5 minute read
Healing Heart and Soul
by Alicia Roberts
Falling with Grace
My sweet nephew is on the brink of turning one and learning to walk. It seems like just yesterday he was scooting along the floor and enjoying his newfound mobility. Fast forward to just a few months later, he bravely began pulling up on everything and attempting to take his first steps. Finally, with curiosity in his eyes and shaky legs, he let go of his support and stepped out one foot at a time. He smiled in what looked like amazement as he heard the bursts of awe from his parents. Motivated to keep going, he took a couple more steps, and then it happened…he began to tumble like a Jenga game back down to the floor. He had fallen, yet the smile on his face indicated that he was pretty okay with that.
Watching babies become toddlers and gain confidence and independence is a pure joy. They often look for what they want. They aren’t afraid to fall down and try again. What with grace and keep on going.
For most adults, falling or getting something wrong does not evoke the same pleasant experience as the toddler learning to walk. Instead, we often get upset and disappointed. It can be nerve-wracking to have to regroup and try again. Many times, it is embarrassing as you don’t want others to know you’ve made a mistake or have to start all over. Getting back up again or starting over can be intimidating. This is the fear that often keeps us stuck as we are afraid of failing again.
The reality is that we are not perfect, even though we’d like to be. We live in an imperfect world, and we are imperfect beings. We are not above having to go back to the drawing board on an idea or plan. We will have some disappointing moments that may cause our knees to buckle, tears to flood our eyes, and hurt to overwhelm our hearts. Even when we do our very best to succeed, we may fall, but what matters is how you fall and get back up.
Recently, I found myself disappointed that I was experiencing a repeat problem. I’d worked hard to find a solution, recover, and get over the hump, but yet here it was again. I felt defeated, and my confidence was subdued. I kept thinking, Lord, why do I have to get the short end of the stick? Why can’t I just have a season of overflow and happiness? Will my change ever come? My disappointment turned into sadness and even bitterness toward others who I assumed did not have to endure the same struggle.
I was experiencing a setback and a series of unfortunate events. It felt like I was falling and having trouble getting back up. With each unfortunate blow and uncontrollable circumstance, my faith fell a bit, too. I wanted to throw in the towel and give up. Oh, what I would have given for someone to come and lift me up and carry me the rest of the way. Sometimes, when we are upset and do not think clearly, we forget the secret to our needs and concerns, and I was having one of those cloudy, forgetful moments.
Christ is the lifter of our heads. He is ready and willing to carry us when we can’t walk. He helps us see when we can’t see. He picks us up when we have fallen. He is waiting for us to take His hand to guide us through life, especially in troubling times. Psalm 37:23-24 (NIV) says, The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. The whole time I wished I had someone to lean on, the Lord was already there waiting for me to ask for His help.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. ISAIAH 43:2 (NIV)
At times, we feel like we are walking alone. Even during our darkest hour and most challenging time, God is near. When we stumble, He will catch us. So don’t be afraid. Fall with grace and smile, knowing that God will pick you up and carry you through until you can stand firm and walk your path. He will be in the shadow as your ever-present help in a time
Alicia is an author, speaker, certified confidence and inner-healing coach, and the founder of The Confident Lily, a personal development company that equips women to heal emotionally, be more faithful, find their personal power, and live their best life. If you are in need of putting the pieces of your life back together, visit www.confidentlily.com/pieces for free resources and support.