See The Full Picture 2019

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Physical health Isolation ABUSE

Domestic Abuse Re-offending Addiction Trauma Debt Poverty Homelessness Mental Health #seethefullpicture | Wed 3rd July 2019

#seethefullpicture | Wed 3rd July 2019

Fulfilling Lives: Supporting People with Complex Needs. Fulfilling Lives is an eight-year (2014-2022) programme, funded by a £112 million investment from The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK. Fulfilling Lives partnerships are running in 12 locations across the country, from Bristol to West Yorkshire and Nottingham to Blackpool. Working with people who have first-hand experience of substance misuse, homelessness, offending, and mental ill health, the Fulfilling Lives partnerships aim to make services and support better connected, easier to access and tailored to the needs of individuals. By working with the partnerships, these experts by experience are co-producing services so that support works for others facing similar challenges. Fulfilling Lives is one of five major programmes set up by The National Lottery Community Fund to test and learn from new approaches to designing services which aim to make people’s lives healthier and happier.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the development and delivery of the #seethefullpicture campaign. We are particularly grateful to those who shared their true stories as part of the campaign. In doing so, they have created an opportunity for change, and the potential for other people facing Multiple Disadvantage to receive more suitable care and support in the future.


Introduction In 2018, the 12 Fulfilling Lives Partnerships, started to explore the impact of working together on a national piece of communications work. A key aim was to start a national conversation about Multiple Disadvantage, and to ensure the voices of people facing a combination of homelessness, mental ill health, substance misuse and offending were heard. Working together presented the opportunity to reach a wider audience, and potentially obtain nationwide interest. Through working with key stakeholders across the Fulfilling Lives Programme, the idea of a yearly awareness day was born. For the first awareness day, it was agreed that the messaging should focus on stigma; The first national communications campaign should support a key Fulfilling Lives Programme aim to reduce stigma, by increasing awareness and understanding of complex needs amongst a wide audience; educating people as to why a person may experience multiple and complex needs. A project board consisting of representatives from Fulfilling Lives projects Opportunity Nottingham, Birmingham Changing Futures Together, Inspiring Change Manchester, and WY-FI was assembled to develop and manage the campaign. The project board enlisted the services of Birmingham-based software and creative agency, Colonel Duck, to guide the strategy for the campaign, and to deliver all of the creative work.

Over a period of six months, Colonel Duck and the Fulfilling Lives Programme projects worked together to develop and deliver a seven-week campaign titled #seethefullpicture.


Campaign Development

Project Established

mar - jun 2019

Jan 2019

Campaign Timeline 6

Concept Workshop feb 2019

Awareness Day

July 3rd 2019

Campaign Launch

Evaluation & next steps

June 3rd 2019

July 2019 Onwards 7


Campaign Development


Concept Workshop On the 14th February 2019 Colonel Duck facilitated a workshop with the Fulfilling Lives Programme National Communications Group (NCG), to explore the theme and messaging for the national awareness day campaign. This conversation was informed by wider work across the Fulfilling Lives Programme, in particular key strategic aims as set out by the National Lottery Community Fund. The NCG is attended by people working in communications related roles, from across all 12 Fulfilling Lives projects. Other attendees include Making Every Adult Matter (MEAM), the National Lottery Community Fund and Expert Citizens. Through guided group discussions and activities the terminology and messages that the campaign needed to communicate were developed. The general consensus was that it was important for the messaging to be empowering and avoid use of ‘labels’. It was therefore decided that the messaging should encourage people to change their perceptions in order to gain a better understanding and reduce assumptions. When considering the target audience, it was agreed that ‘we are all the general public’ regardless of our role in society, and that an initial mass targeting approach would enable the campaign to reach as many people as possible.


Suggestions were then made for the overall messaging of the awareness day. The first two suggestions encouraged people to re-think the way they look at a particular situation or person and see things from a different perspective. The final two suggestions aimed to encourage people to actively seek more understanding about Multiple Disadvantage, whilst highlighting the negativity of labelling situations or people. To ensure fair representation, after the workshop, the four potential messages were sent out for a vote. This was open to all staff and volunteers across the Fulfilling Lives Programme. After this vote, the two most popular messages were then discussed at the National Expert Citizen Group (NECG) meeting in April 2019.

#seethefullpicture was the preferred message across all the stakeholder groups

The NECG voted on “see the full picture� as the messaging for the campaign.


#seethefullpicture #seethefullpicture really works, it sums up what we’re asking people to do, can be attached to almost any aspect of our narrative, and has enough intrigue to prompt people to investigate. Dean Spruce Stoke-on-Trent: VOICES

With the messaging decided, the rest of the campaign could be built. Colonel Duck and the Fulfilling Lives Programme agreed that a four week run up to the awareness day would be essential. The aim was to generate interest and encourage people to participate on the day. To deliver the campaign message, it was agreed that a social media content plan would be developed, directing people to a dedicated website. Each project would also host an event on the awareness day to generate further coverage and interest. To encapsulate the campaign message, all of this content would be built around a set of 12 ‘True Stories’ (one per project). Each true story would explore the different experiences of those accessing the Fulfilling Lives Programme, and also why they came to access such services in the first place. Through telling each true story in full, and highlighting the challenges of navigating a very complex system, it was hoped that the general public would gain more understanding, and think before making any judgements.

Creative Styling It was important to illustrate the collaborative nature of the campaign. Therefore, the colours used in design work were based around the four main colours found consistently across all the individual Fulfilling Lives projects branding. It was agreed this was the best approach for showcasing the involvement of all the projects. As the content would be placed amongst hundreds of other social media posts, it needed to be simple and eye-catching. It also needed to reflect the sensitive nature of the campaign. Not all people who shared their true story wanted to publish their image, and using actors removed the authenticity of the content. Taking these two factors into account, a hand drawn, illustrated style was developed. To ensure that the seriousness of the campaign remained, the illustrations were paired with darker colours, grey-scale accents and strong, bold typography.



Campaign Content Colonel Duck then created the campaign content. This consisted of:

12 social media graphics 1 dedicated website 3 Posters 2 press releases 1 National Press Pack Campaign delivery is as important as the content. Each Fulfilling Lives Programme project was required to publish campaign content on their own communication channels, and therefore it was important to implement systems to manage this, and ensure consistency. As well as ensuring all content was created in a format suitable for its delivery platform, Colonel Duck created a guide to posting content on social media. This guide included example copy for Facebook and Twitter, along with suggested dates for use. Brand guidelines were also produced, to enable projects to create their own additional content. This information was also developed for other organisations and Fulfilling Lives Programme partners, to ensure as wide as possible use of content. This approach ensured consistent communication, branding and posting across the entire campaign.


My initial thoughts on the content are that it is amazing, really capturing our stories and messaging in an aesthetically pleasing, intriguing and eye-catching way.

Deanna Davies Birmingham Changing Futures Together







Launch On the 3rd June 2019, #seethefullpicture was launched. Over the following four weeks, content was posted to each Fulfilling Lives project’s social media, with at least two new pieces of content each week.

Promote During the first four weeks of the campaign, both the Fulfilling Lives projects and Colonel Duck began reaching out to organisations, media outlets and influential people to gain coverage. Having the content shared by key influencers with large followings helped increase the reach of the campaign.

Awareness Day The 3rd July 2019 was the first ever Multiple Disadvantage Day. As well as the continued presence on social media, 11 Fulfilling Lives projects held a series of coordinated events. Each event explored the true stories of people facing multiple and complex challenges, and the circumstances that led to their situation. The events were an inclusive mix of social and creative activities, co-produced at a local level to ensure the voices of lived experience were heard. The impact of stigma and discrimination was a key focus, along with highlighting the complex web of challenges people are expected to navigate to access support. The following pages showcase activities held across the Fulfilling Lives projects on Wednesday 1st July 2019.


event Highlights 21


Human Library Fulfilling Lives Newcastle and Gateshead

Can you make accurate presumptions based on limited knowledge? To find out, Fulfilling Lives Newcastle and Gateshead ran a Human Library. Here people were encouraged to pick a book based purely on its title. The story was then read aloud by an Expert by Experience, and people could then see if it matched their expectations. Afterwards, there was a chance to speak to an Expert by Experience and chat through their thoughts and questions. There were also other interactive elements, such as the Multiple and Complex Needs Wallpaper. People could draw images, which would help them question if there is more to a story than meets the eye, and what Multiple Disadvantage looks like.




pop-up stall Fulfilling Lives blackpool

Fulfilling Lives Blackpool wanted to create curiosity amongst the general public, and reduce the stigma associated with complex needs. Therefore they hosted a series of ‘animations’ across Blackpool Town Centre. The ‘animations’ involved a large seagull and dinosaur engaged in various visually impactful activities, with a team of people giving out tip cards with #seethefullpicture on them. They chose a Seagull to represent Blackpool and a Dinosaur because they want to make stigma a thing of the past. To increase their reach, they also achieved coverage from Radio Wave. The Breakfast Show was broadcast live from Bickerstaffe House Blackpool, next to one of the animations, and involved the Breakfast Show team promoting the #seethefullpicture campaign. Following this event, three people approached Blackpool Fulfilling Lives for support

Coverage: Radio Wave 96.5 24



Pop-Up Photography exhibition WY-FI West Yorkshire - Finding Independence

WY-FI beneficiaries wanted people to #seethefullpicture around the journey towards recovery. In order to achieve this, they set up a pop-up photography exhibition called Our Recovery Journey. The exhibition gave an insight into the complex and very individual journey towards recovery. Content was created using a photo or selection of photos, taken by WY-FI beneficiaries to represent their journey towards recovery. WY-FI volunteers and staff, some of whom have lived experience of Multiple Disadvantage, supported the creation and delivery of the exhibition.


Blown away by the professional looking exhibition, feel like i am looking through the eyes of the photographer. Well done, be proud. roll it out to other locations.



Multimedia Exhibition Inspiring Change Manchester

Inspiring Change Manchester coordinated and curated an interactive, multimedia and mixed arts event called See the Full Picture. This event highlighted some of the multiple factors which can leave people disadvantaged, and struggling to access the support they need around: housing, mental and physical health care, social wellbeing, experience of the criminal justice system, employment, poverty and family support. Bringing together people with diverse life experiences and powerful stories to tell, Inspiring Change Manchester worked with the wider Manchester community to develop the exhibition. Through an eclectic collection of arts and creativity, the event was designed to both challenge and engage, and encourage visitors and artists themselves to link up, talk and increase awareness and understanding about life and challenges in Manchester. A number of support services in Manchester contributed to the event including; Back on Track, Booth Centre, Greater Manchester Women Support Alliance, Men’s Room, Mash, Mustard Tree, Venture Arts and Women Asylum Seekers Together.

Coverage: Big Issue North 28



Stigma Exhibition Opportunity NOttingham

Opportunity Nottingham hosted a pop-up exhibition at the Nottingham Contemporary. Exhibition content was created by, and featured, Opportunity Nottingham beneficiaries who have experienced a combination of mental ill health, homelessness, substance misuse and offending. The main focus of the exhibition was stigma; in particular the mental health impact of stigma. Content was developed to encourage visitors to #seethefullpicture when they meet a person facing Multiple Disadvantage, and consider the reasons why they might be in that situation. All hosted in one space, visitors could explore the impact of stigma in different ways including; watching a short film about how stigma feels for those who experience it daily, reading poetry composed by beneficiaries, and browsing a photography wall filled with pictures representing beneficiary journeys.

Coverage: BBC RAdio Nottingham Nottingham Post 30


Stoke-on-trent On the morning of the 3rd July, VOICES hosted an event to present the findings of their community research project on hardship. The project and presentation intended to raise awareness of the interconnected relationships between homelessness, mental ill health, addiction and offending behaviour. During the event, using first hand testimony and multimedia content, VOICES encouraged attendees to #seethefullpicture and discuss how systems and services can work better together to support people experiencing multiple needs. The results of the research project were then shared by MP Gareth Snell at Prime Minister’s Questions, and a full report was given to the then Prime Minster, Theresa May. Alongside this event, Expert Citizens took over Neville Southall’s Twitter feed and used it as a platform to share the #seethefullpicture campaign with his audience.


Get talking Hardship Voices

Coverage: The Sentinel (7 days)



Choir with No Name & Geese Theatre performance Birmingham Changing Futures Together

Birmingham Changing Futures Together held two events on the 3rd July 2019. The first event was at Birmingham’s New Street Station, where they collaborated with the Choir with No Name, a choir whose members have been affected by homelessness. The choir performed an exciting set of songs to promote the awareness day, while team members and Experts by Experience were there to speak to the public and talk about Multiple Disadvantage. The performance was captured and streamed onto BBC Radio WM’s Facebook page, for greater reach. MP Liam Byrne also attended to show his support, and shared the performance across his network. Alongside this performance, Experts by Experience recorded poetry and messages which were broadcast across New Street Station’s PA system.


Coverage: BBC RAdio WM

The second event was a collaboration with Geese Theatre Company who performed a play based on real stories of people who have faced Multiple Disadvantage in Birmingham. The performance was at the Midlands Arts Centre, and featured some Experts by Experience who shared their stories, and a Geese Theatre-led discussion with the audience. There was also an opportunity for the audience to ask questions and learn more about national issues concerning Multiple Disadvantage, with a panel discussion including Birmingham Councillor Sharon Thompson and West Midlands Crime Commissioner Ashley Bertie.



Photography Exhibition Bristol Golden Key

Bristol Golden Key hosted an exhibition showcasing creative work by people with lived experience of Multiple Disadvantage, from across the partnership and the city. The exhibition provided a great opportunity for the general public to #seethefullpicture, and gain an understanding of what living with a combination of homelessness, mental ill health, substance misuse and offending can be like. All from the perspective of people who have lived through this experience. The creative work featured within the exhibition included drawings, poetry, and photography. The exhibition was open for one week.

Coverage: BBC RAdio Bristol




pop-up stall Fulfilling Lives Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham

The Fulfilling Lives Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham project invited people to visit their stall and see what the full picture really looks like for people facing Multiple Disadvantage. The stall was hosted at Downham Health and Leisure Centre, where the public could speak to team members, and find out more about the challenges of living with complex needs. The team also gave out booklets full of the creative work and poetry of beneficiaries, which people could then share with family and friends.



Islington & camden Fulfilling Lives Islington & Camden (FLIC) hosted a unique theatre experience, where audiences heard the real stories of people with lived experience of Multiple Disadvantage, as told in their own words. Brought to life by professional actors, the script was based on the powerful personal testimonies of people FLIC had worked with in Camden and Islington over the past four years. Produced in partnership with the Human Rights theatre company Ice & Fire, the piece showcased both the struggles and the achievements of people experiencing Multiple Disadvantage and asked people to see the world, perhaps for the first time, through their eyes. The performances were held twice during the week, once in Islington and once in Camden.


Theatre Production Fulfilling Lives Islington & Camden



Human Library Fulfilling Lives South East Partnership

To help people #seethefullpicture, Fulfilling Lives South East Partnership held a Human Library event. For one day only, a combination of staff and volunteers associated with the Fulfilling Lives South East project were ‘living library books’ available to be borrowed by members of the public. For 15 minutes they told their story and how it related to the subject of Multiple Disadvantage, with the aim of raising awareness of the complexity of the issue. People were then encouraged to write down their pledge to stopping stigma. There were also musicians outside to signpost people to the event.

Coverage: ITV Meridian




Online Highlights


Website Coverage





MPs pledge support



Social Media Posts

Shona Johnson @shonajohnsonldn I have just returned from an incredible event hosted by @SHPcharity and FLIC, I’m utterly moved by @ iceandfireuk’s performance and the harrowing experiences shared. They are performing in Camden tomorrow and I urge you to attend. #seethefullpicture #multipledisadvantageday

Well done @FLSouthEast for today’s #seethefullpicture event in Brighton. Powerful story sharing at the Living Library @jubileelibrary #traumainformed @dr_ treisman @BHT_Sussex

Sarah Tayleur @sarahtayleur

CECD Blackpool @CECDBlackpool

Powerful words from Charlotte ♥ reminding us to be careful with the words we use and that all of us deserve to be treated with compassion and dignity #seethefullpicture #multipledisadvantageday #stigma @ fulfillinglive2

Rather dapper seagull and Dino stopping traffic this morning! CECD team getting involved this morning for Multiple Disadvantage Day from @FLBlackpool encouraging everyone to #seethefullpicture to break the stigma people with multiple disadvantage feel #breakthecycle #bekind Vic Leeson @vicksieleeds We can never really know the full story of what brings someone to living on the streets. For #multipledisadvantageday please read & share Lisa’s & others’ stories. Awareness can bring acceptance and hope for those in need. #seethefullpicture


Sandra Sylvester @sylvestersandra

Shelter @Shelter Can you #seethefullpicture? Abuse. Neglect. Bereavement. Family breakdown. There can be many triggers which lead to a person facing #homelessness, addiction, poor mental health and other complex needs.

Jordana Chin ANutr @chinjordana Stumbled upon @OppNottingham exhibition today at @Nottm_Contemp that encourages all to #seethefullpicture #stopstigma. Really glad I stopped by today!

Abigail Vlahakis

Walking through New Street Station and I was stopped in my tracks. I want to shine a light on a great charity working in our city. People do really help people. #seethefullpicture.

Kay Glaze @Kay_Glaze My very first job as an MSW student was working at a Transitional Housing program. The most valuable lesson I learned was that ANYONE (no matter how successful or affluent) could find themselves homeless. #seethefullpicture.

Liz Durrant @LizDurrant19 So delighted @TNLComFund #Fulfillinglives programme has got the issue of stigma, discrimination & frankly unsafe & inhumane treatment people who exp. Multiple Disadvantage out there. People die because of our societal bias & poor systems. #seethefullpicture

Neville Southall @NevilleSouthall Hello, it’s @darrenmurinas from @ expertcitizens, firstly a massive thank you to Neville for giving us this opportunity this evening, to share some of our work and the experiences of our members. Nice one. #seethefullpicture #INSIGHTAwards2019 @TNLComFund

Neville Southall @NevilleSouthall Today all over the UK we have been asking people to #seethefullpicture please check out this hashtag and all our friends and partners are part of the fulfilling lives family. This is @TNLComFund funded program which started five years ago @ expertcitizens


Tammy Banks

Did you know today is the FIRST EVER multiple disadvantage day? Do you know what it means? #Multipledisadvantageday #seethefullpicture

Blackpool Police @BlackpoolPolice We’ve been in the town centre supporting Multiple Disadvantage Day, which aims to end stigma and help people to #seethefullpicture. Read more about it at #blackpoollpt

Gillian Haston I’m glad to hear this is being give more exposure. We need to break down barriers to help people find fulfillment. Andrea Detchon I’ve heard about this kind of thinking in the mental health world too. If you’ve got 2 conditions they bounce you between services with no-one to take care of you. I think it was substance abuse addiction and mental health like depression. Such an awful situation. They really need help but can’t access it. Tammy Banks I see this so much - the label is ‘dual diagnosis’ which effectively means most services saying they can’t help. In some cities services are starting to work together, there’s a long road ahead though!


96.5 Radio Wave @965RadioWave Scott & Stacey are in Bickerstaffe Square #Blackpool this morning with #fulfillinglives supporting #multipledisadvantageday. Pop down, say hi and grab a free coffee on us. But only until 9:30am this morning. #seethefullpicture.

Lauren Ellis @laurenelli5 Yesterday I went to an event at @bhlibraries, which was rasising awareness of people with multiple and complex needs. Instead of borrowing a book, I instead borrowed a person for 20 minutes and they shared their story with me, face to face. I met a lady who had suffered severe childhood abuse, experienced homelessness and substance misuse. After support, she now teaches creative writing and is back with her children. She was amazing and it was very moving.

Liam Byrne @LiamByrneMP Honoured to join @ choirwithnoname at today’s brilliant performance at #newstreet. Thx so much to @BVSC & everyone who made today’s performance possible. Sending a message to mark Multiple Disadvantage Day #seethefullpicture on #homelessness #addiction #reoffending #mentalhealth

KDuchess @kduchess_13 Managed to check out the incredible #seethefullpicture event earlier which highlighted some of the multiple factors which can leave people disadvantaged in accessing the support they need around: housing, mental and physical health care, social well-being, experience of the criminal justice system, employment, poverty and family support.

Fulfilling Lives @FLBlackpool Here are two people who came forward for help after hearing our campaign on Radio Wave this morning. Amazing! #seethefullpicture




1310 Posts 18,016 Responses 1,791,208 Reached 58

Results 59

The campaign ran from the 3rd June - 12th July 2019. Over this time analytics were collected in order to assess the campaign’s engagement and success. At the beginning of the campaign, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were set. Below documents how the campaign results compare to the KPIs.

3,305 website views

1,791,208 Social Media Reach

over 1,923 event visitors 60

Trending Hashtag

15 Pieces of Media Coverage

Result: The amount of views on is 3,305. KPI: Aim for at least 3,000 views on Views increased on the days projects posted campaign content, with a spike on 3rd July 2019. 92% of views were from direct links, 40% of which were from social media posts. This illustrates that content was successful in being captivating and prompting people to find out more about the campaign.

Result: The amount of people the campaign reached on social media is 1, 791,208 KPI: Aim to reach at least 1,000,000 on social media via campaign content There was an initial spike on the 3rd June when the campaign started, and then a larger secondary spike on the 3rd July, the awareness day. The campaign reached 1.3 million people on the 3rd July. This massive spike is attributed to social media shares by organisations and people with a high number of engaged followers. This includes; Neville Southall, Shelter, The National Lottery Community Fund, Public Health East Midlands, Liam Byrne MP, Bristol247, Radio Wave, Charity Comms, Blackpool Police.

Result: The amount of times the hashtag #seethefullpicture was used across social media is 1,310. KPI: Aim for #seethefullpicture to be used at least 1,000 times on social media #seethefullpicture was shared across social media on a daily basis during the campaign, with a spike on 3rd July 2019. The high volume of posts led to #seethefullpicture being classed as trending by Twitter.

Result: The level of social media engagement is 1%. KPI: Aim for an engagement rate of 2.5% on social media The level of engagement is calculated by dividing the number of social interactions by the total reach. The campaign achieved 18,026 social interactions. These interactions include; liking, sharing, commenting and website clicks. In order to increase engagement in future campaigns, content will be created that encourages people to share their thoughts, answer questions or perform an action.


Result: The accumulated estimated amount of people attending events is over 1,923. KPI: Aim for a total of 1,100 event attendees The events attracted key stakeholders, including commissioners. Feedback highlighted the impact the events had, with content being shared across social media. Further events will be planned for future campaigns.

Result: The amount of media coverage for the campaign is 7 Local, 7 Regional, 1 National. KPI: Aim for coverage across at least 6 Local, 4 Regional and 1 National media There was positive pick up by local and regional media. On a national level, HuffPost UK began the process of creating a story, however this was unable to be completed by the time of the awareness day. It is intended that a story will be made, and will mention the impact of the campaign.




(In progress)

Additional Result: Amount of people coming forward to seek help is 3

A measurement was not set for this, but it is extremely important to highlight this outcome. Three people facing Multiple Disadvantage came forward for help, after hearing about the campaign. They are now in pre-navigation and engaged.




Campaign Feedback 65

The campaign went well, using local commercial radio was beneficial in raising the profile locally. We had over 900 conversations with people and some good reach via social media activity from the morning, and with partner agencies. The Seagull and Dinosaur characters proved effective in generating questions.

A big highlight of the campaign for us was the co-produced Living Library event, which amplified the voices of those with lived experience, and which was such a positive experience for participants and attendees alike. The event empowered our volunteer ‘books’ to challenge the negative labels that have been attached to them, and encouraged the public to see beyond the problems and recognise the complexity of people’s stories. Fulfilling Lives South East Partnership

Fulfilling Lives Blackpool

It was very motivating to know that we were part of a much bigger ‘project’ and that there were so many people all pulling in the same direction. The highlights were being able to get creative, seeing the hashtag gain traction and attending the pop-up photography exhibition – the histories were heart-breaking, the recovery stories were truly inspirational. WY-FI


If it wasn’t for everyone’s dedication, professionalism, and creativity none of this would have happened. Aside from the intended output and engagement with the public we’ve also been told that people have sought out support from services who might not have previously done so which is fantastic. National Lottery Community Fund

“Seeing my words and thoughts on the walls and in print was amazing. I felt proud.” - Opportunity Nottingham Expert Citizen.

We spoke with over 100 people at our pop-up stall in Lewisham, including a Massage Therapist who offers massages to people at risk of homelessness, and a Social Inclusion Worker who is opening a new service regarding social inclusion. We were also able to raise awareness of Multiple Disadvantage amoungst people who had never heard about it before and introduce them to Fulfilling Lives and the work being carried out. Overall, the campaign was a great success and a fantastic start for future campaigns to come.

Opportunity Nottingham

Fulfilling Lives Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham

Through the campaign we were able to reach a new audience… the general public. Our exhibition was open to everyone, and people who knew little about Multiple Disadvantage before, were able to find out what it really means and more importantly why people face it.

Only by talking and listening will we affect the positive changes needed to improve systems and services for people experiencing Multiple Disadvantage, the #seethefullpicture campaign, in its first year, has gone a long way to facilitate this conversation. By raising awareness of the complexity of the system, together, we will tackle the stigma felt by many of our fellow citizens, who are already facing some of the most difficult challenges of our time. VOICES

We were excited to be involved in the #seethefullpicture campaign and would love to support more national campaigns in the future. Our local event was very empowering for clients and provided an opportunity for members of the public to engage in the conversation around Multiple Disadvantage. We look forward to developing this work and creating more opportunities for client and public engagement going forward. Bristol Golden Key


Reflecting back on the campaign, it is clear #seethefullpicture was a resounding success. The results exceeded many of the original targets. Feedback received was extremely positive, and the engagement achieved with the general public was far higher than expected. The success of the campaign has led to the commission of a further two years of campaigns. #seethefullpicture is a solid foundation upon which to build these future campaigns, and continue the momentum. The success can be attributed to using an approach that encompasses involvement. The campaign would not have triumphed without the engagement and active participation from the Fulfilling Lives projects, Experts By Experience, partner organisations and other key stakeholders. This demonstrates why future campaigns need to follow the same approach, and why it is so important to ensure that everyone can be involved in campaign development and delivery. Thank you to everyone involved in the #seethefullpicture campaign and first ever Multiple Disadvantage Awareness Day. Whether you were helping to decide the message, participating in an event, or simply sharing a tweet, together we are one step closer to getting everyone to #seethefullpicture.


This book was produced by


Inspiring Change Manchester

Fulfilling Lives Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham

Fulfilling Lives

Fulfilling Lives

Islington & Camden

Newcastle & Gateshead

Bristol Golden Key

Blackpool Fulfilling Lives

Opportunity Nottingham

Liverpool Waves of Hope

Birmingham Changing Futures Together

West Yorkshire Finding Independence

Fulfilling Lives South East Partnership

Stoke-on-Trent: VOICES

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