13 minute read

Voice of Truth Stories

Together We Are World Changers

How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your "joy" of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.




Jamie Cheveldayoff has a thriving spirit of adventure and loves to unite God and His creation with the steps of her life and then share her findings with others. By doing what she absolutely loves - discovering nature - Jamie decided to unveil some of her discoveries with you. She sends so many photos to this magazine to be used for God’s glory.

Being used by God in such a unique way, Jamie has given her life back to Him, seeking Him first and doing so by traveling the world and seeing the great outdoors. Her adventurous spirit and her loving mom made her “Godconnection” for Voice of Truth magazine, allowing a glimpse of Jamie’s journey.

This magazine breathed a union of hearts and friendships together, and now Voice of Truth uses Jamie’s scenic surroundings and luscious backdrops to accompany God’s Holy Scriptures from some of our writers and their columns on the pages of VOT.

Understanding WWL’s mission of touching hearts for our Lord, Jamie hopes women will be blessed as they see the vastness of God’s creation in some of the most spectacular photos and places she has traveled. The view of God’s splendor and majesty is shared with you, allowing us all to catch a glimpse of heaven on earth.

Jamie does this for God’s glory as she chooses to be included in the Women World Leaders ministry in the way God prompted her - through sharing her adventures. She loves our mission and this ministry.

If you glance through Voice of Truth, you will see some of Jamie’s special spots, which are God’s hidden treasures. Look for the mountains of grandeur and rocks of dramatic proportion, and dive with her into the depths of the sea for a picture of some exquisite finds. A special thanks to her photographers, who are listed when needed.

It takes an army of women to do God’s work together in Voice of Truth, and Jamie has been a blessing to us with her adventurous scenes and her heart to share with you all the beauty God has created.

Thank you, Jamie!


Have you ever been to a library full of exciting books, magazines, and videos? Back in the day, one Women World Leader, Dr. Chidi Kalu, would get excited about going down to the library, and either spending time there or checking out some books and magazines to read when she got home.

Dr. Chidi Kalu is intrigued by the quest for biblical truth and knowledge. Her love for education and ministry led her to embark on a journey to inspired learning and writing. One of the ways she does that is to read the Voice of Truth Magazine. It’s a blessing that the free magazine gets delivered to you, so you don’t have to leave the comforts of your home to go to the library.

Every aspect of the Women World Leaders ministry has been very fascinating and a huge blessing to Dr. Chidi Kalu, who serves in leadership as a Prayer Warrior. Her favorite part of the ministry is to pray over the writers and their stories published in the magazine, with hopes that it will enrich the lives of those who read it.

Relating to the many-faceted stories of the real lives of Women World Leaders makes her heart glad. These heartfelt stories help develop our faith, encourage our souls, and engage our imaginations. God is using every story published to weave a tapestry of love and unity across multi-cultures around the world.

Dr. Chidi’s love for ministry spans many years. Her commitment and dedication to serving the Lord shows in her daily encouraging, embracing, and empowering the women. Dr. Chidi has found life more meaningful through her selfless prayers for others. She derives joy and fulfillment seeing a prayer answered on the prayer wall or from the prayer group chats.

Dr. Chidi finds it to be such a rewarding and gratifying feeling to serve alongside many beautiful and gifted women of God who have all come together to use their diverse gifts to uphold the Women World Leader’s vision and mission. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV) You might wonder why Dr. Chidi is so in love with this ministry under the leadership of Kimberly Hobbs. It is because she has watched so many lives touched by the power of God through the various ministry tools the organization uses to minister daily.

Women World Leaders makes you feel like you belong to a family of believers who are walking by faith and not by sight. She has watched God use this ministry to “do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20 KJV) It is the power of the Holy Spirit working in each of us that compels Dr. Chidi to serve within the ministry with love, faith, and purpose. It is her prayer that through the ministry of Women World Leaders, every woman will experience God’s love and presence in refreshing new ways.


My name is Laurie Sammarco. I am married to my soul mate, Vincent, and am a proud mom to two beautiful young ladies, Kristen and Gabriella, currently living in Pembroke Pines, Florida.

God has given me a passion and gift to write, which has grown through the years from a hobby to a ministry - meant to help and encourage others to push through their struggles by seeking God’s face and finding refuge in His arms. God nurtured and cared for me, raising me up from a shy little girl with divorced parents, including a mom who was dedicated and loving and a father who struggled with mental disorders, and built my faith and confidence until I found my inner voice and was able to encourage others through God’s Word and His gift of writing.

It’s important to find your place with God and to seek His guidance daily, but it’s also important to surround yourself with people who share that anointed relationship with the Lord and who are a shining example of God’s love.

As the Word of God says in Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the day approaching.”

We don’t know how much time we have on earth, but we do know that while we are here, we have a purpose ordained by God to share God’s love, for His love is the critical emotion that spurs us on to do abundant and immeasurable things and captivate and intrigue us to do great miracles in the name of the Lord. That is what the “Voice of Truth” represents for me and other women who turn its pages. It allows us to take our struggles, put them on a shelf, and find a quiet corner where we can open up the pages of this beautiful, God-gifted magazine and find the peace, joy, and comfort that God offers. If we are obedient to God’s teachings and the experience of the wise women who bring this gift together, we will be able to see our struggle not as a trial that we anxiously pray to be over but as a means to growing closer to God. We will learn that we can use our struggles to learn and grow in faith, mirroring the sacrifice that God made for us. The resulting closeness with God will bring joy, perseverance, love, hope, and purpose, but most of all, it will bring a hunger to help those in need.


This wonderful gentleman has a mission that is unique, and he has been faithfully walking it out. Max has found tremendous value in what it means to share the “love” of Jesus with others and he puts this “action” word into practice with joy by doing it.

We have received word that Max graciously reads Voice of Truth magazine to a woman who is wheelchair-bound. Since this woman can not see well enough to read the publication for herself, he lovingly reads and has been her “eyes” into the Voice of Truth. This has been bringing happiness and encouragement to the heart of this precious woman who desires to hear the stories within. Through reading stories and scriptures of faith, hope, and the love of Jesus, both of these lives have been touched by God.

The beauty of it is that Max sacrificially reads each story inside the magazine to this woman, often finding his own truth within. He even reads to her over the phone when he can not do so in person. This has become a popular routine in their friendship.

What a testimony this has become of being the hands and feet of Jesus. Sharing these examples of serving Christ where you are can certainly bring about movement in our own lives, prompting us to unselfishly give of our time for another.

Please pray for this man and his friend. Pray that God would bless them both and bless each and every word that penetrates their ears from reading this magazine out loud.

It’s amazing how God works.

Thank you, Max, for allowing us to share this beautiful story of how God is using YOU and Voice of Truth in your life and that of your friend.

May this story spark an idea of sharing your VOT magazine with someone God places on your heart today. It takes one act of kindness exercised that can turn a life around with renewed hope and love.


My name is Janet Berrong. I’m a wellness coach and a “safe beauty” advocate being the hands and feet of Jesus wherever He sends me.

God called me as a Founding Leader in Women World Leaders over three years ago. I love being empathetic, compassionate, and a loving spirit to people far and wide and exercising my gifts where I’m called.

A favorite saying I have is, “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be good.” Out of my own trials in life (including emotional abuse and trauma, rape, and the loss of my love to suicide), I have become even more passionate to help women become healthy and whole.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

My ministry for over two decades has been in a health and wellness clinic, where I’ve helped thousands to heal their physical bodies through different “hands on” therapies.

I knew I had a greater calling on my life in the way of ministry, but it wasn’t until I was asked be a part of the Women World Leaders Founding Leadership Team that it became very clear to me. I knew God was calling me to occupy this position. My strong “yes” changed everything for me, and now I firmly believe that we can all be disciples for Christ and be a part of some type of ministry work. I encourage you to answer the call for whatever God asks you to do. He calls some of us to go far, but most of us He calls to serve in our own backyards.

I love that I can minister to women of all ages, whether through my business, sharing the love of Jesus, serving in Women World Leaders - or now, through the Voice of Truth magazine. I keep a few magazines on hand at all times to pass out as I go about my day. It is exciting and a blessing to hear the common response whenever women receive the Voice of Truth magazine in their hands: “Wow, it is so beautiful.” Then, as they read it, they share how they have been touched in so many different ways.

I personally enjoy reading all the different articles as they are inspiring, uplifting, and encouraging to me. I’ve found sharing this magazine, loaded with truth, with others becomes a great witnessing tool. You just never know who that one person might be that has a specific need or who is hurting and can relate to something that is written within the pages. God can speak to us through any one of the articles at any moment - He’s God!

God is so good. His truths are transforming lives all around the world, and I’m honored to be a part of this mission!

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 NIV)

Thank you, Women World Leaders and Voice of Truth magazine, for making it easier to share God’s Word through this powerful publication. Together, we can all be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Read Janet’s full story in the #1 Best Seller, Tears to Triumph - available through www.womenworldleaders.com or Amazon. Keep your eyes open to this ministry for future writings from this best-selling author and leader.

To connect with Janet, email her at JanetBerrong39@gmail.com


Hi, my name is Michelle Redden and I live in Mississippi otherwise known by the locals as the ‘sip.

I’m thrilled to be part of the Women World Leaders ministry because I can be active and serve God from where I live.

The way I found Women World Leaders was my best friend Janet Berrong invited me to meet Ken and Kimberly Hobbs at their home during a Lifegroup ministry they were holding monthly in Palm Beach County, Florida. Instantly, I loved the Hobbs. I left their home feeling encouraged and cared about as they displayed a genuine love for people.

As God would have it, and some many months later while down in Florida again, Janet invited to me to attend a Women World Leaders meeting and possibly be part of the mission and ministry. My response was an immediate “yes” since it was such a wonderful experience earlier at the home of this couple.

God continued to lead me and gave me the privilege of being a contributing author in Courageous Steps of Faith and Tears to Triumph, two of the books published by the women of Women World Leaders. In my business life, I am the CEO of Mae Dae Mentoring, which is a Christian coaching business that uses Quantum Biofeedback technology. I have clients from all over the world who I can now refer to this publication. They are able to download Voice of Truth, which offers them hope and encouragement, and gives them knowledge of God’s Word.

Voice of Truth inspires me through the stories which are so informative and engaging. I hold each Voice of Truth magazine close to my heart as these editions have been a gift of love, not only to me and my clients but to many others.

I’m thankful to God there is a Voice of Truth magazine and how my steps continue to be directed by Him to be part of this ministry, which seeks to serve Him in every way.

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