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Badger State Inc. (715) 874-7777 • info@badgerstateinc.com • badgerstateinc.com This plumbing and heating contractor now offers residential and commercial solar water heating, low water pressure solutions, high efficiency HVAC systems, and more for your green construction needs.
Heritage Builders Menomonie • (715) 2357910 • info@heritagebuildersmenomonie.com • heritagebuildersmenomonie.com Projects include home repair and new construction and green services include insulation, heat recovery, passive solar, locally supplied wood and rock, programmable thermostats, planted solar shading, green flooring, low-emissions windows and storms, and more.
MEP Associates (715) 832-5680 • info@mepassociates.com • mepassociates.com This consulting firm specializes in designing sustainable mechanical, electrical, plumbing, medical gas, and geothermal systems for commercial and industrial purposes.
Next Step Energy Systems Eau Claire • (715) 830-9337 • nextstepenergy.com A full service install- er of renewable energy and solar HVAC systems, battery backups, on and off-grid systems, and EV charging stations.
Red Cedar Steel Menomonie • (715) 235-0618 • redcedarsteel.com/project/solar Red Cedar Steel does solar power assessments as well as installations across the Midwest.
SDS Architects Eau Claire • (715) 832-1605 • info@sdsarch.com • sdsarch.com This LEED-certified architectural firm offers consulting, design, and construction management services and specializes in buildings for school districts, universities, government facilities, and private businesses.
Solar Chippewa Valley (715) 720-5825 • solarchippewavalley.com Designs personalized solar solutions based off of your property, budget, and energy usage. Offers free analysis.
SpaceGrower Menomonie • (715) 231-6174 • info@spacegrower.com • spacegrower.com Provides interior and architectural green design services. Interior services include furniture, recommendations, lighting, and layout. Architectural services include drawing, modeling, site layout, space programming, design, documentation, sustainable material research, and more.
Water Source Heating & Cooling Eau Claire • (715) 833-9001 • watersourcegeothermal.com Services include geothermal heat pumps, radiant floor heating, solar PV systems, geothermal loop systems, and ductwork, air filters, and humidifiers.
Sustainability Focused Groups
Chippewa Valley Transit Alliance (CVTA) (715) 835-4835 • chippewavalleytransitalliance@gmail. com • facebook.com/chippewavalleytransitalliance CVTA is a united voice for transit riders, bicyclists, and pedestrians in Eau Claire and neighboring counties of West Central Wisconsin. Meets monthly.
Citizens Climate Lobby - Eau Claire Chapter (715) 829-8620 • eauclaire@citizensclimatelobby.org • citizensclimatelobby.org A non-profit, grassroots advocacy organization focused on national policies to address climate change. Trains and supports volunteers to reclaim their democracy and engage elected officials and the media to generate the political will for solutions that will stabilize the Earth’s climate.
Eau Claire Climate Action Now (CAN) (612) 2201970 • eauclairecan@gmail.com • facebook.com/ EauClaireClimateActionNowcan CAN’s mission is to organize to fight climate change through education, advocacy, and bold proposals that sharply reduce fossil fuel extraction and emissions by fostering a clean energy economy and creating sustainable communities. CAN takes on the moral responsibility to use their collective power to influence the city, county, state, nation, and world to respond appropriately and end climate change.
GreenSense connect.uwstout.edu/greensense/ home/ UW-Stout’s student environmental organization since 1990. GreenSense cleans up Galloway Creek, participates in an Adopt-a-Highway program, cleans up the campus, and manages annual events at UW-Stout including RecycleMania, Earth Week events, a film festival, and they sponsor environmental speakers.
Joining Our Neighbors, Advancing Hope (JONAH): Environmental Task Force jonahjustice. org JONAH’s Environmental Task Force aims to live together in a mutually sustaining relationship with the Earth so the integrity for all is preserved and honored. They educate and inspire others to get involved in preserving our quality of life in the Chippewa Valley.
Lower Chippewa River Alliance (LCRA) (715) 835-4829 • ellewolf1@hotmail.com • wisconsinrivers.org Supports the conservation, preservation and stewardship of the Lower Chippewa River and Lower Chippewa River Basin extending from the Dells dam in the City of Eau Claire to the Mississippi River. LCRA organizes two educational open-car train rides into the Tiffany Bottoms each year, the proceeds from which are donated to prairie and oak savanna restoration, invasive species eradication, and scientific research projects.
The Prairie Enthusiasts: Chippewa Savannas Chapter stahland@centurytel.net • theprairieenthusiasts.org/chippewa_savannas A chapter of The Prairie Enthusiasts, a non-profit grassroots conservation organization. Works throughout Dunn, Eau Claire, and Pepin counties, to restore remnants of prairie ecosystems still remaining in the Chippewa Valley that have not already been lost to development or habitat degradation.
River Country RC&D (715) 579-5229 • Info@ RiverCountryRCD.org • rivercountryrcd.org A Non-Profit Organization that brings people and resources together to address issues and opportunities in order to conserve our natural resources, provide sustainability and improve the quality of life for the people who live and work in the River Country Area.
Sierra Club - Chippewa Valley Group (608) 256-0565 • john.muir.chapter@sierraclub.org • wisconsin.sierraclub.org/chippewa This is a local chapter of the international environmental group based in San Francisco. Programs include slide presentations of trips, talks about environmental issues, guest speakers & seminars, and suggestions & campaigns for action.
Sustainable Dunn sustainabledunn.org This grassroots organization is devoted to promoting decisions that meet the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations. Monthly programs are held covering a variety of sustainability topics. Its website includes green news, a discussion group, and more.
Tainter Menomin Lake Improvement Association, Inc. rverdon@att.net • tmlia.org Atively engaged in activities to promote Tainter Lake and Lake Menomin, along with those bodies of water which are immediate to the lake, namely the Red Cedar River and the Hay River. Their aim is to support the protection and improvement of Lake Menomin and Tainter Lake waters by providing educational information on water quality and environmental issues affecting these bodies of water and their corresponding watersheds.
Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters - Eau Claire (715) 225-3344 • info@conservationvoters. org • conservationvoters.org
A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to electing conservation leaders, holding decision makers accountable and encouraging lawmakers to champion conservation policies that effectively protect Wisconsin’s public health and natural resources.