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From Your Conference Program Co-chairs ...
The 2023 WAFLT Fall Conference will be held November 2-4, 2023. This year's conference theme is Reconnect, Reflect, Renew! We are so very excited to invite you all back to Appleton for a weekend of collaboration and professional growth.
We are planning a full day workshop on Thursday, November 2, with a workshop presenter certain to fill your professional bucket. And, our keynote speaker is sure to make you sigh, laugh, and maybe shed a tear. Yes, she is that powerful!
As always, we are working to bring the best professional development possible to everyone. To that end, we will showcase the expertise of our members willing to share what they do in their classrooms. WAFLT is an organization made up of teacher volunteers, from our executive board the WAFLT board or subcommittees
We can nominate our colleagues and our students to be honored with our multitude of awards, scholarships, and grants. We can network and collaborate with each other and make meaningful connections! I have so much enthusiasm when I think about WAFLT. Let’s do this together!
With this excitement, I ask you to join me at the Summer Institute, at Fall Conference 2023, to propose a session, and to contact me with any ideas that you might have to keep WAFLT moving forward.
Remember: We are WAFLT; more than a conference.
Victoria Carter
to conference volunteers and presenters. The continued success of our conference is thanks to these professionals who willingly give their time and ideas as presenters.
The program committee and entire WAFLT board are anxious to share this event with you.
Cathy Stresing & Rebecca Mai