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ANDREW: Living Your Calling In Quiet Confidence

Have you ever heard the term “quiet confidence”?

When I hear that phrase, many thoughts run through my head: • The Bette Midler song, Wind Beneath My Wings

• The caregiver for a chronically ill individual

• A stay-at-home mom who has put her own dreams on hold

After reading and preparing for this article, I have yet another example, and a great one at that, of someone who lived out his calling with quiet confidence:

• Andrew, Jesus’ apostle

The Bible gives us precious little information about Andrew, but when we consider what we do know, we see a man who seemed comfortable in the background yet was willing to jump with abandon into whatever he was called to.

Matthew, Mark, and John all introduce us to Andrew early on in their gospels, and rightly so, as Andrew was the first of Jesus’ 12 apostles to become His follower.

Andrew was originally a disciple of John the Baptist. But when John pointed to Jesus and said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” Andrew IMMEDIATELY went to Jesus, saying, “Rabbi… where are you staying?” Jesus told Andrew to follow Him and see, which Andrew did, without question. (John 1:35-29 NIV).


Andrew was confident that he knew what he knew: Jesus was the Messiah the people were waiting for.

Later, Andrew went to find his brother Peter and brought him to Jesus. From there on out, we hear much more about Peter than Andrew. Peter became one of the inner three apostles, the outspoken leader, and, in Jesus’ own words, the “rock.”

Yet throughout the remainder of the gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, and even historically, we catch glimpses of Andrew and recognize the quiet confidence with which he lived his life in service to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Luke records that Andrew was a faithful follower. When Jesus called all his disciples together to designate 12 of them as His apostles, Andrew was among the chosen (Luke 6:12-16).

And after Jesus’ death, Andrew waited, praying faithfully, as instructed (Acts 1:1314).

John records that Andrew was aware and involved. Jesus was teaching a hungry crowd of 5,000 on the shore of the Sea of Galilee when Philip was dismayed at Jesus’ suggestion to feed the people. But Andrew noticed a child who might be able to help and brought him to Jesus, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9 NIV).

And another time, when some people came to Philip asking to meet Jesus, Philip told Andrew. Together, they brought the request to Jesus (John 12:20-21).

Andrew was continually aware of how he could help and confidently served where he could.

Mark records that Andrew was always seeking to learn from Jesus. When Jesus proclaimed that the stones of the magnificent temple would be thrown down, Andrew asked, “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?” (Mark 13:4 NIV).

With commitment and awareness, Andrew lived his life in quiet confidence, continually responding to Jesus.

Andrew followed Jesus in quiet confidence until his death. Historical tradition states that he continued teaching others about Jesus until he was crucified for doing just that, after having been warned to stop.

While we may gravitate to wanting to emulate the great and well-known biblical leaders such as Peter and Paul, we would also do well to appreciate and imitate Andrew’s actions.

Andrew was quick to follow and learn from Jesus. Am I willing to drop everything and follow Jesus’ call on my life, continually learning and growing?

Andrew lived with awareness and confidently brought others to Jesus. Am I aware of those around me and willing to step away from my agenda to help others find their way to Jesus?

Despite often having a back seat to others and being persecuted to his death, Andrew stayed committed to Jesus. Have I committed to staying in Jesus’ will and by His side despite anything that may come against me?

The Bible doesn’t record any flashy miracles Andrew performed or heart-stirring speeches he gave. But throughout his life, it seems Andrew was steady and willing to do what he was called to do. With commitment and awareness, Andrew lived his life in quiet confidence, continually responding to Jesus. Am I willing to do the same?

Julie Jenkins



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