my prayers as I went through the writing process. The Lord answered my prayers and gave me peace about the words He had given me to write. He knew exactly what I needed to say to help others. Mendez and I rejoiced together about how the Lord healed me and was now working in and through my life. I realized that when I took the focus off of me and put it on God and His story for my life, I was able to close open wounds.
I was healed!! I had the opportunity to write and share my story with the world through an incredible life-changing book. This would not have been possible if it wasn’t for Women World Leaders. This ministry and the women in the community have been a blessing to me.
I love Women World Leaders; I have been truly IMPACTED for life! I would love to write in the future and serve in this ministry in any way the Lord leads me!
Have you ever felt disconnected, lonely, or even Unseen? You are not alone! In our fast-paced society, we can often feel unnoticed. Despite today’s ever-present digital network powered by cell phones and social media, the connection we long for can seem impossible to grasp. Through very filtered lenses, everyone else’s lives look perfect, while ours may seem lonely and empty, leaving us feeling overlooked and insignificant. But you are God’s treasured possession who He constantly sees and pursues! Our loving heavenly Father is the Good Shepherd. He will leave the 99 to search for the one sheep who has gone astray. And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep” (Luke 15:5-6 NIV). You are never alone!
11x Best-Seller!
Available through World Publishing and Productions, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. worldpublishingandproductions.com
Anavay Taffe • VICTORIES The word that Yahweh spoke loudly into my spirit when I was in prayer about writing this article was imprinted. From birth, we have been imprinted and impacted by the people around us and the events in our lives, which ultimately shape us into who we become as children and adults. That doesn’t mean that we have to stay in that mold. At the tender age of 15, I met a man on the streets of Portland, Oregon, who pimped me out to men for money, and by the time he was arrested, I was too far gone mentally to try and straighten out my life. It wasn’t until I gave my life to King Yahshua in 2018 at the age of 32 that my life started turning around. Upon my spiritual rebirth and healing journey, Yahweh showed me who I am in Him and revealed to me what my purpose is. It was then I realized His imprint had been upon me before I was even born. God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by His grace, was pleased (Galatians 1:15 NIV). In 2022, I went to a human trafficking event in West Palm Beach, Florida. It was there that I met Tina Kadolph, who is a survivor of human trafficking. The event had more of an impact on me than I wanted it to. I became angry because I broke down and felt sorry for myself for what had happened to me. That’s when the Holy Spirit told me I was still playing the victim. This revelation was just a piece of the missing puzzle to my healing journey. The other piece was in the form of a book called Victories: Claiming Freedom in Christ.
Miss Kadolph gave me the book, but it wasn’t until the following year that I finally decided to read it. The impact that Victories had on me was enlightening and spiritually jarring. Other women like me had gone through the depths of despair and experienced incomprehensible hardships, only to come out strong and shed their victim mindset into one of a survivor and warrior. The disconnect I had toward women all of my life vanished as another area of healing began. Through that incredible book, I met Miss Kimberly Hobbs, who has been an amazing mentor and friend, encouraging me through the ups and downs I still go through. Fast forward to now, I am living out my Elohim-designed purpose and growing more into who Yahweh says I am. He revealed to me years ago that I would be a published author and that I would be traveling all over to share my story and pray with men and women who are impacted by my testimony. The autobiography that I started writing when I was in my early twenties, Warrior Among Wolves: Trafficking Victim to Victory in Christ is finally being published at the end of the year. This past May, I also wrote a chapter in the book Hope Alive: Debilitated to Exhilarated with God, in addition to one of my many testimonies for the 13th edition of Voice of Truth. It is my prayer and hope that I’ve provided some encouragement for you to lean unto Yahweh for all understanding and trust that tomorrow is a better day and that His plans for us are worth uncovering and pursuing.
Love, Anavay 42
GET YOUR COPY TODAY! Available through World Publishing and Productions, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
God is awakening warriors within the body of Christ to step up and be heard. As overcomers in Christ Jesus live their lives with boldness and courage, God unleashes freedom and power to defeat the enemy, and the devil is reminded over and over that Jesus has victoriously conquered death. We need not worry or be anxious in any of our trials or tragedies in life because God’s Word is clear that He will give us the victory. “Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything.” (Romans 8:37 TPT) Victories, Claiming Freedom in Christ presents expository teaching coupled with individual stories that testify to battles conquered victoriously through the power of Jesus Christ. The words in this book will motivate and inspire you and give you hope as God awakens you to your victory!
7x Best-Seller! Scan the QR code to order your copy today! worldpublishingandproductions.com
h t i and a F y l i m a F
The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.
by Donna Whartenby
t times in my life, I have felt unseen. As a teen, I was unpopular, a nobody. I struggled to be visible. At times, I felt alone and discouraged, as if no one cared who I was. After I became a follower of Jesus Christ, while reading God’s Word, I learned that I was not invisible. Proverbs 15:3 tells us, The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good (NIV). God sees me, and He sees you. He knows you and understands your difficult circumstances. He sees your wounds, brokenness, fears, and desperation. Many attributes describe God’s character and nature: creator, sovereign, promise-maker, ruler of the universe, loving, kind, compassionate, forgiving, and omniscient—He knows all and sees all. Psalm 121:7-8 says, The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore (NIV).
The Bible tells us about Hagar, a pregnant Egyptian maidservant mistreated by her jealous mistress, who ran away from their camp into the desert where she would not be seen. Psalm 139:7-12 proffers that there is no place to hide where God cannot see us. God sent an angel of the Lord to Hagar to let her know He was near and saw her despair. He understood her circumstances and loved her. The angel told Hagar to return to Abram and Sarai to give birth to her child. God protected and provided for her and her promised son, Ishmael. In Genesis 16:13 (NIV), Hagar calls the Lord “the God who sees me.” El Roi, the God who sees.
God is never blind to our tears. In fact, Psalm 56:8 tells us God keeps track of our sorrows and collects our tears in a bottle. He is not silent to our afflictions and pain, nor is He deaf to our prayers. Believe that God sees your life of loneliness, brokenness, fear, grief, and hopelessness. Trust He is near. As with Hagar, He sees you and hears your cries and prayers. Trust Him to protect and provide when you call on His name. Praise His name in your circumstances. As with Hagar’s abused circumstances, God’s sovereignty turns all things, even suffering, for good to those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Give Him glory despite your circumstances. God answers prayer.
Mary Magdalene’s story is written in the New Testament. Jesus delivered Mary from the torment of demons and evil spirits. She would later agonize over the death of her Savior as she watched Jesus crucified on a cross. She was at His tomb three days later, crying, filled with despair and hopelessness, when Jesus, understanding her grief and sorrow, appeared to her and quietly spoke her name. Seeing Christ alive again gave Mary new joy and hope. I believe and trust in El Roi, the God who sees. He has seen me in my trials, loneliness, and brokenness and met me in my empty places. He knows me because He created my inmost being and knit me together in my mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13 NIV). He established His plan and purpose for me before I took my first breath. At one point in my life, I lost my faith in Him and His purpose for my life. I became fearful and later recognized I was in need of rescue. I heard His gentle, quiet voice call my name. The God who sees spoke to me. He said, “YOU are mine,” and He gave me new life. I then knew God’s promises are true (Psalm 145:13).
The Scriptures also tell us how God protected and provided for other women in the Bible who experienced suffering. The book of Ruth recounts the needs of Naomi and her daughter-in-law, Ruth, after the men in their family died. Eventually, God provided a husband for the young woman whose child became the lineage of God’s anointed King David, who reigned over the nation of Israel. From David’s line would come Jesus Christ, born to free the world from sin.
If you trust in Him, know that the unchanging, invisible God will softly whisper your name. He is near and hears your prayers. He will lift you up with His sovereign power and authority. Moses taught in Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV), “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” God sees your heart, hears your cries, and listens to your prayers. You are not invisible. Come to Him. Call His name and trust in His sovereignty. The God who sees is waiting for you.
With her degree in Education, Donna taught public school, facilitated corporate education, and developed curricula for personal and professional development. Now retired, she teaches Bible studies and is the co-coordinator of Women Encouraging Women, a ministry to encourage women in their walk with Jesus. Donna also sings in the choir and praise team and plays the piano. Donna lives in South Florida with her loving husband, Keith, of over 40 years. They have a son, Bill, who, with his wife, blessed them with three wonderful grandchildren. They love family vacations together to discover God’s creation wherever they go. Donna loves writing for Voice of Truth and is the co-author of Unshakable: God Will Sustain You. *Inspired by the music video “The God Who Sees” by Kathy Lee Gifford and Nicole C. Mullen at Godwhosees.com
kNOWledge by Carolyn Joy Be Still and Listen for the Voice of God
id you know that sheep in the first century recognized the voice of their shepherd? Likewise, Jesus related this fact to those watching and listening to Him preach. In John 9, Jesus heals a blind man and restores his sight. The nearby Pharisees and Jews were more concerned about the man’s sin than they were about his healing miracle. Jesus spoke in a parable to them in John 10:2-5 (ESV), “But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” Jesus used illustrations that Pharisees, Jews, and Gentiles could relate to. In Jesus’ time, the shepherds would graze their sheep during the day. At night, they found a sheepfold, a stone wall about four feet high with only one opening. Each shepherd usually tended about a hundred sheep. Eight to ten shepherds would gather their sheep into one sheepfold. One shepherd, called the porter, would stay at the opening of the sheepfold
to guard the sheep from predators. The other shepherds would go to town to sleep. In the morning, the shepherds returned and called to their sheep. The sheep knew the voice of their own shepherd and followed him out of the sheepfold. Because of their relationship, the sheep recognized their shepherd’s voice and followed him. In John 10:27 (ESV), Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” Jesus taught the crowd who gathered that those who believed in Him— who had a relationship with Him—would know His voice and follow His teachings.
God created us with a desire to be in relationship. In many modern-day set-ups, shepherds and farmers no longer need a personal relationship with their sheep. Farmers brand their sheep with a marking so everyone knows who owns which sheep. They often use electronic fencing to keep the sheep in place and helicopters to
round them up. Sheep in these settings don’t know the voice of their shepherd because they don’t spend time with their shepherd. Today, many people are like those modern-day sheep who lack personal relationships. We have become a society of people buried behind phones, iPads, and computers. We often spend more time sending text and Facebook messages, emails, and tweets than talking to and building personal relationships with people. Our distraction with multiple electronics and keeping up with answering screens rather than people has separated us from having personal contact. If we are not careful, our modern-day obsession with electronics may distract and hinder our relationship with our heavenly Father.
Wait for His peace to rule and you will hear the voice of God. In John 14:6 (ESV), Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Are electronics or other things on your to-do list distracting you from a personal relationship with God? Do you know the voice of God? Do you seek to hear Him? Do you stay still long enough to hear Him speak? God created us with a desire to be in relationships, and He wants a personal relationship with us. He wants to hear our prayers and our worship. In return, He speaks to us—leading and guiding us. When you seek God’s will and follow His lead, you will experience peace. When God speaks to you concerning a particular matter, peace will settle deep within your spirit. Seek God Now. Be Still Now. Wait for His peace to rule and you will hear the voice of God.
Carolyn Joy is a Southwest Florida Real Estate Agent, mother of three married children and Nonna to eleven grandchildren. She serves in her church and helps lead a women’s Bible study in her community. She’s the author of two devotional journals, The Overflow of the Heart and Let Your Heart Overflow with Joy, which encourage scripture memorization and writing prayers. Her novel, Out of the Grey Zone, demonstrates God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
Chuckle: One day while speaking to my daughter on the phone while she was driving, my voice was broadcast via Bluetooth into her car. Without the typical unimportant, can’t-wait interruptions of her two daughters—now seven and nine years old—I asked, “Where are the girls?” “They’re right here in the car with me.” Surprised, I chuckled, “Wow, they’re being so politely quiet.” “Hi, Nonna!” they piped up. “Oh my, you girls are being so good while your mommy and I talk!” I wanted them to know how proud I was of their manners. Almost in unison, they both remarked, “When we just sit quiet back here and listen, we get our best information from the two of you!”
L ve Cards REACH OUT AND SHARE A “LOVE CARD” AND SPREAD THE GOSPEL MESSAGE OF CHRIST TO THE WORLD. We invite you to join us as we hand out these beautiful LOVE cards that are the actual size and feel of a credit card. By simply sharing with whomever God places on your heart, you can impact a life for eternity. While out and about in your day-to-day routine, hand a card to someone on the street and watch them smile. Give one to your waitress at your favorite restaurant with her monetary tip, and she will light up. Share with a friend, a co-worker, or someone you meet as you stand in line or in a waiting room. Women are being blessed everywhere by receiving these lovely cards.
Or Go to womenworldleaders.com, click the “Donate” tab, and designate your gift of $25.00 or more to “WWL LOVE CARDS” via the dropdown menu. We will send you 50 of these lovely cards, and you can begin sharing the gospel message in such a beautiful way, with the love of Jesus Christ boldly proclaimed by each card. This offer is available in the USA and internationally. Scan the QR code on the picture of the Love Card above to watch the video in any of the provided six languages now. Then visit us at womenworldleaders.com to begin your mission of sharing the gospel—one card at a time!
When you share one, be sure to instruct the recipient to scan the QR code on the back with their phone. When they do, they will be taken to the Women World Leaders landing page and given the opportunity to watch a life-changing 6-minute video provided by our friends, The Heaven Guy Team. Available in six languages, the video shares true love—the gospel message of Jesus Christ. As a ministry, we can track how many people open the page, watch the video, and check the box proclaiming they have accepted Christ. We can also contact and disciple anyone who chooses to leave their information in the provided section.
A Focus on Him photo and writing by Lillian Cucuzza HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW?
acro photography magnifies the finest details of subjects we take for granted. Take, for example, this photo of Creeping Charlie, a pesky common weed we find in our lawns. The flowers are only one-third of an inch long and are beautiful when viewed close up. However, when we are standing above them, all we see is a weed that needs to be pulled before it spreads throughout the entire lawn and chokes the life out of the grass. This macro photo reveals not only the beauty of this flower but also the tiny hairs on the flowers, leaves, and stem. I always thought the fine hairs just captured the dew and moisture for growth. Upon further research, I learned even more about God’s intelligent and amazing design to protect plants. Those tiny hairs are called trichomes. Not only do they absorb moisture, they are an amazing protective layer that helps insulate the plant from the sun, frost, wind, and heat. They also act as a tiny forest, providing shade to reduce water loss from evaporation. No wonder that weed is so hard to destroy.
In addition, trichomes help protect plants and flowers from their mortal enemies, insect herbivores. One form of trichomes, called nonglandular, are sharp and pointed, fortified with silica and calcium carbonate, making them hard to chew. They are so hard that they dull the teeth of caterpillars that try to eat them. The sharp points eventually kill the caterpillars by causing their guts to bleed. Another form, called glandular trichomes, looks like dew drops on the hairs. They are actually swollen trichome heads that act like a water tank and contain a toxic or sticky compound that either traps herbivores or kills the insect when ingested. Whoa! That is a serious protective layer! We need a layer like that to protect our hearts, minds, and souls from sin and the evil that tries to tempt us daily. Sin is just like that weed that quickly spreads and tries to choke the life out of us. Fortunately, we have multiple protective layers readily available to us. Accepting God’s free gift of salvation through faith is the most important layer.
We instantly become filled with the Holy Spirit, and according to Galatians 5:16, if we walk by the Spirit, we will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Will we still sin? Absolutely, but 1 John 1:9 (KJV) promises us another layer of protection. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Even though we accepted God’s gift of salvation and are saved for eternity, we still need protection from sinful temptations. Reading, studying, applying the Word of God, confession, and prayer give us additional layers of protection from the daily attacks by the enemy and sin. They are the weed killers that we need to keep sin from growing like a weed in the garden of our lives while we are here on earth. God is the ultimate macro photographer. He closely examines our hearts. Will He find those protective layers of His Word surrounding and hidden in your heart, or will He find a tangle of weeds? How does your garden grow?
Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author, award-winning photographer, and a regular contributor to Voice of Truth magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation. Visit, like, and follow her websites: www.HisCreationsLLC.com, www.LillianCucuzzaPhotography.com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail.com.
by Kelley Rene
Merci Rivers is a college senior navigating the challenges COME AGAINST of university life. Her studies have come to an end, and US, THE BATTLE IS she’s grateful God walked alongside her. He provided ALREADY WON. a network of friends when loneliness engulfed her. He provided a way out for her when temptation called her name. He provided an internship when she prayed for His direction in her life. As she embarks on her next chapter, she’s beginning to understand the journey is about growing in her relationship with God, looking to Him when times are tough, and praising Him in all circumstances. Read “Through the Eyes of Merci” from the beginning. The first episode is printed in Voice of Truth: 11th Edition, Quarter I, 2023. All episodes are available www.womenworldleaders.com.
erci cradles both hands around a brown carton not sturdy enough to support the corn dog, fries, and Dr Pepper it carries. The sun beats down on the university football stadium, stuffed with fans refilling their drinks and waiting in long bathroom lines as the band performs a halftime show. Merci bobbles in and out of the crowd as she makes her way back to her seat. The realization that this is her first game as an alum tickles a giggle out of her. Graduation isn’t until December, but regardless, all her coursework is complete. She’s now a full-time adult with a paycheck. She giggles again, visualizing herself on the intercom announcing that she’s accepted an offer to kickstart a ministry for female students on campus. Yay, God! Her thoughts trail to the chance meeting—divine appointment—when she’d run into Belinda, the younger sister of her roommate, Baxter. At the time, the sisters were tangled up with a blue-eyed charmer named Clive when the Holy Spirit prompted Merci to invite Belinda out for coffee. God, thank you for helping me to obey. A simple “Yes!” to meet with and mentor Belinda turned into a Saturday morning Girl Talk coffee group. That multiplied into two different groups by summer’s end, and now, the ministry was recruiting a couple of guys to form small groups. It just goes to show what happens when I let go and let God do His thing. Belinda’s seat is empty when Merci reaches their row. Jo Fuller, Belinda’s mom, waves a pompom of school colors at her as if Merci might have forgotten where they were seated. As Merci works her way along the row of bodies, Ms. Fuller taps the spot beside her on the bleachers and calls, “Sit here.” Merci obeys and smiles as the woman helps herself to a fry that is tottering on the edge of the
carton and stuffs it into her mouth. “This is so fun!” she says through her chewing. Merci balances the carton of food on her lap, then leans in to take a sip from the straw when Ms. Fuller hops to her feet and jabs a pompom into the sky. “Oh, yeah!” she yells, swinging her hips side to side before dropping back into her seat, winded. Several people turn to stare. “Did I just cheer for the wrong maroon team?” Laughter ripples through her midsection and takes over her body. Merci busies herself with a mustard packet, squirts a line along the side of the corndog, and takes a bite.
IT CAN BE EASY TO REACT WHEN SOMEONE ACTS HATEFULLY TOWARDS US. “Ya’ know when Belinda first mentioned she was goin’ ta church, and with you, her sister’s exroommate of all people, I thought, Oh Lord this is gonna be a mess.” She cackles and swats a curl out of her eyes. Baxter and Belinda seemed the least likely of sisters. Merci originally thought they were sorority sisters or called themselves sisters as a term of endearment. The two were literally complete opposites. “Heck, I’m not embarrassed to say I was downright angry when Belinda told me you broke her and Clive up. He was so delicious.” She claws the air with pointed fingernails and purrs like a crouching cheetah. A cheer rumbles across the crowd, providing Merci a second to recover from the shock. I broke up Belinda and Clive?
“But with Baxter getting knocked up, I figured church couldn’t be the worst place for Belinda to hang out.” Baxter is pregnant? Ms. Fuller pauses and chortles, “Then again, some really do believe Mother Mary was a virgin.” She pinches her eyebrows into little horns and clucks her tongue as if to add, “Like that could be true.” Of course Mary was a virgin! Merci’s thoughts frantically walk back through spring semester to the last time she’d spoken to her roommate, Baxter. “But let me tell you something,” Ms. Fuller’s friendly laughter morphs into a sardonic sneer accentuated by her horned brows and pursed lips. Merci glances towards the concrete staircase leading out to the concourse. Uneasiness pervades the enthusiasm she’d felt all week looking forward to the game. Belinda, where’d you go? “I know your type. You act sweet and loving.” She leans down and levels her gaze with Merci’s. Raising a fist to her heart, she adds, “But inside, you’re no different than the rest of us.” The drum of Merci’s heart pounds in her ears as she studies the woman. What have I done to prompt such comments? “I got my eyes on you. Hurt Belinda, and I hurt you. Don’t forget that.” Silence settles between them despite the
thunderous crowd. What do I say to that, God? “Ms. Fuller,” Merci carefully formulates her words. “You’re absolutely right. I am just like you and everyone else.” She pauses, “I’m in need of a Savior. Every day, I ask Jesus to help me live my life worthy of the sacrifice He made for me. Not because I must earn His love, but because I want others to see Him in me. Every day, I choose to live my life intentionally—to build people up, show love and kindness, tell others about how God reveals Himself to me and makes me new.”
WITH GOD’S GRACE AND HELP, WE CAN ALL LIVE OUT THE TRUTH AND LOVE OF CHRIST. Merci is relieved to see Belinda pressing her way down the aisle toward them. “I forgot what section we were in!” She laughs and plops onto the bleachers with a thud. Merci wraps an arm around the girl’s shoulders. “I’m so grateful God brought Belinda into my life. She’s a great friend, and I know God has great plans for her.” Belinda grins, bewilderment spreading across her face. “Me too.” In 1 Peter 5:8, the Bible tells us to stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to
devour (NLT). As Christians, we must live on the offense, always ready to stand firm against our enemy. The battle is the Lord’s! It can be easy to react when someone acts hatefully towards us or hurls ugly words at us. Our flesh may desire to respond or avenge ourselves, but God’s Word offers fantastic guidance on how we should respond. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying (Romans 12:10-12 NLT). We must remember when others come against us, the battle is already won. As Merci steps into her divine purpose, she recognizes that as God loves her, so she should love others. That won’t always be easy. With God’s grace and help, we can all live out the truth and love of Christ despite Satan’s attempts to trip us up. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples (John 13:35 NLT).
Kelley Rene is an award-winning author who writes contemporary fiction to illustrate biblical truths in the mundane, the exhilarating, and even the stormy circumstances of life. She is the co-author of the international best-seller Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope in the Chaos. When she’s not scribbling insightful stories, you’ll find her crocheting, kayaking, enjoying the beach, or cuddling a good book and cappuccino. Keep up with her at kelleyrene.com or on socials @imkelleyrene.
Recovery Reflections by Melissa Gissy Witherspoon CARPE DIEM – SEIZE THE DAY!
herefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34 NIV). This beautiful scripture brings instant relief to me each time I read it. Life can be so hectic that we don’t know if we are coming or going. In a world that revolves around instant gratification and demands immediate responses, slowing down and being present in the moment can seem almost impossible.
HIS GRACE IS NOT ONLY FOR ME BUT FOR ALL OF HIS PEOPLE. Having the opportunity to connect with you as I write this brings gratitude to my heart and creates a connection between us and our Creator. It reminds me of how important it is to slow down, find my center with Jesus, and ask the important question: God, what is Your will for me… just for today? His answer often includes reminders to stay focused on Him, present with Him, humble through Him, and feed His sheep. It has been a journey to find acceptance in the idea of present-moment living—to let the anxieties fade as I draw close to the presence of what God has prepared for me, one day at a time. We can certainly miss the abundant blessings He has for us if we get too far
ahead of ourselves. For me, before there could be acceptance of this concept, there had to be faith. And before I had faith, there was hope. Hope for a life worth living that was free from addiction to drugs and alcohol. Hope for a relationship with a power greater than myself—God. I have been in recovery from Substance Use Disorder (better known as addiction) for almost eleven years. In my ministry work through my non-profit, SoberNow, I bring hope to others that addicts can and do recover. I share time and time again how God saved me from my desperate suicide attempt on my basement floor at the rock bottom of my disease of addiction. I was a woman who, for decades, turned her back on God. If I did ever go to Him or acknowledge Him, it was more of a desperate plea to get me out of a situation mixed with empty promises—that if He did rescue me, I would be better or do better next time.
THESE SIGNS BRING US HOPE AND ENCOURAGE US TO KEEP GOING SO WE CAN KEEP GROWING THE KINGDOM OF CHRIST! Along my journey of recovery, I came to understand that God constantly showers me with His grace and mercy. He rescued me and called me to share hope in recovery through my testimony, inviting me to humbly walk with Him daily—to seize each day and learn to be grateful for everything life has to offer, including the peaks and the pits. His grace is not only for me but for all of His people. He wants all of us to join Him and walk with Him! Carpe Diem is a phrase from the Roman poet Horace, which literally means “Pluck the day,” though it’s usually translated as “Seize the day.” God tells us that we can do all things through Christ who gives (us) strength (Philippians 4:13 NIV). And so I pray daily to not only be intentional, staying in the moment, but also to draw close to God and always follow His will for me.
my very last breath. It is by no mistake that this first column of “Recovery Reflections” for Voice of Truth is debuting in September, National Recovery Month. This month is set aside as a national observance to educate people that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with a mental or substance use disorder to live a healthy and rewarding life. God continuously gifts us confirmation that He is paving the path we are walking by aligning things perfectly. These signs bring us hope and encourage us to keep going so we can keep growing the kingdom of Christ! If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues or substance use disorder, there is hope! Recovery is possible, and, as Jesus taught, “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 NIV). Numerous resources are available, and millions (yes, millions!) of people already in recovery are holding the lamp, waiting to lead you or your loved one out of the darkness. You are not alone! Daily, I pray God will grant us the serenity to accept the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen!
It is never too late to recognize you have fallen into the strongholds of addiction—a trap set by the devil meant to keep us from a relationship with our merciful and loving Father. Over the last decade, through the unity of the Holy Spirit, step by step, one day at a time, I have slowly and steadily built a life free from the chains of addiction. My vow to God and myself is that I will share my testimony of redemption through God’s grace and mercy all the days of my life—until
For information on mental health issues or substance use disorder, visit the national website for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) at www.samhsa.gov/ or call the national hotline at 1-800-662-HELP.
Melissa is Founder/CEO of the non-profit Sober-Now, a motivational speaker, social media influencer, best-selling 4X award-winning author of I’m Sober…So Now What? A Journey of Hope and Healing, contributing author of the international best-seller Miracle Mindset, and a contributing author of the best-seller Hope Alive. To stay in touch with her, visit Linktr.ee/sobernow or email her at Melissa@Sober-Now.com.
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9th edition quarter III 2022
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14th edition
"The stories of so many beautiful women—their testimonies of God’s intervention, grace, mercy, and goodness—touched my heart and soul to its core." ~ Lynn Strickland from Lake City, Florida
12th edition12thquarter edition2 10th edition quarter IV 2022
Through a
Mother’s Eyes by Diane Cheveldayoff VOICES
here are a lot of voices in my head at different times. So, I ask myself, What voices am I hearing? What voices do I listen to? What voices influence my life?
We are all subject to many voices speaking into our lives—some positive and others not. At times, it’s hard to distinguish between the good and the bad voices. We may ask, Am I hearing the voice of God? Yet, let’s take it a step further and ask, Am I listening for the voice of God? Psalm 85:8 expresses, I will hear what God the Lord will say; For He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones; And may they not turn back to foolishness (NASB). We may initially hear God but then dismiss His voice and allow the world to drown Him out and draw us in. How do we really know the voice of the Holy Spirit? That is something difficult that we have tried to teach our girls, knowing that if we could teach them to seek God and listen for His voice, we could be assured they’d be okay—they’d learn to discern the lies and deception of the devil that threaten to draw them with a self-serving agenda and be able to hear what God really desires for them—His righteousness. We can know God’s voice by spending time with Him in prayer and through His Word. Simply put in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known” (ESV). Influences around us always create evolving and changing circumstances. Our three adult daughters have struck out on their own adventures. As their parents, we enjoy seeing their invigorating experiences, yet at times, standing aside and watching can be nerve-racking. Between the three of them, at least one always has some big change around the corner. They seem to have a knack for the surprise element in their choices, which we have slowly learned to accept and even embrace. But there is one definite conclusion: we’ve raised three very independent and adventure-seeking girls. Ultimately, we desire to live in close proximity to our kids yet, at the same time, want the best for them. Their present-day interests have required them to move far away from us, which has caused
PSALM 119:105 (NIV)
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.
mixed emotions. Of course, the natural concerns are for their safety and the right move for them and their future. That is where we, as parents, want to support their decisions and cover them in prayer. Let’s just say, without a doubt, our prayer life is alive and vibrant. Praise God, we have extremely good relationships with all three girls, and we all enjoy spending time together. However, my husband and I currently live in Florida, and none of our girls are close by or even live in the same state. One daughter lives in Hawaii and has begun traveling alone, vancamping through New Zealand and Australia—she is expected to be gone for a total of six months. Did I say she is alone? Van-camping? And that she is God only knows where? Another daughter who lived in Virginia accepted a career move to Anchorage, Alaska. With the help of my husband, they drove cross-continent for over 72 hours, carting all her belongings, including a car in tow. So, you’ve deduced right…two of our three daughters are about as far away as they can be in the United States, on the extreme west coast, while we are on the southern east coast. Our middle daughter, who currently seems to be the most settled of the three, is living in Illinois with her husband, making career moves but at least staying relatively close. (I never before thought of Florida and Illinois as being close, but it all depends on what you compare it to. Lol.) Our different locations require more video chats, as being physically together is a challenge. We have learned that we have to work a bit harder to be in communication with each other as life’s influences and physical distance threaten to drown out our relationships. And isn’t that the same with our relationship with God? We have to be intentional in our busy lives to listen for God’s voice as He speaks to us. My husband and I are slowly getting more accustomed to our youngest’s tendency to travel alone on extreme adventures for months at a time. But our daughter who has ventured over forty-two thousand miles away to Alaska consumes my thoughts. I live in Florida for a reason— even the thought of Alaska makes a chill run down my body. But she loves the cold climate—saying, “I come alive in the cold.” She pursued this move, and God opened the door. So, we have to trust His voice.
Throughout the years, as we all are with our children, my husband and I have been part of our daughter’s sounding board, diving into the pros and cons, not only concerning this move to Alaska, but for career moves in general. As we’ve listened to her excitement, we’ve also had the confidence that she is aware of not letting her desires be the driving force. She recognizes the importance of seeking God’s will and praying throughout the entire process. Her prominent request is asking God to open the door wide or close it so tight there is no denial of His will for her at this stage. Concerning this particular move, our daughter began to see God orchestrate all the details as one after another fell into place. During this process, she consistently relied on hearing the Holy Spirit, which brings a smile to our faces. We may not always agree with our children’s decisions, but we can pray for and learn to trust that God is leading them and that they are following His voice. As stated in Eph 5:17, Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do (NLT). Thankfully, our daughter acted out this verse, putting focused thought into her decision through diligent prayer. Imagining my daughter now being such a long distance away makes my eyes water. However, I know there is no better place for her than in God’s will. As we allow our children to enjoy their life adventures, we learn through each one. Ultimately, we rest in the assurance that God hears our prayers for our children, and He will never stop directing their steps. We as parents need to join our children in praying through the intricacies of life, and we must also listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting of what we should and should not say as they
make their own decisions. It’s easy to let selfish motives guide the conversation and discourage the change. But, when God gives our children that unexplainable peace and they are confident they are hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit, we can trust He will continue to guide them and protect them in all their adventures.
I KNOW THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE FOR HER THAN IN GOD’S WILL. I’m sure there will be many more adventures to come in the months and years ahead for our family. I Iook forward to hearing the excitement in my daughters’ voices as they each experience so many new things. It reminds me of times in their toddler years— like that first trip to Disney that was new and over-stimulating. We witnessed the perplexity in their eyes as they saw something new for the first time and experienced joy ourselves as we saw the world through their eyes. Now, there are places we’ve never been and yet will again have the privilege of seeing for the first time through their eyes. May we all hear, may we listen, and may we allow the one true voice of truth, our heavenly Father, to influence our lives. Stay in His Word. Stay in prayer. Take each step with Him according to His will and desires for your life and future. Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (NLT). God wants to guide our steps and give us a future with our own life adventures. Let His voice be your guide.
Diane has 46+ years in the hospitality industry — planning, contracting, and executing meetings and events worldwide. She and her husband Les, married over 33 years, have three beautiful adult girls. She supports his pastoral role and as AACC certified coaches they enjoy helping others have healthy relationships. Contact Diane at Diane@ExecutiveDiamond.com (www.ExecutiveDiamond.com).
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well. Dear sister, You are fearfully and wonderfully made—what does that really mean? That means that God did not spare His best when He created you. God knew that you would experience the best and the worst of life, but He knew He created you to endure and be victorious. God loves you with an everlasting love. He calls you His own. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, special and chosen by God. God did a marvelous thing when He created you. God did a marvelous work when He called you by name. Everything about you is an attribute of God. You have believed and known the love of God because you abide in His love. You have experienced righteousness because it is the character of God's love. You have experienced grace because it is the favor of God's love. Your soul knows this all too well because the love of God abides in you. Praise God for the wonderful work He has done in you and continues to do through you. You are not unaccepted, abandoned, or rejected; you are FEARFULLY & WONDERFULLY MADE! Embrace the masterpiece of your womanhood.
Dr. Jia Conway
Beside Still Waters by Rusanne Carole Beautiful One He sees me The lover of my soul I am His delight every day and night He desires to see my coming and going and watches even as I slumber When He looks at me, He sees my true beauty and is captivated When He looks at me, He sees His Son, for He lives in me Mistakes, poor choices, and the despair that comes while living on this earth can cause great pain Yet He sees me as my destined self to be on the new earth yet to come I keep looking in the mirror Letting His Word wash over me again and again Beloved, beautiful daughter of the Most High King A royal princess A robe of righteousness designed just for me A crown of beauty bestowed upon my head 64
The One who lavishes jewels and finery within my heart As I sit in His presence and receive each day, I have breath I am His bride He sees all I desire to be in Him He knows my fears Hears my rage, uncertainty, and doubts Yet He runs with radical love and forgiveness To lift the veil from my face With bloodstained Hands I am beautiful To Him He sees me He sees you Captivated Fascinated Enraptured It’s true Our loving heavenly Father is smitten, in love, spellbound, and taken with you and me We are His and beautiful to Him His beautiful and adored ones!
He sees my true beauty and is captivated.
RED CARPET READY Now That’s a Gift!
by DeAnn Alaine
he day was March 27, 1979, and I was six years old. The sun had just come up; it was the only day I was excited to be cleaning. Anyway, I would help clean and work at staying out of the way (I was the youngest). Why was this day different? Hey, some of you are getting ahead of me! But you’re right—it was my birthday. After some hilarious games, it was time for the presents— my second love language. To this day, if someone placed a six-pack of chocolate fudge pudding in a gift bag with tissue paper, I’d be thrilled! I was the kind of girl who liked Hot Wheels, Sit-N-Spin, and Play-Dough! Then it happened. One of the girls asked me to open her present. It was an odd shape, and when I turned it on its side, she hollered, “No! You must keep it this way!” I started to carefully open the gift, and you’ll never guess what one 6-year-old gave to another 6-year-old. A plant! My sisters were laughing so hard and there was my mother saying, “Honey, hold up your plant so I can take a picture!”
I tried very hard to smile through the agony of getting a plant—and to get that moment memorialized with a Polaroid?!?!?! I think my mother enjoyed that situation a little too much.
The more I trust Him, the more my faith in Him grows. As a believer, I’m beyond grateful for the gift of salvation that Jesus freely gave to me. But what about the gift of being proven by God—like Daniel in the lion’s den, Noah as he built the ark, or Job losing everything! All these men were counted righteous before these situations occurred. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you (Romans 12:3 NIV).
Did you catch that? …in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. Every believer is given a measure of faith! Each of these men knew who they were in Christ because they knew His voice, and they knew they could trust the Lord regardless of the outcome. So when He leads me into potentially challenging situations, I will follow His lead because I trust Him. Because I trust Him, I have even more faith now than I did in the past: the Lord + time = trust and faith. The more I trust Him, the more my faith in Him grows. Because my faith grows, the Lord will use trials to show me how I have grown and highlight my own deficiencies so I can become more like Him! It was by faith that Moses’ parents hid him for three months when he was born. They saw that God had given them an unusual child, and they were not afraid to disobey the king’s command. It was by faith that Moses, when he grew up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to share the oppression of God’s people instead of enjoying the fleeting pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:23-25 NLT). All too often, I have heard people declaring things by faith that are attached to carnal objects like a car, promotion, or a new house. The Lord does give us those things because we're His children and He loves us, but I don't see evidence of Him giving us those things because of our great faith. In fact, what I have seen in the Word of God is that people of great faith were proven publicly with the potential for disgrace, revealing whether they would live or die for the sake of the Gospel.
We're His children and He loves us. Sometimes being Red Carpet Ready has to do with pretty shoes, tucking my fat into the gown, and trying not to fall on my face! But most of the time when I refer to The Red Carpet, I’m talking about the blood of Jesus that was poured out for you and me as well as the importance of staying on the narrow path, especially in a season of proving. Of the presents I received that year for my birthday, the plant is the only thing I remember, which reminds me never to underestimate a gift. Being proven in the fire and refined by His loving hand is a very difficult but welcoming gift—because without it, we couldn’t continue becoming more like Him, which is the point of why we’re here. To be living stories that people can read so they, in turn, can potentially receive their gift of salvation, NOW THAT’S A GIFT!
DeAnn Alaine is a comedienne whose mandate from the Lord is to bring joy to the world. She's a contributing author of Miracle Mindset and the creator/director of the multi-award winning sitcom, Fade Away. If you’d like to view the trailer or book DeAnn for your next ladies event, go to www.deannalaine.com
r e v E Interceding by Diana Brown T H E P O W E R O F P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R
rayer is a challenge for many believers, yet prayer is one of the most important things we can do. We need to be people of prayer who are plugged into the power of prayer.
Our prayers shift the atmosphere around us and give God permission to work in our lives. “That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17:21 ESV). Through prayer, when we are ever interceding, we become ONE with Jesus, our Father, and the Holy Spirit. And that changes everything! (Even US!)
Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18 ESV). “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John 17:20-21 ESV). Therefore encourage one another and build one another up (1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV). 68
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R T E A C H E S U S T O P R AY. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42 ESV). Praying together is the foundation in Acts 2:42. Praying together is the foundation that we laid from day ONE in Women World Leaders. We are a ministry that was started and founded on prayer; this discipline continues—all we do and seek for Women World Leaders will always be bathed in prayer.
Your Turn: What have you learned about prayer from a friend?
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R , W E W I N T H E F I G H T. And when they heard it, they lifted their voices together to God and said, “Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them…” And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness (Acts 4:24, 31 ESV). The church we see in the Book of Acts went to the Lord to fight their battles. Like the early church, in Women World Leaders, we also fight our battles on our knees. We seek God’s direction in the way the ministry is to go and all that He has for us. Your Turn: How have you seen the Lord work through praying together?
P R AY I N G T O G E T H E R , W E E N C O U N T E R T H E P R E S E N C E O F G O D. “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matthew 18:20 ESV). Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him (Ephesians 3:11-12 ESV). 69
When we seek the Lord together, we enter His presence and experience His teaching and intervention, which only He can provide. Your Turn: How have you encountered God’s presence through prayer?
As Women World Leaders, let’s be ever interceding in prayer, asking God to show up, be God, and do the impossible as we storm heaven TOGETHER. The Lord definitely wants us to spend time in His Word and talk to Him DAILY! You have said, “Seek my face.” My heart says to you, “Your face, Lord, do I seek” (Psalm 27:8 ESV).
What resonated in your heart about praying together?
We at Women World Leaders invite you to pray together with us on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30 PM ET as we pray for the ministry and each other. Visit our website, womenworldleaders.com – or scan the QR code – and fill out the contact form to receive a personal invitation and Zoom link via email.
Share with us how God guided you in a decision in your life. How did you pray? What verse or verses ministered to you? Send an email to Diana@womenworldleaders.com. WE LOVE HEARING YOUR GOD STORIES!
Women World Leaders is now in 50+ countries.
HIS GOSPEL IS CHANGING LIVES. UNITE WITH US, SHARE IN THE HARVEST! We are committed to bringing in a harvest through Voice of Truth, which is available for free digitally and in the printed version to our donors. The Lord is our provider, and as this magazine grows daily, we invite you to help us bring in the harvest. Your partnership with us in prayer and giving is a seed blossoming in the hearts of women around the globe. As you give, we are praying and trusting that the Lord will bless you and meet your needs according to His riches in glory.
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Women World Leaders is a registered 501(c)3 non profit. EIN: 85-4351245
Lord of the Harvest by Beverly Bray Twenty-four years ago, God called me to become an artist. I came to a crossroad in life that stirred up serious struggles with my identity and purpose. Staring into my future, I only saw chaos, but God saw a better plan. Jesus taught me to see myself through His eyes instead of the world’s perception. Now, my primary life purpose is to glorify God with my artistic talents. My goal for every painting is to reflect God’s creation, communicate biblical truths, and declare the message of Jesus Christ. At times, the Lord ministers through my skills while I draw live for church congregations and Christian outreaches. As I draw, the Lord reveals the message He wants expressed to those watching the art unfold. Last December, I was invited by my pastor to usher in the new year, 2024, with my artwork. As always, I began preparing for the presentation by praying over the request, listening, and waiting for the Lord to give me a Word for 2024. He never fails to reveal His thoughts for my art. On my way to church, He spoke to me, saying, “I’m praying over the Harvest.” I then began the process of drawing what I felt this would look like. During this process, I pray constantly for the Lord to tell me what message this art will display. As the picture unfolds divinely, the message unfolds with it. “Identity” was the word revealed for 2024. As the portrait of Christ slowly unveiled on the board, Jesus reminded me, once again, to look into His eyes and that He is praying for the Harvest. We are His Harvest. He downloaded into my heart the following scripture from Matthew. MATTHEW 16:15-16 (NKJV)
He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." 72
Then I felt Him say, “Now ask Me, who do You say I am?” In a world steeped in an identity crisis, this is an urgent, critical question. Who does God say that we are? We are a new creation, a branch of the true vine, a friend of Jesus, chosen, God’s workmanship, sanctified, adopted, redeemed, heirs to the kingdom, His beloved, and much, much more. Jesus is praying for us—praying for us to find ourselves in Him. He is praying for unsaved souls. And He is praying for laborers to prepare the Harvest by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. MATTHEW 9:37-38 (NKJV)
Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful but the laborers are few. Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest." He is the Master of the wheat field. We sow seed, and He waters it. He is the Lord of the Harvest. Jesus is praying that His people will respond to the need for harvest workers. He sees the multitudes and has compassion on them because they are weary and scattered, like sheep without a shepherd. Without the shepherd, we wander without purpose or understanding that we can only find our true identity in Him. Jesus came to be our shepherd, to save us all. Praise God. Bev Bray is an amazing self-taught artist who displays God’s glory and anointing with every brush stroke. God infuses her art with a strong prophetic gift and portrayal of the Word. She often prophesies very accurately concerning her subject’s God-given identity when doing portrait work. Most importantly, her daily life portrays Christ with even more vibrancy than her canvases. You can view her artwork at www.bev-bray-artwork.com
Jesus is praying for us — praying for us to find ourselves in Him.
Jesús está orando por nosotros, orando para que nos encontremos en Él.
Señor de la Cosecha por Beverly Bray MATEO 16:15-16 (NKJV)
Hace veinticuatro años, Dios me llamó a convertirme en artista. Llegué a una encrucijada en la vida que despertó serias luchas con mi identidad y propósito. Al mirar hacia mi futuro, solo veía caos, pero Dios vio un plan mejor. Jesús me enseñó a verme a mí misma a través de Sus ojos en lugar de la percepción del mundo. Ahora, mi propósito principal en la vida es glorificar a Dios con mis talentos artísticos. Mi objetivo para cada pintura es reflejar la creación de Dios, comunicar verdades bíblicas y declarar el mensaje de Jesucristo. A veces, el Señor ministra a través de mis habilidades mientras dibujo en vivo para las congregaciones de la iglesia y actividades cristianas. Mientras dibujo, el Señor revela el mensaje que quiere expresar a quienes observan el desarrollo de la obra de arte. El pasado diciembre, mi pastor me invitó a dar la bienvenida al nuevo año, 2024, con mi obra de arte. Como siempre, comencé a prepararme para la presentación orando por la solicitud, escuchando y esperando que el Señor me diera una Palabra para 2024. Él nunca deja de revelar Sus pensamientos para mi arte. De camino a la iglesia, Él me habló y me dijo: “Estoy orando por la Cosecha”. Entonces comencé el proceso de dibujar cómo sentía que se vería. Durante este proceso, oro constantemente para que el Señor me diga qué mensaje mostrar en la obra de arte. A medida que la imagen se desarrolla divinamente, el mensaje se desarrolla con ella. “Identidad” fue la palabra revelada para 2024. A medida que el retrato de Cristo se revelaba lentamente en la pizarra, Jesús me recordó, una vez más, que lo mirara a los ojos y que Él está orando por la Cosecha. Nosotros somos Su Cosecha. Descargó en mi corazón el siguiente pasaje de Mateo.
Él les dijo: «Y vosotros, ¿quién decís que soy yo?» Respondió Simón Pedro y dijo: «Tú eres el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios viviente» Entonces sentí que Él decía: «Ahora pregúntame: ¿Quién decís que soy yo?» En un mundo sumido en una crisis de identidad, esta es una pregunta urgente y crítica. ¿Quién dice Dios que somos? Somos una nueva creación, una rama de la vid verdadera, un amigo de Jesús, elegido, obra de Dios, santificado, adoptado, redimido, heredero del reino, Sus amados y mucho, mucho más. Jesús está orando por nosotros, orando para que nos encontremos en Él. Está orando por las almas no salvadas. Y está orando por obreros que preparen la cosecha compartiendo el evangelio de Jesucristo. MATEO 9:37-38 (NKJV)
Luego dijo a Sus discípulos: «La cosecha es abundante, pero son pocos los obreros “Por tanto, pidan al Señor de la cosecha que envíe obreros a su campo” Él es el Dueño del campo de trigo. Nosotros sembramos la semilla y Él la riega. Él es el Dueño de la cosecha. Jesús está orando para que Su pueblo responda a la necesidad de obreros para la cosecha. Él ve a las multitudes y tiene compasión de ellas porque están cansadas y dispersas, como ovejas sin pastor. Sin el pastor, vagamos sin propósito ni entendimiento que sólo en Él podemos encontrar nuestra verdadera identidad. Jesús vino para ser nuestro pastor, para salvarnos a todos. Alabado sea Dios.
Bev Bray es una artista autodidacta increíble que muestra la gloria y la unción de Dios con cada pincelada. Dios infunde en su arte un fuerte don profético y una representación de la Palabra. A menudo profetiza con mucha precisión sobre la identidad que Dios le dio a su modelo cuando hace retratos. Lo más importante es que su vida diaria retrata a Cristo con aún más vitalidad que sus lienzos. Puede ver sus obras de arte en www.bev-bray-artwork.com
Musings on the Book of John Sharing Jesus and How to Do My Part by Connie Hecker JOHN 4:17-30 (NIV) “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.” “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” The woman said, “I know that Messiah” (called Christ) “is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.” Then Jesus declared, “I, the one speaking to you—I am he.” Just then his disciples returned and were surprised to find him talking with a woman. But no one asked, “What do you want?” or “Why are you talking with her?” Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” They came out of the town and made their way toward him.
Sharing Jesus
hen a Jewish prophet shows up in her small town, the woman recognizes her own deep spiritual need. What is the first question that comes to the mind of this hurting woman, kept oppressed in shame by both her culture and His? She asks about the worship of God! (v 20). Her heart desires to worship God in the right way, to honor Him in the midst of her difficult life. Not only is she an outcast in her little town, but her little town is outcast from their Jewish cousins, who tell them they do not worship in the right place. They do not go to the right church. They live with judgment from other worshipers who say that they are doing it the wrong way. One does not ask this question if it does not burn in their heart to honor God properly. Jesus saw into her heart, and she opened up to Him with this question. “Why? I don’t understand! Why?” Jesus’ answer reaches across cultures and time and holds us all accountable. Where is the proper place to worship? What is the right church to attend? Wrong question. It’s not where but how! (v.23-24). God the Father is worshipable in two ways together—in spirit and in truth. Worshipers are sought after by the Father. He seeks those who will honor Him in truth and in the spirit. She jumps to a new question, a truth question, about the coming Messiah. And to a foreign woman, a sinful woman, a town prostitute and kept woman, Jesus speaks truth directly, clearly, with no parables, no shrouding nor softening, but in declaratory language. “I am He.” “I, who speak to you, am He.” “I, the Creator, the Savior of all mankind, the face of God Himself, who forgives sinners and makes all things new, I Am He!” (v26). Jesus waited for her question to come. He waited for her to speak her heart to Him before He revealed Himself to her. This is the first moment in John’s gospel where Jesus spoke so clearly and directly about who He is. Not in His own hometown, nor in His own capital city, nor to the religious leader, but rather He first shares this with a Samaritan woman. Two loaded adjectives/nouns: “Samaritan” and “woman.” Understand this as the least of the least. Jesus gives us an example of how we are to walk by revealing Himself first to the Jews, then to the Samaritans, and then
to the ends of the earth. By reaching the least of these, Jesus reached a city, a nation, the world. He did not go to the leaders, to the rich, but to those whose hearts were most needy and ready to receive Him. n
Where do I go with the message of the Spirit and of truth?
Am I walking and living by the Spirit and by truth?
Am I focused on Jesus, on THE FATHER, and do I worship Him in and with my spirit? Aware of truth?
Am I focused on my sinfulness contrasted to His holiness, thus humble in my questions to Him with a heart of praise? A heart to obey? A heart to spread joy?
Lord, let me learn the lessons from, to, and for a prostitute, from, to, and for an abused woman, and from, to, and for a sinner. Am I worshiping in spirit to the Holy Spirit and in truth? Jesus revealed Himself first to the religious leader who sought truth—Nicodemus, and now, for the second time, He reveals Himself, this time to the Samaritan woman. His next reveal is to the ends of the earth, just as we are commissioned at His ascension. Jesus’ disciples return and “marvel” at seeing Him talking to such a person. Yet they do not question it; they instead accept it as a new lesson, a moment such as we might have when we are confronted with His example and respond with the amazed thought, You mean in this too, Lord? Wow, I never would have guessed!
W h a t better way
What better way did Jesus have to reach the sinners in need in this town than through the woman they all knew so well? What better voice of hope than the one of their mutual abuses? They came, believing something must be true, not sure what, but knowing that if SHE, of all people, had hope, there was hope for them also. It was the authority of Jesus that changed their hearts. Jesus met one strategic God-ordained opportunity, and the town was reached.
How to Do My Part n
Do I seek Jesus as these Samaritans did?
Do I accept His forgiveness to the depth of sin in the crevasses of my soul and memories?
Let me turn my all to Him, consistently trusting His love and mercy to forgive and set me free for His purpose. Let me do my small part to bring all humanity to the saving knowledge of Jesus. The greatest thing I can do is to bring others into His presence, where He will work in their hearts. Jesus saves. I serve Him. All praise, glory, and honor to my King!
Connie Hecker, MFA, is a Scenic Designer recently retired from teaching at Liberty University. She is mom, stepmom, and grandmother. Her “first career” was in interior and industrial design. Her “second” was as Manager of Operations and Maneuvers (note initials) in her extended family. Her “third” was as a professor. Now, she is looking forward to what God has in store as her “fourth”.
Chasing Butterflies JOURNALS by Connie VanHorn
Who Is My God?
Knowing your true identity is a weapon that helps you stay rooted and on track
for the life you were meant to have.
or much of my life, I struggled with my identity, especially after a hard childhood and hiding my true self from everyone. It was difficult for me to view myself in a positive light. However, as I surrendered my heart to Jesus, I began to see myself through His perspective and recognize the woman He intended me to become. The world wants us to believe all the wrong things about who we are. Our tech-centered universe is constantly bombarding us with messages about who we should be. It is easy to feel lost and confused about our identity. This is particularly true for the younger generation, who are still trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in. As children of God, we are called to find our true identity in Him. When we truly know who God is, we begin to understand who we are. We are made in His image, fearfully and wonderfully created by His loving hands. We are not defined by the standards of this world or social media but by the love and grace of our heavenly Father. When we see ourselves as daughters of the King, our perspective shifts. We are cherished and adored by the creator of the universe. We are chosen, loved, and accepted just as we are. Finding our true identity in Jesus brings a sense of hope and purpose. This is where my purpose started to unfold, and His truth about me
was revealed. We do not have to strive to be someone we are not, but we can rest in the truth that we are enough just as we are. Our identity is secure in Christ, and nothing can shake the foundation of who we are in Him. Several years ago, I heard a pastor spend her entire message on who her God is. In that moment, God gripped my heart, and I finally started to understand the basis of my true identity—my identity is based solely on Him! It doesn’t matter what the world says about you or even what family or friends say about you. The enemy will always try to convince you that you are worthless and not liked. The enemy wants you to stay in an identity crisis. As long as you are in crisis, he knows he has an open door to your mind and your life and will work to keep you away from God and your eternal home. Knowing your true identity is a weapon that helps you stay rooted and on track for the life you were meant to have. Will you say this next part together with me? Repeat it daily until you know it by heart. BELIEVE IT! Because when we know who God is, we know who we are. We are His beautiful children, created in His image to shine His light into a dark world.
PSALM 139:14 (NIV)
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Who is my God? He is the beginning and the end, the creator of all things. He is the architect of the universe and the manager of time. He is eternal, unchanging, undefeated, and always victorious. He endured suffering to bring healing, paid the price for my sins, and brought freedom through His sacrifice. He rose to bring power and reigns to bring peace. He is light, love, and everlasting. He is the Lord of goodness, kindness, and faithfulness. He is God. He is holy and righteous. His ways are just, his Word is eternal and unchanging, and He has me in mind. He is my savior, my Lord, my God, my source of peace and comfort, and my joy. He rules over my life, and He is wisdom and strength. He is the ruler of all time, and He desires to have a relationship with me. He will never abandon, deceive, forget, overlook, or cancel His appointment with me. When I fall, He will lift me up; when I fail, He will forgive me; when I am weak, He is strong. When I am lost, He will guide me; when I am afraid, He will give me courage; when I stumble, He will support me; when I am hurt, He will heal me. When I am broken, He mends me; when I am blind, He guides me. When I am hungry, He provides for me; when I face trials, He is with me. In times of persecution, He shields me; in times of trouble, He comforts me. In moments of loss, He provides, and when I face death, He will carry me home to meet Him. He is everything to me and in every way. He is my God, and His power and spirit are within me. He is who I belong to. God sees me. God sees me as His beautiful child, created in His image and filled with special gifts and talents. He views me as a valuable and precious individual worthy of love and grace. God sees my potential and the purpose He has for my life. He guides and supports me on my journey. He sees my struggles and mistakes, but He also sees my resilience and strength. He catches every one of my teardrops. God sees the beauty in my imperfections and my potential for growth and transformation. He sees my heart and intentions, understanding my desires and fears. God sees me as a part of His BIG plan, with a specific role in His kingdom. He sees my value and worth, regardless of the opinions or judgments of others. God sees me as a beloved creation deserving of His unconditional love and forgiveness.
That is YOUR God. He sees YOU! 81
Healing Heart and Soul Falling with Grace
by Alicia Roberts
y sweet nephew is on the brink of turning one and learning to walk. It seems like just yesterday he was scooting along the floor and enjoying his newfound mobility. Fast forward to just a few months later, he bravely began pulling up on everything and attempting to take his first steps. Finally, with curiosity in his eyes and shaky legs, he let go of his support and stepped out one foot at a time. He smiled in what looked like amazement as he heard the bursts of awe from his parents. Motivated to keep going, he took a couple more steps, and then it happened…he began to tumble like a Jenga game back down to the floor. He had fallen, yet the smile on his face indicated that he was pretty okay with that. Watching babies become toddlers and gain confidence and independence is a pure joy. They often look for what they want. They aren’t afraid to fall down and try again. What
a lesson we, as adults, can learn from these babes. It’s okay to fall or get it wrong—just fall with grace and keep on going. For most adults, falling or getting something wrong does not evoke the same pleasant experience as the toddler learning to walk. Instead, we often get upset and disappointed. It can be nerve-wracking to have to regroup and try again. Many times, it is embarrassing as you don’t want others to know you’ve made a
mistake or have to start all over. Getting back up again or starting over can be intimidating. This is the fear that often keeps us stuck as we are afraid of failing again. The reality is that we are not perfect, even though we’d like to be. We live in an imperfect world, and we are imperfect beings. We are not above having to go back to the drawing board on an idea or plan. We will have some disappointing moments that may cause our knees to buckle, tears to flood our eyes, and hurt to overwhelm our hearts. Even when we do our very best to succeed, we may fall, but what matters is how you fall and get back up. Recently, I found myself disappointed that I was experiencing a repeat problem. I’d worked hard to find a solution, recover, and get over the hump, but yet here it was again. I felt defeated,
and my confidence was subdued. I kept thinking, Lord, why do I have to get the short end of the stick? Why can’t I just have a season of overflow and happiness? Will my change ever come? My disappointment turned into sadness and even bitterness toward others who I assumed did not have to endure the same struggle. I was experiencing a setback and a series of unfortunate events. It felt like I was falling and having trouble getting back up. With each unfortunate blow and uncontrollable circumstance, my faith fell a bit, too. I wanted to throw in the towel and give up. Oh, what I would have given for someone to come and lift me up and carry me the rest of the way. Sometimes, when we are upset and do not think clearly, we forget the secret to our needs and concerns, and I was having one of those cloudy, forgetful moments.
Christ is the lifter of our heads. He is ready and willing to carry us when we can’t walk. He helps us see when we can’t see. He picks us up when we have fallen. He is waiting for us to take His hand to guide us through life, especially in troubling times. Psalm 37:23-24 (NIV) says, The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. The whole time I wished I had someone to lean on, the Lord was already there waiting for me to ask for His help. ISAIAH 43:2 (NIV)
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. At times, we feel like we are walking alone. Even during our darkest hour and most challenging time, God is near. When we stumble, He will catch us. So don’t be afraid. Fall with grace and smile, knowing that God will pick you up and carry you through until you can stand firm and walk your path. He will be in the shadow as your ever-present help in a time of need.
Alicia is an author, speaker, certified confidence and inner-healing coach, and the founder of The Confident Lily, a personal development company that equips women to heal emotionally, be more faithful, find their personal power, and live their best life. If you are in need of putting the pieces of your life back together, visit www.confidentlily.com/pieces for free resources and support.
t i s r i g p n So from the S MARK 9:24 (NKJV)
by Sara Sahm
Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!
his world tells us that if we don’t see physical proof, it can’t be real. But Hebrews 11:1 says, Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see (NIV). As the years pass and my relationship with the Lord gets deeper, it’s easy to see just how much proof of God there really is all around us. We can see God's existence in life and in nature, but the best lens of proof I have found is prayer. If faith is a gift, then prayer is how we unwrap it. Prayer ignites our faith. Prayer connects us to our faith by opening our eyes to see God’s faithfulness. There is a quote I put up in my house that says it best. “I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now.” Every time I look at it, I am reminded of God’s goodness. When I look back on time spent in prayer, I can see how God interwove His existence with mine. Even unanswered prayers have been proof of His faithfulness. Be honest with God. You can’t hide your doubt from Him. God honors and strengthens our faith when we come to Him with our weaknesses. Matthew 17:20 says it only takes a mustard seed to move mountains. When we come to Him with our doubt, our faith is activated. The act of prayer takes faith! Likewise, a good song can be a prayer. Music connects the sentiments and lessons expressed in the Bible in a way we may not experience otherwise. Music makes a way for us to speak the Word of God. When we speak or sing God’s Word, it comes alive.
Remember, we can’t take credit for our faith. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can even claim to have faith. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, By grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast (ESV). Mark 9:24 (NKJV), Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!, inspired me to write a song to express those times when faith is hard to find. Sometimes we need a safe space to cry out, “God, I believe, but I still doubt. Help me!” This verse embodies a feeling I’m sure many of us as believers have experienced at one time or another. For me, this verse was a stepping stone back to the Lord. Don’t ask, Do I have the faith? Instead acknowledge your doubts and remember God can take a little and multiply it abundantly beyond anything we can do on our own. While we walk this earth, we will never have perfect faith. But what a relief to know we DO have a perfect God!
From a very young age, Sara dreamed of sharing God’s Word through music and word. As a child, her favorite quote was, “I love Jesus, and the devil is an idiotic brat.” Through many ups and downs, that dream has become a reality. To write for WWL and have an online ministry is a dream come true for her. Sara enjoys writing not for the million readers, but for the one in a million that needs to hear what she wrote. Sara’s favorite part of ministry is coordinating worship nights and making space for women to come lay their burdens at Jesus’ feet. She is a published author with WWL and sings with her church along with other women’s ministry teams. She credits God’s never ending relentless love for all she has today. Sara resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her family. When she isn’t writing, she can be found scrapbooking and paddle boarding. Her music is available on her website, sarasahmmusic.com.
...“One thing you lack,” He said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
hat if you were to take this command to the rich, young ruler literally? What if you sold everything you owned, gave the proceeds to the poor, and simply followed Jesus? Clare of Assisi did just that. She gave up her rich family’s hopes and dreams for her, began to follow Jesus and never looked back. Clare was born in the Italian city of Assisi in 1194. This was a time of great civil and religious change. When Clare was just four years old the Rocca Maggiore castle, seat of Assisi’s government, was destroyed by a riot, to prevent it from falling into the hands of the papal governor. This unrest spread to “attacks on the native nobility as well: many of them lost their palaces and towers in the city and their castles in the country. By the end of 1199, the dispossessed Assisian nobles had begun streaming into other cities.” 1 Clare’s family was forced into exile in nearby 86
Perugia. Because her father and brother were often off fighting to win back their home, the women of the family were forced to rely on God to protect them. After six years or so, Clare and her family were able to return to Assisi. It was about this time that a young man from another wealthy Assisi family began to reevaluate his empty lavish lifestyle. Christ’s command to the Rich Young Ruler spoke directly to him. He also felt called to follow Jesus’ instructions to the apostles, "Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt.” (Luke 9:3 NIV). So Francis renounced his position, possessions and inheritance, and began to simply follow Jesus. Francis’ preaching was causing a stir in Assisi. Many who were spiritually curious, including Clare, went to listen to
Public Domain; Piero della Francesca. St Clare. (C. 1460)
him. By this time Clare was 17 and her family was hoping that she would soon become engaged to a rich nobleman who would enhance the family’s status. But Clare decided to follow Francis’ example and gave up everything to follow Christ. She later wrote of this decision, “What a great laudable exchange: to leave the things of time for those of eternity, to choose the things of heaven for the goods of earth, to receive the hundred-fold in place of one, and to possess a blessed and eternal life.” 2 Clare began to recruit other women from all parts of society to join her to form a community dedicated to Christ. This group which became the Poor Ladies (today known as the Poor Clares) was dedicated to prayer and fasting and had a ministry of healing the sick as well. This community embraced poverty as a means to follow Christ and His earthly example. In the instructions she wrote for the sisterhood, Clare exhorted, “Let the sisters not appropriate anything, neither a house nor a place nor anything at all; instead, as pilgrims and strangers in this world who serve the Lord in poverty and humility, let them confidently send for alms. Nor should they be ashamed, since the Lord made himself poor in this world for us. This is the summit of the highest poverty which has established you, my dearest sisters, heiresses and queens of the kingdom of heaven; it has made you poor in the things of this world but exalted you in virtue. Let this be your portion which leads into the land of the living. Clinging totally to this, my most beloved sisters, for the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ...” 3 Clare’s commitment to following Christ no matter what the cost challenges me to rethink my attitude toward money and processions. Have I been captured by the 21st Century materialistic mindset? Do I trust in my riches rather than God for my security? I need to take to heart the Apostle Paul’s admonition: 1 TIMOTHY 6:6-8, (NLT)
Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. Riley, P. V. (1974). Francis’ Assisi: Its political and social history, 1175-1225. Franciscan Studies, 34, 393–424. http://www.jstor.org/stable/44080320 St. Clare. (1234). Letter 1 to Agnes of Prague. https://www.frere-rufin.com/pages/en/claire/ecrits-sainte-claire/lettres-ecrits-sainte-claire/a-agnes-de-prague-1 3 St. Clare. (1253). Rule. https://www.frere-rufin.com/pages/en/claire/ecrits-sainte-claire/legislation-ecrits-sainte-claire/regle-ecrits-sainte-claire 1
d e t a e h e R Coffee by Amanda Jackman Mountain of Motherhood
od is the God of the reheated coffee in the microwave. He’s also the God of the laundry piled up in the living room. He’s the God of all our challenges and our disappointments. He’s the God of our victories and the God of our valley seasons. He reigns as our Lord and Savior through any earthly situation we may face. He’s the God of infertility. He’s the God of abundance. He is the God of His promises. As I write this article, I’m feeling extremely vulnerable. I have been feeling very sick and not quite myself lately. God has blessed my husband and me with another baby, and I am feeling full force the effects of a first trimester. This will be our sixth child in eight years. We have also experienced four miscarriages. So I’m sitting in a familiar place of pregnancy where I’ve spent the majority of the last decade of my life. My memories take me back to when I told my dad that I was pregnant for the first time at the age of 25. I was scared, terrified, and consumed with worry over whether or not I would be a good mother. He told me such a simple statement I’ve repeated over and over during the last nine years. “Every baby is a blessing.” My dad passed away the day after my oldest child was born; he didn’t get the opportunity to meet any of my five children earth side, so I’ve only heard him say it once—but it is always the first thing I hear when I see two pink lines indicating a pregnancy.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
So today I began considering the logistics of what it will look like having six children, planning to buy a 12-passenger transit van just to be able to fit my family in one vehicle, and briefly forgetting to trust God, who has ordered our steps. I think about how so many in the Bible forgot to trust God in difficult moments: Eve, Moses, Abraham, Sarah, David, Elijah and the twelve disciples. There are so many verses, chapters, and Psalms about trusting in God. It makes me wonder why it’s so easy to forget to fully trust in our Creator, who works all things for His glory.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 NIV). Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe (Proverbs 29:25 NIV). Whether in the valley or on the mountaintops, the enemy is still looking to devour. In the book of John, we are told of his intentions.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (John 10:10 NIV). I have felt robbed of joy in so many life-changing moments. So many times, I have felt robbed of excitement only to be flooded with worry. This is how the enemy works on me; I imagine he works his way into many other mothers the same way. We are all trying to be warriors for Christ. The only way we can do this is to lay it all at the cross and trust God, who is using all things for His glory and goodness. So I can choose to be stressed over a van, or I can shout for joy that my God trusts me to bring another disciple into our household. I’m not ever sure what I have done to be so deserving of His favor and goodness, but it is never taken lightly. I know this path of motherhood is where I’m meant to be, and I will continue to devote myself fully to it, showing the heart of Jesus to my children and allowing a ripple effect to take place in their lives as they show the heart of Jesus to those around them. Even on the mountaintop, the enemy is looking to devour. May we always look up to Christ to be our comfort in any day and hour.
Amanda Jackman is from the small town of Imlay City, Michigan. She and her husband, Brad, have five children under the age of 8. She has a Paralegal Studies Degree and enjoys reading and writing. She loves the busy life of being a wife and mother of five.
How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your joy of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.
Meet Dee Miller
from St. Louis, Missouri
was asked to schedule a phone call with Kimberly Hobbs on April 1st. It was an introductory phone call to see if I was a good fit to be an author in the upcoming book Restoration: God’s Brings Beauty from Ashes. My friends know that I am a jokester, and April 1st is notorious for pranks, but this phone call was not a joke. In fact, it has turned into a major blessing in my life. If you haven’t read Kimberly’s story in Surrendered, I would highly recommend you do so. As I have gotten to know Kimberly more, it has become obvious that she lives a life of complete surrender to the Lord. Because she has done this, she has created a path for all women to fall into a safe place behind her in Women World Leaders. I, for one, am grateful. In the short time since meeting Kimberly, I have plugged into everything Women World Leaders has to offer. The monthly Zoom meetings are teachings led by women for women. I love how Kimberly has made it a family of women who encourage, love, and lift each other up. In the world, you see women tend to tear each other down out of jealousy. It is so refreshing to be a part of a community where the love and respect for one another is genuine. Everyone is encouraged to share if they are having a struggle where we can gather around and pray. It’s ok to not be ok. To put your mask down and be real with each other. I look forward to hearing the faith-building stories that each woman shares—how God met them in their struggle. Whether the story is shared in one of the books or in the beautiful Voice of Truth magazine, everything is done with excellence. I have recently written a chapter for the newly published book Unshakable. The team has elevated my story and helped me grow enough that I was asked to write another chapter—that was certainly another memorable phone call with Kimberly. I am in awe at the team at WWL I have met and am amazed at how many there are yet to meet! The organization is growing by leaps and bounds.
I look forward to meeting everyone who makes the decision to jump on board with WWL. Don’t let this incredible opportunity pass you by. The leadership team at WWL puts their hearts into doing everything with excellence. You won’t be disappointed with any time you give to being a part of what they have to offer.
PSALM 136:1 (ESV)
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. 91
Debra Tomlinson from Alpharetta, GA
y husband, Ric, received lab work from a routine physical, and the results were not favorable—highgrade urothelial carcinoma. We were numb! It felt surreal. What do you do when the shock wears off and reality sets in? Millions of people have faced cancer and serious diseases. When it hits you personally, what you believe surfaces! Ric said, “Our response is a reflection of our faith, and faith is something you exercise in difficult circumstances.” As believers in Jesus, we look to Him first for help! The Lord directed Ric to a urologist in Stuart, Florida, and would have bladder surgery at Palm Beach Medical Center. As I was sitting in the waiting room, I met a lovely lady named Janet. We shared our situation and realized we were both women of faith. What a sweet spirit she had! When she was leaving, she gave me a beautiful magazine called Voice of Truth. Returning home, I began to read the magazine. Each morning, I looked forward to my cup of coffee and the Voice of Truth stories! It was filled with hope and encouragement. When I reached out to thank Janet, she said, “I love God-ordained appointments!” A friendship began as our hearts were knit together with God’s love, His Spirit living within us! I am so thankful the Lord put us together...my divine appointment! God cares what we go through! Did He have another purpose for me as well? 1 THESSALONIANS 5:11 (NIV)
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 92
I like this quote: “A divine appointment is a meeting with another person or persons that God has specifically and unmistakably arranged. The Holy Spirit sets up such encounters because someone needs what He can offer them through you.” As I was reading in Voice of Truth, this quote resonated with me: “Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ Podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement.” The words “Extravagant Love” jumped of the page as I have been writing booklets for the past twelve years entitled “Extravagant Love.” I wanted to share with my family and friends the love of God, His goodness, and His glory in our everyday life. I don’t consider myself an author, as nothing I’ve written has been published, but I delight in writing what the Lord is teaching me. My husband and I will be going to MD Anderson in Houston to determine the next steps for his bladder cancer. We never know what divine appointments await us! I will be taking my Voice of Truth magazine with me! May God lead me to be someone’s divine appointment! Thank you, Women World Leaders, for asking me to share my divine encounter with Janet in this beautiful magazine.
Robyn Meier
from Strongsville, Ohio
y relationship with the Voice of Truth may be a bit unique for the group. I have been reading the magazine and watching the ministry grow into something truly special since its beginning. I do not have a pivotal moment or a story of courage to share, but more of a testimony of how Voice of Truth has touched me and has become part of my spiritual journey. The stories that are shared are all so raw, courageous, and genuine. I find them very uplifting and personally find strength from the true courage it must take the authors to share such enduring and sometimes painful times in their lives. When I reflect on what some have gone through to get to this point in their lives and how they can continue to give all the glory to God, I am awestruck. Reading your heartfelt articles strengthens my personal relationship with the Lord. I’ve also found great comfort in Women World Leaders— knowing that there is a sorority of beautiful, amazing, strong women praying for me and my family in times of need means more than words can express. I’ve read and seen your testimonies of the power of prayer and am very grateful for this body of sisterhood. Watching my dearest friend Kimberly Hobbs start the ministry from the guidance of the Lord has been so inspiring; I am so very, very proud of her. The growth has been unimaginable and speaks of the desire that so many have for a meaningful relationship with our Savior.
2 PETER 1:8 (NLT)
The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you to all who have been brave enough to tell your truth, bare your soul, and support each other. It touches more lives than realized, even the silent ones in the background on their own prayer journey. May God bless you all! 93
by Lisa Hathaway
had the amazing privilege of traveling to India with a ministry called Rahab’s Rope from May 26 to June 8, 2024. My trip was originally planned for December 2023, but I got sick with the flu and then had an appendectomy, preventing me from going, which shocked me as I had been preparing for six months. But God had a different and better plan for me. I just had to choose to see it. We can always trust God’s plans. Although they may seem different than we expect—and a door we have looked forward to going through may suddenly close—it doesn’t mean the experience we longed for will not happen. Sometimes, God’s timing is just different than ours. That’s what happened in my case, and He later showed me why. The description of Rahab’s Robe from their website, rahabsrope.com, states: Rahab’s Rope is a place that provides food, shelter, and protection; a place of education and training; and a place where the whole person is ministered to spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially. It is a place of hope, a place of transformed lives.
Ultimately, we exist to end human trafficking and restore hope, purpose, and dignity to the lives of women and children in India. Since our founding in 2004, our immediate and most all-encompassing focus has been on the victims of sex trafficking by providing aftercare housing. Over the years, we have added a prevention program for children and teenage girls as well as direct intervention in red light areas. These projects have different objectives but are all in line with our vision and mission and the desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. Their mission touched my heart so closely, and I knew I had to be a small part of this ministry. When I finally stepped onto the airplane to start my travel journey, I had a lot of mixed emotions. I was excited, expectant, and anxious about being away from my family for two weeks. But most of all, I was ready to do what I knew God had called me to do. The founders of Rahab’s Rope, David and Vicki Moore, were leaders on this trip, which was a huge blessing. I was fortunate to see firsthand the hearts behind the ministry they created years ago. Being on the frontline and hearing how the leaders in In-
dia respect the Moores created within me a greater love for the ministry. Four other women from across the US served with me. Even now, it is astounding to step back and realize that I spent two weeks with people I had never met. Yet God orchestrated it all together, and it was beautiful. Of course, any mission trip is not without challenges because the enemy will hit hard, and he did. Fighting through the heat was extremely challenging. Constantly sweating—24/7—wore on me. I began to swell in my legs and feet, which had been one of my concerns going into the trip. Many prayer warriors and I kept praying that the swelling would subside and not hinder me from doing ministry. By the grace of God, I was protected.
WE SUPPORTED, ENCOURAGED, AND LOVED THE TEAM WHO DO THIS WORK DAILY. Spending four days in Mumbai, India, on the front end of the trip was challenging but rewarding. I had the honor of going into the red-light district, where women are trafficked multiple times a day. Along with Rahab’s Rope staff who live in Mumbai, our group was called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We supported, encouraged, and loved the team who do this work daily. After four days in Mumbai, we flew to Goa and helped the staff with children’s ministry, women’s ministry, and teaching life skills to boys and girls. It was eye-opening to see how the people of Goa, who may or may not know Jesus, are drawn to be a part of this community. It proves that people exuding the love of Jesus draws others near to Him. Watching the kids come with open hearts to receive help with homework or just have someone color with them was beautiful. I was reminded that the gospel is simple. Love like Jesus does. 1 JOHN 4:16 (ESV)
So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. Throughout my two-week trip, I was expectant of what God would do. I didn’t have set expectations, but I was willing and open to hearing His voice and seeing Him move, even in the smallest way. Nothing goes unnoticed by God.
Sharing with the ladies who have been trafficked, looking them in their eyes, and, through a translator, telling them how much God loves them stirred my heart like never before. God brings hope to the hopeless and sees us right where we are. Loving people like Jesus loves breaks cultural boundaries and language barriers; it is the one thing that can touch people. Jesus has a way of allowing us to touch others, even without words. JOHN 13:34-35 (ESV)
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” You may not be called to serve for an overseas mission trip, and that is okay. We can be missionaries and fulfill God’s calling on our lives right from our own homes. God wants us all to look at others through different lenses and see their hearts daily when interacting with family, friends, coworkers, or whoever He puts on our path. The biggest takeaway from my trip was the simplicity and selflessness of those who serve daily, sharing the love of Jesus. We are each to be available to God and walk in His YES for us, whatever that may look like.
The joy of the Lord is my strength.
A Heartfelt Thank You To our sister and friend, Kelly Williams Hale. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kelly for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you!
A special thanks goes to Johana Torres, our translator for Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders. Johana is a faithful Woman World Leader who has supported this ministry with her time, talents, and prayers not only for us all, but graciously for the Hispanic community who is close to her heart. She has a passionate desire to serve God first in all that He calls her to do at home, in the family business, and in ministry. Thank you Johana for being a committed volunteer of your time. We love you.
Our Pure Devotion As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.
Praying for you, Daughter of Zion Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways - to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
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