3 minute read
Kingdom Promise: Abundance, Hope, and a Future
by Kelly Williams Hale
When God Writes the Plan
Twenty years ago, I lived out in the boonies. Seriously, in the middle of nowhere: St. George, Georgia. St. George is a one-light town about 20 miles north of Macclenny, Florida. It’s peaceful and beautiful—God’s country. I loved it. For a season. Things changed when my son turned five and was going to start kindergarten. At the time, I worked in Jacksonville and had over an hour commute each way. It was time to move to town.
I made some flyers: house for sale, 3/2, fireplace, two acres, etc.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
I knew God wanted me to be closer to my work and the kids’ schools. School had started, and we were getting home around 7 pm each night. We had an interested buyer over the summer, but after everything was said and done, I would’ve ended up paying them to buy my house! In a nutshell, I was trying to make something happen instead of letting God do what only He can do.
I began to pray: Lord, You know what’s best for my family. I will trust You with the sale of my home. I know You have a plan for us. I will wait for You. P.S. PLEASE send a buyer soon!
Each day, I would say this prayer. Each day, I would trust God.
After the endless summer and well into fall, God finally did send a buyer. The weekend after Thanksgiving, I received a phone call from a gentleman who was interested in my home. Yippee! The only caveat was that he needed to sell his house first. I politely asked about his home, which boasted a fireplace, pool, three bedrooms, a screened-in porch, and a room for an office—everything I wanted in my “dream home.” I was intrigued and asked if I could see it.
Fast forward to January 30, 2004. The day I closed on the purchase of my new home in Jacksonville and sold my home in Georgia—all on the same day. The fella God sent back in November did indeed buy my house. And I bought his!
Amazing things can happen when you trust God. Jeremiah 29:11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (NIV).
It’s not easy to “let go and let God.” We often feel the need to hold on tight, believing we can make things happen. There was such a sense of freedom when I began to trust God each day. He knows just what we need when we need it! I encourage you to trust God today—for your future.
Kelly Williams Hale is a speaker, author, and life coach. She is passionate about Jesus and encourages others to deepen their personal relationship with Him. Her teaching and online courses help Christian women walk in their unique calling to bring God glory. Partnering with the Holy Spirit, Kelly teaches women how be courageous and confident in Christ. Her speaking topics include spiritual growth, emotional resilience, and leadership. She is happily married (third time’s a charm!), a mom of three—each born a decade apart—delivering her youngest at 44 years old. Kelly is living proof that our mess truly becomes our message and past mistakes don’t define future success. You're invited to join the Facebook group, Sisters Who Shine, or visit thebebravelife.com for more information.