6 minute read
Global Connections: India
by Lisa Hathaway
Love Breaks Barriers
I had the amazing privilege of traveling to India with a ministry called Rahab’s Rope from May 26 to June 8, 2024. My trip was originally planned for December 2023, but I got sick with the flu and then had an appendectomy, preventing me from going, which shocked me as I had been preparing for six months. But God had a different and better plan for me. I just had to choose to see it.
We can always trust God’s plans. Although they may seem different than we expect—and a door we have looked forward to going through may suddenly close—it doesn’t mean the experience we longed for will not happen. Sometimes, God’s timing is just different than ours. That’s what happened in my case, and He later showed me why.
The description of Rahab’s Robe from their website, rahabsrope.com, states:
Rahab’s Rope is a place that provides food, shelter, and protection; a place of education and training; and a place where the whole person is ministered to spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially. It is a place of hope, a place of transformed lives.
Ultimately, we exist to end human trafficking and restore hope, purpose, and dignity to the lives of women and children in India. Since our founding in 2004, our immediate and most all-encompassing focus has been on the victims of sex trafficking by providing aftercare housing. Over the years, we have added a prevention program for children and teenage girls as well as direct intervention in red light areas. These projects have different objectives but are all in line with our vision and mission and the desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world.
Their mission touched my heart so closely, and I knew I had to be a small part of this ministry. When I finally stepped onto the airplane to start my travel journey, I had a lot of mixed emotions. I was excited, expectant, and anxious about being away from my family for two weeks. But most of all, I was ready to do what I knew God had called me to do.
The founders of Rahab’s Rope, David and Vicki Moore, were leaders on this trip, which was a huge blessing. I was fortunate to see firsthand the hearts behind the ministry they created years ago. Being on the frontline and hearing how the leaders in India respect the Moores created within me a greater love for the ministry. Four other women from across the US served with me. Even now, it is astounding to step back and realize that I spent two weeks with people I had never met. Yet God orchestrated it all together, and it was beautiful. Of course, any mission trip is not without challenges because the enemy will hit hard, and he did. Fighting through the heat was extremely challenging. Constantly sweating—24/7—wore on me. I began to swell in my legs and feet, which had been one of my concerns going into the trip. Many prayer warriors and I kept praying that the swelling would subside and not hinder me from doing ministry. By the grace of God, I was protected.

Spending four days in Mumbai, India, on the front end of the trip was challenging but rewarding. I had the honor of going into the red-light district, where women are trafficked multiple times a day. Along with Rahab’s Rope staff who live in Mumbai, our group was called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We supported, encouraged, and loved the team who do this work daily.
After four days in Mumbai, we flew to Goa and helped the staff with children’s ministry, women’s ministry, and teaching life skills to boys and girls. It was eye-opening to see how the people of Goa, who may or may not know Jesus, are drawn to be a part of this community. It proves that people exuding the love of Jesus draws others near to Him. Watching the kids come with open hearts to receive help with homework or just have someone color with them was beautiful. I was reminded that the gospel is simple. Love like Jesus does.
So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 1 JOHN 4:16 (ESV)
Throughout my two-week trip, I was expectant of what God would do. I didn’t have set expectations, but I was willing and open to hearing His voice and seeing Him move, even in the smallest way. Nothing goes unnoticed by God.

Sharing with the ladies who have been trafficked, looking them in their eyes, and, through a translator, telling them how much God loves them stirred my heart like never before. God brings hope to the hopeless and sees us right where we are. Loving people like Jesus loves breaks cultural boundaries and language barriers; it is the one thing that can touch people. Jesus has a way of allowing us to touch others, even without words.
'A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.' JOHN 13:34-35 (ESV)
You may not be called to serve for an overseas mission trip, and that is okay. We can be missionaries and fulfill God’s calling on our lives right from our own homes. God wants us all to look at others through different lenses and see their hearts daily when interacting with family, friends, coworkers, or whoever He puts on our path.
The biggest takeaway from my trip was the simplicity and selflessness of those who serve daily, sharing the love of Jesus. We are each to be available to God and walk in His YES for us, whatever that may look like.