4 minute read
Empowering Lives with Purpose
by Kimberly Ann Hobbs
Keep The Faith
Let us learn to be faithful to God because He is faithful to us! Our faithfulness to God means trusting Him and loving Him through all circumstances.
As we walk through this life, we are continuously faced with people who let us down; they don’t follow through on their commitments, therefore leaving us discouraged and often brokenhearted. But we don’t ever have to worry about God letting us down. He is faithful. So how can we, in return, be faithful to God, our Father in heaven, who is holy and never leaves us or forsakes us? There are multiple ways! I would love to empower you with some practical encouragement about how you can be faithful to God.
I stumbled and stammered through my early Christian years because I was everything BUT faithful to a God who loved me and called me His own. I made tremendous mistakes in my so-called Christian life, which left me feeling unworthy, alone, and unable to ever serve our faithful God. I was much like Jonah in the Bible, who ran far away in the opposite direction from where God was calling him. I ran away from God and from what I felt called to do. When God got ahold of my heart, and I began to understand His faithfulness and offer of forgiveness, my life radically changed forever. I surrendered everything to Him as I repented and asked for His forgiveness. And now, nothing holds me back from being faithful to God in my life and in my ministry service to my King.
A place to start with your faithfulness to God is to put your complete trust in Him. Trusting in God means following Him wherever He leads you. God longs for us to love Him just as He loves us, and it will always benefit us to go where He sends us! We can trust Him even when life gets difficult and seems to veer off the path of what we want in our own flesh. You may not be able to change your situation, but what you CAN change is what you believe about it, trusting God’s control and ever-present faithfulness.
Another way we can be faithful to God is to seek His counsel, especially when we don’t know the answers to things we question. Having others around to help you process what you hear in the world will help you remain faithful to God. There is an enemy always lurking and trying to take you away from the only One true love who requires your commitment: Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
Be honest with God and confess any unbelief or sin that creeps into your life. Lay them on the altar before God and ask Him for His forgiveness so that you can stay faithful to Him in your relationship.
Keep God at the forefront of your thoughts, and remember to always spend time with Him. He wants to have a relationship with you each and every day, not just when bad things happen that cause you to look to Him for help. God wants our faithfulness every day, not just sometimes. Always remember to be grateful, thanking Him for His faithfulness to you!
It has been helpful to me to find and intentionally focus on a scripture that reminds me of God’s faithfulness to me in every situation. I encourage you to find something in God’s Word you can cling to whenever you feel wobbly. Recite that scripture verse aloud. My personal scripture is Ephesians 3:20—ask God to show you yours! Wait on the Lord, and then when you hear His voice, wait on the Lord again! God is faithful to answer. Even when it feels like our prayers are unanswered, we can trust He is working.
May you examine your life and be counted among the faithful to God. He loves you exceedingly abundantly beyond what you could ever imagine a Father’s love for his daughter might be!