4 minute read
Musings on the Book of John
It is now two days since the Jerusalem contingent came to investigate John’s baptizing services in the Jordan. It is two days since John declared to all that Jesus was the Anointed One, which in Jewish history meant a new king. It is just the day after that when young John and his friend Andrew follow Jesus to hang out with Him for the day. They introduce Andrew’s brother, Simon, who got a new name when He met Jesus (Peter). Long, long-awaited changes can happen fast once the door is opened.
On this day, it is Jesus who does the seeking. Philip, who is from the same town as Peter and Andrew, is found by Jesus. Perhaps his friends had mentioned him to Jesus. But Jesus knows his heart and simply approaches him and says two words: “Follow me.” Those words of powerful command that still hold a choice capture (or perhaps entrance) Philip’s heart. Without hesitation, Philip not only follows, but he goes and collects another friend. He seeks out Nathaniel, who is not so easily convinced. Jesus’ hometown does not have a good reputation. Perhaps it is the butt of many jokes. Yet at Philip’s invitation to come and see for himself, Nathaniel comes. Something about Philip’s response to this man, Jesus, grips Nathaniel’s curiosity enough to check it out. That’s all that is needed when there is respect and trust among friends. Philip is changing his entire life, and Nate is going to find out why.
Jesus sees them approaching and comments to the others (young John, Andrew, and Peter) that here comes an Israelite with no “guile,” in other words, here is a man who speaks his mind. I love the variety of characters Jesus is gathering around Him. (On further study, I expect all mankind will find a character to identify with.) Nathaniel hears what Jesus says about him and naturally asks how He could possibly know such a thing, which rings very deeply true to Nate. Nate is shocked to the core when Jesus next explains that before Philip even showed up, He had seen Nate sitting under the fig tree. Philip’s response makes it clear that no one could have seen him there and, with all his heart, Nathaniel also, like his friend Philip, commits to following this Jesus.
He declares his full state of belief: Jesus is rabbi, Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus is the King of Israel! Wow. Think deeply on that one. Nate is a blunt man who speaks truth, and every bit of him declares truth. He has yet to walk life with Jesus, but he speaks his words of faith, and he will follow. He will journey. Jesus speaks about the journey ahead; it must encourage Nate to know what will come. We don’t know what Jesus said to the others when they first came, but John wants us all to hear this. With Jesus we shall see “the heavens open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
• How is my walk today?
• Am I alert and watching for what God is doing?
The very God of heaven and earth is attended by His angels as He walks these next years with His followers, His friends. Pay attention as you journey with Christ. There are great things to see and learn when following Jesus. Jesus has a purpose, and part of it is that we go with Him.
• Where is He taking me today?
• Am I excited for His plan for today?
• Are my eyes open to behold His glory?
• Am I inviting my friends along?