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Gospel Grace

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Global Connections

Courage To The Cross


The life of Mary and Joseph and their epic journey to Bethlehem has always been a source of profound inspiration. Their transcendent story has captivated millions of hearts and minds for centuries. Yet, against the present-day backdrop of so much global unrest, reflecting on their struggle of that silent night offers even greater inspiration this year.

Our lives are intended for relationship with God. In the Garden of Eden, God brought new life to His creation. His glory shone, flourishing in the beauty, sights, and sounds of all He created, which was good. Then, He brought human life to Adam and Eve and entered into communion with them through His presence. God’s plan was an everlasting union between Himself and the humans He created. But when the one rule He gave was disobeyed, sin entered the world, and that holy relationship was damaged.

Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin; and so, death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. (Romans 5:12 KJV)

God gives us free will to make decisions, just as He gave Adam and Eve. But our unstoppable God doesn’t leave us to die in our sins because of our disobedience or the original sin of Adam and Eve. With His perfect love, God enacted a plan to restore what was lost and taken from us by sin. His plan was Jesus, His only Son, whom He gave as a gift to us—to all humanity. Jesus came to restore our relationship with the living God! Through Jesus, God offered us all that our sin and the enemy had stolen: His very presence.

When sin permeates our lives, it robs us of joy, mercy, undeserved gifts, and our daily relationship with God. Holy God cannot reside where sin abounds. And when we are void of our Father’s presence, the power He created us to have through the Holy Spirit is also absent!

The good news for you and me is God has offered us an unimaginable gift: His acceptance of Christ’s shed blood on the cross—a true demonstration of His love for us—as remission for our sins. God only asks us to repent of our sin and shame and, as we ask His forgiveness, to believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is God’s true Son, who alone has provided the ultimate payment for our sin.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16 KJV)

Although we’ve been washed clean of our sins by Jesus’ death on the cross once and for all time, we desperately need the courage to talk to the Lord to sanctify us and purge us from our wicked ways. We must continually give ourselves to God as we seek to live a courageous life of holiness, offering confessions for our sinfulness as we grow to be more like Jesus.

Our natural flesh tends to worry and fear when we have done something wrong. But our God knows our limitations and is merciful. When we turn to Him, He offers ongoing grace, providing us the ability to be strong and courageous for whatever He asks us of us. May we, as believers, be courageous together.

Courage is a funny thing. We think we can do anything and everything until the moment it’s time to act. That is when fear sets in and does everything in its power to talk us out of the courageous faith we have been given by God.

My life radically changed the day I decided to follow Jesus. I became so overwhelmed by His love that I wanted to share it with the whole world. I told God (and everyone) that one day I would write stories about Him, my relationship with Him, and how trusting in Jesus as my Lord and Savior changed my life.

But how? Over and over, this question played out in my mind. I would tell myself I’m not good enough. I would tell myself I have made too many mistakes to be used by God. I would tell myself I’m not smart enough and I’m not brave enough. My list of why I couldn’t step out in faith to do what God called me to do continued to grow.

But when we let Him, God shows up and gives us courage. Suddenly, we have the strength to cast down any fear in the name of Jesus as we cling to our relationship with God. But one thing is certain: we can’t exercise courage while holding fear in a tight grip. We must release our fear through confession so we can overcome any opposition with courageous faith.

God promised to give Gideon the strength he needed, but he was too overcome by his limitations and weaknesses. He failed to see how God was going to work through him. Can you relate to this in your personal life?

Fear often makes us wait longer, while courage allows us to act on God’s mission and purpose for our lives. God called Gideon to do something bigger than he alone could do. Competent leaders act with courage as they maintain a close relationship with their Creator. They know that when God calls them to do the impossible, He will make it possible. That is where courage comes into play. It is in our “impossible” tasks and situations that our relationship with God allows us to be COURAGEOUS.

God calls us all to specific assignments. Every human being who loves Jesus has been given a gift by God. But stepping out and exercising that gift nearly always requires courage. With God, harnessing all He has prepared for you BECOMES POSSIBLE. But without God, it’s impossible! Your faith will tell you what you need, especially in the moments of, “I’m not good enough.” It is then that God says, “You are good enough. I’ll send you because you are exactly what I am looking for.”

You are enough when you have Jesus! What God calls for, His grace provides for. That is where the rubber meets the road. We have a decision to make, just as God gave Adam and Eve a choice. Decisions are made in the face of fear, danger, and the call from God. You can either turn your head in fear or grip courage and trust in Jesus, the gift of eternal life God gave us.

God wants us to obey His call and be fully in love with Him. He will take care of the rest. He only needs your willing heart, mind, and body. He is looking for a relationship with you, continual communion as you carry out being the hands and feet of Jesus in your present life.

If you have been waiting to give your heart fully to Jesus, now is the time to be courageous. Take a step into a relationship with the God who wants all of you. You can do it right now through prayer. When you do, Jesus will come into your heart, and God will reveal Himself to you. He will save you and make you His own, never leaving you or forsaking you—ever!

David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.” (1 Chronicles 28:20 NIV)

If you are ready to give your heart to Jesus and enter into the best relationship you will ever be part of, please pray with us:

Father God, I give You my life. I confess I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I can’t do this life on my own any longer. Sin has kept me a prisoner and has caused grief in my life. I need you, Christ Jesus, to forgive me for my sin and enter my heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me follow you each day of the rest of my life and have a close relationship with you. Thank You for loving me and thank You for Your perfect love shown to me by dying on the cross to pay for my sins. I know it is not because of any good work of mine that You love me, but by Your grace and mercy and forgiveness that You have rescued me forever! I commit the rest of my days to you, Jesus, king of my life. Amen

If you have prayed this prayer, please email us at prayer@womenworldleaders.com so we can encourage you further.

We love that God has called us, as a ministry, to love and empower women who desire to love God, come closer to Him, and serve Him with their whole hearts.

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