6 minute read
Letter from the Founder
I am deeply humbled to honor my King in this ministry and magazine alongside so many beautiful women who are called by faith to share a mutual passion for serving others. Together it is our desire to show love and encouragement toward one another while empowering sisters of the cross into a life with significant purpose. May you be fueled by the Word of God within the pages of this magazine and strive to attain a stronger desire to serve others while growing in Christ and glorifying our wonderful God and Savior in the process.
It has been many years since I have shared how the journey of Women World Leaders began, which is now allowing you to read this incredible publication put together for God’s glory.
I felt a calling from God on my life for many years, but I never felt worthy to step up and serve Him due to my past mistakes that continually haunted my mind. I sat on my hopes and dreams of aspiring to become a leader, burdened by excessive guilt heaped on me from my torments. Many years passed by, stealing time and allowing the enemy to rob the treasures
God had for me by keeping me from walking in my calling as a confident woman of God, a leader for His honor, glory, and kingdom.
As life moved forward and I saw the results of a stagnant lifestyle that didn’t have much purpose, it saddened me. I knew there had to be more to this life. God showed me my need to rely on Him more and myself less. My relationship grew in Christ and His Word when my focus was no longer on me. My repentance and understanding of God’s forgiveness are what became the “shift,” the extreme turning point for my life. The joy of the Lord became my inner strength. My desire to serve God became greater than my desire to please myself.
The joy of the Lord became my inner strength. My desire to serve God became greater than my desire to please myself. ~ Kimberly Hobbs
One vivid day in April 2010, God gave me a scripture verse that would become my life verse. I began to study it. I knew it would be a significant verse for my personal life and that God had singled it out for me that specific day for a special purpose. It is a scripture verse that reminds anyone who may be seeking something that our God can do the unimaginable. He can do anything through anyone who is willing to repent, surrender, and be used by Him. Ephesians 3:20 has now become the verse of power for me and for Women World Leaders. It is our verse for the ministry and the mission of Voice of Truth, which we recite often together.
Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV)
This verse became the driving force and the POWER I needed to begin a Bible study for women, which became Women World Leaders. The driving power was the Holy Spirit. He is alive and at work within me and the leaders in this ministry. I am here to humbly say that He can be alive and at work within you, too, if you say yes to His whisper in your ear.
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV)
My prayer is that you will know and grasp this astounding power we receive from the Holy Spirit when we know Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, experiencing a relationship with Him. I could never accomplish any growth within this ministry and this magazine in my own strength. It is the power of God continually working that equips not only me but this army of women to unite for His purpose. God has turned me, along with many other broken, wounded women who have felt unworthy to serve, into women who are now free and alive in Jesus with visions to help other women. As wounded as some of us have been, partnering together to reach the globe for Jesus Christ has been our fervent desire since the beginning.
The story of Women World Leaders contains many of our “life stories” that resonate with readers and others who decide to jump on board and reach the planet for Christ. They represent the unconditional, unending, undeniable love and forgiveness the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have for each one of us. The scripture that we point others to is the one that allows everyone to know that with God, all things are possible. As many founding leaders came together to serve God five years ago in a Bible study, our mission quickly grew to one of serving! It became the greatest joy we could ever ask for or imagine in this lifetime and on this planet to share personal stories and equip others with God’s promises through His Word to change lives.
As we grow together within this beautiful ministry, we embrace the diversity of women of all ages, colors, cultures, and nationalities—all for the glory of God. Together, our prayer is to continue to raise the army of “warrior princesses” who will live for Christ and impact lives. We are blessed when we get to see lives changed for eternity, healed forever, strengthened with love, and redirected to serve our Lord and Savior through sharing our personal stories.
Together, as Women World Leaders inside Voice of Truth, we cast the vision of faith each day, watering it with tremendous prayer to our Heavenly Father. And we receive plenty of “Son-shining” blessings to promote growth. The moment this ministry was planted in the soil, it was destined for God’s favor. It has been properly cultivated, and the glory of its success goes completely to God.
I am beyond humbled and grateful that you are reading this magazine today, and I wish to speak on behalf of all our women within this ministry and those who write and create this magazine; you have been prayed over and sought after, and it is God who led you to have a copy of this edition for His purpose and plan. It is our hearts’ prayer that together, as women of purpose, God would reveal Himself to you in a deeper way through the scriptures, prayer, and stories shared within. May you find something that will help you here, whether it be healing joy, worship, encouragement, inspiration, teaching, or connection; let it all be synced with love, Christ’s love, as you turn the pages of Voice of Truth.
As you read, God may spark YOU to come alongside us as we continue this beautiful journey of women serving God together with purpose! We are here to help you further. We are glad you are here, and you are loved.
Exceedingly, Abundantly Beyond,
Kimberly Hobbs
Founder, Women World Leaders
Ephesians 3:20