5 minute read
Chasing Butterflies Journals
by Connie VanHorn
Who Is My God?
For much of my life, I struggled with my identity, especially after a hard childhood and hiding my true self from everyone. It was difficult for me to view myself in a positive light. However, as I surrendered my heart to Jesus, I began to see myself through His perspective and recognize the woman He intended me to become. The world wants us to believe all the wrong things about who we are. Our tech-centered universe is constantly bombarding us with messages about who we should be. It is easy to feel lost and confused about our identity. This is particularly true for the younger generation, who are still trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in.
As children of God, we are called to find our true identity in Him. When we truly know who God is, we begin to understand who we are. We are made in His image, fearfully and wonderfully created by His loving hands. We are not defined by the standards of this world or social media but by the love and grace of our heavenly Father.
When we see ourselves as daughters of the King, our perspective shifts. We are cherished and adored by the creator of the universe. We are chosen, loved, and accepted just as we are.
Finding our true identity in Jesus brings a sense of hope and purpose. This is where my purpose started to unfold, and His truth about me was revealed. We do not have to strive to be someone we are not, but we can rest in the truth that we are enough just as we are. Our identity is secure in Christ, and nothing can shake the foundation of who we are in Him.
Several years ago, I heard a pastor spend her entire message on who her God is. In that moment, God gripped my heart, and I finally started to understand the basis of my true identity—my identity is based solely on Him! It doesn’t matter what the world says about you or even what family or friends say about you. The enemy will always try to convince you that you are worthless and not liked. The enemy wants you to stay in an identity crisis. As long as you are in crisis, he knows he has an open door to your mind and your life and will work to keep you away from God and your eternal home.
Knowing your true identity is a weapon that helps you stay rooted and on track for the life you were meant to have.
Will you say this next part together with me? Repeat it daily until you know it by heart. BELIEVE IT! Because when we know who God is, we know who we are. We are His beautiful children, created in His image to shine His light into a dark world.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. PSALM 139:14 (NIV)
Who is my God?
He is the beginning and the end, the creator of all things. He is the architect of the universe and the manager of time.
He is eternal, unchanging, undefeated, and always victorious. He endured suffering to bring healing, paid the price for my sins, and brought freedom through His sacrifice.
He rose to bring power and reigns to bring peace. He is light, love, and everlasting. He is the Lord of goodness, kindness, and faithfulness.
He is God.
He is holy and righteous. His ways are just, his Word is eternal and unchanging, and He has me in mind.
He is my savior, my Lord, my God, my source of peace and comfort, and my joy. He rules over my life, and He is wisdom and strength.
He is the ruler of all time, and He desires to have a relationship with me. He will never abandon, deceive, forget, overlook, or cancel His appointment with me.
When I fall, He will lift me up; when I fail, He will forgive me; when I am weak, He is strong. When I am lost, He will guide me; when I am afraid, He will give me courage; when I stumble, He will support me; when I am hurt, He will heal me.
When I am broken, He mends me; when I am blind, He guides me. When I am hungry, He provides for me; when I face trials, He is with me. In times of persecution, He shields me; in times of trouble, He comforts me.
In moments of loss, He provides, and when I face death, He will carry me home to meet Him. He is everything to me and in every way. He is my God, and His power and spirit are within me. He is who I belong to.
God sees me.
God sees me as His beautiful child, created in His image and filled with special gifts and talents. He views me as a valuable and precious individual worthy of love and grace.
God sees my potential and the purpose He has for my life. He guides and supports me on my journey.
He sees my struggles and mistakes, but He also sees my resilience and strength. He catches every one of my teardrops. God sees the beauty in my imperfections and my potential for growth and transformation.
He sees my heart and intentions, understanding my desires and fears. God sees me as a part of His BIG plan, with a specific role in His kingdom. He sees my value and worth, regardless of the opinions or judgments of others. God sees me as a beloved creation deserving of His unconditional love and forgiveness.
That is YOUR God. He sees YOU!