2 minute read
VOT Story
Meet Robyn Meier from Strongsville, Ohio
My relationship with the Voice of Truth may be a bit unique for the group. I have been reading the magazine and watching the ministry grow into something truly special since its beginning. I do not have a pivotal moment or a story of courage to share, but more of a testimony of how Voice of Truth has touched me and has become part of my spiritual journey.
The stories that are shared are all so raw, courageous, and genuine. I find them very uplifting and personally find strength from the true courage it must take the authors to share such enduring and sometimes painful times in their lives.
When I reflect on what some have gone through to get to this point in their lives and how they can continue to give all the glory to God, I am awestruck. Reading your heartfelt articles strengthens my personal relationship with the Lord.
I’ve also found great comfort in Women World Leaders— knowing that there is a sorority of beautiful, amazing, strong women praying for me and my family in times of need means more than words can express. I’ve read and seen your testimonies of the power of prayer and am very grateful for this body of sisterhood.
Watching my dearest friend Kimberly Hobbs start the ministry from the guidance of the Lord has been so inspiring; I am so very, very proud of her. The growth has been unimaginable and speaks of the desire that so many have for a meaningful relationship with our Savior.
Thank you to all who have been brave enough to tell your truth, bare your soul, and support each other. It touches more lives than realized, even the silent ones in the background on their own prayer journey.
May God bless you all!
The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:8 (NLT)