1 minute read
Prayers for the Sons of The King
“The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; He will give strength to His King and exalt the horn of His anointed.” 1 Samuel 2:10 (ESV)
God, we thank You for the authority that You have in the earth as the power of the Holy Spirit works through Your chosen. We thank You, God, that You are our ever-present help, even in the areas of our lives that seem to be infertile, incomplete, and inadequate.
God, You are our place of overflow, abundance, and increase. Thank You, most righteous God, for the anointing that rests upon Your sons as You have strengthened them in the work of Kingdom building. Thank You for a fresh anointing upon the very crown of their heads and soles of their feet so that in every place they tread upon, You are exalted in the land of the living.
Spirit of the Living God, we bless You for the Sonship that is strength to the Kingdom and the body of believers. They are the pillars of hope, joy, peace, love, long-suffering, and greatness that You have created them to be. From their inner loins You are birthing the promises of Your Word and the gift of Your salvation.
From the hearts of Your sons overflows Your love and compassion towards Your people. They have been anointed for this time, and it is in this time that the land shall cry out before the heavens, “Hosanna!”, because of the obedience and righteousness of Your sons. The highest praise shall pierce every layer of the heavenly realm as Your sons ignite a jubilee of praise and worship. The horn of the anointed rests upon the Sonship, and the continued favor and love of God shall follow them all the days of their lives in the name of Jesus.