HOW PALATE WAS BORN, PART 2 BY TINA KADOLPH Hello Friends, it’s Coffee Chat time. With the issues coming out every other month, it can seem so long before we are together again. Then other times I feel like I just finished the last article. I am just so honored to be a part of this beautiful, Goddesigned publication. I am really excited to share Part 2 of How Palate was Born. If you have not read Part 1 in the Women World Leaders July/ August issue, please do. All the issues are available online at In Part 1, I shared how God spoke to us in a little coffee shop in Lake Worth, Florida. We knew God was calling us to open a coffee shop that would help 68
victims of human trafficking. When we returned home, we felt God was leading us to Sanford, Florida, the historic area. At that time there was not much happening there. There were a couple of restaurants, a couple of bars, and a few antique shops, but not much more. It did not have a good reputation. Our first step was bringing a group of students from Palm Beach Atlantic University and a few friends to walk the streets with us and pray. We prayed over the whole area and asked God to guide us to the right location. We prayed for God to shut the doors He did not want us to walk through and open the door wide for the one He wanted us to walk through so there would be no doubt in our minds we were in line with His will.