3 minute read
John Riggs • FIT 2 FIGHT
A Father’s Journey in Writing
I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I wrote a chapter in a men’s ministry book. I’ve been in law enforcement for most of my adult life, so I’m very good at fact-based, no-emotion writing. However, Fit 2 Fight: Are You Armored Up? is not just any book. Just like its two predecessors (United Men of Honor: Overcoming Adversity Through Faith and Navigating Your Storm: By United Men of Honor), Fit 2 Fight gives its readers a broad view of life’s adversities through the eyes of its writers, but that’s just the beginning.
This book inspires the reader to overcome life’s difficulties through faith in Jesus, the power of God’s love, and the enduring truth of God’s Word. When my lifelong friend, the visionary author of Fit 2 Fight, Ken Hobbs, asked me to write a chapter in the book, I was a bit hesitant. However, as we talked, I could feel the Holy Spirit literally giving me the topic of the chapter I would write, and I knew I would say yes. I also knew this topic had broken me inside and made me question God, asking Him, “Why?”.
I must admit that writing my chapter was one of the most difficult and painful things I’ve ever done; it was about the death of my 33-year-old daughter, Crystal. In September 2020, Crystal was hit by a drunk driver in front of her home. She passed away from her injuries three weeks later.
As I began putting my thoughts together for my chapter, I could feel the pain welling up in me. The memories of what my family went through. The anger at the drunk driver. And the thoughts of my failure to protect my daughter. What could I have done differently? It all came back in like a flood. So, I began the process of writing, and with each word, I could feel the Holy Spirit lifting me up, telling me it was okay to cry, and prompting me to investigate God’s Word. As I wrote, I could see that I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful, large family. They could see this was a difficult process for me, being a tough guy—a former cop and all. As time went on and the chapter began to take shape, I could see a common theme in the story. Through any adversity, even one this severe, God’s love endures forever. He will never leave you alone to face life or go through challenges without His tender, loving care. Although I referred to many scriptures in my chapter, I felt drawn to the Psalms. As I researched and read scriptures, I could feel God’s healing hand moving in my spirit as my healing process took a leap forward.
I was truly blessed to be given the opportunity to share my story in Fit 2 Fight. I am equally blessed to be associated with these men of honor who shared their stories so that others could be blessed by the lessons they teach.
Put on the full armor of God and be Fit 2 Fight.
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