4 minute read

WWL Global Connections




Hi everyone. I’m Kaye Hollings from WWL Australia (sunny Gold Coast), and I’m addicted to words.

I enjoy Shakespeare and Charles Dickens for their insights into the human condition, and I’ve laughed myself silly while reading the hilarious poems of Pam Ayres. Who hasn’t been touched by the deep spirituality of C S Lewis, Henry Nouwen, and Paul Young, the author of The Shack? (The Shack is my favourite fiction and the one that has impacted me the most, increasing my understanding of God.)

But after becoming a Christian, I fell in love with the best book of all time. I’ve always loved nature, and Jesus found me one misty morning while riding a horse over a beautiful property. To a girl with no self-esteem, no purpose, or peace, He promised Isaiah 58:11 - The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sunscorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. (NIV) Wow! Those powerful words are still etched on my soul to encourage me when I fall into self-doubt and spiritual drought.

When God called me to work with the mentally ill, I was fearful, unwilling, and unhappy, but God showed me Isaiah 45:3 – I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (NIV) Initially, this encounter was as painful as a heart transplant, but it resulted in renewed vitality and strength to live and grow into His calling. Over many years the hidden treasures have been given to me, and I am richly blessed as I walk alongside the hurting and confused.

Then God called me to become a funeral director and to volunteer at a disabled adults program. This time I didn’t resist but faced both new challenges with a sense of excitement and keen anticipation, knowing He was with me. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 was my rock-solid assurance: The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. (NIV) There was nothing to worry about because God would work through me and continue to give me the right words. It wasn’t about me! It was all about Him.

I worked as a writer for many years and have authored five books. I constantly remembered Peter’s words – Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. (John 6:68, NIV) What a humbling experience it is to write to uplift others as He guides our thoughts and fingers. And now, with Voice of Truth, we have another wonderful tool to reach out to others and make a difference.

Can you imagine life without music? I am so glad God gave us a world of vivid colour and precious sound rather than a silent, black and white universe. Psalms are perhaps my favourite section of Scripture. I can see David sitting on a warm rock in a green pasture, feeling God, communing with Him, and writing worship songs when life was calm and turbulent outbursts when life was tough and seemingly impossible.

I love Psalm 18:28-33 (NLT) –

You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield to all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength and he makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.

Whose words are we listening to – words that can hurt and destroy or words that give life-changing freedom?

Come with me on an incredible adventure. Let’s strap on our hiking boots, pack plenty of water and food, and start climbing that mountain with His guidebook in our hands until one day we stand on the heights. Then, we will finally look into His eyes full of love, compassion, and healing and find the answer to every question and an end to all pain. We have all the necessary equipment, His written directions, and daily renewed strength to keep going. Let’s move forward together.


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