7 minute read
by Kelley Rene
The Battle Is Already Won
Merci Rivers is a college senior navigating the challenges of university life. Her studies have come to an end, and she’s grateful God walked alongside her. He provided a network of friends when loneliness engulfed her. He provided a way out for her when temptation called her name. He provided an internship when she prayed for His direction in her life. As she embarks on her next chapter, she’s beginning to understand the journey is about growing in her relationship with God, looking to Him when times are tough, and praising Him in all circumstances.
Read “Through the Eyes of Merci” from the beginning. The first episode is printed in Voice of Truth: 11th Edition, Quarter I, 2023. All episodes are available www.womenworldleaders.com.
Merci cradles both hands around a brown carton not sturdy enough to support the corn dog, fries, and Dr Pepper it carries. The sun beats down on the university football stadium, stuffed with fans refilling their drinks and waiting in long bathroom lines as the band performs a halftime show. Merci bobbles in and out of the crowd as she makes her way back to her seat. The realization that this is her first game as an alum tickles a giggle out of her. Graduation isn’t until December, but regardless, all her coursework is complete. She’s now a full-time adult with a paycheck. She giggles again, visualizing herself on the intercom announcing that she’s accepted an offer to kickstart a ministry for female students on campus. Yay, God! Her thoughts trail to the chance meeting—divine appointment—when she’d run into Belinda, the younger sister of her roommate, Baxter. At the time, the sisters were tangled up with a blue-eyed charmer named Clive when the Holy Spirit prompted Merci to invite Belinda out for coffee. God, thank you for helping me to obey. A simple “Yes!” to meet with and mentor Belinda turned into a Saturday morning Girl Talk coffee group. That multiplied into two different groups by summer’s end, and now, the ministry was recruiting a couple of guys to form small groups. It just goes to show what happens when I let go and let God do His thing.
Belinda’s seat is empty when Merci reaches their row. Jo Fuller, Belinda’s mom, waves a pompom of school colors at her as if Merci might have forgotten where they were seated.
As Merci works her way along the row of bodies, Ms. Fuller taps the spot beside her on the bleachers and calls, “Sit here.”
Merci obeys and smiles as the woman helps herself to a fry that is tottering on the edge of the carton and stuffs it into her mouth. “This is so fun!” she says through her chewing.
Merci balances the carton of food on her lap, then leans in to take a sip from the straw when Ms. Fuller hops to her feet and jabs a pompom into the sky. “Oh, yeah!” she yells, swinging her hips side to side before dropping back into her seat, winded. Several people turn to stare. “Did I just cheer for the wrong maroon team?” Laughter ripples through her midsection and takes over her body.
Merci busies herself with a mustard packet, squirts a line along the side of the corndog, and takes a bite.
“Ya’ know when Belinda first mentioned she was goin’ ta church, and with you, her sister’s exroommate of all people, I thought, Oh Lord this is gonna be a mess.” She cackles and swats a curl out of her eyes.
Baxter and Belinda seemed the least likely of sisters. Merci originally thought they were sorority sisters or called themselves sisters as a term of endearment. The two were literally complete opposites.
“Heck, I’m not embarrassed to say I was downright angry when Belinda told me you broke her and Clive up. He was so delicious.” She claws the air with pointed fingernails and purrs like a crouching cheetah.
A cheer rumbles across the crowd, providing Merci a second to recover from the shock. I broke up Belinda and Clive?
“But with Baxter getting knocked up, I figured church couldn’t be the worst place for Belinda to hang out.”
Baxter is pregnant?
Ms. Fuller pauses and chortles, “Then again, some really do believe Mother Mary was a virgin.” She pinches her eyebrows into little horns and clucks her tongue as if to add, “Like that could be true.”
Of course Mary was a virgin! Merci’s thoughts frantically walk back through spring semester to the last time she’d spoken to her roommate, Baxter.
“But let me tell you something,” Ms. Fuller’s friendly laughter morphs into a sardonic sneer accentuated by her horned brows and pursed lips. Merci glances towards the concrete staircase leading out to the concourse. Uneasiness pervades the enthusiasm she’d felt all week looking forward to the game. Belinda, where’d you go?
“I know your type. You act sweet and loving.” She leans down and levels her gaze with Merci’s. Raising a fist to her heart, she adds, “But inside, you’re no different than the rest of us.”
The drum of Merci’s heart pounds in her ears as she studies the woman. What have I done to prompt such comments?
“I got my eyes on you. Hurt Belinda, and I hurt you. Don’t forget that.”
Silence settles between them despite the thunderous crowd. What do I say to that, God?
“Ms. Fuller,” Merci carefully formulates her words. “You’re absolutely right. I am just like you and everyone else.” She pauses, “I’m in need of a Savior. Every day, I ask Jesus to help me live my life worthy of the sacrifice He made for me. Not because I must earn His love, but because I want others to see Him in me. Every day, I choose to live my life intentionally—to build people up, show love and kindness, tell others about how God reveals Himself to me and makes me new.”
Merci is relieved to see Belinda pressing her way down the aisle toward them. “I forgot what section we were in!” She laughs and plops onto the bleachers with a thud.
Merci wraps an arm around the girl’s shoulders. “I’m so grateful God brought Belinda into my life. She’s a great friend, and I know God has great plans for her.”
Belinda grins, bewilderment spreading across her face. “Me too.”
In 1 Peter 5:8, the Bible tells us to stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (NLT). As Christians, we must live on the offense, always ready to stand firm against our enemy. The battle is the Lord’s!
It can be easy to react when someone acts hatefully towards us or hurls ugly words at us. Our flesh may desire to respond or avenge ourselves, but God’s Word offers fantastic guidance on how we should respond. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying (Romans 12:10-12 NLT). We must remember when others come against us, the battle is already won.
As Merci steps into her divine purpose, she recognizes that as God loves her, so she should love others. That won’t always be easy. With God’s grace and help, we can all live out the truth and love of Christ despite Satan’s attempts to trip us up. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples (John 13:35 NLT).
Kelley Rene is an award-winning author who writes contemporary fiction to illustrate biblical truths in the mundane, the exhilarating, and even the stormy circumstances of life. She is the co-author of the international best-seller Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope in the Chaos. When she’s not scribbling insightful stories, you’ll find her crocheting, kayaking, enjoying the beach, or cuddling a good book and cappuccino. Keep up with her at kelleyrene.com or on socials @imkelleyrene.