Voice of Truth: 5th Edition, September/October 2021

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5th edition Sept/oct 2021


Our Mission A unified, global women’s ministry empowering one another to follow Christ and to love in abundance; and cultivating women warriors in their purpose by His promise and power.

Join us! Visit our website at www.womenworldleaders.com to get find out how you can get involved!

Daily Devotionals Enjoy our daily devotionals shared by Kimberly on our Facebook page, website, and email list!

Follow Along! instagram: @womenworldleaders facebook: @womenworldleaders website: www.womenworldleaders.com

Speaking Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences. Empowerment – Kimberly Hobbs Teaching – Julie Jenkins We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.

Listen to our podcast! Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement. Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders! www.womenworldleaders.com/learn-with-us/podcasts/

Letter from theFounder SWEET WOMAN OF GOD, I celebrate with you the arrows of prospering as God’s Word and His promises soar into the world through Voice of Truth magazine. His steadfast love and bounties are free-flowing to minister directly to your heart when you need it most. As we unite with women from around the world of different cultures and colors to encourage our sisterhood, I hope one thing is common amongst all of us; that we have a heart to share Christ’s steadfast love, ever-flowing mercy, and encircling grace. God’s love for us is unending. His promises are true. It is our prayer in this ministry that each of us love God with a heart full of action. Our love for God should be all-consuming. As believers and God’s children, we are called to submit ourselves to a higher authority and do what God tells us. If we believe in Him, then we obey Him because He alone is God. Our love for God should be all-consuming. As Women World Leaders, we find relatable stories of following the Lord and obeying Him throughout His Word that can be shared with you to help you and empower you. We encourage you to a closer walk with your Savior, Jesus Christ. In order to walk with Jesus, we need to be obedient to Him. The opposite of obedience is disobedience, which is sin. Salvation from sin comes by faith in Christ alone, and when Christ alone is Lord and King in our lives, we will desire to walk in obedience to God. Deep spiritual humility is obedience to God. (James 4:6) Full obedience to God carries the instruction of total surrender to Him. The Bible affirms that our love for Jesus is the greatest motivator of our obedience to Him. What is so beautiful about this truth is that it carries with it numerous blessings from God. Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to Him. (Psalm 128:1, NIV)

As I have the privilege to share Voice Of Truth magazine with you, there is a common thread woven through this publication that I pray you will highlight in your mind: trust and obey God. Our faith in Jesus Christ is the active ingredient in trust. As we trust God, we obey Him. Trust carries the weight of our belief. When we believe Him, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ask or imagine. I get goosebumps just knowing what is to come from trusting God and being obedient. It’s always more than I could imagine. Obedience is evidence of our trust applied and carried out in our daily walk with God. Through obedience, we experience all the blessings of the Holy Spirit who lives within us. May your day be filled with God’s extravagant love as He wraps His arms around you. May you be comforted as you read, and as you are inspired, may you be moved to actions of obedience through His scriptures, and the writings within. Exceedingly, abundantly, beyond!

Kimberly A. Hobbs Founder and Executive Director kimberly@womenworldleaders.com Ephesians 3:20


Carta de laFundadora DULCE MUJER DE DIOS, Celebro contigo las flechas de la prosperidad a medida de que la Palabra de Dios y sus promesas llegan al mundo a través de la revista Voice of Truth. Su amor constante y las recompensas fluyen libremente para ministrar directamente a tu corazón cuando más lo necesitas. Mientras nos unimos con mujeres de todo el mundo de diferentes culturas y colores para estimular nuestra hermandad, yo espero que algo sea común entre todas nosotras; que tengamos un corazón para compartir el amor inquebrantable de Cristo, la misericordia siempre fluida y la gracia envolvente. El amor de Dios por nosotras es interminable. Sus promesas son verdaderas. Es nuestra oración en este ministerio de que cada una de nosotras ame a Dios con el corazón lleno de acción. Nuestro amor a Dios debería consumirlo todo. Como creyentes e hijos de Dios, estamos llamados a someternos a una autoridad superior y hacer lo que Dios nos dice. Si creemos en Él, le obedecemos porque solo Él es Dios. Nuestro amor por Dios debería consumirlo todo. Como mujeres líderes mundiales, encontramos historias identificables de seguir el Señor y obedecer a través de Su Palabra que se puede compartir con todas para ayudarte y empoderarte. Te animamos a caminar más de cerca con tu Salvador Jesucristo. Para caminar con Jesús, debemos ser obedientes a Él. Lo opuesto a la obediencia es la desobediencia, que es pecado. La Salvación del pecado viene solo por la fe en Cristo, y cuando solo Cristo es Señor y Rey en nuestras vidas, deseamos caminar en obediencia a Dios. Espiritual profundo. La humildad es obediencia a Dios. (Santiago 4: 6) La completa obediencia a Dios conlleva a la instrucción de una total entrega a Él. La Biblia afirma que nuestro amor por Jesús es el mayor motivador de nuestra obediencia a él. Lo que tiene de hermoso esta verdad es que lleva con él numerosas bendiciones de Dios.


Bienaventurados todos los que temen al Señor, los que caminan en obediencia a él. (Salmo 128: 1, NVI) A medida que tengo el privilegio de compartir la revista Voice of Truth con ustedes, existe un hilo conductor entretejido a través de esta publicación el cual deseo que sobresalga en sus mentes: confíe y obedezca a Dios. Nuestra fe en Jesucristo es el ingrediente activo en la confianza. Al confiar en Dios, le obedecemos. La confianza lleva el peso de nuestra creencia. Cuando le creemos, Él puede hacer muchísimo más de lo que podríamos pedir o imaginar. Mi piel se pone de gallina solo sabiendo lo que vendrá por confiar en Dios y se obediente. Siempre es más de lo que pueda imaginar. Que tu día esté lleno del amor extravagante de Dios mientras envuelve Sus brazos a tu alrededor. Que te sientas consolada mientras lees y a medida que te sientas inspirada, que puedas ser movida a acciones de obediencia a través de Sus escrituras y su contenido. ¡Sumamente, abundantemente y más allá! Exceedingly, abundantly, beyond!

Kimberly A. Hobbs Founder and Executive Director kimberly@womenworldleaders.com


Gospel Grace - Lillian Cucuzza


Writings from the Global Office - WWL Staff


Ever Interceding - Diana Brown


Beside Still Waters - Rusanne Jourdan


Facing Rocky Waters - Jessica Morneault


A Purposed Creation - Kerri Bridges


Carried - Rachel Dube, Artist


A Beautiful Mess - Jessica Prukner


Holy Hush - Deborah Watson


Faith & Family - Donna Whartenby


Sea Him - Christa Jewett


Power Points: God at Work through Women Leaders Yesterday and Today - Leecy Barnett


Broken and Beloved - Aimee Taylor


Armour of God - Lynne Hudson, Artist


Journey With Jesus - Rev. Lisa Morrison


Dear Sister - Dr. Jia Conway


Peace by Piece - Stephanie Fincher


Three Strands (with Spanish version) - Cindy Southworth


Ruler of My Heart - Rachel Dube


Peace, the Holy Spirit - Lynne Hudson, Artist


Nonna’s kNOWledge - Carolyn Joy


Courage In Action - Dr.’s Jennie Cerullo and Marcia Ball with Kerus Global


Musings on the Book of John - Connie Hecker


College Courage - Sarah Jenkins


Change Your Story with Kirstin Leigh - Kirstin Leigh


Prayers for the Son’s of the King - Dr. Jia Conway


It’s Your Time to Shine - Lynne Hudson, Artist


Living a Holystic Life - Melissa Kessler


Tea Time with Tina - Tina Gallo


A Focus On Him (with Spanish version) - Lillian Cucuzza


Break Your Chains and Fly - Lynne Hudson


Coffee Chats - Tina Kadolph


Dim Glass Gospel Glimpses - Rachel Dube


Voice of Truth Stories


WWL Global Connections

Voice of Truth Credits Kimberly Hobbs - WWL Executive Director Carrie Christopher - VOT Co-founder Julie Jenkins - WWL Teaching Leader, VOT Editor Diane Cheveldayoff - Leadership Director and Finance Kayla Follin - Graphic Designer Lisa Morrison - Editor Kerri Bridges - Editor Rachel Dube - Editor Dana Reeves - Administration & Mailing Jessica Morneault - Photography Co-Management Janet Berrong & Doris Clarke Encouragement Team Arlene Salas - Giving Acknowledgements Johana Torres - Spanish Translator


This ministry is flourishing by an army of Women World Leaders. Many thanks to: Lauren Dean, Cindy Southworth, Dr. Jia Conway, Lynne Hudson, Stephanie Fincher, Adriana Laine, Cakki Warren, Chris Mallek, Claire Portmann, Diana Brown, Lois Daley, Martine Henry, Michele Hughes, Tina Gallo, Yvette Behmer

GOSPEL GRACE BY LILLIAN CUCUZZA I grew up in a family that attended church regularly. I did the readings during church services when I was fourteen years old. I was raised to believe there was a God and a Heaven, but I did not know God personally. Even though I was involved in a church, I worried about dying because I did not know if I would qualify for Heaven! I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders that all the activities I was doing were never enough. Secretly, my big question was, “How would I know if I had done enough or was good enough to get into Heaven?”

early to get to know them better. He was a Bibleteaching pastor, and I knew I would not be able to avoid that dreaded conversation much longer. However, I knew I could trust and learn from him.

I avoided conversations with others about religion or church. I did not own and had never read the Bible, so I did not have enough information to know whether someone was telling me the truth or just giving me their opinion. I certainly did not want to come across as ignorant, so I just avoided those conversations as much as possible. Does this sound familiar?

His second question was: “If you did die tonight, and you were standing before God at the gates of heaven, and He were to ask you, ‘Why should I let you into my Heaven?’ what would you say?” I answered, “Well, I’ve tried to be a good person, do all the right things, go to church and be active in the church, but I don’t know if that is good enough!”

One day I was sent on a company business trip to Minnesota. Since my new brother-in-law, Tom, and his family lived in Minnesota, I decided to go a few days

Then Tom gave me a little checklist to find out what I thought was necessary to get into Heaven. The list included things like obey God’s laws, try to do your best, give money to the church, do good deeds, and

Tom picked me up at the airport and it was not long before we got into “the conversation.” He asked me two questions: “If you were to die tonight, do you know for certain you are going to heaven?” My immediate response was, “No!”



receive water baptism and Holy Communion. After I checked off most of the list, he explained that none of these things can help you get to Heaven. There is nothing you can do to earn eternal life. The Bible says there is only one way to enter Heaven: “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:6, NIV) Tom shared that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23, NIV), and the payment for sin is death (Romans 6:23, NIV). Feeling queasy, I told Tom I always thought the death penalty was for the worst of criminals, and I was not a criminal! I never broke the law! He asked me if I ever lied to anyone. “Sure,” I answered, “but they were just little white lies.” He replied that it does not matter how big or small the lie or the sin; God counts it all as sin. He continued to explain that because Heaven is a perfect place, nothing impure or imperfect will ever enter it. (Revelation 21:27, NIV) If we sinned just once in our life, no matter how small we think that sin is, it corrupts and defiles us, making us impure and unable to enter Heaven. So far, it sounded quite bad and hopeless: we are all sinners; we all deserve to go to Hell; Heaven is a perfect place, and nothing we do can make us perfect. I was getting depressed! All my life I had heard how God is love. Now I was wondering how a loving God could be so cruel and send us to Hell for being a sinner. Then Tom shared the Good News: GOD IS LOVE, and He loves US! “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NIV) God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to shed His blood and die on the cross to pay for all our sins, and three days later, He rose from the dead! He died FOR us! By trusting in Jesus Christ as the One who died for our sins, we can have eternal life! That is a loving God! Nothing we do can make us perfect or sinless. No deeds, charity, contributions to churches, going to church, being baptized, taking Holy Communion, trying to obey God’s laws, nor any good work can take away our sins or save us. Heaven is a free gift. We do not deserve it, and we cannot earn it. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV) “He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.” (Titus 3:5, NIV) Mercy means not getting what we deserve – death and separation from God forever as the penalty for our sins. Grace is getting what we do not deserve – total forgiveness for our sins, making us perfect in God’s eyes and allowing us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Grace is an acronym for God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense! Because Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins by shedding His blood and dying on the cross, we get to partake in God’s riches for eternity! Wow! That is Grace! 8

“He died FOR

us! By trusting in Jesus Christ as the One who died for our sins, we can have eternal life! That is a loving God! ”

Tom told me that the moment I trust Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, my sins would be forgiven, and I would receive God’s righteousness (perfection). As it says in Romans 10:9, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (NIV) This righteousness allows me to enter Heaven! I finally had the answer to my big question, “How would I know if I did enough or was good enough to get into Heaven?” It was not because of anything I did. It was because of what Jesus did for me! I also learned that you can do nothing more to add to the finished work of Christ. It is not “Trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior, plus...” It is putting your trust ONLY in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and it is a one-time decision in your life. You can never lose it, nor can you forfeit it. God’s unconditional promise is that He will never take it away from you. Jesus said, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” (John 10:28, NIV) I was so excited to learn this Good News that I made the decision right there to trust Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior! At that very moment, the burden was totally lifted off my shoulders about whether I could do enough or be good enough to enter Heaven! Because of Jesus, I now have eternal security! Friend, I cannot make you believe in Heaven or Hell. You may not believe in it because you cannot see it. But you cannot see the air you breathe either, yet, without it, you would die. Heaven and Hell are real!

If you have not yet trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can do it right now with a simple prayer, and He will save you for all eternity. Dear God, Thank you for loving me. I admit that I am a sinner and in need of a Savior. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died on the cross as the payment for all my sins, was buried and raised from the dead, and is now in Heaven. I understand that the good deeds I do will not help me get to Heaven. Right now, I confess Jesus as Lord and I receive Him as my Savior. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me so that I can live forever with you! Help me to live a life that is pleasing to you, Lord. Amen. If this is your prayer today, welcome to the family of God! Let us know about your decision so that we can encourage you and help you on your journey of faith in Jesus Christ. Please contact Voice of Truth at www.womenworldleaders.com/contact for a list of churches in your area. There are also many learning opportunities available on www.womenworldleaders.com to help you grow in your faith, knowledge, and relationship with Jesus Christ. You can have the assurance that your sins are forgiven (past, present, and future). God has said it, and He cannot lie. “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (1 John 5:13, NIV) Hallelujah and Amen! One final thought. As we remember the victims of 9-11-2001, I cannot help but think of what their last thoughts, words, or prayers were. Besides agonizing about their predicament and if they would ever see their loved ones again, I wonder how many cried out and prayed to God to save them in that very moment. I also wonder how many did not have the opportunity to pray because the end came with no warning. We cannot change what has happened to them. But we can change what happens to us and where we will spend eternity if we pray for salvation now, before we do not get another chance. The choice is spending eternity in Heaven with God, or in Hell, separated forever from God. The choice is yours. I say this with nothing but a heart full of love… please choose wisely.


Writings from the Global Office “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)


Empowering Lives with Purpose MIRACLES The word “miracle” is often tossed around in the Christian world, yet many of us may not have a grasp on what miracles are or what we believe about them. And yet, we have all been in a place where we are waiting and longing for a miracle from God. Miracles showcase God’s power and help us to believe in Him. Our eyes can behold all kinds of miracles if we are open to see them. Some miracles are evident in the supernatural acts of creation; others go against the laws of nature (like when Jesus walked on water, see Matthew 14). Some involve healings and even divine power over death (see John 11), and others demonstrate God’s control over plant and animal life (as in Balaam’s donkey, see Numbers 22). There have even been miracles over material things (such as the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, see Matthew 14). These are just a few examples that we can read about in God’s Word, and there are countless other miracles happening all around us today. I am the Lord, the God of every person on the earth. Nothing is impossible for me. (Jeremiah 32:27, NCV) You may be asking God for a miracle today. When we cannot see our way ahead, we can trust God. Our Lord can handle the vast mountains, oceans, and storms that appear to block our way. All over the Bible, there are miraculous stories, defined by the extraordinary measure of God’s revelation to us, reminding us that God does not depend on the elements of nature or man’s

abilities to do the impossible. God can do anything. When we are at a place in our lives where it seems everything we have is about to run out, we can trust the Lord for everything we need. Draw closer to the One who loves you and understands you most. When things don’t make sense to us, we may start to see miraculous things begin to happen if we seek the Lord’s wisdom through the Bible and godly counsel. James 1:5 (TPT) says, If anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom. And He will give it! This is a truth from God’s Word - a promise that He won’t hold back from you. “No word from God will ever fail.” (Luke 1:37, NIV) When you seek God’s presence and request Him to intervene in your situation, you will see miracles happen. The God of miracles we read about in the Bible is the same God who loves you and called you to be His own. The God who raised the dead to life and made a donkey speak is the same God who has the ability and POWER over all creation to work a miracle for you! Pray. Believe by faith. Seek HIS wisdom. Wait on God. Miracles do happen!

Kimberly Hobbs Founder and Executive Director kimberly@womenworldleaders.com


Biblical Profiles MICHAL Like many women in biblical times, Michal is known mainly for her relationships and, in her case, for her status as a royal. But as we look at Michal’s life, we can learn much from her actions and her attitude. Born the daughter of the infamous King Saul – the first king of Israel who ruled for 42 years, Michal was also the sister of Jonathan and later married David, who became the greatest king of Israel and became known as a man after God’s own heart. Princess Michal’s life became intertwined with her future husband when David killed Goliath, the giant Philistine, in the name of the Lord. The royal family welcomed David into their home, where he developed an unbreakable friendship with Michal’s brother, Prince Jonathan (in today’s terms, a bromance), and came to know Princess Michal, who fell in love with this strong, successful warrior whom the citizens throughout the land lauded. Michal’s father, King Saul, threatened by David’s popularity and all-around success, offered David his daughter Michal’s hand in marriage in exchange for 100 Philistine foreskins – thinking that surely David’s attempt to fulfill his part of the strange bargain would end in his own death. But David succeeded and earned Michal’s hand in marriage. This must have thrilled the princess – to have this widely admired warrior literally fight for her hand. Saul, however, afraid because he saw that the Lord was with David and that Michal loved him, ordered his troops to stake out the home of his own daughter and kill David. Michal found out about the plan and stepped up to the plate. She lowered David from a window, crafted a dummy to make it look like David was lying in bed, and stood firm as the soldiers and King Saul entered her home to kill David. From her actions, we see that Michal was a strong and courageous woman who was full of wit and deceit. And although she used those qualities to save her much-admired husband, we cannot disregard the fact that she was also conniving, disrespectful, and disloyal to her father and her King. This event turned Michal’s life upside down. She was ordered to marry another man, and David fled for his life, 12

which didn’t stop him from adding to his list of wives and concubines. The trail of Michal goes quiet in the Bible until we read, years later, that her life was upended for a second time after David was anointed King of Judah. It was then that David ordered Michal be returned to him. Michal was sent to David, and in an outward show of the tragedy of her life, Michal’s second husband followed her, weeping, until he was forcefully told to, “Go back home!” Later, we see her bitterness when David arrived home celebrating a victory and dancing before the Lord wearing a linen ephod - a priestly garment rather than a royal garment. Scripture says Michal “despised him in her heart.” Michal laid out her full venom on David in the conversation that followed. She, like her father, had become jealous of David’s relationship with God, and she relished the dignity, honor, and esteem that she felt her role as a royal should have afforded her. While there is no doubt that Michal lived a life full of disastrous turns and that she was wronged time and again, we can learn much from her life – or more accurately, from her response to her life. Michal allowed herself to become bitter over all life handed her. She failed to give her grievances to God and turn to Him for protection, provision, and love. It is a fact of life that people WILL let us down – even those who claim loyalty to us and who love the Lord will not always treat us as we would like to be treated. When Michal faced unfair treatment – a LOT of unfair treatment – she lied and schemed, was disrespectful, became bitter, and never turned to God for assistance, but instead despised those who honored the Lord. Although born a princess, married to a man she loved and admired (at least at first), and full of courage and wit, Michal did not allow God to direct her reactions, and her bitterness made the bad situations she found herself in worse. We will all face difficult situations and unfair treatment in this life. The key to dealing with those situations is to go to God, ask for His guidance, and trust His provi-

sion. We are not always responsible for what happens to us or for the situations we must contend with, but we are responsible for our actions and attitudes as we walk through this life. If you know David’s full story, you know that he was far from perfect, but he continually returned to God, trusted Him, and gave Him the glory. That’s why we can say that David was a man after God’s own heart.

Decide today to follow God no matter what circumstance you may find yourself in – and follow David’s lead instead of Michal’s: seek to be a woman after God’s own heart! Michal’s full story can be read in 1 Samuel 14 - 2 Samuel 6.

Julie Jenkins

Teaching and Curriculum Leader julie@womenworldleaders.com

Jesus at the Center of Our Lives WHEN GOD ESTABLISHES YOUR STEPS “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9 NIV

Feet that are willing to walk in someone else’s shoes willing to go anywhere and do anything the Lord calls.

I walk barefoot along the beach remembering where my feet have been.

Feet whose steps are sustained by the Spirit – taking me further than I could’ve gone on my own.

Feet that wandered finding their way down the narrow path.

Feet who move one step closer to Heaven laying a crown down at my Savior’s feet:

Feet that turned back to the Father taking the first step to follow Jesus.

The feet washed with tears and covered with perfume by a sinful woman leaving a saved woman.

Feet that walked away from a life of sin standing firm in the faith. Feet that have forged through the wilderness – leading me to forgiveness. Feet that have fled from fighting, fear, and frustration finding freedom, fulfillment, and a future. Feet that have learned not to run too far ahead, but to walk beside Him as He leads discovering that sometimes the next step is taking a step back or standing still. Feet that have taken me far from home and brought me back to familiar ground walking down the aisle and in and out of hospital rooms.

The feet that brought Good News – nailed to a cross, that my feet might walk to His. “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” Psalm 37:23-24 NIV


Elizabeth Dean




Jesus Himself prayed often. Being one of us while on this earth, Jesus was subjected to the same frustrations, temptations, joys and sorrows that affect us all today. Through it all, He prayed that God would give Him the help and strength to accomplish the task He had been given. Jesus is still our example today, thousands of years later. There are ten characteristics that describe Jesus’ prayer life, giving us a clear picture of what Jesus thought of prayer. These characteristics give us an example to follow. Let’s look at these ten characteristics of Jesus’ prayer life:

1. Jesus believed that prayer works. Matthew 7:7-11 (NIV) says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek

and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

2. Jesus prayed short and long prayers. The Lord’s Prayer, (Matthew 6:9-13 NIV) full of wisdom, is

short and can be easily memorized. But Jesus also dedicated long periods of time to prayer. “Jesus... spent the night praying to God.” (Luke 6:12 NIV)

3. Jesus got alone to pray. Matthew 14:23 (NIV) says, “After He had dismissed them, He went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray. When evening came, He was there alone.” Matthew 6:6, Mark 1:35-36, and Luke 5:16 also reveal Jesus’ commitment to being alone with God in prayer.

4. Jesus balanced private and shared praying. Luke 9:28 (NIV) says,

“About eight days after Jesus said this, He took Peter, John and James with Him and went up onto a mountain to pray.” We also see Him praying with His disciples in Luke 9:18.

5. Jesus prayed before meals. Mark 6:41 (NIV) says, “Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to His disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all.”


6. Jesus gave thanks in prayer. Luke 10:21 (NIV) says, “At that time Jesus, full of joy through the

Holy Spirit, said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure.’” We also see Jesus giving thanks to God in Matthew 11:25.

7. Jesus sang some prayers. Mark 14:26 (NIV) says, “When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” Another scripture we see Jesus singing in prayer is in Matthew 26:30.

8. Jesus prayed before making important decisions. Luke 6:12-13 (NIV) says, “One of those days

Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He also designated apostles.”

9. Jesus prayed for His disciples. John 17:11, 15, 24 (NIV) says, “I will remain in the world no longer,

but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave Me--so that they may be one as We are one... My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one... Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, and to see My glory, the glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world.”

10. Jesus still prays for us. Romans 8:26-27 (NIV) says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” Another example of Jesus praying for us is in Hebrews 7:25.

Jesus, thank you for the examples You give us in the Word about Your prayer life. Lord, help us to follow Your examples and to be ever interceding. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



BY RUSANNE JOURDAN I have sat in the ashes Of the death of dreams for a child Of hope hindered and my heart scarred Blinded by the tears And deaf to the sounds of voices and the beauty of nature all around I am lost A child taken yet still here I have sat in the ashes Screaming and swearing out to God Why? Why? Why this? Why him, why me? I have sat in the ashes The world crumbling all around me Dust in my eyes, I cannot see Rubble from the earthquake, I did not foresee now my existence I am blinded by the pain, my heart torn in two This child I bore, taken yet still here No words No expression Locked far away I cannot reach him I cannot make this go away 16

No hugs, did they hurt him? He cannot say No eye contact, does he see me? I do not know Does he love me? How will I know? I want to run as far as the wind can take me Alone where I don’t have to do this This is not what was expected with my bundle of joy When my tummy held him in anticipation of his arrival Now confusion, anger and sadness consume every moment awake or asleep What is sleep? That doesn’t come for either of us No cure No understanding What do I do? Where will I go? A mother helps heal her children’s boo boo But this is a wound a Band-Aid cannot cover Lost Limp Lingering in a wilderness never wandered within No control No energy to take on each day Why? Why? Why this? Why him, why me?

Others try to console, with all their world well It is what it is You were chosen for this role It will all be well, worked for good you’ll see Don’t speak another word! You have no idea what this is like for me! My child is drowning and I cannot be the rescuer Anger and grief continue to rise The hurt, the disappointment, the shame that I now feel is taking me to a place I don’t want to go It is strangling me, trying to take me out! Then Then one day instead of my head being held by my hands in despair You held my head up to look to You!

Your promises Your life you gave for us To have eternity written on our hearts I have sat in the ashes but now in Your lap You guiding every step For me and my child who is now a young man Time gone by You continue to heal my heart and Renew my mind Still rough days Still tears that well up But You are always there to pick me up From the ashes I once sat to the beauty that is From devastation to witnessing Your glory

It was Your Word, Lord, that You had just for me A picture of my son and me with You in heaven

Magnified with Your Majesty Magnified with Praise for You

All tears would be wiped away, Father So whatever I needed to do, God, I would do for You

Worshipping through the suffering For when I am in Your Lap I envision my child you gave me there too

All of the world and what it looked like would one day be behind us I began to know then My focus had to shift My eyes, my heart focused on You

Held Whole Complete with You Daddy You are all I can see

Isaiah 61:1-3 (NIV) “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those that grieve in Zion-to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”



Facing Rocky Waters

I think we all hope for smooth sailing, but there are times when we must face rough seas. Health issues, relationship struggles, concerns for our children and work can bring on challenges. If we try to take it all on ourselves, the burdens and worries can be overwhelming. This is not God’s will. Thankfully, we are not alone. The Lord promises to never leave us or forsake us. I cannot imagine going through the trials in life without Him. I urge you to count your blessings when they come and to turn to prayer and God’s direction in times of need. This will give you peace during hardships and protection that only the Lord can provide. He wants us to hand everything over to Him so we can rest, knowing that He is in control.

Jessica Morneault Wife and mother using photography to bring awareness to ministries and highlighting women living with purpose. Jessica is also the photographer for Women World Leaders. www.roadmaptopurpose.org


A PURPOSED CREATION WORSHIP WITH ABANDON BY KERRI BRIDGES “And David danced before the Lord with all his might.” II Samuel 6:14 King David was a man after the heart of God. He actively sought after God’s heart, the key to intimacy in any relationship. He chased after that which would please the Father. His worship was an outward display of His devotion to God.

In my life, my mother was a personal example of this kind of zeal and faithfulness. She worshiped with an openness that was unmatched. I would watch her as a child, arms raised, eyes closed, swaying with the music, dancing with freedom, completely unconcerned with what others would think, wholly absorbed in the presence of God. She couldn’t play an instrument or carry a tune in a bucket, but, oh, how she could worship!

David danced before the Lord with everything in him. He was not afraid to look foolish in the eyes of man. As a king, there was a measure of dignity that culture required a Sovereign to display. The king of Israel, with intention, cast off the garments that distinguished him and his authority in order to honor the Highest Authority, the Creator of all. As far as his wife, Michal, was concerned, he might as well have been naked before his people, and she despised him as such.

My mom loved to tell the story of when I was a little girl and she was at the altar, deep in prayer and worship. I was sitting on her knees as she had her arms raised and eyes closed; I innocently had begun playing with her shirt and the pretty buttons lining the front. Upon returning to awareness, she realized I had completely unbuttoned her shirt! A funny story, but a perfect example of how, like David, she worshiped unconstrained.

“As the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD, and she despised him in her heart.” II Samuel 6:16 ESV

May we be like her. May we be like David. Worship with abandon. Worship like no one is watching. Worship like you’re seeking after God’s heart. Worship with all your might.

David was unaffected and unashamed of his open show of honor and worship to the Lord. He only had eyes for the object of his devotion and adoration.

“Lift up a great shout of joy to the Lord! Go ahead and do it - everyone, everywhere! As you serve Him, be glad and worship Him. Sing your way into His presence with joy!” Psalm 100:1-2 TPT



“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.” Isaiah 43:2 (NIV) “In all their suffering (God) also suffered and He personally rescued them. In His love and mercy He redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.” Isaiah 63:9 (NLT)

A BEAUTIFUL MESS BY JESSICA PRUKNER Life sometimes throws us curve balls that we aren’t expecting, and sometimes the balls smack us right in the head. I am the homeschooling mom with the 4 ft. tall dry erase calendar board for all the family to see when they walk in the door. I have every day planned and scheduled, and I have our Bible verse for the month up there right next to our goals. Honestly, this board makes me smile every time I walk past it due to my structured personality type. I just get that satisfactory, warm and fuzzy feeling. Unfortunately, in the last year of life this board needed a dry erase eraser magnetically attached to the board because my plans seemed to implode right before my very eyes. My son, who is 11, got diagnosed with a serious autoimmune disease. For a while we were able to manage it with diet changes and things improved, but then one day nothing seemed to be working anymore and he got seriously sick. This was very traumatic for him and our entire family, but thanks to the blessing of homeschooling we were able to not only endure, but find ways for our family to thrive in the midst of trial. Many years ago, we initially chose to homeschool due to our traveling lifestyle, but in the past seven years I have found countless reasons along the journey to be so very thankful for our decision. If our son had been in school, he would have had anxiety, embarrassment, higher risk of viruses and infections, and eventually he would have been unable to attend for weeks, which would have led to him missing out and falling behind. This never happened at home. We made some small adjustments and he almost never missed a day of learning in the comfort of his own home, with his little emotional support dog and parrot by his side. We were able to make every doctor appointment and test without the stress of calling in sick to school or asking permission. Many families may be in this very situation we found ourselves in: homeschooling because of a health challenge or even the current day pandemic. The great news is homeschooling is such a blessing for families like ours. God gave us our children and although He does not bring sickness, He knew what we would go through and what we would need to make it through. For me that included the ability to homeschool through this trial. Instead of stress and anxiety, we surrounded our son with Bible healing promises, affirmations, worship music, and faith. When the atmosphere could have been filled with ridicule and embarrassment, we filled it with uplifting visitors, friends, and prayer warriors. God’s Word says in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” God still has us in the middle of this trial, standing firm in His healing promises and faith; but thankfully we do it as a family, together, learning and comforted. Some days are better than others, but we know and appreciate that every day is a blessing. 21


B Y D E B O R A H WAT S O N Women World Leaders is pleased to present Holy Hush, written by Deborah J. Watson. Deborah is the Executive Director of Studio222films.com and curator of the Branson International Film Festival. A writer, producer, and director in the film industry, Deborah uses her talent to reach hurting people with a message of hope. Holy Hush is written as an allegorical narrative based on scripture and Deborah’s Christian worldview. Rebekka, the main character that we are traveling with, is on a journey of making a life decision of living with or without her husband, Aaron. Progressing through this difficult time, Rebekka notices the “little things” circling her life and leading her to a decision. As the story unfolds (Holy Hush began in the January 2021 edition of VOT), we see this thirty-something-year-old city girl steal away into the wilderness to be alone and search the heart of God. As circumstances unfold, Rebekka finds herself cutting short her wilderness experience and befriending Felicity, who gives her a mission.


“I think you should go back and read Psalm 42 again. But this time, don’t skip over the parts you don’t like.” Felicity smiles with a warmth of compassion Rebekka desperately needs to feel. “Not here, though. Go to the restroom. Then head to the docks. There’s a sailboat waiting to take you to the other side of the lake.” Felicity smiles and walks away before Rebekka can protest. Rebekka gathers her rucksack, leaves five dollars on the table, and walks towards the restroom at the back of the diner. A few minutes pass before she flushes the toilet and emerges from the stall to wash her hands. Rebekka catches a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror. “How is it I look so old overnight?” Rebekka remembers her wedding day with Aaron and smiles as tears stream down her face. Rebekka wipes the tears away before leaving the restroom. She already smells bad and looks old, no sense in adding “looks bad” to her resume for the day. As she enters the diner, she questions as to how long she was in the restroom. The empty diner is now full. People are standing in line, waiting to be seated. She bows her head and marches straight to the front door, making eye contact with no one. The street is eerily quiet in comparison to when she arrived. Rebekka is relieved that the docks are on the same side of the street, just down the hill and around the corner so she can arrive in a timely manner. An arrival that felt like seconds instead of minutes. Rebekka walks towards the docks and realizes that they are full of yachts, houseboats, and sailboats. “Follow me.” Aaron’s voice thunders from behind her. The man walks by, and it’s not Aaron. “And why should I follow you?” Rebekka stubbornly asks. “Felicity told me I was to take you across to the other side.” The man glances over his shoulder with a charming smile Rebekka can’t refuse. The weight of her rucksack causes her to feel every plank on the dock as it creaks under her feet. The fear of the planks breaking underneath her charges her forward swiftly.

WWL LOVE NOTES I was introduced to Woman World Leaders by a friend over two years ago. I began photographing the meeting and captured worshiping, praying, laughter and tears. I was consumed by the genuine emotion and support I felt each time we met. WWL has increased my desire to live each day with purpose. -Jessica Morneault

“They get worse the closer to the boat we get. Might want to hold your breath and not move when we get to our pier.” “Which one is it?” Rebekka asks. “Number 12. The last one. Two more to go and we’re there.” The man replies.



Rebekka exhales as much as she can before she holds her breath. They arrive at pier 11, and she feels the boards turn soft from the years of wear and tear. Her left foot comes down on one that bows enough it should snap, but it doesn’t. The man turns the corner at pier 12 and walks with such ease it’s almost as if he’s not even there. He stops next to the third boat on the left and reaches his hand out as Rebekka turns the corner. “By the way, I was joking. Just replaced the boards last week.” Rebekka lets out an exasperated breath that she has been holding for nearly 10 seconds. She refuses his help as she steps on board, walks over to a seat, and sits. The man unties the boat from the pier, jumps on board, and pushes the boat out into the water. “Do you want instructions now or later?” He asks Rebekka. “Felicity told me that you were taking me to the other side. I’ll sit here and do my part. You go do your “captain of the ship” part.” Rebekka waves the man away as she places sunglasses over her eyes. He shrugs, walks towards the steering wheel, and turns on the motor. Rebekka is surprised at the sound of a motor when she is expecting the hum of the sail catching the wind. She turns sideways and lays back in the early afternoon light as the Holy Hush sailboat leaves the safety of the harbor.

WHAT CAN WE LEARN: Rebekka knows, trusts, and follows Felicity’s instructions to wait and reread Psalm 42 until she arrives on the other side of the lake. In the waiting, she notices things are changing around her, including her own reflection in the mirror. When the Bible becomes our mirror, we often see ourselves in a different light, even with tears streaming down our faces. Felicity knows that when Rebekka looks in the mirror of Psalm 42, there will be some parts she wants to skip over. What was the last thing you personally read in the Bible that changed you so much, you could physically see it in the reflection in the mirror? Have you shared that experience with anyone so that it will inspire them?


As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng. Psalm 42:1-4 (NIV)



In life, we all have things we treasure. They may be of monetary value or be collectibles. They may be of personal value to you alone. Treasured things are important in our lives. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines a treasure as: wealth, riches (i.e., money, jewels, or precious metals) stored up or hoarded, 2: something of great worth or value, and 3: a collection of precious things. As a child, you may have treasured an item of esteem that catapulted you into the “cool” group. Your treasure may be a precious collection of trinkets, baubles, or crafts. Or perhaps you were presented with your current love’s cherished sports letter jacket as a symbol of his affection for you. You might treasure pictures of family gatherings. These things are earthly, tangible possessions. There are also intangible things we treasure. A relationship with a parent or a long-time friend or a new blossoming friendship can become a treasure. We treasure our relationship with our heavenly Creator, Abba Father, El Roi – the God who sees and knows us. We treasure the wisdom and knowledge God gifts to us in His Word and in truth. We treasure His unending love. Things treasured are given a higher priority in our lives; more time, more energy, and more focus. They are given passionate attention, and at times, heartfelt love. However, one must be mindful of the time spent on things treasured. Treasures become what is valued in one’s heart. Be cautious 26

of how your time is spent. Be cautious of the things that become the treasure of your heart. In Matthew 6:21 (ESV) Jesus said, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Scripture describes perfectly what Jesus treasured: time in prayer with His Father, time with friends teaching God’s Word, helping those who struggled to find a meaningful life, healing the sick, and giving the “lost” hope for eternity. He focused on things His Heavenly Father desired Him to focus on so His and others’ hearts would be filled. Believers and unbelievers need to continually check their valued treasures to determine where their time and energy are devoured. Assess if your treasured things cause your heart to overflow with love, joy, peace, and hope. Is your treasured time consumed on the cell phone when your children are begging for your attention? Is listening to your playlist in the car valued more than embracing a teaching moment to show your children how to see God’s blessings around you? Is there greater importance in purchasing that Gucci bag than acquiring shoes or eyeglasses for your child? What is it that you treasure in your life?

Treasures become what is valued in one’s heart. Be cautious of how your time is spent. Be cautious of the things that become the treasure of your heart. Do you treasure family and loved ones? Do you merit time spent with them? Is your heart filled with treasures of love and joy while in their presence? Do you treasure time in your prayer closet where your heart fills with comfort, direction, and peace? Is your relationship with God coveted in a way that fills you with everlasting hope and His promise of eternal life? Search your heart to discover how your time is used and what you treasure most. Is your heart in the right place? If your answer is yes, then praise God for your riches! If the answer is no, consider getting on your knees right now to ask God to forgive you for the time and attention spent on things that have been given more importance than they should be. Ask Him to help redirect your path, fill your heart with treasured riches and make your heart sing with joy and love. Then, you will store up treasures in heaven. (Matthew 6:20 NIV)




B Y C H R I S TA J E W E T T 28

Photo of Jamie Cheveldayoff, taken by Phillip Vu, Hawaii

We are living during a fascinating time in technological history. In the past forty years, we have seen many new technologies invented that were previously considered science fiction. A recent scientific article stated, “Information technology has vastly exceeded the cognitive capacity of any single human being and has done so a decade earlier than predicted.”1 Yes, this technological age regularly churns out astonishing advancements. While secular scientists and inventors may find confidence in the evolution of technology, what is most striking is that these innovators often find inspiration for their designs in God’s Creation. For if Creation simply evolved, why are we continuing to discover biological processes that are more advanced than our existing technology? The answer is that they were created by a Supreme Being whose intelligence far exceeds our own. “But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; and the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; and the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind?” (Job 12:7-10, NKJV). Let us consider just a few examples of marine animals that have assisted in scientific advancements: Mantis Shrimp. The mantis shrimp is a type of burrowing crustacean that has the most complex eyes in the animal kingdom. While humans have three color photoreceptors in their eyes, mantis shrimp have sixteen color photoreceptors allowing them to see both ultraviolet and infrared light. They also have trinocular vision where each eye is divided into three sections, allowing them to see perfectly with either eye. Scientists who have studied the mantis shrimp’s vision have concluded that it is more advanced than military imaging software and have used it as inspiration for developments in self-driving technology.2 Limpets. Limpets are benign-looking mollusks that live attached to rocks in coastal zones. As avid grazers, limpets use astonishingly strong teeth to scrape algae

from rocks, sometimes leaving behind grooves in the rock’s surface. Investigation revealed that limpet teeth are comprised of microscopic fibers that make them the strongest biological material in the world, even stronger than spider silk. Their remarkable construction is now being mimicked to strengthen materials used in planes, boats, body armor, and even dental fillings.3 Horseshoe Crabs. Another marine animal found creeping along the seafloor is the horseshoe crab, a type of marine arthropod. Scientists have discovered that a horseshoe crab’s strikingly blue blood has antibacterial properties. As a result, horseshoe crab blood is used to test for bacteria in medical devices such as pacemakers before they are implanted in humans.4 As we consider these incredibly innovative designs present in the marine environment, how can we not be in awe of the One who created them? Scientific investigation should eliminate any doubt in the presence of an awesome Creator God, the God of the Scriptures. 1Gillings, Michael R., Martin Hillbert and Darrell J. Kemp (2016) “Information in the Biosphere: Biological and Digital Worlds” Trends in Ecology and Evolution. March 2016, Vol. 31, Issue 3. Accessed via web January 29, 2021: https://escholarship.org/uc/item/38f4b791. 2Henderson, Sandra (2018) “Vision of Mantis Shrimp Enhances Autonomous Driving” NovusLight.com. November 9, 2018. Accessed via web January 29, 2021:https://www. novuslight.com/vision-of-mantis-shrimp-enhances-autonomous-driving_N8561.html. 3Kaplan, Sarah (2015) “Scientists have discovered nature’s newest strongest material” The Washington Post. February 18, 2015. Accessed via web: January 29, 2021 https://www. washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/02/18/ scientists-have-discovered-natures-newest-strongest-material-and-it-comes-from-a-sea-snail/. 4Monks, Kieran (2015) “Why this crab’s blood could save your life” CNN.com. January 5, 2015. Accessed via web January 29, 2021 https://www.cnn.com/2014/09/04/ health/this-crabs-blood-could-save-your-life/index.html.


POWER POINTS: GOD AT WORK THROUGH WOMEN LEADERS YESTERDAY AND TODAY MONICA BY LEECY BARNETT “Go home with God’s blessing. For it is not possible that the son of all these tears should perish.”1 It was this pastoral comfort that gave Monica the strength to keep praying for her son who seemed so far away from God. As a young girl growing up in 4th century North Africa, Monica learned about Jesus from her maidservant and soon became His devoted follower. Like most women of the time, Monica had no choice about whom she married. Her parents arranged what they thought was a most advantageous marriage to Patricius, a Roman official in her hometown. Despite being married to a pagan, Monica brought up her children in the Christian faith. Although as a child her son Augustine did not fully embrace Christ, he later acknowledged, “There was implanted within me a trace of that mysterious unity from which I was derived.”2 But like many young men, Augustine abandoned his mother’s teaching when he went to study in the big city of Carthage. Egged on by his fraternity brothers, he lived a life of debauchery. He developed an interest in philosophy and became an adherent of Manichaeism, which “professed to be a religion of pure reason as opposed to Christian credulity; it professed to explain the origin, the composition, and the future of the universe; it had an answer for everything and despised Christianity, which was full of mysteries.”3 Her son’s profligate lifestyle and rejection of Christian truth broke Monica’s heart. She prayed for him day and night with many tears. At one point, she begged her pastor to talk to her son, but he wisely declined, sensing that Augustine was still unteachable. “Simply pray for him,” was the bishop’s sage advice.4 So she kept praying. She prayed as he had a child out of wedlock with his mistress. She prayed while her son pursued fame and fortune above everything. She prayed when he deceived her and moved to Rome without 30

telling her. She listened to God’s Word and spoke to Him in prayer. “Her faithful heart grabbed hold of each promise, and she always continued praying, urging [God] to be faithful to what [He] had shown her.”5 She prayed when, after 10 years, he became disillusioned with Manichaeism, but still rejected Christianity. She praised God when Augustine came under the teaching of Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. Her prayers were answered when Augustine read, “Let us live in a right way, like people who belong to the day. We should not have wild parties or get drunk. There should be no sexual sins of any kind, no fighting or jealousy. But clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and forget about satisfying your sinful self.” (Romans 13:13-14, NCV) “Instantly at the end of this sentence,” Augustine later wrote, “a light as it were of serenity infused into my heart, all the darkness of doubt vanished away.”6 Augustine went on to be one of the greatest theologians and Christian philosophers of all time. Monica’s example reminds all of us with loved ones who are far from God, that we “should always pray and never give up.” (Luke 18:1, NLT) 1Augustine. (2008). The Confessions of St. Augustine: Modern English Version [Online version]. Revell, “At Cathage”, para. 62. 2Ibid., “Monica: His Mother’s Care”, para. 19. 3Arendzen, J. (1910). Manichæism. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. Robert Appleton Company. http://www. newadvent.org/cathen/09591a.htm, “Doctrine”, para. 1. 4Augustine. (2008). The Confessions of St. Augustine: Modern English Version [Online version]. Revell, “At Cathage”, para. 59. 5Ibid., “Healing and Refreshment”, para. 57. 6Augustine. (1838). The Confessions of St. Augustine (E. B. Pusey, Trans.) Project Gutenberg, Book VIII, para. 29.



We often hear people talk about ‘studying’ the Bible, and truly, there is nothing wrong with good study. We need to dig in, gather knowledge, and understand the context for what we read in the Word. I am not in dispute with some good study, but here is my dispute, my big BUT. Scripture rarely uses the word ‘study’ when it offers up how we are to handle the Word of God. Psalm 119 is the most profound passage of Scripture about Scripture, yet there is not one mention of the word ‘study’ in all its 176 verses. Instead, it uses phrases like meditate on, love, that we are to crave the Word, and be faithful to it. There are prayers to see the Word clearly, cling to it, and celebrate it. Psalm 119 also goes on to say things like Your Word revives me and instructs me; and the author prays for help to keep the Word and obey it. The New Testament ‘go to’ passages are no different. 2 Tim 3:16-17 tells us that “All Scripture is breathed 31


out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (ESV) Or, look at Hebrews 4:12-13: “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” (ESV) So DOES study fit into all of this? Yes. But I don’t believe it is meant to be our main approach to Scripture. Instead, Scripture should be our main gateway into encountering our good God. When we become Christ-followers, we enter into a grand and beautiful relationship with the Creator of the universe. When we recognize we are sinners in need of Jesus’ death and resurrection to cover us, and then we, in turn, give our lives over to Him, He gifts us with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit not only seals our salvation, but He also lives within us to guide, teach, and comfort us. In John 16:13, it says that the Holy Spirit is given to us to guide us into all truth and reveal to us what Jesus has said to Him (paraphrase from ESV). This same Holy Spirit helps illuminate the Word to us; He is to be our main teacher in the Word, so that we might know the heart of God. Scripture is meant to be the place where we meet with God by engaging with His living and active words as the Holy Spirit lights them up for us to know Him. This is where we hear His thoughts, His heart’s desire, His will, and what is pleasing to Him. We are meant to meet Him there to get to know Him and have our hearts and minds awakened by the voice of the Spirit! So, though it’s good to gain an understanding of context and everything else that ‘study’ brings, if our study never leads us into RELATIONSHIP, then we are missing the point of Scripture and we need to ask the Spirit to help us examine our motives. Do we come to listen to the voice of the Spirit through the Word to tell our hearts what we need to know right here, right now? Do we come with that expectancy of the ongoing need for repentance in our lives as we give over new areas of our hearts and minds that we didn’t even know we had not released to Him? Are we coming into the Word with the idea that He wants to reveal 32

himself to us and that He might just want to spend time with us? Or that He might want to shower us with love, affection, or encouragement? As we study ABOUT God, we need to listen TO God, and allow Him to lead us into a relationship with Him. We must be careful to not seek more information while turning away from a relationship. In John 5:39, Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees and says, “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.” (ESV)

Scripture is meant to be the place where we meet with God by engaging with His living and active words as the Holy Spirit lights them up for us to know Him. Jesus wants us to find life in Him when we meet him in the Word! We need to meditate on the Word, chew on it over and over again, and ask the Spirit to illuminate it to our hearts. We need to love the Word. It may indeed expand your mind with knowledge, but hopefully, this is because you are hearing from the Lord while you are reading it and getting to know His heart better. Do you crave the Word with a ‘can’t wait’ feeling for the next time you get to taste it and see His goodness in new ways? Do you cling to the Word as if it is life, allowing it to influence and dictate how you live so that you are pleasing the Lord rather than just yourself? The Word should be a beautiful place to meet with the God of the Universe, where tinyyou gets to meet with Massive-Him and hear what He wants to speak to your heart. Don’t let reading God’s Holy Word be just an exercise. Instead, see it as God Himself inviting you to spend with Him. Knowing ABOUT God is good, but ACTUALLY KNOWING God is a million times better. And that is the exact intention of the Word of God.

ARMOUR OF GOD You are a mighty woman of God, fearless and determined as you ride into battle. You have the armour of God on, suited up to take on any challenges. You are one with the almighty Lion of Judah, and nothing, nothing is impossible. The battle is already won. Your sword is your voice. The courage is flowing through you because you are connected to Jesus. You are powerfully equipped. You have the mindset of being the daughter of the Most High, so how can you fail? You are powering into God’s glory. Your courage surpasses any trepidation. Orange represents courage, which surrounds you and permeates your every core. The red is the blood of Jesus He has already faced your battles and won. You have His covering. It is done!!!!! Put your armour on and fight your battles.



JOURNEYING WITH JESUS: NUGGETS FROM THE GOSPEL OF MARK DECISIVE MOMENTS IN TIME (MARK 1:14-15, NIV) B Y R E V. L I S A M O R R I S O N Life is full of decisive moments – some having greater impact than others. I remember clearly one of those decisive moments that changed my life forever. I was in South Africa, as a guest lecturer for a semester, when the Lord woke me up at the crack of dawn one morning and spoke to my spirit saying, “Mathapelo (one of my students) is the daughter you’ve always wanted,” and then He shot a love burst in my heart for her. I was excited about this announcement but had no idea what it meant since I was going home to the United States in less than three weeks. In a matter of a few short months, the Lord began to reveal His plan. He asked me if I would be willing to step down from pastoring my church and district leadership positions to stand behind Mathapelo in a support position for her to come to the United States to receive her education in theological studies. It was a decisive moment in time when God broke into my world, which resulted in a radical change in both our lives. In Mark 1:14-15, we read of a decisive moment in time, which results in a radical change for all history. It is the moment the prophets foretold. The Kingdom of God has come near. Why? Because Jesus, the promised One, has arrived and He has begun to proclaim the message of the gospel. It is a message of repentance and belief. Jesus is orienting God’s


people to the truth that repentance is critical and foundational to salvation. It is the core of His message. We cannot be saved if we have not turned away from our sinful ways and believe that Jesus is the One who has come to save us from our sin. We all must decide if we will accept Jesus’ message of “Repent and believe the good news.” (v. 15 NIV) No one escapes this decision – even not deciding is a decision. When we choose to repent and believe, we will experience a decisive moment in time that will change our lives for all eternity. The decisive moment of accepting Jesus into our heart is designed to provide us with the opportunity to share the good news of God to our world just as Jesus did to His world. If your heart’s desire is to share the good news of Christ to those around you, then be prepared for God to break into your world in a decisive moment in time and ask you to be on mission for Him, which will produce a great impact on the lives of those around you. Lisa Morrison is an ordained minister who has served as pastor, and staff pastor in several positions in the local church, as well as in district ministerial and educational leadership positions. She also has been an Adjunct Instructor at various educational institutions of higher learning teaching in the Religion Departments. She holds two master’s degrees and a post-graduate degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

“O Lord, Thou hast searched me, and known me.” Psalm 139:1 KJV

Dear Sister,

You are privileged in belonging to a God who has a perfect knowledge of who you are. Your identity rests in the all-knowing of the Savior. He does not hold you captive to what you have been subjected to in your past and He does not define your future based on what you have had to endure and overcome. You are the daughter of an amazing God who knows the woman of worth that lies within you, therefore has set you up for such an amazing destiny. God has for you a destiny of greatness that outweighs anything you or anyone else could have done for you. He has forgiven the thorns that prick and probe you to a constant doubting of who you are. He has wiped the slate clean and given you a new ground upon which you can stand. He knows you not by deed, but by creation, an intimate work of His hand. The workmanship of God. You are His most prized possession. You do matter. You are a woman of worth. You are a woman of strength and boldness. You are equipped to be everything that God has said that you are without apology or exception. He knows you. I dare you to come to know the woman that God knows.... she will blow your mind!

Love You, Dr. Jia




“How on earth do you do what you do and get it all done?” I asked my new friend as we sipped on coffee one mild afternoon. Married with children whom she teaches from home, encouraging others amid day-to-day tasks, serving as a light to a world steeped in need, and somehow squeezing in time to inspirationally write! It wore me out to process such intentionality, yet she bubbled over with zeal. My thoughts mused that I must be “getting old” now that my own children were grown. “No, no, that’s not it,” I reasoned with myself. OK, yes, it actually is. While it is true that I am “older”, I never liked those two words shoved together in a negative assumption. Getting old – good grief, it’s not a rash! Besides, isn’t aging with gray hair the “crown of splendor” as declared by Proverbs 16:31? And does it count if my splendor is somewhat veiled under strands of golden “highlights”? As the afternoon wore on and the conversation grew richer, I asked my friend various questions about her life and how God was directing the current flow of all she was doing. She said something simple, and I was surprised that it grabbed my attention the way that it did. I asked how she managed such an exhaustive list of meaningful activities without drowning in chaos. She looked at me with a kind intensity and said, “I fill every…single…minute. I am a minimalist,” she said, “and I don’t really watch TV or engage in social media, so I use every moment I’ve got.” As I considered the real depth of her words, I recalled a verse in Ephesians 5:1517, and understood that the sweet woman sitting across the table from me was living out the wisdom in God’s powerful Word… So then, be careful how you walk, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. (NASB) Making the most of your time. Those six little words can be so easily pushed aside and replaced with the “rathers” of our own preferred agenda, can’t they? I’d rather catch the morning news instead of being filled by the Word and prepared for the day. I’d rather check the “likes” of my photo and clever-sounding posts instead of planning tonight’s dinner and purposeful activities. I’d rather shop for shoes and online sales instead of romping outside as the kids run and play. The rathers themselves are by no means shameful activities, but they can turn rather bad if you find unaccomplished goals and sour moods slowly creeping in with familiar regularity. Sometimes re-establishing a good habit like a sensible bedtime hour can reset the compass back to a much better direction. One little change may lead to discovering other ways to make the most of your time rather than time making the 36

least of you (and your overall life). In other words, figuring out where your minutes are stolen and taking them back to repurpose and restore what may have been wasted and ruined. The King James Bible uses the word redeem in Ephesians 5:15-17, which means to buy back or recover. I like to think of it as reclaiming or recouping because although we cannot get back time that is gone or opportunity lost, God graciously gives us right here and right now to appropriate our present time in ways that please Him. It produces a return which profits us now and in the future. That is the loving God we serve! How easy it is to think we have “blown it” beyond His patience or His grace for another chance. It is a reminder that His ways and His thoughts are nothing like ours – For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8, ESV) What an assuring truth to know that He does not measure us with the same standards that we use! With that in mind, what is one thing you can do differently with your time today than what you did yesterday? Today will soon be yesterday, so why not tie a new ribbon on today for a more meaningful and rewarding tomorrow? As you consider the flow of your own daily life and God’s whisper to recapture the time, I leave the following reflection written from my heart to yours… Let us rise up with a Hallelujah of praise and reclaim and redeem for the rest of our days! Look at the clock where time slips away and ask for His grace to be given today. The life that you live and the role that you play is an offering to Him with each breath that you take. Consider what’s left and generously give, for the earth will be gone, but not the life that you lived! The wealth of your time and your giftings abound, and these are the things for which you are crowned. And then on that Day as you humbly bow down, that crown you will cast, and a hush will resound. Your Heavenly Father will lift up your face, to behold His great glory, the Savior of Grace. “Well done,” He will say, “Your best life to Me, now enter My joy, your grand eternity!”





While many think that the issues of finances, sexuality, or differences in parenting styles are the leading causes of divorce, many courts determine that a couple can divorce simply over “irreconcilable differences.” What are irreconcilable differences? According to Dr. John Gottman, the leading marriage researcher of the 20th century, divorce is predictable when any one of the following four behaviors are present: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, or stonewalling. These behaviors are so destructive that the couple who navigates marriage without them has a better chance of withstanding multiple marital issues than the couple who falls prey to these acts and experiences only one marital problem. Let’s take a look at these threats to marriage. Criticism. This could also be defined as nagging. Criticism sometimes happens when one spouse does not meet the expectations of the other spouse. Complaints are okay. Criticism, however, is never okay. It leads to a dead-end street, meaning that the issue is never resolved. The disappointed spouse keeps hoping their spouse will change if they just keep telling them what’s wrong. Instead, the criticized spouse begins to lose their confidence. Check your expectations and accept your spouse where he or she is. Learn to separate the person from the behavior. Defensiveness. This happens when a spouse is unwilling to admit he or she is wrong and casts blame on the other person. The defensive spouse has an answer for everything except the magic words, “I was wrong.” Failure to admit weaknesses only leads to defeat. It is better to admit there is something wrong and work toward finding a solution that will satisfy both parties.


Stonewalling. This occurs when a spouse avoids conflict and withdraws emotionally because he or she does not feel emotionally safe. This is a lose-lose situation. Instead, each spouse must have the courage to face the issue and find positive solutions to improve communication and resolution of conflict. Contempt. Dr. Gottman describes contempt as the most destructive emotion in a relationship. The first three, if left unattended, lead to contempt, which is a lack of respect and spiteful behavior. Contempt leads to apathy, which is the opposite of love. The prescription for contempt is forgiveness. A good marriage consists of two good forgivers. The Bible has a clear outline for resolving all four of these behaviors: 1. Do not judge, or you too will be judged. (Matthew 7:1, NIV) When we lay aside our judgment, we stop criticizing and start accepting our spouse right where they are. We stop criticizing, and we start asking more questions to help them make better choices for themselves. We point them to the One who can help them when they are struggling. 2. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9-10, NIV) When we believe this truth and confess our faults, we don’t walk around with a veil of shame over us because we know we have been forgiven. 3. Where God’s love is there is no fear, because God’s perfect love drives out fear. (I John 4:18, NCV) Instead of stonewalling, which is what we do when we fear confrontation, choose to confront the situation with a loving heart. Listen with empathy and determine that the two of you will resolve the conflict amicably. 4. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32, NIV) Ruth Bell Graham once said that a good marriage is just made up “of two good forgivers.” When we forgive, we give up our right to retaliate, and we ask God to help us see our spouse as God sees him or her. Forgiveness is mandatory; reconciliation happens after forgiveness has been offered and steps have been taken to rebuild trust within the relationship. When we choose to live by God’s Word, we believe that our differences can be reconciled. We choose to live in a judgment-free zone, believe the best about each other, forgive frequently, and engage in healthy conflict resolution. This will foster a healthy and thriving marriage. Cindy Jacob Southworth has an M.S. in Counseling Studies, is an AACC Certified Relationship Coach and John Maxwell certified coach. She and her husband David have been in full-time marriage ministry since 2005 and pioneered the Marriage 911 intensive and women’s BreakThrough retreats. They have also developed the UP Leadership program, which prepares couples for marriage ministry. Cindy serves on the Leadership Team of Women World Leaders. Recently retired in central Florida, they devote their time now to writing and developing leaders for ministry and enjoying their nine grandchildren. You can learn more about them by visiting their website at www.breakwatercoaching.com. 39


DIFERENCIAS RECONCILIABLES B Y C I N DY S O U T H W O R T H Si bien muchos piensan que los problemas de las finanzas, la sexualidad o las diferencias en los estilos de crianza son las principales causas de divorcio, muchos tribunales determinan que una pareja puede divorciarse simplemente por "irreconciliables diferencias ". ¿Qué son las diferencias irreconciliables? Según el Dr. John Gottman, el principal investigador del matrimonio del siglo XX, el divorcio es predecible cuando cualquiera de los siguientes cuatro comportamientos está presente: crítica, desprecio, actitud defensiva o táctica de evasivas. Estos comportamientos son tan destructivos que la pareja que navega por el matrimonio sin ellos tiene más posibilidades de soportar múltiples problemas matrimoniales que la pareja que cae presa de estos actos y experimenta un solo problema conyugal. Miremos algunas de estas amenazas al matrimonio. Crítica. Esto también podría definirse como fastidio. Las críticas a veces ocurren cuando uno de los cónyuges no cumple con las expectativas del otro cónyuge. Las quejas están bien. Sin embargo, las críticas nunca están bien. Conduce a un callejón sin salida, lo que significa que el problema nunca se resuelve. El cónyuge decepcionado sigue esperando que su cónyuge cambie si sigue diciéndole lo que está mal. En cambio, el cónyuge criticado comienza a perder su confianza. Verifique sus expectativas y acepte a su cónyuge donde está. Aprenda a separar a la persona de la conducta. Defensiva. Esto sucede cuando un cónyuge no está dispuesto a admitir que está equivocado y echa la culpa a la otra persona. El cónyuge defensivo tiene una respuesta para todo excepto las palabras mágicas, "Yo estaba equivocado." No admitir las debilidades solo conduce a la derrota. Es mejor admitir que algo anda mal y trabajar para encontrar una solución que satisfaga a ambas partes. Evadir. Esto ocurre cuando un cónyuge evita el conflicto y se retrae emocionalmente porque él o ella no se siente emocionalmente seguro. Esta es una situación en la que todos pierden. En cambio, cada cónyuge debe tener el coraje de afrontar el problema y encontrar soluciones positivas para mejorar la comunicación y la resolución de conflictos. Desprecio. El Dr. Gottman describe el desprecio como la emoción más destructiva en una relación. Los primeros tres, si se dejan desatendidos, conducen al desprecio, que es una falta de respeto y un comportamiento rencoroso. El desprecio conduce a la apatía, que es lo contrario del amor. La receta para el desprecio es el perdón. Un buen matrimonio consta de dos buenos perdonadores. La Biblia tiene un esquema claro para resolver estos cuatro comportamientos: 1. No juzgues, o tú también serás juzgado. (Mateo 7: 1, NVI) Cuando dejamos de 40

lado nuestro juicio, dejamos de criticar y empezamos a aceptar a nuestro cónyuge justo donde están. Dejamos de criticar y empezamos a hacer más preguntas para ayudarlos a tomar mejores decisiones por sí mismos. Les indicamos a aquel que puede ayudarlos cuando están luchando. 2. Si confesamos nuestros pecados, Él es fiel y justo y nos perdonará nuestros pecados y nos limpiará de toda injusticia. (I Juan 1: 9-10, NVI) Cuando creemos esta verdad y confesamos nuestras faltas, no caminamos con un velo de vergüenza sobre nosotros porque sabemos que hemos sido perdonados. 3. Dónde está el amor de Dios no hay temor, porque el amor perfecto de Dios expulsa el temor. (I Juan 4:18, NCV)En lugar de evadir, que es lo que usualmente hacemos cuando le tememos a una confrontación, optemos por enfrentar la situación con un corazón amoroso. Escuche con empatía y determine que ustedes dos resolverán el conflicto amigablemente. 4. Sean bondadosos y compasivos unos con otros, perdonándose unos a otros, como Cristo Dios los perdonó a ustedes. (Efesios 4:32, NVI) Ruth Bell Graham dijo una vez que un buen matrimonio se compone simplemente de “dos buenos perdonadores ". Cuando perdonamos, renunciamos a nuestro derecho a tomar

represalias y le pedimos a Dios que nos ayude a ver a nuestro cónyuge como Dios lo ve a él o a ella. El perdón es obligatorio; la reconciliación ocurre después de que se ha ofrecido el perdón y se han tomado medidas para reconstruir la confianza dentro de la relación. Cuando elegimos vivir según la Palabra de Dios, creemos que nuestras diferencias pueden reconciliarse. Elegimos vivir en una zona libre de juicios, creer lo mejor de los demás, perdonar con frecuencia y participar en actividades saludables la resolución de conflictos. Esto fomentará un matrimonio saludable y próspero. Cindy Jacob Southworth tiene un M.S. en Estudios de Consejería, es Entrenadora de Relaciones Certificado por AACC y Entrenadora certificada por John Maxwell. Ella y su esposo David han estado en el ministerio matrimonial de tiempo completo desde 2005 y fue pionera en los retiros intensivos de Marriage 911 y BreakThrough para mujeres. Ellos también han desarrollado el programa UP Leadership, que prepara a las parejas para el ministerio matrimonial. Cindy sirve en el Equipo de liderazgo de mujeres líderes mundiales (WWL). Recién jubilados en el centro de Florida, ahora dedican su tiempo a escribir y desarrollar líderes para el ministerio y disfrutar de sus nueve nietos. Puedes aprender más sobre ellos visitando su sitio web en www.breakwatercoaching.com. 41


Take my words away All my trying to sound or be okay All the time I spend deciding what to say. Humble my plans, My grand schemes of pride; Take apart my glory, And let all I am Be only what You’ve done to me - in spite of me On the inside. Eradicate my worries All my self-directed prayer. Crush the god who tries to rule in me And take Your place on Your throne - in my heart And be the ruler there.


KINGDOM HARVEST Women World Leaders is now in 50+ countries –His Gospel is changing lives Unite with Us, Share in the Harvest We are committed to bringing a great harvest through Voice of Truth, which is available for free both in a printed and digital version. We have faith that the Lord is our provider! As this magazine grows daily, we invite you to help us bring in the harvest. Will you partner with us in prayer and giving as you ask Him how He wants you to be a part of this magazine? Your seed will blossom in the hearts of women around the globe as you partner with us. As you give, we are praying and trusting that the Lord will bless you and all your needs will be met according to His riches in glory. We praise the Lord for you and thank you for your obedience and generosity.

Give on our website at womenworldleaders.com

OR mail a check to: Women World Leaders PO Box 210895 Royal Palm Beach, FL 33421 (Check payable to Women World Leaders)


PEACE, THE HOLY SPIRIT The Holy Spirit flies through the clouds and settles on an olive branch. He is at peace. The entwined olive branches show our connection to Christ, as He wraps us up in His peace. The two thorn branches, like those used in Jesus’ crown of thorns, represent two sacrifices. The sacrifice that Jesus made for us so that we would have His peace and the sacrifice that we make to follow Him and take up our daily cross. The sky has the glory of God flowing down, and the clouds are in the shape of a V. God gave us the Victory so that we can have peace in our storms. “Keep in mind that we who belong to Jesus, the Anointed One, have already experienced crucifixion. For everything connected with our self - life was put to death on the cross and crucified with Messiah. We must live in the Holy Spirit and follow after him.” Gal. 5:24-25 TPT


Nonna’s kNOWledge LIVE IN THE NOW WITH JOY B Y C A R O LY N J O Y Joy – the confidence to know that God is in control! As a grandmother (and mother) of a growing family, you may be like me - wanting to maintain control. At the very least, it makes my heart sing to keep things in order. In my younger years, I would get dismayed if my world were falling apart around me. But now, in my more mature years, I have come to understand that God has everything in His control. Having sixteen children and grandchildren has taught me that anything can happen at anytime. And it usually does. Whether it is ice cream sundae on my clean kitchen floor, black permanent marker on my white carpet, or ending up in the deep end of the pool when you can’t quite swim, life is full of twists and turns. Wisdom is the art of living skillfully in whatever situation is thrown your way. Having a house clean and organized with closets that are aligned and color-coded may seem perfect. But is it? Perhaps “perfect” means the laughter of children, the spilling of food and toys that are strewn all over the floor. Maybe “perfect” is the washer, dryer, and dishwasher all running at the same time. Or maybe most “perfect” of all is the awareness that little faces and stressed-out young parents are watching all my responses, giving me the opportunity to show them the love of Jesus. It is a time to breathe deep, remain calm, and be honored that the King would trust me to represent the Good News of Christ.

What situations is He entrusting to you? You can rest in the assurance that God will always be with you, even when your world is spinning in reverse. Look at the birds in the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? (Matthew 6:26 NIV) Remember that after a storm, birds sing, and with God’s help, you can too. Live in the moment NOW, with joy, and don’t sweat the small stuff. Carpe diem - seize the day. NONNA’S CHUCKLES: My daughter was waiting in the airport with her daughters (two and four years old) when the announcement was made to board her plane. Anxiously my daughter said, “Okay girls, get back into the stroller so we can walk to the airplane.” “Why do we have to get back into the stroller?” my granddaughter asked quizzically. Taken a bit off guard and trying to regain control, my daughter answered, “Because that is the rule.” My granddaughter looked up with big brown eyes from the freedom of her airport lobby seat. Then, a bit puzzled, she quipped, “I am pretty sure you just made up that rule.” 45

Courage in Action Celebrating Our Uniqueness What is your favorite personality assessment? You've likely taken one for marriage counseling, choosing your career, applying for a job, or your personal growth. There are hundreds out there, and, like most things, you get what you pay for in a personality assessment. As former university professors, we took many different kinds. We learned our letters like E, N, F, P or D, I, S, C, we discovered our number and wing number, our colors, and in one assessment, we even learned that we could be a lion, otter, golden retriever or a beaver. Each tool identified our strengths and common behaviors, and then a book or a consultant explained it to us. God's intention was diversity. Psalm 139 teaches us that we are each uniquely and wonderfully made for a purpose. Diversity is good, but it can be challenging, particularly when we minister to others. The closer we work together, the greater the potential for misunderstanding. And as often seen in ministry, teams working toward a common end can collide. The further we reach outside of our perceptions and working styles, the more challenging the situation becomes. Burnout, relationship problems, or hiding behaviors can become unmanageable. Families implode, expenses for therapists add up, and

those around the wounded or fallen saint can feel betrayed, used, and confused. Much of this is avoidable if we knew ourselves and those in our inner circle more accurately, possessed skills to identify and express our needs and exercised the courage to be vulnerable. The two of us first took a personality tool called The Birkman Method Assessment when we worked as long-term external consultants for a ministry. The team was experiencing personal conflicts, and so everyone was asked to take the assessment. We each had a one-hour feedback session with the Birkman consultant, and then we sat in a room for two days and processed the team dynamics. The Birkman Method helped us learn how our perceptions and reality may not match, how we project our interpretations of a situation onto others incorrectly, through our personality lenses. We each learned our unique value to the team, and we learned concrete signs and symptoms alerting us when our lives are offbalance. Using the Birkman, we learned neutral language to ask for our needs. The two of us were fascinated and riddled with anxiety throughout the two days as we learned truths about ourselves and those around us. It soon became crystal clear that stress behaviors from some key leaders on the team were unlikely to change. Through prayer and many discussions, we realized trying to continue our consulting arrangement would be unwise. So, we took a courageous step within the next several months and left the working relationship; it was a challenging but an invaluable lesson. Ten years after our original experience, Kerus wanted to do leadership development work as part of our ministry. We decided to do the


Birkman Method consultant training, and we are even more in love with the assessment than before. The Birkman method opens doors for indepth discussions and can serve as a segue to spiritual applications when appropriate. We help young people chart a path for their careers, assist professionals transitioning to new positions, or maximize their workplace effectiveness. We work with executive leadership teams desiring greater productivity, seeking new talent, and retaining valuable workers in their organizations. And, we use the tool as part of conflict resolution in homes and the workplace. Our earliest Birkman experience taught us that we must be ever vigilant to care for ourselves and lead toward valuing individual differences, not merely tolerating them. It also taught us to have the courage to realize when an unhealthy situation needs to change and to change it. In our office, relationships are more important than work. Taking time to explore individual uniqueness with respect makes us better at what we do. Volunteers that go with us to Africa or any new potential employee takes the Birkman Method assessment. We can't tell you the number of times just knowing how to talk

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with someone according to their unique needs has made all the difference, or how helpful it has been to realize who may or may not be a good fit for our organization. We are grateful for the insights Birkman provides. Do you have a team that is struggling to communicate? Are you, yourself, feeling stuck? Are you looking for a change? Maybe you are heading off to college and need some help choosing a major. Are you trying to figure out what's next for you? We are happy to help!

Dr. Jennie Cerullo and Dr. Marcia Ball Co-Founders & Executive Directors of Kerus Global To learn more or to donate to Kerus, visit: www.kerusglobal.org





The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, “Follow me.” Philip, like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida. Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,” said Philip. When Jesus saw Nathanael approaching, he said of him, “Here truly is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit.” “How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered, “I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” Jesus said, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.” He then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see ‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”


It is now two days since the Jerusalem contingent came to investigate John’s baptizing services in the Jordan. It is two days since John declared to all that Jesus was the Anointed One, which in Jewish history meant a new king. It is just the day after that when young John and his friend Andrew follow Jesus to hang out with Him for the day. They introduce Andrew’s brother, Simon, who got a new name when He met Jesus (Peter). Long, long-awaited changes can happen fast once the door is opened. On this day, it is Jesus who does the seeking. Philip, who is from the same town as Peter and Andrew, is found by Jesus. Perhaps his friends had mentioned him to Jesus. But Jesus knows his heart and simply approaches him and says two words: “Follow me.” Those words of powerful command that still hold a choice capture (or perhaps entrance) Philip’s heart. Without hesitation, Philip not only follows, but he goes and collects another friend. He seeks out Nathaniel, who is not so easily convinced. Jesus’ hometown does not have a good reputation. Perhaps it is the butt of many jokes. Yet at Philip’s invitation to come and see for himself, Nathaniel comes. Something about Philip’s response to this man, Jesus, grips Nathaniel’s curiosity enough to check it out. That’s all that is needed when there is respect and trust among friends. Philip is changing his entire life, and Nate is going to find out why. Jesus sees them approaching and comments to the others (young John, Andrew, and Peter) that here comes an Israelite with no “guile,” in other words, here is a man who speaks his mind. I love the variety of characters Jesus is gathering around Him. (On further study, I expect all mankind will find a character to identify with.) Nathaniel hears what Jesus says about him and naturally asks how He could possibly know such a thing, which rings very deeply true to Nate. Nate is shocked to the core when Jesus next explains that before Philip even showed up, He had seen Nate sitting under the fig tree. Philip’s response makes it clear that no one could have seen him there and, with all his heart, Nathaniel also, like his friend Philip, commits to following this Jesus.

He declares his full state of belief: Jesus is rabbi, Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus is the King of Israel! Wow. Think deeply on that one. Nate is a blunt man who speaks truth, and every bit of him declares truth. He has yet to walk life with Jesus, but he speaks his words of faith, and he will follow. He will journey. Jesus speaks about the journey ahead; it must encourage Nate to know what will come. We don’t know what Jesus said to the others when they first came, but John wants us all to hear this. With Jesus we shall see “the heavens open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.” • How is my walk today? • Am I alert and watching for what God is doing? The very God of heaven and earth is attended by His angels as He walks these next years with His followers, His friends. Pay attention as you journey with Christ. There are great things to see and learn when following Jesus. Jesus has a purpose, and part of it is that we go with Him. • Where is He taking me today? • Am I excited for His plan for today? • Are my eyes open to behold His glory? • Am I inviting my friends along?

There are great things to see and learn when following Jesus. Jesus has a purpose, and part of it is that we go with Him.



BY SARAH JENKINS It’s almost unfathomable all that September means to me - it signifies the start of so many unknowns. This month, I enter into my senior year of college and the underlying tone of seeking out my next steps in life. In that same breath, I reflect on all the moments that have gotten me to this point. As I ponder this month, I can’t help but think about all the ones that have precluded it. Throughout each year of my college experience, I have experienced triumphant victory and crushing heartbreak, but one thing has characterized every season - a consistent opportunity to learn. In the highest of highs and the lowest of lows I have found one thing to be my stronghold, the idea that God has control of it all. While I consider myself someone accustomed to change, I’ll admit that I despise uncertainty. I am fine with a transition into a new season if I can conceptualize what it will entail, but my inability to understand what comes next often causes me to panic. In the moments that I feel the uncertainty of my future closing in, I remember how I’ve been brought through each season thus far. When I felt like I was drowning, the Lord reminded me that He was not only a helper in my time of need, but Jehovah Jireh - my provider. In relying on my provider, I have learned some of the greatest lessons of all. When I was twelve, I decided that I wanted my family to go to the beach for the summer. This, however, was not in the itinerary for that year. Instead, my desired beach trip was replaced with a family reunion at my uncle’s lake 50

house. When I told my mom of my disappointment in not doing both, she told me to pray for God to make a way. What we would come to realize, though, is that He would do it in a way far different than we initially expected. Having lived in Little Rock, Arkansas at the time, my heart ached to go to the beach constantly. I prayed for a trip, but in a very roundabout way, God gave me an entirely new reality. While I didn’t get to go to the beach that summer, God moved my family to West Palm BEACH in the fall. It didn’t happen the way I expected nor the way I asked - but it happened in a way that only Jehovah Jireh would work. It happened in the way that He would fully be able to provide and the way that He would fully help me to learn. A verse that I constantly fall back on is one that has sustained me through all seasons - in the times I think I know what God is doing, and especially in those I don’t. Jesus says in John 16:33 (NIV), “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you may have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” It’s a simple and very well-known verse, but one that gives hope even to the most hopeless. It commands uncertainty to scatter and maintains that there is no one more in power than God. As I enter this new and mostly uncertain season of my life, I rely on the promise that my God has overcome the world. In all the troubles we may have, we must simply take heart.

CHANGE YOUR STORY WITH KIRSTIN LEIGH Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32 (NIV)

Have you ever examined the internal conversations that play in your mind daily and found them to be without hope? Or have you flipped through your journal and realized that your entries were filled with despair? My journals used to be filled with hopes and dreams, yet staring down at them ten years ago, my heart ached. All I saw was a decade of regrets and guilt. How long was I going to be fighting the same battles, struggling with the same issues? “As long as you let yourself,” answered a voice deep within my soul. This voice begged to pull me out of denial and darkness. It was so clear. So real. So what did I do? I put my pen down, shut my journal and walked away. But life was getting harder. I was tired and depressed. I was a mess. I was drinking twenty beers a day, sometimes more. I lived in a constant state of anxiety—was today the day someone was going to find out? I wanted to “change my story,” but where did I begin? That’s the thing with change—it’s overwhelming! Thinking about everything we want to change makes us want to put our heads under the covers. It paralyzes us. It seems easier to live with our problems, ‘the way things are,’ or to let ‘good enough’ be okay. But that’s never what God intended for us.

We have to deal to heal. Are you struggling with an addiction? Perhaps your bad habits are becoming unmanageable or your problems feel bigger than your purpose. Have you lost sight of who you are? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If so, you are not alone! I am here to tell you (and I am a living example!) that you can change your story. Whether it’s the first or the 1000th time you’ve tried, you can get your life on track with God’s plan. Science has proven that we can rewire our brain, which goes right along with what God has said since the beginning of time. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2) There is no doubt that you have heard the phrase, ‘Once an addict, always an addict.’ But that is not true! Just because you’re a mental mess today doesn’t mean you’ll be one forever. We don’t have to live in the past, settle in setbacks, unhealthy relationships, or accept our negative behavior as the norm. We were made to evolve. To learn, to grow, to change, to conquer.



I’m not saying it’s easy! Anyone who has made significant changes in their life will tell you that it takes everything you’ve got and then some, but with God, you can do it. Here’s a practical step you can take. John 8:32 assures us that the truth will set us free. So let’s start with the truth of who we are. Take a few minutes and write down who you think you are. Then, make a list of who God says you are. (Philippians 4:13, Ephesians 2:4, John 15:15, and 1 Corinthians 5:17 are great scriptures to begin with.) Next, compare your lists. If who you think you are is not in alignment with who God says you are, but a big red line through that thought! What God says about us is the truth! Knowing who you are according to Christ is one of the first steps in changing your story. It can change what you say yes to, what you say no to, what you listen to and watch, and how and with whom you spend your time. Proverbs 29:18 explains that when we don’t have vision, we cast off restraint—we perish. Changing our story requires vision. We have to be able to see past our current predicament and remember that ‘where we are is not who we are.’ Picture yourself free from addictions, depression, anxiety, bad habits and faulty mindsets. Mediate on this picture. What is one thing you can do today that will help make this a reality? Changing our story starts with surrender. A desire. Then a decision. Following through with that decision takes faith, practical steps, and a lot of work. But you are worth it! Sure, your life may not look exactly like you imagined it would—our decisions have consequences that cause us to miss opportunities. But even our detours can’t change God’s divine plan.


Changing our story starts with surrender. A desire. Then a decision. Following through with that decision takes faith, practical steps, and a lot of work. But you are worth it! No matter where you are, how you feel, or what your circumstance is telling you, reflect on who God says you are. As long as you are still breathing, He has a purpose and a plan for your life. But you have to believe it. And you have to fight for it. Underneath our mess is a masterpiece that God desperately wants us to discover. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV) Changing your story frees you to be you. Not the you life has molded, the you God created. After running away from her dreams and battling addictions for over a decade, Kirstin Leigh is now a sought after speaker and actress, the author of “Change Your Story—Your Life is a Masterpiece Waiting to be Discovered, and the founder of The Change Your Story Workshop. To find out more about Kirstin or to purchase her books, you can visit: www. Kirstinleigh.com For information or to enroll in The Change Your Story Workshop: www.thechangeyourstoryworkshop.com

Prayers for the

Sons of The King B Y D R . J I A C O N WAY “The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; He will give strength to His King and exalt the horn of His anointed.” 1 Samuel 2:10 (ESV) God, we thank You for the authority that You have in the earth as the power of the Holy Spirit works through Your chosen. We thank You, God, that You are our ever-present help, even in the areas of our lives that seem to be infertile, incomplete, and inadequate. God, You are our place of overflow, abundance, and increase. Thank You, most righteous God, for the anointing that rests upon Your sons as You have strengthened them in the work of Kingdom building. Thank You for a fresh anointing upon the very crown of their heads and soles of their feet so that in every place they tread upon, You are exalted in the land of the living. Spirit of the Living God, we bless You for the Sonship that is strength to the Kingdom and the body of believers. They are the pillars of hope, joy, peace, love, long-suffering, and greatness that You have created them to be. From their inner loins You are birthing the promises of Your Word and the gift of Your salvation. From the hearts of Your sons overflows Your love and compassion towards Your people. They have been anointed for this time, and it is in this time that the land shall cry out before the heavens, “Hosanna!”, because of the obedience and righteousness of Your sons. The highest praise shall pierce every layer of the heavenly realm as Your sons ignite a jubilee of praise and worship. The horn of the anointed rests upon the Sonship, and the continued favor and love of God shall follow them all the days of their lives in the name of Jesus. Amen.


It’s Your Time to Shine I was creating with God one morning, and I started to draw the shape of a diamond. Little did I know this was the start of a beautiful journey of revelation through signs and words. As I looked at the diamond, I felt God say, “I am shaping, refining, and polishing you so you will reflect all the love and beauty of my image.” I thought, that is so beautiful. Then the signs started. The next day, I noticed to my dismay that my grandmother’s ring that I had worn for over thirty years had lost one of its diamonds. I prayed that I would find it, and two hours later, I did, nestled in the carpet. Straight away I was reminded of my drawing.

Months later, I was given the incredible opportunity to paint live on stage at Bethel Church in Redding, California, where I felt led to create this painting. I wanted to portray the significance for women to embrace how God sees every facet of who they are and that He is shaping, refining, and polishing them so they can step into their true destiny of who they are in Christ. God has been equipping me ever since He gave me this vision. He has taken me on the most amazing journey. Every week He is continuing to polish every nuance of my being so I could reflect his love. We might start out as an uncut diamond, but God refines us to reflect His glory. Know that God is using every situation you go through to make you shine even brighter.

A day later, I lost another diamond from a treasured bracelet, then I found it. I started to find diamonds in the most unusual places. I was seeing diamonds everywhere. Then I was given a powerful prophetic word at church from a woman: “You are an exquisite diamond, God is polishing you up to reflect His love.”

I have used the brilliant glory color of yellow to dominate this painting, and I have included the facets of the diamond reflecting the colors of joy, healing, empowerment, and the royalty of who we are in Christ.

Wow! God was truly preparing me for a journey. I felt this was quite significant.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 ESV

Shine for Christ. Reflect His love.




BY MELISSA KESSLER, INHC, MA Wellness has never been a thing I could take for granted. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 2½, 38 years ago. Since that day, I’ve had to prick my fingers many times a day and carry needles with me in case I decide to eat, whether at home, at a party, or just out and about. When I was a child, other kids were jealous because I was allowed to carry juice boxes around with me in case of hypoglycemia (a condition where blood sugar drops too low). At that time, I didn’t see this illness as a reason for jealousy. Here I am, now at the age of 40, carrying feelings of appreciation for this health condition - without sadness or embarrassment and without a reason 56

to ask for pity. Instead, I have feelings of pure joy that God gave me a reason to focus on my health throughout my life. Truly, I sit here in gratitude for the diagnosis of diabetes at such a young age. I know you think I’m speaking some crazy talk right now, but hear me out. “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NIV) In my early thirties, I became a holistic wellness coach with a deep passion and purpose for helping people improve their health and prevent disease.

This calling stemmed from my personal experiences. I sadly watched others with diabetes and other conditions lose faith and deem themselves “broken” until their final days on earth. I also watched people put their health at the bottom of their priority list daily because they hadn’t yet faced any severe illness in their lives. Unfortunately, it seems like it often takes a scare to make a change. What if, whether or not we feel pain, we each would use our God-given self-control to influence our health in a positive manner? “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7, ESV) Type 1 diabetes is a gift that has given me the motivation to treat my body as God’s beautiful temple and not to take my health for granted. I’ve learned to lean on my faith and trust God’s guidance and wisdom to help me deal with this illness. I’ve learned to obediently honor the temple I walk in day to day, allowing me to live a life just like anyone else. My body is a place where the Holy Spirit resides, and He has blessed me with positivity and optimism. So instead of turning diabetes into a pity party for myself, God has granted me the power to use it to make myself stronger and help others recognize how truly amazing their bodies and lives are.

“I’ve learned to lean

on my faith and trust God’s guidance and wisdom to help me deal with this illness I’ve learned to obediently honor the temple I walk in day to day.”

Diabetes has forced me to live by the rules of the world’s top selling self-help book, the Bible, and has kept me in the best health ever. As stated in 1 Corinthians 9:27 (CSB), “Instead, I discipline my body and bring it under strict control, so that after preaching to others, I myself will not be disqualified.” Now I ask you, are you treating your body as the temple God created it to be? “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” (3 John 1:2, ESV) Melissa is a wife and mom of 2 boys that are a huge inspiration in her life. She is an author and Holistic Wellness + Hormone Educator and helps women go from burnout to feeling ALIVE by UNhustling and balancing their hormones. She has a great passion for natural health and living according to the word of God and using her gift of faith. If you’re ever looking for her, check the beach first. Learn more at melissajkessler.com




B Y T I N A G A L LO Tina Gallo has been in the entertainment industry for over 40 years, she is an award-winning professional actress who “fully immerses herself in the character to bring life into each of her roles.” She is a Stanislavki method-trained actress who studied with the best: Lee Strasberg, Uta Hagen, Stella Adler, Sanford Meisner, and Jack Waltzer. Tina has extensive TV, Film, Commercial, and Theater credits. She is best known for her past role as DiDi on the soap opera “General Hospital.” After years of taking a step away from the industry to raise her children, the Lord stirred her heart by calling her to return to the spotlight. Tina’s relaunched career includes a zealous appreciation for the Lord to move in power in the acting world and film industry, and is expectant for how He will move. Tina’s passion has become a God-given purpose; she desires to orchestrate Christsaturated media and beyond. In between the blessing of acting, Tina teaches acting classes in person and online and is the founder of ‘The Nashville Studio of Method Acting’ in Nashville, TN.

Have you ever been disappointed when God didn’t show up the way you expected? I know that I have. I’ve had dreams crushed, prayers unanswered, and have dealt with what I thought was God’s will unfulfilled - inducing an internal struggle within me to reconcile what I believed was God to the reality of what was happening in my life. It’s frustrating and hurts when you feel that God has let you down. When God doesn’t answer your prayer the way that you hoped for, it’s normal to be disappointed, and it’s okay to wish things had turned out differently. The dictionary defines disappointment as a feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations. Admitting that we feel disappointed in God can be hard and uncomfortable. Some might think this disappointment demonstrates a lack of faith or even that it’s “un-Christian.” It’s natural to feel disappointed, frustrated, hurt, and even angry when prayers seem unanswered. But allowing those feelings to fester can decay your faith if not processed properly. The frustration we experience from disappointment is part of learning the true nature of faith. Disappointment and setbacks build patience while creating godly character when embraced. They teach us how to win or lose with grace. Romans 5:35 NIV says, “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” When we have sincere faith in God, our inner spiritual strength helps us cultivate that attitude. When I’m faced with disappointment, I often reflect on the story in the eleventh chapter of the Gospel of John, when Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, sent word to Jesus 58

to come quickly because their brother was sick and dying. Jesus was a great friend; they supported Him and His mission. They knew that He had healed numerous other sick people and assumed He would do the same for Lazarus. But Jesus chooses not to go to His friend. He seemed nonchalant about Lazarus’ condition saying, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” John 11:4 NIV Then Lazarus died. When Jesus finally arrived at where the family lived, Lazarus had been dead for four days. Mary and Martha were mourning the loss of their brother and also dealing with their disappointment in Jesus for failing to meet their expectations. In the Bible, we see that Martha admitted her disappointment to Jesus by saying, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” John 11:21 NIV She believed that if Jesus had acted earlier, the situation would have turned out differently. I’m pretty sure we all have similar feelings when we don’t understand what’s happening. Martha was in pain. She wanted to know why Jesus didn’t come sooner and why He allowed this awful thing to happen. What I find interesting in this story is that Martha didn’t try to cover up her emotions by saying, “When God closes a door, He opens a window,” or “I know God has a plan, I just don’t know what it is.” Sometimes those cliches are like putting a bandaid over a severed limb, which doesn’t really help. Instead, she admitted her emotional struggle to Jesus. Her mind must have

been cluttered with confusion while being gripped with pain over the disappointment that her brother wasn’t healed. Jesus could have raised Lazarus from the dead from anywhere. Instead, He asked to be taken to the specific location of Lazarus’ body so that the people would witness Him speaking to a specific situation. It was at the place of Mary and Martha’s greatest pain where Jesus performed His greatest miracle. I don’t think anyone expected Jesus to raise Lazarus from the dead. Their hope was that He would heal him while he was still alive. Instead, Jesus chose to perform a miracle when His friends were past all hope, teaching them that even when everything seems lost, resurrection is still possible. Just like Martha, sometimes we need to shift our perspective by looking beyond the disappointment and be open to possibilities beyond what we immediately see. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1 NIV) Your disappointment is not your destination, and your story isn’t over. The last word hasn’t been spoken over your life. God always forecasts, then fulfills; our faith always calls us forward. We have to be willing to work through our disappointment by releasing how we think God should work things out and embrace how He is working. But ultimately, you have to let go of what you think God should do and start paying attention to what He is doing. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)

You can register for online acting classes with Tina! She is accepting all experience levels – including adults, teenagers, and children. Register at: www.tinagallo.com Tina also coaches on film sets and travels to other acting schools throughout the southeast region to speak and coach acting workshops, online or in person. Contact Tina if you’re interested in inviting her to lead your next workshop, combining acting and Christian passion and purpose. 59


“Courageous Steps of Faith”

Glean from women’s faith-filled pursuits and testimonies! The women of Courageous Steps of Faith share their incredible stories of overcoming obstacles and persevering through challenges while providing you with motivation and scripture to see that “With God All Things Are Possible.” Order your copy now to be encouraged and propelled into your God-given purpose. https://www.womenworldleaders.com/shop/courageous-step-of-faith All proceeds will support the Women World Leader’s mission.

Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the Lord. Psalm 128:1-4 (NIV)



Everybody worries about something. Even Jesus’ disciples worried. On one occasion, the disciples worried how they would feed more than five thousand people who came to hear Jesus speak. They only had five loaves of bread and two fish, were in a remote place, and it was getting late. Where could they possibly go for enough food at that hour? How were they going to pay for it? They wanted Jesus to send those people away to buy their own food. (Matthew 14:15, NIV)

God’s provision is everywhere at every turn. We just need to recognize and acknowledge it as His provision. Just look at how God provided the dew for the Blueflag Iris and grass to grow and bloom, and at the same time, provided pollen and nectar as food for the bumblebee, which will also use the pollen to perpetuate the cycle and spread that beauty for all of us to continue to enjoy. That bumblebee will eventually become provision for some other creature in the food chain at the appointed time.

Worry takes a toll on us physically. It causes anxiety. It makes sleep difficult. It changes our eating habits and even makes us sick. It immobilizes us. It consumes our thoughts. It negatively affects our work and efficiency. It influences how we treat others. Worst of all, it diminishes our ability to depend on and trust in God.

God cares about all the details. If He cares that much for the plants and animals, you can trust that He will care even more for you. He not only provides for the flowers and birds, He also provides for us.

Knowing the devastating effects that worry creates, Jesus told His disciples (and us) at the Sermon on the Mount not to worry. He said, Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:25-33 NIV)


Turn your worries over to God. He knows your needs. He wants you to depend on and trust in Him completely. He is Jehovah Jireh, your Provider. We see this when Jesus turns the disciples’ worry of having too little into too much when He feeds the five thousand using only five loaves of bread and two fish having more than enough leftovers. Matthew tells us, They all ate and were satisfied and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. (14:20-21 NIV)

“He wants you to

depend on and trust in Him completely. He is Jehovah Jireh, your Provider.”



Todo el mundo se preocupa por algo. Incluso los discípulos de Jesús se preocuparon. En una ocasión los discípulos estaban preocupados por cómo alimentar a más de cinco mil personas que vinieron a escuchar a Jesús a hablar. Solo tenían cinco panes y dos pescados, estaban en un lugar remoto, y se estaba haciendo tarde. ¿Adónde podrían ir para comer suficiente a esa hora? ¿Cómo iban a pagar por ello? Querían que Jesús enviara a esas personas a comprar su propia comida. (Mateo 14:15, NVI) La preocupación nos afecta físicamente. Causa ansiedad. Dificulta el sueño. Cambia nuestros hábitos alimenticios e incluso nos enferma. Nos inmoviliza. Consume nuestros pensamientos. Eso afecta negativamente nuestro trabajo y eficiencia. Influye en cómo tratamos a los demás. Lo peor de todo es que disminuye nuestra capacidad de depender y confiar en Dios. Conociendo los efectos devastadores que crea la preocupación, Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos (y a nosotros) en el Sermón del Monte no se preocupen. Él dijo: Por eso les digo, no se preocupen por su vida, lo que comerás y beberás; o sobre tu cuerpo, lo que te pondrás. ¿No es la vida más que la comida y el cuerpo más que la ropa? Mira las aves del cielo; no siembran ni cosechan ni almacenan en graneros, y sin embargo su Padre celestial los alimenta. ¿No eres mucho más valioso que ellos? ¿Puede alguno de ustedes, al preocuparse, agregar una sola hora a su vida? ¿Y por qué preocuparse por la ropa? Mira cómo crecen las flores del campo. No trabajan ni hilan. Sin embargo, digo que ni siquiera Salomón en todo su esplendor se vistió como uno de estos. Si así es como Dios viste la hierba del campo, que hoy está aquí y mañana se echa al fuego, no te vistes mucho más, ¿eres de poca fe? Así que


no se preocupen, diciendo: “¿Qué comeremos?” O “¿Qué beberemos?” O “¿Qué nos vestiremos?” Porque los paganos corren tras todas estas cosas, y tu Padre celestial sabe lo que necesitas. Pero busca primero Su reino y Su justicia, y todas estas cosas también te serán dadas. (Mateo 6: 25-33 NVI) La provisión de Dios está en todas partes en todo momento. Solo necesitamos reconocer y admitir su provisión. Solo mire cómo Dios proporcionó el rocío para que el iris de bandera azul y la hierba creciera y floreciera, y al mismo tiempo, proporcionó polen y néctar como alimento para el abejorro, que también usará el polen para perpetuar el ciclo y difundir esa belleza para que todos podamos continuar disfrutando. Ese abejorro eventualmente se convertirá en provisión para alguna otra criatura de la cadena alimenticia en su momento. Dios se preocupa por todos los detalles. Si Él se preocupa tanto por las plantas y los animales, puedes confiar en que Él se preocupara aún más por ti. Él no solo provee para las flores y los pájaros, también nos provee. Entregue sus preocupaciones a Dios. Él conoce tus necesidades. Quiere que dependas y confíes en Él completamente. Él es Jehová Jireh, tu Proveedor. Vemos esto cuando Jesús gira la preocupación de los discípulos de tener muy poco en demasiado cuando alimenta a los cinco mil usando sólo cinco hogazas de pan y dos pescados y teniendo sobras. Mateo nos dice, Todos comieron y quedaron satisfechos y los discípulos recogieron doce cestas llenas de pedazos que estaban sobrando. El número de los que comieron fue de unos cinco mil hombres, además de mujeres y niños. (14: 20-21 NVI)


Break Your Chains and Fly On my beach walk, I often see eagles soaring in the sky, gliding effortlessly with the breeze. I imagine how freeing this must be for this magnificent bird. If only we could be this free. How many weighty chains are we carrying around that are dragging us down daily? We grow so accustomed to wearing these accessories. They become part of our routine and our comfort, a daily ritual. God wants to free us of these chains, but sometimes it can be hard work and can cause heartache to release them. They have become too familiar, part of our makeup. Ask the Lord what chains are holding you back from fulfilling your destiny - His plans that He has for you. What is stopping you from stepping into your true identity, who you are in Christ?

this comfortable mossy rock. The rock was my foundation of Christ. When the chains were broken, peace was replaced like an almighty wind stirring up the sea of emotions, a tidal wave of His love. But the sea was stilled with the harmonious presence of the Lord, standing tall, reaching out, offering His hand of guidance. The gaps were filled with His ever-present love and grace. Jesus was in the midst of the storm pouring out his mercy and grace like a powerful twister. The eagle was finally set free to glide on the winds of God’s breath. Psalm 91:4 TPT “He will cover you and completely protect you with His pinions, And under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and a wall.”

God took me on a personal journey of breaking strongholds through this painting. I saw the chains sitting on





HOW PALATE WAS BORN, PART 2 BY TINA KADOLPH Hello Friends, it’s Coffee Chat time. With the issues coming out every other month, it can seem so long before we are together again. Then other times I feel like I just finished the last article. I am just so honored to be a part of this beautiful, Goddesigned publication. I am really excited to share Part 2 of How Palate was Born. If you have not read Part 1 in the Women World Leaders July/ August issue, please do. All the issues are available online at womenworldleaders.com In Part 1, I shared how God spoke to us in a little coffee shop in Lake Worth, Florida. We knew God was calling us to open a coffee shop that would help 68

victims of human trafficking. When we returned home, we felt God was leading us to Sanford, Florida, the historic area. At that time there was not much happening there. There were a couple of restaurants, a couple of bars, and a few antique shops, but not much more. It did not have a good reputation. Our first step was bringing a group of students from Palm Beach Atlantic University and a few friends to walk the streets with us and pray. We prayed over the whole area and asked God to guide us to the right location. We prayed for God to shut the doors He did not want us to walk through and open the door wide for the one He wanted us to walk through so there would be no doubt in our minds we were in line with His will.

Mark 11:24 ESV “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” There were a couple of places on 1st Street, the main street of Sanford. It had the most walking traffic. That is where I hoped God would put us. There were a couple of places on another street where they had just refurbished the road. It was paved with brick to make it look more rustic and historical. This street really looked like it was going to be an up-and-coming area. The buildings looked cute, and it also seemed like a great spot for coffee. Then on 2nd Street there was a place I hated and saw no future in at all. At first glance, all you could see was that someone had trashed the inside. We walked and prayed for God to direct us. We found out our two favorite spots on 1st Street had some significant issues in the building. My husband is a carpenter, so he can fix just about anything, but these issues were going to create a lot of extra expense, for which we did not have extra means. We really were not certain it would be wise, even if we had the funds. Later we would find out that these buildings had way more issues than we even knew. We took this information as a closed door. Now we saw it was slammed shut. Our second choice was cute, and I really liked it. But as we moved forward, we found out it would have enormous impact fees because it would require change of use levies. We also found out the owner was not the best and had several businesses closed due to his shady business dealings. The other businesses did not find this out until it was too late. We knew this was God protecting us and guiding us just as we had prayed. We were so happy to know these things before we had a signed lease. Again, another slammed door. We then went to the last building on 2nd Street. There was nothing on this street except an antique shop next door. This building looked horrible on the inside. It had been an Irish pub and the colors were all dark green, red, and black. It was a huge mess and even part of the walls were falling in. I looked at it

and said we could never make this look good. This is the worst place we have looked at so far. But my sweet husband looked at it and said, “I see potential.” I said, “How?” I just could not see it at ALL! But his response was we just need to embrace the flaws like God embraces ours. We continued to pray and when we talked to the property owner, we found out that there would be no impact fees because it had been a coffee shop in previous years. Wow, that was interesting. He had checked us out and was so excited to have us that he was willing to help us get in. He even gave us several free months to do our build-out and get set up. He was a Christian and a super nice guy. It looked like God was opening this door wide. We moved forward and signed a contract, not knowing where the money was going to come from, yet trusting God every step of the way.

“Commit your

way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.” PSALM 37:5, ESV Everything continued to fall into place. It was the right place for us. It was also a good reminder for me. Sometimes we judge by what we see. But God sees the final product and knows our potential and knows what He has created us to be. God knew way more than we could ever see with our eyes. More than we could imagine in our hearts. God knew long before we did that this little building on 2nd Street, this ugly little building, this diamond in the rough would become a treasure. This tiny disaster of a building would become a safe place to gather, to learn and to make a difference in the community and around the world. This would be the beginning of restoration and healing for many. God surely did see beyond what we could see.



European stations, and was interviewed on CNN. I continue to receive invitations to share my story and encourage women all over the world. I could never have guessed how God would take such a terrible experience, the trauma of being a child sex trafficking victim, and use it for good the way He has. It is not my story any longer. It is His story of what He is doing in and through me. Thank you, Jesus. The incredible thing is He not only wants this for me, but for you, also. His Gospel of love is for everyone. If you do not believe me, surrender to Him today and see what He can do in your life John 3:16 ESV “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” So, we embraced the flaws, and with God’s vision and guidance and the Holy Spirit’s lead, we were able to create a comfortable atmosphere. Everyone who walks through Palate’s doors feels God’s love whether they understand what it is or not. That is what we are here for. Not only bringing awareness to the community about human trafficking, but to also share the Gospel to those who do not know Him. And of course, serve good coffee. Today, almost six years later, we have prayed with people, brought people to Christ, brought people to church, and had women who fled her traffickers come for help inside Palate. We have educated the community on how to identify a victim and keep them and their families safe. We have had couples fall in love, had engagements, and we have even had weddings inside Palate. There have been lifelong friendships made. People always say there is something special about Palate. What is special is that it was all done by faith in God, walking in obedience to His call on our lives. He gets all the praise and the glory. We know we could not have done this without Him. We are not that creative or smart. Remember in Part 1 of this story I said God had told me He would use my story for good? Since we opened Palate, I started sharing my story and have been on every local news station, a couple of 70

Palate has been in business for six years this month, September 2021. We survived the worst of Covid as a business. God held us up and in His hands through this dark time. We continue to grow, we continue to invest in the lives of those who have lost hope, and we continue to pour Jesus’ love into our most vulnerable community. How amazing is our God?

“It is not my story any longer. It is His story of what He is doing in and through me.”

Matthew 19:26 ESV “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” Thank you for reading about our God adventure. Until we meet again.

Stomp out human trafficking What would it look like if Women World Leaders partnered with a local coffee shop in Sanford, Florida to empower lives with purpose? For starters, it would look like a bag of freshly roasted, washed Costa Rican beans and natural Ethiopian beans blended to perfection sitting on your kitchen counter. With notes of honey, vanilla, milk chocolate, and cocoa, you can’t go wrong.

together we can

We rejoice in God merging our missions together, partnering to serve Him - from empowering women to rescuing many from the plights of human trafficking. You can join our hearts and hands by purchasing a bag of coffee. All the proceeds will be shared between Women World Leaders & Love Missions. Palate Coffee Brewery is blessed to have won taste quality awards; always roasted in His love, to perfection.

ORDER NOW ...and support both missions with your purchase! https://sanfordcoffee.com/WWL


DIM GLASS GOSPEL GLIMPSES SCRIPTURE PRAYER: ROMANS 12:1-5 BY RACHEL DUBE Our heavenly Father, who loves us more than we can fathom, has good and wonderful things in store for each one of us. He makes us promises in Scripture and He says in 2 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV) that “no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ.” That means that if we are covered in the perfect righteousness of Christ through faith in His perfect life, death and resurrection, then we are God’s children and all of the Father’s promises are for us. They are for you. Any of these promises that you ask God for in prayer, you can be assured that His answer is always “Yes!” We can say anything to God. There are no special words necessary. But praying God’s Word gives us words when we have none. It helps us ask Him for the things He already desires for us. It solidifies His promises in our hearts. It helps to train our eyes to see ourselves in our true identity, as our Father sees us. His word is alive and active, able to powerfully speak to, pierce and transform our hearts. Praying God’s words allows us to agree with Him in prayer, adding our “Amen” (our agreement) “to the glory of God.” (Corinthians 1:20 NIV) I encourage you to pray Scripture over yourself and others. As you pray, personalize the Scripture. Let your mind engage with it and make it your own, embracing its Truth, finding hope in its promises, and expanding on it where the Holy Spirit leads. The scripture prayer I have shared here is a compilation of several different Bible translations (NIV, ESV, AMP, TPT, MSG) as well as some of my own words, in order to get a more descriptive picture of what God is saying here in His Word and to expand it into a personalized prayer. You can pray, as I do in my personal prayers of Scripture, only the version you are reading at the time or whatever the Holy Spirit brings to mind. The expansion of the Scripture that I have done here is similar to the way I would naturally expand it in my personal prayer conversation with God.

Romans 12:1-5 Heavenly Father, help to view Your mercy toward more and more clearly every day. As does, help to dedicate body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You. Help to take every action in everyday, ordinary life, and to place it before You as an offering to You. Allow to see that there is nothing so simple or small in life that You do not see it, care about it and desire for to do it for You as the most genuine worship You created for. Keep from being conformed to this world. Help not to believe the lies of the influences and the culture around , not to imitate the behavior of the world around , or do anything without first questioning it against Your Truth. Instead, Lord, transform into a new person by renewing mind. Reshape it and change the way as seeks Truth in You and grows in knowledge of the gospel and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Show by day, that the more lays down life to You, the more truly himself/herself will become. Thank You that this is more Your will to give 72

than it is even our will to ask!

thinks day

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)

Voice of Truth Stories Together We Are World Changers How are you sharing Voice of Truth? Write us. We want to share your "joy" of spreading the gospel of Christ throughout the world.


MEET JAMIE CHEVELDAYOFF – HAWAII Jamie Cheveldayoff has a thriving spirit of adventure and loves to unite God and His creation with the steps of her life and then share her findings with others. By doing what she absolutely loves - discovering nature Jamie decided to unveil some of her discoveries with you. She sends so many photos to this magazine to be used for God’s glory. Being used by God in such a unique way, Jamie has given her life back to Him, seeking Him first and doing so by traveling the world and seeing the great outdoors. Her adventurous spirit and her loving mom made her “Godconnection” for Voice of Truth magazine, allowing a glimpse of Jamie’s journey. This magazine breathed a union of hearts and friendships together, and now Voice of Truth uses Jamie’s scenic surroundings and luscious backdrops to accompany God’s Holy Scriptures from some of our writers and their columns on the pages of VOT. Understanding WWL’s mission of touching hearts for our Lord, Jamie hopes women will be blessed as they see the vastness of God’s creation in some of the most spectacular photos and places she has traveled. The view of God’s splendor and majesty is shared with you, allowing us all to catch a glimpse of heaven on earth. 74

Jamie does this for God’s glory as she chooses to be included in the Women World Leaders ministry in the way God prompted her - through sharing her adventures. She loves our mission and this ministry. If you glance through Voice of Truth, you will see some of Jamie’s special spots, which are God’s hidden treasures. Look for the mountains of grandeur and rocks of dramatic proportion, and dive with her into the depths of the sea for a picture of some exquisite finds. A special thanks to her photographers, who are listed when needed. It takes an army of women to do God’s work together in Voice of Truth, and Jamie has been a blessing to us with her adventurous scenes and her heart to share with you all the beauty God has created. Thank you, Jamie!

MEET DR. CHIDI KALU – GEORGIA Have you ever been to a library full of exciting books, magazines, and videos? Back in the day, one Women World Leader, Dr. Chidi Kalu, would get excited about going down to the library, and either spending time there or checking out some books and magazines to read when she got home. Dr. Chidi Kalu is intrigued by the quest for biblical truth and knowledge. Her love for education and ministry led her to embark on a journey to inspired learning and writing. One of the ways she does that is to read the Voice of Truth Magazine. It’s a blessing that the free magazine gets delivered to you, so you don’t have to leave the comforts of your home to go to the library.

Women World Leaders makes you feel like you belong to a family of believers who are walking by faith and not by sight. She has watched God use this ministry to “do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20 KJV) It is the power of the Holy Spirit working in each of us that compels Dr. Chidi to serve within the ministry with love, faith, and purpose. It is her prayer that through the ministry of Women World Leaders, every woman will experience God’s love and presence in refreshing new ways.

Every aspect of the Women World Leaders ministry has been very fascinating and a huge blessing to Dr. Chidi Kalu, who serves in leadership as a Prayer Warrior. Her favorite part of the ministry is to pray over the writers and their stories published in the magazine, with hopes that it will enrich the lives of those who read it. Relating to the many-faceted stories of the real lives of Women World Leaders makes her heart glad. These heartfelt stories help develop our faith, encourage our souls, and engage our imaginations. God is using every story published to weave a tapestry of love and unity across multi-cultures around the world. Dr. Chidi’s love for ministry spans many years. Her commitment and dedication to serving the Lord shows in her daily encouraging, embracing, and empowering the women. Dr. Chidi has found life more meaningful through her selfless prayers for others. She derives joy and fulfillment seeing a prayer answered on the prayer wall or from the prayer group chats. Dr. Chidi finds it to be such a rewarding and gratifying feeling to serve alongside many beautiful and gifted women of God who have all come together to use their diverse gifts to uphold the Women World Leader’s vision and mission. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV) You might wonder why Dr. Chidi is so in love with this ministry under the leadership of Kimberly Hobbs. It is because she has watched so many lives touched by the power of God through the various ministry tools the organization uses to minister daily. 75


MEET LAURIE SAMMARCO – PEMBROKE PINES, FLORIDA My name is Laurie Sammarco. I am married to my soul mate, Vincent, and am a proud mom to two beautiful young ladies, Kristen and Gabriella, currently living in Pembroke Pines, Florida. God has given me a passion and gift to write, which has grown through the years from a hobby to a ministry meant to help and encourage others to push through their struggles by seeking God’s face and finding refuge in His arms. God nurtured and cared for me, raising me up from a shy little girl with divorced parents, including a mom who was dedicated and loving and a father who struggled with mental disorders, and built my faith and confidence until I found my inner voice and was able to encourage others through God’s Word and His gift of writing.

them on a shelf, and find a quiet corner where we can open up the pages of this beautiful, God-gifted magazine and find the peace, joy, and comfort that God offers. If we are obedient to God’s teachings and the experience of the wise women who bring this gift together, we will be able to see our struggle not as a trial that we anxiously pray to be over but as a means to growing closer to God. We will learn that we can use our struggles to learn and grow in faith, mirroring the sacrifice that God made for us. The resulting closeness with God will bring joy, perseverance, love, hope, and purpose, but most of all, it will bring a hunger to help those in need.

It’s important to find your place with God and to seek His guidance daily, but it’s also important to surround yourself with people who share that anointed relationship with the Lord and who are a shining example of God’s love. As the Word of God says in Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the day approaching.” We don’t know how much time we have on earth, but we do know that while we are here, we have a purpose ordained by God to share God’s love, for His love is the critical emotion that spurs us on to do abundant and immeasurable things and captivate and intrigue us to do great miracles in the name of the Lord. That is what the “Voice of Truth” represents for me and other women who turn its pages. It allows us to take our struggles, put

WWL LOVE NOTES WWL has impacted my life in so many ways. The Lord knew exactly what I needed when He placed me here. Before, I was focused on other things in my life, but now I see my true purpose. A deeper and more intimate relationship with God and fellowship with other women of faith.

-Arlene Salas-Velazquez


MEET MAX HUGHES – WARSAW, OHIO This wonderful gentleman has a mission that is unique, and he has been faithfully walking it out. Max has found tremendous value in what it means to share the “love” of Jesus with others and he puts this “action” word into practice with joy by doing it. We have received word that Max graciously reads Voice of Truth magazine to a woman who is wheelchair-bound. Since this woman can not see well enough to read the publication for herself, he lovingly reads and has been her “eyes” into the Voice of Truth. This has been bringing happiness and encouragement to the heart of this precious woman who desires to hear the stories within. Through reading stories and scriptures of faith, hope, and the love of Jesus, both of these lives have been touched by God.

Please pray for this man and his friend. Pray that God would bless them both and bless each and every word that penetrates their ears from reading this magazine out loud. It’s amazing how God works. Thank you, Max, for allowing us to share this beautiful story of how God is using YOU and Voice of Truth in your life and that of your friend. May this story spark an idea of sharing your VOT magazine with someone God places on your heart today. It takes one act of kindness exercised that can turn a life around with renewed hope and love.

The beauty of it is that Max sacrificially reads each story inside the magazine to this woman, often finding his own truth within. He even reads to her over the phone when he can not do so in person. This has become a popular routine in their friendship. What a testimony this has become of being the hands and feet of Jesus. Sharing these examples of serving Christ where you are can certainly bring about movement in our own lives, prompting us to unselfishly give of our time for another.

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’” Mark 16:15, NIV



MEET JANET BERRONG – PALM BEACH, FLORIDA My name is Janet Berrong. I’m a wellness coach and a “safe beauty” advocate being the hands and feet of Jesus wherever He sends me.

need or who is hurting and can relate to something that is written within the pages. God can speak to us through any one of the articles at any moment - He’s God!

God called me as a Founding Leader in Women World Leaders over three years ago. I love being empathetic, compassionate, and a loving spirit to people far and wide and exercising my gifts where I’m called.

God is so good. His truths are transforming lives all around the world, and I’m honored to be a part of this mission!

A favorite saying I have is, “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be good.” Out of my own trials in life (including emotional abuse and trauma, rape, and the loss of my love to suicide), I have become even more passionate to help women become healthy and whole. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) My ministry for over two decades has been in a health and wellness clinic, where I’ve helped thousands to heal their physical bodies through different “hands on” therapies. I knew I had a greater calling on my life in the way of ministry, but it wasn’t until I was asked be a part of the Women World Leaders Founding Leadership Team that it became very clear to me. I knew God was calling me to occupy this position. My strong “yes” changed everything for me, and now I firmly believe that we can all be disciples for Christ and be a part of some type of ministry work. I encourage you to answer the call for whatever God asks you to do. He calls some of us to go far, but most of us He calls to serve in our own backyards.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 NIV) Thank you, Women World Leaders and Voice of Truth magazine, for making it easier to share God’s Word through this powerful publication. Together, we can all be the hands and feet of Jesus. Read Janet’s full story in the #1 Best Seller, Tears to Triumph available through www.womenworldleaders.com or Amazon. Keep your eyes open to this ministry for future writings from this best-selling author and leader. To connect with Janet, email her at JanetBerrong39@gmail.com

I love that I can minister to women of all ages, whether through my business, sharing the love of Jesus, serving in Women World Leaders - or now, through the Voice of Truth magazine. I keep a few magazines on hand at all times to pass out as I go about my day. It is exciting and a blessing to hear the common response whenever women receive the Voice of Truth magazine in their hands: “Wow, it is so beautiful.” Then, as they read it, they share how they have been touched in so many different ways. I personally enjoy reading all the different articles as they are inspiring, uplifting, and encouraging to me. I’ve found sharing this magazine, loaded with truth, with others becomes a great witnessing tool. You just never know who that one person might be that has a specific 78

Send us your story at info@womenworldleaders.com

MEET MICHELLE REDDEN – MISSISSIPPI Hi, my name is Michelle Redden and I live in Mississippi otherwise known by the locals as the ‘sip. I’m thrilled to be part of the Women World Leaders ministry because I can be active and serve God from where I live. The way I found Women World Leaders was my best friend Janet Berrong invited me to meet Ken and Kimberly Hobbs at their home during a Lifegroup ministry they were holding monthly in Palm Beach County, Florida. Instantly, I loved the Hobbs. I left their home feeling encouraged and cared about as they displayed a genuine love for people. As God would have it, and some many months later while down in Florida again, Janet invited to me to attend a Women World Leaders meeting and possibly be part of the mission and ministry. My response was an immediate “yes” since it was such a wonderful experience earlier at the home of this couple. God continued to lead me and gave me the privilege of being a contributing author in Courageous Steps of Faith and Tears to Triumph, two of the books published by the women of Women World Leaders.

In my business life, I am the CEO of Mae Dae Mentoring, which is a Christian coaching business that uses Quantum Biofeedback technology. I have clients from all over the world who I can now refer to this publication. They are able to download Voice of Truth, which offers them hope and encouragement, and gives them knowledge of God’s Word. Voice of Truth inspires me through the stories which are so informative and engaging. I hold each Voice of Truth magazine close to my heart as these editions have been a gift of love, not only to me and my clients but to many others. I’m thankful to God there is a Voice of Truth magazine and how my steps continue to be directed by Him to be part of this ministry, which seeks to serve Him in every way.

UNITED MEN OF HONOR 4 DAY BOOTCAMP November 11-14, 2021 Register at www.bandofbrothersfl.com Ladies, please share this with the men in your lives – your husband or boyfriend, sons, sons-in-law, nephews, and friends. They all need what this bootcamp offers. Band of Brothers is ready to meet them where they are. Band of Brothers has the answer to the war on men! Men gather to form a brotherhood and learn how to be a better husband, father, and friend. They share release of deep life wounds through the power of forgiveness. A life change is the victory at a Band of Brothers Bootcamp.

Man approved activities include: •Gun range •Archery •Fishing •Boating •Alligator Wrestling • Football •Soccer •Cornhole •Dominoes Food, Lodging each day, & Activities included Discounts available now: Code - Women World Leaders


WWL Global Connections

ANSWERING GOD’S CALLING THE STORY OF VAISHALI NAIR – MUMBAI, INDIA Vaishali Nair has been copying the Voice of Truth magazines on a copier in India because, right now, the magazine is only available in a digital format outside of the United States. But Vaishali was determined to hold Voice of Truth in her hands and have the ability to show it to others to share what this magazine has meant to her life. By holding the tangible Voice of Truth copy, she could display the beautiful array of scriptures, stories, photographs, and exquisite art with her sisterhood in India. Vaishali found value inside this publication and, being a woman of determination, went on a mission prompted by God, spending her own time and money to make copies. Vaishali LOVES Voice of Truth magazine, and she knew in her heart that God was calling her to share His gospel message. She passionately wanted other women to experience His love and compassion as much as she did as she read it.


Recently, God placed a need on our hearts as WWL to raise money to ship printed magazines to India. We decided to present the need, asking the VOT writers to respond first so we could see how God might move upon their hearts to give....and guess what happened? In less than 12 hours, sisters united together and raised the entire amount of money needed. The July/August editions were paid for, boxed, and then shipped to India from the USA! ~ God ~! As God continued to move within WWL about the need in India, one of our “WWL Aussie leaders” impressed the urgency of funding upon the hearts of her sisters living in Australia. God moved again.

As we have gotten to know this sweet woman of God, Vaishali has become an amazing contributor to the Women World Leaders Ministry! She is part of the WWL Leadership Team and is currently writing for WWL’S newest book, “Embrace The Journey, Your Path to Spiritual Growth,” launching winter of 2021.

A woman named Shashi, who lives in Australia, was touched by hearing the story because she is originally from India. Knowing how her country of birth would be impacted and benefit from the gospel message of Jesus, she stepped forward by faith to say, “I’ll help my country receive the Voice of Truth.” Shashi has committed to give what she could each month to send the Gospel to India.

Vaishali continues to serve God where she is called, representing WWL in India. In the business world, for the past 24 years she has been an assertive professional leader in project management in the pharma-industry. She is a busy woman hard at work in the areas of manufacturing, research and development, technology transfer, and project management. Vaishali has led project deliveries of 60+ complex, innovative, breakthrough projects working with cross-functional APAC, EU, and US teams across the globe in pharma giants like Sandoz (Novartis), Janssen India, and Pfizer, winning numerous recognitions and awards. Vaishali loves spending quality time with her family and her extended family. She can have all the excuses in the world not to serve God, but Vaishali passionately puts her relationship with Christ first and serves Him wholeheartedly. By answering God’s call through the sacrifice of time and discipleship, Vaishali has become a Woman World Leader called with a purpose. She wakes up at 4 am in her time zone just to be part of the Women World Leaders’ Zoom leadership meetings, and she happily joins us in the Zoom authors’ meetings, which are both held at the global offices in the USA. 81


God orchestrated this connection birthed between Vaishali and Shashi – women from two different countries on far sides of the world but who have a love of India in common. A friendship and mission for Jesus is now being built for the Kingdom of Heaven. POWERFUL, RIGHT? This can only be God moving it along so quickly. The time is NOW. What happens from here? Perhaps God is speaking to your heart right now to help bless the hearts of women around our world. We can’t do this alone. When we unite together for a purpose, God moves amongst us together. He honors our obedience to give. There are so many who need to hear God’s Voice of Truth and be blessed just as you have by receiving this magazine for free. 82

If you’d like to contribute specifically to sharing the gospel message through Voice of Truth in your country or any other country that needs what God is providing, we’d love to partner with you to make this happen. We are all a team. Team effort gets it accomplished.

To donate: Visit womenworldleaders.com and feel free to specify that you’d like your donation to be used to send magazines to India or Australia. Just click the “Donate Now” button.

A heartfelt thank you

To our sister & friend, Kayla Follin. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kayla for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you!

A special thanks goes to Johana Torres, our translator for Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders. Johana is a faithful Woman World Leader who has supported this ministry with her time, talents, and prayers not only for us all, but graciously for the Hispanic community who is close to her heart. She has a passionate desire to serve God first in all that He calls her to do at home, in the family business, and in ministry. Thank you Johana for being a committed volunteer of your time, we love you.

Our Pure Devotion As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.

Praying for you, Daughter of Zion Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.


Inspirational Writings, Scriptures, and Artistic Expressions of the Radiant Love of Christ. Women World Leaders is on a mission to globally invest in the lives of women as they discover their lifework and purpose within God's design. By developing their God-given abilities and gifts, women are finding the power to serve in God's grace, a unity of fellowship among believers, and the joy of experiencing the exceeding abundance of God's glorious work.

Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long. PSALM 25:5 (NIV)

www.womenworldleaders.com Scan with your smartphone camera to sign up to receive a free subscription to Voice of Truth magazine! 84

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