3 minute read
Faith and Family
In life, we all have things we treasure. They may be of monetary value or be collectibles. They may be of personal value to you alone. Treasured things are important in our lives.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines a treasure as:
"wealth, riches (i.e., money, jewels, or precious metals) stored up or hoarded, 2: something of great worth or value, and 3: a collection of precious things."
As a child, you may have treasured an item of esteem that catapulted you into the “cool” group. Your treasure may be a precious collection of trinkets, baubles, or crafts. Or perhaps you were presented with your current love’s cherished sports letter jacket as a symbol of his affection for you. You might treasure pictures of family gatherings. These things are earthly, tangible possessions.
There are also intangible things we treasure. A relationship with a parent or a long-time friend or a new blossoming friendship can become a treasure. We treasure our relationship with our heavenly Creator, Abba Father, El Roi – the God who sees and knows us. We treasure the wisdom and knowledge God gifts to us in His Word and in truth. We treasure His unending love.
Things treasured are given a higher priority in our lives; more time, more energy, and more focus. They are given passionate attention, and at times, heartfelt love. However, one must be mindful of the time spent on things treasured. Treasures become what is valued in one’s heart. Be cautious of how your time is spent. Be cautious of the things that become the treasure of your heart.
In Matthew 6:21 (ESV) Jesus said, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Scripture describes perfectly what Jesus treasured: time in prayer with His Father, time with friends teaching God’s Word, helping those who struggled to find a meaningful life, healing the sick, and giving the “lost” hope for eternity. He focused on things His Heavenly Father desired Him to focus on so His and others’ hearts would be filled.
Believers and unbelievers need to continually check their valued treasures to determine where their time and energy are devoured. Assess if your treasured things cause your heart to overflow with love, joy, peace, and hope. Is your treasured time consumed on the cell phone when your children are begging for your attention? Is listening to your playlist in the car valued more than embracing a teaching moment to show your children how to see God’s blessings around you? Is there greater importance in purchasing that Gucci bag than acquiring shoes or eyeglasses for your child? What is it that you treasure in your life?
Do you treasure family and loved ones? Do you merit time spent with them? Is your heart filled with treasures of love and joy while in their presence? Do you treasure time in your prayer closet where your heart fills with comfort, direction, and peace? Is your relationship with God coveted in a way that fills you with everlasting hope and His promise of eternal life?
Search your heart to discover how your time is used and what you treasure most. Is your heart in the right place? If your answer is yes, then praise God for your riches! If the answer is no, consider getting on your knees right now to ask God to forgive you for the time and attention spent on things that have been given more importance than they should be. Ask Him to help redirect your path, fill your heart with treasured riches and make your heart sing with joy and love. Then, you will store up treasures in heaven. (Matthew 6:20 NIV)