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Wisconsin Association of Chinese Language Teachers

President Yongyan Liu

Milwaukee Chinese School yongyan.liu85@gmail.com


Secretary Yuzhou Wu

Middleton Cross Plains Area School District ywu@mcpasd.k12.wi.us

Treasurer Remya Sarma-Traynor UW-Stevens Point rsarmtr@uwsp.edu

WACLT wishes Wisconsin world language teachers all the best with your work, and a healthy and prosperous year of the Rabbit!

Professional Development Coordinator

Weihua Zhu

Department of Asian Languages & Cultures University of Wisconsin wzhu34@wisc.edu

WACLT has officially launched the new website waclt.org as the virtual informational hub for its members Chinese language teachers in Wisconsin are expected to check the website for online membership payments, Chinese speech contest details, monthly webinars, and other teacher collaboration announcements

The participants approved the following motion:

The 20th annual Wisconsin Chinese language speech contest (2023 Spring) will still be held in a virtual format. This will be the fourth online Chinese language speech contest since the beginning of the pandemic, however, participants also highly recommended resuming the in-person Speech Contest for the following year.

2022 WAFLT Fall Conference

After two years of virtual WAFLT conferences, Chinese language teachers from all over Wisconsin gathered in person at the Hilton Appleton Paper Valley in November 2022. WACLT president Ms. Liu presented at the business meeting the following updates:

Ms. Zhu, an associate professor at UW-Madison, joined the WACLT board as the professional development coordinator. She has been working on applying for grants to support WACLT members for professional development.

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