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Letter from the Founder

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Global Connections

Global Connections

by Kimberly Ann Hobbs


It is with extraordinary joy we bring yet another edition of Voice of Truth to you wherever you are. We have been praying to stay faithful to what God has called us to do within this magazine. It is an honor and a privilege to be committed to something as wonderful as writing and producing this magazine to bless women in the name of Jesus. We pray you will be enriched as you open and read the pages and columns from women who reside in places all over the world.

Throughout the world, God is faithful. His faithfulness is great and can be seen in many ways. He continues to blow my mind that wherever there are people, wherever His creation is—even before creation—He is there. He was and is and is to come. God’s presence is everywhere; may we all proclaim, “How great is His faithfulness!”

You may be outdoors right now reading this magazine on a chair sitting under the sky. Have you ever thought about what Psalm 36:5 says? Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies (NIV). Our God is so faithful, even to the distance between the heavens and the earth. He will always reach us with His messages of love.

Think about what season you are living in right now, wherever you are placed in the world as you read Voice of Truth. The Bible says that God’s faithfulness is steadfast; it never changes and never ends.

If your heart is hurting right now and you need some inspiration or to be uplifted, Women World Leaders chooses to believe that God has allowed you to encounter this magazine for a purpose. God’s faithfulness is shown in His character, His promises, and who He is. The writings in this magazine will encourage you. Please know that God cares about your troubled heart, your thankful heart, or whatever your heart may be feeling today. May your soul be touched and moved through your reading here.

The stunning photo we chose for this edition’s cover depicts a geyser in North America named Old Faithful. People who visit this special place in the United States marvel at the site and witness that it’s true to its name. You may ask why. As you will read in the cover story, the water in this location faithfully spouts up from the ground and sprays at regular intervals throughout each and every day. We can take a lesson from Old Faithful. Even when we feel like God is absent from our lives, we can trust that He is, indeed, faithful. One of the ways He shows His care is by leading so many to a magazine like Voice of Truth. That is what He has done for you today. As you read, know that God is near to your heart and He is faithful to continually step in and help you, even when you don’t recognize that you need Him.

We pray as you open to the array of various columns, you will hone in and be immersed in the scriptures that identify God’s nearness to your heart, His provision for your life, and His faithfulness to always being the magnificent God who will forever be exactly who He says He is.

God’s faithfulness is clearly demonstrated even when we are unaware of His holy presence in our lives. I pray you understand today that God’s faithfulness is enough for you! No matter where you are physically in this vast world, may you know that, in all ways, you belong to God. He fully sees every aspect of you in each situation—emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. And He desires a relationship with you.

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV).

As God is faithful to us, may we also always be faithful to Him. He gives us scriptures to understand the importance of our faithfulness to Him.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. (PROVERBS 3:3-4 NIV)

We are here for you, sweet women of God. Please pull up a comfortable spot, nestle in, and enjoy the beauty of a moment with God today as you read on.

Exceedingly, Abundantly, and Beyond,

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