4 minute read
Kingdom Promise: Abundance, Hope, and a Future
The Power of Choice
Everyone on this planet makes choices. The decisions we make each day can range from literally life-changing to what type of bread we should buy. Unfortunately, I spent most of my younger life not realizing the concept of choice. I know that sounds strange, but it’s true.
As a people-pleasing person, the only option I felt like I had growing up was to do and be what other people expected of me. This likely came from the fact that I was the oldest of four children, all born by the time my mom was 25! As you can imagine, life was busy. The chaos caused me to crave peace, and I often felt it was my responsibility to help my mom navigate that season of life. I was her little helper. I was also the bossy big sister who was expected to be the example for my three little brothers, often babysitting and keeping an eye on them when we went outside to play.
My dad was a Marine, drafted to serve in Vietnam at age 19. When he came home with his mind filled with images I can’t even begin to fathom, he also had to contend with a crowded house full of responsibilities. So, he drank to escape the pressures and those images, causing my siblings and me to grow up in an environment of uncertainty.
Looking back, I’m confident my parents never entertained the thought of conscious choice in their young lives. They were too busy just trying to survive - juggling a large family, responsibilities, and their own relationship.
But the Bible tells us to exercise awareness as we go through life. The sensible man’s wisdom is to consider his way. (Proverb 4:8 HCSB) We should always consider the outcomes of our decisions - cause and effect. And we can trust God to give us wisdom for every situation - if we ask for it. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5 NIV)
Many of us coast through life, living moment to moment. This can stem from necessity, as it did for my parents; from ignorance, as did for me; or simply from ease. It’s tempting to do what feels good in the moment without looking ahead. We take the easier route because, well, it’s easy. Or we choose the fastest way, which appeals to us because we’re impatient. But not being aware of possible outcomes and not asking God for His wisdom can cause us to suffer unnecessary consequences.
Over the years, I was filled with so much self-doubt when faced with having to make any type of decision. Because of my history of making poor choices, I was walking through life in fear, forgetting to invite Jesus into the decisionmaking process.
The enemy loves to remind us of our mistakes. He wants to keep us in bondage to the lie that we can’t trust ourselves.
But as believers, we need to be constantly aware that the Holy Spirit lives in us and that we can actively seek his counsel. The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. (Romans 8:11 NLT)
We should also remember to seek God first. The Bible says, Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. (Luke 12:31 NLT)
The hard lessons have led me to victory in Jesus. His victory is available to you, too.
God offers His children His Kingdom Promise – that when we choose Him and choose His way, He will always respond with Abundance, a Hope, and a Future for us.
Kelly Williams Hale is a best-selling author, speaker, and mentor. As a confidence and clarity coach, she teaches Christian women how to release the shame and guilt of past mistakes and embrace the gift of God’s grace. Using proven strategies and her unique gift of encouragement, Kelly equips her clients to become confident and courageous. She is passionate about helping women discover their purpose and become who God created them to be.
You are invited to download her free guide: “You are enough. 5 steps toslay self-doubt and start living your best life” at www.thebebravelife.com.