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Coffee Chats




Hello Friends, it’s Coffee Chat time.

With the issues coming out every other month, it can seem so long before we are together again. Then other times I feel like I just finished the last article. I am just so honored to be a part of this beautiful, Goddesigned publication. I am really excited to share Part 2 of How Palate was Born. If you have not read Part 1 in the Women World Leaders July/ August issue, please do. All the issues are available online at womenworldleaders.com

In Part 1, I shared how God spoke to us in a little coffee shop in Lake Worth, Florida. We knew God was calling us to open a coffee shop that would help

victims of human trafficking. When we returned home, we felt God was leading us to Sanford, Florida, the historic area. At that time there was not much happening there. There were a couple of restaurants, a couple of bars, and a few antique shops, but not much more. It did not have a good reputation.

Our first step was bringing a group of students from Palm Beach Atlantic University and a few friends to walk the streets with us and pray. We prayed over the whole area and asked God to guide us to the right location. We prayed for God to shut the doors He did not want us to walk through and open the door wide for the one He wanted us to walk through so there would be no doubt in our minds we were in line with His will.

Mark 11:24 ESV “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

There were a couple of places on 1st Street, the main street of Sanford. It had the most walking traffic. That is where I hoped God would put us. There were a couple of places on another street where they had just refurbished the road. It was paved with brick to make it look more rustic and historical. This street really looked like it was going to be an up-and-coming area. The buildings looked cute, and it also seemed like a great spot for coffee. Then on 2nd Street there was a place I hated and saw no future in at all. At first glance, all you could see was that someone had trashed the inside.

We walked and prayed for God to direct us. We found out our two favorite spots on 1st Street had some significant issues in the building. My husband is a carpenter, so he can fix just about anything, but these issues were going to create a lot of extra expense, for which we did not have extra means. We really were not certain it would be wise, even if we had the funds. Later we would find out that these buildings had way more issues than we even knew.

We took this information as a closed door. Now we saw it was slammed shut. Our second choice was cute, and I really liked it. But as we moved forward, we found out it would have enormous impact fees because it would require change of use levies. We also found out the owner was not the best and had several businesses closed due to his shady business dealings. The other businesses did not find this out until it was too late. We knew this was God protecting us and guiding us just as we had prayed. We were so happy to know these things before we had a signed lease. Again, another slammed door.

We then went to the last building on 2nd Street. There was nothing on this street except an antique shop next door. This building looked horrible on the inside. It had been an Irish pub and the colors were all dark green, red, and black. It was a huge mess and even part of the walls were falling in. I looked at it and said we could never make this look good. This is the worst place we have looked at so far. But my sweet husband looked at it and said, “I see potential.” I said, “How?” I just could not see it at ALL! But his response was we just need to embrace the flaws like God embraces ours.

We continued to pray and when we talked to the property owner, we found out that there would be no impact fees because it had been a coffee shop in previous years. Wow, that was interesting. He had checked us out and was so excited to have us that he was willing to help us get in. He even gave us several free months to do our build-out and get set up. He was a Christian and a super nice guy. It looked like God was opening this door wide. We moved forward and signed a contract, not knowing where the money was going to come from, yet trusting God every step of the way.

Everything continued to fall into place. It was the right place for us. It was also a good reminder for me. Sometimes we judge by what we see. But God sees the final product and knows our potential and knows what He has created us to be. God knew way more than we could ever see with our eyes. More than we could imagine in our hearts. God knew long before we did that this little building on 2nd Street, this ugly little building, this diamond in the rough would become a treasure. This tiny disaster of a building would become a safe place to gather, to learn and to make a difference in the community and around the world. This would be the beginning of restoration and healing for many. God surely did see beyond what we could see.

So, we embraced the flaws, and with God’s vision and guidance and the Holy Spirit’s lead, we were able to create a comfortable atmosphere. Everyone who walks through Palate’s doors feels God’s love whether they understand what it is or not. That is what we are here for. Not only bringing awareness to the community about human trafficking, but to also share the Gospel to those who do not know Him. And of course, serve good coffee.

Today, almost six years later, we have prayed with people, brought people to Christ, brought people to church, and had women who fled her traffickers come for help inside Palate. We have educated the community on how to identify a victim and keep them and their families safe. We have had couples fall in love, had engagements, and we have even had weddings inside Palate. There have been lifelong friendships made. People always say there is something special about Palate.

What is special is that it was all done by faith in God, walking in obedience to His call on our lives. He gets all the praise and the glory. We know we could not have done this without Him. We are not that creative or smart.

Remember in Part 1 of this story I said God had told me He would use my story for good? Since we opened Palate, I started sharing my story and have been on every local news station, a couple of

European stations, and was interviewed on CNN. I continue to receive invitations to share my story and encourage women all over the world.

I could never have guessed how God would take such a terrible experience, the trauma of being a child sex trafficking victim, and use it for good the way He has. It is not my story any longer. It is His story of what He is doing in and through me. Thank you, Jesus. The incredible thing is He not only wants this for me, but for you, also. His Gospel of love is for everyone. If you do not believe me, surrender to Him today and see what He can do in your life

John 3:16 ESV “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Palate has been in business for six years this month, September 2021. We survived the worst of Covid as a business. God held us up and in His hands through this dark time. We continue to grow, we continue to invest in the lives of those who have lost hope, and we continue to pour Jesus’ love into our most vulnerable community. How amazing is our God?

Matthew 19:26 ESV “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

Thank you for reading about our God adventure. Until we meet again.

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