Belgrade & Serbia Visitors’ Magazine
Volume 18, SUMMER/AUTuMN 2016
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Belgrade&Serbia Visitors’ Magazine Publisher - Izdavač: Izdavačko društvo PONT d.o.o., Beograd Gočka 18 tel./fax 2332-803; mob tel. 063/84 97 582 e-mail: Partner National Tourism Organization of Serbia Čika Ljubina 8, Beograd For publisher - Za izdavača: Milena Mihaljčić, direktor Editor-in-chief - Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Milena Mihaljčić Executive editor - Izvršni urednik Rozana Sazdić Contributors - Saradnici: Rozana Sazdić, Dragana Barjaktarević, Gordana Stojaković, Jovo Simišić, Gordana Knežević, Bojana Berisavljević, Branka Banjanin, Branka Jakšić Photographs- Fotografije: Branko Jovanović, Dragan Bosnić, Svetlana Dingarac, Stanko Kostić, Roza Sazdić, Dragoljub Zamurović, BelGuest Photo Archive, Tourist Organization of Belgrade Photo Archive, Tourist Organization of Serbia Photo Archive Translation - Prevod: Đorđe Janković, Slobodan Rakić Marketing: Pont Design - Dizajn: Miroslav Zeljug Layout - Prelom: Lidija Taranović i Vojilsav ilić, Pozitiv MVP Front Page - Naslovna strana: The mural “Serbia – A Girl with Hills in Her Hair” inspired by a view from the Zabučje Belvedere nearby the town of Užice, authored by Dragana Barjaktarević Print - Štampa: Službeni glasnik, Beograd BelGuest quarterly is registered with the Republic of Serbia media registry no: 651-03-168/2000-03 BelGuest magazin upisan je u registar glasila Republike Srbije pod brojem: 651-03-168/2000-03 © copyright: Pont CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 338.4 BelGuest : Belgrade & Serbia Visitors’ Magazine / editor-in-chief Milena Mihaljčić. - 2001, winter/spring - Beograd : Pont, 2001(Beograd : Službeni glasnik). - 28 cm Dostupno i na: Tromesečno. - Sa specijalnim izdanjem 2010: Događaji Beograda ISSN 1451-6446 = Bel Guest COBISS.SR-ID 71794956
National Tourism Organization of Serbia /Turistička organizacija Srbije Čika Ljubina 8, 11000 Beograd Phone: +381 11 6557 100 Faks: +381 11 2626 767 TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES • TURISTIČKI INFORMATIVNI CENTRI Makedonska 22, Beograd Phone: +381 11 6557 127, +381 11 3221 996 TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE & SOUVENIRE SHOP TURISTIČKI INFORMATIVNI CENTAR I PRODAVNICA SUVENIRA Trg Republike 5, Beograd Phone: +381 11 3282 712
Dear guests of Serbia and Belgrade, welcome! The advantages of Serbia as a tourist destination compared to other, more developed tourist countries are its pure nature, a remarkable cultural diversity, a living tradition, dynamic events, a wide range of sports offer, healthy food, gourmet specialties, authentic wines, attractive nightlife... Most importantly, Serbia is a country of hospitable people where you always feel like a welcome guest. The Tourist Organization of Serbia continuosuly promotes the tourist offer of our country on the domestic and foreign markets. We are carefully working on promotional campaigns and publications, we are active on the internet and social networks and constantly present in the media, where we point out to a variety of opportunities for rest and travel across Serbia. With our activities we have contributed significantly our country to be clearly recognized that it is seen as a newly discovered, inspiring and desirable tourist destination. Tangible results have been achieved: a jump in the number of domestic and foreign tourists and an increase of foreign exchange income. Through its themes and content, BelGuest Magazine significantly contributes to better, “indepth” information of the guests about what our tourist destinations offer, and significant efforts are being invested to innovate and enrich that offer. By reading this magazine, we want you to get a picture of a multi-layered tourist offer we have, to get familiar with city break tours to Belgrade, Novi Sad, Niš... to get to know the wine routes of Serbia, to discover incredibly interesting spots along the 588-km long road of the Danube through Serbia... We hope to encourage you to discover the treasures of Serbia and help you shape your travel and vacation tailored just for you. Our job is responsible, but it gives us the privilege to promote a country that is an endless source of inspiration. Dragi gosti Srbije i Beograda, dobro došli! Prednosti Srbije kao turističke destinacije u odnosu na druge, razvijenije turističke zemlje su čista priroda, izrazita kulturna raznolikost, živa tradicija, dinamični događaji, široka paleta sportske ponude, zdrava hrana, gurmanski specijaliteti, izvorna vina, izazovan noćni život... Najvažnije od svega jeste to što je Srbija zemlja gostoprimljivih ljudi u kojoj se uvek osećate kao dragi gost. Turističke organizacije Srbije kontinuarino promoviše turističku ponudu naše zemlje na domaćem i inostranim tržištima. Pažljivo radimo na promotivnim kampanjama i publikacijima, aktivni smo na internetu i društvenim mrežama i neprestano prisutni u medijima gde ukazujemo na raznovrsne mogućnosti za odmor i putovanja Srbijom. Svojim aktivnostima znatno smo doprineli da se naša zemlja jasno prepoznaje i da se o njoj govori kao o novootkrivenoj, poželjnoj i inspirativnoj turističkoj destinaciji. Ostvareni su opipljivi rezultati: „skokovit“ rast broja domaćih i stranih turista i porast deviznog priliva. Tematski i sadržajno, BelGuest Magazin značajno doprinosi boljoj, „dubinskoj“ informisanosti gostiju o sadržajima koje nude naše turističke destinacije, koje ulažu značajne napore kako bi inovirale i obogatile svoju ponudu. Želimo da čitajući časopis steknete sliku o slojevitosti naše turističke ponude, upoznate deo sadržaja gradskih odmora u Beogradu, Novom Sadu, Nišu... upoznate vinske puteve Srbije, otkrijete neverovatno zanimljiva mesta na 588 kilometra dugom putu Dunava kroz Srbiju... Nadamo se da ćemo vas podstaći da otkrijete dragocenosti koje Srbija ima i pomoći vam da oblikujete putovanje i odmor po svojoj meri. Naš posao je odgovoran, ali nam daje privilegiju da promovišemo zemlju koja je nepresušan izvor inspiracije.
NATIONAL TOURISM ORGANISATION of SERBIA Marija Labović, acting director of National Tourism Organization of Serbia v.d. direktor Turističke organizacije Srbije serbiatourism
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
In order for one to have a true impression of a place, one need not mark, one by one, items in a tourist brochure, but they should rather visit a marketplace, soak their legs in the river, climb the tallest building, become friends with a local, see the city through the eyes of the locals.
of imagination. Apart from animals, they always draw some monochrome imaginary mechanism, too, which initiates or destroys imagination. Given the fact that they painted in Belgrade, the parts of the Savamala mechanism remind us of Tesla’s coil.
Our stroll starts from Mixer because, first as a festival, then as a cultural center, too, it was the initiator of numerous street art activations in the quarter; it is also the starting point of our stroll since in that very place, on the façade leaning against the Mixer House, there is perhaps the most beautiful mural in Belgrade - a big blue whale, as if it is flying among the clouds on a bright day. The mural was painted by Paolo Togni and Christian Rebecchi, both from Switzerland, better-known as the “Nevercrew”, within the Mixer Festival in 2014. The mural belongs to a series of works known as “The Imitation of Life”. The whale is a mammal imitating a fish. It lives in a habitat where, logically speaking, it does not belong to. The same is with artists, frequently ununderstood in a society deprived
SAVAMALA WAITING FOR THE SUN We then proceed down Karadjordjeva Street towards Brankov Bridge. A few steps to the right, there are two murals – “Waiting for the sun” and “A Fairy Amongst Water Lilies”. “Waiting for the sun” is yet another effort made by the Mixer Festival to give back the old sparkle and shine to once the most beautiful city quarter. Inspired by a matchbox on which there was an advertisement for the movie “Promised Land” dating back in 1961, a New York designer, Aleksandar Maćašev, made a print that was then painted on the façade of the building at 53 Karadjordjeva Street by painters Marija and Stevan Šoln. The most interesting detail in the mural is the window imitating an eye, whose reflection reveals Brankov Bridge. Right next to that mural, there is a mural painted by one of the first and most famous Belgrade street artists – TKV. She made her first stencil when she was only sixteen years of age. It was a simple single-layer template of Amélie Poulain. Today, her templates have transformed into serious big-size murals.
See the city through the eyes of the locals”, that is the slogan used by Belgrade’s alternative guides. It is true that a good journey is remembered not for the attractions summarized in stone, bronze or glass, but rather for unforgettable stories, those in which life comes to the forefront. For that reason, apart from classical tourist sightseeing, almost every city today also has alternative tours in its offer today. “Belgrade Alternative Guide” is an organization that has been operating for seven years already, and they take their guests for unusual walks – onto roofs, to a marketplace, to ateliers, to street galleries… The tour that we have chosen to present to you on this occasion is the street art stroll round Savamala.
“A New Way – A New Life”, group of artists, Pop Lukina Street
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
“A Fairy Amongst Water Lilies", TKV
"Waiting for the sun", Aleksandar Maćašev
As soon as we cross the street, at 40 Karadjordjeva Street, there is the Endangered Ghost Panda living there. Paunchy and sad, with a heart-shaped flower and an empty frame, the panda is waiting for a picture to put in, just like Savamala waiting for the sun. The panda is endangered as is the wall it decorates, but at the same time courageous because he speaks for those who have become voiceless and hopeless. The Panda, having originated from Barbara Dimić’s and Tijana Tripković’s imagination, is one of the numerous ghosts symbolizing Savamala, its charms and its problems as well. THE MURAL AS THE AWAKENER OF CONSCIOUSNESS Once we pass under Brankov Bridge and proceed towards the Belgrade Fortress, we cannot not see the twenty-meter high and eight-meter wide mural of “La Santa de Beograd” at one moment. Since 2008, BELEF has been bringing the imposing names of the world street art to Belgrade, with the idea of having them leave their own interpretation of the city on its façades. A French artist, Guillaume Alby, better-known as Remed, is one of them. Given the fact that he had never been to Belgrade before, he had first studied the history of the city and Serbian art. He was particularly attracted to mediaeval frescoes and the icon of The Three
“La Santa de Beograd”, Guillaume Alby - Remedy
Pop Lukina 6 Mural, Blu
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Handed Virgin. So, he decided to give as a gift to Belgrade the patroness, whose numerous arms both destroy and protect the city, naming the mural “La Santa de Beograd”.
Street Art for Beginners There are several manifestations of street art. Apart from traditional artists, who use a spray, a brush and a painting roller, there are also those artists who create their works by using many other techniques as well: stickers, templates, the mosaic, street installations etc. You will come across some of them while strolling around Savamala. There are Miona’s ceramic birds flying across the façades, Inko’s jokey templates, just a few remaining Places for kissing and so on. Not far away from that place, there is yet another mural, painted during BELEF. It was painted by Blu, an Italian artist, who hides his identity under that pseudonym, giving priority to art, rather than the artist, in that way. All his drawings are similar to each other since they are all colored with the same criticism of
Endangered Ghost Panda, Barbara Dimić and Tijana Tripković
consumer society. They only differ from one another in the form, since they follow the architecture of the building, highlighting in that way the uniqueness of every place. The mural in Pop Lukina Street represents a negative impact of mankind on the natural environment – that is a big face of a human, who instead of the
The Tastes of Belgrade Apart from the Street Art Tour, Belgrade Alternative Guide offers yet some quite interesting sightseeing of Belgrade. One of them is becoming familiar with the city through its tastes; so, the tour begins with serving food with drinks and making conversation in a local marketplace, then casual nibbling and chit-chatting about culinary things all the way to a restaurant of the national cuisine; the tour ends at Mandarina, one of the most beautiful city pastry shops. Info: teeth has buildings and is preparing to throw a tree, the only colored detail in the black-and-white picture, into his scary jaw. Opposite Blu’s mural, there is a production called “A New Way – A New Life”, made in 2003. That is the first mural to have been made through the joint effort of several artists, each one of them having contributed to it with his/her own style, simultaneously developing a unique story. They painted the world from its beginnings to man’s conquering space, but for the most part they turned to the negative consequences of hurried progress – lies, wars, crime etc.
PAINT BELGRADE In order to close the circle, we walk down the stairs, descending from Brankov Bridge, heading back to Savamala. We pass by a production of a more recent date, made within the Cons project, whose authors are young artists Artez, Wuper and Resto. There is a wall portrait of Robin Williams, painted in the night when the actor died. Although the author decided to remain anonymous, the mural appeared on all world portals. Apart from many other artistic interventions, there is homage to yet another great actor on the façade of The “Grad” Cultural Center. An artist from Zagreb, Boris Bare, the founder of the “Pimp my Pump” street art society, painted the portrait of a legendary actor Bata Stojković last summer, because he adores the movie “A Balkan Spy”. The mural attracted great attention of Belgrade inhabitants, and the comments below the painting that the “Grad” has shared on its Facebook page are positive from the first to the last one. They are also a little bit nostalgic. It is so because, having played those roles of his, Bata Stojković marked the childhood of numerous generations, while the sentences he said in his movies are also quoted today. For the purpose of this story, the one that may seem to be the most appropriate is: “Paint Belgrade!”. This, too, is but the temporary end of the tour because a new artistic work emerges on some wall every day, being left to the interpretations of domestic and foreign passers-by. Dragana Barjaktarević
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Da bi se neko mesto uistinu osetilo, nije potrebno redom štriklirati stavke iz turističke brošure, valja otići na pijac, umočiti noge u reku, popeti se na najvišu zgradu, sprijateljiti se sa lokalcem, videti grad njegovim očima.
Vidi grad očima lokalca“, to je parola beogradskih alternativnih vodiča. Jer dobro putovanje pamti se ne po znamenitostima sumiranim u kamen, bronzu, staklo nego po nezaboravnim pričama, onima u kojima život izbija u prvi plan. Zato skoro svaki grad danas, pored klasičnih turističkih razgledanja, ima u ponudi i alternativne ture. „Belgrade Alternative Guide“ organizacija je koja postoji već sedam godina, a svoje goste vodi u neobične šetnje - na krovove, na pijac, u ateljee, u ulične galerije... Tura koju smo ovog puta izabrali da predstavimo je street art đir po Savamali. Krećemo od Miksera. Zato što je, najpre kao festival, a potom i kao kulturni centar, bio pokretač brojnih street art aktivacija u kvartu. I zato što se baš tu, na fasadi koja se naslanja na Mikser house, nalazi možda najlepši mural u Beogradu. Veliki plavi kit koji po vedrom danu kao da leti među oblacima. Naslikali su ga Švajcarci Paolo Togni i Christian Rebecchi, poznatiji kao „Nevercrew“, u okviru Mikser festivala 2014. godine. Mural pripada seriji radova sa nazivom „Imitacija života“. Kit je sisar koji imitira ribu. Živi u habitatu kojem po logici ne pripada. Isto je i sa umetnicima, često neshvaćenim u nemaštovitom društvu. Pored životinja uvek crtaju i nekakav monohrom imaginarni mehanizam koji pokreće ili uništava maštu. Budući da su slikali u Beogradu, delovi savamalskog mehanizma podsećaju na Teslin kalem.
Tako je odlučio da Beogradu pokloni zaštitnicu čije brojne ruke i razaraju i čuvaju grad, te je nazvao „La Santa de Beograd“. Nedaleko odatle nalazi se još jedan mural nastao u okviru Belefa. Naslikao ga je Blu, italijanski umetnik koji pod tim pseudonimom krije svoj identitet, dajući
Street art za početnike Ulična umetnost ima nekoliko pojavnih oblika. Pored tradicionalnih crtača, koji koriste sprej, četku i valjak, postoje i oni umetnici koji za stvaranje svojih dela upotrebljavaju i mnoge druge tehnike: nalepnice, šablone, mozaik, ulične instalacije... Na neke od njih naići ćete i šetajući Savamalom. Tu su Mionine keramičke ptičice koje lete po fasadama, Inkovi vickasti šabloni, poneko preostalo Mesto za ljubljenje... na taj način prednost umetnosti, a ne stvaraocu. Svi njegovi crteži liče, zato što su obojeni istom kritikom potrošačkog društva. Jedino se razlikuju po formi, jer prate arhitekturu zgrade, ističući tako jedinstvenost svakog mesta. Mural u Pop
SAVAMALA ČEKA SUNCE Nastavljamo Karađorđevom ulicom ka Brankovom mostu. Nekoliko koraka pa desno nalaze se dva murala – „Čekajući sunce“ i „Vila među lokvanjima“. „Čekajući sunce“ još jedan je pokušaj Mikser festivala da se nekada najlepšoj gradskoj četvrti vrati stari sjaj. Njujorški dizajner Aleksandar Maćašev, inspirisan kutijom šibica na kojoj se nalazila reklama za film „Obećana zemlja“ iz 1961. godine, uradio je print koji su potom na fasadu zgrade u Karađorđevoj 53 preneli zidni slikari Marija i Stevan Šoln. Najzanimljiviji detalj na muralu je jedan prozor koji imitira oko, a u čijem se odrazu vidi Brankov most. Odmah pored nalazi se mural jedne od prvih i najpoznatijih beogradskih uličnih umetnica – TKV. Prvi stensil uradila je kada je imala samo šesnaest godina. To je bio jednostavan jednoslojan šablon Amelije Pulen. Danas su njeni šabloni prerasli u ozbiljne murale velikih dimenzija. Čim pređemo ulicu, u Karađorđevoj 40, živi Endangered Ghost Panda. Debeljuškast i tužan, sa srcolikim cvetom i praznim ramom, čeka sliku, kao što i Savamala čeka sunce. Ugrožen je kao i zid koji krasi, ali i odvažan, jer progovara umesto onih koji su ostali bez glasa i nade. Panda je jedan od brojnih duhova koji simbolizuju Savamalu, njene čari i njene probleme, a potekao je iz mašte Barbare Dimić i Tijane Tripković. MURAL KAO BUDILNIK SVESTI Kada prođemo ispod Brankovog mosta, pa nastavimo ka Beogradskoj tvrđavi, u jednom trenutku ugledaćemo dvadeset metara visok i osam metara širok mural, „La Santa de Beograd“. Od 2008. godine Belef u Beograd dovodi zvučna imena svetskog street arta, sa idejom da na fasadama ostave svoju interpretaciju grada. Jedan od njih je francuski umetnik Gijom Albi, poznatiji kao Remed. Budući da nikada pre nije bio u Beogradu, najpre je proučio istoriju grada i srpsku umetnost. Posebno su mu se dopale srednjovekovne freske i ikona Bogorodice trojeručice.
"A big blue whale", Paolo Togni and Christian Rebecchi, Mixer House
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
The portrait of a legendary actor Bata Stojković, Boris Bare. Culture Center "Grad" Lukinoj ulici predstavlja negativan uticaj čovečanstva na prirodnu sredinu – to je ogroman ljudski lik koji umesto zuba ima zgrade i sprema se da u strašnu čeljust ubaci drvo, jedini obojeni detalj na crno-beloj slici. Preko puta Bluovog murala nalazi se produkcija „Nov način – nov život“ iz 2003. godine. To je prvi mural koji je zajednički stvaralo više umetnika, svako u svom stilu, ali gradeći jedinstvenu priču. Naslikali su svet, od postanja do osvajanja kosmosa, ali najviše se osvrnuvši na negativne posledice užurbanog napretka – laži, ratovi, kriminal... OKREČITE BEOGRAD Da bi krug bio pun, stepenicama sa Brankovog mosta silazimo nazad u Savamalu. Prolazimo pored jedne produkcije novijeg datuma nastale u okviru Cons projekta, a čiji su autori mladi umetnici Artez, Wuper i Resto. Tu je zidni portret Robina Vilijamsa, nastao u noći kada je glumac preminuo. Iako
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Ukusi Beograda Pored street art ture, Belgrade Alternative guide, nudi još neka posve zanimljiva razgledanja Beograda. Jedno od njih je upoznavanje grada kroz njegove ukuse, pa tako tura počinje mezetlukom na lokalnoj pijaci, uz usputno grickanje i kulinarsko ćaskanje stiže se u restoran domaće kuhinje, a sve se završava u Mandarini, jednoj od najlepših gradskih poslastičarnica. Info: je autor odlučio da ostane anoniman, mural je iskrsnuo na svim svetskim portalima. Na fasadi Kulturnog centra „Grad“, pored mnogih drugih umetničkih intervencija, nalazi se omaž još jednom velikom glumcu. Zagrebački umetnik Boris Bare, osnivač street art kolektiva „Pimp my pump“, naslikao je prošlog leta portret legendarnog Bate Stojkovića zato što obožava film „Balkanski špijun“. Taj rad izazvao je veliku pažnju Beograđana, a komentari ispod slike koju je KC „Grad“ podelio na svojoj Facebook stranici svi do jednog su pozitivni. I pomalo nostalgični. Jer svojim ulogama Bata Stojković obeležio je detinjstvo mnogih generacija, a njegove filmske replike i danas se citiraju. Za ovu priču, možda je najprikladnija ona: „Okrečite Beograd!“ I ovo je tek privremeni kraj ture, jer skoro svakog dana na nekom zidu osvane novo umetničko delo prepušteno tumačenju domaćih i stranih prolaznika. Dragana Barjaktarević
“ P U P I N
R E A L I T Y ”
he exhibition “Pupin – from Physical to Spiritual Reality” opened at the end of September last year at the Historical Museum of Serbia. However, reality is the last thing you can expect at this exhibition because of the incredible stories from the life of the great scholar, because of the way they are presented. How much the exhibition is really amazing is the fact that the exhibition was seen by more than fifty thousand visitors, that the date of its closure has been postponed twice so far, that it might turn into a museum itself. Once you read the title of the exhibition, “Pupin – from Physical to Spiritual Reality, it’s clear that it is an exhibition on Pupin’s life. But also about life in general. Because the principles of conduct of this great scientist, translated into the quotations that lead us through the exhibition, are in fact timeless advice for living. “Knowledge is the golden ladder over which we climb to heaven; knowledge is the light which illuminates our path through this life and leads to a future life of everlasting glory,” it was with these words that Pupin’s mother escorted him to the world. These words are among the first guidelines in the exhibition. And as you move on through the museum, they do not stop echoing in your ears, because with each step through the exhibition you become richer and richer for new knowledge – about the museum, about Pupin, about modern science on the frontier with fiction. CELESTIAL SWING Modern technology has spoiled its customers, so the exhibitions no longer can be static, they have to fight for the distracted attention, to teach us and entertain us at the same time. Holograms, animations, games, lights, sound installations... These are only some of the ways for the museological experience not to be forgotten. You may have experienced something like this in some of the world's museums, and now you have the opportunity to move through the augmented reality in Serbia. The author of the exhibition Aleksandra Ninković Tašić provided an abundance of interesting information. However, even though the exhibition stuns you
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
with the knowledge about Pupin that overcomes the education you get in school, the mind remains silent before the technology that almost magically takes out Pupin in front of the visitor and makes him speak. So the telephone hanged on the wall of the museum rings and you answer the phone, and on the other end of the line you hear the voice speaking, “Hello, this is Mihajlo Pupin, can you hear me?” When you answer, your words are printed on an adjacent wall. “Live View Studio” is in charge for magic this time. And there is probably no better way to repay the debt to the scientist whose work marks the foundation for the entire modern communication, but to organise an exhibition that brings to life all that on the screen. A smart device, phone or tablet, is the main tool for wandering through the maze of the newly opened and renovated museum rooms, because as you activate the application “Pupin” and select the section in which you are – you enter Pupin’s life – you listen to the advice his mother gave him before he left to America, you sail together to New York on board of the Westlife ship, talking to him on the phone, on the celestial swing traveling through the cosmos and somewhere, at about the fifth wobble, the stars shape into Pupin’s figure that tells us about the transience of human inventions and eternal laws of the universe.
Exhibition accompanied by guides Even when there are signposts, legends, brief or detailed explanations, even when by using advanced technology the exhibition communicates with the viewer, the word of a guide is invaluable to get the full experience. We were excellently guided by the curator Nikola Milikić. For other individual visitors, guided tours are organised on Wednesdays starting at 5 pm, when the museum consultant Nebojsa Damjanović will take you through the setting, and on Saturdays starting from 1 pm and 3 pm, when the author of the exhibition Aleksandra Ninković Tašić will speak about the setting, better and more passionately than anyone else.
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Application of X-rays in medicine German physicist Conrad Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895. A year later Pupin perfected Röntgen’s X-ray device, and shortened the exposure time from one hour to a few seconds. So X-ray could be applied to living beings. One New York surgeon then sent to Pupin a patient whose hand had been hit with a rifle. The result of the X-ray recording was remarkable, because a very clear image of the shot in the hand was obtained, and the patient’s life was saved that way. It was the first time that new technology had been used in medicine until then. That X-ray can also be seen at the exhibition.
WHAT YOU DID NOT KNOW ABOUT PUPIN On the one hand, this exhibition delights the viewer with new knowledge, while on the other, the fact how little we know about Pupin is so defeating. Everyone has heard of Pupin's contribution to wireless telephone communication, some know him by the introduction of X-rays in medicine. But did you, for example, know that Pupin had sold everything he had to go to America, that he had arrived to New York with only five cents in his pocket, that he knew the Iliad by heart, that he was admitted to Columbia College because of that, that he cleared the skies of New York of cables when the realised that one wire could carry several telephone lines, that his coils provided telecommunications to distances so large as the Atlantic, that he was under the protection of the US government, that it was thanks to him that Banat remained part of Serbia after the First World War, that he was one of the founders of NASA, that a small crater on the Moon is named after him, that he was engaged in humanitarian work, that a large number of paintings at the National Museum are his legacy, that he was also a writer and that he won the Pulitzer Prize for his autobiography “From Immigrant to Inventor”, that to date over thirty Nobel prize winners came out of his physical laboratories at Columbia... And this will be just a small bit of information that can fit in one breath. When everything is enumerated like this, the title of the exhibition “From Physical to Spiritual Reality” becomes clear, because Pupin skilfully shaped both of these realities. In the end of everything new that we discovered, the words of Isidor Isaac Rabi, one of Pupin’s students, get their full meaning: “With Pupin, the world was a beautiful place.” We may as well add that with Pupin, the world has remained a beautiful place to date! Dragana Barjaktarević BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
I Z L O Ž B A „ P U P I N
R E A L N O S T I “
rajem septembra prošle godine u Istorijskom muzeju Srbije otvorena je izložba „Pupin – od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti“. No, realnost je poslednje što možete da očekujete na ovoj izložbi. Zbog neverovatnih priča iz života velikog naučenjaka, zbog načina na koji su predstavljene. Koliko je postavka zaista čudesna govori i činjenica da je izložbu do sada videlo više od pedeset hiljada posetilaca, da se već dva puta pomera datum njenog zatvaranja, da sluti da preraste u muzej za sebe. „Pupin – od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti“, jasno je čim se naziv pročita, u pitanju je izložba o Pupinovom životu. Ali i o životu uopšte. Jer načela ponašanja tog velikog naučnika, prevedena u citate koji vode kroz izložbu, zapravo su vanvremenska uputstva za život. „Znanje, to su zlatne lestvice preko kojih se ide u nebesa; znanje je svetlost koja osvetljava naš put i vodi nas u život budućnosti pun večne slave“, tim rečima majka je ispratila Pupina u beli svet. Te reči su i jedna od prvih smernica na izložbi. I dok idete dalje kroz muzej, ne prestaju da odzvanjaju u ušima, jer baš sa svakim korakom kroz postavku postajete bogatiji za neko novo znanje – o muzeju, o Pupinu, o savremenoj nauci na granici sa fantastikom. NEBESKA LJULJAŠKA Savremena tehnologija razmazila je svoje potrošače, pa više ni izložbe ne mogu da budu statične, moraju da se izbore za rastrzanu pažnju, te da nas u isto vreme i pouče i zabave. Hologrami, animacije, igre svetla, zvučne instalacije... Tek neki su od načina da se muzeološko iskustvo preseli u nezaborav. Tako nešto ste možda već doživeli u svetskim muzejima, a sad imate priliku da se krećete kroz proširenu stvarnost i na domaćem terenu. Autorka izložbe Aleksandra Ninković Tašić pobrinula se da nas zaspe zanimljivim informacijama. No pored toga što izložba zapanji saznanjima o Pupinu koja prevazilaze školsko obrazovanje, pamet dodatno zanemi pred tehnologijom koja gotovo magijski Pupina izvuče pred posetioca i učini da progovori s njim. Zazvoni tako telefon na muzejskom zidu, javite se, a sa druge strane žice glas prozbori: „Zdravo, ovde Mihajlo Pupin, da li se čujemo?“ Kada mu
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Kroz izložbu u društvu vodiča Sve i kad postoje putokazi, legende, objašnjenja ukratko i naširoko, čak i kad uz pomoć napredne tehnologija izložba komunicira sa posmatračem, reč vodiča je neprocenjiva za potpuni doživljaj. Nas je kroz izložbu izvanredno sproveo kustos Nikola Milikić. A za ostale individualne posetioce stručna vođenja kroz postavku organizuju se sredom od 17 časova, kada kroz izložbu vodi muzejski savetnik Nebojša Damnjanović i subotom od 13 i 15 časova, kada o Pupinu govori, bolje i strasnije nego bilo ko drugi, autorka izložbe Aleksandra Ninković Tašić.
Primena X-zraka u medicini Nemački fizičar Konrad Rendgen otkrio je X-zrake 1895. godine. Godinu dana kasnije Pupin je usavršio Rendgenov aparat, skrativši vreme ekspozicije sa jednog sata na svega nekoliko sekundi. Samim tim snimanje je moglo da se primeni i na živim bićima. Jedan njujorški hirurg poslao je tada Pupinu pacijenta koji je iz puške bio pogođen u šaku. Rezultat snimanja bio je izvanredan, jer je dobijena veoma jasna slika sačme u ruci, a pacijentu je tako spasen život. To je bilo prvi put da je nova tehnologija korišćena u medicini. Sliku tog snimka možete da vidite na izložbi.
odgovorite, vaše reči se ispisuju na susednom zidu. Za magiju je ovog puta bio zadužen „Live View Studio“. I verovatno ne postoji bolji način da se vrati dug naučniku na čijem se radu zasniva celokupna savremena komunikacija nego da se organizuje izložba koja oživljava na ekranu telefona. Pametni uređaj, telefon ili tablet, glavno je pomagalo za lutanje kroz lavirint prvi put otvorenih i renoviranih muzejskih prostorija, jer aktivacijom aplikacije „Pupin“ i odabirom sektora u kom se nalazite ulazite u Pupinov život – slušate savet koji mu majka daje pred put u Ameriku, plovite zajedno ka Njujorku na palubi broda Vestlajf, razgovarate s njim telefonom, na nebeskoj ljuljašci putujete kroz kosmos i negde, na otprilike petom zaljuljaju, zvezde formiraju Pupinov lik koji nam govori o prolaznosti ljudskih pronalazaka i večnim zakonima kosmosa. ONO ŠTO O PUPINU NISTE ZNALI S jedne strane, ova izložba oduševi novim saznanjima, s druge, porazi činjenicom koliko smo malo znali o Pupinu. Svi su čuli za Pupinov doprinos bežičnoj telefoniji, poneko i za uvođenje rendgenskih zraka u medicinu. Ali da li ste, recimo, znali i to da je Pupin prodao baš sve što je imao kako bi otišao u
Ameriku, da je u Njujork stigao sa svega pet centi u džepu, da je znao napamet Ilijadu, da je zbog toga primljen na Kolumbija koledž, da je očistio njujorško nebo od kablova kada je shvatio da jedna žica može da provodi više telefonskih veza, da su njegovi kalemovi obezbedili telekomunikaciju na razdaljinama velikim kao Atlantik, da je bio pod zaštitom američke vlade, da je zahvaljujući njemu Banat ostao deo Srbije nakon Prvog svetskog rata, da je bio jedan od osnivača agencije NASA, da mali krater na Mesecu nosi njegovo ime, da se bavio humanitarnim radom, da je veliki broj slika u Narodnom muzeju njegova zaostavština, da se bavio pisanjem i da je za svoju autobiografiju „Od pašnjaka do naučenjaka“ dobio Pulicerovu nagradu, da je iz njegove fizičke laboratorije na Kolumbiji do danas izašlo više od trideset nobelovaca... I to je tek delić informacija koje mogu da stanu u jedan dah. Kad se sve tako pobroje, postane jasan i naziv izložbe „od fizičke ka duhovnoj realnosti“, jer obe te stvarnosti Pupin je vešto oblikovao. Na kraju svega novog što smo otkrili, pun smisao dobijaju reči Isidora Rabija, jednog od Pupinovih učenika: „Sa Pupinom, svet je bio lep.“ Na to možemo da dodamo još i to da je sa Pupinom svet i danas lep! Dragana Barjaktarević
BelGuest SummerBelGuest /AutumnS-ummer Leto/J|esen Leto2016 2015
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
LOVE AS AN ETERNAL INSPIRATION One cannot prepare oneself sufficiently for an interview with Pero Zubac... One should read thousands of pages of poetry, essays, criticisms, dramatic texts, articles, columns and feuilletons in order to perceive all his wisdom and warmth. He, who is able to make every soul awake, has been publishing his poems ever since his high-school days; he is still writing. He has had a brilliant career as a journalist and a television career as well. As the author and editor of the Public Broadcasting Service of Novi Sad, he has realized more than four hundred scenarios for documentary, musical and art shows, as well as children’s and young people’s shows. That is yet not all that could be said about his fruitful creative endeavors. However, Pero Zubac should not be analyzed, but rather read and, if there is an occasion, listened to. When talking with him, one cannot escape talking about love.
alf a century ago, you wrote a “poem above all poems”, “The Rains of Mostar Town”, a love saga that has made generations and generations of young people deeply suffer, whereas even today those in love pay court to those they are in love with or admire by reciting your verses. There is not one single person who does not know the first verses of the poem at least: ‘I loved a girl, Svetlana was her name, In Mostar one fall Alas, if only I knew who she’s sharing her bed with now I’d give ‘er hell, I’d give ‘er hell Alas, if only I knew who’s kissing her now I’d bust his teeth, I’d bust his teeth…’ “Poetry is powerful. Man necessitates it like the air, like bread, like love. ‘The Rains of Mostar Town’ were published in the Zagreb journal of ‘Telegram’ in 1965, and immediately became a hit, as we call it today. I wrote the verses one night in Novi Sad, in one breath! Those are my memories of Herzegovina, where I had grown up, of the beautiful town of Mostar, and my reminiscences of the four girls. ‘Some girl by the name of Svetlana’ was unknown to me. The poem was actually inspired by the four girls from the four different towns and cities. One of them, Dragana, who was from Novi Sad and who I had met during my student days, became my wife. “The famous writers and actors who were inspiringly reciting the poem at poets’ nights and in television shows greatly contributed to such a big popularity of ‘The Rains’, and it was recorded on gramophone records; today, however, it can be found displayed on numerous websites on the Internet. It has been translated into the largest number of the European languages, whereas in Russia, the poem was published in a magazine published in the printing run of almost 20 million copies. How can one explain the lasting of the poem for such a long period of time? Can everyone find part of themselves in the poem or, as Komnenić said, “The Rains” are ‘an unrepeatable scream of our young days’?!
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
You have received significant awards for the verses you have written, your verses have been published in ten-or-so foreign anthologies and about fifty anthologies of Yugoslav poetry and children’s poetry… all the said, of course, is not just for the reason of one single poem… “I remember the year 1972, when (at the age of 27) I was supposed to be delivered the “Goranov vijenac” award, which was the highest poets’ award in Yugoslavia then, I was wondering how I would appear before all those literary giants sitting at the hall – Desanka Maksimović, Mira Alečković, Duško Trifunović, Mika Antić, Ćopić, Cesarić, Kaštelan... Apart from ‘The Rains of Mostar Town’, I have also published other poems, but I used to consider that each one of them deserved to be awarded before this one. Matija Bećković explained that to me in this way: ‘That’s all right; you just scored a goal as soon as you got on the pitch’ (laughing). I was nicely accepted by writers as one of their own. I hope I have justified their trust. I have published more than one hundred books, have written love and patriotic poems, children’s poems... I have written essays, dramas, anthologies... I have done translations... Someone wrote once that “Pero also implies yet another reference – the one to a feather quill, whose task is to make a record of other people’s traces”. You are also known to have dedicated a lot of time to doing research in the life of Lenka Dundjerski. You have published a lyrical study and written the scenario for the film entitled “The Time of the Dundjerski Family”, and the libretto for the opera entitled “Lenka Dundjerska”. “While I was still at school, I wondered who the girl who had inspired the poet to write ‘Santa Maria della Salute’, one of the most beautiful love poems not only in Serbian literature, had been. Lenka Dundjerski (1870-1895), who Laza Kostić dedicated this magnificent poem to, had been neglected in the studies. She was known to have been born to a reputed and rich family, whereas the preserved photographs testified of her beauty. That was almost all. I thought Lenka had been a person of special qualities and style, which I confirmed in my book. I came to know that she had been a very well-educated person, knowledgeable of foreign languages; she had written poems, she had drawn, played the piano and sung extremely nicely... The book’s going to preserve a memory of her, now that there is no monument or a fountain in Novi Sad dedicated to her, either. At the same time, the story about Lenka depicts an era, the bourgeois Vojvodina of the 19th century, and the time of exceptional people – Jovan Djordjević, Zmaj, Lazar Kostić... I also wanted my book to, in a sort of way, express my gratitude to
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
the great benefactors of the Serbian nation – the Dundjerski family. I was also lucky to have an opportunity to speak with Teodor Dundjerski-Djurić, the grandson of Lenka’s youngest brother Gedeon, about numerous details from Lenka’s life. “Santa Maria Della Salute” is a poem about a great and tragic love? “All is woven into this poem – love, rapture, a sob, repentance… Let’s read this one stanza only: ’Then my secret nymph stood there at my side. Oh, such a sight had my eyes ne’er seen! From the black darkness, a poem in her pride, Broke dawn’s glory in a dazzling sheen, Healed in an instant all my wounds beside, Yet left a deeper wound, a sharper pain. Now how could I bear this joy in my breast, Dear, Maria della Salute, so Blessed?’ I believe Lenka loved the poet with the very same force he loved her. She rejected all wooers, and according to one record made by Laza, she said that if she had to choose one, he would have to resemble him. She had been showing her appreciation for his verses even before she met him, who was still a nice-looking man even at the age of 50. It seems to me that the poet became afraid of her affection… in his verses, he says: ’now my heart’s every wish was there to glean, Sorrows and sweetness, gall and fresh spice’, and love consists of rises and demises (sometimes as sweet as honey and sometimes wretched), and that he ran away – first, he found his shelter at the monastery of Krušedol, and then married Julija Palanački, to whom he had been bound in a pledge of marriage for some time then. While being on his wedding journey in Venice, the news came to him that Lenka had died. She was 25 years old. He probably ‘started writing’ in front of the Venetian church of Santa Maria Della Salute. He published the poem 14 years later, namely one year before his own death (1910). In my opinion, one part of the poem speaks a lot about Laza and Lenka and their love. ’...My mind consticed, compressed my own heart; I fled its pleasures, mad in my flight. Oh, how I fled, so hurt at the start.’
“The Rains of Mostar Town” was also recited in the presence of Josip Broz Tito. It is said that, after the reciting of the verses ‘…She was gorgeously white in the darkness of the room, But unwilling to do that, yes, unwilling… Or not daring, who on earth would know…’ Tito playfully asked: Can it really be that nothing happened?
Can a man write a poem when he is happily in love? “Yes. I wrote a lot of my poems at the moments of happiness (as Rakić would say). It happens that I am being quiet for a long time only to suddenly, in a rush, write half of a book. I don’t write because I want to, but rather because I have to. Is this enough for an interview? Would you like a juice to drink? Would you like me to read a new poem to you? TEXT AND PHOTOS BY ROZANA SAZDIĆ GRAFIKE I SLIKE: ATELJE RADOŠEVIĆ Lenka Dundjerski
ITD Gallery on the Fortress of Petrovaradin in Novi Sad celebrated the 50th anniversary of Pero Zubac in 2013 by displaying a series of posters and exhibiting the paintings that symbolize the connection between the two cities the poet keeps in his heart – the town of Mostar and the city of Novi Sad.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
LJUBAV KAO VEČITA INSPIRACIJA Za intervju sa Perom Zubcem ne možete se dovoljno pripremiti... Hiljade stranica poezije, eseja, kritika, dramskih tekstova, članaka, kolumni i feljtona bi trebalo pročitati da bi se sagledala njegova mudrost i toplina. On, koji lepotom reči i delom može svaku dušu učiniti budnom, objavljuje pesme od gimnazijskih dana, a i dalje piše. Imao je briljantnu i novinarsku i televizijsku karijeru. Kao autor i urednik TV Novi Sad realizovao je preko četiri stotine scenarija za dokumentarne, muzičke, umetničke i emisije za decu i mlade. I to nije sve što bi se moglo reći o njegovom plodwnom stvaralaštvu. Ali, ne treba analizirati Peru Zupca već ga treba čitati i, ako imate prilike, slušati. A kada razgovarate sa njim, ne možete a da ne pričate o ljubavi.
re pola veka napisali ste „pesmu nad pesmama“ „Mostarske kiše“, ljubavnu sagu uz koju su patile generacije mladih, a zaljubljeni se i danas udvaraju recitujući Vaše stihove. Nema tog ko ne zna bar početak: „U Mostaru sam voleo neku Svetlanu Jedne jeseni Jao kad bih znao sa kim sada spava Ne bi joj glava, ne bi joj glava Jao kad bih znao ko je sada ljubi Ne bi mu zubi, ne bi mu zubi...“ „Poezija je moćna. Ona je neophodna čoveku, kao vazduh, kao hleb, kao ljubav. „Mostarske kiše“ su objavljene 1965. godine u zagrebačkom „Telegramu“ i odmah, kako bi se danas reklo, postale hit. Napisao sam ih jedne večeri u Novom Sadu, u dahu! To su moje uspomene na Hercegovinu gde sam odrastao, na prelepi Mostar i sećanje na četiri devojke. „Neku Svetlanu“ nisam poznavao. Poemu su, zapravo, inspirisale četiri devojke iz četiri različita grada. Jedna od njih, Dragana iz Novog Sada, koju sam upoznao na studijama, postala je moja supruga. Velikoj popularnosti „Kiša“ puno su doprineli poznati pisci i glumci koji su je nadahnuto recitovali na pesničkim večerima i u tv emisijama, obrela se na gramofonskim pločama, a sada je prisutna na mnogim sajtovima na internetu. Prevedena je na većinu evropskih jezika, u Rusiji je štampana u časopisu koji ima tiraž od bezmalo 20 miliona primeraka. Kako objasniti njeno trajanje? Da svako u njima može da pronađe deo sebe ili su „Kiše“, kako je rekao Komnenić „neponovljiv krik mladosti“ ?!
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Za stihove ste dobili najznačajnije nagrade, nalazite se u desetak stranih i pedesetak antologija jugoslovenskog pesništva i pesništva za decu… sve to, naravno, nije samo zbog jedne pesme... „Sećam se kada je 1972. godine (u mojoj 27.) trebalo da primim "Goranov vijenac", tada najveću pesničku nagradu u Jugoslaviji, da sam se pitao kako ću izaći pred sve one književne divove koji su sedeli u sali - Desanka Maksimović, Mira Alečković, Duško Trifunović, Mika Antić, Ćopić, Cesarić, Kaštelan... Pored „ Mostarskih kiša“ objavio sam i druge pesme, ali sam smatrao da svako od njih pre zaslužuje nagradu. Matija Bećković mi je to ovako objasnio: „U redu je, samo si postigao gol čim si ušao na teren“ (smeh). Pisci su me lepo prihvatili, kao svog. Nadam se da sam opravdao poverenje. Objavio sam preko sto knjiga, pisao sam ljubavne, rodoljubive, pesme za decu... pisao sam eseje, drame, antologije, prevodio... Neko je napisao da „U Peru postoji još jedno pero, čiji je zadatak zapis o tragu drugih.“ Poznato je da ste puno vremena posvetili istraživanju života Lenke Dunđerski. Objavili ste lirsku studiju, napisali scenario za film „Doba Dunđerskih“, libreto za operu „Lenka Dunđerska“? „Zapitao sam se još u školi ko je bila devojka koja je inspirisala pesnika da napiše „Santa Marija della Salute“, jednu od najlepših ljubavnih pesama, i to ne samo u srpskoj književnosti. Izučavanje dela Laze Kostića mimoišlo je Lenku Dunđerski (1870-1895), kojoj je posvetio ovu veličanstvenu pesmu. Znalo se da je poticala iz ugledne i bogate porodice, a sačuvane fotografije su svedočile o njenoj lepoti. To je bilo skoro sve.. Ja sam mislio da je Lenka
bila ličnost posebnog kova i to sam potvrdio u knjizi. Saznao sam da je bilo vrlo obrazovana, govorila strane jezike, da je pisala pesme, crtala, svirala klavir, izuzetno lepo pevala… Knjiga će je čuvati kada već nema ni spomenik, fontanu u Novom Sadu. Istovremeno, kroz priču o Lenki oslikano je jedno doba, građanska Vojvodina 19. veka i vreme u kome su živeli izuzetni ljudi – Jovan Đorđević, Zmaj, Lazar Kostić... Želeo sam, takođe, da knjigom na neki način izrazim zahvalnost velikim dobrotvorima srpskog naroda, porodici Dunđerski. Imao sam sreću da o mnogim detaljima iz Lenkinog života razgovaram sa Teodorom Dunđerski-Đurić, unukom najmlađeg Lenkinog brata Gedeona. Santa Marija Della Salute je priča o velikoj i tragičnoj ljubavi? „Sve je u toj pesmi satkano - ljubav, zanos, jecaj, kajanje… Evo samo jedne strofe: „...Tad moja vila preda me granu, lepše je ovaj ne vide vid; iz crnog mraka divna mi svanu, k’o pesma slavlja u zorin svit, svaku mi mahom zaleči ranu, al’ težoj rani nastade brid: Šta ću od milja, od muke ljute, Santa Maria della Salute?
„Mostarske kiše“ su recitovane i pred Josipom Brozom Titom. Priča se da je posle stihova „...Ona je bila raskošno bela u sobnoj tmini Al nije htela to da čini, nije htela Il nije smela, vrag bi joj znao..." Tito šeretski upitao: Jel stvarno ništa nije bilo?
Verujem da je Lenka volela istom snagom pesnika kao i on nju. Odbijala je sve prosce, a po jednom Lazinom zapisu, rekla je da kada bi nekog morala izabrati da bi trebalo da bude kao on. Cenila je njegove stihove i pre nego što ga je upoznala, a Laza je i sa 50 godina lepo izgledao. Meni se čini da se pesnik uplašio njene naklonosti... stihovi kažu„sve mi to nudi za čim god čeznu', jade pa slade”, a ljubav je i čemer i med, i da je pobegao – prvo se sklonio u manastir Krušedol, a onda se oženio Julijom Palanački, s kojom je odranije bio veren. U Veneciji, na svadbenom putovanju, primio je vest da je Lenka umrla. Imala je 25 godina. Verovatno je pred venecijanskom crkvom Santa Maria della Salute „počeo da piše“. Pesmu je objavio 14 godina docnije, a godinu dana pre svoje smrti (1910.) Jedan deo pesme, po mom mišljenju, puno govori o Lazi i Lenki i njihovoj ljubavi. „...Pamet me stegnu, ja srce stisnu', utekoh mudro od sreće, lud, utekoh od nje - a ona svisnu...“ Da li čovek može da napiše pesmu kad je srećno zaljubljen? „Da, puno pesama sam napisao u časovima sreće (što bi rekao Rakić). Dešava se da dugo ćutim i onda, u naletu, napišem pola knjige. Ne pišem zato što hoću, nego zato što moram. Jel dovoljno za intervju? Da Vam donesem sok? Da Vam pročitam jednu novu pesmu? TEKST I FOTOGRAFIJE: ROZANA SAZDIĆ GRAFIKE I SLIKE: ATELJE RADOŠEVIĆ
U Galeriji „ ITD“ na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi u Novom Sadu, 50 godina rada Pere Zupca obeleženo je 2013. godine serijom plakata i slika koje simbolizuju vezu dva grada koje pesnik nosi u srcu – Mostara i Novog Sada.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
F amous S erbian photographers : Ž E L J K O S I N O B A D
A portrait of soul When Sinobad is taking photos, well, if he hasn’t made a good one now, no one ever will. There’s the rumour that awards and exhibitions somehow bypassed him – or that he bypassed them? His photographs – whether they are portraits, passers-by in the city, a kitten living in the window in Knez Mihailova, panoramas, events, or underwater shots or recordings from the plane, people laughing, dancing, suffering... they say that each photo carry a part of his soul.
A self-portrait of every photographer, as presented by a colleague, consists of three photographs: Head – you have to understand what and why you’re photographing; Hands – that you know how to use the tool and Heart – it means that the photograph, whatever the motive is, should come from one’s self, from one’s soul.
You once said that everyone learns letters in school, to read and to write, but not everyone becomes a writer, and that it’s the same with photography... Yes ... a kid posts a new photo on Facebook almost every day. He takes photos frenziedly, others hit ‘likes’ the same way... New technologies and the speed of exchange of information produced that superficiality. A photograph should show the photographer's creativity, his way of thinking, his spirit! Can you take a photo every day and evoke a feeling each time? Kids are not to blame. In modern world, as if emotions are not wanted – you're not productive when you're happy or when you're sad. A good photograph should not only be a note, record, but it should also be nice, as if it’s for an exhibition, to have its own story, to provoke, to associate of something – to have observers "drawn" into the photo. When did you "fall in love" in photography? I was 12 when my older sister got a small camera and returned from her summer vacation with a handful of photos. I soon became familiar with the miraculous world of the darkroom. In the beginning, I wanted to make just one photo that I'd hang on the wall. I ruined the first three films – I knew nothing about exposition, light, developing film... I learned from my own mistakes, I researched and later it was worth it. My first successful photo was the sparrows on a branch... as I was happy as a clam! What was the first photo you published? My first photo was published in “TV Revija” magazine – it was a photo of a queue in front of a toilet (laughter). It has a story, and a preface too. As a high school fellow, I was an apprentice at “TV Revija” magazine and I went with friends to a rock concert at the hippodrome. I made a lot of shots, like everyone else did, but I was the only one to make a photo of the long morning queue in front of a toilet. Perhaps I include it in the exhibition that I am now preparing on a completely different topic... You are a member of the Association of Fine Artists (ULUPUDS), yet you prefer not to say that you are an artist, but rather a newspaper photographer? What does it mean to be an artist... to have a beard, tilting the hat? Is there an expression artistic architect? I mastered my trade in the newspapers and what a good photograph should be like – when you learn the ropes you know how to take advantage of your knowledge and experience in the little time you are usually given. I once counted that I had 110 of my photographs published while I was on vacation! I also published in monographs, books... Time will show whether any of my pieces of work carry any weight. By Rozana Sazdić
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
P oznati srpski fotografi : Ž E L J K O S I N O B A D
Portret duše Sinobad kad slika, eh... ako on nije napravio sada dobru fotografiju, niko neće. Tako se priča, ali nagrade i izložbe su ga nekako mimoilazile - ili je on njih mimoilazio? Njegove fotografije – bilo da su to portreti, prolaznici u gradu, maca koja živi u izlogu u Knez Mihajlovoj, panorame, događaji, podvodni ili snimci iz aviona, ljudi koji se smeju, plešu, pate... govore da je u svakoj od njih deo njegove duše. Rekli ste jednom da svako u školi nauči slova, da čita I da piše, a ne postane svako pisac, i da je tako i u fotografiji... „ Da... evo, neki klinac okači na fesju skoro svaki dan novu fotku. Besomučno se slika, drugi istom merom lajkuju... Nove tehnologije i brzina razmena informacija je proizvela površnost. Fotografija treba da pokazuje fotografovu kreativnost, promišljanje, duh! Da li neko može svakog dana da napravi fotku koja budi neki osećaj? Nisu krivi klinci. U savremenom svetu kao da emocije nisu poželjne- smatra se da nisi produktivan ni kada si srećan ni kada si tužan. Dobra fotografija ne treba samo da bude beleška, zapis, nego i lepa kao za izložbu, da ima svoju priču, da provocira, asocira na nešto - da posmatrača „uvuče“ u sliku. Kada ste se „zaljubili“ u fotografiju? Imao sam 12 godina kada je moja starija sestra nabavila fotoaparatić i vratila se sa letovanja sa pregršt slika. Ubrzo sam se upoznao i sa čudesnim svetom mračne komore. U početku, hteo sam da napravim samo jednu fotografiju koju bih okačio na zid. Prva tri filma sam upropastio – ništa nisam znao o ekspoziiciji, svetlu, razvijanju... Učio sam iz sopstvenih grešaka, istraživao i kasnije mi je to mnogo vredelo. Prva moja uspela fotografija su bili vrapci na grani... kako sam skakao od sreće! Koja je bila prva fotografija koju ste objavili? „Prva moja fotografija objavljena je u TV Reviji - bila je to slika reda ispred wc-a (smeh). Ona ima svoju priču, a i predgovor. Kao gimnazijalac bio sam na praksi u TV Reviji i otišao sam sa društvom na rok koncert na hipodromu. Napravio sam puno snimaka, kao i drugi, ali sam jedini snimio red koji se u jutarnjim satima otegao pred jedinim preostalim toaletom. Možda je priključim izložbi koju sada pripremam na potpuno drugu temu... Član ste Udruženja likovnih umetnika (ULUPUDS), a opet ne preferirate da kažete da ste umetnički, već novinski fotograf? Šta znači biti umetnik... pustiti bradu, nakriviti kapu? Da li postoji izraz umetnički arhitekta? U novinama sam dobro naučio zanat i šta je dobra fotografija – kada sve to „ispečeš“ znaš da u kratkom vremenu, koje obično imaš, iskoristiš znanje i iskustvo. Jednom sam brojao da je objavljeno 110 mojih fotografija dok sam bio na odmoru! Objavljivao sam i u monografijama, knjigama... Vreme će pokazati da li nešto od ovoga što sam radio ima težinu. ROZANA SAZDIĆ
Autoportret svakog fotografa, kako je to pokazao jedan kolega, sastoji se iz tri fotografije: Glave - da moraš da razumeš šta i zašto slikaš; Ruke - da znaš da koristiš alat i Srca - znači da fotografija, bez obzira na motiv, treba da dođe iznutra, iz duše.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
EXIBITIONS/ IZLOŽBE: PUPIN – FROM PHYSICAL TO SPIRITUAL REALITY PUPIN – OD FIZIČKE DO DUHOVNE REАLNOSTI September 2015. – February 2016 Historical Museum of Serbia / Istorijski muzej Srbije Info: THE COLLECTION OF ROMAN TOMB STONES KOLEKCIJA RIMSKIH KAMENIH SPOMENIKA April – Novembar Big Gunpowder Magazine at the Lower Town of the Belgrade Fortress Veliki barutni magacin u Donjem gradu Beogradske tvrđave Info: IBEJI: TWICE BORN IBEĐI: DVA PUTA ROĐENI December 2015 – June 2016 Museum of African Art / Muzej afričke umetnosti info: WHEN YOU'VE STOPPED COMBING ME, I'LL STOP HATING YOU KAD PRESTANEŠ DA ME ČEŠLJAŠ, PRESTAĆU DA TE MRZIM June – November Museum of African Art/ Muzej afričke umetnosti Info: BORISLAV NJEŽIĆ Retrospective exhibition /Retrospektivna izložba July – Septembar RTS Gallery/ Galerija RTS Info: INTERACTIVE EXHIBITION “EXPERIENCE TESLA” INTERAKTIVNA IZLOŽBA „DOŽIVI TESLU“ Permanent Exhibition / Stalna izložba The Museum of Nikola Tesla / Muzej Nikole Tesle Info: ON REVOLUTION ROADS PUTEVIMA REVOLUCIJE Jul – August Museum of Yugoslav History / Muzej istorije Jugoslavije Info:
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
FESTIVALS/FESTIVALI BELGRADE BEER FEST BEOGRADSKI BEER FEST 17th-21st Avgust Info: EUROPEAN HERITAGE DAYS DANI EVROPSKE BAŠTINE 22nd Septembar – 4th October i www.europeanheritagedays com BELGRADE INTERNATIONAL THEATRE FESTIVAL - BITEF BEOGRADSKI INTERNACIONALNI TEATARSKI FESTIVAL - BITEF 24th September – 2nd October 14th INTERNATIONAL COMICS FESTIVAL 14. MEĐUNARODNI SALON STRIPA 29th September – 2nd Octobar Belgrade’s Student Cultural Center Studentski kulturni centar Beograd Info: JOY OF EUROPE – International Gathering of Children of Europe RADOST EVROPE – Međunarodni susret dece Evrope 2nd - 5th October Info: BALKANIMA – EUREOPEN ANIMATED FILM FESTIVAL BALKANIMA – EVROPSKI FESTIVAL ANIMIRANOG FILMA 4th - 8th October Culture Center “Studentski grad” Kulturni centar „Studentski grad“ Info: INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ETHNOGRAPHIC FILM MEĐUNARODNI FESTIVAL ETNOLOŠKOG FILMA 12th -16th October Etnographic museum in Belgrade Etnografski muzej u Beogradu Info:
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
10th EX- YU Competition, with the theme “The Jubilee”
The underlying activity performed by the College of Tourism is education; however, once the history of the graphic art of the 21st century starts being written, historians will not be able to ignore the collection of the graphics created at the EX-YU GRAPHIC ART COMPETITION. As the patron of the Competition, the College has made a significant contribution to culture, especially to this branch of fine arts.
he College of Tourism is one of the leaders in education in the field of tourism. The first EX-YU Competition for Graphics, authored by academic female painter Nataša Brkić, was organized in 2007, the theme being “The World is an Open Book”. A large number of works were submitted, and year after year, the Competition has obtained an enviable artistic rating, whereas the College has become richer for a precious collection for studying contemporary graphic art. The jubilee 10th Competition was announced in June and, as in the previous years, welcomes all visual artists from Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska, as well as students in the final years at faculties of fine arts in all ex-Yu republics. The theme of the Competition is “The Jubilee” and exactly coincides with the beginning of the celebration of the jubilee year of the College of Tourism – its 50th anniversary. Upon completion of their three-year studies, students acquire the title of a Vocational Economist for
Tourism, which provides them with great employment prospects and enables them to continue to educate themselves in specialist vocational studies at this College or at faculties in the country and abroad. As culture is an integral and inseparable part of tourism, great attention is paid to broadening students’ interests. The possibilities they are given in acquiring new knowledge during their studies are yet another proof of the reputation of this educational institution. Apart from other events, exhibitions offer them an opportunity to become familiar with Visual art poetics and graphic art as the key medium of modern informatics communication. By organizing the Ex-YU Competition for Graphics in cooperation with the SKC Gallery, the College of Tourism has become actively included in both the cultural life of Belgrade and communication in the art scene, generally speaking. The exhibition of the awarded authors makes guest appearances at galleries throughout Serbia and abroad as well. Text and photos: Rozana Sazdić
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
All graphic techniques will be accepted on an equal footing and 11th November 2016 is the deadline for the submission of works. The juried works selected for the exhibition will remain in the ownership of the patron of the competition. The 10th EX-YU will be declared open by Vladimir Veličković, a Serbian and French academic and painter, at the Gallery ULUS in Belgrade in December. The awards in the dinar equivalent will be delivered in two categories: for the best graphic artist: 1st prize 800 euros, 2nd prize 700 euros and 3rd prize 600 euros; and for the best student graphic artist: 1st prize 500 euros, 2nd prize 400 euros and 3rd prize 300 euros. Info: www.,,
College of Tourism INFO: Visoka Turistička škola strukovnih studija (College of Tourism), Bulevar Zorana Djindjića 152 a, 11000 New Belgrade Tel.: 011/ 2698 - 222, 2698 – 206; 3193 – 641;, 3193 – 644; 3193 – 638
Osnovna delatnost Visoke turističke škole strukovnih studija jeste obrazovanje, ali kada se bude pisala istorija grafičke umetnosti 21. veka, istoričari neće moći da zaobiđu kolekciju grafika koja je nastala na EX – YU KONKURS-u za grafiku. Kao pokrovitelj Konkursa škola je dala značajan doprinos kulturi, a posebnoj ovoj grani likovne umetnosti. 10. EX- YU konkurs NA temU „Jubilej“
Sve grafičke tehnike biće ravnopravno prihvaćne, a rok za dostavu radova je 11. novembar 2016. godine. Žirirani radovi izabrani za izložbu ostaju vlasništvo pokrovitelja konkursa. 10. EX-YU otvoriće srpski i francuski akademik i slikar Vladimir Veličković u decembru u Galeriji ULUS u Beogradu. Nagrade u dinarskoj protivvrednosti dodeliće se u dve kategorije: za najboljeg grafičara: I nagrada 800; II nagrada 700; III nagrada 600 evra. Za najboljeg studenta grafičara: I nagrada 500; II nagrada 400 ; III nagrada 300 evra. Info:,,
isoka turistička škola jedan je od lidera obrazovanja u oblasti turizma. Prvi EX-YU konkurs za grafiku, čiji je autor akademski slikar Nataša Brkić, organizovan je 2007. godine na temu „Svet je otvorena knjiga”. Pristigao je veliki broj radova, a i iz godine u godinu, Konkurs je stekao zavidan umetnički rejting, a škola dragocenu zbirku za izučavanje savremene grafike. Jubilarni, 10. konkurs raspisan je u junu i otvoren je, kao i ranijih godina, za sve likovne stvaraoce iz Srbije, Makedonije, Slovenije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Crne Gore i Republike Srpske, kao i za studente završnih godina umetničkih fakulteta u svim ex Yu republikama. Tema Konkursa je „Jubilej” i upravo se poklapa s početkom obeležavanja godine jubileja Visoke turističke škole - 50. godina rada. Studenti, posle trogodišnjeg školovanja, stiču zvanje Strukovni ekonomista za turizam, koje daje
odlične perspektive za zaposlenje i nastavak školovanja na specijalističkim strukovnim studijama ove škole ili na fakultetima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Kako je kultura sastavni i neodvojivi deo turizma, velika pažnja posvećuje se širenju interesovanja studenata. Mogućnosti koje imaju u sticanju novih znanja tokom studiranja su još jedan dokaz renomea ove obrazovne ustanove. Pored drugih događaja, izložbe im pružaju priliku da se upoznaju s likovnom poetikom i grafikom kao ključnim medijem moderne informatičke komunikacije. Organizujući EX YU konkurs za grafiku u saradnji sa Galerijom SKC, Visoka turistička škola se aktivno uključila i u kulturni život Beograda, i uopšte u komunikaciju na umetničkoj sceni. Izložba nagrađenih autora gostuje u galerijama širom Srbiji, kao i u inostrastvu. Tekst i fotografije: Rozana Sazdić
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
A Place for You to Enjoy, Your Private Oasis, a Place Where Luxury is the Standard! Vaš prostor za uživanje, Vaša privatna oaza, mesto gde je luksuz standard!
Villa Jelena is at the very top of the hotel offer of Belgrade. It operates within the Epoque Hotels Group. The villa is a unique boutique hotel built in the neoclassical style. It is located in Dedinje, Belgrade’s residential area. It is decorated with sculptural and painterly works of art and equipped with luxurious pieces of furniture. Its accommodation offer consists of 10 differently arranged rooms in the baroque style, equipped with contemporary technical devices. There are three categories of the rooms: Premium, Deluxe and Superior. Villa Jelena is suitable for businesspeople and families, as well as for the tourists who want luxury and a superior service in an original ambience.
Vila Jelena se nalazi u samom vrhu hotelske ponude Beograda i posluje u okviru Epoque Hotels Group. Ona je unikatan boutique hotel izgrađen u neoklasičnom stilu. Nalazi se na Dedinju, u rezidencijalnom delu Beograda. Dekorisana je vajarskim i slikarskim umetničkim delima i opremljena je luksuznim nameštajem. U smeštajnoj ponudi postoji 10 različito uređenih soba u stilu baroka, opremljenih savremenim tehničkim uređajima, raspoređenih u tri kategorije: premium, deluxe i superior. Vila Jelena je pogodna za poslovne i porodične goste, ali i za turiste koji žele luksuz i vrhunsku uslugu u originalnom ambijentu.
Make choice of the spaces suitable for you: • Club Jelena, whose capacity is up to 300 seats, is ideal for conferences, gala dinners, cocktails, weddings... • Vivaldi Restaurant, whose capacity is up to 40 seats, is an excellent space for lectures, presentations, seminars... The restaurant is bathed in daylight, and its direct access to the summer garden is also an additional advantage. • The Garden is an oasis for relaxation, where guests can enjoy the charms of an outdoor swimming-pool, drink their morning coffee, have breakfast, relax while listening to slow rhythm music, drinking cocktails and smoking nargilehs.
Izaberite prostore koji vam odgovaraju: • Klub Jelena kapaciteta do 300 mesta idealan je za konferencije, gala večeri, koktele, venčanja... • Restoran Vivaldi kapaciteta do 40 mesta, odličan je prostor za predavanja, prezentacije, seminare... Restoran je okupan dnevnom svetlošću, a dodatna prednost jeste i direktan izlaz na letnju baštu. • Bašta je oaza za opuštanje gde gosti mogu uživati u čarima otvorenog bazena, popiti jutarnju kafu, doručkovati, opuštati se uz laganu muziku, koktele ili nargile.
Info: Generala Šturma 1a. Beograd, Srbija | Tel: +381 11 30 66 521 | Mob: +381 62 79 07 91 | Fax: +381 11 36 70 575 | E-mail: |
Summer - Autmn | Leto - Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Info: Belgrade, Mali Kalemegdan BB +381 11 328 30 11 • +381 11 328 27 27 Restoran | Restaurant Smešten u najlepšem delu Beogradske tvrđave, gde kamen,drvo i celokupan ambijent enterijera i eksterijera odišu istorijskim značajem. It is located in the most beautiful central part of the Belgrade fortress, where stone, wood and the entire interior and exterior setting reflect historical significance.
Terase | Teraces Prostor je podeljen na restoranski deo i piceriju Tvrđava sa otvorenim terasama prilagodljivim svim vrstama svečanosti, venčanjima i korporativnim proslavama. A big space consists of the restaurant Kalemegdanska terasa and the pizzeria Tvrdjava, adaptable and suitable for gala weddings and corporate celebrations.
Korporativni dogadjaji | Corporate events Atmosferu i usluge restorana Kalemegdanska terasa redovno koriste multinacionalne kompanije, ambasade, profesionalna udruženja i drugi ugledni klijenti. Kalemegdanska terasa, with its ambient and restaurant services, is used regularly by multinational companies, embassies, professional associations and other notable clients.
Venčanja | Weddings Sa pogledom na spanjanje Save i Dunava, uz brižljivo isplaniran svaki detalj, simbolično dočekajte najlepši trenutak u životu! Over the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers, organize this key event in your life with symbolic view!
Kuhinja | Cuisine Koriste se samo najsvežije namirnice za izvrsna jela pogodna za porodične ručkove i romantične večere. We use only the freshest products for meals suitable both for family lunches and romantic dinners.
Funny and interesting sightseeing: The Republic Square, Bohemian Quarter Skadarlija, the oldest part of Belgrade with Ottoman heritage, „Sillicon valley“, Zoo, Kalemegdan park, Belgrade fortress, The „Victor“ - the most famous symbol of Belgrade, the confluence of the Sava and the Danube rivers. Saborna church, cafe „?“, Knez Mihailova street. Info:
Ovo je istovremeno i zabavno i zanimljivo razgledanje: Trg Republike, boemska četvrt Skadarlija, stari delovi Beograda i njegovo osmansko nasleđe, „Silkonska dolina”, Zoo vrt, park Kalemegdan, Beogradska tvrđava, statua „Pobednik” najpoznatiji simbol Beograda, ušće Save u Dunav, Saborna crkva, kultna kafana Znak pitanja, Knez Mihailova ulica. Info:
Once on the very border of the two empires, Zemun still gives impression of the atmosphere of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Gardoš Tower, offering a panoramic view of the Danube, is the symbol of this extraordinary city. Valuable edifices and ambiences of Old Zemun are a must-visit for tourists. The tour ends with a stroll on the beautifully landscaped Zemun quay, on the banks of the Danube River. Info:
Nekada na samoj granici dva carstva, Zemun i danas odiše atmosferom Austrougraske carevine. Simbol ovog posebnog grada je kula Gardoš s predivnim panoramskim pogledom na Dunav. Obilazak vrednih zdanja i ambijenata starog Zemuna spada... Tura se završava šetnjom na predivno uređenom Zemunskom keju, na obali Dunava. Info:
The palace complex of the Karađorđević Dynasty in Dedinje includes the Royal Palace and the White Palace. In addition to these two magnificent mansions and the park, the visitors, accompanied by a specialized tour guide, will also visit the chapel dedicated to St Andrew the Apostle, who is the patron saint of the Royal Family. Departure: every Saturday and Sunday from 9 April through 31 October in two regular times. Info: www.,
Dvorski kompleks dinastije Karađorđević na Dedinju sastoji se od Kraljevskog i Belog dvora. Pored dva velelepna zdanja i parka, posetioci, uz pratnju profesionalnih turistickih vodica, obilaze i dvorsku kapelu posvećenu Sv. Andreju Prvozvanom, zaštitniku kraljevske porodice. Polasci svake subote i nedelje od 1. aprila do 31.oktobra. Info: www.,
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
One of the favourite ways to get to know the city is sightseeing by tourist buses. Bus tours depart daily from the Nikola Pašić Square. The most beautiful metropolitan areas are visited – King Aleksandar Boulevard, Slavija Square, Terazije, Republic Square, Students Square, Savamala, Branko's bridge, Ada Bridge... The tour includes an audio-guide. Info:
Jedan od omiljenih načina za upoznavanje gradova jeste panoramsko razgledanje iz turističkih autobusa. Autobuske ture svakodnevno polaze sa Trga Nikole Pašića. Obilaze se najmarkatnijie gradske zone - Bulevar kralja Aleksandra, Trg Slavija, Terazije, Trg Republike, Studentski trg, Savamala, Brankov most, Most na Adi... Obilazak upotpunjuje priča sa audio-vodiča. Info:
Belgrade is one of the few cities lying on the two rivers. Therefore, it is always tempting to get to know the city from its two rivers, the Sava and the Danube. The yachting club “Kej” organises two-hour river tours during which you can relax and enjoy the city from water. To have a complete enjoyment, there is a music programme and dinner à la carte. Info:
Beograd je jedan od retkih gradova koji leže na dve reke. Zato je uvek primamljivo upoznati ga upravo sa talasa Save i Dunava. Jahting Klub Kej organizuje dva sata opuštanja i uživanja na vodi uz panoramsko razgledanje grada. Da bi ugođaj bio potpun, tu su muzički program i večera a la carte. Info: w
Boat Slavjana crossed over the "the seven seas" from the far north of Russia to arrive in Serbia. Svibor knights designed a tourist-historical spectacle on rivers which, with knightly competitions and crew dressed in knightly armours, revives the period of the Middle Ages.
Brod Slavjana je s krajnjeg severa Rusije plovila „preko sedam mora” da bi stigla u Srbiju. Srpski viteški red Svibor osmislio je turističko - istorijski spektakl na rekama koji, uz viteška nadmetanja i posadu odevenu u viteške odore, oživljava srednji vek.
Info: www.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Inspired by the water wealth of the Serbian capital, Wild Serbia designed two tours “Six bridges on the Sava” and “Kayaking around the Great War Island.” The first tour, “Six bridges on the Sava” departs from the Sava quay and goes toward the confluence. The route will take you to see Ada Bridge, New and Old Railroad Bridge, Gazelle, Old Sava bridge and Branko's bridge. The adventure ends on a raft called “The Barracuda”. The second tour - “Kayaking around the Great War Island” reveals the amazing oasis of Belgrade. The Great War Island is a protected natural area of the city inhabited by rare birds and plants. Info:
Wild Serbi je je, ispirisana vodenom bogatstvom prestonice, osmislili dve ture – „Šest mostova Save“ i „Kajaking oko Ratnog ostrva“. Prva tura „Šest mostova Save“ polazi sa Savskog keja i kreće se ka Ušću. Na toj trasi smenuju se: Most na Adi, Novi i Stari železnički most, Gazela, Stari savski most i Brankov most. Avantura se završava na splavu Barakuda. Druga tura - „Kajaking oko Ratnog ostrva“ otkriva vam čudesnu oazu Beograda. Ratno ostrvo je zaštičeno prirodno dobro grada koje nastanjuju retke ptice i biljke. Info:
The programme “Coffee with Princess Ljubica” shows Belgrade during the time of the Obrenović royal dynasty. The curator of the City Museum dressed in a costume from that era greets visitors as a hostess of her palace. The story with which she animates the audience is popular and adjusted to tourist museum tours. And after a history class at Divanhana, the central place in the Palace, the guests are served the best coffee and the best Turkish delight. Info:
Program „Na kafi kod kneginje Ljubice” predstavlja Beogradu za vreme vladavine dinastije Obrenović. Kustoskinja Muzeja grada obučena u kostim iz toga doba dočekuje posetioce kao domaćica svoje palate. Priča kojom animira publiku je popularna i prilagođena turističkim turama obilaska muzeja. A posle časa istorije u Divanhani, centralnom mestu u Konaku gostima se služi kafa i najbolji ratluk. Info:
Beneath the city lies another city. Underground Belgrade a different set of invisible tunnels, caves, dungeons, bunkers... A great tour for adventurers in search of secrets, legends and an unexpected history of the city. The route includes the Roman hall, the military bunker from the period of the Cold War, the Great gunpowder storage, dungeons at Kosančićev Venac Square and wine dungeons. Info:
Ispod grada krije se još jedan grad. Podzemni Beograd predstavlja splet različitih nevidljivih tunela, pećina, laguma, bunkera... Odlična tura za avanturiste u potrazi za tajnama, legendama i jednom neočekivanom istorijom grada. Maršruta obuhvata Rimsku dvoranu, vojni bunker iz doba hladnog rata, Veliki barutni magacin, lagume Kosančićevog venca i vinske lagume. Info:
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
MAGICAL SERBIA Natalijina ramonda
Holidays in cities, spas, rivers, lakes, mountains, food&wine, events... Gradski odmori, banje, reke, jezera, planine, hrana i vino, događaji...
SEE YOU IN 2021 AT 20.21H
The City of Novi Sad has decided to run for the title of European Capital of Culture in 2021, when this possibility will be made available, for the first time, to cities and countries outside the Union. On the trace of good experiences of other capitals, the candidacy was designed as a platform for the development of cultural, creative and tourism opportunities of the city.
or decades, Novi Sad was building its distinctiveness and fostered diversity on the basis of its multicultural character and based on a large number of cultural and educational institutions. In the epoch of enlightenment and modernism, it was the centre of Serbian culture and creativity, with Matica Srpska as the oldest Serbian cultural and scientific institution, Novi Sad is a modern, academic, cultural, tourist, scientific, political and administrative centre of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The city of museums, galleries, theatres, cultural routes, rich in tradition, it is a festival city of international importance. Although nationally known and recognized as a centre of cultural events, Novi Sad for years has been facing a crisis of values that left an impact on its cultural and artistic scene. The project “Novi Sad 2021” is seen as a chance to make up for lost time. EUROPEAN BRIDGES: LIBERTY, HOPE, NEW, RAINBOW The programme concept consists of four areas, symbolically called “Bridges”: Liberty, focused on the creative industries and youth, Hope, turned to
cultural capacities and public areas, with a new emphasis on cultural heritage and hospitality, and Rainbow, dealing with issues of conflict and migration. During the summer, programmes are taking place in the open air, which, under the slogan “For New Bridges” constitutes the concept of candidacy. They start at 20:21h, each symbolizing one of the bridges: the Bridge of Hope is represented at the ITD Gallery at the Petrovaradin Fortress as part of the 6th Summer Jazz Academy Novi Sad - Dotmund. In the courtyard of the Gymnasium “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj”, the Bridge of Liberty is represented by the VU Holland Symphony Youth Orchestras. The Rainbow Bridge is promoted on theatre-ship at the Novi Sad quay Naše mesto (Our place). Presentation of the New Bridge has been entrusted with Stefan Milenković and ensemble “Camerata Academica”, which from the atrium of the Catholic Church square sends a strong message to the world that Novi Sad deserves to be the European Capital of Culture. BelGuest Photo: Cultural Centre of Novi Sad and Novi Sad Tourist Organisation
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
At a competition for visual identity, the Arts Council of the project “Novi Sad 2021” chose the conceptual design by Jovan Trkulja, one of the best Serbian designers. His worldrenowned studio “Petar Gregson” offered a simple and innovative solution: In the logo, Trkulja united the project’s name, slogan and programme concept. The logo has a distinct European dimension – it is communicative in all European languages. The new visual identity premiered on the first day of Exit, in the State of Exit Zone. The promotion began, symbolically, at 20:21h and consisted of a series of activities in which the visitors took part. Promotional videos were broadcast on all stages and were seen by around 195,000 visitors from 60 countries worldwide.
VIDIMO SE 2021. U 20.21H
Grad Novi Sad doneo je odluku da se kandiduje za titulu Evropske prestonice kulture 2021. godine, kada će ona po prvi put biti dostupna i gradovima i zemljama van Unije. Na tragu dobrih iskustava drugih prestonica, kandidatura je osmišljena kao platforma za razvoj kulturnih, kreativnih i turističkih mogućnosti Grada.
ecenijama unazad Novi Sad je gradio prepoznatljivost i negovao različitost na osnovu svog multikulturalnog karaktera i na osnovu velikog broja kulturnih i obrazovnih institucija. U epohi prosvećenosti i modernizma središte srpske kulture i stvaralaštva, sa Maticom srpskom kao najstarijom srpskom kulturnom i naučnom institucijom, Novi Sad je danas moderan, univerzitetski, kulturni, turistički, naučni, politički i administrativni centar AP Vojvodine. Grad muzeja, galerija, pozorišta, kuturnih ruta, tradicijom bogat festivalski grad međunarodnog značaja. Mada nacionalno poznat i priznat kao centar kulturnih zbivanja, Novi Sad već godinama prolazi kroz krizu vrednosti koja je ostavila posledice na njegovu kulturnu i umetničku scenu. Projekat „Novi Sad 2021“ vidi se kao šansa da se izgubljeno vreme nadoknadi. EVROPSKI MOSTOVI: SLOBODA, NADA, NOVI, DUGA Programski koncept sastoji se od četiri oblasti simbolično nazvanih „mostovi“: Sloboda koji za temu
ima kreativne industrije i mlade, Nada koji je okrenut kulturnim kapacitetima i javnim prostorima, Novi sa akcentom na kulturno nasleđe i gostoprimstvo i Duga koji se bavi temama konflikta i migracija. Tokom ovog leta održavaju se programi na otvorenom koji, pod sloganom „Za nove mostove“ predstavljaju koncept kandidature. Počinju u 20h i 21 minut, a svaki simbolizuje jedan od mostova: most Nade predstavlja se u Galerija ITD na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi u okviru 6. Letnje džez akademije Novi Sad -Dotmund. U dvorištu Gimnazije „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, most Slobode, predstavlja simfonijski Omladinski orkestar VU iz Holandije. Dugu, na Brodu teatru na novosadskom keju, promoviše pozorišna predstava „Naše mesto". Predstavljanje Novog mosta povereno je Stefanu Milenkoviću i ansamblu „Camerata Academica” koji iz atrijuma Katoličke porte šalju snažnu poruku svetu da Novi Sad zaslužuje da bude Evropska prestonica kulture. BelGuest Fotografije: Kulturni centar Novog Sada i TO Novog Sada
Umetnički savet projekta „Novi Sad 2021“ je na konkursu za vizuelni identitet izabrao idejno rešenje Jovana Trkulje, jednog od najboljih srpskih dizajnera. Njegov svetski priznat studio „Peter Gregson“ ponudio je jednostavno i inovativno rešenje: Trkulja je u logotipu objedinio naziv projekta, slogan i programski koncept. Logotip ima i izrazitu evropsku dimenziju – komunikativan je na svim evropskim jezicima. Novi vizuelni identitet premijerno je predstavljen prvog dana Exita, na State of Exit Zone. Promocija je počela, simbolično, u 20 časova i 21 minut, a činile su je niz aktivnosti u kojima su učestvali posetioci. Promotivni video spotovi su se emitovali na svim binima i videlo ih je oko 195.000 posetilaca iz 60 zemalja sveta.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Hadži Ruvim and Hadži Đera, oil on canvas (1848)
Novi Sad, city candidate for the European Capital of Culture 2021, rests its candidacy on the tradition of institutions including Matica Srpska, within which the Gallery of Matica Srpska occupies a special place. One of the itineraries follows the story of Biedermeier-Nazarene painting, whose most significant representative of Novi Sad is the artist Pavle Simić.
isitors of Novi Sad who want to learn about Serbian ecclesiastical art of the 18th century, but do not have time to visit the monasteries of Fruška Gora, can learn about the legacy of post-Byzantine tradition, traditional painting and graphics and experience the colorites of the early, high and late Baroque in the Matica Srpska Gallery. The setting of the 19th century presents the Serbian painting neoclassicism, Biedermeier and romanticism, academicism, realism, symbolism, while the setting of the 20th century presents the Serbian painting from 1900 to 1941. On display are the works authored by Dimitrije Bačević, Stefana Tenecki, Teodor Ilić Češljar, Teodor Kračun, Arsenije Teodorović, Konstantin Danil, Katarina Ivanović, Novak Radonić, Pavle Simić, Đura Jakšić, Paja Jovanović, Uroš Predić, Stevan Aleksić, Danica Jovanović, Sava Šumanović, Milan Konjović, Stojan Aralica and others.
GALLERY OF MATICA SRPSKA IN THE SERBIAN ATHENS Established in 1826 in Budapest, Matica Srpska was relocated in 1864 in Novi Sad, then the most notable Serbian town, also called the “Serbian Athens”. The aim of the institution was the preservation of the national identity, educational and cultural emancipation of the Serbian people, but also the presentation of Serbian cultural production to Europe. Part of those efforts was put into life with the establishment of the Museum of Matica Srpska in 1847, which is considered the year of the Gallery’s establishment. Today the Gallery of Matica Srpska, as the supreme institution of culture, preserves, presents and interprets the works of art – the national heritage of the Serbian people, through the permanent settings, thematic exhibitions, events and publications.
PAVLE SIMIĆ’S NAZARENE PAINTING Modern travellers are more likely to visit Novi Sad by moving within the corridors bordered by the streets and areas in which lived the heroes of Tišma’s and Kiš’ novels, or those delimited by the builders of secessionist, more often Bauhaus buildings. One such itinerary begins with the story of Biedermeier-Nazarene painting, whose most significant representative in the Serbian painting is the artist from Novi Sad Pavle Simić (1818- 1876). Simić studied the idea and practice of Nazarene painting during his studies at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, and his distinctive features are in the choice of religious themes embodied through warm colours, quite in the manner of an idyllic sentiment. Pavle Simić enriched his authentic artistic expression while he was in Pozsony (today’s Bratislava) and
A detail - Serbian National Assembly on 1 May 1848, oil on canvas, (1848 - 49)
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
The barely visible sign imprinted on the former home of the Natošević family reading Jókai Mór utca 7 reminds of the name change of the present-day Pašićeva Street. Đorđe Natošević, the owner of the house in the former Jókai Mór utca 7 was the supervisor of Serbian schools in Austria-Hungary and founder of the Serbian teacher training schools in Sombor, Pakrac, Pančevo, Karlovac, Novi Sad. He was very close with the Simić family as he was married to another of the daughters of Grigorije Jovšić, Dafina. Jókai Mór himself, according to the memoirs of Jakov Ignjatović, then a great notary of Novi Sad, visited the town in 1861 as part of the delegation of the Hungarian officials who attended the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great Serbian patron, Sava Tekelija. Rome. A collection of prints created in western Europe from the late 16th to mid19th century reminds of this period. It was only recently presented to the public at the Gallery of Matica Srpska. The middle class of Vienna and Budapest, the cities that were the centres of political, economic and cultural power of the Habsburg monarchy in the early 19th century, dictated the need to encourage religious sentiment in painting, while not abandoning naturalistic, yet warm colour expression. Taking over this style, Pavle Simić supplemented his own art form through thematic traditional, Orthodox heritage. Visitors of Novi Sad who follow the trace of the BiedermeierNazarene style created in Vienna are directly faced with the iconostasis at Nikolajevska Church in Novi Sad and a collection of Simić’s paintings in the Gallery of Matica Srpska. The works kept at the Gallery of Matica Srpska include the painting of the Serbian National Assembly on 1 May 1848, which represents one of the most important events in the history of the Serbs of the Habsburg monarchy – the proclamation of the Serbian Vojvodina. THE SIMIĆ FAMILY: FROM TEMERINSKA TO GRČKOŠKOLSKA STREET The fate of a painter was not a certain project back in those times, and painters were, as it is the case today too, somewhere in the zone of uncertainty, even poverty. The fate of Pavle Simić saw some happy years thanks to the jobs that he occasionally got, but even more due to his marriage to Elizabeta, the daughter of Novi Sad’s mayor, and also a lawyer, Grigorije Jovšić. The period of success was marked by the construction of the Simić family house, which still stands at Temerinska 21. The painter’s daughter Mileva Simić (1859-1946) grew up there. Having completed the Teacher’s School with honours, at the age of fifteen, she got a job as a teacher at the Girls’ College in Novi Sad. At the time of her pedagogical phase, she was a prominent member of the Charitable Cooperative of Serb Women of Novi Sad. Mileva Simić lived at Grčkoškolska 10. This once used to be a street where some of the most respected citizens of Novi Sad lived, including some of the city’s mayors. In addition to the pedagogical work to which she was very dedicated, given the fact that she had never got married, Mileva Simić would enter the Serbian cultural history also as a writer and a collector of female folk songs (including lewd ones), but also as a translator of stories authored by the famous Hungarian writer Mór Jókai, who until the First World War had had his street in Novi Sad. As kingdoms and states replaced one another in less than a century, the world of the Simićs and the Natoševićs from this story moved into history, galleries, books and icons, and some of that world ended up in oblivion, while some of it remained a fragment of memory imprinted in the area bounded by corridors of stories of Temerinska and Grčkoškolska Streets. Gordana Stojaković Photographs: Gallery of Matica Srpska, Dragan Kurucić and Novi Sad Tourist Organisation
Iconostasis at Nikolajevska Church Information for tourists: Gallery of Matica Srpska, Trg galerija 1
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
KULTURNE RUTE NOVOG SADA Novi Sad, grad kandidat za Evropsku prestonicu kulture 2021, naslanja kandidaturu na tradiciji institucija među kojima Matica srpska, i u njenom okrilju Galerija Matice srpske, zauzimaju posebno mesto. Jedan od itinerera prati priču o bidermajer-nazarenskom slikarstvu, čiji je naznačajniji predstavnik novosadski slikar Pavle Simić.
osetioci Novog Sada koji žele da upoznaju srpsku crkvenu umetnost 18. veka, a nemaju vremena da obiđu Fruškogorske manastire u Galeriji matice srpske mogu saznati o nasleđu postvizantijske tradicije, tradicionalnom slikarstvu i grafici zatim doživeti kolorite ranog, visokog i poznog baroka. Postavka 19. veka upoznaje sa srpskim slikarstvom neoklasicizma, bidermajera, romantizma, akademizma, realizma, simbolizma, a postavka 20. veka sa srpskim slikarstvom od 1900. do 1941. Izložena su dela: Dimitrija Bačevića, Stefana Teneckog, Teodora Ilića Češljara, Teodora Kračuna, Arsenija Teodorovića, Konstantina Danila, Katarine Ivanović, Novaka Radonića, Pavla Simića, Đure Jakšića, Paje Jovanovića, Uroša Predića, Stevana Aleksića, Danice Jovanović, Save Šumanovića, Milana Konjovića, Stojana Aralice i drugih. NAZARENSKO SLIKARSTVO PAVLA SIMIĆA Savremeni putnici sve češće obilaze Novi Sad krećući se unutar koridora omeđenih ulicama i prostorima u kojima su živeli junaci Tišminih i Kišovih romana, ili onima koje su omeđili graditelji sesecionističkih, češće bauhaus građevina. Jedan od takvih itinerera započinje pričom o bidermajer-nazarenskom slikarstvu, čiji je naznačajniji predstavnik unutar srpskog slikarstva, novosadski slikar Pavle Simić (1818- 1876). Sa idejom i praksom nazarenskog slikarstva Simić se upoznao
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
tokom studija na bečkoj Akademiji likovnih umetnosti, a njegove prepoznatljive karakteristike su u izboru religioznih tema izvedenenih toplim koloritom, sasvim u maniru idiličnog sentimenta. Pavle Simić je autentični umetnički izraz obogatio boraveći u Požunu (Pozsony današnja Bratislava) i Rimu. Na taj period podseća i GALERIJA MATICE SRPSKE U SRPSKOJ ATINI Osnovana 1826. u Pešti Matica srpska preseljena je 1864. godine u Novi Sad, tada najznamenitiju srpsku varoš, „Srpsku Atinu“. Cilj institucije je bio očuvanje nacionalnog identieta, prosvetna i kulturna emancipacija srpskog naroda, ali i predstavljanje srpske kulturne produkcije – Evropi. Deo tog napora realizovan je osnivanjem Muzeja Matice srpske 1847. što se smatra i godinom osnivanja Galerije. Danas Galerija Matice srpske, kao vrhunska insitucija kulture, čuva, prezentuje i interpretira umetnička dela - nacionalnu baštinu srpskog naroda, kroz stalne postavke, tematske izložbe, događaje i publikacije. kolekcija grafičkih listova nastalih u zapadnoj Evropi od kraja 16. do polovine 19. veka, koja tek nedavno u Galeriji Matice srpske predstavljena javnosti.
Saint Sava with children, oil on canvas, (1858)
Serbian National Assembly on 1 May 1848, oil on canvas, (1848 - 49)
Građanski sloj Beča i Budimpešte, gradova-centara političke, ekonomske i kulturne moći Habzburške monarhije je početkom 19. veka diktirao potrebu da se i u slikarstvu podstakne religiozno osećanje, pri tom ne napuštajući naturalistički, ipak topao koloritni izraz. Preuzimajući taj stil Pavle Simić je sopstveni likovni obrazac dopunio tematski tradicionalnim, pravoslavnim nasleđem. O tome, posetiocima Novog Sada koji prate trag nazarenskog-bidemajer stila nastalog u Beču, neposredno svedoče ikonostas Nikolajevske crkve u Novom Sadu i kolekcija Simićevih slika u Galeriji Matice srpske. Među Simićevim delima koje čuva Galerija Matice srpske je slika Srpska narodna skupština 1. maja 1848 koja predstavlja jedan od najvažnijih događaja u istoriji Srba Habzburške monarhije – proglašenje Srpske Vojvodine.
Zadruge Srpkinja Novosatkinja“. Mileva Simić je stanovala u Grčkoškolskoj ulici na broju 10. Nekada je to bila ulica gde su adrese imali najugledniji građani, a među njima i neki od novosadskih gradonačelnika. Pored pedagoškog rada kome je bila sasvim posvećena, budući da se nikad nije udavala, Mileva Simić će u srpsku kulturu ući i kao književnica, zatim skupljačica narodnih ženskih pesama (uključujući i lascivne), ali i kao prevoditeljka priča slavnog mađarskog pisca Jokai Mora koji je do I svetskog rata imao ulicu u Novom Sadu. Smenom kraljevstava i država u periodu kraćem od veka svet Simićevih i Natoševićevih iz ove priče preselio se što u istoriju, što u galerije, crkvene knjige i ikone, što u zaborav, a ponešto kao fragment sećanja postoji utisnuto u prostor omeđen koridorima priča Temerinske i Grčkoškolske ulice.
KUĆA NATOŠEVIĆA Na promenu imena, danas Pašićeve ulice podseća jedva vidljiva tabla utisnuta na nekadašnjoj kući Natoševića, na kojoj stoji Jókai Mór utca 7. Đorđe Natošević, vlasnik kuće u tadašnjoj Jókai Mór utca 7 bio je nadzornik srpskih škola u Austrougarskoj i osnivač srpskih učiteljskih škola u Somboru, Pakracu, Pančevu, Karlovcu, Novom Sadu. Sa Simićima je bio veoma blizak budući da je bio oženjen drugom kćerkom Grigorija Jovšića, Dafinom. I sam Jókai Mór je, prema memoarima Jakova Ignjatovića, tada velikog beležnika Novog Sada, posetio varoš 1861. godine u delegaciji mađarskih zvaničnika koji su prisustvovali proslavi 100-godišnjice od rođenja velikog srpskog mecene, Save Tekelije.
Gordana Stojaković Fotografje: Galerija Matice srpske, Dragan Kurucić i TO grada Novog Sada
SIMIĆEVI: OD TEMERINSKE DO GRČKOŠKOLSKE ULICE Usud jednog slikara i tada nije bio siguran projekat, te se kao i danas uglavnom nalazio negde u zoni nesigurnog, pa i siromaštva. Sudbina Pavla Simića brojala je isrećne godine zbog poslova koje je povremeno dobijao, ali još više zbog ženidbe Jelisavetom, kćerkom novosadskog gradonačelnika i advokata Grigorija Jovšića. Period uspeha obeležila je i gradnja porodične kuće Simićevih koja se i danas se nalazi u Temerinskoj ulici 21. Tu je odrasla slikareva kći Mileva Simić (1859-1946) koja će, kao odlična svršena učenica Učiteljske škole, u dobi od petnaest godina biti primljena za nastavnicu Više devojačke škole u Novom Sadu. U vreme svoje pedagoške faze kojoj treba dodati i činjenicu da je bila viđenija članica „Dobrotvorne
Informacije za turiste: Galerija Matice srpske, Trg galerija 1
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
How can we present in the most interesting manner all that makes Niš City specific and all that will make tourists cherish nice memories of the city for good?! A modern urban center today, Niš abounds in the cultural monuments that date back as early as in prehistory, and simultaneously the city is surrounded by incredibly nice nature, too… It is paid a visit to by those who want to learn about the birthplace of Roman Emperor Constantine, then also by those enjoying active rest and extreme sports and those who come because of the amenities of Niška Banja Spa; some visit the city to be at the Nisville and other festivals… Thanks to the good road network, the city is easily accessible from all directions, and it is also possible to arrive in Niš by plane.
Niš is big enough, and also has the charm and atmosphere of a small city, which may be its first advantage,” says Uroš Parlić, director of the Tourism Organization – This is one of the oldest cities in Europe. It is known as “the gate of the East and the West”; it is a witness to many historical events and “preserves” an exceptional cultural heritage. The people who come to Niš for the first time are most often interested in its architecture, the history of the city and local customs. They are interested in paying a visit to the Fortress, The Skull Tower, Cegar Hill, Bubanj (the Drums), Mediana etc. Then, in the immediate vicinity of Niš, there are the bijoux of natural heritage – Sićevačka and Jelašnička Gorges, Niška Banja Spa, Suva planina Mountain (Dry Mountain)..., all offering numerous possibilities for one to rest and entertain oneself. The surroundings of Niš are ideal for paragliding, mountain biking, mountain running, mountaineering, Alpinism… Niš is also known on the European cultural map for its mosaics in Mediana. “The most precious treasure of the Mediana archaeological site is the 1,000 m2 of the floor mosaics that have recently been presented to the public, too. In the past few years, the works have been carried out on the conservation of the mosaics and the architecture of a luxurious villa with a peristyle, where the mosaics are, and the protecting construction has been built. Judging by the mosaics, the buildings and the objects that were discovered, the villa had been built on the pattern of Rome for enjoyment and the performance of state affairs, whereas it had been used by six Roman emperors as their temporary residence.”
The Airport of Niš was named after a Roman emperor born in Niš... “The Airport bears the name of ‘Constantine the Great’, the emperor born in the Roman fortification on the bank of the Nišava River, where the Fortress is now located. These days the airport ‘is writing its new history’. A constant increase in the number of passengers from throughout the region is being recorded, all thanks to the Wizz Air Low Cost company, which has established scheduled airlines to Malmö, Basel, Memmingen and Eindhoven, and there will be yet another established soon – to Dortmund; and thanks to Ryanair as well, which announced airlines to Berlin, Düsseldorf, Bratislava and Milan. Tourism implies a two-way journey, doesn’t it?” One of the events that particularly attract guests is the Nisville Festivale... An event as unique as Nisville “spreads the magic from the stages of the time-honored Fortress of Niš. It is one of the ten best jazz music festivals. Nisville’s visitors are also interested in the cultural offer of Niš; given the fact that this region is known for extraordinary food and delicious barbecue, they don’t miss an opportunity to taste the specialties at some pubs in Niš. As the gritters of Niš say, those who come to visit Niš are interested in where we eat, how we celebrate... this city is unrivaled when the good atmosphere of our pubs and clubs and the optimism of the people of Niš are concerned. Text and photo: Rozana Sazdić Photos: Dušan Mitić Car
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
INFO Tourism Organization of Niš Vožda Karađorđa 5 +381 18 521 321
CARSKI NIŠ Kako na najinteresantniji način prezentovati ono što Niš čini specifičnim i zbog čega će turistima zauvek ostati u lepom sećanju?! Danas moderan urbani centar, Niš je pun kulturnih spomenika koji sežu od praistorije, a okružen je i neverovatno lepom prirodom... Posećuju ga oni koji žele da upoznaju rodno mesto rimskog cara Konstantina, drugi koji uživaju u aktivnom odmoru i ekstremnim sportovima, neki dolaze zbog blagodeti Niške Banje, neki zbog Nišvila i drugih festivala... Dobra saobraćajna povezanost ga čini lako dostupnm iz svih pravaca, a u Niš se može doći i avionom.
Niš je dovoljno veliki, a ima šarm i atmosferu malog grada i to je možda njegova prva prednost - kaže Uroš Parlić, direktor Turističke organizacije – Ovo je jedan od najstarijih gradova u Evropi. Poznat je kao „kapija istoka i zapada“, svedok je mnogih istorijskih događaja i „čuva“ izuzetno kulturno nasleđe. Ljudi koji prvi put dolaze najčešće se interesuju za arhitekturu, istoriju grada i lokalne običaje. Zainteresovani su da obiđu Tvrđavu, Ćele kulu, Čegar, Bubanj, Medijanu... Zatim, u neposrednom okruženju Niša nalaze se dragulji prirodne baštine - Sićevačka i Jelašnička klisura, Niška Banja, Suva planina... gde postoje brojne mogućnosti za odmor i zabavu. Okolina Niša je idealna za paraglajding, mountin biking, planinsko trčanje, planinarenje, alpinizam... Niš je poznat na kulturnoj mapi Evrope i po mozaicima u Medijani. „Najveće blago arheološkog nalazišta Medijana predstavlja 1000 m2 podnih mozaika, koji su nedavno i prezentovani javnosti. Proteklih nekoliko godina trajali su konzervatorski radovi na mozaicima i arhitekturi luksuzne vile sa peristilom gde se mozaici nalaze, a podignuta je i zaštitna konstrukcija. Sudeći po mozaicima, objektima i predmetima koji su pronađeni, vila je izgrađena po uzoru na Rim, za uživanje i obavljanje državnih poslova, a šestorica rimskih careva su je koristili kao privremenu rezidenciju.
Niški aerodrom je dobio ime po rimskom imperatoru koji je rođen u Nišu... „Aerodrom nosi ime „Konstantin Veliki“ koji je rođen u rimskom utvrđenju na obali Nišave, gde se sada nalazi Tvrđava. Ovih dana aerodrom „piše svoju novu istoriju“. Beleži se konstantan rast broja putnika iz celog regiona zahvaljujući Low cost kompaniji Wizz Air, koja je uspostavila redovan saobraćaj do Malmea, Bazela, Memingena i Ajndhovena, a uskoro i do Dortmunda, kao i Ryanair-u koji je najavio linije ka Berlinu, Diseldorfu, Bratislavi i Milanu. A turizam je kretanje u oba pravca, zar ne? Jedna od manifestacija koja naročito privlači goste je festival Nisville... „Jedinstveni događaj kao što je Nisville „širi magiju sa stejdževa drevne niškeTvrđave. To je jedan od 10 najboljih festivala jazz muzike. Posetioci Nisvilla se interesuju i za kulturnu ponudu Niša, a s obzirom da je ovaj kraj poznat po izvanrednoh hrani i delikatesnom roštilju, ne propuštaju priliku da probaju specijalitete u nekoj od niških kafana. Kako kažu niški griteri, posetioce Niša zanima gde jedemo, kako slavimo... po dobroj atmosferi, kafanskoj, klupskoj, i optimizmu Nišlija, ovaj grad je neprevaziđen. Tekst i foto: Rozana Sazdić Fotografije: Dušan Mitić Car
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Paying a visit to the Fortress located in the center of the city next to the Nišava River is a walk through history: the attractions from the different periods of the stormy past of the City of Niš can be seen; Roman Emperor Constantin the Great was also born in this locality, the then Roman fortification. Destroyed and re-erected several times, today’s appearance of the Fortress dates back in the time of the Turks in 1723.
Obilazak Tvrđave koja se nalazi u centru grada pored reke Nišave predstavlja šetnju kroz istoriju: Mogu se videti znamenja iz različitih perioda burne prošlosti Niša, a na ovom prostoru, u nekadašnjem rimskom utvrđenju, rođen je rimski car Konstantin Veliki. Rušena i obnavljana više puta, Tvrđava današnji izgled dobija u vreme Turaka 1723. godine. Info:
The compound, built during the rule of Constantin the Great and his ancestors, is one of the most significant archaeological sites in Serbia. As a temporary residence, Mediana was used by the six Roman emperors. The gorgeous floor mosaics, the remains of a luxurious villa with a peristyle and the numerous other objects testify of the life of Roman aristocracy and the local population.
Kompleks, nastao tokom vladavine Konstantina Velikog i njegovih naslednika, jedno je od najznačajnijih arheoloških nalazišta u Srbiji. Medijanu su kao privremenu rezidenciju koristilia šestorica rimskih careva. Raskošni podni mozaici, ostaci luksuzne vila sa peristilom, i brojni drugi objekti svedoče o životu rimske aristrokratije i lokalnog stanovništva.
The monument on Cegar Hill, where a famous battle had been fought in the First Serbian Insurrection, was erected in the memory of the heroic resistance of the Serbian soldiers and their commander Stevan Sindjelić. As a reprisal for their major losses, the Turks erected the Skull Tower made of the skulls of the killed Serbian insurrectionists. The tower made of human skulls is unique in the world.
Spomenik na brdu Čegar, gde se odigrala čuvena bitka u Prvom srpskom ustanku, postavljen je u znak sećanja na herojski otpor srpskih boraca i njihovog komandanta, Stevana Sinđelića. U znak odmazde zbog velikih gubitaka, Turci su od lobanja poginulih srpskih ustanika sazidali Ćele kulu. Kula od ljudskih lobanja, jedinstvena je u svetu.
Info: w
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In the very heart of the city, there are the Cathedral Temple of Niš and a church erected in dedication to St. Archangel Michael, the Church of Holy Emperor Constantine and Empress Helena and the Church of St. Panteleimon, whereas not far away from the city, one should visit the Latin Church and the Monastery of St. John in Gornji Milanovac, the monasteries of the Holy Mother of God and St. Paraskeva of the Balkans in Sićevačka Gorge… In Niš, there are also temples of other religious communities: a mosque, a Roman catholic and an Adventist churches.
U najužem gradskom jezgru nalazi se Niški saborni hram i crkva posvećena Sv. Arhanđelu Mihailu, crkva Sv. Cara Konstantina i carice Jelene, crkva Sv. Pantelejmona, a nadomak grada treba obići Latinsku crkvu i manastir Sv. Jovan u Gornjem Matejevcu, manastire Sv. Bogorodica i Sv. Petka u Sićevaćkoj klisuri… U Nišu postoje hramovi drugih religijskih zajednica: džamija,rimokatolička i adventistička crkva.
Located 10 km away from the city of Niš, Niška Banja Spa is a real oasis of health and a known health resort. It is famous for its warm water, mud, gas, mild climate and picturesque surroundings. One can best perceive the beauty of the nature here in walks, mountaineering, riding a bike… Jelašnička Gorge is suitable for free climbing, and Suva (Dry) mountain is the best for active rest and adventures. In Sićevačka Gorge, there is a rafting path and one of the best paragliding take-off spot… Info:
Niška Banja, na 10 km od Niša, prava je oaza zdravlja i poznato lečilište. Čuvena je po toploj vodi, blatu, gasu, blagoj klimi i živopisnom okruženju. Lepotu prirode najbolje je upoznati pešaćenjem, planinarenjem, biciklom… Jelašnička klisura je pogodna za slobodno penjanje, a Suva planina za aktivan odmor i avanturu. U Sićevačkoj klisuri postoji rafting staza i jedno od najboljih poletališta za paraglajding…
The city center is also the zone of good entertainment, a pedestrian zone, a shopping center… Numerous cafés are located in the main street, whereas also numerous pubs and the bohemian Coppersmith Alley preserve the old spirit of Niš. When in Niš, one should taste burek meat-pie, the barbecue of Niš and other gourmet delicacies, and having a good time in a pub implies the richness of tastes and a ceremonial atmosphere because “joie de vivre is priceless”.
Centar grada je i zona dobre zabave, šetalište, šoping centar… Brojni kafići nalaze se u glavnoj ulici, a stari duh Niša čuvaju isto tako brojne kafane i boemsko Kazandžijsko sokače. U Nišu treba probati burek, niški roštilj i druge gurmanluke , a provod u kafani podrazumeva bogatstvo ukusa i prazničnu atmosferu jer „merak nema cenu“ .
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
RICHNESS OF DIVERSITIES The relics of King Milutin Nemanjić, one of the most significant Serbian mediaeval rulers, are laid to rest at the Holy Sunday Church in Sofia. The temple is located in the vicinity of Vitoš Boulevard, the main pedestrian street in the capital of Bulgaria, the Presidential Palace, the National Theater of Ivan Vazov, the National Gallery... There, in the Square in front of the Gallery, the presentation of the tourist offer of Serbian destinations for the citizens of Sofia was organized, together with the cultural-artistic performance.
he promotional campaign of the Tourism Organization of Belgrade, under the name of #GO BELGRADE, is in progress in the towns and cities of the region, and at the beginning of July, the Caravan arrived in the capital city of Bulgaria. The business activities were being carried out by the Tourism Organization of Belgrade and the Tourism Organizations of Serbia, Niš, Leskovac and Dimitrovgrad, as well as the representatives of the hotel and catering industries, tourist agencies and the Air Serbia air company. B2B meetings were held between the representatives of the tourism economies of Serbia and Sofia at the Home of the Armed Forces, after the presentations of Belgrade and Niš. It is exactly Bulgarian tourists who are among the most numerous guests in these cities. Nišville, Beer fest and Barbecue Festival are some of the festivals that attract them… text and photos Roza Sazdić
BOGATSTVO RAZLIČITOSTI U Sofiji, u crkvi Sv. Nedelje počivaju mošti kralja Milutina Nemanjića, jednog od najznačajnijih srpskih srednjovekovnih vladara. Hram se nalazi u blizini Vitoša bulevara, glavnog šetališta bugarske prestonice, Predsedničke palate, Narodnog pozorišta Ivan Vazov, Nacionalne galerije… tu, na Trgu ispred Galerije organizovana je prezentacija turističke ponude srpskih destinacija za građane Sofije i prigodan kulturnoumetničkom program. 46
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toku je promotivna kampanja #GO BELGRADE Turističke organizacije Beograda u gradovima regiona, a početkom jula Karavan je stigao u glavni grad Bugarske. U poslovnim aktivnostima, uz Turističku organizaciju Beograda učestvovali su Turistička organizacija Srbije, Niša, Leskovca i Dimitrovgrada, kao i predstavnici hotelske i ugostiteljske industrije, turističkih agencija i avio kompanije Air Serbia. B2B sastanci između turističke privrede Srbije i turističke privrede Sofije održani su u Domu vojske nakon prezentacija Beograda i Niša. Među najbrojnijim gostima u ovim gradovima su upravo turisti iz Bugarske. Nišville, Beer fest, Roštiljijada su neki od festivala koji ih privlače… tekst i fotografije Roza Sazdić
A brand new hotel in the very centre of the city, the only place that meets anyone’s requests regarding high quality service and international cuisine. Located in a quiet street by the river, it offers peaceful atmosphere for individual travellers, families on vacation and everybody who likes to enjoy. Also very suitable for business seminars, cocktail parties or just an afternoon coffee with friends. If you are in town for business or pleasure, we offer you one of our beautiful rooms or apartments for your convenience. Our staff will be very pleased to make your stay unforgettable. We promise that you will enjoy our hospitality.
+381 18 525 555 Kej 29. decembar 22, Niš, Serbia
A PERFECT PLACE FOR REFRESHMENT Sokobanja has received the incredible power of nature as a gift. It is surrounded by four mountains and numerous springs of medicinal waters; the air there is filled with beneficial ions... Sokobanja has succeeded in attracting young and active people among the first in Serbia, thus beating the prejudices that Serbian spas are only reserved for people of ruined health and advanced in years. The Wellness offer, the attractive Aqua Park, cultural events, sports competitions, adrenaline sports, beautiful resorts – all these are the attractions that have ranked Sokobanja at the very top of Serbian tourism.
spa of longevity, “the green heart of Serbia”, the uncrowned queen of Serbian tourism – these are the words used to describe Sokobanja – a healing resort with an almost-two-centuries-long tradition of engaging itself in tourism in an organized way. Depending on one’s affinities, the spa offers diverse possibilities for one to rest at very acceptable prices.
Old Turkish hammam - the symol of Sokobanja Spa
MEDICINAL WATERS AND WELLNESS ATTRACTIONS In the Spa, there are six thermal-mineral and radioactive springs. There are two medicinal warm springs in the central spa bath, which is one of the symbols of the tourist center. The bath is located in the building of the Turkish hammam dating back in the 15th century, which was erected on the foundations of an antique bath!!! Today, there is a Wellness Center there – contemporary with respect to the therapeutic methods it applies, whereas the interiority of the stone baths has remained true to the form of the original. After a warm bath and inhaling water vapor containing the gas radon, you feel light and your body feels relaxed. On the springs of the “Lemon Spa”, a new compound called “Soko Terme” with its out- and indoor swimming-pools with warm water opened throughout the year was built. “Soko Terme”also offers numerous accompanying attractions – a Finnish sauna, a steam bath, a salty room, a Jacuzzi, various kinds of massage etc. ACCOMMODATION & HEALTH SPA Alongside four large hotels - Moravica, Zdravljak, Turist and Sunce – private accommodation prevails at Sokobanja. You can stay in one of the old buildings with the patina of history, modern chalets, apartments or rooms to rent. If you do not want to be tied to boarding, you can be worry free – the town has numerous excellent restaurants offering local cuisine that even deliver meals or prepare the food you desire. When it comes to health resorts, they are part of the healthcare system of Serbia. The Sokobanja Special Hospital deals with the treatment and prevention of non-specific pulmonary diseases. On Ozren is the aforementioned special hospital for eye ailments and obstructive pulmonary diseases, which is also the oldest medcal institution at the spa. Above the Banjica city park is a specialised hospital of the same name that treats various respiratory diseases, as well as psychoneurosis and neurosis. RTANJ, OZREN, WATERFALLS... Sokobanja is also known for its numerous resorts, for which reason, with a grain of curiosity, even if you are staying here for a longer period of time, your stay simply cannot become a routine: Lepterija, Očno, Kalinovica, Ripaljka, Grudno, Šopur, Rtanj, Bovansko Lake, Sesalačka Cave, The Moravica Spring... We specially recommend outings to Rtanj Mountain – a miraculous mountain in the shape of an almost regular pyramid, with which many legends about its healing powers and miraculous phenomena are associated. Another resort that we recommend is Ozren Mountain – a space of the green meadows, above which a unique rose of winds abounding in beneficial negative ions is created. Yet another space of exceptional beauty is the lake and fish pond in Grudno resort, near the Small Ripaljka waterfall as well as the rest area underneath the Big Ripaljka – the highest waterfall in Serbia. Milena Mihaljčić Photos: Sokobanja Organization for Tourism, Culture and Sport
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Rowing on Bovansko Lake
BEACHES ON THE MORAVICA There are six arranged beaches on the fast and clear Moravica (Small Morava) river, whereas there are four beaches in the very town, each one of them quite different from the other ones: Župan is a tree-shaded and gravel beach, Tesnac is located on a rock of a tight passage, the Six Tubs and the Three Tubs beaches have natural swimming-pools (tubs). THE SPA’S CULTURAL SUMMER
Throughout August and September, the visitors of Sokobanja can experience dynamic cultural and entertainment events. Famous actors, prestigious theater groups, singers, magicians, jugglers, comedians, cultural-artistic societies, dancers, acrobats etc. entertain the audience in front of the amphitheater of the Homeland Museum every night. THE BELVEDERE OF SOKO TOWN The Spa was named after the mediaeval fortification of Soko Town, which is located on a natural belvedere, right above the canyon of the Moravica (Small Morava) river. Paying a visit to the fortress is a special experience. There is an enchanting reward for that short, but at the same time exhausting climb: the thick walls of Soko Town command a breathtaking view of the surrounding expanses. SUITE 144 Suite 144 in the “Moravica” hotel is famous for the fact that our famous writer – Nobel Prize Winner Ivo Andrić – was a guest there on a regular basis. He used to stay in exactly that suite, not for the sake of the comfort of the suite or the habit, but rather for the reason of the balcony with a special view. His “home in Sokobanja” was converted into a small museum, which by all means should be paid a visit to. Andrić left the following record of the beneficial effect of his stay in the spa: “I don’t know what exactly there is here; what I know is that after my stay in Sokobanja Spa for 15-20 days, I work in Belgrade for the whole year, as if I were reborn.”
Six Tubs beach
Homeland museum
The Silhouette of Soko Town Fortress
The magic of Rtanj Mauntain
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
The most famous water “attraction” is the Aqua Park that offers a combination of relaxation and fun for family members. Visitors can gain adrenaline experiences by descending the slides, and the youngest can spend time in a swimming-pool with the equipment for playing games. There is green vegetation all around the Aqua Park, as it becomes Sokobanja in the first place.
During the main season, the spa hosts numerous sports-recreational events: nocturnal futsal, volleyball on the sand, basket and other tournaments. In midSeptember, the following events are going to take place: the bicycle race MTB SERBIA OPEN “The Trophy of Sokobanja 2016”, the tennis tournament “ITF FUTURES SOKOBANJA OPEN”, as well as the traditional mountaineering campaign “Oštra čuka 1.074” (“The Sharp Rocky Peak 1,074). The guests who seek excitements can put themselves to the test through experiencing the adrenaline events such as paragliding, sailing on Bovansko Lake, mountain climbing, mountain biking.
MARATHON FOR MAKING WISHES COME TRUE “The Marathon of Wishes” is also one of the quite frequently attended events. The participants in the Marathon visit the places where, according to folk beliefs, one’s sweet wishes come true: The Tree of Wishes, Mother of God in the Rock, The Stone of Love, The Ripaljka Waterfall, Grudonjske Watermills… While paying a visit to these places, the participants receive coupons, which entitles them to take part in the prize game. The final drawing of the awards is announced for the 3rd day of September.
UNREPEATABLE TASTES Sour milk, as well as sheep cheese and the lamb of Ozren and Rtanj mountains are the pride of Sokobanja people. Crescents, batter balls, and pancakes with broad-leaved wild garlic have an unrepeatable taste exactly because of the cheese made in Sokobanja. An experience of the cuisine can be gained at numerous ethno-restaurants, among which “The Old Watermill” and “Miloš’s Residence” can be singled out, together with the village households in Resnik, Jošanica, Vrmdža etc.
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Info: Sokobanja Organisation for Tourism, Culture and Sport / Organizacija za turizam, kulturu i sport Sokobanja Trg oslobođenja 2 tel: + 381 18 833 988; + 381 18 833 978 e-mail:
Sokobanje je darovana neverovatnom snagom prirode. Okružuju je četiri planine, brojni izvori lekovitih voda, njen vazduh ispunjen je blagotvornim jonima... Među prvima u Srbiji, Sokobanje je uspela da privuče mlade i aktivne ljude i tako pobedi predrasude da su srpske banje rezervisane za vremešne ljude oronulog zdravlja. Wellness ponuda, atraktivni Akva park, kuturna dešavanja, sportska nadmetanja, adrenalinski sportovi, lepa izetišta - sve su to sadržaji koji su Sokobanju doveli u sam vrh srpskog turizma.
Pleasant moments on the Moravica river
anja dugovečnosti, „zeleno srce Srbije“, nekrunisana kraljica srpskog turizma, tako se opisuje Sokobanja - lečilište koje ima tradiciju organizovanog bavljenja turizom dugu bezmalo dva veka. U zavisnosti od afiniteta, ona nudi raznolike mogućnosti za odmor po veoma pristupačnim cenama. LEKOVITE VODE I WELLNESS SADRŽAJI U banji postoji šest termomineralnih i radioaktivnih izvora. U centralnom banjskom kupatilu, koje je jedno od simbola turističkog centra, postoje dva lekovita topla izvora. Kupatilo se nalazi u zdanju Turskog amama iz 15. veka koje je podignuto na temeljima antičkog kupatila!!! Danas se u njemu nalazi Wellness centar - savremen po terapijskim metodama koje primenjuje, ali je unutrašnjost kamenih kupatila ostala verna originalu. Posle tople kupke i udisanja vodene pare koja sadrži gas radon, telo postaje lagano i opušteno. Na izvorima „Limun banje“, podignut je nov kompleks „Soko Terme“ koji ima otvorene i zatvorene bazene sa toplom vodom koji rade tokom cele godine. „Soko Tereme“ nude i brojne prateće sadržaje - finsku saunu, parno kupatilo, slanu sobu, đakuzi, razne vrste masaža... SMEŠTAJ I BANJSKA LEČILIŠTA Uz četiri veća hotela – „Moravica“, „Zdravljak“, „Turist“ i „Sunce“ – u Sokobanji preovlađuje privatan smeštaj. Možete odsesti u nekom od starih zdanja sa patinom istorije, modernom pansionu, apartmanu ili sobi za izdavanje. Ako ne želite da budete vezani za pansion, budite bez brige - u gradu postoji više odličnih
restorana domaće kuhinje koji dostavljaju obroke ili pripremaju hranu koju želite. Kada je reč o lečilištima, ona su deo Sistema zdravstvene zaštite Srbije. Specijalna bolnica „Sokobanja“ bavi sa lečenjem i prevencijom nespecifičnih plućnih bolesti. Na Ozrenu se nalazi Specijalna bolnice za očne i opstruktivne plućne bolesti i ona je najstarija zdravstvena ustanova u banji, a iznad gradskog parka „Banjica“ smeštena je istoimena Specijalna bolnica koja leči različita disajna oboljenja, ali i psihoneuroze i neuroze. RTANJ, OZREN, VODOPADI... Sokobanja je poznata po brojnim izletištima i zato, uz zrno radoznalosti, čak i duži boravak ovde jednostavno ne može da postane rutina: Lepterija, Očno, Kalinovica, Ripaljka, Grudno, Šopur, Rtanj, Bovansko jezero, Sesalačka pećina, Izvor reke Moravice... Posebno preporučujemo izlete na Rtanj – tu čudesnu planinu koja ima oblik gotovo pravile piramide, za koju su vezene mnoge legende o isceliteljskim moćima i čudsnim pojavama. Drugo izleteište koje preporučujemo je Ozren – prostor zelenih livada nad kojim se stvara jedinstvena ruža vetrova sa mnoštvom blagotvornih negativnih jona. Predivan prostor je i jezero i ribnjak na izletištu Grudno pored vodopada Mala ripaljka i odmorište ispod Velike ripaljke – najvišeg vodopada Srbije. Milena Mihaljčić Fotografije: Organizacija za turizam, kulturu i sport Sokobanja BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
AKVA PARK „PODINA“ Najpoznatija vodena „atrakcija” je Akva park koji nudi spoj porodičnog opuštanja i zabave. Posetioci mogu doživeti adrenalinska iskustva spuštajući se niz tobogane, a za najmlađe otvoren je bazen sa rekvizitima za igru. Akva-park je sav u zelenilu, kako i dolikuje Sokobanji. PLAŽE NA MORAVICI Na brzoj i čistoj reci Moravici postoji šest uređenih plaža, a u samom gradu nalaze se četiri, i to posve različite: Župan je senovit i šljunkovit, Tesnac se nalazi na steni tesnog useka, Šest kace i Tri kace su plaže sa prirodnim bazenima (kacama). BANJSKO KULTURNO LETO Tokom avgusta i septembra posetioce Sokobanje očekuje dinamičan kulturno-zabavni život. Svake večeri, pred amfiteatrom Zavičajnog muzeja, publiku zabavljaju poznati glumci, prestižne pozorišne grupe, pevači, mađioničari, žongleri, komičari, kulturnoumetnička društva, plesači, akrobate... MARATON ZA ISPUNJENJE ŽELJA Jedan od veoma posećenih događaja je i „Maraton želja“. Učesnici Maratona obilaze mesta na kojima se, po narodnim verovanjima, ispunjavaju lepe pomisli: Drvo želja, Bogorodica u steni, Kamen ljubavi, vodopad Ripaljka, Grudonjske vodenice… Obilazeći ova, učesnici dobijaju kupone, čime stiču pravo na učešće u nagradnoj igri. Završno izvlačenje nagrada najvljeno je za 3. septembar. SPORTSKA NADMETANJA I ADRENALINSKA ISKUSTVA Tokom glavne sezone, u banji se održavaju brojni sportsko-rekreativni događaji: noćni turniri u malom fudbalu, odbojci na pesku, basket-u… Za sredinu septembra najavljeni su: biciklistička trka MTB SERBIA OPEN „Trofej Sokobanje 2016“, teniski turnir „ITF FUTURES SOKOBANJA OPEN“, kao i tradicionalna planinarska akcija „Oštra čuka 1.074“. Gosti koji su u potrazi za uzbuđenjem mogu se oprobati u adrenalinskim doživljajima kao što su paraglajding, jedrenje na Bovanskom jezeru, mountain climbing, mountain biking. APARTMAN 144 U hotelu „Moravica“ znamenit je apartman br. 144, u kojem je redovan gost bio naš slavni pisac – nobelovac Ivo Andrić. Uvek je odsedao baš u njemu, ne zbog udobnosti ili navike već zbog naročitog pogleda s balkona. Njegov „sokobanjski dom” pretvoren je u mali muzej, koji svakako treba posetiti. O blagotvornom dejstvu boravaka u banji Andriće je ostavio sledeći zapis: „Ja ne znam čega stvarno ima ovde, ali znam da posle 15-20 dana boravka u Sokobanji radim celu godinu u Beogradu kao preporođen.” VIDIKOVAC SOKO-GRADA
Banja je ime dobila po srednjovekovnom utvrđenju - Soko-gradu, koje se nalazi na prirodnom vidikovcu, tik iznad kanjona Moravice. Obilazak tvrđave poseban je doživljaj. Nagrada za kratak, ali i naporan uspon očaravajuća je. Sa bedema Soko-grada puca pogled na okolna prostranstva. NEPONOVLJIVI UKUSI Kiselo mleko je ponos Sokobanjaca, kao i ovčji sir i jagnjetina sa Ozrena i Rtnja. Kiflice, kravajčići i palačinke sa sremušom imaju neponovljiv ukus upravo zbog sokobanjskog sira. Kuhinju predstavljaju brojni etnorestorani, među kojima se izdvajaju „Stara vodenica“ i „Milošev konak“, kao i seoska domaćinstva u Resniku, Jošanici, Vrmdži...
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This year, the Tourism Organization of Serbia has placed an accent on promoting Serbian rivers and lakes. This article is dedicated to the Danube and rivers and lakes of Western Serbia. You are hereby invited to spend unforgettable moments in nature, visiting cities and towns and becoming familiar with the people and the tastes of the region.
Turistička organizacija Srbije je ove godine akcent stavila na promociju reka i jezera. Ovaj prilog posvećujemo Dunavu i rekama i jezerima Zapadne Srbije i pozivamo vas da provedete nezaboravne trenutke u susretu s prirodom, gradovima, ljudima i ukusima podneblja.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
THE DANUBE IN SERBIA – 588 IMPRESSIONS DUNAV U SRBIJI - 588 UTISAKA From spacious Bačka plains to the stunning Đerdap gorge (Iron Gate), the Danube in Serbia flows through extremely diverse landscapes: dense forests and marshes of the Special Nature Reserve Gornje Podunavlje, sandy shores and river islands, lush filds, the silhouette of the mountain range of Fruška Gora, the landscape of vineyards and orchards, the loess ridges and backwaters, the outlines of the only desert in Europe... Od prostrane Bačke ravnice do zadivljujuće Đerdapske klisure, Dunav u Srbiji protiče kroz izrazito raznolike predele. Na vodenoj magistrali dugoj 588 kilometara prizori se neprestano smenjuju: guste šume i ritovi rezervata prirode „Gornje Podunavlje”, peščane obale i rečne ade, rodna polja, silueta planinskog venca Fruške gore, predeli vinograda i voćnjaka, lesne grebeni i rukavci, obrisi jedine pustinje u Evropi...
Nature Reserve Upper Danube Region (Gornje Podunavlje) awaits you at the upper stream of the Danube River in Serbia. If you prefer to be outdoors, you'll enjoy the navigation on the vast backwaters, gigantic forests like those in Amazonia, hunting, fishing, bird watching... Sombor and Apatin. Sombor is extremely intimate and gallant city. Be sure to visit the gallery of Milan Konjović, a famous Yugoslav expressionist. Sombor is located on the shores of the Great Bačka Canal, and we recommend the navigation on this canal, as well as visits to some of the famous Sombor farms where, with the sounds of the tamburitza, you will enjoy the taste of a Bačka table. Don’t forget to try the superbly prepared fish stew prepared at local fish restaurants. We recommend you visit the largest nautical centre – Apatin. Residents of Apatin are known
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
as skilled fishermen and brewers. Certainly worth a visit is the old building of the Apatin brewery, while Banja Junaković spa in the vicinity will offer you comfortable accommodation and wellness facilities.
Na gonjem toku Dunava očekuje vas rezervat prirode „Gornje Podunavlje”. Ako ste poklonik boravka u prirodi, ovde ćete uživati u plovidbi nepreglednim rukavcima, gorostasnim šumama nalik na amazoniju, posmatranju ptica… U blizini rezervata nalaze se dva urbana centra: Sombor i Apatin. Sombor je izrazito intiman i otmen grad. Svakako posetite galeriju Milana Konjovića, čuvenog jugoslovenskog ekspresioniste. Sombor se nalazi na obali Velikog bačkog kanala, pa vam preporučujemo i plovidbu kanalom, kao i posetu nekom
od poznatih somborskih salaša gde ćete, uz zvuke tamburice, uživati u ukusima bačke trpeze. Ne zaboravite da se ovde na čardama priprema vrhunski riblji paprikaš. Preporučujemo vam i posetu najvećem nautičkom centru - Apatinu. Apatinci su poznati kao vrsni alasi i pivari. Svakako vredi posetite staro zdanje „Apatinske pivare”, a obližnja Banja Junaković pružiće vam udoban smeštaj i wellness sadržaje. Info:;;;
One of the proposals for your break near the Danube is a combination of urban magic of Novi Sad and staying at the Fruška Gora National Park, which is “netted” by walking and mount biking paths. The offer of the National Park includes interesting eco tours, bird watching and wildlife. On the slopes of the mountain there is the famous vineyard so we recommend wine tasting in one of about forty wine cellars. Fruška Gora is a treasure trove of cultural heritage. In its area, there aresixteen Orthodox monasteries, the most famous of which are Krušedol, Grgeteg and Mala Ravanica. One of the places that we single out is Banja Vrdnik, settled on the “sunny side” of the mountain. Its healing thermal waters, in conjunction with air and relaxation treatments will surely “energise” and strengthen you. On the list of inspiring places, there is the monumental Petrovradin fortress and the charming baroque town of Sremski Karlovci.
One of the proposals for your break near the Danube is a combination of urban magic of Novi Sad and staying at the Fruška Gora National Park, which is “netted” by walking and mount biking paths. The offer of the National Park includes interesting eco tours, bird watching and wildlife. On the slopes of the mountain there is the famous vineyard so we recommend wine tasting in one of about forty wine cellars. Fruška Gora is a treasure trove of
cultural heritage. In its area, there aresixteen Orthodox monasteries, the most famous of which are Krušedol, Grgeteg and Mala Ravanica. One of the places that we single out is Banja Vrdnik, settled on the “sunny side” of the mountain. Its healing thermal waters, in conjunction with air and relaxation treatments will surely “energise” and strengthen you. On the list of inspiring places, there is the monumental Petrovradin fortress and the charming baroque town of Sremski Karlovci. Info:;;;
The Danube forms the biggest transformation on its way to the Black Sea under the walls of the Golubac fortress, where it plunges its vast waters into the gorges of the Carpathian Mountains. Travelling down Đerdap Gorge – the longest and most beautiful one in Europe – is a special experience. Everything here bears the attributes of the best experience: you cannot capture the view of the whole Danube near Golubac at once, and in the Kazan ravine you can almost touch its shores. The views from the viewpoints of Đerdap National Park are breath-taking. At a place called Lepenski Vir, there is the eponymous archaeological site - the most mysterious European culture and the centre of art of the Stone Age. Tabula Traiana witnesses of superhuman efforts of the Romans to carve a path through the Iron Gate, and there are the remains of Traian's bridge that for one thousand years had been the largest in the world... Đerdap is a magnificent park of nature and archaeology, with charming towns like Golubac, Donji Milanovac and Kladovo. You can explore it on cruising programmes, as well as on the land routes. The list of recommendations includes the medieval fortress Golubac, that is currently under reconstruction. It is located at the very entrance to the gorge and is therefore called “the Governess of the Danube”. Do not miss to experience the revived medieval magical setting of Golubac Fortress.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Najveći preobražaj na svom putu ka Crnom moru Dunav čini pod zidinama Golubačke tvrđave, kada svoje ogromne vode ponire u tesnace Karpatskih planina. Putovanje Đerdapskom klisurom – najlepšom i najdužom u Evropi - posebno je iskustvo. Ovde sve nosi atribute najdoživljaja: kod Golubca Dunav se ne može obuhvatiti pogledom, a u tesnacu „Kazan“ gotovo da možete rukom da dodirnete njegove obale. Pogledi sa vidikovaca Nacionalnog parka Đerdap zaustavljaju dah. Na mestu zvanom Lepenski vir, nalazi se istoimeni arheološki lokalitet – najzagonetnija evropska kultura i središte umetnosti kamenog doba. Trajanova tabla je svedok nadljudskog napora Rimljana da
The cultural heritage is as diverse as nature, perhaps even more exciting: on the banks of the Danube emerged the famous culture of Lepenski Vir 8 millennia old, as well as the Vinča culture which, among other things, left behind the prehistoric metropolis, Vinča, and Rudna Glava - the oldest copper mine in the world. Traces of the Celts, Romans, Byzantium, the first Slavs, medieval Serbian and Hungarian states, the Ottoman Empire, the Austrian Empire and modern Serbian countries reveal to the traveller a rich historical fabric of the region.
Kulturna baština raznolika je kao i priroda, možda je i još uzbudljivija: na obalama Dunava nikla je slavna kultura Lepenskog vira stara 8 milenijuma, kao i Vinčanska kultura koja je, izmedju ostalog, za sobom ostavila praistorijsku metropolu Vinču, kao i Rudnu glavu - najstariji rudnik bakra na svetu. Tragovi Kelta, Rimljana, Vizantije, prvih Slovena, Srednjovekovne srpske i ugarske države, Osmanlija, Austrijskog carstva i Novovekovne srpske države otkrivaju putniku bogato istorijsko tkanje ovog podneblja
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isklešu put kroz Đerdap, a tu su i ostaci Trajanovog mosta koji je hiljadu godina bio najveći na svetu... Đerdap je veličanstven park prirode i arheologije, sa ljupkim varošima poput Golubca, Donjeg Milanovca i Kladova. Možete ga istražiti na programima krstarenja, kao i kopnenim putevima. Na listi preporuka je i srednjovekovna tvrđava „Golubački grad“ koja se upravo revitalizuje. Nalazi sa na samom ulazu u klisuru te je stoga nazivaju „Gospodaricom Dunava“. Ne propopustite da doživite oživljeni srednjovekovni ambijent čarobnog „Golubačkog grada“. Info:;,;;;
Encompassing Tara Mountain, the green Drina river has cut a magnificent canyon, reaching even up to 1,000 m in depth and being known as one of the most beautiful canyons in the world. Tara Mountain and the national park of the same name offer tourists various attractions, ranging from going to the belvederes with panoramic views of the Drina, mountain horse-riding to eco-tours making you familiar with the magnificent world of endemic flora. Tara is an ideal space for mountain biking and mountaineering. The Canyon of the Drina can be researched by sailing on tourist ships or boats; one of the spectacular tours, however, is sailing to Višegrad, paying a visit to Andrićgrad (the complex-town dedicated to Ivo Andrić, a Serbian writer and a Nobel Prize Winner) and the famous “bridge on the Drina River”. The surroundings are also decorated by two accumulation lakes: Zaovinsko and Perućaško lakes, and the natural phenomenon of the Vrelo (Spring) river – a Drina river’s tributary, which flows exactly 365 m on its way from its spring to the confluence with the Drina. Flowing into the Drina, it creates a waterfall, above which a “terrace for visitors to enjoy” has been built. The small town of Bajina Bašta is the tourist center of this area and does resemble the name it bears: there are a lot of parks, tree lanes and floral alleyways. Here, you can rent a boat with a raftsman, who will, according to the tradition of this area, navigate the boat on the downward course of the river. You will become familiar with the famous, isolated “little house on the Drina”, too, the photo of which has been displayed worldwide. When it
comes to the rich “Drina table groaning with food”, we recommend that you should have trout and huchen soup, whereas yet another specialty is also medicinal juniper brandy.
Okružujući planinu Taru, zelena Drina usekla je veličanstven kanjon koji dostiže dubinu i do 1000 m i slovi za jedan od najlepših na svetu. Na Tari i istoimenom nacionalnom parku postoji raznovrsna turistička ponuda: od obilazaka vidikovaca sa panoramskim pogledima na Drinu, planinskog jahanje, do eko-tura koje vas uvode u čudesan svet endemske flore. Tara je idealan prostor za mountbiking i planinarenje. Kanjon Drine možete istražiti ploveći turističkim brodovima ili čamcima, a jedna od spektakularnih tura je plovidba do Višegrada, obilazak Andrićgrada i čuvene „na Drini ćuprije“. Predeo krase i dva akumulaciona jezera: Zaovinsko i Perućačko, a prirodni fenomen je pritoka Drine - reka Vrelo, koja je od izvora do ušća duga tačno 365 metara. Uvirući u Drinu stvara vodopad nad kojim je izgrađena „terasa za uživanje“. Gradić Bajina Bašta je turistički centar ovog kraja i sasvim liči na svoje ime: ima puno parkova, drvoreda i cvetnih leja. Ovde možete iznajmiti čamac sa splavarom koji će vas, u skladu s tradicijom ovog kraja, spustiti nizvodnim tokom reke. Upoznaćete i čuvenu, osamljenu „kućicu na Drini“ čije je fotografija obišla čitav svet. Sa bogate „drinske trpeze“ preporučujemo vam pastrmku i čorbu od mladice, a specijalitet je i rakija s bobicama lekovite kleke. Info:;;
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
EThe view of the meandering course of the Uvac river is more beautiful than any photograph can evoke. In its struggling with stone, the water has modelled a creation of an unreal landscape consisting of a series of “clenched” meanders, some of which even have an angle of 270 degrees! Meandering and taking sharp turns, the Uvac has created a several kilometers long shore, and there are three lakes on its course that have been created by erecting dams. The river flows down in cascades across the Lake of the Uvac River, the highest-placed one, only to continue to flow across the lakes of Zlatar and Radoinjsko. “Special Nature Reserve – the Uvac” is responsible for managing this space. Griffon vultures, the endangered species of the vulture-eagle of the imposing size and the wingspan, are the biggest attraction of the reserve. Apart from griffon-vulture watching, sailing down the meanders of the river is also very exciting. Here, you can walk for hours down the marked paths right alongside the circumference of the gorge. The nearby town of Nova Varoš is located on the slopes of Zlatar Mountain, which has been given the status of an air spa. The air here is rich in ozone and turpentine, and the roses of winds above Zlatar make a link between the Mediterranean and mountain climates. Zlatar is known for its developed cattle breeding and tasty fullfat “cheese from Zlatar mountain”, which many specialties are made with. The one that we certainly recommend that you should taste is “heljdopita”
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(“buckwheat pie”) – a pie made with buckwheat flour and stuffed with the cheese from Zlatar Mountain
Pogled na vijugavi tok Uvca lepši je nego što bilo koja fotografija može da dočara. Borba vode i kamena stvorila je nestvarno izvajan pejsaž sačinjen od niza „ukleštenih“ meandara od koji se neki nalaze i pod uglom od 270 stepeni! Uvac je, krivudajući i naglo skrećući, stvorio kilometrima dugu obalu, a na njegovom toku su i tri jezera nastala izgradnjom brana. Preko Uvačkog jezera, koje je najviše, pa Zlatarskog i Radoinjskog, reka se kaskadno spušta. Ovom prostorom upravlja „Specijalni rezervat prirode Uvac“. Najveća atrakcija rezervata su beloglavi supovi - ugrožena vrsta orla-lešinara impozantne veličine i raspona krila. Uz posmatranje supova, veoma je uzbudljiva i plovidba meandrima reke. Ovde možete satima pešačiti obeleženim stazama uz obod klisure. Obližnji grad Nova Varoš nalazi se na padinama planine Zlatar koja ima status vazdušne banje. Ovde je vazduh pun ozona i terpentina, a ruže vetrova nad Zlatarom spajaju mediteransku i planinsku klimu. Zlatar je poznat po razvijenom stočarstvu i ukusnom punomasnom „zlatarskom“ siru od kojeg se spravljaju mnogi specijaliteti. Jedan koji svakako preporučujemo je „heljdopita“ – pita od heljdinog brašna nedevena zlatarskim sirom. Info:,
In its course, this fast mountain river flows by the high-rising lime-stone cliffs and valleys, brisk rapids and sandy depressions coming one after another; so, the river is attractive to go rafting and log-floating on it. The traces of the past testify of the value of living on its banks. As a pearl necklace, there are mediaeval monasteries all the way down the river: Kumanica, Davidovica, Pustinja (Desert), Mileševa, Mažići, Sv. Nikola (St. Nicholas)… Mileševa Monastery nearby the town of Prijepolje is known for its “White Angel” – one of the most beautiful Serbian mediaeval frescoes to have been transmitted to space as a message of peace and beauty for intelligent beings in space to see it. The repository of St. Nicholas Monastery in Pribojska Banja spa is also fascinating. This region is ideal for active rest in nature. We recommend that you should pay a visit to the waterfalls of the Sopotnica river, the canyon of the Mileševka river and the mountain village of Kamena gora (Stone Mount) with its 108 springs of drinking water. Apart from coming to Kamena gora to see the beautiful landscapes and its developed village tourism, one also visits it in order to pay reverence to the holy pine: the solitary luxuriant pine that, according to the legend, is at least four centuries old, is paid respect to as a holy being.
U toku ove brze planinske reke smenjuju su visoke krečnjačke litice i doline, žustri bukovi i peščane uvale, pa je vrlo privlačna za rafting i splavarenje. O vrednosti življenja na njenim obalama svedoče tragovi prošlosti. Kao niska bisera, duž reke se nižu srednjovekovni manastiri: Kumanica, Davidovica, Pustinja, Mileševa, Mažići, Sv. Nikola… Manastir Mileševa kraj Prijepolja poznat je po „Belom anđelu“ - jednoj od najlepših srpskih srednjovekovnih freski koja je poslata u svemir kao poruka mira i lepote inteligentnim bićima vasione. Fascinatna je i riznica manastira Svetog Nikole u Pribojskoj Banji. Ovaj predeo je idealan za aktivan odmor u prirodi. Preporučujemo vam da obiđete vodopade Sopotnice, kanjon reke Mileševke i planinsko selo Kamenu goru sa 108 izvora pitke vode. Uz divne predele i razvijen seoski turizam u Kamenu Goru dolazi se i na pokonjenje svetom boru: osamljeni raskošan bor koji je, po prednju, star najmanje četiri stoleća poštuje se kao sveto biće. Info:; O n the basis of the publication “Water Tresure of Serbia”, prepared by Milena Mihaljčić and Rozana Sazdić | Na osnovu publikacije „Vodeno blago Srbije“, priredile Milena Mihaljčić i Rozana Sazdić Photos/Fotografije: TOS photo archive
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
The famous architect Božidar Petrović wrote about a photo exhibition authored by photographer Stanko Kostić themed folk architecture: “Let it be forgiven to me to express the feelings of melancholy, joy and excitement in front of the work of Stanko Kostić, that eternal stubborn child... What did this “boy" do with his “mischief”? He fathomed in the heart, the essence, beauty and soul of a national mason...”
Through his quest Stanko Kostić reveals and shows the human and emotional content of these humble yet, as he says, “large houses”. He points to us to the value that may not be there tomorrow,” wrote professor Petrović. The reason for an interview with the author is not only the beauty of photos of folk masonry and their documentary value, but the desire to have the “seed” of wisdom of our ancestors who deeply perceived the living space “sawn”, sprouting in the form of a new tourism complex, a restored farm, a newly built house, a hotel.... Where are the roots of your decade-long quest for works of folk masonry? Childhood dimensions us, we absorb life at that age. I grew up in these houses – poor and beautiful, but later I photographed the impressions of childhood and manifested emotions planted in me. I started searching for them, and I turned those feelings into images, wanting to convey them to the present-day and future viewers. You say that the houses of our ancestors are “tailored for a man”. What does it mean? The basic resources of a nation are the people and space. We take people and space too easily. However, all ancient civilizations on our soil – Vinča, Celtic, Roman ... – as well as our immediate ancestors were economical about space. They carefully chose the places for their homes. Those homes were airy, facing the sun, protected from winds, with a good view of potential oncoming enemies, and they did not pollute the environment. Due to rains and winds, the roof was four-layered. The main measure was double span. Doors and windows were of ergonomic proportions. In addition to saying that the houses of
our ancestors were tailored for a man, I could add that they were nature-friendly. What kind of relationship is that of a folk architect to nature and the environment? The houses were built so as to create an intimacy between man and nature. Wood and stone were the basic timber, houses were never built on fertile land. Choosing where to build was often left to domestic animals. For example, the place where lambs preferred to rest was chosen as the spot for a house, or herbs where there were no pests... People were able to listen to the nature and read its signs, deeply aware that plants and animals were in a better collusion with the forces of nature and that human senses and knowledge have their limitations. You worked closely with late Professor Božidar Petrović, one of the few educated architects who on the foundation of traditional folk architecture designed contemporary houses. Building is an integral part of national identity. I would say, one of its pillars. Professor Petrović revived the best pieces of work from the past and preserved in the best way our regional characteristics and values... He followed the path of thinking of old builders, and he “spoke their language”. His beautiful houses are a living example of how tradition is upgraded in the best way. We shared a common belief that national building should be an integral part of the university studies of architecture. The houses of Boža Petrović have already become tourist destinations, somewhat hidden from the public eye, but known to the pilgrims of building crafts. Milena Mihaljčić
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
PORCH OF LIFE Characteristic for houses in eastern and south-eastern Serbia are arched porches. From early spring to late autumn, family life would take place on the porch. “Bathed in the air”, people would live their everyday lives, contract engagement, celebrate feasts... This photograph Shows Živojin Ilić’s house porch in the village of Štubik near Negotin. THE OLD HOUSES OF THE GREAT MEN OF SERBIA Many famous people from Serbian history were born and lived in modest, yet sumptuous traditional houses.
T he first “Serbian court”, the house of Prince Miloš Obrenović, in the village of Gornja Crnuća on Rudnik Mt
T he house of composer Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac in Negotin
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Stanko Kostić, a photographer, from his early days, since when he has mastered the photographic craft, is dedicated to recording the beauties of nature and exploring the ethnographic and cultural heritage of Serbia. His topics were "village disappearing", "people, costumes and customs", "old crafts", "national building", "Orthodox art" ... Above all, Stanko loves nature and eastern Serbia, where he grew up. He bequeathed the legacy of selected works, a digest of his art, to the Heritage Museum of Petrovac na Mlavi. Constantly on the road, it is through his photos, exhibitions and reports that Stanko Kostić zealously tries to get more people familiar with little known or completely unknown heritage and landscapes of Serbia, especially in eastern Serbia. Info: BUILDING ARTWORK OF BOŽA PETROVIĆ
The volcanic cone of Ostrovica inspired national builders to make a cone-shaped roof
The birth house of military commander Živojin Mišić, the village Struganik near Mionica A private house in Ljubovija, overlooking the Drina
A borough house inspired by folk architecture: Todorče’s residence in Negotin
The beauty and intimacy of masonry works – a private house in Vlasotince
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
PHOTO EDITORIAL - LOC AL MASONS A MORNING IN OSANICA VILLAGE Many melancholic tones are weaved into the story of folk architecture. This photo of a dilapidated house and a donkey rider so full of life and warmth was taken in the village of Osanica, nearby Žagubica. OSANIČKO JUTRO Priča o narodnom neimarstvu nosi i mnoge setne tonove. Ova fotografija oronule kuće i života punog „jahača“ na magarcu napravljena je u selu Osanica kraj Žagubice.
Ethno House Tulba, Požarevac, moved from the village of Melnica, the end of the 19th century. It's called “durungara” because it is made of boards.
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
A private house near Negotin T HIS SCENERY REALLY EXIST – ETNO PARK LEPENSKI VIR The fascinating Đerdap gorge, near Donji Milanovac, within the protected archaeological complex Lepenski Vir 9000 years old is also house to an ethno park with a setting of country houses from the late 19th century. Before the construction of a hydroelectric power plant and flooding, the houses were relocated from the nearby village of Golubinje. They were built of stone, adobe, wooden logs, mud and straw. They have a distinctive porch with arches and chimneys. O VAJ PRIZOR ZAISTA POSTOJI – ETNO PARK LEPENSKI VIR U fascinantnoj Đerdapskoj klisuri, nedaleko od Donjeg Milanovca, u sklopu zaštićenog arheološkog kompleksa Lepenski Vir starog 9000 godina nalazi se etno park sa postavkom seoskih kuća s kraja 19. veka. Kuće su se pre izgradnje hidroelektrane i potapanja prenešene iz obližnjeg sela Golubinje. Građene su od kamena, čerpića, drvenih oblica, blata i slame. Imaju karakterističan trem s lukovima i odžake.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Povodom izložbe fotografija Stanka Kostića sa temom narodnog graditeljstva, poznati arhitekta Božidar Petrović zapisao je: „Meni neka je dopušteno da iznesem svoje osećanje setne radosti i svoje ushićenje pred delom Stanka Kostića tog večitog deteta, tog „tvrdoglavog malog“... Šta je taj „mali“ učinio svojim „nestašlukom“? Pronikao je u srce, u suštinu, lepotu i dušu narodnog graditelja... TREM ŽIVOTA Za kuće istočne i jugoistočne Srbije karateristični su tremovi s lukovima. Od ranog proleća do kasne jeseni život porodice odvijao se na tremu. Tu se „okupana vazduhom” živela svakodnevica, ugovarale veridbe, slavile slave...
Svojim traganjima Stanko Kostić nam otkriva i prikazuje ljudske i duševne sadržaje tih skromnih ali kako sam kaže „velikih kuća“. Ukazuje nam na vrednosti kojih možda već sutra neće biti“, pisao je profesor Petrović. Povod za razgovor s autorom nije samo lepota fotografija narodne arhitekture i njihova dokumentaristička vrednost, već želja da se „seme“ mudrosti naših starih koji su duboko promišljali životni prostor „poseje“ i možda nikne u obliku novog turističkog kompleska, obnovljenog imanja, novoizgrađene kuće, hotela... Gde su koreni tvoje decenijske potrage za delima narodnog graditeljstva? Detinjstvo nas dimezioniše, mi tada upijamo život. Odrastao sam u tim kućama – siromašnim i lepim, a kasnije sam fotografisao impresije iz detinjstva i ispoljavao emocije koje su mi usađene. Počeo sam da tragam za njima i ta osećanja sam pretvorio u slike, želeći da ih prenesem sadašnjim i budućim gledaocima. Kažeš da su kuće naših predaka „čovekomerne“. Šta to znači?
Osnovni resursi nacije su ljudi i prostor. Mi se olako odnosimo i prema ljudima i prema prostoru. Međutim, sve drevne civilizacije na našem tlu – vinčanska, keltska, rimska… - kao i naši neposredni preci štedljivo su se odnoslili preme prostoru. Pažljivo su birali mesta za kuće. One su bile prozračne, okrenute ka suncu, zaštićene od vetrova, imale su pregled na moguće nadolazeće neprijatelje i nisu „zagađivale” prostor. Kuće su zbog kiša i vetrova imale krov „na četiri vode“. Osnovna mera bila je lakat. Vrata i prozori su ergonomskih proporcija. Možda bih uz određenje da su kuće naših starih bile po ljudskoj meri, dodao da su one i „prirodomerne”. Kakav odnos narodni neimar ima prema prirodi i okruženju? Kuće su građene tako da stvaraju prisnost između čoveka i prirode. Drvo i kamen su osnovna građa, plodno zemljište se nikada nije koristilo za izgradnju kuće. Izbor mesta na kojem će se graditi često je „prepuštan“ domaćim životinjama. Na primer, biralo se mesto gde jaganjici vole da odmaraju, gde raste „dobro bilje”, gde nema štetočina… Ljudi su umeli da osluškuju prirodu i čitaju njene znake,
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
duboko svesni da su biljke i životinje u boljem dosluhu sa silama prirode, da ljudska čula i znanja imaju svoja ograničenja. Blisko si sarađivao s pokojnim profesorom Božidarom Petrovićem, jednim od retkih školovanih arhitekta koji je na temeljima narodnog neimarstva projektovao savremene kuće. Neimarstvo je sastavni deo nacionalnog identiteta. Rekao bih jedan od njegovih stubova. Profesor Petrović je oživeo najlepše „akorde prošlosti“ i na samosvojan način očuvao naše regionalne karateristike i vrednosti... On je sledio način mišljenja starih neimara i govorio njihovim „jezikom“. Njegove prelepe kuće živi su primer kako se tradicija na nabolji način nadograđuje. Delili smo zajedničko uverenje da predmet narodno neimarstvo treba da bude sastavni deo studija arhitekture. Kuće Bože Petrovića već sada predstavljaju turističke destinacije, pomalo skrivene od očiju javnosti, ali poznate hodočasnicima neimarskog zanata". Milena Mihaljčić
PHOTO EDITORIAL - LOC AL MASONS STARE KUĆE SRPSKIH VELIKANA Mnogi slavni ljudi srpske istorije rodili su se i živeli u skromnim, ali i raskošnim tradicionalnim kućama.
A private house, village Oreovica, Žabari
Vojvoda Stepa‘s house, Kumodraž, Belgrade
A private house, Ljig
O AUTORU Stanko Kostić, likovni umetnik fotografije, od mladih dana, od kako je ispekao fotografski zanat, predano beleži lepote prirode i istražuje etnografsko i kulturno nasleđe Srbije. Njegove teme su „selo koje nestaje", „ljudi, nošnje i običaji", „stari zanati", „narodno graditeljstvo", „pravoslavna umetnost "... Iznad svega, Stanko voli prirodu i istočnu Srbiju u kojoj je odrastao. Zavičajnom muzeju Petrovca na Mlavi zaveštao je legat odabranih radova koji predstavljaju jednu vrstu sižea njegove umetnosti. Neprestano na putu, svojim fotografijama, izložbama i reportažama, Stanko Kostić sa ogromnom žarom nastoji da što više ljudi upozna s malo poznatim ili sasvim nepoznatim nasleđem i krajolicima Srbije, a posebno Istočne Srbije. Info:
The village house in Pešter Highlands
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
A GUIDE BOOK THROUGH THE WINE REGIONS AND WINERIES The Publication is an ideal reading matter for all those domestic and foreign visitors who want to gain an experience of a wine adventure throughout Serbia, taste Serbian wines in the cellars where such wines are produced, degust them in the company of and being instructed in doing so by those producing those wines, while simultaneously being told interesting stories about wine, the wine tradition of each area and each cellar, and also “matching� the tastes of wines with the diversities of the national cuisine.
he Tourism Organization of Serbia issued the World of Wines publication, on whose forty pages the attractions of wine tourism in Serbia are presented. The publication was prepared on the basis of the new regionalization, according to which Serbia is divided into three regions: Vojvodina, Central Serbia and Kosovo, within which regions there are twenty-two regions, or in other words seventy-seven wine growing hills and several viticultural oases. All these areas, inclusive of all their historical, geographical, and climatic varieties, also offer as many such different, typical and attractive wine and tourist attractions, pleasing to all the senses. THE RENAISSANCE OF WINE PRODUCTION IN SERBIA Simultaneously claiming that Serbia is definitively on its way to become a wine destination, the Publication states that, in the last fifteen years, this country of ours has gone through a real renaissance of viticulture and wine production. A large number of old vineyards have been renewed and some new ones have been planted; more than three hundred wineries have been established, producing over one thousand different wines. Also, which is the most important thing, the market has become richer for new domestic quality wines and the wines characterized by a superior quality and of the controlled geographical origin. The data recording that there are more than 80 thousand estates in Serbia engaged in the production of grapes and that over 25,000 hectares of land are vineyards are the best illustration of the extent to which viticulture and wine production are present in this country and of how significant they are as an economic branch. The bearers of the production of quality and superior wines with the protected geographical origin are small and middle-sized wineries, whose number has been at an accelerating rate in the recent years. Apart from vineyards and cellars equipped with modern pieces of equipment, many wineries also have rooms for the degusting and sale of wine; there have been an increasing number of restaurants within wine cellars, as well as an increasing number the accommodation capacities in the past years. Cellars and vineyards are open for visitors to come in organized groups; apart from welcoming their guests with the best wines, wine growers also welcome their guests by offering them local and national culinary specialties. At the same time, guests are allowed to pay a visit to numerous local cultural and historical attractions and enjoy extraordinary natural beauties which may be found in abundance throughout Serbia.
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
The vineyards of the King's Winery, Oplenac
Čoka Winery, Čoka THE WINE ROUTES OF CENTRAL SERBIA The authors of the publication have paid special attention to having all of the wine regions equally represented by highlighting the particular and unique characteristics of each one such region. Central Serbia has been presented on the largest number of pages, as the biggest and the most significant wine region in the Republic inclusive of 13 wine regions, amongst which the Viticultural Region of the Three Morava Rivers stands as the biggest one, including almost one-third of all the vineyards in the country. The reader’s attention is in particular drawn to the autochthonous sorts of prokupac and tamjanika. Šumadija is specially referred to as a region that became an important
center of the Serbian viticulture and wine production at the beginning of the last century, thanks to the Dynasty of the Karadjordjević Family. By courtesy of the owners of the Radovanović and the Aleksandrović wine cellars – the first privatelyowned wineries in Serbia, whose owners started producing quality and superior wines with their own labels towards the end of the century gone by, wine production in Serbia began to rejuvenate itself in its own kind of way. The publication reminds the reader that, apart from Vienna, Belgrade is the only one European capital city to have vineyards, wine cellars and its own wines in its own district. Belgrade region also includes the town of Smederevo, known to
Zvonko Bogdan Winery, Subotica be one of the oldest and the most important viticultural areas in Serbia, originating in the times of the Romans, only to continue its history via Despot Stefan Lazarević and Djuradj Branković, in the 15th century, all the way to the Dynasty of the Obrenović Family towards the end of the 19th century. THE WINES OF VOJVODINA AND KOSOVO The Publication also provides the reader with quite a thorough description of the wine and tourist offer of the region of Vojvodina, inclusive of one of the most beautiful viticultural regions of Serbia – Srem (Syrmian) Region. The town of Sremski Karlovci, in which many a wine grower used to build wine cellars – the so-called lagums
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
– during the 18th and the 19th centuries, whose number reached about 500 at that time, is the center of wine production in this region, with the largest number of the registered wineries in Serbia, exceeding one hundred. In about twenty such wineries, wine is produced even today; first of all, it is the wine of the brand of Karlovac – bermet and ausbruch wines, whose technology of making was being preserved and conveyed as a secret from one generation to another within the families who were producing those wines. A significant number of pages are dedicated to the region of South Banat, with the town of Vršac as the center of the region, which, until the end of the 19th century, used to be the most significant wine growing hills area in Hungary, with the village of Gudurica as the center of those wine growing hills. The region of the town of Subotica is also presented as a region characterized by two autochthonous sorts: kadarka, as people use for skadarka here, and kevedinka (i.e. ružica crvena red rose) wine sorts. The region of Kosovo and Metohija is not neglected in the publication, either, as the region of great historical importance for wine production and viticulture in Serbia, where excellent red wine is produced today as well. INE TOURISM ON THE PALM W OF YOUR HAND The Wine Routes are a well laid out and comprehensive guidebook through the regions, areas and wineries, with an accent on the wines produced there, and special significance is given to the autochthonous sorts. The Publication contains very quality maps inclusive of the addresses of one hundred and fifty wineries and cellars, a list of the events dedicated to wine and the addresses of the tourism organizations in the towns and cities and the regions, where wine tourism is developed. Jovo Simišić Photographs: TOS Archive
The Wine Fontaine, Aeksandrovac
Jeremić Winery, Smederevo
The team of the authors of The Wine Routes
The text was authored by Jovo Simišić and edited by Pavle Djukić; the maps were made at the Graphic Design Studio Žiža, and the photographs were taken by the following authors: Vladimir Tatarević, Dragan Bosnić, Dragoljub Zamurović, Dragan Vildović and many others. The first issue of the Publication was printed in the Serbian language, in Cyrillic script, whereas the issue in Latin script and translations into several world languages are also planned.
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Aleksandrović Winery, village of Vinča,Topola
S R B I J E Winery Radovanović, Krnjevo
VODIČ KROZ VINSKE REJONE I VINARIJE Publikacija je idaelno štivo za sve one domaće i inostrane posetioce koji žele da krenu u vinsku avanturu po Srbiji, žele da probaju srpska vina u podrumima u kojima nastaju, degustraju ih u društvu i pod stručnim vođstvom onih koji ih prave i, pri tom, čuju zanimljive priče o vinu, vinskoj tradiciji svakog kraja i podruma, kao i da „slože“ ukuse vina sa raznovrsnom domaćom kuhinjom.
uristička organizacija Srbije je objavila publikaciju Svet vina u kojoj su na četrdeset strana predstavljeni sadržaji vinskog turizma u Srbiji. Ona je rađena na osnovu nove regionalizacije po kojoj je Srbija podeljena u tri regiona: Vojvodinu, centralnu Srbiju i Kosovo, u sklopu kojih su dvadeset i dva rejona, odnosno sedamdeset sedam vinogorja i više vinogradarskih oaza. Sva ova područja, sa svim svojim istorijskim, geografskim i klimatskim raznolikostima, nude isto toliko različitih, osobenih, atraktivnih i za sva čula ugodnih vinskih i turističkih sadržaja. RENESANSA SRPSKOG VINARSTVA Uz tvrdnju da je Srbija definitivno postaje vinska destinacija, u publikaciji se navodi da je poslednjih petnaest godina naša zemlja doživela pravu renesansu vinogradarstva i vinarstva. Obnovljeni su mnogobrojni stari i zasađeni novi vinogradi, osnovano je više od tri stotine vinarija koje proizvode preko hiljadu različitih vina. I - što je najvažnije - na tržištu su se pojavila nova domaća kvalitetna vina i vina vrhunskog kvalieta sa kontrolisanim geografskim poreklom.
Koliko su vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo rasprostranjeni i koliko su značajna privredna grana, najbolje ilustruju podaci da se proizvodnjom grožđa u Srbiji bavi više od 80. hiljada gazdinstava i da je pod vinogradima više od 25.000 hektara Nosioci proizvodnje kvalitetnih i vrhunskih vina sa zaštićenim geografskim poreklom su male i srednje vinarije, čiji se broj poslednjih godina ubrzano povećava. Mnoge vinarije pored vinograda i savremenih podruma imaju prostorije za degustaciju i prodaju vina, sve više je restorana u okviru vinskih podruma, poslednjih godina i smeštajnih kapaciteta. Podrumi i vinogradi su otvoreni za organizovane posete, a goste, osim svojim najbljim vinima, vinari dočekuju lokalnim i nacionalnim kulinarskim specijalitetima. Istovremeno, gosti mogu da posete mnogobrojne lokalne kulturne i istorijske znamenitosti i da uživaju u izvanrednim prirodnim lepotama kojima obiluju svi krajevi Srbije. VINSKE STAZE SREDIŠNJE SRBIJE Autori su posebno vodili računa o ravnomernoj zastupljenosti svih vinskih rejona ističući osobenosti svakog od njih. Najviše prostora zauzima Centralna Srbija - naj-
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
veći i najznačajniji vinski region u Republici, u čijem je sastavu 13 vinskioh rejona, među kojima je najveći vinogradarski rejon Tri Morave, u kom je gotovo trećina svih vinograda u zemlji. Pažnja čitalaca je posebno usmerena na autohtone sorte prokupac i tamnjanika. Posebno mesto pripada Šumadiji, koja je početkom prošlog veka postala važan centar srpskog vinogradarstva i vinarstva zahvaljujući dinastiji Karađorđevića. Zahvajujući podrumima Radovanovć i Aleksandrović - prvim privatnim vinarijama u Srbiji, koje su krajem minulog veka počele da proizvode kvalitetna i vrhunska vina sa svojom etiketom, u Šumadiji je počeo svojevrsni preporod vinarstva u Srbiji. U publikaciji se podseća da je Beograd pored Beča, jedina evropska prestonica koja u svom ataru ima vinograde, vinske podrume i svoja vina. U Beogrdskom rejonu je i Smederevo, jedan od najstarijih i najvažnijih vinogradarskih krajeva u Srbiji, od Rimljana, kasnije Despota Stefan Lazarevića i Đurađa Brankovića, u 15. veku, pa do dinastije Obrenović krajem 19. veka.
The Wine Atelier 'Shapat', Novi Slankamen
VINA VOJVODINE I KOSOVA Dat je i veoma deteljan opis vinske i turističke ponude regiona Vojvodine, sa jednim od od najlepših vinogradarskih krajeva Srbije - Sremskim rejonom. Centar vinarstva u ovom rejonu sa najviše registrovanih vinarija u Srbiji – preko stotinu, su Sremski Karlovci, u kojima su mnogi vinogradari tokom 18. i 19. veka podizali vinske podrume – lagume, kojih je bilo oko 500. U dvadesetak se i danas proizvodi vino, pre svega karlovački brendovi – bermet i ausbruh, čija se tehnologija pravljenja čuvala i prenosila kao tajna sa kolena na koleno u porodicama koje su ga proizvodile. Značajan prostor u publikaciji je posvećen Južnobanatskom rejonu, sa Vršcem kao centrom, koji je do kraja 19. veka bio najznačajnije vinogorje u Ugarskoj, a vinsko selo Gudurica bilo centar tog vinogorja. Prestavljen je i Subotički rejon, koji je karakterističan po dve autohtone sorte: kadarki, kako ovde nazivaju skadarku i kevedinki ili ružici crvenoj. Nije zapostavljen ni region Kosovo i Metohija, koji je istorijski veoma važan za srpsko vinarstvo i vinogradarstvo u kome se i danas proizvodi odlično crveno vino. VINSKI TURIZAM NA DLANU Putevi vina su pregledan i sveobuhvatan vodič kroz regione, rejone i vinarije, sa akcentom na vina koja se u njima proizvode, a poseban značaj je dat autohtonim sortama. Publikacije je opremljena veoma kvalitetnim mapama sa adresama stotinu i pedeset vinarija i podruma, spiskom vinskih manifestacija i adresama turističkih organizacija gradova i regiona sa razvijenim vinskim turizmom. Jovo Simišić Fotografije: arhiva TOS-a
Autorski tim Puteva vina
Autor teksta je Jovo Simišić, urednik Pavle Đukić, mape je uradio Grafički studio Žiža, a autori fotografija su Vladimir Tatarević, Dragan Bosnić, Dragoljub Zamurović, Dragan Vildović i mnogi drugi. Prvo izdanje publikacije štampano je na srpskom jeziku ćiriličnim pismom, a u planu su latinično izdanje i prevodi na nekoliko svetskih jezika.
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
ABOUT POET AND VINTNER DJURA KUBEČKA Surrounded by the valuable monument heritage at the foot of Fruša Gora Mount, the small town of Erdevik, whose center is decorated by an orthodox, a catholic and a protestant churches, apart from the beautiful tree lane of sycamore, linden and chestnut trees, is located. Its hardworking inhabitants are privileged, apart from the beauties of Fruška Gora Mount and the extraordinary monument heritage, to enjoy and use the amenities of the lake of Bruje, behind which lake there is an old Roman spa, as well as those of Moharač Lake and Sotsko Lake, which is not far away from there. The natural gentle landscape surrounding Erdevik is the wine growing hills that have been heard of for quite a while. LOVE AS BEAUTY Here, as well as in other places in Fruška Gora Mount, the stories about wine begin with the sentence: “Ever since the time of the Roman Emperor Probus...” According to historical records as well, Ancient Romans were the founders of not only wine culture but also of the culture of using thermal waters. As an experience, the latter is only preserved in the history of Erdevik now. On the land of natural and created beauties and the harmony of the multicultural environment that has existed for several centuries now, even today there are remains of the world preserving as in a drop of water the many things the past centuries were rich in. Nothing, however, is only
thanks to nature or created values, even when exceptionalities are in question. One’s love for one’s homeland expressed through a poem/song, a story and the way of living is what reveals beauty, strength and love, which is only possible to experience through meeting ordinary-unordinary people. Djura Kubečka, a wine grower, vintner, poet and story teller from Erdevik is one of them. His estate is a couple of kilometers away from Erdevik, located on the gentle slope descending towards the 2.5 km long Lake of Moharač. From the road sloping down towards Moharač, at the entrance into Djura Kubečka’s family estate, the towers of the churches of Erdevik are still possible to see above the forest and the vineyards.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
THERE IS TRUTH IN WINE The entrance into Djura Kubečka’s wine cellar is decorated by a Latin inscription calling to truth, in quite a natural manner – through wine, the drink of gods. Djura Kubečka ceremonially tells his stories and poems dedicated to wine as visitors taste pinot noir (barrique), cuvée noir, cabernet sauvignon (barrique), rosse, chardonnay, pinot blanc, cuvée blanc, gamai noir, merlot and Italian Riesling wines. He never exhausts his stories and verses, just as he never runs out of good wine. His poems dedicated to wine are usually accompanied by a small school of enjoyment in drinking wine, spiced with questions regarding visitors’ knowledge of good wines. Each visitor with a
correct answer receives a wine award from Djura Kubečka. In the end, as in every truth that frees a person, aggregated anxiety and uncertainty of daily living abate, and at least for a moment, one’s awareness of a need for simple, everyday things, such as kindness or gratefulness for a nice word, comes to the surface. Somehow, together with the wines bought in the winery, many a visitor leaves the winery with, at least for a short time, a feeling of the unpretentious beauty of living, but by no means the one directly linked to the quantity of the degusted wine. With the heart and soul of a poet-vintner, Djura Kubička teaches his visitors how to moderately enjoy wine because exceeding the limits is inaccept-
able in wine culture. Anyway, Djura Kubička has the privilege of being a vintner, a poet and a teacher of the beauty of living, rather than being just a wine merchant. The Winery “Kube” has its loyal buyers for its wines among the caterers of Fruška Gora Mount and many visitors; his resort is rented by the bride and groom-to-be, nature lovers, fishermen, passengers searching for the undiscovered beauties of nature and unusual people, wine lovers. All those who come to visit Djura Kubečka’s estate are allowed to do quite a lot of things, but they are not allowed to bring beer with them. Gordana Stojaković Photographs: Dragan Kucurić & TO Novi Sad FOLLOWING THE ROADS OF WESTERN FRUŠKA GORA MOUNT
For the reason of the exceptional attractiveness of their either created or natural assets, the western areas of the hills of Fruška Gora are more and more frequently found marked on tourist routes. From Ležimir to Šid, it is possible to pay a visit to the following cultural monuments of extraordinary significance: the Serbian orthodox monasteries of Petkovica, Šišatovac, Kuveždin, Djipša and Privina Glava; then, the Serbian orthodox church of St. Archangel Gabriel in Molovin, and the monument complex of Sremski front (Syrmian Front). For more information about the attractions and the tourist offer of Erdevik and its surroundings, please go to:
Info: The house, in which there is the wine cellar of Djura Kubička’s “Kube” Winery, is surrounded by the three hectares of a spacious vineyard, rich in fruit and wellgroomed. Along the circumference of the lake located in Kubečka’s estate, a resort has been built, where there are a number of spaces roofed with the thick layers of reed, all being equipped with the necessary, modern requisites for various culinary gimmicks. There is also a space intended for fishing, bathing, perhaps a painting kit, too.
Information/booking: “Kube” Winery Erdevik, phone no.: + 381 22 311 810
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
U okruženju vrednog spomeničkog nasleđa u podnožju Fruške gore smestio se Erdevik, varošica čiji centar, pored prekrasnog drvoreda platana, lipe i kestena krase pravoslavna, katolička i protestantska crkva. Njegovi vredni stanovnici imaju privilegiju da pored fruškogorskih lepota i izuzetnog spomeničkog nasleđa uživaju i koriste blagodeti jezera Bruje iza koje je stara rimska banja, zatim jezera Moharač, a nije daleko ni Sotsko jezero. Ova prirodna pitomina oko Erdevika odavno je poznato vinogorje. LJUBAV KAO LEPOTA Priče o vinu i ovde, kao i drugde u Fruškoj gori započinju rečenicom:„još od rimskog cara Probusa...“. Stari Rimljani su, od kako i istorija beleži, bili utemeljitelji ne samo vinske već i kulture korišćenja termalnih voda. Ovo poslednje se kao iskustvo, za sada, sada samo čuva u istoriji Erdevika. Na tlu prirodnih i svorenih lepota, viševekovnog multikulturnog sklada i danas postoje ostaci sveta, koji kao u kapljici vode čuvaju mnoga bogatstva prošlih vekova. Ali ništa ne biva samo zahvaljujući prirodi ili stvorenim vrednostima, čak i kada se radi o izuzetnostima. Ljubav prema zavičaju kroz pesmu, priču i način života je ono što daje lepotu, snagu i ljubav, a to je moguće doživeti samo kroz susret sa običnim-neobičnim ljudima. Jedan od njih je Đura Kubečka, erdevički vinogradar, vinar, pesnik i pripovedač. Njegovo imanje je na par kilometara od Erdevika, na blagoj padini koja se spušta ka 2,5 km dugom jezeru Moharač. Sa puta koji se spušta ka Moharaču, na ulazu u porodično imanje Đure Kubečke iznad šume i vinograda još uvek se mogu videti tornjevi erdevičkih crkava. U VINU JE ISTINA, ZATO PIJMO GA Ulaz u vinski podrum Đure Kubečke krasi latinski natpis koji poziva na istinu i to prirodno,
posredstvom vina, tog pića bogova. Vinske priče i pesme Đura Kubečka će svečano izgovarati dok posetioci probaju: pinot noir (barrique), cuvée noir, cabernet sauvignon (barrique), rosse, chardonnay, pinot blanc, cuvée blanc, gamai noir, merlot i italijanski rizling. Priča i stihova, kao dobrog vina nikada ne ponestane. Među pesmama u čast vina nađe se i mala škola uživanja u ispijanju vina, začinjena pitanjima o poznavanju dobrih vina. Tačne odgovore Đura Kubečka dariva vinskim nagradama. Na kraju kao u svakoj istini koja oslobađa, popuštaju naslage teskobe i neizvesnosti svakodnevnog života i bar za trenutak probija spoznaja o potrebi za jednostavnim, svakodnevnim stvarima kao što su ljubaznost ili zahvalnost za lepu reč. Iz vinarije, nekako u istom paketu sa kupljenim vinima, mnogi ponesu, makar za kratko, osećaj neprenteciozne lepote življenja, ali nikako onaj koji je u direktnoj vezi sa količinom degustiranog vina. Đura Kubečka čitavim svojim bićem pesnika-vinara uči umerenosti u vinskom uživanju, jer prelazak na drugu stranu mere nije deo vinske kulture. Uostalom, Đura Kubečka ima tu privilegiju da bude vinar, pesnik i učitelj lepote življenja, a ne prosto trgovac vinom. Gordana Stojaković Fotografije: Dragan Kucurić i TO Novog Sada
PUTEVIMA ZAPADNE FRUŠKE GORE Zapadni prostori Fruškogorja, zbog izuzetnih sadržaja sve češće su na trasama turističkih ruta. Od Ležimira do Šida moguće je obići spomenike kulture od izuzetnog značaja: srpske pravoslavne manastire Petkovicu, Šišatovac, Kuveždin, Đipšu i Privinu Glavu, zatim srpsku pravoslavnu crkvu sv. arhanđela Gavrila u Molovinu i spomenički kompleksr Sremski front. Više informacija o znamenitostima i turističkog ponudi Erdevika i okoline Info: Kuću u kojoj je i vinski podrum vinarije „Kube“ okružuje tri hektara prostran i negovan vinograd. Duž oboda jezera na Kubečkinom imanju napravljeno je izletište gde se nalazi niz natkrivenih prostora pod debelim slojem trske, a sve je snabdeveno potrebnim rekvizitima za razne kulinarske majstorije. Tu je i prostor za pecanje, kupanje... Informacije/rezervacije: Vinarija „Kube“ Erdevik tel: 381 22 311 810
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
T H E B E R M E T O F “A L E K S ” W I N E R Y
OF DIVINE WINE BOŽANSKE KAPLJICE Bermet is a special dessert wine only produced in Serbia. The history of the wine was for the first time written in Fruška Gora Mount in the 18th century. By applying a special procedure, the potion was being made from young wine mixed with aromatic plants from this mountain. Empress Maria Theresa, who ruled these regions in those days, liked the wine so much that she freed the inhabitants of these regions from serving in the army. In a very short time, bermet won glory at other European courts as well, and was also listed in the Titanic’s exclusive wine card.
Had it not been for one Empress, this ‘Divine Wine’, as I call bermet, might not have been produced,” says Nenad Ratković, the producer of the “Aleks” bermet – the wine produced according to the old recipes obtained from Patriarch Rajačić’s family. “Today, bermet is still produced according to the strictly safeguarded recipes. It is served as an aperitif and also after a meal with vanilla-jam cookies (the so-called vanilice), walnut cookies, Gugelhupf etc. It is a wine of an extremely high quality, reminding of Italian vermouth; although it is ‘considered to be a ladies’ drink’, it is equally drunk by men, too.” One is likely to see this likeable wine producer, always dressed in the Syrmian traditional costume, promoting bermet at many tourist events in the country. He has also presented the wine in China, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, Canada etc. His winery has won an armful of gold medals, decorations and champion cups; it has also received The Tourism Flower Award and is at the same time the supplier of the Royal Court in Dedinje... “For twenty years or so, I have been producing wines and brandies. I perseveringly present the drinks of this climate, particularly bermet, because it is unique in the world,” says Nenad Ratković Aleks. He has been named a knight of wine by the European Order of the Wine Knights “Saint George”, established in the 13th century. Text and photos: Rozana Sazdić
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Bermet je specijalno dezertno vino koje se proizvodi jedino u Srbiji. Njegova istorija počinje u 18. veku na Fruškoj Gori. Napitak se spravljao po posebnom postupku od mladog vina u koje su stavljane mirisne biljke sa ove planine. Bermet se toliko dopao austrougarskoj carici Mariji Tereziji, koja je tada vladala ovim krajevima, da je ovdašnje stanovnike oslobodila služenja vojske. Ubrzo je bermet stekao slavu i na drugim evropskim dvorovima, a našao se i na ekskluzivnoj vinskoj karti Titanika.
Da nije bilo jedne carice, možda ne bi bilo ove „Božanske kapljice“ kako ja nazivam bermet“, kaže uz osmeh Nenad Ratković, proizvođač bermeta „Aleks“ – vina koje se pravi po staroj recepturi, dobijenoj od porodice patrijarha Rajačića. „Bermet se i danas proizvodi po strogo čuvanim receptima. Služi se kao aperitiv, kao i posle obroka uz vanilice, orasnice, kuglofe... To je izuzetno kvalitetno vino koje asocira na italijanski vermut i mada „važi za žensko piće“ podjednako ga piju i muškarci.“ Ovaj simpatični vinar, uvek obučen u sremačku narodnu nošnju, može se videti na mnogim turističkim manifestacijama u zemlji kako promoviše bermet, a izlagao je i u Kini, Mađarskoj, Austriji, Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji, Kanadi... Njegovu vinariju krasi pregršt medalja, zlatnih odličja i šampionskih pehara, a uz to je dobitnik Turističkog cveta, liferant Kraljevskog dvora na Dedinju... „Dvadesetak godina bavim se proizvodnjom vina i rakija. Neumoran sam u predstavljanju pića sa ovog podneblja, a naročito bermeta jer je jedinstven u svetu - kaže Nenad Ratković Aleks. Evropski vinski viteški red „Sveti Đorđe“, ustanovljen u 13. veku, proizveo ga je u viteza vina. Tekst i fotografije: Rozana Sazdić
Info: Vinarija Aleks (Aleks Winery), Novi Sad, +381-21/6338-605 , +381-63/66-78-95,
The 54rd annual First Accordion of Sokobanja competition will be held this year. A festival that reflects the spirit of Serbian and Balkan folk music almost as well as the signature instrument. Pioneers of the sound, juniors, duets, seniors and international performers are all competing. The final competition will be held on the 12th, 13th and 14th of August. Prva harmonika Sokobanje je takmičnje koje će i ove godine, 54. put za redom, okupiti vrsne muzičara koji sviraju instrument koji možda najbolje oslikava duh srpska narodne muzike, ali i muzike drugih balkanskih naroda. Takmiče se pioniri, mlađi juniori, juniori, dueti, seniori i izvođači iz dijaspore. Finalno takmičenje održava se 12, 13, i 14. avgusta.
BRIDGING A festival inspired by the work of the great Serbian comedy writer Branislav Nušić is taking place in the picturesque town of Ivanjica from 25th to 28th August. Nušićijada is a medley event that combines theatre, film, music, street events... It’s been included among the best festivals in Europe. U živopisnoj varoši Ivanjici, od 25. do 28. avgusta, održava se festival inspirisan delom velikog srpskog komediografa Branislava Nušića. Nušićijada je kolažna manifestacija koja objedinjuje pozorište, film, muziku, ulična dešavanja... Uvrštena je među najbolje festivale Evrope.
IVANJICA | 25 - 28. 8.
SOKOBANJA | 12 - 14. 8.
The theater plays inspired by the European and Serbian antique heritages are performed in the miraculous ambience of the Felix Romuliana Palace near the town of Zaječar. This year’s program, whose motto is “A Laugh from Segovia to Romuliana”, is dedicated to Miguel Cervantes’s work. The Festival is accompanied by exhibitions, promotions and movie projections. U čarobnom ambijentu palate Felix Romulijana kraj Zaječara, izvode se pozorišne predstave inspirisane evropskim i srpskim antičkim nasleđem. „Smeh od Segovije do Romulijane” moto je ovogodišnjeg programa posvećenog delu Migela Servantesa. Festival prate izložbe, promocije i filmske projekcije.
GAMZIGRAD | 27 - 28. 8.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
LESKOVAC | 29. 8 - 4. 9.
Gourmet Feast FEŠTA ZA GURMANE The Leskovac Grill Festival or Roštiljijada is the largest and most visited grill festival in the region. In a competition for the best chefs, this event is followed by the carnival and music events. The Leskovac Grill Festival is also included in the Guinness Book of Records - the biggest burger, or, 'pljeskavica' as Serbians call it, was prepared here. Leskovača roštiljijada je najveći i najposećeniji festival roštilja u regionu. Uz takmičenje za najbolje majstore kulinarstva, ovaj događaj prati karneval i niz muzičkih dešavanja. Leskovačka roštiljijada se nalazi u Ginisovoj knjizi rekorda – na njoj je napravljena najveć pljeskavica na svetu.
POŽAREVAC | 2 - 4. 9.
53rd Equestiarn Games Ljubicevo As summer fades into fall, Požarevac becomes the centre for equestrian sport; traditional equestrain games established since 1964. In addition to trotting, galloping, jumping, and best dressed horse, there are other attractions to watch: young riders excersing their equestrain skills and showcasing prize horses. The most engaging events are the so called “Ljubicevski viseboj”- a multidisciplinary competition of brave riders includes sabre duels on horseback, courier riding, spear throwing, and archery. Na prelasku leta u jesen, Požarevac postaje centar konjičkog sporta. Tradicionalne konjičke igre održavaju se od 1964. godine. Pored kasača, galopera, preskakanja prepona i dresure tu su i atrakcije: vežbe najmlađih u savlađivanju konjičkih veština, izložba konja... Najatraktivniji je „Ljubičevski višeboj“ - nadmetanje hrabrih konjanika u seči sabljom, kurirskom jahanju, gađanju kopljem, strelom...
Vršac | 15 - 18. 9.
GRAPE HAREVESTING DANI GROŽĐA I BERIĆETA For four days in every September, the keys to the city of Vršac are held by the descendent of the grape god Bahus, Vinko Lozic – mascot of the grape harvest. In Serbia, this is known as the “Grožđebal”, the Grape Ball – the traditional days for grape picking annually held for giving thanks for an abundant harvest. The main event of this tradition is the dropping of grapes over the carnival parade out of an airplane. Tokom četiri septembarska dana ključeve grada Vršca čuva potomak boga Bahusa - Vinko Lozic, maskota Grožđebala – tradicionalnih dana berbe grožđa koji se svake godine održavaju u slavu plodnog vršačkog vinogorja. Praznik vina proslavlja se hiljadama grozdova kojima se iz aviona zasipa karnevalska povorka.
info: www.
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
"My Serbia" Caravan
Support to domestic tourism is the main goal of the campaign "My Serbia" that the Tourist Organization of Serbia (TOS) has conducted for the second year in a row. With the accompanying media campaign, the caravan this year visited thirteen cities. On central city squares, thanks to the well-conceived programmes and presentations, visitors were able to find out on the spot at the exhibitors' stands what they can expect if they decide to spend their holiday in their own country.
erbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić gave a tailwind to domestic tourism as last year he was personally involved in a campaign inviting citizens to spend their summer holidays in Serbia. He distributed tourist brochures and particularly emphasized the value of promotional publication "52 weekends in Serbia" published by TOS, which is a kind of “encyclopaedia” of Serbian tourist offer, pointing out that “if we convince ten percent of the people to leave their money in Serbia, we did a great job.”The result exceeded expectations: statistics show that after last year's campaign, the number of domestic tourists increased, almost twice compared to the expected. Pleased with the results, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Rasim Ljajić announced even stronger campaign in 2016 and said: "Our aim is to play in the first tourism league and that tourism contributes significantly to a greater recovery of our economy than it has been the case so far. I hope that at the end of the year we will have a record tourism year when we talk about the number of domestic tourists."
The Tourist Organization of Serbia has designed the campaign and implemented an ambitious plan to organize live performances in Užice, Novi Pazar, Zaječar, Niš, Vranje, Požarevac, Kragujevac, Kruševac, Valjevo, Čačak, Novi Sad, Sombor and Belgrade during five weeks. At the final "stop" of the caravan in Belgrade, Director of TOS Marija Labović gave a statement to the media, summarizing the impressions: "What I have to mention is an outstanding response
of citizens who visited us and everywhere the atmosphere was as fantastic as it is here in Belgrade. The caravan is giving good results. It attracts great attention wherever it occurs, we are followed us a large number of people from the media, people come asking about destinations. The statistical data also go in our favour because we see that the number of domestic tourists is steadily growing. For the first five months of this year, the number of domestic tourists increased by 13%."
Asked who was involved in the project the organizer and creator of the promotional caravan Dr Olgica Miljković, manager for the Serbian market, responded: “The caravan brings together numerous partners who operate in a synchronized way towards achieving a common goal. The campaign is an excellent example of how an idea is implemented "from top to bottom of the pyramid" - from the Ministry, through specialized associations such as “Serbia for Youth”, association of hoteliers and restaurateurs of Serbia “HORES”, Association of Spas of Serbia, "Ski Resorts of Serbia", to the local tourist organizations, the campaign includes the local tourism industry. Destinations surrounding particular cities are presented at the stands, so we managed to unite and present an overall regional offering. We worked as a remarkably well-coordinated team, and we are getting some positive signals “from the field” that we have achieved the set goals already. Of course, the statistics will have the last say."
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Mr Nihat Bišević (Novi Pazar City Mayor) and Mrs Marija Labović (NTOS director)
An interesting novelty in the campaign was a live broadcast of impressions that visitors shared with your friends and followers on social networks on real-time display on digital billboards in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Cacak, Novi Sad, Zrenjanin, Sombor and Vršac. Thus all visitors of the caravan and all other users of the social networks Twitter or Instagram, could add tag #MojaSrbija and share their personal experiences throughout Serbia. This created a big media "wave".
A BOOK OF IMPRESSIONS OF CAMPAIGN PARTICIPANTS Branislav Knežević, Director of the Tourist Organization of Novi Sad and host at one of caravan stations said: "We are especially pleased that every time when we promote Novi Sad there are new entrepreneurs whose intention is to promote their activities." Bojan Babić, Director of Marketing and Sales at the Special Rehabilitation Hospital "Gornja Trepča" said: "This year the organization exceeded our expectations. A serious approach will definitely yield results. This year we expect that the number of vouchers will exceed 2,000 users. Not only that vouchers brought us new guests, but they helped the old ones to have a much cheaper rehabilitation." Slaviša Jovanović, Assistant Director of Prolom Spa says: "I must emphasize the importance of this project for domestic tourism, which provides opportunities to work together with join forces to present what Serbia has to offer to domestic tourists. I sincerely hope that there will be projects like this in the future, and we as leaders of the development of tourism of our region will certainly support such and similar projects because our experiences have been very positive.”
Mr Rasim Ljajić, with Caravan visitors
Ljiljana Lešević, Director of the Tourist Organization of Novi Pazar stated: "As one of the participating cities in this project, we must emphasize that we are very pleased with the promotion and hospitality of all the other participants. The caravan provided an exchange of experiences and meeting with other colleagues, which is of great importance to us." Dragan Višekrunić, Deputy Director of the Tourist Organization of Sombor says: "Through a media campaign Sombor is presented in the best light throughout Serbia. Our impressions about the concept and organization of the caravan are more than positive. I think we as hosts intrigued many who will in the future visit our beautiful, much praised city." Gordana Majstorović, Marketing Director of the Tourist Organization of Čačak says: "We are pleased that our participation in the caravan was well perceived in the media, that a lot of promotional material was distributed and that it is in the cities where we were guests, there was a great interest for our tourist offer. "My Serbia" this year was more effective because, apart from a better timing, the programme had better technical conditions."
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Mrs Olgica Miljković, manager for the Serbian market in Zaječar BelGuest Photo by: TOS archives
PROMOTIVNI MULTIMEDIJALNI PERFORMANS Podrška domaćem turizmu osnovni je cilj karavana „Moja Srbije“ koji TOS organizuje drugu godinu za redom. Uz prateću medijsku kampanju, Karavan je ove godine obišao trinaest gradova. Na centralinim gradskim trgovima, uz osmišljene programe i prezentacije, posetioci su bili u prilici da na štandovima izlagača „iz prve ruke“ saznaju šta ih to lepo očekuje ukoliko se odluče da odmor provedu u sopstvenoj zemlji.
Vetar u jedra“ domaćem turizmu dao je premijer Srbije Aleksandar Vučić koji se prošle godine lično uključio u kampanju pozivajući građane da letuju u Srbiji. Delio je turističke brošure i posebno istakao vrednost promotivne publikacij „52 vikenda u Srbiji“ u izdanju TOS-a, koja je jedna vrsta „enciklopedije“ srpske turističke ponude, istakavši da „ako dest posto ljudi ubedimo da svoj novac ostave u Srbiji, mi smo veliki posao napravili“. Rezlutat je premašio očekivanja: statistike govore da je nakon prošlogodišnje kampanje broj domaćih turista porastao, bezmalo dvostruko od očekivanog. Zadovoljan rezultatima, ministar trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacije Rasim Ljajić je, najavjujući još snažniju kampanju za 2016. godinu rekao: „Naš cilj je da igramo prvu turističku ligu i da turizam doprinese značajnije većem oporavku naše ekonomije nego što je to dosad bilo. Nadam se da ćemo na kraju godine imati rekordnu turističku godinu kada govorimo o broju domaćih turista.“
Turistička organizacija Srbije je osmislila kampanju i sprovela u delo veoma ambiciozan plan da u intrevalu od pet nedelja organizuje „žive“ nastupe u Užicu, Novom Pazaru, Zaječaru, Nišu, Vranju, Požarevcu, Kragujevcu, Kruševcu, Valjevu, Čačku, Novom Sadu, Somboru i Beogradu. Na završnoj „stanici“ karavana u Beogradu, direktorka TOS-a Marija Labović dala je izjavu za medije, sumirajući utiske: „Ono što moram da napomenem je izvanredan odziv građana koji su nas posetili i svugde je atmosfera bila ovako fantastična kao ovde u Beogradu. Karavan daje dobre rezultate. Privlači veliku pažnju gde god da se pojavi, prati nas veliki broj medija, ljudi dolaze i raspituje se za destinacije. Statistika nam takođe ide u prilog jer vidimo da broj domaćih turista i dalje raste. Za prvih pet meseci ove godine porastao je za 13%.“
Organizator i idejni tvorac promotivnog karavana je Dr Olgica Miljković, menadžer za tržište Srbije, koja nam je na pitanje ko je sve bio uključen u realizaciju projekta odgovorila: „Karavan okuplja brojne partnere koji sinhronizovano rade na postizanju zajedničkog cilja. Kampanja je odličan primer kako se jedna ideja sprovodi „od vrha do dna piramide“ - počevši od Ministarstva, preko specijalizovanih asocijacija kao što su ,,Srbija za mlade“, udruženje hotelijera i restoratera Srbije „HORES“, Udruženje banjskih i klimatskih mesta Srbije, „Skijališta Srbije“, sve do lokalnih turističkih organizacija, koje u kampanju uključuju lokalnu turističku privredu. Na štandovima se predstavljaju destinacije koje gravitiraju ka određenom gradu, pa smo tako uspeli da objedinimo i predstavimo ukupnu regionalnu ponudu. Radili smo kao izvanredno uigran tim, sa „terena“ već dobijamo pozitivne signale da smo postavljene ciljeve i ostvarili. Naravno, poslednju reč će dati statistika.“
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
#MOJASRBIJA - DIGITALNI BILBORDI I USIJANE DRUŠTVENE MREŽE Zanimljiva novina u kampanji bila je živo emitovanje utisaka koje su posetioci delili sa svojim prijateljima i pratiocima na društvenim mrežama koje su se u realnom vremenu prikazivali na digitalnim bilbordima u Beogradu, Kragujevcu, Čačku, Novom Sadu, Zrenjaninu, Somboru i Vršcu. Ovako su svi posetioci karavana ali i svi drugi korisnici društvenih mreža Tviter ili Instagram, mogli da dodavanjem oznake #MojaSrbija širom Srbije podele lične doživljaje svog grada. Tako se stvorio jedan veliki medijski „talas“.
KNJIGA UTISAKA UČESNIKA KAMPANJE Branislav Knežević, direktor Turističke organizacije Novog Sada i domaćin na „stanici“ Karavana je izjavio: „Posebno nas raduje što nam se svaki put kada promovišemo Novi Sad javljaju novi preduzetnici u nameri da promovišu svoju delatnost.“ Bojan Babić, direktor marketinga i prodaje Specijalne bolnice za rehabilitaciju „Gornja Trepča" kaže: „Ovogodišnja organizacija je premašla naša očekivanja. Ozbiljan pristup će sigurno dati rezultate. Ove godine očekujemo da će broj vaučera premašiti 2000 korisnika. Vaučeri nam nisu doveli samo nove goste, već su pomogli i starim da njihova rehabilitacija bude znatno jeftinija.“ Slaviša Jovanović, pomoćnik direktora Prolom Banje kaže: „Moram istaći značaj ovog projekta za domaći turizam koji pruža mogućnosti da zajedno udruženim snagama predstavimo šta sve to Srbija ima da ponudi domaćim turistima. Iskreno se nadam da će ovakvih projekata biti i u budućnosti, a mi kao nosioci razvoja turizma našeg kraja ćemo ovakve i slične projekte sigurno podržati jer iz našeg iskustva su se pokazali kao jako pozitivni. Ljiljana Lešević, direktorka Turistička organizacije Novog Pazara je zabeležila: „Kao jedan od gradova učesnika u ovom projektu, moramo naglasiti da smo prezadovoljni promocijom i gostoprimstvom svih ostalih učesnika. Od velike važnosti nam je i razmena iskustava i upoznavanje sa ostalim kolegama, što nam je Karavan i omogućio.“ Dragan Višekrunić, zamenik direktora Turističke organizacije Sombora kaže: „Kroz medijsku kampanju Sombor je predstavljen u najlepšem svetlu širom Srbije. Naši utisci o konceptu i organizaciji karavana su više nego pozitivni. Mislim da smo kao domaćini zaintrigirali mnoge koji će u budućnosti posetiti naš lepi i opevan grad.“ Gordana Majstorović, direktorka marketinga Turističke organizacije Čačka kaže: „Sa zadovoljstvom možemo konstatovati da smo učešćem u Karavanu bili medijski zapaženi, da je podeljena velika količina promotivnog materijala i da je u gradovima u kojima smo gostovali, za našu turističku ponudu vladalo veliko interesovanje. „Moja Srbija" je ove godine bila efektnija jer je pored boljeg vremenskog intervala za održavanje programa, imala i bolje tehničke uslove.“
Ms Sandra Vlatković - NTOS PR manager
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
BelGuest Fotografije: arhiva TOS-a
A modern Tourist Information Centre opened this year in the refurbished space of the tram station in Palić. The tram station was built in the late 19th century and is part of the European architectural heritage, as it was, like the entire tram system in Subotica and Palić, erected by the builders from different European countries: the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia... The funding for adaptation was mainly provided by the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications.
Na Paliću je, ove godine, u adaptiranom prostoru tramvajske stanice otvoren savremen Turističko informativni centar. Tramvajska stanice podignuto je krajem 19. veka i deo je vrednog evropskog graditeljskog nasleđa, jer su je, kao i ceo tramvajski sistem u Subotici i Paliću podigli neimari iz različitih evropskih zemalja: Češke, Mađarske, Slovenije... Sredstva za adaptaciju je većinom obezbedilo Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija.
long the Belgrade tram system, the Subotica electric tramway system is the oldest in the territory of Serbia. The tram station in Palić was built in 1897 and operated until 1974. After that, it was a seasonal memorabilia shop and a makeshift tourist information centre. In recent decades, due to the seasonal limitations and the small space, it was empty and was decaying. Today, it is architecturally protected, restored and revived with new contents and apart from its tourist role, it has an important cultural role, because it is an outstanding example of protected industrial heritage. Domestic and foreign tourists got a better service, and their experience of Palić is certainly richer. Thus Palić and Subotica are put on the tourist map of Europe as a destination that respects and revitalizes industrial heritage facilities. The Tourist Information Centre offers visitors information on accommodation, tourist attractions of Palić, Subotica and its surroundings, entertainment, transportation, restaurants, business premises for meetings, cafés, shopping, event announcements, and more. The Tourist Information Centre also includes an official souvenir shop.
ubotički električni tramvajski sistem je, uz beogradski, najstariji na teritoriji današnje Srbije. Tramvajska stanica na Paliću sagrađena je 1897. i radila je sve do 1974. godine. Nakon toga, bila je sezonska suvenirnica i improvizovani turističko informativni centar. Poslednjih decenija, zbog sezonskog ograničenja i malog prostora bila je prazna i propadala je. Danas, arhitektonski zaštićena, adaptirana i oživljena novim sadržajima ona, osim za turizam, ima značajnu ulogu i za kulturu, jer je izvanredan primer zaštite industrijskog nasleđa. Domaći i strani turisti dobili su kvalitetniju uslugu, a njihov doživljaj Palića je svakako bogatiji. Ovim su se Palić i Subotica stavili na turističku mapu Evrope i kao destinacija koja valorizuje i revitalizuje objekte industrijskog nasleđa. Turistički informativni centar posetiocima nudi informacije o smeštajnim kapacitetima, turističkim atrakcijama Palića, Subotice i okoline, zabavi, transportu, restoranima, poslovnim prostorima za održavanje skupova, ponudi kafića, kupovini, najavama događaja i još mnogo čemu. U TIC-u se nalazi i zvanična suvenirnica.
Info: The Tourist Information Centre is located at Park heroja 13. The Tourist Information Centre is open from Monday through Friday, from 08:00 through 16:00, and from 12:00 to 19:00 on Saturdays and Sundays during the summer season. Telephone number is 024.753.111, website:
Info: Turistički informativni centar se nalazi na adresi Park heroja 13. Radno vreme TIC-a je od ponedeljka do petka od 08:00 – 16:00, subotom i nedeljom u letnjoj sezoni od 12:00 – 19:00. Broj telefona je 024. 753.111 a vebsajt,
BelGuest Photos: Tourist Organisation of Subotica
BelGuest Fotografije: Turistička organizacije Subotice
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
After more than eight decades, the Fortress of Golubac is starting a new life. By digging a tunnel and building a ring-road, the traffic is reallocated from the protected zone, so the Fortress has become a well-rounded historical-tourist compound, which will be able to start welcoming visitors in the autumn this year.
P Mr Klaus Kapper and Mr Rasim Ljajić
rime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport, and Austrian Ambassador in Belgrade Johannes Eigner, opened the tunnel and the ring-road near the Fortress of Golubac. The ceremonial opening was also attended by the members of the Government of the Republic of Serbia: the ministers: Rasim Ljajić, Nebojša Stefanović and Jadranka Joksimović; the representatives of the Austrian Development Agency Klaus Kapper and Srdjan Radović, the president of the Municipality of Golubac Nebojša Mijović and the directress of the “Golubac Town Fortress” enterprise Iskra Maksimović. While addressing those present, Aleksandar Vučić also, among other things, said: “By investing, we can bring life back to the Serbian East… We thank the EU for its support, and the citizens must be aware of the fact that without the European Union’s funds the tunnel would not have been cut and the Fortress would not have been reconstructed, either…” GOOD NEWS ON THE DANUBE DAY
The Agreement of the continuation of the funding of the works was executed between the Austrian Development Agency and the Government of the Republic of Serbia at the new Visitor Center of the Fortress on the Danube Day – 29th June. The completion of the works was announced for the end of 2017.
Mr Aleksandar Vučić at Golubac Visitors' Center
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Michael Davenport said that the Fortress of Golubac was one of the pearls of the Danube River, which as a strategic place had had a stormy history; today, however, it is an example of a successful international cooperation. Austrian Ambassador Johannes Eigner highlighted the fact that his country was doing all it could to be a friend to the countries of the Danube basin: “I’m sure that Golubac is going to become an inevitable place to visit for all those who want to be acquainted with this beautiful country and this locality”.
Thanks to the Hera project, the visitors of the antique imperial palace in the vicinity of Gamzigrad, which was inscribed in the UNESCO List in 2007, can now set on a journey through the revived world of the space of exceptional beauty, where the emperor Galerius and his mother Romula lived. The time long gone has also been revived through a system of hologram projections and computer animations. Posle više od osam decenija, Golubačka tvrđava započinje novi život. Probijanjem tunela i izgradnjom obilaznice saobraćaj je izmešten iz zaštićene zone, te je tako Tvrđava postala zaokružen istorijsko-turistički kompleks koji će od jeseni moći da prima posetioce.
he Multimedia Center was ceremonially opened at the beginning of July. The event was attended by Michael Davenport, head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Rasim Ljajić, minister of trade, tourism and telecommunications, Austrian Ambassador in Serbia Johannes Eigner, the representatives of the Ministry of Culture, directress of TOS Marija Labović, the mayor of Zaječar Town Velimir Ognjenović and other invitees. The host of the event was PhD Bora Dimitrijević, director of the National Museum of Zaječar. “The European Union helps Serbia’s development in various aspects and in culture as well. We aim to make this place recognizable and help promote it and this is the biggest project we’re implementing in Serbia this year,” said Davenport during the celebration. “We hope that the multimedia center will contribute to a better tourist offer of the region. It is our intention to, initially, attract 40 thousand tourists to come and visit this locality,” highlighted minister Ljajić in his speech.
remijer Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, šef Delegacije Evropske unije u Srbiji Majkl Devenport i ambasador Austrije u Beogradu Johanes Ajgner otvorili su tunel i obilaznicu kod Golubačke tvrđave. Svečanom otvaranju prisustvovali su i članovi Vlade Republike Srbije: ministri Rasim Ljajić, Nebojša Stefanović, Jadranka Joksimović, predstavnici Austrijske razvojne agencije Klaus Kaper i Srđan Radović, predsednik opštine Golubac Nebojša Mijović i direktorka preduzeća „Tvrđava Golubački grad” Iskra Maksimović. Obraćajući se prisutinima, Aleksandar Vučić je, između ostaLEPA VEST NA DAN DUNAVA
U novom posetilačkom centru Tvrđave, 29. juna, na Dan Dunava, između Austrijske razvojne agencije i Vlade Republike Srbije potpisan je sporazum o nastavku finansiranja radova. Završetak radova najavljen za kraj 2017. godine. log, rekao: „Ulaganjem možemo da povratimo život na istok Srbije... Zahvaljujemo se EU na podršci, a građani moraju da znaju da ni tunela ni rekonstrukcije Tvrđave ne bi bilo bez novca iz Unije...“ Majkl Devenport je rekao da je Golubačka tvrđava jedan od bisera Dunava, koja je kao strateško mesto imala burnu istoriju, a danas je primer uspešne međunarodne saradnje. Ambasador Austrije Johanes Ajgner je naglasio da njegova zemlja čini sve da bude prijatelj zemljama dunavskog sliva: „Siguran sam da će Golubac postati nezaobilazno mesto svih onih koji žele da upoznaju ovu lepu zemlju i ovaj kraj.“
Mr Bora Dimitrijević, Mr Rasim Ljajić and Mr Michael Davenport
Zahvaljujući projekatu Hera, posetioci antičke carske palate kraj Gamzigrada koja je 2007. godine upisana na Uneskovu listu, sada mogu putovati oživljenim svetom velelepog prostora u kojem su živeli imperator Galerija i njegova majka Romula. Prohujalo doba oživljeno je kroz sistem hologramskih projekcija i kompjuterskih animacija.
ultimedijalni centar svečano je otvoren početkom jula. Događaju su prisustvovali Majkl Devenport, šef delegacije EU u Srbiji, Rasim Ljajić, ministar trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija, ambasador Austrije u Srbiji Johanes Ajgner, predstavnici Ministarstva kulture, direktorka TOS-a Marija Labović, gradonačelnik Zaječara Velimir Ognjenović i druge zvanice. Domaćin događaja bio je Dr Bora Dimitrijević, direktor Narodnog muzeja Zaječer koji je prisutne uveo u oživljeni svet palate, prikazujući sadržaje virtuelnih prezentacija. „Evropska unija pomaže razvoj Srbije u raznim aspektima, pa i u kulturi. Cilj nam je da ovo mesto učinimo prepoznatljivim i pomognemo u promociji, a ovo je najveći projekat koji ove godine realizujemo u Srbiji“, rekao je Devenport na svečanosti. „Nadamo se da će multimedijalni centar doprineti boljoj turističkoj ponudi regiona. Namera nam je da, za početak, ovaj lokalitet godišnje poseti 40 hiljada turista“, naglasio je u svom obraćanju ministar Ljajić.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Thumbing through the book “Tourist Laundry” Prelistavanje knjige „Turistički vešeraj“
n order to see ourselves, it is advisable that sometimes we should peep into the eyes of other people. So, no sooner than at first sight is the book “Tourist Laundry” a story about tourists who come to Belgrade to go sightseeing the city. Actually, this is a book about us, shown through the reactions, impressions, astonishments, frowning of and enthusiasm in the eyes of other people. If we did not take our daily routine for granted, the questions in this book, asked by foreigners, could be the same questions we might ask ourselves as well. That is how the book itself was written. Having seen the reflection of her own self in the eyes of one Israeli tourist of hers, Maja Rogan recognized in herself not only a tourist guide, but a writer as well. “The Lord gave guides a power to use their words to create worlds, talk about loves, hatreds, illusions, wishes, hopes, fears and wasted lives”, says the authoress in her book. If it is so, then, it would really be a pity not to write about those worlds. Maja writes in a humorous, straightforward manner, but quite knowledgeable of a plethora of useful pieces of information, both encyclopedic and empirical ones. She writes about adventures of the tours, foreigners, us, herself, her own profession etc. In the season of journeys, such a book will come in handy for us to entertain ourselves, learn something, and at long last, start appreciating our own selves a little more because, as an Australian says in the book: “Lucky you, you don’t live in an alienated society, but you’re not aware of that!” Dragana Barjaktarević
onekad da bismo videli sebe valja zaviriti u oči drugih. Tako je knjiga Maje Rogan „Turistički vešeraj“ tek na prvi pogled priča o turistima koji dođu da razgledaju Beograd. Zapravo, to je knjiga o nama, prikazanim kroz reakcije, impresije, iščuđavanja, oduševljavanja i mrgođenja tuđih očiju. Pitanja koja stranci postavljaju u ovoj knjizi, kad svakodnevicu ne bismo prihvatali zdravo za gotovo, mogli bismo se i mi zapitati. Tako je i sama knjiga nastala. Maja Rogan je upravo oglednuvši se u očima jednog svog turiste iz Izraela u sebi pored turističkog vodiča, videla i pisca. „Gospod Bog je dao moć vodičima da svojim rečima stvaraju svetove, pričaju o ljubavima, mržnjama, iluzijama, željama, nadama, strahovima i proćerdanim životima“, kaže autorka u knjizi. Pa ako je tako, onda bi stvarno bila šteta te svetove ne staviti i na papir. Maja piše na duhovit, neposredan način, ali potkovano obiljem korisnih informacija, enciklopedijskih i iskustvenih. Piše o dogodovštinama sa tura, o strancima, o nama, o sebi, o svojoj profesiji... U sezoni putovanja ovakvo jedno štivo dobro će nam doći da se zabavimo, ponešto naučimo, na kraju krajeva da počnemo malo više da cenimo sebe, jer kako kaže jedan Australijanac u knjizi: „Blago vama, ne živite u otuđenom društvu, a toga niste svesni!“ Dragana Barjaktarević
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
SUSRETI S HOTELIJERIMA Rest, relaxation, the exploration of and learning about Serbia’s diversities – all this is hard to imagine without good hotels with the attractive offers that are the foundation stone of tourism. That is why we have started a new column, in which Serbian hoteliers’ success stories are told. Odmor, opuštanje, istraživanje i upoznavanje sa raznolikostima Srbije, nezamislivo je bez dobrih hotela sa privlačnim ponudama koje su kamen temeljac turizma. Zato smo otvorili novu rubriku u kojoj predstavljamo uspešne priče srpskih hotelijera.
Interview – Milenko Marjanović, owner and general manager of H.T.D. "Šumarice"
HOSPITALITY BUSINESS IS MY LIFE The company "Šumarice" from Kragujevac, as part of which there are the hotels “Šumarice" and "Zelengora" as well as the city tavern "Balkan”, is a leading company of this kind in this part of Serbia and has the longest tradition. The leadership reputation, as well as a number of new facilities, such as sports halls and super modern halls at the hotel “Šumarice", were the trigger for an interview with Milenko Marjanović, the man who wrote the most important chapters in the history of the company and paved the ways for its future.
ur good-humoured host welcomes us in the spacious garden of the hotel "Šumarice". In the spirit of "good old times", he called our editorial team to be his guests, because he believes that a good article in a magazine can be written only in a vibrant exchange. The talk flows spontaneously. The host first introduced with his ethics, built on the traditions, respect for the ancestors and family values... He says he loves sport and has for many years been an active member of sports clubs. He says with a smile on his face that, although he has spent his working life in Kragujevac, he feels like a man from Knić. He was born and raised in Knić, and it is there, as he says jokingly, where "de luxe Šumadija people” are born. He retells about his professional biography and his role models: “I’ve been in the hospitality business for 48 years old, I am the director of this company since 1989, and owner and general manager since 2003, when the company went private. I learned from the best ones. From Krsta Crnčević, who was a master of our craft, and Prvoslav Raković, general manager of Crvena Zastava Institute, where I worked as director of social standard. Even today I tend to say that I owe to them for everything I do – both the good and bad things I know about business. Today, I teach my sons Bojan and Dejan, who are assistant directors according to the job classification plan. Hospitality business has determined my life and the life of my family." T he company comprises two hotels – one outside the city in the protected zone of the
Memorial Park, and the other in the old town. How to round up it in business? Precisely because they are different, our hotels are mutually complementary. Business people and guests looking for entertainment usually stay at the hotel "Zelengora", which is located in the heart of the city. For organizing larger business, professional and formal meetings, for the preparation of athletes, for relaxing and enjoying in the silence and nature, we have the hotel "Šumarice", which is located only three kilometres from the city centre. Y ou defined "Zelengora" as a business hotel, while for "Šumarice" you say that it has grown into the first Serbian sports hotel... "Šumarice" is a representative complex, built in the Šumadija-style architecture, and its beauty overwhelms at first sight today just like as at the time when it was built. From the time when it was built, much has changed about the hotel. First of all, today there are no big conferences and business gatherings. That’s why I had a vision to make an oasis for athletes here, in this beautiful nature. We have built a modern sports hall in which we invested a lot. With all the necessary equipment, we installed the best quality Danish Junkers "vibrating" parquet that is extremely important for basketball and handball. We built a wellness and spa centre that has all the facilities needed for a sports team. My sons are in charge of designing this part of our offer. I only "keep the wallet”.
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
D o you dream about your Knić and a future tourist complex on Gruža Lake... Gruža Lake is a reservoir of drinking water, and once it stops serving that purpose, I see hotels and rafts popping up in the future, which will bring benefit to the whole surroundings. When the accumulation was built, the most fertile land was flooded. If God wants to return all that to us, the “Gruža Lake” complex will be built. I have several hectares of land on the bank and I intend to lease a nearby island for a period of one hundred years. There we would build a hotel, reachable only by boats. It would be our Gruža Sziget. This is my legacy for the future – for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Milena Mihaljčić Photos: H.T.D. Šumarice INFO H.T.D. „Šumarice“; Hotel „Šumarice”, Desankin venac bb, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Tel: +381(0)34/336-180, 336-181; fax: +381(0)34/300-177 Web:; e-mail: Hotel „Zelengora”, Branka Radičevića 22, 34000 Kragujevac, Serbia Tel: +381(0)34/336-254; fax: +381(0)34/336-185 Web:; e-mail:
The new offerings of the "Šumarice" hotel is a spacious, multipurpose hall designed for weddings, receptions, seminars, conferences... The “Symphony of Light” makes it particular, which, with the help of the latest software, is “composed” by masters of light effects, with prevailing blue colour symbolizing harmony. The terrace of the "Blue Hall" goes into the park and has a view of the nearby forest.
In honour of the Italians and the decades-long cooperation of Kragujevac with companies from Italy, primarily with the automotive giant from Turin – FIAT, a restaurant at the hotel "Zelegora"was designed for guests to be able to experience the atmosphere of the Apennine Peninsula. On the menu, there are varied Italian dishes prepared with original ingredients. The guest book includes a number of positive comments addressed to chefs and pastry makers at the restaurant. Respecting tradition, the restaurant also has on the menu specialties of Serbian cuisine.
On hot spot map certainly worth visiting in Kragujevac is the "City tavern Balkan". Here you can taste homemade black coffee that is served with a "mouthful of pleasure" - Turkish delight. "Balkan" is a place where people coming from all social strata and of all age groups gather. With a pleasant murmur and good home cooking, you will meet an old piece of Kragujevac, evoked through the setting of selected archival photographs.
The hotel "Šumarice" is located within the Memorial Park "Kragujevac October", which was erected in the area where the German soldiers on 21 October 1941 killed several thousand residents of Kragujevac. The reason for the mass shooting of civilians was a retaliation for the losses that the Germans suffered in battles with chetnik and partisan units. In memory of the victims, the whole Šumarice area was turned into a memorial park. Its symbol is the “V-3” primary school classroom – a monument to the executed pupils and teachers.
In the seventies of the 20th century, a presidential suite was especially designed for the legendary Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito and his wife Jovanka. Tito and Jovanka stayed in it twice – the first time was on 2nd October 1978. Their “Kragujevac home” has been preserved in its entirety: Tito’s blue bed and Jovanka’s pink plush bed, stylish Bergere armchairs, a box with Tito's favourite cigars... The keys presidential quarters are given to special guests, and the suite is always open to interested visitors.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Intrevju - Milenko Marjanović, vlasnik i generalni menadžer H.T.D. „Šumarice“
HOTELIJERSTVO JE MOJ ŽIVOT Preduzeće „Šumarice” iz Kragujevca, u čijem se sastavu nalaze hotel „Šumarice“, hotel „Zelengora“ i gradska kafana „Balkan“ vodeće je u ovom delu Srbije i ima najdužu tradiciju. Liderska reputacija, kao i niz novih sadržaja, poput sportske hale i hipermoderne svečane sale hotela „Šumarice“, bile su povod za razgovor sa Milenkom Marjanovićem – čovekom koji je ispisao najvažnija poglavlja u istoriji preduzeća i trasirao puteve njegove budućnosti.
prostranoj bašti hotela „Šumarice“ dočekuje nas naš raspoloženi domaćin. U duhu „starih, dobrih vremena“, pozvao je našu redakciju u goste, jer veruje da dobar novinski tekst može nastati samo u živoj razmeni. Razgovor teče spontano. Domaćin nas prvo uvodi u svet svojih svetonazora, koji su utemljeni na tradiciji, poštovanju predaka i porodičnih vrednosti... Kaže da voli sport i da je dugo godina aktivan član sportskih klubova. S osmehom govori da se, iako je svoj radni vek proveo u Kragujevcu, oseća čovekom iz Knića. U Kniću se rodio i odrastao, a u njemu se, kako šeretski kaže, rađaju „de lux Šumadinci“. O svojoj profesionalnoj biografiji i uzorima kaže: „U hotelijerstvu sam 48 godina, direktor sam ovog preduzeća od 1989, a vlasnik i generalni menadžer od 2003. godine, kada je preduzeće privatizovano. Učio sam od najboljih - od Krste Crnčevića, koji je bio majstor našeg zanata i od Prvoslava Rakovića, generalnog direktora Zavoda Crvena Zastava, gde sam bio direktor društvenog standarda. I danas kažem – u onome što valjam, valjam na njih, a u onome što ne valjam, opet ne valjam na njih dvojicu. Danas sam ja učitelj mojim sinovima Dejanu i Bojanu, koji su po sistematizaciji pomoćnici direktora. Hotelijerstvo je odredilo moj život i život moje porodice.“ U sastavu preduzeća su dva hotela – jedan izvan grada u zaštićenoj zoni Spomen parka, a drugi u starom jezgru grada. Kako to poslovno zaokružujete? Upravo zato što su različiti, naši hoteli se međusobno dopunjuju. Poslovni ljudi i gosti željni provoda borave u hotelu „Zelengora” koji se nalazi u samom srcu grada. Za održavanje većih poslovnih, stručnih i svečanih skupova, za pripremu sportsta, za opuštanje i uživanje u tišini i prirodi imamo hotel „Šumarice” koji je lociran na svega tri kilometra od centra grada. „Zelengoru“ ste definisali kao poslovni hotel, a za „Šumarice“ kažete da je prerastao u prvi srpski sportski hotel... „Šumarice” su reprezentativan kompleks, građen u stilu šumadijske arhitekture, a njegova lepota danas, kao i u doba kada je podignut, osvaja na prvi pogled. Od vremena kada je izgrađen mnogo toga se promenilo. Pre svega nema velikih kongresa i poslovnih okupljanja. Zato sam imao viziju da ovde, u ovoj divnoj prirodi, napravim oazu za sportiste. Izgradili smo modernu sporsku halu u koju smo puno uložili. Uz svu potrebnu opremu, ugradili smo i najkvaliteniji danski "Junkers" parket koji „vibrira“ i koji je izuzetno važan za košarku i rukomet. Izgradili smo i Wellness i Spa centar koji ima sve sadržaje koji su potrebni jednoj sportskoj ekipi. Za osmišljavanje ovog dela naše ponude zaslužni su moji sinovi. Ja samo „držim novčanik“. Sanjate o vašem Kniću, o uređenju budućeg turističkog kompleksa na Gružanskom jezeru... Gružansko jezero je akumulacija vode za piće, ali kada to budućnosti više ne bude, po mojoj viziji, na njegovim obalama nićiće hoteli i splavovi, što će doneti dobrobit celom okruženju. Kada je građena akumulacija, potopljena je najplodnija zemlja. Ako Bog hoće sve to da nam vrati, izgradiće se kompleks „Gružansko more“. Imam nekoliko hektra zemlje na obali i nameravam da na sto godina zakupim obližnje ostrvo. Tu bismo sagradili hotel, do njega bi se stizalo samo čamcima. Bio bi to naš gružanski Siget. To je moj amanet za budućnost - za moje praunuke i čukununuke. Milena Mihaljčić Fotografije: H.T.D. Šumarice
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Hotel „Šumarice“ se nalazi unutar Spomen parka „Kragujevački oktobar“ koji je podignut na prostoru na kojem su nemački vojnici 21. oktobra 1941. godine streljali nekoliko hiljada Kragujevčana. Povod za masovno streljanje civila bila je odmazda za gubitke koji su Nemci pretrpeli u borbama s četničkim i partizanskim jedinicama. U spomen na žrtve, čitav prostor Šumarica pretvoren je u Spomen park. Njegov simbol je „Peto tri” - spomenik streljanim đacima i profesorima.
Sedamdesetih godina 20. veka za legendarnog predsednika SFRJ Josipa Broza Tita i njegovu suprugu Jovanku namenski je projeketovan predsednički apartman. Tito i Jovanka u njemu su boravili dva puta prvi put 2. oktobra 1978. godine. Njihov „Kragujevački dom“ očuvan je u potpunosti: Titov plavi i Jovankin ružičasti plišani krevet, stilske fotelje „beržera”, kutija sa omiljenim Titovim tompusima... Ključevi predsedničkih odaja izdaju se posebnim gostima, a apartman je stalno otvoren za zaintresovane posetioce.
Novi sadržaj hotela „Šumarice“ je prostrana, višenamenska sala koja je projektovana za svadbena veselja, prijeme, seminare, kongrese... Posebnost joj daje „simfonija svetlosti“ koju, uz pomoć najsavremenijih softvera, „komponuju“ maestri svetlosnih efekata, a preovlađuje plava svetlost koja simbolizuje harmoniju. Terasa „Plave sale“ izlazi u park i ima pogled na obližnju šumu.
UKUSI ITALIJE U SRCU ŠUMADIJE U čast Italijanima i i višedecenijskoj saradnje Kragujevca sa firmama iz Italije, pre svega s automobilskim gigantom iz Torina - FIAT-om, u sklopu hotela „Zelegora“ otvoren je restoran koji je dizajnerskim umećem oblikovan tako da gosti mogu da dožive atmosferu Apeninskog poluostrva. Na meniju su raznoliki italijanski specijaliteti koji se pripremaju od originalnih namirnica. Knjiga utisaka ispisana je „hvalospevima“ upućenim kuvarima i poslastičarima restorana. Poštujući tradiciju, restoran je na meniju zadržao i specijalitete srpske kuhinje.
Na mapi mesta koje u Kragujevcu svakako treba posetiti nalazi se „Gradska kafana Balkan“. Ovde ćete osetiti ukus domaće crne kafe koja se služi sa „zalogajem zadovoljstva“ – ratlukom. „Balkan“ je mesto na kome se okuplaju ljudi iz svih društvenih slojeva i svih generacija. Uz prijatan žamor i dobru domaću kuhinju, upoznaćete i delić starog Kragujevca koji je dočaran postavkom odabranih arhivskih fotografija.
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
THREE FRUITFUL YEARS OF CROWNE PLAZA The opening of the Crowne Plaza was the peak of a fantastic wave that brought a number of new hotels to Belgrade. Three years later, we talked to Živorad Vasić, General Manager of the hotels and business premises department at Delta Real Estate, about achieved results of the Crowne Plaza and plans in the near future.
t’s the third anniversary since the opening of the hotel. How did this period go, what are you particularly proud of? This year was marked by a stabilization of business. In the first year, a kind of “political fama” followed us, which made it more difficult to do business. We ended the second year with a profit 15% higher compared to projections, while we already made profits above the budgeted profits in the first half of the third year. This year brought stability, but also filled our capacities, which we did not expect. Etihad and Air Serbia have greatly contributed to the hotel business growth as they opened a series of direct flights. Also, the city of Belgrade has recognized the need for organizing events that put the hotel industry into motion. To give a better explanation to readers BelGuest what this means, I will give an example of January, which otherwise is usually a “slow” month, during the European Championships in water polo, 320 out of a total of 420 rooms were filled every day. It was like that in February too. I am especially proud that our result is the fruit of teamwork of two hundred twenty people who are about 27 years of age on average. Which hotel departments contributed to the successful business most? Crowne Plaza is a hotel that offers a wide range of content: we have become a centre for weddings, prom nights and undergraduate evenings, corporate events... Our restaurant Prime is full every night. People come because of the delicious food and the atmosphere. Its motto is “Eat Serbian well” - we modernized our food, the tastes are authentic, and the food presentation is fascinating. We have a wine list with over 1,200 wine labels. There is also our famous brunch. We have a spa centre with the biggest swimming pool in town, massage rooms, a beautiful garden... All that we do, we attach a great attention to it. We have a strategy and we think ahead of time. We already know what we will do in the fall, what the programme for the New Year will look like. All of these parts provide financial results that are much better than other hotels in the region - I can responsibly claim that. .
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Crowne Plaza this year hosted major international congresses. One gets the impression that you have become an alternative convention centre, and you are also one of you competitors for public-private partnership with the city of Belgrade for reconstruction of the Sava congress centre. Together with other hotels that have congress facilities we were able to get many jobs, and to some extent, we replaced the role of the Sava Centre, which has become almost non-existent. We organized a European conference of cardiologists and oncologists, three large gatherings of pharmacists, a number of seminars... When it comes to the reconstruction of the Sava Centre, of course I support that we as Delta Holding win the tender, but the most important thing is that whoever gets the job really modernizes it and to does it in the short term. Yet, knowing the principles that Delta’s business is based on, we sincerely hope that the city will give us the chance. I believe that no serious capital can live without a convention centre that generates huge revenues for the city and the hotel industry as a whole. We expect everything to be resolved in September, and we would like to see renovated Sava Centre by the end of next year. ilena Mihaljčić M Photos: Crowne Plaza
Otvaranje Crowne Plaze bio je vrh fantastičnog talasa koji je Beogradu doneo nekoliko novih hotela. Posle tri godine, razgovarali smo sa Živoradom Vasićem, generalim direktorom sektora Hotela i poslovnih prostora Delta Real Estate-a o postignutim rezlutatima Crowne Plaze i planovima u bliskoj budućnosti.
rotiče treća godina od otvaranja hotela. Kako je proteko ovaj period, čime se ponosite? Ovu godinu obeležila je stabilizacija poslovanja. Prve godine pratila nas je svojevrsna „politička fama” koja nam je otežavala posao. Drugu godinu završili smo s profitom 15 % većim u odnosu na projektovani, a u prvoj polovini treće godine već smo ostvarili dobit iznad budžetiranog. Ova godina nam je, uz stabilnost, donela i popunjenost koju nismo očekivali. Etihad i Air Serbia su mnogo doprineli da hotelski biznis poraste, jer su otvorili niz direktnih letova. Takođe, grad Beograd je prepoznao potrebu organiziovanja događaja koji pokreću hotelsku industriju. Da bih čitaocima BelGuest-a bolje objasnio šta to znači, navodim primer da nam je u januaru, koji inače slovi za „spor” mesec, za vreme Evropskog prvenstva u vatrepolu, svakog dana bilo popunjeno 320, od ukupno 420 soba. Tako je bilo i u februaru. Posebno sam ponosan što je naš rezultat plod timskog rada dvesta dvadest ljudi koji u proseku imaju oko 27 godina. Koji su sektori hotela doprineli uspešnom poslovanju? Crowne Plaza je hotel koji pruža veliki raspon sadržaja: postali smo centar za venčanja, maturske i apsolventske večeri, korporativne događaje... Naš restoran Prime je svake večeri pun. Ljudi dolaze zbog ukusne hrane i atmosfere. Njegov moto je „Eat Serbian well” - mi smo našu hranu modernizovali, ukusi su autentični, ali je prezentacija hrane fascinantna. Imamo vinsku kartu sa preko 1200 etiketa vina. Tu je i naš čuveni branč. Imamo Spa centar s najvećim bazenom u gradu, sale za masažu, prelepu baštu... Sve što radimo mi se time bavimo. Imamo strategiju i razmišaljmo unapred. Već sada znamo šta ćemo raditi na jesen, kakav ćemo program imati za Novu godinu. Sve te celine daju jedan finansijski rezlutat koji je mnogo bolji od drugih hotela u regionu - ja to odgovorno tvrdim.
C rowne Plaza je ove godine bila domaćin velikih međunarodnih kongresa. Stiče se utisak da ste postali alternativni kongresni centar, a i jedan ste od takmaca za javno-privatno partnerstvo sa gradom Beogradom za rekonsukciju kongresnog centra Sava. Zajedno sa drugim hotelima koji imaju kongresne kapacitete uspeli smo da dobijemo mnoge poslove i donekle zamenili ulogu Sava centra koji skoro pa da ne postoji. Organizovali smo evropske kongrese kardiologa i onkologa, tri velika skupa farmaceuta, seminare... Kada je reč o rekonstrukciji Sava centra, naravno da navijam da mi kao Delta Holding dobijemo na tenderu, ali najbitnije je da onaj ko ga dobije stvarno modernizuje i da ga napravi u kratkom roku, a znajući po kom principu Delta posluje, iskreno se nadam da će nam grad dati tu šansu. Mislim da nijedna ozbiljna prestonica ne može da živi bez kongresnog centra koji generiše velike prihode za grad i hotelsku industriju u celini. Očekujemo da sve bude razrešeno u septembru, a voleli bismo da renoviran Sava centra vidimo već do kraja sledeće godine. Milena Mihaljčić Fotografije: Crowne Plaza
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
CREATIVITY AND MEDIA LITERACY In British International School, there are two clubs working under the guidance of our famous film director Darko Lungulov, namely: The Photography Club and the Animated Film Club. In order for the school to make its creative process complete, it organizes public presentations of the works. So, the Annual Exhibition of the Photography Club was organized at the Novi Ozon (New Ozone) Gallery, and the premier of animated films shot by children was on the big screen of the Museum of the Yugoslav Film Archive.
arija, Kameron, Tasnim, Dagmara, Lula, Luka, Naum, Nikola, Yinan, Filip, Petar B. and Petar N, Ana are the names of the thirteen young photographers who exhibited their selected works at the prestigious Belgrade gallery of “Novi Ozon” (New Ozone). LIFE-SPOTTING We talked with Darko Lungulov about the exhibited photographs and the way in which he teaches the children: “Our theme is always life-spotting by taking different views of life. We gathered together every week and discussed photography, studied the works made by worldwide known photographers, analyzed compositions, discussed all that makes a photograph successful; then, we’d go on short outings, trying to see life by taking different views of it. We paid visits to the unexplored parts of the city – Kosančićev venac, the Danube river banks etc. It is important to say that the exhibited works were not modified, all is exactly as it was photographed, this is a real photography.” “While we were working, I played an extraordinary documentary film for them – In Search for Vivian Maier. That’s a story about a New York woman photographer, who was being treated with respect only after she’d died. No one knew that she had been so much dedicated to photography, she had been taking photos in secret, and she had been a nanny. This marvelous woman was our inspiration. We were also studying the works of other worldwide known great photographers – Richard Avedon, Robert Capa, a legendary war photographer...,” says our collocutor. 100 IMAGINATIVE ANIMATIONS We also talked with Darko Lungulov about the work performed by BIS’s Aminated Film Club: “The Club’s been working for five years. Every year, the premier of films at the legendary Film Archive is the culmination of our work. So, the pupils are enabled to watch their own movies on the big screen, together with their parents, teachers and friends.” When asked how he thought out what the Club would focus on, our collocutor answered:
Summer - Autmn | Leto - Jesen 2016 BelGuest
“Throughout both semesters this year, there were twenty-four children from 6 to 11 years of age who worked at the Club. Week after week, they were working hard and shot about one hundred short animations. For some pupils, this is the fifth year already that they have been creating at the Club, which can be seen in their films, the complexity of their stories and the precision of the technique they use. Some of them worked on one single film throughout both semesters, and created impressive animations in which they use the sophisticated film language and tell longer stories. The technique the pupils use is the stop-motion animation that requires their precision, discipline and patience. Every single move made in the film means that the character is shot, slightly moved and then shot again. The children work in pairs or in groups of three, thus learning how to creatively cooperate with one another. While working, they also learn how films are made, so that, at the same time, it also implies teaching them media literacy. The understanding of the process of creation enables them to better understand the media and the effect they make.” “The pupils were learning about and taught one another film techniques, such as the close-up, the change of the shot, the subjective viewing angle, which are all the elements of the film language that their parents are not likely to be familiar with, either. They also learned how music contributes to films and how to use the editing program and how to add music, sound effects and titles. Even the youngest children can tell their stories, which makes them feel creatively powerful. When they recognize a possibility of expressing themselves through a sophisticated medium, such as the animated film – they are encouraged and feel they can do anything they imagine,” said Darko Lungulov satisfactorily, after the annual premier of the pupils’ achievements. BelGuest Photographs: BIS
STVARALAŠTVO I MEDIJSKO OPISMENJAVANJE Pod vođstvom našeg poznatog filmskog reditelja Darka Lungulova, u okviru Britanske Internacionalne škole, rade dva kluba: Foto sekcija i Klub animiranog filma. Kako bi zaokružila kreativni proces, škola organizuje javne prezentacije radova. Tako je, u galeriji Novi Ozon, upriličena Godišnja izložba Foto kluba, a na velikom platnu Muzeja jugoslovenske kinoteke, premijerno su prikazani dečji animirani filmovi.
arija, Kameron, Tasnim, Dagmara, Lula, Luka, Naum, Nikola, Yinan, Filip, Petar B. i Petar N, Ana, imena su u trinaest mladih fotografa koji su, u prestižnoj beogradskoj galeriji Novi Ozon, izložili odabrane radove.
POSMATRANJE ŽIVOTA O izloženim fotografijama i načinu na koji podučava decu, razgovarali smo s Darkom Lugulovim: „Naša tema je uvek posmatranje život nekim drugim očima. Sastajali smo se svake nedelje i pričali o fotografiji, proučavali dela svetskih fotografa, analizirali kompozicije, pričali smo o svemu onome što fotografiju čini uspešnom, a onda bismo išli na kratke izlete i trudili se da vidimo život nekim drugim pogledom. Obilazili smo neistražene delove grada - Kosančićev venac, obale Dunava... Važno je reći da izloženi radovi nisu imali intervencija, sve je baš onako kao što je slikano, ovo je prava fotografija.” „Tokom rada, prikazao sam im izvanredan dokumetarni film U potrazi za Vivijan Majer. To je priča o njujorškoj fotografkinji koja je postala poštovana tek posle smrti. Niko nije znao da je posvećenik fotografije, radila je to u tajnosti, a bila je dadilja. Ova čudesna žena bila nam je inspiracija. Proučavali smo i radove drugih svetskih velikana fotografije - Ričarda Avedona, Roberta Kape, legendarnog ratnog fotografa...”, kaže naš sagovornik. 100 MAŠTOVITIH ANIMACIJA Na temu rada BIS Kluba animiranog filma, takođe smo razgovarali s Darkom Lungulovim: „Klub postoji pet godina. Svake godine, kulminacija rada je premijera filmova u legendarnoj Kinoteci. Tako đaci imaju priliku da vide svoje fimove na velikom platnu, zajedno sa roditeljima, nastavnicima i prijateljima”. Na pitanje, kako je osmislio rad Kluba, naš sagovornik odgovara: „Ove školske godine tokom oba semestra kroz klub je prošlo dvadeset četvoro dece, uzrasta od 6 do 11 godina. Oni su iz nedelje u nedelju vredno radili i snimili oko sto kratkih animacija. Za neke đake ovo je već peta godina kako stvaraju u okviru kluba i to se vidi po njihovim filmovima, po kompleksnosti njihovih priča i preciznosti tehnike koju koriste. Neki od njih su radili na jednom filmu tokom oba semestra i stvorili impresivne animacije u kojima koriste sofisticaran filmski jezik i pričaju duže priče. Tehnika kojom se učenici služe je stop – motion animacija koja zahteva preciznost, disciplinu i strpljenje. Svaki pokret u filmu podrazumeva da se lik snimi, neznatno pomeri i ponovo snimi. Deca rade u parovima ili grupi od troje i tako se uče da kreativno sarađuju. Tokom rada oni uče kako se stvaraju filmovi, tako da je to ujedno i medijsko opismenjavanje. Razumevanje procesa stvaranja omogućava im da bolje razumeju medije i njihov efekat”. „Đaci su otkrivali i jedni druge učili filmskim tehnikama kao što su krupni plan, promena plana, subjektivni ugao gledanja, a to su elementi filmskog jezika koje verovatno ni njihovi roditelji ne znaju. Takođe, naučili su kako muzika doprinosi filmovima i kako da koriste program za montažu i dodaju muziku, zvučne efekte i naslove. Čak i najmlađa deca su sposobna da ispričaju svoje priče, što im daje osećaj kreativne moći. Kad osete mogućnost izražavanja putem sofisticarnog medija kao što je animirani film – to ih ohrabri da mogu da urade i sve drugo što zamisle”, rekao nam je zadovoljni Darko Lungulov, nakon godišnje premijere đačkih ostvarenja. BelGuest Fotografije: BIS
Summer - Autmn | Leto - Jesen 2016 BelGuest
The International School of Belgrade (ISB) is a fully authorized International Baccalaureate World School offering IB programs at all levels of the school: Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP) and Diploma Program (DP).
his year, the Grade 5 PYP Exhibition incorporated a series of field trips, guest speakers and an ‘Aspire to Inspire Conference’ to expose students to local issues and primary sources of information. With the assistance of the school CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) Coordinator, the PYP Coordinator and Grade 5 teachers planned various field trips that tapped into the existing community projects. This connection with the CAS projects helped to broaden our community connections and assisted in the identification of local issues in which to further explore and plan sustainable action. DYNAMIC FIELD WORK Early in the Exhibition process, Grade 5 students joined Grade 6 students in their regular visit to a local elderly drop-in center (Bread of Life). They also visited a local vocational school for students with disabilities, as a part of an ongoing CAS project. Students took a trip to a local animal shelter. In addition, they went to the Australian Embassy to learn about how they fund local charities and projects. Guest speakers came from local charitable organizations, UNICEF, embassies, and our Upper School. Through these first hand experiences, the Grade 5 students were able to identify local and global issues, reflect on who was addressing these issues and explore the range of strategies and tasks that these groups were employing to support the cause or combat the issue. The final research issues and research that our students conducted were about significant and important issues such as health, animal rights, human rights, refugees, pollution and endangered animals. ART AS A RESEARCH TOOL An important aspect of the PYP Exhibition is for students to share and communicate their research using a variety of expressive modes. With the assistance of the PYP Music and Art teachers, students wrote their own musical lyrics related to their issue which they performed at the Lower School Assembly. Additionally, students explored different artistic styles and mediums: Edvard Munch – drawing, pastel; Nandor Glid – sculpture, wire; Alexander Calder – mobiles, wire; Keith Haring – drawing, pastel. These inspired their own creative art works to educate, inform or persuade their audience. The final PYP Exhibition event was highly attended with over 80 community members. Students proudly and confidently presented their research. They were able to answer a range of questions and engage their audience with various interactive elements such as news reports, games, quizzes, bookmarks, posters and their blogs. The most rewarding part of the PYP Exhibition came from discussions with students as they could clearly show that they have understood the issue, could speak about it with compassion, and have developed opinions on how to take action as a result of their learning. Rachel McLeod, PYP Coordinator Photographs: ISB
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
B E O G R A D u
Međunarodna škola Beograd (ISB) pripada Svetskom sistemu akreditovanih škola koje rade po programu međunarodne mature i nudi školovanje po ovom programu na svim obrazovnim nivoima: program predškolskog i osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja (PYP), program nižeg srednjoškolskog obrazovanja (MYP) i diplomski program (DP).
ako bi se đaci upoznali sa lokalnim problemima i naučili da koriste osnovne izvore informacija, ovogodišnji program za peti razred obuhvatio je niz terenskih istraživanja, predavanja gostujućih predavača i konferenciju „Teži da nadahneš“. Koordinator PYP programa i nastavnici koji predaju petom razredu su, uz pomoć kolega zaduženih za stvaralaštvo, aktivnosti i usluge (CAS), osmislili terensko istraživanje u okviru postojećih projekata. Uspostavljanje veze sa CAS-om pomoglo nam je da proširimo saradnju sa lokalnom zajednicom i definišemo pitanja koja ćemo istraživati i na kojima ćemo zasnivati buduće uspešne aktivnosti. DINAMIČNO TERENSKO ISTRAŽIVANJE Na samom početku , učenici petog razreda pridružili su se učenicima šestog razreda u redovnim posetama svratištu za starija lica „Hleb života“. Posetili su zanatsku školu za decu sa smetnjama u razvoju koja je deo tekućeg CAS projekta, kao i prihvatilište za životinje. Pored toga, bili su gosti Ambasade Australije gde su se upoznali sa načinom na koji ova zemlja finansira lokalne projekte i dobrotvorne ustanove. Slušali su predavanja ljudi iz lokalnih dobrotvornih organizacija, UNICEF-a, ambasada i predavača iz naše Više škole. Kroz ova neposredna iskustava mogli su da steknu uvid u lokalne i globalne probleme, razmisle o tome ko je zadužen za njihovo rešavanje, istraže strategije koje te grupe primenjuju kako bi pružile podršku zajednici ili se uhvatile u koštac sa problemima. Glavna pitanja koja su postavili i istraživanje koje su potom sproveli, ticala su se važnih, životnih tema poput zdravlja, prava životinja, ljudskih prava, izbeglica, zagađenje okoline i ugroženih životinja. UMETNOST KAO SREDSTVO ISTRAŽIVANJA Važan deo PYP programa predstavlja i svekolika razmena istraživačkih iskustava: đaci su, uz pomoć nastavnika muzičkog i umetnosti pisali stihove za mjuzikl na temu koju su odabrali, a potom su svoja dela izveli pred školskim auditorijumom. Pored toga, istraživali su i različite umetničke pravce i medije: Edvarda Munka – crtanje, pastel; Nandora Glida – skulptura, žica; Aleksandra Koldera – pokretne skulpture, žica; Kita Heringa – crtanje, pastel. To ih je nadahnulo da oblikuju umetnička dela kako bi publici preneli stečene znanja, bili ubedljivi i informisali ih. Završna PYP prezentacija bila je veoma posećena – prisustvovalo joj je preko 80 članova zajednice. Samouvereno i ponosno učenici su predstavili svoja istraživanja, odgovarali na brojna pitanja i animirali publiku koristeći raznovrsna interaktivna sredstva: reportaže, igre, kvizove, obeleživače, postere i blogove. Najveći uspeh prezentacije bili su razgovori na kojima su đaci jasno pokazali da su razumeli probleme, da su o njima govorili s empatijom i da su, kao rezultat onoga što su naučili, oblikovali sopstveni stav o tome kako da budu delatni. Rejčel MekLeod, Koordinator PYP programa Fotografije: ISB
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
The humanitarian campaigns organized by PRIMA School are an integral part of its educational program. This year’s, namely the seventh, humanitarian walk, under the name of “Walk a Mile for a Smile”, and the accompanying Spring Festival were organized in cooperation with Novak Djoković Foundation. The walk was intended for raising funds for the kindergarten institution of “Radost” (“Joy”) in Srbobran in order to equip the playgrounds of the three kindergartens with the pieces of equipment that will enable children to safely play there.
he humanitarian walk was ceremonially declared open by Milica Mandić, Serbian Olympic Games winner and the Serbian national taekwondo team member. She was joined by PRIMA school’s pupils, teachers, parents and guests, as well as the representatives of Novak Djoković Foundation, the children and the kindergarten teachers of the “Radost” Kindergarten Institution from Srbobran, the pupils from Mačkat, whose school library was equipped last year. The walk traditionally was organized at the stadium of PRIMA International School’s Camp. The “ticket” to the athletic track was a T-shirt, whereas more than thirty exhibitors were selling their picturesque handmade products, food and drinks on their stands in the school garden in order to raise as much money
as possible. “The star” of the cultural-entertainment part of the performance was the popular children’s choir “Horislavci” and Sergej Ćetković, a popular singer, joined them. “This is the seventh year in a row that the humanitarian campaign ‘Walk a Mile for a Smile’ is organized, and the third in a row that it is organized in cooperation with Novak Djoković Foundation. Of the Foundation’s projects, we support those intended for early development, kindergarten and school education, which is absolutely in compliance with our educational mission,” says Brigitte Petrović MacIntosh, the woman principal of PRIMA School, for BelGuest. “The goal of ‘The Walk’ is to make things better for children in Serbia, and so far, we have changed many
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
LEADING IDEAS Simultaneously with enabling its pupils to obtain the highest quality British and international education, PRIMA International School also develops in its pupils a need for humanitarianism, lifelong education, critical thinking and problem solving skills – these are the leading ideas on which the mission of this reputed Belgrade educational institution that operates according to the license of Cambridge University is founded. Humanitarian work and building awareness of one’s personal responsibility are highly ranked in the list of the pedagogical and education goals set by PRIMA International School. lives for the better. We have remained in contact with all the institutions that we have donated to. Let me mention just some of them – the National Association of Parents of Children With Cancer NURDOR from Niš, the Association for Helping Children With Special Needs “Our Dreams” from Valjevo, ‘Milivoje Borović’ Primary School from Mačkat. Also in 2011, we extended a helping hand when, after the Fukushima tragedy, we joined numerous humanitarian campaigns and organized ‘A Walk for a Smile’, intended for the children of Japan. Joining forces with the Foundation, we also succeeded in making the children from Srbobran smile again this year as well,” concludes our female collocutor. BelGuest Photos: PRIMA School
Humanitarne akcije PRIMA škole sastavni su deo obrazovnog programa. Ovogodišnja, sedma po redu humanitarna šetnja „Prošetaj milju za osmeh” i prateći Prolećni festival, organizovani su u saradnji s Fondacijom Novaka Đokovića. Šetnja je bila namenjena prikupljanju sredstava za predškolsku ustanovu „Radost” iz Srbobrana kako bi se dvorišta tri dečja vrtića opremila mobilijarom za bezbednu igru.
umanitarnu šetnju svečano je otvorila Milica Mandić, olimpijska pobednica i reprezentativka Srbije u tekvondou. Njoj su se pridružili đaci, nastavnici, roditelji i gosti PRIMA škole, predstavnici Fondacije Novaka Đokovića, deca i vaspitači iz preškolske ustanove „Radost" iz Srbobrana, đaci iz Mačkata, kojima je prošle godine opremljena školska biblioteka. Šetnja je, tradicionalno, upriličena na na stadionu kampa PRIMA internacionalne škole. „Ulaznica” za atletsku stazu bila je majica, a u dvorištu su se, na štandovima preko trideste izlagača, prodavale živopisne rukotvorine, hrana i napici kako bi se prikupilo što više novca. „Zvezda“ kulturnozabavnog dela programa bio je popularni dečji hor „Horislavci“, kome se pridružio i poznati pevač Sergej Ćetković. „Ovo je sedma godina od kako postoji humanitarana akcija „Prošetaj milju za osmeh”, a treća put za redom organizujemo je u saradnji s Fondacijom Novaka Đokovića. Od projekta koje Fondacija ima podržavama one koje su usmerene na rani razvoj, predškolsko i školsko obrazovanje, što je sasvim u skladu sa našom obrazovnom misijom,“ kaže za BelGuest direktorka PRIMA škole Brižit Petrović Mekintoš. IDEJE VODILJE PRIMA škola, uz vrhunsko britansko i međunarodno obrazovanje kod svojih đake razvija potrebu za humanošću, celoživotnim obrazovanjem, kritičkim razmišljanjem i veštinama rešavanja problema – to su ideje vodilje na kojoj je utemeljena misija ove ugledne beogradske obrazovne institucije koja radi po licenci Univerziteta Kembridž. Humanitrani rad i izgradnja svesti o ličnoj odgovornosti visko su na listi vaspitnih i obrazovnih ciljeva PRIMA škole. „Cilj „Šetnje“ jeste da donese boljitak deci Srbije i do sada smo mnoge živote promenili nabolje. Sa svim ustanovama kojima smo bili donatori ostali smo u kontaktu. Navešću samo neke - Nacionalno udruženje roditelja dece obolele od raka NURDOR u Nišu, Udruženje za pomoć deci sa posebnim potrebama „Naši snovi" iz Valjeva, osnovna škola „Milivoje Borović“ iz Mačkata. Pritekli smo u pomoć i 2011. godine, kada smo se, posle tragedije u Fukušimi, priključili brojnim humanitranim akcijama i organizovali „Šetnju za osmeh“ namenjenu deci Japana. Zajedničkim snagama sa Fondacijom i ove godine smo uspeli da vratimo osmehe na lice deci iz Srbobrana“, zaključuje naša sagovornica. BelGuest Fotografije: PRIMA škola
2013: A walk for the "Our Dreams" Association of Valjevo
2013: A walk for the "Our Dreams" Association of Valjevo
2015: A walk for the School Library in Mačkat
2011: A walk for the children of Japan
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
FAIRS FAITHFUL TO NATURE The first autumn events at the Novi Sad Fair will unite the desire to stay in nature, a healthy mind and body, abundant green gardens, care for a better and cleaner environment, and will provide an insight into most attractive tourist offers and arrangements as an incentive for horse breeding in the region.
nder the auspices of the International fairs LORIST, taking place from 28 September to 2 October, the 49th International Fair of Hunting, Fishing and Sport, the 24th International Fair “Eco-world”, rd 23 International Fair of Horticulture and the 6th International Fair of Forestry will be held. These events, which are among the most respected in the region, are traditionally attended by hunters and anglers, nature and sports lovers. The LORIST fairs presents a wide offer of hunting and fishing, sporting and camping equipment, literature, exhibitions of trophies, programmes of hunting and fishing tourism, numerous fair discounts. Indispensable are the Hunting Day, Fishing Day, Day of Forestry, competitions of anglers, as well as competitions in cooking the so-called hunting stews... SPORT, ECOLOGY AND TOURIST OFFER In the Olympic year, the Novi Sad Fair will give special importance to sport. Sports associations, societies and associations will have an opportunity to present themselves, from 30 September to 2 October. Educational institutions in the field of sport as well as responsible state, provincial and municipal institutions will be presented. Sports equipment and props, organised sports competitions, demonstrations of sports skills, promotions, trainings will be on offer... Trade shows dedicated to forestry, horticulture and ecology will offer medicinal, aromatic and spice plants, environmentally friendly packaging, honey and bee products, products based on plants, seeds and seedlings, equipment and accessories for horticulture. The Tourism Fair has profiled itself for the promotion of specific tourist offer of Serbia: spas, climate and health centres, tourism of towns and municipalities, protected natural resources, tourism events. New Year’s, winter and summer packages for the next season of the countries in the region and the European Union will also be promoted at the 49th International Tourism Fair, which takes place from 29 September to 1 October. INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW The beauty and nobility of top horses and equestrian competitions will be in the centre of interest of exhibitors and visitors at the 7th International Fair of Horse
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
Breeding and Equipment, which is prepared from 30 September to 2 October. Horses will be presented by breeders, stables, clubs and associations in the country and the region. During the fair, international sports competitions in show jumping BENEFITS, EVENTS AND PARTNERS
The Family Day will be on Saturday, 1 October, when parents with children aged up to 16, will enter the fair with a single purchased ticket. At LORIST fairs and at the Tourism Fair, evaluation of the quality of products and services are planned. During the autumn event at the Congress Master Centre of the Novi Sad Fair, which this year celebrates ten years of successful work, a number of professional and business meetings will be held. Insurance company Generali Osiguranje Serbia has for the fifth consecutive year been the strategic partner of the Novi Sad Fair, it is the general sponsor of the International Tourism Fair, and will also sponsor the Fair of Horse Breeding and Equipment. and harness riding will take place, with a rich prize fund. In addition to competition for jockeys and coachmen, visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the shows of hunting training. Since the beginning of LORIST in 1967, the International Dog Show has always been an accompanying segment, and the first autumn events at the Novi Sad Fair will be preceded by 39th International Dog Show CACIB, which will be held on Sunday, 25 September. BelGuest Photo: Novi Sad Fair
SAJMOVI VERNI PRIRODI Prve jesenje priredbe na Novosadskom sajmu objediniće želju za boravkom u prirodi, zdrav duh i telo, bogatije zelene vrtove, brigu za lepšu i čistiju životnu sredinu, a daće uvid i u najatraktivnije turističke ponude i aranžmane kao i podstrek konjarstvu u regionu.
od okriljem Međunarodnih sajmova LORIST, od 28. septembra do 2. oktobra, biće održani 49. međunarodni sajam lova, ribolova i sporta, 24. međunarodni sajam „Eko-svet“, 23. međunarodni sajam hortikulture i 6. međunarodni sajam šumarstva. Na te priredbe, koje su među najuglednijim u Regionu, tradicionalno dolaze lovci i ribolovci, zaljubljenici u prirodu i sport. Sajmovi LORIST donose bogatu ponudu lovačke i ribolovačke, sportske i kamp opreme, stručnu literaturu, izložbe trofeja, programe lovog i ribolovnog turizma, brojne sajamske popuste. Neizostavni su Dan lova, Dan ribolova, Dan šumarstva, takmičenja ribolovaca, kao i takmičenja u kuvanju lovačkog paprikaša... SPORT, EKOLOGIJA I TURISTIČKA PONUDA U olimpijskoj godini i Novosadski sajam će poseban značaj dati sportu. Priliku da se predstave, od 30. septembra do 2. oktobra, imaće sportska udruženja, društva, savezi. Nastupiće obrazovne institucije u oblasti sporta, resorne republičke, pokrajinske i gradske institucije. Biće ponuđena sportska oprema i rekviziti, organizovana sportska takmičenja, demonstracije sportskih veština, promocije, edukacije... Sajmovi posvećeni šumarstvu, horikulturi i ekologiji ponudiće lekovito, aromatično i začinsko bilje, ekološku ambalažu, med i pčelinje proizvode, preparate na bazi biljaka, semensku robu i sadnice, opremu i pribor za hortikulturu. Sajam turizma profilisao se za promociju specifičnih turističkih ponuda Srbije: banja, klimatskih i zdravstvenih centara, turizam gradova i opština, prirodnih zaštićenih dobara, turističkih manifestacija. Novogodišnji, zimski i letnji aranžmani za narednu sezonu zemalja Regiona i Evropske unije će takođe biti promovisani na 49. međunarodnom sajmu turizma, koji se održava od 29. septembra do 1. oktobra.
međunarodna sportska takmičenja u preponskom jahanju i vožnji zaprega, uz bogat nagradni fond. Pored nadmetanja džokeja i kočijaša, posetioci će imati priliku da uživaju i u revijalnim prikazima dresurnog jahanja. POGODNOSTI, DEŠAVANJA I PARTNERI
Porodični dan je u subotu, 1. oktobra kada roditelji sa decom do 16 godina, ulaze na sajmove sa jednom kupljenom ulaznicom. Na Sajmovima LORIST i na Sajmu turizma planirana su ocenjivanja kvaliteta proizvoda i usluga. Tokom jesenjih priredbi u Kongresnom centru „Master“ Novosadskog sajma, koji ove godine obeležava deset godina uspešnog rada, biće održani brojni stručni i poslovni skupovi. Kompanija Generali osiguranje Srbija, petu godinu zaredom Strateški partner Novosadskog sajma, je Generalni sponzor Međunarodnog sajma turizma, a kao sponzor će podržati Sajma konjarstva i sersana. Od početaka LORISTA, 1967. godine, prateći segment je bila Međunarodna izložba pasa, a prvim jesenjim priredbama na Novosadskom sajmu prethodiće 39. međunarodna izložba pasa CACIB, koja će biti održana u nedelju 25. septembra. BelGuest Fotografiije: Novosadski sajam
MEĐUNARODNA REVIJA KONJA Lepota i plemenitost vrhunskih grla i konjička takmičenja biće u centru interesovanja izlagača i posetilaca na 7. međunarodnom sajmu konjarstva i sersana, koji se priređuje od 30. septembra do 2. oktobra. Konje predstavljaju odgajivači, ergele, klubovi i udruženja iz zemlje i okruženja. Tokom Sajma se održavaju
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
INTERNATIONAL KNOWLEDGE AT BELPRIME CLINIC Dr Katarina Anđelkov is dedicated to the clinical and research work. She is a professor of regenerative and plastic surgery at the School of Medicine in Brazil and is intensively engaged in the therapeutic application of regenerative and stem cells originating from the adipose/fat tissue. She is at the helm of the BelPrime clinic in Belgrade, which in less than three years gained a reputation of a prestigious institution in the field of medicine.
he discovery of the growth factor brought to the Italian Rita Levi-Montalcini the Nobel Prize for medicine, and this, along with the discovery of regenerative cells in the adipose tissue, launched a series of studies in various fields of medicine and was a milestone in the development of regenerative treatments. Dr Katarina Anđelkov became interested in studying the possibility of these therapies; she travelled around the world wherever it was possible to find out something about it. Today, her knowledge is built into the foundations of the BelPrime Clinic. came to Serbia from Brazil, which stands You as the world leader in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. You studied with the famous professor Pitanguy. For over three years, as one of his best students, I had the honour to work personally with him and I will remember that experience as long as I am alive. In addition to the knowledge and skills, I learned from him how to think and how to best utilise the acquired knowledge and how to under-
stand and help the patients. It was vital that during our studies we learned not only to operate but also to solve any possible complications. Perhaps this is the greatest value of this school, because that instilled extra security to me. At your clinic you apply the principles of the “Brazilian school” of plastic surgery? Aesthetic procedures were popular in Brazil much earlier than elsewhere in the world, and this is one of the reasons why this country is considered the “cradle” of plastic surgery. Even today all the “new” things first appear there, so if they are worth it, they spread around the world. The Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) is an influential institution and we, as its members, are obliged to follow their recommendations. These references inspire confidence to our patients. You use stem cells from adipose tissue in plastic surgery? At the clinic we routinely do liposuction and use adipose tissue either for increasing certain parts of
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
the body and the face or for regenerative purposes. Since recently, it is known that the adipose tissue, in addition to the fat cells, contains regenerative cells, including adult stem cells. They are the basics of the treatment of tissue regeneration, whether it is on the skin, cartilage, heart muscle... I am very proud that we can say that Serbia is the leader in Europe in the treatment with stem cells from adipose tissue, but also by the experts in the field of plastic surgery. BelPrime Clinic has the reputation of an institution that is always a step ahead. What is it that makes you different? Since the establishment, we are constantly growing and we are happy that we can say that we have a considerable number of patients in our country and abroad who trust us, who come back to us and who recommend us to their friends. This obliges us to be better, to follow trends and to introduce them into practice. We are one of the few private institutions in the world that has a training centre for doctors and students who want
to learn more about treatments with stem cells from the adipose tissue. We have a team that does all types of cosmetic surgeries. Also, we try to offer patients a variety of less invasive procedures. Soon our centre for non-surgical procedures will start working, where all these treatments will be integrated, and people will have a clearer picture of what’s possible on the face and body. What do you bring from your congress “world tours”? At every congress I always learn something new. I like being able to offer patients the latest knowledge and the latest treatments. Our patients deserve to be operated to the highest of standards. We use the best materials and the most advanced equipment, and we arranged space to make our patients feel comfortable. The whole team of the clinic primarily seeks to provide every person the maximum care and attention, and our goal is that everybody is satisfied. We strive to understand the expectations and we are proud that our patients return to us. Often we develop a friendly relationship.
Bits from her biography
What do you bring from your congress “world tours”? At the end of January, I held a lecture on the application of stem cells in alopecia at IMCASE Congress in Paris. When we talk about the treatment of androgenic alopecia, there are basically a few of the latest views of its cause and the treatment involves a combination of the application of the purified adipose tissue and regenerative cells derived from fat. I had the honour to cooperate together with colleagues from the world in the creation of this unique protocol that is used in Japan, America and here in Europe. We also provide training. In October I was invited to Japan to expose our experiences, and this will be an opportunity to exchange knowledge and further improve this area of medicine.
After completing her specialisation, Dr Katarina Anđelkov obtained her master's degree in the breast reconstruction, and soon after, the doctorate on a unique method of solving the complications of surgery on the lower eyelids. She is the author of numerous papers published in reputable journals and a lecturer at international congresses in plastic and reconstructive surgery. Recently she was elected to the scientific committee of the prestigious International Federation for Adipose Therapeutics and Science (IFATS).
The appearance of a woman’s face is determined by dark circles. They show to what extent a women is rested and how old she is. Your PhD thesis was about surgery of the lower eyelids. No one can recognise a well done treatment or surgery - the surroundings only notice that a person only “looks better”. This is particularly important when it comes to the lower eyelids, because they are a central part of the face. In the dissertation I wrote about the management of complications,
and patients often say that, because of my doctorate, I have an obligation to achieve “the perfect look of the eyelids”. But it does not always have to be surgery. There are also less invasive methods to achieve facial harmony, to improve the quality of the skin and eliminate signs of aging. Ranka Jakšić Photos: Belprime Clinic
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
Dr Katarina Anđelkov posvećena je kliničkom i istraživačkom radu. Profesor je na predmetu regenerativne i plastične hirurgije na Medicinskom fakultetu u Brazilu i intenzivno se bavi terapijskom primenom regenerativnih i matičnih ćelija poreklom iz masnog tkiva. Na čelu je BelPrime klinike u Beogradu, koja je za manje od tri godine stekla reputaciju prestižne ustanove u ovoj oblasti medicine.
tkriće faktora rasta donelo je Italijanki Levi Montalcini Nobelovu nagradu za medicinu, te je to, zajedno sa otkrićem regenerativnih ćelija u masnom tkivu, pokrenulo niz istraživanja u raznim oblastima medicine i bilo prekretnica u razvoju regenerativnih tretmana. Dr Katarina Anđelkov se zainteresovala za proučavanje mogućnosti ovih terapija, putovala je po svetu svuda gde je bilo moguće saznati nešto o tome. Danas su njena znanja ugrađena u temelje BelPrime klinike.
Došli ste u Srbiju iz Brazila koja je svetski lider u oblasti plastične i rekostruktivne hirurgije. Učili ste kod čuvenog profesora Pitangija. Imala sam čast da tokom tri godine, kao jedan od njegovih najboljih studenata, radim lično sa njim i to iskustvo ću pamtiti dok sam živa. Pored znanja i veština, od njega sam naučila da razmišljam kako najbolje da koristim stečena znanja i kako da razumem i pomognem pacijentima. Vrlo je bitno što smo tokom školovanja naučili ne samo da operišemo, već i da rešavamo eventualne komplikacije. Možda je to i najveća vrednost ove škole, jer mi je to ulilo dodatnu sigurnost. Na vašoj klinici primenjujete načela „brazilske škole” plastične hirurgije? Estetski zahvati bili su popularni u Brazilu mnogo ranije nego u svetu, te je to jedan od razloga što se ova zemlja smatra „kolevkom” plastične hirurgije. I danas se sve „novo” prvo tamo pojavi, pa ako vredi, raširi se po svetu. Brazilsko Udruženje plastičnih hirurga je uticajna institucija i mi smo, kao njegovi članovi, u obavezi da sledimo njihove preporuke. Ove reference ulivaju poverenje našim pacijenatima. Koristite matične ćelije iz masnog tkiva u plastičnoj hirurgiji? Na klinici rutinski radimo liposukciju i koristimo masno tkivo bilo da se radi o
Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016 BelGuest
povećanju pojedinih delova tela i lica ili u regenerativne svrhe. Od skora je poznato da se u masnom tkivu, pored masnih ćelija nalaze i regenerativne, među kojima su i matične adultne ćelije. One su u osnovi tretmana regeneracije tkiva, bilo da se radi o koži, hrskavici, srčanom misiću... Vrlo sam ponosna što možemo da kažemo da Srbija prednjači u Evropi u tretmanima matičnim ćeilijama iz masnog tkiva, ali i u stručnjacima u oblasti plastične hirurgije. Crtice iz biografije
Dr Katarina Anđelkov je po završenoj specijalizaciji magistrirala na rekonstrukciji dojke, a ubrzo potom i doktorirala na jedinstvenoj metodi rešavanja komplikacija operacija na donjim kapcima. Autor je brojnih radova objavljenih u renomiranim stručnim časopisima i predavač na svetskim kongresima plastične i rekonstruktivne hirurgije. Nedavno je izabrana u naučni odbor prestižnog internacionalnog udruženja koje se bavi naučnim istraživanjem i terapijskom primenom matičnih ćelija poreklom iz masnog tkiva (IFATS). BelPrime klinika ima reputaciju institucije koje je uvek korak ispred drugih. Šta je to što vas razlikuje? Od osnivanja neprestano rastemo i srećni smo što možemo da kažemo da imamo zavidan broj pacijenata iz naše zemlje i inostranstva koji nam veruju, vraćaju nam se i preporučuju prijateljima. To nas obavezuje da budemo bolji, da pratimo trendove i da ih uvodimo u praksu. Jedna smo od retkih privatnih ustanova u svetu koja je centar za obuku lekara i studenata koji žele da nauče više o tretmanima matičnim ćelijama iz masnog tkiva. Imamo tim koji radi sve vrste estetskih operacija. Takođe, trudimo se da pacijentima ponudimo paletu manje invazivnih procedura. Uskoro počinje s radom naš centar za nehirurške procedure gde će svi ti tretmani biti objedinjeni, te će ljudi imati jasniju sliku o tome šta je sve moguće uraditi na licu i telu. Šta donosite sa vaših kongresnih „svetskih turneja“? Na svakom kongresu uvek naučim nešto novo. Volim kada sam u mogućnosti da pacijentima
ponudim najnovija saznanja i najsavremenije tretmane. Naši pacijenti zaslužuju da budu operisani po najvišim svetskim standardima. Koristimo najbolje materijale i najsavremeniju opremu i uredili smo prostor tako da se naši pacijenti osećaju prijatno. Ceo tim klinike prvenstveno se trudi da svakom čoveku omogući maksimum nege i pažnje i cilj nam je da svi budu zadovoljni. Nastojimo da razumemo očekivanja i ponosni smo što nam se pacijenti vraćaju. Neretko razvijemo prijateljski odnos. BelPrime Clinic je jedna od tri klinike u Evropi gde je moguće uraditi tretman protiv opadanja kose? Krajem januara sam držala predavanje o primeni matičnih ćelija u alopeciji na IMCAS kongresu u Parizu. Kada govorimo o lečenju androgene alopecije, tu je u osnovi nekoliko najsavremenijih shvatanja o njenom uzroku i tretman podrazumeva kombinaciju primene prečišćenog masnog tkiva i regenerativnih ćelija poreklom iz masti. Imala sam čast da zajedno sa kolegama iz sveta sarađujem u stvaranju ovog jedinstvenog protokola koji se
primenjuje u Japanu, Americi i kod nas u Evropi. Takođe, radimo i obuke. U oktobru sam pozvana da u Japanu izložim naša iskustva, a to će biti prilika da razmenimo saznanja i dalje unapredimo ovu oblast medicine. Izgled ženskog lica određuju podočnjaci. Po njima se meri da li je žena odmorna i kojih je godina. Doktorirali ste na temu operacije donjih kapaka. Dobro urađen tretman ili operaciju niko ne može da prepozna - okolina samo vidi da osoba „bolje izgleda”. To je naročito važno kada je reč o donjim kapcima, jer su oni centralni deo lica. U disertaciji sam pisala o rešavanju komplikacija i vrlo često pacijentima kažem kako, zbog mog doktorata, imam obavezu da ostvarim „savršen izgled kapaka”. Ali to ne mora uvek da bude operacija. Postoje i manje invazivne metode postizanja harmonija licа, poboljšanja kvaliteta kože i otklanjanja znakova starenja. Ranka Jakšić Fotografije: Belprime klinika
BelGuest Summer/Autumn - Leto/Jesen 2016
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