Voice of Truth: 3rd Edition, May/June 2021

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3rd edition may/june 2021

Our Mission A unified, global women’s ministry empowering one another to follow Christ and to love in abundance; and cultivating women warriors in their purpose by His promise and power.

Join us! Join our monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month at 7 pm ET on Facebook Live!

Daily Devotionals Enjoy our daily devotionals shared by Kimberly on our Facebook page, website, and email list!

Follow Along! instagram: @womenworldleaders facebook: @womenworldleaders website: www.womenworldleaders.com

Speaking Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences. Empowerment – Kimberly Hobbs, Teaching – Julie Jenkins, Living on Mission – Lauren Dean We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.

Listen to our podcast! Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through a weekly trio of podcasts that focus on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement. Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your Godgiven destiny through fearless faith! Join us as we gather around this trio of podcasts. From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders! www.womenworldleaders.com/learn-with-us/podcasts/

Letter from theFounder SWEET WOMAN OF GOD,

I am so thankful that you have picked up Voice of Truth today. Out of the many things you can be choosing to do right now, you have chosen to read this publication. Do you realize that you have been prayed over for exactly this? God knew ahead of time that you would be reading right here and right now. And as a ministry, we knew we needed to pray for you. Despite any doubts that arise causing you or others to think otherwise, God has divine appointments for His children. They can be little appointments or big ones. We are here to encourage you, beyond any doubts, to believe that God has a plan for you.

COURAGE TO OVERCOME DOUBT Doubt is an experience that we all face at times. Even those of us who have faith in God struggle with doubt. Whenever we venture out to conquer new ground or fulfill something God has called us to do, doubt and opposition seem to come. As Mark wrote in his gospel about the father petitioning Jesus to help his son, sometimes we must simply cry out to God, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.” The enemy loves to stir up unbelief and fears that are often the result of past failures. These things can haunt our minds and, more often than I am sure we realize, cause doubt in the darkness. Why do we doubt? Often, it is because the opposition wants to take your eyes off Christ. Do you ever feel the enemy attack when you know God is getting ready to do something great in your life? Doubt enters our mind at various times. Doubt can be described as lacking confidence or being wary of something unlikely to happen. Doubt is a tool that Satan uses to make us lack confidence in God’s Word and consider His mercy, grace, provision and goodness unlikely. We cannot hold the devil responsible for all our problems though; instead, we must take responsibility for our own doubts and reactions to the world’s attacks.

In the Bible, we are told that Zachariah was visited by an angel of the Lord who told him he would have a son. (Luke 1:11-17) Zachariah doubted the word given to him because his age and his wife’s age were so far beyond a possible pregnancy by worldly standards. As a result of his doubt, the angel said that Zachariah’s voice would be muted until God’s promise was fulfilled. (Luke 1:18-20) Zachariah doubted God’s ability to overcome human obstacles. Is this you? Do you allow your human reason to overshadow your faith in God? No matter how logical our own reasons seem, God has made foolish the things of this world. (1 Corinthians 1:20) The remedy for our doubt is faith! Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) Once we understand what God has done in the past, what He promises us in the present, and what we can expect from Him in the future, then we can overcome doubt and act in faith instead. God tells us in Hebrews 11:1 that we can have confidence even in the things we cannot see because God has proven Himself faithful, true, and able. When you surrender your life to Christ, the voice of truth pours light into your life, erasing the shadows of doubt that have been lying to you. Do not doubt in the darkness what God shows you in the light. I pray that as you read today, God will speak truth to your soul and will use His scriptures, written within these stories scattered throughout the pages of this magazine, to make known to you the reason He brought you here. Exceedingly, Abundantly, Beyond,

Kimberly Hobbs

Founder, Women World Leaders kimberly@womenworldleaders.com Ephesians 3:20


Carta de la Fundadora DULCE MUJER DE DIOS,

Estoy muy agradecida de que hayas elegido Voice of Truth hoy. De las muchas cosas que puede elegir hacer en este momento, has elegido leer esta publicación. ¿Te das cuenta de que se ha orado por ti exactamente por esto? Dios sabía de antemano que estarías leyendo aquí y ahora. Y como ministerio, sabíamos que teníamos que orar por ti. A pesar de cualquier duda que surja y que haga que tu o otros piensen lo contrario, Dios tiene nombramientos divinos para Sus hijos. Pueden ser citas pequeñas o grandes. Estamos aquí para animarte, más allá de cualquier duda, a creer que Dios tiene un plan para ti.

VALOR PARA SUPERAR LA DUDA La duda es una experiencia a la que todas nos enfrentamos en ocasiones. Incluso aquellas de nosotras que tenemos fe en Dios luchamos con la duda. Siempre que nos aventuramos a conquistar nuevos terrenos o cumplir con algo que Dios nos ha llamado a hacer, parece que surgen dudas y oposición. Como Marcos escribió en su evangelio acerca del padre que le pidió a Jesús que ayudara a su hijo, a veces simplemente debemos clamar a Dios: “Yo creo; ayúdame a vencer mi incredulidad “. Al enemigo le encanta despertar la incredulidad y los temores que a menudo son el resultado de fracasos pasados. Estas cosas pueden acechar nuestras mentes y, más a menudo de lo que estoy segura de que nos damos cuenta, la causa dudas en la oscuridad. ¿Por qué dudamos? A menudo, es porque el enemigo quiere apartar tus ojos de Cristo. ¿Alguna vez has sentido el ataque del enemigo cuando sabe que Dios se está preparando para hacer algo grandioso en tu vida? La duda entra en nuestra mente en varios momentos. La duda se puede describir como falta de confianza o desconfianza de algo poco probable que suceda. La duda es una herramienta que Satanás usa para hacernos perder la confianza en la Palabra de Dios y considerar improbables su misericordia, gracia, provisión y bondad. Sin embargo, no podemos responsabilizar al diablo de todos nuestros problemas; en cambio, debemos asumir la responsabili4

dad de nuestras propias dudas y reacciones a los ataques del mundo. En la Biblia, se nos dice que Zacarías fue visitado por un ángel del Señor que le dijo que tendría un hijo. (Lucas 1: 11-17.) Zacarías dudaba de la palabra que se le había dado porque su edad y la edad de su esposa estaban mucho más allá de un posible embarazo según los estándares mundanos. Como resultado de su duda, el ángel dijo que la voz de Zacarías se silenciaría hasta que se cumpliera la promesa de Dios. (Lucas 1: 18-20) Zacarías dudaba de la capacidad de Dios para superar los obstáculos humanos. ¿Este eres tu? ¿Permites que tu razón humana eclipsa tu fe en Dios? No importa cuán lógicas parezcan nuestras propias razones, Dios ha enloquecido las cosas de este mundo. (1 Corintios 1:20) ¡El remedio para nuestra duda es la fe! La fe viene al escuchar la Palabra de Dios. (Romanos 10:17) Una vez que entendemos lo que Dios ha hecho en el pasado, lo que nos promete en el presente y lo que podemos esperar de Él en el futuro, entonces podemos superar la duda y actuar con fe. Dios nos dice en Hebreos 11: 1 que podemos tener confianza incluso en las cosas que no podemos ver porque Dios ha demostrado ser fiel, veraz y capaz. Cuando entregas tu vida a Cristo, la voz de la verdad ilumina tu vida, borrando las sombras de la duda que te han estado mintiendo. No dudes en la oscuridad de lo que Dios te muestra en la luz. Oro para que mientras lees hoy, Dios hable la verdad a tu alma y uses Sus Escrituras, escritas en estas historias esparcidas por las páginas de esta revista, para darte a conocer la razón por la que te trajo aquí. Extremadamente y más allá de lo abundantemente,

Kimberly Hobbs Fundador, Women World Leaders kimberly@womenworldleaders.com Efesios 3:20

Meet Johana Torres:

Conoce a Johana Torres:

Johana is a dedicated Christ follower, wife, mom, and a Woman World Leader with determination. She is a strong Business Owner/Entrepreneur. She owns and manages many financial offices with her husband in Miami, Florida while overseeing representatives across the United States as well.

Johana es una dedicada seguidora de Cristo, esposa, madre y una mujer líder mundial con determinación. Ella es una mujer de negocios / emprendedora. Propietaria y administra varias oficinas financieras con su esposo en Miami, Florida y también supervisa a representantes en todo Estados Unidos.

Johana had a burden and saw a way to help her Hispanic community receive the gospel message in their language. By faith, she stepped out in action and began translating the daily devotions posted on Facebook in the Women World Leaders group. In translating these devotions it opened the door for many women to receive the gospel message and scriptures, along with encouragement each day. Johana took initiative and began translating, putting the Spanish translation of the devotion into the comment section each day. God honored her faithfulness. Over time, He blessed Johana’s efforts to serve her community and began using her to translate on a daily basis “inside” the daily devotional posts. Not only is she doing this for the Facebook devotions, but Johana now translates for the website devotionals at womenworldleaders.com.

Johana tenía una carga y vio una manera de ayudar a su comunidad hispana a recibir el mensaje del evangelio en su idioma. Por fe, se puso en acción y comenzó a traducir las devociones diarias publicadas en Facebook en el grupo Women World Leaders. La traducción de estos devocionales abrió la puerta para que muchas mujeres recibieran el mensaje del Evangelio y las Escrituras, ademas de aliento todos los días. Johana tomó la iniciativa y comenzó a traducir, poniendo la traducción al español de la devoción en la sección de comentarios todos los días. Dios honró su fidelidad. Con el tiempo, bendijo los esfuerzos de Johana por servir a su comunidad y comenzó a usarla para traducir diariamente “dentro” de las publicaciones devocionales diarias. No solo está haciendo esto para los devocionales de Facebook, sino que Johana ahora traduce para los devocionales del sitio web en womenworldleaders.com. No hace falta decir que las vidas de Cristo están siendo impactadas por los esfuerzos de Johana. Women World Leaders ahora puede llegar a las mujeres hispanas todos los días con las “notas de amor” de Dios para ellas.

Needless to say, lives are being impacted for Christ by Johana’s efforts. Women World Leaders is now able to reach the Hispanic women each day with Gods “love notes” to them.

Estamos orgullosos de anunciar el apasionado deseo de Johana de que la traducción al español se incluya en la revista Voice of Truth. Johana dio otro paso de Fe al incluir 3 artículos este mes en español.

We are proud to announce Johana’s passionate desire to see the Spanish translation be included in Voice of Truth magazine. Johana took another step of faith to include 3 articles this month in Spanish.

Gracias Johana por dar un paso adelante y participar en tu “llamado” en el ministerio de servir a nuestro Señor en la revista Voice of Truth. Puedes comunicarte con Johana para cualquier comentario o aliento enviándole un correo electrónico a info@womenworldleaders.com

Thank you Johana for stepping up and into your “calling” in ministry to serve our Lord in Voice of Truth magazine. You can reach out to Johana with any comments or encouragement by emailing her at info@womenworldleaders.com.





Gospel Grace - Dr. Jia Conway


Writings from the Global Office - WWL Staff


We Will Soar - Rachel Dube, Artist


Sea Him - Christa Jewett


A Purposed Creation - Kerri Bridges


Journey with Jesus - Lisa Morrison


Holy Hush


Reflections - Lillian Cucuzza, Photographer


Piece by Peace - Stephanie Fincher


Miraculous Manna - Rusanne Jourdan and Carrie Christopher


Dear Sister, - Dr. Jia Conway


A Mother’s Prayer - Lynne Hudson - FEATURED COVER ART


Broken and Beloved - Aimee Taylor


Dim House Gospel Glimpses


College Courage - Sarah Jenkins


Tea Time With Tina - Tina Gallo, Actress


Billowing Waves of Freedom - Lynne Hudson, Artist


Messages from Our Hearts - WWL Staff


A.E.W. Robertson - Leecy Barnett


Three Strands - Cindy Southworth


Musings on the Book of John - Connie Hecker


Look for the Blooms - Jessica Morneault, Photographer


Break Every Chain - Lynne Hudson, Artist


A Warrior for God’s Truth and Justice - Sandy Yozipovic


Wide Open Wonderment - Rachel Dube, Poet

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Living a Holystic Life - Melissa Kessler


God’s Covenant and Answered Prayer - Lillian Cucuzza, Photographer


A Beautiful Mess - Jessica Prukner


Faith and Family - Donna Whartenby


Beside Still Waters - Rusanne Jourdan


Prayers for the Sons of the King - Dr. Jia Conway


Ever Interceding - Diana Brown


Coffee Chats - Tina Kadolph, Owner of Palate Coffee Brewery and Love Missions


Hand to Heart - Diane Cheveldayoff


Courage in Action - Dr.’s Jennie Cerullo and Marcia Ball with Kerus Global


Celebrate Life - Lynne Hudson, Artist


Following the Son - Michele Hughes


WWL Connections - Carrie Christopher


Voice of Truth Stories

Voice of Truth Credits Kimberly Hobbs - WWL Executive Director Carrie Christopher - VOT Co-founder Julie Jenkins - WWL Teaching Leader, VOT Editor Lauren Dean - WWL Business and Missions Director

Janet Berrong & Doris Clarke - Encouragement Team Arlene Salas - Giving Acknowledgements Johana Torres - Spanish Translator

Kayla Follin - Graphic Designer Lisa Morrison - Editor Kerri Bridges - Editor

This ministry is flourishing by an army of Women World Leaders. Many thanks to:

Rachel Dube - Editor

Cindy Southworth, Diane Cheveldayoff, Dr. Jia Conway,

Stephanie Fincher - Admissions Coordinator

Lynne Hudson, Adriana Laine, Cakki Warren, Chris Mallek,

Dana Reeves - Administration & Mailing

Michele Hughes, Tina Gallo, Yvette Behmer

Jessica Mourneault - Photography Co-Management

Claire Portmann, Diana Brown, Lois Daley, Martine Henry,


Gospel Grace THE POWER OF THE UGLY Society has a way of dividing and conquering, and humanity at large tells us that we are ‘less than’ when we don’t meet certain qualifications or benchmarks. My sisters, as women we are often faced with the scrutiny of our beauty and our physical attributes over that of another woman. Self-deprecating thoughts separate us from the intrinsic and natural beauty that emanates from the inside out and cannot be purchased, manufactured, or replaced. It is the power of what others define as ugly or not pleasing to the eye that is the very beauty of our soul. It is the power of the ugly that is drawing you, my sister, towards your greatest strength. God looks at you and sees all of what He has created and purposed. He looks at you and He sees you as the apple of His eye. You are so much more than Daddy’s maybe, a man’s rejection, or another sister’s dejection and envy. The ugly of what life has shown you are not deflated, desolate and voided places for you to hide as though you are barren. Sisters, the ugly places will drive you to a place of desperation and dehydration, causing you to settle, but at the same time pushing you towards the greater. The ugly places that have shown themselves in the face of love, trust, pain, disappointment and desperation, fear and faith are the places of your roar. It is the reflection of the ugly that empowers the Leah in each of us to rise up from the shadows of the ashes of dry, dead bones. It is the power of the ugly that rises up to scatter the debris of diseases, infestations, defamation, defeat, deflation and disappointment! Rise up, Sisters! Your ugly is the place of your femininity, power, strength, beauty, authority, healing, and restoration. The beauty of the ugly is not the overlay that the right color or shade brings to your cheeks or your lips, but it is the sweet aroma of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross that lingers, consumes, and has been your saving grace. It is the place of salvation that waits for a longing soul and desperate spirit. The beauty of the ugly is the countenance upon the face of the Daughters of Zion after a sweet encounter with the God of redemption. 8

You are God’s valued creation. You are His beloved, beautiful daughter, worthy in His sight. Christ dwells on the inside of you, transforming you from the inside out. Anything contrary to the Word and love of God is a lie. Sisters, allow the truth of God’s Word and the love as shown through His sacrifices to saturate the ugly. God alone is your portion and cup and He makes your lot secure. God is waiting to receive you. His grace and mercy fails us not, and it is in the grace and love of God that rests your place of wholeness, deliverance, restoration, and greatness. The beast of the ugly only empowers you to see and experience the beauty of God’s love and compassion towards His chosen daughters. Position yourself to receive the beauty of God’s love. My dear Sister, understand this: that no matter what you have experienced and endured, and no matter what mistakes you have made, there is a place of re-

It is the power of what others define as ugly or not pleasing to the eye that is the very beauty of our soul. It is the power of the ugly that is drawing you, my sister, towards your greatest strength. God looks at you and sees all of what He has created and purposed. He looks at you and He sees you as the apple of His eye.

demption for you that awaits. Jesus paid the cost of every sin, weight, and burden that we would ever encounter. His sacrifice is the reason that you can come before the throne of grace and mercy with a heart of repentance expecting forgiveness. God is the God of forgiveness, restoration, and redemption. God is the God that sees past the ugly so that we can freely accept the gift of salvation and His love. Bring your all before the throne of God; repent, receive, and allow God to restore. “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.” (Psalm 13:5-6, NIV) Prayer: Heavenly and most gracious God, thank you for showing me the beauty of the ugly that I thought made me worthless. Thank you for the reminder of your Word that declares that we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. I am more than a conqueror because I have learned the power of turning the ugly things in life into a place of power, purpose, and prosperity. What I thought was a place of defeat, I have found in and through you that there is strength in the ugly trials and tribulations of life, because they lead me to you. Thank you, God, for allowing me to see you through the lens of beauty and not the beast. Thank you, God, for new life that has come through the gifts of your grace and mercy. I thank you that I can trade my ashes for the beauty of salvation, redemption, and restoration. I declare that the power of the ugly rests in the strength of knowing that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.


Dr. Jia Conway 9

Gracia del Evangelio EL PODER DE LO DESAGRADABLE La sociedad tiene una forma de dividir y conquistar, y la humanidad en general nos dice que somos “menos que” cuando no cumplimos con ciertas calificaciones o puntos de referencia. Hermanas mías, como mujeres, a menudo nos enfrentamos al escrutinio de nuestra belleza y nuestros atributos físicos sobre la de otra mujer. Los pensamientos de autocrítica nos separan de la belleza intrínseca y natural que emana de adentro hacia afuera y no se puede comprar, fabricar ni reemplazar. Es el poder de lo que otros definen como feo o desagradable a la vista lo que es la verdadera belleza de nuestra alma. Es el poder de lo desagradable lo que te atrae, hermana mía, hacia tu mayor fortaleza. Dios te mira y ve todo lo que ha creado y se ha propuesto. Él te mira y te ve como la niña de Sus ojos. Eres mucho más que el tal vez de alguien o la pregunta de quién eres y tu autoestima, el rechazo de un hombre o el rechazo y la envidia de otra hermana. Lo horroroso que la vida te ha demostrado no son lugares desinflados, desolados y vacíos para que te escondas como si estuvieras estéril. Hermanas, los lugares horrendos las conducirán a un lugar de desesperación y deshidratación, provocando que se instalen, pero al mismo tiempo empujándolas hacia lo más grande. Estos lugares que se han mostrado ante el amor, la confianza, el dolor, la decepción y la desesperación, el miedo y la fe son los lugares de tu rugido. Es el reflejo de lo horrendo lo que le da poder a Lea en cada una de nosotras para levantarte de las sombras de las cenizas de huesos secos y muertos. ¡Es el poder de lo desagradable que se levanta para esparcir los escombros de enfermedades, infestaciones, difamación, derrota, deflación y decepción! ¡Levántense, Hermanas! Tu desagradable es el lugar de tu feminidad, poder, fuerza, belleza, autoridad, sanación y restauración. La belleza de lo feo no es la superposición de que el color o los tonos correctos trae a tus mejillas o tus labios, sino es el dulce aroma del sacrificio de Cristo en la cruz que perdura, consume y ha sido tu gracia salvadora. Es el lugar de salvación que espera un alma anhelante y un 10

Es el poder de lo que otros definen como feo o desagradable a la vista lo que es la verdadera belleza de nuestra alma. Es el poder de lo desagradable lo que te atrae, hermana mía, hacia tu mayor fortaleza. Dios te mira y ve todo lo que ha creado y se ha propuesto. Él te mira y te ve como la niña de Sus ojos.

espíritu desesperado. La belleza de lo feo es el rostro de las Hijas de Sión después de un dulce encuentro con el Dios de la redención. Eres la creación valiosa de Dios. Eres Su amada y hermosa hija, digna a Sus ojos. Cristo habita en tu interior, transformándote de adentro hacia afuera. Todo lo contrario a la Palabra y al amor de Dios es mentira. Hermanas, permitan que la verdad de la Palabra de Dios y el amor que se muestra a través de Sus sacrificios sature lo feo. Solo Dios es tu porción y copa y Él asegura tu suerte. Dios está esperando recibirte. Su gracia y misericordia no nos fallan, y es en la gracia y el amor de Dios que descansa su lugar de plenitud, liberación, restauración y grandeza. La bestia de lo feo solo te da poder para ver y experimentar la belleza del amor y la compasión de Dios hacia Sus hijas elegidas. Colóquese para recibir la belleza del amor de Dios. Mi querida hermana, comprenda esto, que no importa lo que haya experimentado y soportado, y no importa los errores que haya cometido, hay un lugar de redención para usted que le espera. Jesús pagó el costo de cada pecado, peso y carga que encontraríamos. Su sacrificio es la razón por la que puedes presentarte ante el trono de la gracia y la misericordia con un corazón arrepentido esperando el perdón. Dios es el Dios del perdón, la restauración y la redención. Dios es el Dios que ve más allá de lo reprobable para que podamos aceptar libremente el regalo de la salvación y Su amor. Presenta todo tu ser ante el trono de Dios; arrepiéntete, recibe y permite que Dios restaure.

Oración: Dios celestial y misericordioso, gracias por mostrarme la belleza de lo feo que pensé que me hacía inútil. Gracias por el recordatorio de tu Palabra que declara que somos más que vencedores por medio de Cristo Jesús. Soy más que un conquistador porque he aprendido el poder de convertir las cosas feas de la vida en un lugar de poder, propósito y prosperidad. Lo que pensé que era un lugar de derrota, he descubierto en ti y a través de ti que hay fuerza en las horribles pruebas y tribulaciones de la vida, porque me conducen a ti. Gracias, Dios, por permitirme verte a través del lente de la belleza y no a través de la bestia. Gracias, Dios, por la nueva vida que ha llegado a través de los dones de tu gracia y misericordia. Te agradezco que puedo cambiar mis cenizas por la belleza de la salvación, la redención y la restauración. Declaro que el poder de lo desagradable reside en la fuerza de saber que estoy hecha de una manera horrorosamente maravillosa. ~ Amén.

Dr. Jia Conway

“Pero yo confío en tu gran amor; mi corazón se alegra en tu salvación. Canto salmos al Señor. ¡El Señor ha sido bueno conmigo!” (Salmo 13:5-6 NVI)


“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20

Writings from the Global Office EMPOWERING LIVES WITH PURPOSE:

COURAGE TO OVERCOME INSECURITY There are many causes of insecurity, but chief among them is our failure to fully trust God. Jeremiah 17:7-8 (NKJV) teaches us “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord, for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes, but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will it cease from yielding fruit.” God made us to love Him and to love others. One of the main issues of insecurity is being self-conscious. Self-consciousness is when you are focused on self. When we are focused on ourselves, we are not loving God and loving others or showing them to be more worthy. Philippians 2:3 tells us to do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than ourselves. Another cause of insecurity is relying on wealth and possessions instead of God. The world encourages us to strive and to be Number One in what we do. When we are insecure, it reveals that we long for justification before people rather than before God. God, who richly provides everything for us to enjoy (1 Timothy 6 :17), wants us to trust Him. God loves you just the way you are. He created you with all your beauty and attributes. Insecurities can come when we are preoccupied with the securities of this world. We will never obtain all that the world tells us we need.


Our righteousness is what pleases the Lord; unfortunately, many of us get hung up on having a better reputation with people than with God. We can become overly obsessive, longing for Facebook likes or accolades from our career to boost our worthiness, and forsaking the righteousness of Christ, which is what truly makes us worthy. (Romans 6:16-17) It takes courage to surrender insecurities. Just as the Apostle Paul said, “I count everything as lost because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Philippians 3:7-8 ESV) Let us not doubt what security we have in Christ, giving Satan the win. God is in control and his sovereignty extends to anyone who believes. True security will come when you recognize that God will supply every need of yours according to his riches and glory in Jesus Christ. (Philippians 4:19) With courage, we can allow God to overcome our insecurity by never forgetting God’s promise to keep those in perfect peace whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in Him. (Isaiah 26:3)

Kimberly Hobbs Founder and Executive Director kimberly@womenworldleaders.com Excerpt from: Women World Leaders “Courageous Steps Of Faith.” With God All Things Are Possible.

Biblical Profiles ABIGAIL: PREPARED FOR ACTION One night in January 2020 I was awakened about 2 am by my husband jumping out of bed and a red glow coming in through our bedroom window. Within seconds, there was a firefighter pounding on our front door saying: “Your neighbor’s house is on fire. You need to get out.” Before I knew what was happening, we were standing across the street witnessing our neighbor’s vacant house burn down. I watched amazed at the dozens of firefighters who knew exactly what to do, praising God that they were prepared to save our home. Sometimes in life we have to jump into action – jolted forward by the Holy Spirit or a given circumstance. To be truly successful in these moments, we must be prepared. As Christians, we can trust that even when we don’t know what is ahead, if we follow God’s lead in obedience, He will prepare us. Abigail was married to Nabal – an extremely wealthy man who was “surly and mean in his dealings.” (1 Samuel 25:2-3, NIV) When approached by David and his men wanting some food, Nabal, in his stinginess, refused to show the visitors hospitality despite the customs of the day and the fact that David and his men had been protecting Nabal’s land. One of the servants witnessed the exchange and knew there was trouble afoot, so he straight lined it to Abigail, saying: “David sent messengers from the desert to give our master his greetings, but he hurled insults at them. Yet these men were very good to us…Night and day they were a wall around us all the time we were herding our sheep near them. Now think it over and see what you can do, because disaster is hanging over our master and his whole household.” (1 Samuel 25:14-17, NIV) Abigail took action – and averted disaster! Even while David and his men were planning an attack on Nabal’s whole household, she gathered supplies to offer them, went to David, and submissively fell at his feet begging for his forgiveness and mercy. Abigail was able to take action because she had diligently prepared – even when she didn’t know what she was preparing for. She prepared socially by building relationships: the servant knew he could go to her. She

prepared intellectually by understanding her situation: she was keenly aware of the family’s holdings, the business responsibilities, and the customs. And she prepared emotionally: being sure of herself and her decisions, she was not above submitting to David or asking for his forgiveness. God had prepared Abigail for this unforeseen circumstance. And Abigail, in faith, took action – saving her family’s business and household. God prepared the firefighters, who had the right equipment and training. And they took action – saving our home. God is preparing you. Something is coming – an action He wants you to take. Are you willing to obediently prepare today for what He has for you tomorrow? If you ask, He will give you the steps to take to be ready. Perhaps He wants you to study, to save, or to exercise and keep your weight in check. Perhaps He wants you to reestablish godly habits in your life. Perhaps there is someone you need to forgive or request forgiveness from. I don’t know what it is or when it is coming, but you will be called to a moment of action – either to avert disaster or to ignite a flame for His glory. Will you be prepared for action?

Julie Jenkins Teaching and Curriculum Leader julie@womenworldleaders.com



Jesus at the Center of Our Lives WHEN GOD MEETS YOU WHERE YOU ARE

I opened my Bible before the flight began and started to read God’s Word. My plane was about to take off and I realized that the middle seat next to me was the only seat on the entire plane that was empty. After a few minutes it hit me—the Holy Spirit told me “No, it’s taken... Jesus is sitting next to you.” And I just started smiling and laughing. And Jesus reminded me, “I’m always with you. See...” as my eyes started to tear up. It was such an intimate moment, like two best friends. I continue to draw near to Him, and He continues to show up.

those of high-ranking government officials, and He’s met me as those same hands held an abandoned newborn baby. He’s met me in the middle of medical diagnoses, and He’s met me in answered prayers. God has met me in sunrises, and He’s met me in the midnight hour. God has met me in goodbyes, and in reconciled relationships. He’s met me in the eyes of a stranger, and in the voice of a close confidant. God has met me in my laughter, and He’s met me in my tears. He’s met me in my questioning, and in my confidence.

“The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’ Then Moses said to him, ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.’” Exodus 33:14-15 NIV

That is the one and only constant— God. Never changing, always with me. The God who holds the universe in His hands, meets me. He meets me where I’m at, but He never leaves me there. His grace is sufficient, and only by His grace can I be content in all circumstances.

He is no less present today with me than He was with Moses. God doesn’t just meet me in a church building, He meets me every moment of my life. He’s knocking, will I open the door? He’s with me, will I open my eyes and see? He wants to be on this journey with me, will I tell the Lord, ‘Don’t send me anywhere unless your presence goes with me’? God has met me across the world in another continent, and God has met me in my hometown. God has met me in break-ups, singleness, and on first dates. God has met me in my dreams, giving me visions that have come to pass. God has met me in a room as my hands shook 14

Cling to Christ—in the midst of ever-changing circumstances, He is the only constant. Love,

Lauren Dean www.laurenelizabethdean.com Author and Speaker Global Business and Missions Director

We Will Soar art by Rachel Dube

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31 (NIV)


Sea Him

BE TRANSFORMED written by Christa Jewett Our culture is fascinated with the concept of transformation. Artwork, books, movies, and music all celebrate the process of personal growth and change. Rather than being a haphazard coincidence, this fascination finds its roots in both our natural environment and spiritual makeup. In the natural environment, there are numerous species that undergo physical transformations throughout their life cycle. For example, it is quite common for reef fish to change in appearance dramatically between their juvenile and adult phases. Consider the gray angelfish, a type of fish seen in the reefs of the western Atlantic Ocean. As juveniles, gray angelfish are black with bright yellow stripes while the adults have fully grey bodies covered with dark grey spots. The adults might seem a bit drab in comparison to their juvenile selves, but a careful observer will notice surprising flashes of blue and yellow along their fins. My hypothesis for this progressive change in the appearance of the gray angelfish is that God designed this process for the protection of the fish. When they mature, male angelfish become territorial and are able to aggressively defend their mate from other males. Perhaps the markings of the juvenile are a signal that this fish is not yet territorial or to be considered a potential threat. Through its physical change, the gray angelfish advertises when it is equipped to protect itself from the aggressive attacks of competing fish. This transformation communicates its transition from a state of immaturity to one of maturity. Its new color pattern announces to the local community that it is ready to accept the roles and responsibilities of an adult. In a spiritual context, the life cycle of reef fish provides a wealth of parallels for the follower of Jesus Christ. Just as an angelfish transitions from a juvenile to an adult, Christians are also being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NKJV) Similarly, this process is a transition from spiritual immaturity to one of spiritual maturity that yields the same benefits. While there are greater roles and responsibilities associated with spiritual maturity, spiritually mature believers are better equipped to handle life’s challenges and the attacks of the enemy. In addition, spiritually mature believers have the joy of being set free from the bondage of repetitive sins and destructive thought patterns by the power of the Holy Spirit.


The difference, however, between reef fish and a Christian is that for the Christian, spiritual growth is a choice. While development is involuntary for reef fish, for the follower of Jesus Christ, we must make a conscious effort and decision to grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. This process begins with the study of God’s Word and the conscious effort to train our minds to think biblically, processing our circumstances, culture, and relationships from a biblical perspective. It is then that we can enjoy true freedom in Christ. Unfortunately, our flesh makes it easy for our relationship with God to persist in immaturity. In this immature state, our focus is on receiving God’s blessings rather than surrendering our lives to God’s will. Growing in spiritual maturity requires us to submit to His transformative process, wherever it takes us. This mindset desires to be used for His glory that we might testify: “This is what I once was, but look at who He has made me to be.” There is no room for personal preference or personality in God’s transformative workshop. May we all show the eagerness and humility of Mary when she responded wholeheartedly to God’s plan for her by simply stating, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38, NKJV).


A Purposed Creation THE ART OF WORSHIP written by Kerri Bridges What a diverse world God has made! In every aspect of creation, there is a plethora of colors, shapes, sizes, biomes, species, habitats, sounds, ideas, ideals... the list is endless! To be a part of such a wonderful world! The most beautiful part of this medley, by far, is the diversity we find in people. How different we all are in so many distinctive ways! We express ourselves differently, we create differently, we dream differently, we worship differently. Yes, worship is diverse! I absolutely love to sing! Playing the piano is like therapy for me. So when I want to express my adoration and honor to God, naturally I turn to song. I close my eyes, serenading Him with words of praise, putting my heart into every little note my fingers play, bringing glory to the One who created me just the way I am. Most of my children have carried on this legacy in one way or another. Between them, I have a drummer, two who play guitar and piano, one of whom sings and writes, and another who can listen to a song and then sit down and play it like a pro within a quarter hour. But then comes my youngest daughter. She doesn’t sing, doesn’t play an instrument, and doesn’t seem to have any interest in doing so. But if you walk into her room, there are sculptures, paintings, drawings, handmade jewelry, clothing designs - so much creativity! All things made by her own hands. A gifting she inherited from my mother, who was a beautiful seamstress and an allaround crafty person. When I walk into that room, I may not hear what we traditionally call worship - there are no musical instruments or handwritten lyrics scribbled on a notepad in the middle of the night after waking from an inspirational dream - but I stand there with the same sense of reverence, the same stirring of emotion, the same recognition of God’s worthiness, in awe of Him and who He created my daughter to be. 18

Worship does not always look like what we see in a service on any given Sunday. Worship is art, dance, poetry, design, oration, sport, construction, even something as prose as doing your everyday work to the best of your ability with a heart of humility and gratitude. On a deeper level it is obedience, compassion, faith, love, kindness, and generosity. Worship is anything that points others to our amazing Creator, that brings glory to His name and sets Him apart as the One who deserves our praise, recognition, devotion, esteem, adoration, and worship. “All the nations You have made will come and worship before You, Lord; they will bring glory to Your name. For You are great and do marvelous deeds; You alone are God.” Psalm 86:9-10 NIV ABOUT KERRI I have been married to the love of my life for almost 25 years. We have six incredible children and one grandson together. I have been a part of the many aspects of worship since childhood. As a pianist, singer, and songwriter, my heart is to draw others to the heart of God through worship, finding a place of refuge in His presence. Women World Leaders is honored to have Kerri lead worship for the monthly online Facebook live teaching, prayer and worship event.

Journey with Jesus NUGGETS FROM THE GOSPEL OF MARK Who is this? (Mark 1:9-11, NIV) written by Lisa Morrison Have you ever felt like you should know someone who seems famous and is drawing a crowd? Do you find yourself wondering, “Who is this?” Is she a movie star, a pro athlete, a musician? In the Gospel of Mark, the author is seeking to answer the question “Who is this Jesus?” for his readers. This is the driving force throughout the Gospel. Behind every story and teaching, the question Mark is seeking to help us answer is, “Who is this Jesus?” Is Jesus just another human being among the crowd? Is He sent from God? Is He a great teacher? Is He a prophet? Is He the promised Messiah? Who is this Jesus? In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus arrives on the scene out of nowhere in chapter 1, verse 9. We have no birth narrative. We have no story of when He was young or growing up. He just arrives as an adult at the Jordan River where John the Baptist has been preaching a message of repentance of sins so the people could be prepared to receive their promised Messiah. Is this Jesus their promised Messiah? John says He is. But, who do you say He is? “Just as Jesus was coming out of the water, He saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove.” (v. 10) John had baptized many others before he baptized Jesus, but none had experienced heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on them like a dove. Who is this Jesus? After heaven had been torn open and the Spirit descended, verse 11 states, “A voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’” Whoa! Who is this Jesus?!? Is this God the Father declaring that this Jesus is His Son? This is a dramatic declaration. All the words spoken are scriptural. This language from Psalm 2 is of the messianic king, and it is stating that Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of Israel from Isaiah 42:1. Who is this Jesus? We all have to answer this question for ourselves. It is not a question we can avoid. Who is this Jesus? Is he just a human being who lived 2000 years ago who received a lot of attention? Is he just a great teacher? Is he just a great miracle worker? Is he a prophet sent by God? Or is He the promised One sent by God? How we answer this question has eternal ramifications for each of us. If He is the promised one sent by God, then we need to accept Him into our lives as our Lord and spend eternity with Him. If we decide that He is anything but the promised One sent by God, then we will spend eternity separated from Him. Which is it for you? How do you answer the question, “Who is this Jesus?” 19

HOLY HUSH By Deborah Watson

Women World Leaders is pleased to present to you Holy Hush, written by Deborah J. Watson. Deborah is the Executive Director of Studio222films.com and curator of the Branson International Film Festival. A writer, producer and director in the film industry, Deborah uses her talent to reach hurting people with a message of hope. As many of her stories, Holy Hush is written as an allegorical narrative based on scripture and Deborah’s Christian worldview. Rebekka, the main character that we are traveling with, is on a journey of making a life decision of living with or without her husband Aaron. As she progresses through this difficult time, Rebekka notices the “little things” that are circling her life and leading her to a decision. In the first two parts of the story (which can be read in the January and March editions of Voice of Truth), we see this thirty something year old city girl steal away into the wilderness to be alone and search the heart of God. Due to unforeseen circumstances, she finds herself cutting short her wilderness experience and walking to the nearest town for provisions. As she listens to her favorite podcaster, she ponders the question put forth, “Is your life a melody or a symphony?”

PART III “Is your life a melody or a symphony?” The podcaster asks, snapping Rebekka back to the journey before her. “More like scream-o.” Rebekka chuckles. But how could the podcaster possibly relate to what Rebekka was feeling in the here and now? Frustrated, Rebekka removes the earbuds and places them back in her pocket, forgetting to stop the podcast from playing. She double checks her cantina position and readjusts her shoulders to shift the weight of her rucksack before she continues climbing down the mountain. Rebekka is surprised to find herself entering the village in the valley by lunch time. She rolls her eyes as she realizes that climbing down is faster than climbing up. The thought of the podcast returns. “The simplicity of a melody,” she thinks to herself and smiles. She enters the village and notices that the sometimes quiet, quaint streets are now full of traffic from different states. Nothing uncommon to Rebekka’s city girl life. She is the queen of dodging moving vehicles, especially when she can see the village diner, two blocks away, on the left. Rebekka skillfully weaves herself through the pedestrians on the sidewalk. She’s oblivious to their turned-up noses at her natural, sweaty, smell. She’s focused and on a mission. Nothing will stand in her way. Not even the two-lane traffic that is supposed to be traveling 25 miles an hour. “Be the voice of a melody,” Rebekka whispers as she looks for her opening to cross traffic. There! Three vehicles back. The semi is coming uphill and will not be able to go as fast as normal. An easy sprint after the oncoming traffic has cleared. Rebekka positions herself to make the quick crossing. She adjusts her rucksack and holds on to the straps as she bends lower to make the leap through traffic. The second car passes by and she makes her move with precision. She is so focused on the semi’s location that she doesn’t see a car pulling out of its parking spot in front of the diner. The driver lays on his horn, startling Rebekka to the point of nearly losing her cadence. Like a nimble deer, she runs alongside of the car, around the back end, through the empty parking space to the safety of the sidewalk in front of the diner. “Why do you intentionally put yourself in front of neardeath moments?” Aaron’s voice billowed from behind her. Rebekka spins around to justify her decision, only to find a sea of strangers’ faces. She exhales, remembering that Aaron isn’t on this trip with her. “That means I can have a chocolate shake for lunch, with no argument.” Rebekka smiles and enters the diner with a renewed hope. The waitress seats Rebekka and hands her a menu. “I won’t be needing that. A large chocolate shake and a water, no lemon.” The waitress smiles and departs as Rebekka adjusts her rucksack close to her feet on the floor. “Joy and gladness, thanksgiving and the voice of melody. 21


WHAT CAN WE LEARN? Melody. Melody? What is a melody?” Rebekka ponders for a moment as she listens to the diner music.

Rebekka ponders the question, “Is my life a melody or a symphony?”

She reaches into her pocket and removes her cell phone to google search the definition. Shocked to find it dead, she remembers she didn’t turn off the podcast when she was done listening.

We each play a melody as we go through our lives. This sequence of single notes, made of individual choices and actions all strung together to create a song, is the story of our lives. And when my song is joined with your song, as the waitress noted, we create harmony. But a symphony? A symphony is MANY parts, many lives, working together, creating a full musical composition.

The waitress returns with her shake and water. “Can I ask you a random question?” Rebekka looks sympathetically towards the waitress. “Sure darlin’, what can I help you with?” The waitress sits down across from Rebekka. “A melody is a sequence of single notes, right?” “Right. And if you take your melody and my melody, same song, different line, mix it together, ya get harmony.” Rebekka smiles and nods as the waitress stands. “What happens if it’s not the same song?” “Honey? Most people would call it chaos. In my life? If that happens, it’s more like scream-o and everybody better stand back. Cause that grates on my last nerve worse than fingernails on a chalkboard.” The waitress nods and walks to her next table, leaving Rebekka to further ponder the question and sip on her chocolate shake. To be continued…

Every symphony needs a conductor – or the result is chaos. A “scream-o.” Although we are each in control of our own music and can choose to play whatever we want however we want, when we allow the conductor to instruct our melody, we can be part of a musical composition that is beyond our wildest imaginations. God wants to conduct all His children as together we create beautiful music, and He has a score planned that will knit us together and allow us to wow the world. Rebekka sought out solitude as she questioned whether her life was a melody or a symphony. Sometimes life seems easier when we don’t let anyone else in. When we can have all the control. But God instructs us to be part of His symphony, to allow Him to be the conductor, as we work together. Will you follow the conductor as He leads? God has a plan for your melody that you alone could never orchestrate. Read Romans 12:16 and Psalm 133:1 and discover God’s instructions for your life.



photo and writing by Lillian Cucuzza The female Eastern Bluebird incessantly attacked its own reflection in the neighbor’s car window and mirror. My neighbor thought the bird was obsessed with itself. The truth is this female was aggressively protecting her territory from what she thought was another female bluebird. Processing the photos of this bluebird gave me time to reflect on the metaphor it represented to me. This bird thought it was attacking the reflection, but she was really attacking herself. The depth of that thought was so profound it took my breath away. Some of us get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and allow negative thoughts and self-talk to start creeping into our minds. We begin our day attacking ourselves. Maybe we don’t like the way we look, whether it’s our face, skin, hair, hair color, weight, or the shape we are in or not in mentally, spiritually and/or physically. Or perhaps we are thinking about what the day will bring. We begin to berate ourselves with doubts and fears, feeling inferior because of our diminished self-esteem and self-image that results from these attacks. There may be guilty feelings from something in the past that we have never forgiven ourselves for, or for broken relationships that we are trying to repair. Maybe we even question our eternal security. I’ve been guilty of entertaining many of these harmful thoughts in my life. Whatever it is, we sabotage ourselves with these constant destructive attacks that come directly from the enemy. Please understand that those thoughts are lies and do not come from God, but from the very pit of hell itself. The writer in 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for 23

REFLECTIONS CONT. someone to devour.” (NIV) The enemy, Satan, is the father of all lies and is seeking to destroy us, to prevent us from either coming to know our Savior, Jesus Christ, or to stop us from being effective witnesses for Christ! I know this firsthand because the enemy tried to destroy me with his lies many years ago as a new Christian. How do we defend against these lies and attacks? The first thing we should do to protect ourselves is pray and put on the armor of God. That armor is the Bible, God’s Word. It is a love letter directly from God that allows us to understand who we are in Christ, to see and understand just how much God values and loves us. You have probably heard of selftalk or affirmations. The best affirmations in the world are the ones that come directly from God in His Holy Bible: You and I are loved by God. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us. “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8, NIV) How can we continue to attack ourselves, feel so unworthy and hold on to such guilt and unforgiveness knowing that God loves us that much? You are a child of God. “Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12, NIV) You are a friend of God. Did you know that Jesus calls you friend? “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” (John 15:15, NIV) You have been chosen and appointed by God. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.” (John 15:16, NIV) You are God’s special possession. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9, NIV) You are accepted and loved and treated as valuable by a Holy God. You are called according to His purpose. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28, NIV) Bad things happen to good people. Let God use the bad things and turn them into positive things for His glory. Before the foundation of the world, God had a plan for you. “For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.” (Ephesians 1:4, NIV) God has great things in store for you! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV) God knew you and chose you before the worlds were formed. He didn’t create you to be average and ordinary, or to barely get by. He created you to excel and He has equipped you with everything you need to live exceedingly and abundantly. He has planted seeds of greatness within you, but you must believe and meditate on these truths, and you will see yourself as chosen, valuable and victorious. A very dear friend of mine pointed out the shape of a heart in this bluebird photo, where the two beaks meet in the reflection. In the midst of that bluebird attack was a wonderful message directly from God’s heart, who said in Jeremiah 31:3 “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” (NIV) Don’t believe the lies of what the enemy says you aren’t. Instead, get wrapped up in who God says you are!


Piece by Peace FREEDOM IN UNFAIRNESS: “QUEENS” IN AN UPSIDE-DOWN KINGDOM written by Stephanie Fincher We’ve all heard the artistry of barter on the playground…”Fair and Square,” “Fifty-Fifty,” and good ol’ “Even Steven” (who’s he, anyway?). These time-tested phrases, among others, were fit for nearly any kid-designed negotiation strategy. Whether it was dividing up candy, deciding who would “go first” in the next game, or sharing space with a sibling in the same bedroom, an equitable result was top priority. Securing your “fair share” meant being assertive and standing your ground; otherwise, you risked losing on the deal, which somehow felt wrong. Though many of us were taught to be kind and share with others, no one had to teach us to be offended when “injustice” seemingly barged its way into a deal. Hard truth: This is our nature according to Romans 3:10 - “As it is written, ‘There is no one righteous, not even one.’” (NIV) Fast-forward into present-day and let’s dive into a fair and square check-up. Many of us strive to live by the “do unto others” rule found in Matthew 7:12, and we do pretty well until…life happens…when the car next to us in traffic quickly squeezes into our lane without warning or signal; a fellow committee member receives gushing accolades for work bearing your final touch; or the person you’re struggling with refuses to share responsibility for the misunderstanding. From minor affronts to deep distresses, the list goes on, but honestly, who wants to be reminded of what we know occupies our disgruntled hearts? Some of us are acutely aware of these tendencies and feel the bending weight of un-Christ25

PIECE BY PEACE CONT. like responses all too regularly. We beat ourselves up on the inside as though it depends on us to stuff the unwelcome jack-in-the-box back into its container one more time. We easily identify with the cry of the Apostle Paul in Romans 7:15 and 7:18 – “For I do not understand my own actions. I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate…For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh. I have the desire to do what is right, but not the ability to carry it out.” (ESV) It can be downright exhausting and certainly discouraging! How about some hopeful news that promises a crowning bonus? God does not leave His servants to figure it out alone and there exists a “kingdom freedom” to be experienced both now and in eternity! Allow me to explain… In Matthew 19:27-30, Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God when His disciple, Peter, wants to know what heaven has in store for him. Peter says, “We [the disciples] have given everything to follow you.” Jesus explains that everyone who has given all to follow Him will receive not only a hundred-fold in return, but eternal life as well! The chapter closes with a powerful posture for all believers to continually consider: Jesus declares, “But many who are first [on earth] will be last [in God’s Kingdom], and the last [on earth] will be first [in God’s Kingdom].” This is a different way of thinking that has surely tested mankind for centuries. It doesn’t always seem fair to give up “first” when the Holy Spirit gently nudges, but neither is it a glamorous feeling when you don’t. Additionally, “first” on earth is temporary; it has a definitive end, but “first” in God’s Kingdom is forever.


The practical is this: As we seek the Lord’s wisdom, He stands ready to infuse His unlimited strength and resources as we trust His way and forsake our own. It can be difficult to initially release certain actions (or words) against us and especially so if it comes from those we love. By no means does this infer a “doormat mentality.” My own strong tendencies still fight for the right balance and God ensures opportunities for me to practice daily! And through this, I have learned how to adjust my “rightful” boundaries which have produced an inner rest and contentment I had not known. It was freeing to realize my citizenship in an upside-down kingdom of allowing God to whisper, “Don’t say that here,” or “Don’t do that now – let it go.” Surrendering these areas removed me from certain battlegrounds I didn’t belong in and gave me a fresh view of the Kingdom to come. Won’t you join me today as a “Queen of the Upside-Down” in this earthly kingdom? The joy of an unfading crown to lay at His holy feet in a perfect Kingdom awaits you. “Fair and Square” and “Even Steven” do not dwell there and remain eternally out of a job. So come, let’s be queens together!!

Disclaimer: Articles in this column are the opinion of the author and not intended as professional advice or counsel. If such services are needed, please consult your local church or county for a list of resources.

Miraculous Manna Written by: Rusanne Jourdan, Australia Co-authored by: Carrie Christopher I lay in a hospital bed only a couple of kilometers from my home, but it felt like I was a world away - alone with my thoughts, fears, and yes, so many soul-churning and burning questions. So many looming questions sneaking up like an unexpected visitor at the front door of my heart and mind! And with the battle of words in my head - more questions, more concerns, more potential for my mind to go to places I did not wish it to go! Wandering worry came against me like a thunderous cloud of darkness, tempting me to receive or reject the spewed false claims. But I believed God was saying to me, “Rusanne, you have known me well now for a time and learned much. What would I ask you to do if I were sitting right here with you in this hospital room?” I knew He was saying, “I am here. I will never leave you. We will walk through this together.” His great, mighty love brought me the comfort I was longing for and spoke to the worry and fret-filled enemy of fear. Additionally, the Holy Spirit’s boldness was swelling up deep inside my heart. His very presence was preparing me to witness to those around me. Here I was, lying in a hospital bed yet still on mission for the cause and glory of Christ. It began August 11, 2020 when, like most mornings, I woke early to make my coffee and sneak back to bed to have my quiet time before my boys woke up. But that morning was different. I could not walk to the kitchen. My legs felt weighted down like someone was pulling me down through the polished concrete floor, and the pain in the lower right side of my abdomen took my breath away. I slowly made it back to my bed and, when I lay on my left side, the pain eventually subsided enough to allow me to try again. I attempted this short walk from the bedroom to the kitchen five times. Each time with no success.

It was 4 am, in the spring in Queensland, Australia, just the right time for the sun and the birds to present themselves as if to say, “Wake up and rise with us! Another day awaits!” I waited until 5:50 am and then rang my son to come to my room. Two of my four sons live at home with me, and the other two older boys live locally. I teasingly said to him, “I don’t want to worry you, but I am not well, and I need you to make your first call to 000 for an ambulance.” Suddenly, he was in front of me as if he had catapulted from his room to mine. I also asked him to ring the carer that comes to assist me in supporting my son to get ready for school. He has special needs and requires assistance with day-to-day tasks. I knew I wasn’t going into work that day, but that I would be going to a hospital. I was finally able to walk to the ambulance waiting in my driveway after several attempts at “sucking the green whistle” – taking the pain medication that the ambulance driver provided. Once in the back of the ambulance, I remember being asked where I wanted to go. I replied, “Hawaii.” They chuckled and said, “No, what hospital?” And immediately I knew I had a choice to make, but I also knew God was right there with me. I have beautiful friends here in the land I chose to move to over twenty years ago, but I do not have any family other than my children. I am a single mother raising two boys and, 27

MIRACULOUS MANNA CONT. whenever I have been unwell, the enemy has taken advantage and attempted to do his dirtiest work in my life, each time trying to place me in a state of fear and despair. I was familiar with the enemy’s tactics and schemes, and knew that I must always be on alert and ready for his surprise attacks and be adorned in God’s armour and have my total focus on Him. I knew this, but it is an entirely different thing to practice it - especially when extreme waves of pain are coming at you full force like a train of testing and trial. Focus was needed. Focus on Jesus. But the battle began in my mind yet again. Worry, fret, and fear lured me into their cycles of destruction. Arrows flying straight into my heart. Who will look after my boys if I can’t? What if something happens to me? No one can look after my sons like I can, especially my son who requires care for all of his needs. Lord, please let me be ok. I was first misdiagnosed with kidney stones. Then, two days later, my appendix was removed. And yet my pain persisted. An MRI was scheduled. All the while, unrelenting circles of confusion afflicted my heart and mind. When I was in the tunnel of the MRI machine, I found it very difficult to breathe and relax. I was on a lot of pain medication, which made me feel very frightened and panicked. While I was lying there, a vision landed in my mind. I closed my eyes and saw purple wings enclosing me, rather than the beige walls that sloped around me eating me up with the loud, clanking, beating sound of the MRI machine. The wings reminded me of God’s presence and protection. Immediately the Lord brought my mind to Psalm 91:4 “Lord, you will cover me with Your feathers. Under Your wings I find my refuge. Your faithfulness will be my shield and protection.” Then the contrary words were spoken by the doctor, “You have a mass and we will phone the oncologist.” It was as if I was thrust by force off the rock of Christ. I knew I had to jump back on and gather myself. I had a choice right then and there - allow my mind, heart, and body to fall off the rock into a sea of distress and despair; or fight to stand again by the power of His Holy Spirit, on His rock. He was calling me to plant my feet back on His rock of refuge, to be soothed and protected by His strength. It was there that He reminded me He had carried me through so much in the past eleven years - ever since I had given my life to Him. There was a piercing scream inside of me that only I could hear. Armed by His power, I sensed the Lord’s soul-piercing hope. “No! This is not how it ends! The enemy had come again to kill, steal and destroy, but my God and I say No!” After eleven days in the hospital, I was discharged. The doctors wanted me to have time to recover from the surgery before I would have another MRI to determine if the tumour had changed at all in size. After that there would be an 28

“I had a choice right then and there - allow my mind, heart, and body to fall off the rock into a sea of distress and despair; or fight to stand again by the power of His Holy Spirit, on His rock.”

appointment to discuss the next steps of my treatment, but that treatment would definitely include a biopsy. My doctor, the fifth one who looked after me in my eleven days in the hospital, said the diagnosis was a one in one million, and the mass was located in my hip/buttocks area. My beautiful pastor and friend came to visit and anoint me with oil. As we visited and ate green apples with peanut butter and drank peppermint tea, he jokingly said, “I always knew you were one in a million and a pain in the butt!” To find laughter in a time such as this was medicine for my soul, and I was so thankful to have him with me praying for healing. I was saved in his little Uniting Church on December 13th, 2009. Another story for another time. I returned home. I had never seen the results or pictures from the MRI. One day, God gave me an impression of a white snowball melting in the snow. By His presence, I knew. I began Painting by Lynne Hudson, featured cover art for January 2021 issue

telling everyone that my tumour was gone, including the surgeon that I had my follow-up visit with who had operated and removed my appendix. He kind of brushed it off, and asked me to let the doctor contact him after the biopsy was scheduled and the results were in. Because he was a teaching doctor at the university, he was very curious about the diagnosis and how we would proceed. I had many prayer warriors and friends fighting for me in combat prayer. I was so grateful for the many friends that prayed, phoned, and dropped food at my home for my boys. It was a real witness of the love and support of the body of Christ in time of need. Sometime after the revelation with the Lord, my beautiful friend and sister in Christ, Lynne, phoned to check on me. She said she had been praying for me and God prompted her to paint. During our conversation she shared and sent a picture of the purple wings she had painted. These were the SAME purple wings God had given me a vision of the day I was having the MRI. We both took the time to praise and thank God, and I had confirmation in my heart that God had this. This painting that linked us at that moment is the beautiful and anointed painting that God placed on the cover of the first edition of “Voice of Truth” in January 2021. Isn’t our God amazing how He weaves and orchestrates beauty and connections in a tapestry of love and testimony for those who love, seek and serve Him? The time came for the follow up MRI and the next appointment with the surgeon. The young man who greeted me at the clinic to conduct the test was named Adam. I giggled at this. I often experience God’s sense of humour present in a situation. When he introduced himself, “Hi. My name is Adam,” I think I even replied laughing, “Of course it is!” He kept sliding me in and out of the machine, time after time. He finally asked about the diagnosis and inquired if I was given any medicine, because he couldn’t find anything! This time I had taken a sleeping mask to place over my eyes to help me keep my eyes closed, which would, hopefully, help me stay relaxed. As he slid me into the machine one more time after sharing the news he could not find any mass, the soft fabric on the mask caught the tears that flowed from my eyes in gratitude that the snowball (tumour) had actually melted. It had melted in the mighty Hand of God. He did what no man ever could, He had miraculously healed me. 29

MIRACULOUS MANNA CONT. The following day I sat in my doctor’s office. The doctor sat at his desk in front of his laptop, while I leaned across his desk with my chin in my hands watching him flip from the results taken in the hospital to those from the previous day’s test. He kept pushing the computer buttons with the tip of his bright yellow pencil and, looking at me above the rim of his silver framed glasses then looking at the computer, saying, “This is unexplainable!”

it is all in His way, His timing, in His grace and goodness.

I spoke with God-given confidence, “It is explainable. It is the power of prayer, and God has healed me.”

I’m still believing in God’s ways that protect me. And I’m still believing that He loves me and He loves you.

You see my friend, this topic of healing was near and dear to my heart, for to this very day as I write this, I am awaiting God to heal my son. God had me name my precious boy Christian, even before I became a Christian. And just months prior, I had been studying the topic of healing.

I’m still believing…I pray you are too!

I had asked God, “Lord, show me a healing!” I had no idea it would be me. To those of you reading this, I don’t have all the answers, but God does. I don’t know why He healed me and removed the tumour, but I am grateful that He did. He is a loving God and wants the best for all of His children. I have never been good at waiting. But God has shown me


I’m still believing in healing for my son. I’m still believing in all He has for me and my family and friends…and humanity. I’m still believing in Jesus who came to save and who prepares an eternal home for His children.

And for those who have lost loved ones to death and disease, none of us can wholly comprehend the faithful and just plans of God, or why we hear of some being healed and others not. I am praying that in those moments of the lack of our earthly understanding, God’s love and provision will meet you here on this earth giving you strength to continue running to Him, no matter the loss and cost. I am trusting that in heaven one day we will understand God’s perfect timing, and we will all experience the comfort of God himself wiping every tear from our face.

Dear Sister Today is your new day. Your eyes opened to the freshness of God’s newness this day. You have awakened to another day and another opportunity already designed for you to win. Your yesterday cannot be done over, but today, fresh new mercies and grace have already prepared you for greatness. Do not focus on what you think you don’t have. You are the best version of God’s creation. You truly do have everything you need already on the inside of you. On the inside of you abides rivers of living waters. You are the daughter of a God of faithfulness and all sufficiency. You have everything pertaining to life. Don’t miss your opportunity today to show up as the best version of you. You are fearless. You are faithful. You deserve it! Love You, Dr. Jia


A Mother’s Prayer When mighty warrior women of God unite in prayer for their families, there is an explosion in the heavenlies. God showed me the atmosphere surrounding these mighty prayers. At the base is the green wave - this is the commencement of the interaction with this world and with the heavenlies. I saw a surge of power as this pure, motherly, forceful prayer is started. The surge of the wave is the force of new beginnings (green) being birthed into their families. This is the start of the journey to healing. The pink of joy and healings commences and is seen and witnessed. This continues to surge and take on a life force of its own, travelling on its own unique “river of life journey.” As you look up to the third heaven, our almighty Father is seen. His power and glory are ignited through the heavens and His glory rains down into the second heaven. The dark red violet is the spiritual fight that is taking place, but the gold clouds, God’s glory, overcomes and wins through.

His royalty (purple) rains down to the earth, heaven on earth, it solidifies and aligns with the journey that had already begun and God’s righteousness wins through as the peace and joy merge. The fruit of the prayers is dripping down into the families lives. The gentle clouds over the river are our reminder that God is near. The pink in the sky, the peace, the calm in heaven is reflected in the earth, a huge wave of miraculous joy. Pink dominates this painting; this is the calm that is like a soft blanket that is thrown over the children, a mother’s love of nurturing her babies. Psalm 42:7 “My deep need calls out to the deep kindness of your love.” Psalm 51:15 “Lord God, unlock my heart, unlock my lips, and I will overcome with my joyous praise.”

Oración de una madre Cuando las poderosas mujeres guerreras de Dios se unen en oración por sus familias, hay una explosión en los cielos. Dios me mostró la atmósfera que rodea estas poderosas oraciones. En la base está la ola verde: este es el comienzo de la interacción con este mundo y con los cielos. Vi una oleada de poder cuando se inició esta oración pura, maternal y contundente. La oleada de la ola es la fuerza de los nuevos comienzos (verde) que nacen en sus familias. Este es el comienzo del viaje hacia la curación. El rosa de la alegría y las curaciones comienza y se ve y se atestigua. Esto continúa aumentando y adquiriendo una fuerza vital propia, viajando en su propio y único “viaje por el río de la vida”. Al mirar hacia el tercer cielo, se ve a nuestro Padre todopoderoso. Su poder y gloria se encienden a través de los cielos y Su gloria llueve hacia el segundo cielo. El violeta rojo oscuro es la lucha espiritual que está teniendo lugar, pero las nubes doradas, la gloria de Dios, vence y vence.

Su realeza (púrpura) llueve sobre la tierra, el cielo en la tierra, se solidifica y se alinea con el viaje que ya había comenzado y la justicia de Dios vence a medida que la paz y el gozo se fusionan. El fruto de las oraciones está goteando en la vidas de la familias. Las suaves nubes sobre el río son nuestro recordatorio de que Dios está cerca. El rosa en el cielo, la paz, la calma en el cielo se refleja en la tierra, una enorme ola de alegría milagrosa. El rosa domina esta pintura; esta es la calma que es como una manta suave que se arroja sobre los niños, el amor de una madre por cuidar a sus bebés. Salmo 42:7 “Mi profunda necesidad llama a la profunda bondad de tu amor.” Salmo 51:15 “Señor Dios, abre mi corazón, abre mis labios, y venceré con mi gozosa alabanza.”

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Broken and Beloved

written by Aimee Taylor

WE ARE BELOVED… I lived a long time not knowing how loved and pursued I am by the Lord. Though I felt that God loved me when I was saved at 16, I definitely let my zeal and joy in the Lord fade as time, life, sin, and well-meaning people pulled at me. I don’t think I ever really understood the true extent of His love for me or understood why Jesus wanted to buy me back at the cross. I knew that I was a sinner, and that I needed Jesus to save me from my sin. But I had no idea what for … other than the fact that if my sin was swept away, I could somehow bring glory to God. Oftentimes that’s where it stops... but much to my surprise that is not all He wants from me or you. When I think over my journey with Christ over the last few decades, I see how I missed so much of what Jesus really said to us - His whole creation - in the Gospels. I mean look at some of the things He has said to us!


In Matthew 6 He tells us that we don’t have to worry about what we will eat or drink because our Father in Heaven sees us and knows what we need and actually wants to give us what we need. He declares in Luke 11 that if we ask, seek, and knock he will give us good gifts, not a snake instead of fish, or a rock instead of bread. Jesus calls out to us in Matthew 11:28-30 to come and be yoked (always connected) with Him, because He wants to teach us how to live humbly. He also wants to relieve our weariness and bear our burdens with us. Just what kind of God wants to do that? In John 14-17 He says I am going to prepare a place for you, so that you will be with me where I am. What? He

wants us to be with Him when He returns to the Father? He also says that when we give ourselves to the Lord that the Father and the Son will come and make their home in our hearts. Wait, what? He wants to make His home with us? And then finally at the end of the Upper Room Discourse, Jesus prays to the Father asking that He make us one with Him (John 17), just as He and the Father are one. So we are invited into total union with the Trinitarian God, beckoned into their perfect glorious fellowship - me? Seriously, how did I miss these truly intimate, glorious words in scripture for so long? And there are so many more! How did I not hear them and instantly drop to my knees weeping? The God who made the whole universe has been continually shouting to us saying these incredible things, and we have been missing it. He has been saying that He sees you and sees insignificant me and that He wants us - not just to bring Him glory - but because He delights to be with us. Not for what we can bring to the table, but because He just wants us. Wow. How have we missed this? It’s not enough just to know these things in our heads. Just having a mental assent is not enough to rest in. Though we may have had moments too, where these truths have sunk into our hearts, ugly circumstances often drive the truth of God’s love away as if it never existed there. You may read those verses and think, ‘I know this, but I don’t KNOW this!’ I knew them too, but only generally. It didn’t feel specific to me. It felt like a general call for everyone in the world, and though I appreciated being saved, it didn’t feel like He cared and saw me and my life specifically. Maybe you need to have a time with the Lord, like I did, where He makes the Word come alive and speaks these

things directly into your soul. And we have a God just like that! He united His amazing love to the center of my soul and joined it with faith (Hebrews 4) so that now it has become a part of who I am! This has changed my whole foundational make-up! So as the truth becomes planted within, you will be able to live from the wellspring of His love for you. Then neither of us will have to skulk around in our flesh trying to get any old kind of love from the people around us. As the truth takes up residence and exists in your core in such a way that nothing can shake this foundation-making truth … suddenly all of life is full and abundant, just like Jesus says it will be! Can you believe that we have such a God who wants to do that for us!? Jesus wants you to feel loved because you most definitely are loved! This is displayed magnificently at the Cross! Jesus died not just to give us freedom from sin, but removed our sin so that we could be welcomed into fellowship with Him! He wants you to walk up to His throne confident not just in your salvation, but confident in His love for you. He wants to tell you that He is captivated by you and that you take His breath away (SOS). He wants to tell you that He sees your beauty and longs for you to rest in these truths. He is calling out to you to know Him with your whole being so that you might learn to live in the glorious union with our amazing God. And yes! He longs to gaze into your eyes as if you are Mary sitting at His feet and declare over you that you have chosen the One thing that matters Him (Luke 10: 38-42). So look into His eyes and ask Him to tell you how loved you are. I guarantee He wants to tell you. He has arranged all of history so that He could rescue you to be in a love relationship with Him. I know it sounds completely insane, but it’s true, He really does want you and me. He really does.

DIM GLASS GOSPEL GLIMPSES SCRIPTURE PRAYERS written by Rachel Dube Do you ever struggle with finding the words to say to God in prayer? Do you ever struggle with knowing or believing who you really are, past what any eye can see, down to your hidden soul? How comforting it is to know that our heavenly Father, who loves us more than we can fathom, has good and wonderful things in store for each one of us. He makes us promises in scripture, and He says in 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV) that “no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.” That means that if we are covered in the perfect righteousness of Christ through faith in His perfect life, death and resurrection, then we are God’s children and all of the Father’s promises are for us. They are for you. When you ask God for any of these promises offered in the Bible in prayer, you can be assured that His answer is always “Yes!” Imagine if you, as a parent, have something very special planned for your child. How excited would you be if they told you their wish for the very thing that you already had planned? God loves for us to come to Him in prayer, to seek Him for the desires and concerns that are on our hearts. He delights in having us come close, in listening to us, and in pouring His love out on us. He wants us to know Him and to feel the depths to which we are fully known and loved by Him. We can say anything to God. There are no special words necessary. But praying God’s Word gives us words when we have none. It helps us ask Him for the things He already desires for us. It solidifies His promises in our hearts. It helps to train our eyes to see ourselves in our true identity, as our Father sees us. His Word is alive and active, able to powerfully speak to, pierce and transform our hearts. Praying God’s Word allows us to agree with Him in prayer, adding our “Amen” (our agreement) “to the glory of God.” (Corinthians 1:20 NIV) I encourage you to pray scripture over yourself and others. As you pray, personalize the scripture. Let your mind engage with it and make it your own, embracing its truth, finding hope in its promises, and expanding on it where the Holy Spirit leads. The scripture prayer I have shared here is a compilation of several different Bible translations (NIV, ESV, AMP, TPT, MSG) as well as some of my own words, in order to get a more descriptive picture of what God is saying here in His Word and to expand it into a personalized prayer. As you pray, add your name or the name of whomever you are interceding for. (Ephesians 3:16-19, Philippians 1:6, 2 Corinthians 1:20)


A PRAYER Father, out of the incredible riches you have just waiting to give out to your children, I ask that you would strengthen right now and continually, with your power through your Spirit in ’s inner being; that you would give spiritual energy and ability, strength to persevere, to keep falling into you, to keep crying out to you, to keep listening to you and responding to you.. into the innermost parts of who is, beyond what has ever experienced before. Help your love.

to become deeply rooted and securely grounded in

Good Daddy, in the tender, loving way that only you can, open the eyes of ’s heart and mind, soften the areas that have become hard to your spirit, make sensitive to your word and your voice, and able to discern your voice from the lies of the enemy. Make thirsty for you again, like a deer is for water. Holy Spirit, make fully capable of comprehending, with all of God’s people, the width and length and height and depth of your love, fully experiencing how amazing and endless it is for ; and let come to know practically, through ’s own personal experience, this love of Christ Jesus, which far surpasses mere knowledge, so that can have the richest experience of your presence, completely filled and flooded with you! Give the gift of faith and of courage to reach out to you and experience the breadth of your love for , to test the length of it, to plumb the depths, to experience a new fullness of life in your love!!

We can say anything to God. There are no special words necessary. But praying God’s Word gives us words when we have none. It helps us ask Him for the things He already desires for us.

You can do anything! Exceedingly, abundantly, far more than we could ever imagine or guess or even request in our wildest dreams! And you do it not by forcing us or forsaking us, but by working within us, deeply and gently by the power of Christ at work in us and with the Helper and Comforter you have sent to live inside of us! We give you praise and glory and thank you, even now in the midst of the struggle, God, because you promise that you who began a good work in us WILL carry it to completion ( Philippians 1:6) and that all of your promises to in your word are “a yes and Amen in Christ Jesus.” (2 cor. 1:20) You are outside of time and you already see your promises coming to fruition in and for ! You already see ’s victory over this battle and all that you will do in and through ’s life! Thank you Jesus. Remind that your death was not in vain. You will make perfect the bride you chose and died to win! is yours and you are making perfect and spotless! Remind ___ daily that your mercies are new every morning! Great is your faithfulness to ! Help not give up because you will never give up on .”


“God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him!” PHIL 2:13

Lynne has been a professional artist for over forty years and lives on the Gold Coast, Australia. Lynne’s paintings are God-inspired and Holy Spirit saturated. Lynne co-creates with God to produce unique individual prophetic painting commissions. This is her joy in life, her calling to help others hear the voice of God through her art. For commissions, art prints, and enquiries visit www.lynnehudson.com

“Lynne is called into the throne room of God and her brushstrokes are straight from heaven. She and her masterpieces are a gift from God.” -Rusanne Jourdan, Australia (Client)


written by Sarah Jenkins

When I was a young girl, I felt God speak a very declarative truth over me - that I was going to change the world. It’s a broad statement I know, but His voice was clear - He affirmed that He would give me many arenas of leadership, but commanded me in turn to provide a platform for His glory. This sentiment of transformation has been echoed by so many leaders throughout my 20 years on this planet and propelled me to take hold of each opportunity in grace and strength. What He didn’t tell me when I was young, though, is just how hard it would be. He never told me of the times I would be denied leadership roles I knew I deserved, or of the many times He would physically move my family from a state in which I was just starting to establish a platform. He rarely gave a clue to the heartbreak that would come from what seemed like missed opportunities and the pain that came with blaming myself for not having done MORE. He told me that I would change the world, but He didn’t tell me that most times it was in fighting to make sure the world did not change me.

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) states, “‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” This verse has been my stronghold throughout the moments in my life when everything looked bleak. It has reminded me that through all of life’s troubles, God has a plan. Not just a regular plan, but a prosperous one with the promise of unbridled hope and a luminant future. God sometimes calls us to hang tight for the fullness of His promise, but equally beckons us to worship in the waiting. The idea of worshipping in the waiting is abstract in and of itself, as it goes against all earthly ideas. We are impatient beings, not equipped to wait in eager expectation for any longer than necessary - or longer than WE deem

necessary. What I have found though, is that some of the greatest promises fulfilled have come when in the waiting room. So many times in my life, I have made declarations for God. I have decided that an opportunity is lost, a friendship is ruined, or that my calling has been put on hold. However, He’s taught me that those are simply not my calls to make. His plan is vast and far reaching and I must not only trust in that, but must worship Him for what He is yet to do. When I celebrate the process of His handiwork, the outcome is far more beautiful than I could have initially imagined. There have been so many times in my life that I’ve gone back to that day when I was young and thought, “God, why are you keeping me from opportunities to fulfill my calling?” He always answers telling me to trust, wait, and worship Him no matter the circumstance. When I do these three things, that is when I am most equipped to change my world.


Tea Time With Tina DON’T TAKE THE BAIT written by Tina Gallo Have you ever fallen into the trap of comparison? Where you felt as though your life didn’t measure up? I know I have, especially during my Hollywood days when I would pressure myself to try to live up to unrealistic standards of others while striving to attain the deceitful trappings of that world. The lure of comparison creates distorted perceptions; it creeps in to catch you off guard, striking the moment you wake up in the morning to pick up your phone and begin scrolling. Having easy access to social media allows us to take a sneak peek into someone else’s life where we can watch their internet reality show that usually isn’t reality at all. Because they feel a lack of something in their real life, people often post images on social media that are staged, smoothed, and filtered, depicting a perfect life they want the world to see, creating stories and images to cover the pain. In the process, these postings are baiting people to fall into the trap of comparison, causing them to feel that they are lacking something in their own lives. Women are especially vulnerable to slipping into the snare of this well-crafted trap. When they look at touched-up images of women who appear to look perfect and have it all, it’s easy to become fascinated and intrigued by how these seemingly successful, beautiful people live their lives. While entertaining, if we are not careful, this can make you feel like you aren’t good enough and that you are missing out on something. Comparing oneself to an unrealistic image and life is dangerous! Comparison is the thief of joy and will rob us of the peace that God desires us to have. It deposits discontentment into the soil of our souls, planting unhealthy feelings of dissatisfaction as it spreads the toxicity of discouragement and disappointment to the sprouts of life. When we focus on being like others, envying what they have rather than being content with whom God created us to be, it will cause misery and create covetous cravings of 40

always wanting something more. This damage can erode our lives as we begin to lose contentment and gratitude. Comparing ourselves to others is feeding our selfish ambition and conceit. In essence, we are saying we are not grateful for who God made us to be or thankful for the gifts and blessings He has bestowed on us. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4, NIV) If you are really struggling with comparison and jealousy, then take it to God in prayer! Confess this sin and ask the Lord for deliverance in this stronghold. He is a faithful grace-giver and will move you beyond this sin-filled pattern of thinking to one of Holy Spirit-filled purpose. He knows your heart. Ask Him to help you see your identity in Him. Most of the time we use comparison because we don’t feel we have a clear view of ourselves or our own purpose. Scripture tells us in John 15:26 and John 16:7 that the Holy Spirit is our helper, our comforter, and our advocate. Therefore, ask Him to help you and guide you into truth so you can break away the binding chains of comparing yourself to others and their lives!

Count your blessings! We often forget to be thankful when our own sin is stifling the Holy Spirit and the devil has us distracted with comparing ourselves to others. Remind yourself that your journey is not supposed to be the same as someone else’s, and be thankful for where God has you. Don’t miss out on what He has blessed you with by trying to replicate someone else’s life. My beloved sisters, be aware to not fall into the danger of comparison. Its trappings will lead you into a cycle of seeking the constant approval of man. We are warned in Galatians 1:10 (NIV), “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Your value and worth are not determined by social media likes and comparisons. It is determined by God and who He says you are! You are not meant to have a life that is a duplication of someone else’s! God has a plan and purpose specifically for you. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV) You are a beautiful daughter of the King, designed by your Creator. He has chosen you with a specific plan for His purpose. Live in peace and walk in the freedom that God provides in His truth by choosing to embrace the beauty in who He created you to be.

Tina Gallo has been in the entertainment industry for over 30 years. She is an award-winning professional actress who commands attention and brings life and vitality into each of her roles. She is a method-trained actress who studied with the best – Lee Strasberg, Uta Hagen, Stella Adler, Sanford Meisner and Jack Waltzer. Tina has extensive TV, Film, Commercial and Theater credits. She is best known for her past role as DiDi on the soap opera “General Hospital.” After years of taking a step away from the industry to raise her children, the Lord stirred her heart by calling her to return to the spotlight. Tina’s relaunched career includes a zealous appreciation for the Lord to move in power in the acting world and film industry, and is expectant for how He will move. Tina’s passion has become a God-given purpose; she desires to orchestrate Christ-saturated media and beyond. In between the blessing of acting, Tina teaches acting classes in person and online and is the founder of ‘The Nashville Studio of Method Acting’ in Nashville, TN. You can register for online acting classes with Tina! She is accepting all experience levels – including adults, teenagers, and children. Register at: www.tinagallo.com Tina also coaches on film sets and travels to other acting schools throughout the southeast region to speak and coach acting workshops, online or in person. Contact Tina if you’re interested in inviting her to lead your next workshop, combining acting and Christian passion and purpose.


Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 1 Corinthians 1:20-21 NIV


“Courageous Steps of Faith”

Glean from women’s faith-filled pursuits and testimonies! The women of Courageous Steps of Faith share their incredible stories of overcoming obstacles and persevering through challenges while providing you with motivation and scripture to see that “With God All Things Are Possible.” Order your copy now to be encouraged and propelled into your God-given purpose. https://www.womenworldleaders.com/shop/courageous-step-of-faith All proceeds will support the Women World Leader’s mission.


Billowing Waves of Freedom Written by Carrie Christopher Reaching, surfacing, surging in the wind and the waves Hearkening your children to float on high with the presence of the Holy Spirit A peripheral, surreal, heightened view of the power of God amongst your people Surges of ocean rumbling beneath the surface of the turbulent waters His people boldly color the mighty, majestic waters; dazzling as glorious reflections of HIM Passion, purity, and His divine power plunder the enemy His people are flying free, preserved and anointed for realms of victories Trusted and true remains God almighty, steering His triumphant treasures As we soar underneath the arms of the Father, we are painted as beacons of freedom No longer slaves to fear, His courage propels us No longer slaves to unrighteousness, His sound thoughts for us and in us, are the wind that guides us No longer used against one another in jealous selfish ambition, we fly free verging into unknown lands and territories For He sparkles the sky with His children, and the Lord’s great glory guides them Victory is theirs His presence powers the air Scattered, brimming beauties are flying free in Kingdom adventures with their song of hope rising Soaring beyond anything we’ve ever imagined




Messages from our hearts... How to Overcome Unforgiveness Unforgiveness in your heart is like having poison in your veins. It can lead you to death if you do not seek the antidote. Forgiving people who hurt us is extremely hard to do. You can feel pain from what they have caused you, making it difficult to release true forgiveness. Trying to take control of a situation or to take revenge on a specific person will only further complicate the destruction of yourself. God clearly says in His word, “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19 ESV) No one is claiming it is easy to forgive a wrong that comes against us; however, you can help yourself counteract the poison by courageously moving forward into forgiving anyone who has offended you.


Do not give the devil any foothold or advantage over you, because if he wins in this battle it can become a stronghold over your life. Unforgiveness is poison! We cannot forgive without the power of the Holy Spirit. Humble yourself and read John 20:22-23. Jesus breathed on the disciples and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit!” In the very next verse he said, “If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven. If you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.” God’s Word clearly tells us throughout to forgive and be forgiven. Get rid of all the poison that comes from unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment.

When we trust God and choose to forgive, we can rest assured that God will take care of the rest. Forgiveness is our “seed” of obedience to God’s Word, and we can trust that God will honor His Word and will be faithful to bring a harvest in one way or another. Do not allow your unforgiveness to hinder your faith from working, creating a barrier. By the power of the Spirit, confess any unforgiveness in your heart, and go to the person immediately presenting forgiveness and grace - do not wait and allow bitterness to brew.

Courage to repent of unforgiveness will wash away the spiritual filthiness by draining the poison of death that stops life. As you are obedient to wash in the POWER of God’s Word and offer forgiveness to your offender, forgive in Jesus’ Name. This will bring refreshment to your soul and restore communication with the God who loves you most. Your life will become alive as the burden of sin is lifted and you are able to move about freely without the weight of resentment, restoring all communication with your Creator as you confess your sin.

“Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive your sins.” (Matthew 11:24-25 NIV)

Taken from the book: “Courageous Steps of Faith: With God All Things Are Possible”

Your communication with God needs to flow freely, and if sin resides from unforgiveness, communication with God becomes blocked.

Founder and Executive Director Women World Leaders

Kimberly Hobbs

Biblical Principles for Everyday Living


“For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of men.” 2 Corinthians 8:21 As our local retailers were opening from the halt caused by the pandemic, I stopped by one of my favorite stores to load up on coffee. Due to covid-19, we had our 20-year-old and 18-year-old daughters living in our house, and we ALWAYS drink a log of coffee! So, I purchased it in bulk, spending far too much money but rationalizing that we were saving money by not buying from a coffee shop and that it would help keep us sane in those very crazy times! As I was walking to the car with my big boxes, I glanced at the receipt, and realized that the cashier had not charged me the $2.99 for the small bottle of cleaner that I purchased. I was immediately convicted. But I tried to rationalize…it was only $2.99…a small part of a very large purchase. Wasn’t my time, and the cashier’s time, worth more than the $2.99? I’m sure the store could write it off. I couldn’t shake the feeling, however, that that small amount was important in God’s eyes. VERY begrudgingly, I put the boxes in the car, and turned and went back in. When I got back up to the counter, I said to the cashier, “I don’t think you charged me for this.” She took the receipt, lifted her eyes to heaven, and said, “That devil is trying to get me today.” To which I replied, “But the devil won’t win!”

I handed her three dollars, she gave me a penny, and I left with that penny in my hand thinking – wow, I just had a God moment! If I had not spent those few minutes going back in the store to pay for an item, even though it probably would not have made a bit of difference to the store, I would not have had the opportunity to declare to all within hearing that the devil was not going to win on account of my obedience to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. God cares about the little things, but He cares about the little things because they lead to the big things. I don’t know how that moment that inconvenienced me affected the cashier or those around us – but I have to believe that as I left with that penny in my hand, I swept the spirit of the devil out of that door and put a smile on God’s face! Ephesians 5:8-10 (NIV) tells us, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.” Our problem is not often knowing what pleases or displeases the Lord, but following through on doing that which pleases Him. We know it’s wrong to allow it to slip by when we are charged the wrong amount, but we tend to put a weight on ‘how wrong’ it is and balance it against ‘how inconvenient it is’ to make it right. What if we simply focused on ‘pleasing the Lord’ by setting ourselves aside? What if we did everything for His glory? I bet our corners of the world would begin to look different as we let the light shine in! Do you have a question that we can explore together? We are iron sharpening iron and I’d love to hear from you! You can reach me at julie@womenworldleaders. com. I don’t have all the answers, but God does! Let’s seek them together!

Julie Jenkins

Teaching and Curriculum Leader julie@womenworldleaders.com


Heart of a Missionary TO KNOW HIM, AND TO MAKE HIM KNOWN

It was a divine detour. The airport baggage security man was rummaging through my bags, unpacking every single thing. It didn’t hit me until he pulled something out of my suitcase and the entire feeling in the room changed. You could cut the tension with a knife. No, it wasn’t my underwear, not my medication… but my Bible. I held my breath as he continued to pull out multiple books and other reading materials. I could feel every eye on me as I continued to walk out of the airport. It was clear—Christianity was not really welcome here. As I frantically started googling on my phone, searching to find out what the laws were, I found myself unexpectedly in a country where public worship for Christians is restricted, sharing the Gospel is prohibited, and Bibles cannot be found in bookstores. You see I wasn’t supposed to be here. This was a very unexpected detour to me—but not to God. My flight out of Nairobi got delayed and I ended up missing my connecting flight back home to Miami. What was supposed to be a quick transfer passing through this airport, off of one plane and onto the next, had just turned into an overnight stay outside of the airport. I made it to the hotel room and locked the door. I wondered if it was possible that I might end up in jail, or even worse. But there was a much more pressing thought on my mind from the Holy Spirit—I was a Christian in a place where people did not usually have the opportunity to interact with Christians or the ability to read God’s Word. So I wrote out Scripture containing the Gospel on a piece of paper, leaving it on the hotel nightstand, praying that whoever would read it would come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. My heart for the lost comes from my own experience of living the first 28 years of my life without knowing Jesus personally, until I traveled 2,000 miles away from my home in Florida to a different continent, where a man asked me a simple question, “Are you born again?” 48

Imagine your life without the Bible. Many of us take it for granted, many of us may even think that reading it is a chore. But through the study of Scripture, we are able to get to know God; and through the application of Scripture, we are empowered to make Him known to others.

I think about that Kenyan man often, whom I know absolutely nothing about - not even his name, who pointed me to Jesus. Those four words that led me to study the Scriptures in search of answers to his question. “And how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:15 NIV Scripture can lead to the understanding of the Gospel and has the power to bring those who read it to faith. God speaks through His Word and the Holy Spirit convicts. “For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.” 1 Peter 1:23 NIV There are so many who are banned from access to reading God’s Word. I got the slightest glimpse into this during my unexpected layover. Although my experience for one night in a hotel in a country that is not welcoming to the Gospel cannot even compare to the daily difficulties that Christians in similar countries have to endure for a lifetime, it did open my eyes. And it shook me. The suppression of Christianity was no longer something I had only read about in a far-away place. Imagine your life without the Bible. Many of us take it for granted, many of us may even think that reading it is a chore. But through the study of Scripture, we are able to get to know God; and through the application of Scripture, we are empowered to make Him known to others. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t open God’s Word and remember that night in that hotel, reminding me of the heartache I felt for all those denied the opportunity that is at my own fingertips. Don’t ever take the blessing God has granted you to know Him and to make Him known.

Lauren Dean

Missionary, Author, & Speaker Founding Board Member & Vice-President at African Orphan Educational Foundation Global Business & Missions Director at Women World Leaders lauren@womenworldleaders.com


KINGDOM HARVEST Women World Leaders is now in 50+ countries –His Gospel is changing lives Unite with Us, Share in the Harvest We are committed to bringing a great harvest through Voice of Truth, which is available for free both in a printed and digital version. We have faith that the Lord is our provider! As this magazine grows daily, we invite you to help us bring in the harvest. Will you partner with us in prayer and giving as you ask Him how He wants you to be a part of this magazine? Your seed will blossom in the hearts of women around the globe as you partner with us. As you give, we are praying and trusting that the Lord will bless you and all your needs will be met according to His riches in glory. We praise the Lord for you and thank you for your obedience and generosity.

Give on our website at womenworldleaders.com

OR mail a check to: Women World Leaders PO Box 210895 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 (Check payable to Women World Leaders)


Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God 1 Peter 1:22-23 NIV



“I have just had the crowning joy of my life, in receiving the Muskokee New Testament entire.”1 When Ann Eliza Worcester Robertson wrote this she was hardly exaggerating. Her whole life had been dedicated to serving God among Native American tribes. As a girl of twelve she accompanied her parents as they went west along the “Trail of Tears”2 with the Cherokee Nation, among whom they ministered as missionaries. As a young woman, Ann taught at the Cherokee mission school before marrying her husband, William Schenck Robertson, a fellow missionary and teacher among the Creek, or Muskokee, tribe. For the next 55 years until her death, she served at the Tullahassee Creek Mission. Her early years there were taken up with raising four children, teaching in the school, and becoming proficient in the Creek language. After her husband died, Ann concentrated all her energy on translation work. She wrote on October 15, 1880, “My work on translating has now had a longer rest than usual but I have begun on it again; today determined to translate at least a few verses each day.”3 Working diligently, by 1887 her New Testament was complete. She went on to translate Genesis and the Psalms as well. Chances are you’ve never heard of A. E. W. Robertson. Her name, and the names of hundreds and hundreds of women who dedicate their lives to bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the Native American tribes during the 19th century, have been lost to history. But “..God is not unjust. He [did] not forget how hard [they] have worked for Him and how [they] have shown [their] love to Him by caring for other believers…”(Hebrews 6:10, NLT) Like many of these women, Ann bore “fruit that remained” (John 15:16, NASB).


In 2011, The Native American Times told the story of Steve Randall, a Muscogee Creek from Shawnee, Oklahoma who has a passion to reach his people with the gospel. Although he spoke Creek as a boy, he had forgotten most of it by adulthood. In church one day, “The minister was bringing the morning message and I saw the young man following him in a Muscogee language bible. I thought if that young man had the desire to follow the message in the Creek language, then there’s a need for a Creek bible,”4 Randall said. So he began a project to update and reprint Ann Robertson’s Creek New Testament. Now, the descendants of those she taught 150 years ago are benefitting from Ann’s endeavors once again. So don’t be discouraged if no one knows your name, if you think you have done nothing significant with your life. Anything you do for God will be remembered by Him; Jesus promised, “And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of My followers, you will surely be rewarded.” (Matthew 10:42, NLT) 1 Women’s Work for Women, Volume II, (1887). New York: Woman’s Foreign Missionary Societies of the Presbyterian Church, p. 172.

2 The “Trail of Tears” was the name given to the forced removal of the five civilized tribes from the then United States to the Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma. Thousands of Native Americans died en route. 3 American Indian Correspondence: The Presbyterian Historical Society Collection of Missionary Letters 1833-1893, E. 294, 4 Shade, K,. (2011, December 12). From Greek to Creek: Man publishes Mvskoke language Bible. Native American Times. https://www.nativetimes.com/life/people/6516-from-greekto-creek-man-publishes-mvskoke-language-bible

Three Strands MOTHERLESS: A JOURNEY TO WHOLENESS written by Cindy Southworth There is a calm after the emotional storm, and I realize I was only trying to connect with the only mother I ever knew. Was there ever a time when I felt the love and protection of my mom? It’s difficult to recall. Mental illness claimed my mother when I was eleven years old. From age eleven I witnessed her living in the shadow of schizophrenia, and my memories are of her in bed or lashing out in angry fits of rage. She was admitted into a nursing home at the age of forty-five and remained there until her death at age seventy-six. As a teenager, I did not realize I was missing anything. Those years were spent trying to shed any control parents had over me, so living life without Mom seemed freeing. It wasn’t until I experienced the pain of relationship rejection at nineteen that I realized there was no one to call — no one who really understood my emotional DNA. A few years later I was standing in my wedding dress waiting for the photographer, when I realized she wouldn’t be there to place my veil on my head and give me those last remarks a mother whispers to you just before you say, “I do!” It was when I was lying in a recovery room being handed my gorgeous, wiggly, bundle of joy that I realized she wouldn’t be waiting outside to be the first to hold him or fighting with the nurse to get into the recovery room. It was when I was writhing in pain from the removal of four wisdom teeth, with two little boys jumping on my bed that I realized she wasn’t coming over to take them so I could rest. 53

THREE STRANDS CONT. I could continue living the victim mentality for what I was missing, or I could have a dogged determination to accept God’s unconditional love in my life and let Him pour His love through me so I could give wholeheartedly to my children. His love and strength superseded any love I thought was missing from my life, and helped me accomplish more than I could ask or imagine.

It was when I was emotionally lost when my husband left for the summer to “find himself” that I picked up the phone repeatedly to dial her, but there was no number to dial. It was when I was devastated during my divorce and had no mother to hold my hand or tell me that life would get better and that I could raise these kids and not become homeless. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. (II Cor. 12:9 NIV) Until my thirties, I was an emotional wreck. Through therapy and God’s grace, I began to understand what was missing from my life — a presence that most people take for granted. They take it for granted because they aren’t missing it. She’s a lovely, feisty person who will chew you out if you make one more bad decision. She sits in the car as you walk into school for the first time — kindergarten, elementary, middle, high school, and college - and cries as if she just lost her best friend. She’s the one who says, “Sure I’ll send that to you,” and gives up her personal piggy bank. She will go cross country with her last dollar to make sure you are eating well and that no one is hurting her baby. She’s the individual that is still there when the rest of the world turns their back on you. How do I know what I missed? Because I am that mother. It became evident that I had two choices. I could continue living the victim mentality for what I was missing, or I could have a dogged determination to accept God’s unconditional love in my life and let Him pour His love through me so I could give wholeheartedly to my children. His love and strength superseded any love I thought was missing from my life, and helped me accomplish more than I could ask or imagine. During this process, God graciously brought two “mother figures” into my life, two Godly women who made the journey with me. They modeled a mother’s love for me. They made themselves available to love me


during life’s trials, to challenge me if I made a bad decision, and reminded me of who my Savior truly is. As I was willing to accept their love into my life, the mother-void in me grew smaller. God will truly restore what is missing if you ask Him, just as the apostle Paul states in Phil. 4:19: You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. (Msg) Occasionally, that void reopens. Thank goodness it is a rare occasion, but a situation sometimes occurs where I feel completely alone. I find myself going into an internal blind rage and it seems the world is coming to an end. Then there is the calm after the emotional storm, and I realize I was only trying to connect with the only mother I ever knew. For a brief moment, she was with me — rage and all. And then a peace comes over me, knowing that she is with God now, and it would be better for me to connect with His peace than her rage. He is the only one who can truly fill that void. Then I am whole again.

Cindy Jacob Southworth has an M.S. in Counseling Studies, is an AACC Certified Relationship Coach and John Maxwell certified coach. She and her husband David have been in full-time marriage ministry since 2005 and pioneered the Marriage 911 intensive and women’s BreakThrough retreats. They have also developed the UP Leadership program, that prepares couples for marriage ministry. Cindy serves on the Leadership Team of Women World Leaders. Recently retired in central Florida, they devote their time now to writing and developing leaders for ministry and enjoying their nine grandchildren. You can learn more about them by watching their story at https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=-qaX-MBxUyE&t=11s.

“You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus.” Phil. 4:19 MSG

WWL LOVE NOTES I would like to give thanks to WWL for giving me the opportunity to be part of the book “Courageous Steps of Faith, With God All Things Are Possible.” It has been an honor for me to get to know so many wonderful women and their stories. All of these women are so close to God and, from the first day, I knew I belonged with this group. It’s great to be reminded to praise God every day and to take your time to do so for you, your family and others.

-Connie Thornton


But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV


Musings on the Book of John PROMISES written by Connie Hecker

John 1:32-34 (NIV) Then John gave this testimony: “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him. And I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’ I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One.” Repeatedly, we are told that Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist did not recognize the Messiah in Him until the day he baptized Jesus. He had been waiting to see who it would be, knowing that one day the Spirit would descend and remain on The One. How excited John must have been that day! The whole reason John was in the Jordan was to be used by God for that one moment. The Spirit touched

many, but with Jesus it remained. This is the sign for all of us, not just John, that Jesus is indeed The One. Jesus will baptize in the Holy Spirit, and John made sure others, including the contingent from Jerusalem, knew and were aware of this new change. Jesus has been shown to me as well. Let me too be excited over the certainty that He IS THE ONE! The prophecy is fulfilled and a new one given - we will be baptized now in the Holy Spirit. The writer sets us up at the beginning for what will happen at the end with Pentecost. He knows how it unfolded and it was completed. We can be confident as we walk by His Spirit now, that whatever He has promised shall be as true in our lives as in the life He lived. Do I have unfulfilled promises? Praise God, for His timing is perfect and the end shall not come before His work is complete and His promises fulfilled.


WHERE ARE YOU STAYING, JESUS? John 1:35-39 (NIV) The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”

John the Baptist had two of his own disciples, men who were intentionally seeking the Messiah. Perhaps they had not been there the day before when he had pointed Jesus out to the crowd for the first time. So, they must have heard and eagerly come looking. Of course, when John saw Him, he immediately pointed Jesus out to these two men, John and Andrew. They listened to what Jesus was saying. John does not tell us what this was, but


the result, the effect of whatever Jesus said that second day of having been introduced to seekers, was enough to cause them to follow Jesus. Jesus was done speaking, and they followed Him. They were not going to lose sight of him again, they wanted to be sure to be able to find Him again, and not waste time in searching. So that is the first thing that they asked when Jesus spoke directly to them: “Where are you staying?” Is that my heart as well? When Jesus turns directly to me, when I have His full attention, do I long to know that this encounter is not a one-time shot, but that I can easily seek Him out, knowing where He is to be found? We can always seek Jesus by turning to His Word or turning our hearts over to Him. Christian, Jesus is as close as stopping what we are doing long enough to be still and know that He is God. Lord, settle my heart and mind today. As a new day, a new adventure begins, let me always remember You are never far from me. It is I who needs to shift my attention to You. For You have come near and are always available to me, if I only turn to You and meet You where You dwell.




With all the craziness of the world, it is easy to be distracted, often overlooking the blooms right in front of us. We can all get caught up in our daily tasks - working, caring for children, traveling to practices, meetings, household chores, maintaining our properties, and the list goes on and on. It can definitely be overwhelming. Things have to get done. But it is so important to make time for yourself and have some down time. In order for us to be productive at home or at work we have to take care of ourselves. Think of ways to time block and just rest. Get away from the “rat race.” This doesn’t have to be for hours or involve an expensive vacation, it could be putting on some soothing music or getting into a hammock. I bet before you know it you will be refreshed and you will have a positive outlook to start the next day.

Jessica Morneault Wife and mother using photography to bring awareness to ministries and highlighting women living with purpose. Jessica is also the photographer for Women World Leaders. www.roadmaptopurpose.org


Break Every Chain Feel the freedom of embracing the promises of the dawning of a new day. Grab hold of that key, it’s a gift from God to unlock your chains of earthly bondages of hurts and disappointments. Feel the lightness as you begin a new path, full of courage and hope. God has your every step; He has planned your journey. Trust Him and you will see.

Proverbs 3:5-6 TPT “Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with him in whatever you do, and he will lead you wherever you go.” “He will cut a straight path before you.”




A WARRIOR FOR GOD’S TRUTH AND JUSTICE STANDING IN THE GAP- PART 2 written by Sandy Yozipovic 2020 was a year of trials for many, but through it all, I saw God prevail, living up to His promise, “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28, NLT) Despite the pandemic, which caused infection in over 141 million people and resulted in death for over 3 million people worldwide, God’s hand was apparent as 97%-98% of those infected have survived. God’s hand was also evident in other ways: did you know that thousands of people accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during the 2nd half of 2020 right here in the United States? In July alone, over 500 worshippers were baptized in Huntington Beach, California; another 1,000 people were baptized in Newport Beach in September; and, according to CBN, this was happening weekly all up and down the western coast of the United States. New believers were being baptized not only in the waters off the beaches of California, but also in lakes and in swimming pools across the country. These baptisms happened even as many churches throughout the world were forced to close their buildings, as nothing will stop God from drawing people to His kingdom. Many churches found unconventional ways to meet safely even during the height of the pandemic. My church, for example, The Living Word Bible Church in Mesa, California, hosted drive-in church services in their huge parking lot. They set up a giant stage with lights and screens, and never closed! The parking lot was packed for every service. Other churches met online and saw their numbers grow. Even when Satan attempts to take away our right to worship, God finds a way to make His name known! Individuals and churches also stepped up to serve others in need, even when many were in need themselves. Church families donated food to hundreds of families who were affected by the shutdown. Some also provided basic home essentials such as toilet paper, paper towels and water. God was moving and His people were serving. God’s hand also continued to work outside the church. One cause that is near and dear to my own heart is child sex trafficking prevention. I have been involved in creating awareness for child sex trafficking for the last ten years through Women World Changers and can tell you first hand that throughout the pandemic, God continued to bless our efforts There were approximately 200,000 missing children rescued from sex trafficking worldwide during the pandemic. The exact numbers are not available to the public yet as rescue teams are still conducting sex trafficking stings weekly, spearheaded by 62

our US Marshalls and Navy Seal rescue teams. More people became aware of this atrocity during the shutdown than ever before in our history. The attention was brought to light after the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell and the sentencing of NXVM Sex Cult Leader, Keith Ranieri. Both of these stories became international headlines causing the world to watch – God uses all things for His good. To date, the number of sex trafficking rescues are not ready to be released as they are SHOCKING! As for the US, our rescue and recovery partners also cannot release the numbers as they are still involved in active sting operations. At Women World Changers, we were, however, informed by a contact from “Deliver Fund “ that their Navy Seal Rescue Teams are ACTIVE, and we were asked to stay in prayer for the children and the rescue teams and their ongoing efforts. Another partner, a Christian ministry named Saving Innocence, has a $2.8 Million yearly budget with over 70,000 case workers who train extensively for months to help these children rehabilitate and assimilate them back to a normal life. It is not an easy task as these children are victims of horrific abuse, rape, and torture. They have been cheated, lied to, and robbed of their childhood innocence. The average age of entrance into the sex trafficking trade is 12 years old; and striking is that their life expectancy once they are grafted into this industry is a scant seven years. According to Alan Smythe of Saving Innocence, the sex trade activity went up 35% in 2016 from 2015, and has grown every year since.

Satan is working hard in our world, but God is working harder; and God’s plan is for us to be able to see Him clearly despite the storm we are in. Part of that call is that we would clearly see Satan’s schemes and stand strong against him as he loses the battle.

Satan is working hard in our world, but God is working harder; and God’s plan is for us to be able to see Him clearly despite the storm we are in. Part of that call is that we would clearly see Satan’s schemes and stand strong against him as he loses the battle. We call on every prayer warrior to put on the whole armor of God and stand in the gap for however long it takes - because tough times don’t last, but tough Christians do! When we stand in the gap together and pray for others, we create a God-sized impact on the lives of hurting people. They win, we win and…GOD WINS! We ask for a call to action for every Christian to stand with us in prayer and join with us in helping these children. Please go to www.womenworldchangers.org for more information or to join our movement. Once you have signed up, you will receive information for our next ZOOM call, as well as updates on our current and future projects with our partners. May God continue to bless this movement and continue to find those who are willing to STAND UP, SPEAK UP AND SAVE MORE LIVES.


Wide Open Wonderment IMMANUEL’S HOUSE written by Rachel Dube The Spirit of the holy God, the one outside of time and space, the Sustainer whose hands hold the whole of His creation... How can He be here amongst us? How can He hear my quiet prayer amidst the clamor of the universe? Above the explosions of stars, the wailings of grief, the heavy rolling growls of the ground and the sky and sea as they groan and ache? Above the songs and sounds of joy, the honks and hums of traffic, the soft yet unmistakably restless sound of tossing and turning in the night? Above the white noise of millions of prayers, whispered, wailed, shouted and moaned, spoken, sung and sometimes silent? How does He see and hear and know me like a lover and a mother and a father and a friend? Because He no longer dwells on the mountain guarded by thunder and fire. Because He would not let the curtain or the curse keep me from Him anymore.

In the same way that there is nothing that can keep a good father from finding his long-lost son. Because He took on the restraint of time and put on a body of flesh. Because He chose to be like those that He created to be like Him. The One who always was, chose to grow in a mother’s womb, to be born as a baby and to serve as a man. To suffer and die as a sacrifice, to raise to life and be put to death in the grave. To win back all that was lost when we chose to run away. To destroy all that stands between Him and walking in the garden with the bride He enjoys and loves. He chose to be with us, “Immanuel.” Not just above us but in us to dwell. How is He here? And how can I know Him? This God so infinite and far? Because the nails that pierced His hands and feet were the nails that built the house where He could live inside of me.

Living a Holystic Life FAITHFULLY EMPOWERED written by Melissa Kessler Faith and empowerment are two values that I hold so dear to my heart. A few years ago, the words “faithfully empowered” came to me in God’s perfect timing, when I needed them most. This was not of my own doing, but a word from God.

started living with my mind set on faith and empowerment, things no longer looked terrible, nor did I feel like I would never achieve my goals. It made me realize how much my perspective could affect the outcome of my life.

What do the words “faithfully empowered” really mean, individually and as a combination?

Could you become faithfully empowered? Here’s the thing, you already are. God created you to have faith. Study His Word regularly and watch expectantly as God provides the faith you are looking for. Make your time with God a daily appointment that cannot be cancelled. I know how easy it is to believe that you don’t have to do this, but trust me, you will notice a difference in your life.

Let’s first look at faith. The definition given in the Bible is that “Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV) The scripture goes on to illuminate that our faith – that which we hope for and do not see – is to be rooted in God, and it is our faith that pleases Him. And in Ephesians, we are guided into an understanding of how God seeks to empower us: “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father…that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you…may… know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge.” (Ephesians 3:14-19, NASB) Taken together then, being “faithfully empowered” means that we can trust God as we step out in strength to do all that He has called us to do, knowing that He is in control and His plans will succeed. Although we are not promised how or when His will shall be accomplished, it may not be today or next month, having this faith has brought my life to a completely different realm. I imagine everything finished, and trust that it will be done in God’s perfect timing and will. I can trust Him in health and wellness, in happiness and joy, in relationships and connection, in finances and freedom, and in all other areas of life. Have you ever felt like you just weren’t sure where life was taking you? For a season of my life, I felt this way day in and day out. I could not have gotten through it if God had not poured His faithful empowerment into my life. I started to live my life according to this belief and, as my attitude changed, so did my circumstances. Or maybe just my outlook made me see things differently. As I 66

When you turn to God, He will give you the power to be mentally strong. Paul teaches us in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (NKJV) You are empowered through Him, which means that you have the power of the Holy Spirit to be strong. When negative thoughts cross your mind, allow God to remind you of His faithfulness. Negate your destructive thoughts by focusing on the attributes of God – His goodness and love and His promise to always be with you. It may take some time to change your thinking, but if you keep doing this, you will soon find yourself “faithfully empowered.”

“Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2, NIV Melissa is a wife and mom of 2 boys, She is an author and Christian-focused Holistic Wellness + Lifestyle Educator and helps women achieve their wellness goals. Melissa has a great passion for natural health and living according to the Word of God. To learn more and work with her, follow her on Instagram and Facebook @holyoilygoals or email her at mel@ melissajkessler.com

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:14-19 NIV


God’s Covenant & Answered Prayer After waiting an hour to capture something flying through this rainbow, I prayed that God would send a bird and that He would allow the rainbow to last until one did fly by. Suddenly, I saw two birds coming from the north and captured them flying south right through the rainbow! Upon enlarging the photo, I realized they were doves! The symbolism of that does not escape me. The rainbow, as presented in Genesis 9:13-14, is a sign of God’s covenant that He made with man and every living creature never to destroy the earth with a flood again. The dove was used by Noah to search for a dry place to land on the earth after the flood.


Isn’t it amazing how God answered my prayer by sending two doves through this rainbow? He doesn’t just care about the big things, but He also cares about all the little things in our lives, and reminds us that He is in control of every detail and He keeps His promises! What an awesome and mighty God we serve!

Lillian Cucuzza Photographer www.HisCreationsLLC.com www.HisCreationsLLC.pixels.com

A BEAUTIFUL MESS written by Jessica Prukner Ever have one of those motivational t-shirt types of day? Randomly, I decided to select my “Not Today Satan” tie-dyed shirt and pair it with my “I Can Do All Things Through Christ” purple coffee mug. I was ready for the day, or so I thought. Being a parent in 2021 is a hard enough job in itself; add in the homeschool teacher job duties and I need every motivational swag item I can get to keep me focused and on my game. Recently, my youngest has been struggling with long division. I feel like after many attempts, some tears, as well as calling in backup from Dad and some intelligent neighbors who were willing to help, I had to throw the white flag in on the play and find a tutor. I try to do it all, I am superwoman after all (or so I like to think), but sometimes we need to know when to ask for help. It was one of those days.

God gave us these wonderful, unique kids and He called and set us apart to be their parents and their teachers. If He calls us, He will equip us. Hebrews 13:21a says, “May He equip you with all that you need for doing His will.”

As homeschooling parents, we need to know that sometimes the greatest thing we can do for our kids is find someone else to assist in their learning journey. Many times, I have felt like a failure because I couldn’t teach my own kids what they needed to learn. This is just not the case! I remember when my son was in second grade and still struggling to read, I would sit up late at night crying to my husband about how awful of a teacher I was and how I was ruining our son’s life forever. Yes, a bit extreme looking back, but as I have continued my journey in homeschooling and talking to other parents along the way, I have found that this fear of failure is very common. Let me remind you of something God spoke very clearly to my heart years ago and again recently during my anguish: God gave us these wonderful, unique kids and He called and set us apart to be their parents and their teachers. If He calls us, He will equip us. Hebrews 13:21a says, “May He equip you with all that you need for doing His will.” Even when we feel like we are missing the mark, we can remember His promises to us. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” So I encourage you to take a deep breath (yes actually do it right now), let go of any guilt you may be holding onto, ask for some help where you need it, and trust that God’s got you and your kids during this season. The current day situation: my son who was once struggling to read is now a strong advanced reader, and I have found a great tutor who is helping my youngest with long division - all while I sit there in peace drinking coffee out of my swag ‘Best Teacher’ mug, knowing that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength today. As for tomorrow…well, thankfully I am not supposed to worry about tomorrow, but I know that my God is already there.



“Fuel for Life”

God desires a deeper connection with each of us. How we can achieve intimacy with our Savior is by walking with Him daily. Fuel for Life is a 90-day journey of inspired topics that offer coaching direction through God’s Word and encouragement to achieve an abundant living lifestyle. Through these pages of incitement, you’ll receive words of direction, comfort, hope, and awareness of God’s presence through scripture. Each day you will receive challenging ideas of how to incorporate helpful, healthy, faith-based living into your daily routine. If you desire to serve God, making each day count in a confident way of living, Fuel for Life will guide you to overcome challenges, strengthen your faith, and have a deeper impact within the world you live. This book contains fuel which will charge your Life into abundant living through seeking God and His Word.

https://womenworldleaders.com/ boutique-books/fuel-for-life/ All proceeds will support the Women World Leader’s mission.


Faith and Family DO YOU SEE THE SIGNS? written by Donna Whartenby Do you see the signs? Don’t you look for signs? While driving, don’t you look for signs of familiarity and when to stop? Do you see the signs to confirm you are heading in the right direction or to tell you where to make a turn? Do you see the signs to direct you on the right path to reach your destination? When you see the signs of dark clouds, hear thunder, and smell that aroma of rain in the air, you know a storm is approaching. You hear the siren of an ambulance long before you see it. You can smell fire before you see signs of burning embers. You see the signs on a mountain trail of beautiful flora and fauna, hear the babbling sounds of a nearby stream, and search for signs of the footprints of friends and foes. Do you see the signs from God? When He sets a rainbow in the clouds, He reminds us He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and honors His covenantal promise that there will never be a great flood to destroy all living things on Earth again (Gen 9:1317 NASB). He displays a splendor of fall colors in the cool, crisp air; and a spectrum of floral colors and fragrances in the warming spring. These signs illustrate there are seasons of change and a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3). Deuteronomy 4:19 (NLT) states, “When you look up into the sky and see the sun, moon, and stars…The Lord your God gave them to all the peoples of the earth.” There are also signs of warning in Acts 2:20 (NIV): “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon to blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord.” God fills our world with signs. He blesses the day with a miraculous sunrise, a sign shouting, “This is the day that He has made!” He blesses you with hugs and kisses as a sign of someone’s love. He blesses you with news of health, whether good or not so good, as a sign of His love and promises that He will never leave you or forsake you. Have you made a sudden change in direction because you unknowingly heard the Holy Spirit’s quiet voice tell you to “come this way”? Our Heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, provides us with comfort, peace, and joy as a sign of His everlasting love. He gives us these signs that we can trust Him, know Him, and love Him forever. He provides you with signs to direct your path, lead you to decisions, and hear His small, quiet voice to let you know His will. Do you pray daily for God to open your eyes to recognize His signs? Are you enthusiastically teaching your children and grandchildren to look for His signs? No? Begin today by showing them how to see God in everything, to look for His signs when riding in the car, after the rain, in the night sky, when they hear a baby cry, or see tender tears on a cheek. Let them smell a beautiful flower and remind them that God blesses them with the senses of smell, sight, hearing, and touch. Help them discover shapes in the clouds against the blue sky of God’s creation. Teach them their heart’s desire to trust and be near you is the sign that our Heavenly Father wants the same trust and nearness to Him. Teach them how to talk to our Heavenly Father in reverent prayer just like they can talk to you on Earth. Discover His presence in everything. See His signs and you will be blessed! 71

Beside Still Waters WINGS OF HIS LOVE written by Rusanne Jourdan Like a bird who flew into a glass door, she was injured, hurt and broken

His wings of love wrap around you to heal and lift you up to fly!

Her wings bruised where she could fly no more

Isolation can bring revelation, time alone spent well

Her breath was taken, ripped from her like other things she held close and dear

Spend it in His Word, His presence, His Arms and His embrace

Discomfort with every breath, she tried to take a breath from the deep pit of her being

His Arms are mighty wings to hover over you Protecting you Fanning you with the air to breathe in His power to fly again

She lay still She could not move Paralyzed in the pain Alone, abandoned and isolated Wings not able to fly! Look up sister! Look up! Seek and surrender Believe in our Saviour And wait upon Him

Never alone, always with Him flying by your side Spread your wings, Sister Spread your wings and spread the good news of an eternal Father whose arms, like wings of a strong eagle, take us to new heights to see and experience this life from His perspective His wings of love take us high above it all His wings of love show us glimpses of eternity where our final home calls

Isaiah 40:31 (ESV) “But they who wait for the lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” Psalm 36:7 (ESV) “How precious is your steadfast love, O’god! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.”


Sons of The King Prayers for the

Pray with us as we intercede for our fathers, our husbands, our sons, and our brothers! Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Psalm 128:1-2 (NIV)

God, your Word declares that blessings follow obedience to your Word, and we are thankful that your sons live in obedience unto you. To fear the Lord involves reverence and walking in obedience. Thank you, heavenly Father, for the blessings that will overtake your sons as they walk in obedience to your Word and direction. Thank you, heavenly Father, for the overflow that rests in their hearts as they exemplify before the world what it means to live according to the statutes of your Word. Thank you, heavenly Father, that prosperity is their portion, and not the seed of bitterness, brokenness, rejection, defeat, destruction, and ill-will. We celebrate the rising up of the Sonship and the dominion that exuberates from their spirits, the power in their stride, and the authority of their words. Admonish them to love their wives as Christ loved the church and to love their neighbors as they love themselves. Their demonstration of love and reverence for you enables them to eat from the table of your blessing and the ripest of fruit from the vine that is filled with your abundance. There is no good thing that you will withhold from them. The hour is at hand when your sons will no longer serve the god of this world and sup from the table of idleness, but they will reap the rewards of labor, a good marriage, a strong family, and of health and wellness. The favor of God will overtake them and their generations to come in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Dr. Jia Conway 73

Ever Interceding GOD LISTENS written by Diana Brown I pray that as you are reading the Voice of Truth every month and spending time with God in His Word and in prayer daily, that you are growing in your walk with the Lord and drawing close to Him. That closeness is vital for your spiritual survival. If you are saved, your sins are forgiven by God because they were paid for and replaced by the perfect righteousness of Christ. Your sin no longer keeps you separated from God. You are now God’s child and He sees you as perfectly righteous, in the same way that He sees Jesus, His “beloved Son in whom (He) is well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17, NKJV) As His child, your prayers are always heard by God. 1 Peter 3:12 (NIV) says, “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” Because of Christ, His eyes are always on us and He is always attentive to our prayers. In James 5:16 (NIV) we are told that “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Our prayers will always be effective when we yield to God’s ultimate authority and trust that He will answer them according to His will. His will is revealed in His Word and by the voice of the Holy Spirit that can be heard when we are in relationship with Him. James says that we develop an “effective” prayer life when we are living as a “righteous person.” This is not because God ceases to hear our prayers if we are choosing sin rather than righteous living, it is rather that we are not able to rightly know God’s will in order to ask for it unless we are aligning our hearts and minds with His. We do this by listening to His voice of conviction over sin and responding with repentance and new obedience. But God, in His mercy, uses even our selfish, worldly prayers to work in us to make us more like Christ, that is, more righteous in our actions, our thoughts and our prayers. Even as God’s children, we will often choose sin rather than righteousness. When we do, God, in His faithful love to us, draws us close to Him by convicting us of our sin. When we choose not to quench His Spirit, but to respond with repentance, we open our ears to His voice and align our heart and mind with His will. This is an ongoing process, a lifestyle of keeping our hearts open to God’s voice. This is how we live as “righteous” people whose prayers are therefore “powerful and effective.” Psalm 139 contains the words of David, whom God called “a man after his own heart.” (1 Samuel 13:14, NIV) David had one of the most intimate relationships with God that we see in all the Bible. In Psalm 139:23-24 (NIV) he cried out to God, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.” David committed some horrible sins in his life. He was a murderer and an adulterer, yet God drew David close to Himself. When David asked God to “search” him, to “know (his) heart,” and to “test” him, he was telling 74

Our prayers will always be effective when we yield to God’s ultimate authority and trust that He will answer them according to His will. His will is revealed in His Word and by the voice of the Holy Spirit that can be heard when we are in relationship with Him..

the Lord, in honesty and humility, that he did not want to have a heart that quenches God’s spirit of conviction. He wanted God to continue to show him his sin. He desired to be open to God’s voice and to respond with repentance and new obedience. His humility and repentance before God allowed him to come closer to God after he sinned and to continue growing in his relationship with Him. David is called a “man after God’s own heart” not because of his righteous living, but because he responds to God’s forgiveness, faithfulness and steadfast love with repentance. If God forgave David and built a special relationship with Him in spite of his sin, He can do the same for us. God in His faithfulness will draw us close to Him. We need only to accept His love and respond to His voice with repentance and obedience. When we do, we will have powerful and effective prayers. In Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster said, “To pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us. If we are unwilling to change, we will abandon prayer as a noticeable characteristic of our lives. The closer we come to the heartbeat of God the more we see our need and the more we desire to be conformed to Christ. To pray is to change.” Father, what a privilege it is to talk to You. How awesome to think that You love to hear our prayers. Help us to spend more time talking to You—about everything. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen. Foster, R. J. (1988). Celebration of Discipline: The path to spiritual growth. San Francisco: Harper & Row.


God is brewing a partnership! What would it look like if Women World Leaders partnered with a local coffee shop in Sanford, Florida to empower lives with purpose? For starters, it would look like a bag of freshly roasted, washed Costa Rican beans and natural Ethiopian beans blended to perfection sitting on your kitchen counter. With notes of honey, vanilla, milk chocolate, and cocoa, you can’t go wrong. We rejoice in God merging our missions together, partnering to serve Him - from empowering women to rescuing many from the plights of human trafficking. You can join our hearts and hands by purchasing a bag of coffee. All the proceeds will be shared between Women World Leaders & Love Missions. Palate Coffee Brewery is blessed to have won taste quality awards; always roasted in His love, to perfection.


...and support both missions with your purchase! https://sanfordcoffee.com/WWL


Palate Coffee Brewery opened its doors five years ago when Carl & Tina Kadolph, along with their daughter and son-inlaw, Katrina and Charles Lemmon, decided to open a coffee shop with a vision bigger than just coffee. A coffee shop focused on one of their greatest passions: fighting human trafficking. As a human trafficking survivor, co-owner Tina Kadolph understands the needs survivors face and is uniquely qualified to meet those needs through mentoring, education, job training, and personal care bags. She is able to come alongside survivors and walk with them on their journey from pain to living their God-given purpose. Understanding that education is key, she brings awareness to the reality of human trafficking through Love Missions, the nonprofit organization that the Kadolphs started to fight human trafficking. By empowering survivors and educating the community, their goal is to eradicate this crime against humanity. How are these large endeavors funded? Coffee. The Kadolph/Lemmon family have gone to great lengths to make sure the coffee they serve is nothing short of the best. Their coffee shop has won awards for best coffee, voted on by the public, beating out large chains. Co-owner Charles Lemmon took roasting classes to perfect his skill, and now they have opened up their own private roastery right around the corner from their coffee shop. This is to ensure that every bag of beans and every cup of coffee is freshly roasted to perfection.

Women World Leaders is a unified global women’s ministry that empowers others to follow Christ and to love in abundance as we cultivate women warriors in purpose by the promises and power of God. Our ministry aims to anchor hearts in God as we strive to be united in service empowering, edifying and supporting one another in faith and love while developing passionate leaders with purpose. As part of our call to service, we support and come alongside the work of churches and ministries aimed at equipping women to find their identity in Christ alone. We, at WWL, are truly honored to partner with Love Missions and Palate Coffee Brewery as they stand in the gap for oppressed women. Jesus is the only way to freedom and only through Him can we receive complete healing and grace! Through our partnership, we believe we will see God’s hand of justice and mighty love as He provides freedom for those who are stuck in the vicious cycles of human trafficking - and we are excited for you to join us in this cause. Kimberly Hobbs Founder & Executive Director kimberly@womenworldleaders.com

Now, when you buy a bag of Palate Blend, you will be supporting the visionary work of Women World Leaders and helping Love Missions combat human trafficking, both locally and around the world. Enjoying a cup of coffee from the comfort of your kitchen table can now have a global reach. Tina Kadolph, Founder and President, Love Missions Global Co Owner, Palate Coffee Brewery tina@lovemissions.net

Love Missions and Women World Leaders


COFFEE CHATS with Tina Kadolph Hello Beautiful Ladies, It is coffee chat time. My favorite time of the month. This month I thought I’d open a little window into my soul. My desire is to always share from my heart and to spur you closer to our Lord and Savior, who is wildly in love with you. “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37, NIV)

SHE’S A SURVIVOR Her light was something greater than herself, and she knew without a doubt that this flame would never be - could never be - extinguished, even when all circumstances fell into the depths of darkness. She had lived a darkness many others have never known nor could even understand, yet she pulled herself out of the darkness and became a bright light. She was proof that God's power lived inside her. This broken vessel that was barely holding on was drowning at times in her own disbelief. She was a beautiful example of courage colliding into the uncertainties of her own worth - a refreshing combination that the world needed more of – undeniably humble, yet with an overwhelming strength she did not see in herself. One day she recognized herself as an unfinished piece of art. She caught a glimpse of who God was creating her to be. So, with the power of Christ and her own determination, she set out to be the woman God called her to be. You see, she wasn't always like that. There were times she ran from God. She made mistakes. She wasn't always patient, and sometimes she got angry. There were moments the pain of her past would overtake her. She would hurt herself and she even tried to take her life. 78

This broken vessel that was barely holding on was drowning at times in her own disbelief. She was a beautiful example of courage colliding into the uncertainties of her own worth - a refreshing combination that the world needed more of, undeniably humble – yet with an overwhelming strength she did not see in herself.

But she would always run back to the place where she could hide. Under the kitchen table before it had all begun. A place she had once felt safe. A place where Jesus found her. A place where she learned the truth of who she truly was in Christ. Not the place where evil tried to end her life, and not the place where others caused her harm, but the place where He became her refuge. She was a beacon of life’s pain, but she rose from the ashes as a daughter of the Most High. There were many times she couldn’t see her way, so she blindly walked towards Him. She began to trust Him, whether she could see Him or not, all the while knowing that He was pursuing her. One day the tapestry of her life started to come into view. She learned the power within her could be shared and bring the same light to others. Her hope had been found in Jesus and she wanted others to know that Christ’s love is the way, the only way, to find complete healing. Now, she is a WARRIOR. This girl was me. God had a plan for my life, and He has a plan for your life, too. No matter what you have been through, He has come to set the captives free. As God infiltrated my heart and revealed His plan for my life, He graciously provided me with this passage to hold on to:

“The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.” Isaiah 61:1-3 (NIV) Many blessings, my friends! 79

Hand to Heart GOD’S SILENCE MISUNDERSTOOD written by Diane Cheveldayoff Am I the only one who feels silence from God? In these days of so much change I often find myself asking: Does God hear my prayers? This is not an uncommon question and is one I’m sure every one of us can relate to at different points in our lives. When things are going well and we have no doubts or concerns, this thought does not enter our minds, but when things are unsettled and it is hard to see beyond today, the question becomes relatable for us all. When I am burdened by God’s apparent silence, I remind myself that God’s time is outside of my time and that He knows what is best for me. God is always there, and He always answers His children, just maybe not in the form we envisioned or the time we thought was most appropriate or even thought that we needed. Yet, He will reveal answers to us when His time is right and, what’s more, when those answers will benefit us the most. One way we can appreciate God’s ‘silence’ is to remember those times in our lives when, in hindsight, we can recognize that God was working even through those ‘silent’ times. The old saying of ‘hindsight is 20/20’ is real and reveals areas that we should capture, recognize, and hang onto, as God is showing us that He really does answer our prayers - sometimes we just can’t see it at the moment. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make. Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go.” (TPT) We may not understand ALL that God has for us, but we can trust the outcome as we lean on Him completely. Once we submit an issue to God and rely on Him, then He will give us peace even through the turmoil. If you are like me, I long for glimpses of how God is working. When I feel like I am not getting those glimpses of how He is currently working, I dig deeper and pray to trust Him – to trust that He does hear me and know that He cares deeply for me. I’ve learned that I must be patient, and that I must remember the glimpses of His glory that He has shown me in the past. All these are hard realities for me at this stage of 80 Cheveldayoff, Grand Canyon Jamie

Jamie Cheveldayoff, Yosemite

life. The prophet Jeremiah says, ‘“For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”’ (29:11 NLT) I have to claim these promises daily, keeping my faith rooted in His Word and reminding myself He is faithful and always has been. One area I struggle with trusting God is my finances, though He has proven Himself faithful to me in this area many times. Often, I must remind myself of those times of His faithfulness. For example, from early in marriage, just starting to learn the principles of tithing, I determined that my husband and I didn’t have the money to tithe, yet out of obedience, we did it anyway. As we stepped out in obedience, God not only provided what we needed, He provided through another source the exact amount that we had tithed. This is only one example of Him providing financially in an inexplicable way. Based on logic, this would be considered impossible, but God

doesn’t always operate on logic. It is by His mercy and His grace that all things are possible. When I am struggling to hear Him, I know I can draw upon these times of provision when He has showered me with glimpses of hope that I KNOW are true; I’ve seen it and I’ve lived it. My belief is based on reality and experience. I know He has shown His power and faithfulness to me before, and I know that He will again. When you think God is silent, reflect on the many times He’s shown you glimpses of how He is working and hears your prayers. I’m sure if you do, you’ll remember those times when He was answering but you just didn’t hear Him. Even though I don’t know you, I know that God has answered your prayers in the past, and because of His faithfulness He will answer them in the present and the future. Because that is who He is. Even when we can’t see His Hand, we can trust His Heart.

WWL Love Notes WWL has filled a vacuum in my heart. I needed a ministry where prayer was their bedrock and the love of Jesus was displayed. WWL ladies checked off both. The warm and infectious love, led through the example of the president/founder Kimberly Hobbs, can be felt each month throughout the meetings and prayer calls.

-Lois Daley


Courage in Action We Are Family! In the last 25 years, we traveled to over 53 nations, many times leading conferences and training leaders dedicated to ending the spread of HIV/AIDS. We started as young professionals thrown into the deep end of the AIDS crisis. As the years went by, we watched in horror as wage earners in Southern Africa fell victim to AIDS. Communities plunged deeper into poverty; paralyzing grief and fear blanketed almost everything. We worked with some of the finest educators and public health officials, yet tens of millions of precious moms and dads died, leaving a wake of orphans and widows. Due to mother-to-child transmission, almost a third of all orphans were HIV positive. Pastors were overwhelmed, trying to lead churches, counsel families in crisis, and conduct several funerals every weekend. For many, hope was slipping away. In one conference, a teacher identified her dream “to live in a world without funerals every weekend.” Kerus began to work with local church leaders and educators to craft a compassionate approach to care. We yearned to bring hope and practical help to weary souls, especially children, whose lives were hijacked by HIV/AIDS. We set up a community model of care centered on Jesus’s life and teaching. Dricca Mooka, a fantastic principal who loves Jesus and carries the burden of orphaned children deep in her heart, helped immensely. In October of 2008, we were ready. Dricca arranged a meeting with the orphans joining the program at our center. To this day we couldn’t tell you who was more nervous, the children or us! We brought paints and paper and chatted about the orphan care center as we all did artwork together. We created a code phrase to identify them from the


sea of other children at school, “We are family!” Little did we know that we would be family for 12 years now! The Kerus Go Amogela (a Zulu phrase, which means hospitality) Orphan Care Center, in Soshanguve, South Africa, now serves over 130 precious orphans. They represent about 90 homes typically led by grannies, who desperately try to make ends meet. Most of these grannies have lost many of their children to AIDS, so their shacks are full, and the food and clothes are little. There are also child-headed homes where grannies have passed away, and the oldest teenager is the caretaker. We support them all and help with homework, food, counseling, medications, and, of course, we share the hope found in Jesus. Traumatized children begin to heal. One precious five-year-old girl came to us after waking up next to her lifeless mother. She sat in the office of our social worker every afternoon and did not speak for a month. Then one day, she was gone. The social worker found her in the middle of a jump rope game, laughing and playing with the other girls. Oh, how we love these children and this community! It’s hard, sometimes very hard, but every minute is worth it. We once received a painted picture that said, “I love you more than a chicken in the oven!” Little berries, coins, or notes tucked into our hands, hugs, hand-holding are all tokens of love and deep appreciation. But there is no sweeter feeling than having a squished lap full of children while reading a book or playing hand games while little girls keep saying, “Do your hair for you.” Our center is wonderfully wild, and we treasure every sweet gesture and every lesson learned about joy, trials, and togetherness. Our friends and churches here in the USA banded together and provided a teen center, an academic enrichment center, and a safe house for our children vulnerable to sex trafficking. We host many visitors: teachers, pastors, carpenters, musicians, and those who just want to love on the children. We put them

all to work using their gifts and talents in the township. We are a family, a family that stretches from the USA to Africa. We pray for one another and love the same amazing Father. You can join the Kerus family too! Request a prayer card for one of our children so that you can pray for them by name. We’ll send you project updates, and maybe you can even join a team – some sweet little girls want to do your hair for you!

1 2 3

Dr. Jennie Cerullo and Dr. Marcia Ball Co-Founders & Executive Directors of Kerus Global To learn more or to donate to Kerus, visit: www.kerusglobal.org





“It takes courage...”


Find details of how to donate at kerusglobal.org


Celebrate Life As I started painting the background with vibrant colours, the texture built up and I felt God had a beautiful message through this mess of rough ridges of paint. I had not realized I was painting a profile of a woman and then started to sweep the wave around her face and there was a release of freedom as I began to paint the butterflies, doves and new beginnings of flowers with their buds. God wanted to show me that He wants to release and change mindsets of how women see themselves. The wave represents a cleansing, a reset of our mind. He sees our inner beauty and He looks past our faults. He feels every one of our tears and, as we step into freedom, He rejoices with us. He embraces our unique fragility and wraps us up in His fatherly love. You are a daughter of God, You are His masterpiece. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLV




Following the Son LOVE LETTERS written by Michele Hughes While I was having dinner with a dear friend at a Mexican restaurant, there was excitement in her voice as she shared about her mom wanting to attend church with her that week. This led to a further discussion about the Bible, including her love of God’s Word and how she felt the whole Bible was a love letter to us. Do you recall the joy of getting a letter in the mail? I remember, as a little girl, walking to the mailbox in anticipation of finding a letter from someone special. The excitement and expectation stirred my heart. I also enjoyed writing and sending letters and cards. I loved embellishing the envelopes with stickers and seals, giving them my own personal touch. (Song of Songs 8:6, NIV, “Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death.”) As a woman, I still get overjoyed when receiving a letter, which makes it all the more special thinking that my creator has a whole book of love letters - for me and for you. These love letters are His Word. “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.” (1 John 3:1 NIV)


Have you ever had someone love you so much that they died for you? I am here to tell you that you have - Jesus did that for us! “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13 KJV) I had the opportunity to visit Israel and was sitting outside Jesus’ tomb having communion and worshipping the Lord when I got just a glimpse of how much He loves me. Tears flowed down my face in gratitude and thankfulness for what He has done for me. I owe Him everything. As we experience a deepening love for Jesus, He calls us to lay down our lives in service to Him. God’s love teaches us how to love. “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’” (Matthew 22:37 NIV)

Seek the Lord and you’ll find how much more He loves you.

“The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:8 NASB)

“The Lord appeared to him from far away. I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued to extend faithful love to you.” (Jeremiah 31:3 HCSB)

God’s love letter, the Bible, breathes grace, hope, peace, and strength. Believe the truth He speaks over you in the scriptures about love, from God’s heart to ours. It truly is the voice of truth.

Women World Leaders Connections LYNNE HUDSON’S CONNECTION - LED TO WWL BY GOD THROUGH CARRIE CHRISTOPHER I (Carrie) can remember for years desiring to have my children attend prophetic art classes where they could bask in creative worship, tuning their ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I had no idea where to find a creative art class led by the Holy Spirit. In another part of my heart, God had poured from my pen children’s poetry, and given me a longing to have someone illustrate what the Holy Spirit had prompted my hand to create. Fast forward several years. Heaven’s helper becomes a reality as God ushers in so much more than I could ever imagine. I had recently begun serving with Women World Leaders. As I sat in my chair with Jesus at my side, my heart resting in His comforting embrace, my Spirit-filled beautiful friend, counselor, and co-contributor of this magazine, Aimee Taylor, sent me a link to a prophetic article. I had listened to this fellow sister’s YouTube channel for quite a while but hadn’t been to her website in years. So, I found myself clicking on the link that was sent. There he was. I was staring into the deep, fiery, gentle yet ferocious eyes of a lion. I was instantly captured. My heart and my mind entangled and enveloped with radiant colors, infused with passion, courage, and power. All of these conceptualizations of painted peril were now landing upon my heart. This was the most incredible lion I had ever experienced in my life. I couldn’t even fully comprehend how one could paint such a heavenly scene, a picture of His grace and mercy. Nudged by the Holy Spirit, I clicked on this prophetic artist’s website. There God led me into doors of eternity’s purpose. The Holy Spirit prompted me with His courage to email the artist. In my email I asked her three questions: the first about teaching my children prophetic art, the second about illustrating the children’s book I had been working on for years, and the third about being the prophetic artist for the magazine, Voice of Truth. Honestly, I had no idea that God would encourage her even to respond, but I was riding on eagle’s wings of courage, propelled by the Holy Spirit. On the receiving end of the communications, Lynne told me later she was tempted to delete the email, thinking it was spam, but her husband told her to look into it further. Wow, only God could’ve had her husband with her at that exact moment.

From then forward, Holy Spirit-driven fire was released. Taste and see that the Lord is good - this is how we met Lynne Hudson, our cover-art Voice of Truth contributor. My name for this prophetic warring princess is Heavenly Lynne! Given to Women World Leaders from God Himself. This woman of faith has overcome and conquered lands in the Spirit. God has painted through her prophetically living miracles. He has given her faith to paint, hope to release, His love to attract. She has shared a literal storeroom of her most treasured, intimate times of painting with the Lord in the midst of a hurting, broken world. Every glance into her paintings leaves me pondering the very love of the Lord His will, His way, and His purposes. They fly off the pages ministering to hearts around the nation. Her generosity speaks of His - she has lovingly provided us a Holy Spirit-infused front cover for the entire year, and also many other pieces to land on our lives. Her surrendered life to Jesus Christ is dispersed in radical heavenly realms to create beauty in this world of fear. And may I say we’ve just begun on this God-appointed journey together as sisters; Lynne now serves as a Leadership Director for Women World Leaders! She is our first global leader, connecting our hearts to the outback of Australia, the world down under! On a personal note, I can attest how much “courage” her participation in Voice of Truth gave me; to keep pursuing the release of this very publication. To be honest, without her reassuring presence and commitment, I am not sure this magazine would even exist. And so, on this very day, at this very hour, we rejoice as a ministry. We rejoice in the “only God” moments, the connecting of hearts across this world of seeming impossibilities to the heavenly realms of God’s purposes and plans. We rejoice that the Lord has brought together an army of valor to proclaim His greatness for such a time as this. And that when we humble ourselves at His feet, He gathers, He provides, and He works. You see my friend, without dear Aimee’s Holy Spirit-led encouragement, I would never have met Lynne. With Lynne, this magazine has gained artistry that has allowed it to go forth in His power. Our lives were created to work powerfully together in unity, sharing our gifts for His glory as the body of believers. We stand in awe at the “only God” moments such as these.


Voice of Truth Stories Together we are world changers How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your "joy" of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.


MEET THE CARTLANDS Brian and Josy Cartland have been sharing love, sharing Jesus and now sharing Voice of Truth magazines at the “Casa Cartland.”

MEET MEGAN DANIELS When my longtime friend and mentor was featured in Voice of Truth in January, I was excited to take a look. When I received this magazine in the mail, I was pleasantly surprised. It takes a lot for me to want to read. The articles in Voice of Truth are engaging and, honestly, make me want to read more. It’s refreshing and inspiring to see how many talented ladies are using the gifts God has given them to reach others around the globe. I’ve now signed up for the bi-monthly subscription and I look forward to reading more. Thank you.

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Mark 16:15, NIV 88

Casa Cartland is a private tropical vacation rental cottage in the heart of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. They host missionaries, ministers, couples, professional athletes, artists, traveling nurses and individuals from all over the world who are looking for a quiet retreat. In late 2020, they opened their cottage to the Airbnb community and have met many people in need, including those who are looking for a place to recover after a surgery, a weekend to reconnect with their spouse, or even to have a spiritual retreat. Their cottage is decorated with encouraging scripture throughout. Recently they hosted a single mother who was having surgery. She shared how blessed and peaceful she felt staying in their cottage, but she also expressed how she was greatly touched to find the Christian magazine “Voice of Truth” in her cottage. She truly enjoyed reading it during her recovery. We provide this magazine as a courtesy to all our guests, but we also use it as a witnessing tool. The Cartlands invite you to come visit them soon! Josy Cartland CasaCartland.com

MEET VAISHALI NAIR Hello, my name is Vaishali Nair from Mumbai, India. I love reading Voice and Truth and I printed my very own copy from the digital copy I received in India through email. I am so happy and blissful in this moment to be able to hold this magazine in my hands as if I am holding hands together with all the Women World Leader sisters around the globe. I remember the day when I coincidently saw Kimberly Hobbs’ first Facebook live meeting where she was urging each of us to write our stories. It would be a story which led us to victories in our lives through the consistent presence and guidance of Jesus. I was moved by what Kimberly said and went to the WWL site to check more on it. I found the front page of this magazine and it was so attractive, but I could not download the first edition then because India was not listed there. So I sent out a message, and by God’s blessings and WWL team’s efforts, I could download the March edition. The magazine has so many inspiring stories which touch my heart so deeply. I am thankful to all Women World Leaders for their continued inspiration through each of the life stories. I am determined that we keep praying for each other as we are sisters in faith, and I also look forward to sharing my story with all of you. Sending tight hugs in Jesus’s caring name.


LYNNE HUDSON & CORRINE PENNAY Lynne reached out to her friend Corinne Pennay who published a Christian newspaper, distributed free throughout the Gold Coast of Australia. She wanted to give her a gift of the latest magazines, Voice of Truth, for the women at Yahweh House. Corinne is the founder of Yahweh House, which is based on the Gold Coast, Australia. This House is a Safe Home for Pregnant women and babies. The mission of Yahweh House is to create a safe and loving environment where pregnant mums feel supported and helped throughout their pregnancy. It is a place women can learn to become great mothers who are confident and loving not only to their babies, but themselves. Corinne is a powerful and bold woman of God who has excitedly passed out Voice of Truth magazines to the loved women who come to Yahweh House. Lynne Hudson has also passed Voice of Truth magazines to other wonderful charities on the Gold Coast that help women through tough times. These domestic violence support groups, Rehabilitation Centre and Training Women Well groups, all help and support women through the most challenging of times and assist them in getting back on their feet. Voice of Truth magazine is changing women’s lives by inspiring and uplifting them to know they are truly loved by their Heavenly Father. 89


Our relationship and love with God is a rugged commitment. It’s not easy, and all of the world’s distractions try to blur our eyes to His truth daily. We must stay focused and continue to allow His Word to pour into us, just as the Voice of Truth has been doing with me. This magazine is unbelievable and a true blessing to have. When I first picked it up, I quite literally couldn’t put it down. Every testimony inside is a gift from God.

MEET KORI WIEDT Hi, my Name is Kori Wiedt and I’m from Ohio. In 2013 I was in a great career at a Fortune 500 company, but the only thing important to a 23-year-old was her boyfriend and what next steps were with him. The relationship I thought I wanted to be in was verbally as well as physically abusive. It wasn’t until that summer that I decided, with the help of family and friends, to walk away from it completely. Eight years later, I took the time to understand myself. I closed up to everyone and spent the time alone to find my worth, focusing on being a better person and what I wanted in my life and also for my career. Those days that I thought were the worst days of my life ended up being the biggest blessing I could have received. God puts people in our lives to be a blessing or a lesson. It was both for me. It opened me back up to understanding how to love myself again, where to focus my energy, and what relationships mattered most. Ever since then, I’ve been intentionally trying to grow my relationship with God in various ways. 90

When I read “Lost and Found in Tinseltown” by Tina Gallo and Carrie Christopher, my eyes filled with tears. God was moving my heart through every sentence. “When we seek His plan for our lives and not ours, we will find real peace and true contentment.” I read that passage five times in a row, and my heart broke over and over. I sit back often times thinking through my life and try to find my purpose and what may be next in my career, when really, He already knows exactly what’s next and what’s best. His plan is the only plan and His timing is always perfect, and I found that sometimes I wasn’t ready for His blessings. As Stephanie Fincher put it on page 17 of VOT issue 1, “He eagerly waits for you to seek His peace for your pieces.” He’s waiting for my whole heart so He can mold me. It’s not what I think I need, it’s about what He knows I need. In that moment, the void I’ve been searching everywhere to fill, will be filled by the only One who can - my Lord.

Send us your story at info@womenworldleaders.com

Praying for you, Daughter of Zion Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways - to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Our Pure Devotion As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.

A heartfelt thank you – To our sister & friend, Kayla Follin. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kayla for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you!


Inspirational Writings, Scriptures, and Artistic Expressions of the Radiant Love of Christ. Globally investing in the lives of women discovering their lifework and purpose within God’s design. In developing areas of specific ability and gifts, women find power to serve in God’s grace, a unity of fellowship among believers, and joy of experiencing the exceeding abundance of God’s glorious work.

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long. PSALM 25:5 (NIV)

www.womenworldleaders.com Scan with your smartphone camera to sign up to receive a free subscription to Voice of Truth magazine! 92

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Articles inside

Billowing Waves of Freedom

pages 44-45

Journey with Jesus: Nuggets from the Gospel of Mark

page 19

Writings from the Global Office

pages 12-14

Gracia del Evangelio

pages 10-11

Gospel Grace

pages 8-9

Meet Johana Torres

page 5

Carta de la Fundadora

page 4

Letter from the Founder

page 3

Voice of Truth Stories

pages 88-92

WWL Connections - Carrie Christopher

page 87

Following the Son - Michele Hughes

page 86

Celebrate Life - Lynne Hudson, Artist

pages 84-85

Courage in Action - Dr.’s Jennie Cerullo and Marcia Ball with Kerus Global

pages 82-83

Ever Interceding - Diana Brown

pages 74-77

Hand to Heart - Diane Cheveldayoff

pages 80-81

Coffee Chats - Tina Kadolph, Owner of Palate Coffee Brewery and Love Missions

pages 78-79

Beside Still Waters - Rusanne Jourdan

page 72

Faith and Family - Donna Whartenby

page 71

A Beautiful Mess - Jessica Prukner

pages 69-70

Prayers for the Sons of the King - Dr. Jia Conway

page 73

God’s Covenant and Answered Prayer - Lillian Cucuzza, Photographer

page 68

Living a Holystic Life - Melissa Kessler

pages 66-67

Wide Open Wonderment - Rachel Dube, Poet

pages 64-65

A Warrior for God’s Truth and Justice - Sandy Yozipovic

pages 62-63

Three Strands - Cindy Southworth

pages 53-56

A.E.W. Robertson - Leecy Barnett

page 52

Musings on the Book of John - Connie Hecker

pages 57-58

Look for the Blooms - Jessica Morneault, Photographer

page 59

Messages from Our Hearts - WWL Staff

pages 46-51

Dim House Gospel Glimpses

pages 36-38

Tea Time With Tina - Tina Gallo, Actress

pages 40-43

College Courage - Sarah Jenkins

page 39

Broken and Beloved - Aimee Taylor

pages 34-35

A Mother’s Prayer - Lynne Hudson - FEATURED COVER ART

pages 32-33

Dear Sister - Dr. Jia Conway

page 31

Miraculous Manna - Rusanne Jourdan and Carrie Christopher

pages 27-30

A Purposed Creation - Kerri Bridges

page 18

Piece by Peace - Stephanie Fincher

pages 25-26

Reflections - Lillian Cucuzza, Photographer

pages 23-24

Holy Hush

pages 20-22

We Will Soar - Rachel Dube, Artist

page 15

Sea Him - Christa Jewett

pages 16-17
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