1 minute read
Armour of God
Art and writing by Lynne Hudson
You are a mighty woman of God, fearless and determined as you ride into battle. You have the armour of God on, suited up to take on any challenges. You are one with the almighty Lion of Judah, and nothing, nothing is impossible. The battle is already won.
Your sword is your voice. The courage is flowing through you because you are connected to Jesus. You are powerfully equipped. You have the mindset of being the daughter of the Most High, so how can you fail?
You are powering into God’s glory. Your courage surpasses any trepidation. Orange represents courage, which surrounds you and permeates your every core. The red is the blood of Jesus - He has already faced your battles and won. You have His covering. It is done!!!!!
Put your armour on and fight your battles.