VASA Annual Report 2020 - 2021

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Our mission We make help happen

Our vision An improved life



A word from the VASA chair

South Ayrshire Lifeline Telephone Befriending

03 Representation Stronger Together Forum members said - We did South Ayrshire Partnership Agreement

  


15 South Ayrshire Lifeline Website and Helpline

17 Out and About Service

Capacity Building



FootcAyr and the Book & Bun Café

Social Enterprise Community Benefits



South Ayrshire Lifeline Digital Services

Digital Community Connection Service Digital Helpline

Volunteering Volunteering Development

 Volunteer Week Communities Back Together South Ayrshire Volunteering Strategy: 2021 - 2024 Investing in Volunteers and VASA

21 Going foward

22 Events Calendar

13 Self Management Programme: Living Well

23 List of Members

VASA details 1

A WORD FROM THE VASA CHAIR Making Help Happen… This year’s Annual Report opens with our refreshed Mission, Vision and Values statement. We think it’s exactly what’s needed in today’s world, and hope that you agree. Like the rest of the Third Sector it represents, VASA has experienced the highs and lows of providing the services and support that keep our communities thriving. The COVID crisis highlighted the absolutely essential role our sector plays in Making Help Happen Linda Muir - Chair of VASA when it is most needed. As a result of the emergency responses, the collective efforts and the networks the pandemic created showed the effectiveness of joint working in the Third Sector. We’re now in a much stronger position to have our voice heard strategically across South Ayrshire. You can see the results in this year’s creation of the first South Ayrshire Volunteering Strategy and the Third Sector Partnership Agreement with Health & Social Care. These allow the Third Sector to play a greater role in addressing the issues that face all of our partners as we learn to live in a post-COVID world. As the Annual Report shows, we have adapted existing services and introduced new ones. Working with partners across all sectors, we are addressing social isolation, loneliness and physical and mental wellbeing. At the same time, we’ll continue to fulfil our Scottish Government funded role as the Third Sector Interface for South Ayrshire. That means we’ll continue delivering on four core functions namely; Representation, Capacity Building, Social Enterprise and Volunteering. We’ve all had to be creative and innovative and we want to express our gratitude and huge thanks to all of those volunteers and groups throughout South Ayrshire who’ve helped Make Help Happen. Rebuilding and regenerating our communities will always need volunteers right across our communities. We can never achieve the thriving communities we aspire to without the invaluable contribution of their time, effort and skills. Volunteering IS the key factor! That’s why VASA will continue to offer support to volunteers, organisations and groups, to build and strengthen this precious resource. It’s why VASA staff worked so hard this year to achieve the Investing In Volunteers award for the fourth successive time. We’re walking the talk, and hope you’ll join us. Congratulations to the whole VASA team for this noteworthy achievement and making such a significant step on the road to Making Help Happen! 2

Linda Muir VASA Chair

REPRESENTATION Representation - VASA has a Scottish Government remit to raise the profile of the Third Sector to ensure it has a voice at a strategic level, is represented on the Community Planning Partnership and actively participates in strategic consultations with public sector partners. VASA runs a range of Third Sector forums which encourages open and honest conversations, invites appropriate speakers, holds consultations events, information session and has nominated representatives sitting on a variety of Strategic Delivery Partnership groups acting as a conduit for information and communication. All building real time local intelligence.

Stronger Together VASA Forums Many positive relationships have developed as a result of attending the forums and in some cases leading to collaborative delivery of new projects. The forums are a great place to receive updates and information that naturally provide peer support and networking opportunities.

Our feedback from over 400 participants, an increase of 20% + from the previous year:

100% of attendees stated they would make use of the information for their organisation. 70% said they would follow up on contact with people/organisations they met at the Forum

Contents Page


Forum members said - We did e of the To invest in the voic nships people and the relatio ctor built between Third Se munities services and the com they serve Terms of Third Sector forums arness Reference aims to “h ities” the voice of commun

Recognise the need to coordinate services better going forward. This would include forming a food network to coordinate food distribution The Community Food Network Forum was established late November 2020 to coordinate food distribution. The Network are inviting partners to coproduce a South Ayrshire Good Food Plan. The Network have also developed 3 food pantries with a transport element for South Ayrshire

Ensure that the Third Se ctor play a key role in any on going/future resilience planning with partners There has been a signif icant increase in representatio n at more strategic meetings across the partnership

Recogn ition of the val ue of th sector e not sim acknow p ly by ledgme nt but d emons this in Recognition of the opportunities trating e a th ctions tween be t da or nc Co a a h n is bl d ta Es T c h o offered by the Third Sector in e South nducts Ayrshir e Public sectors, th d P an l e e ird Th d W ge reco ellbeing service delivery. One size does not gnises hips and val rs ne rt pa a g in n en d th ue of T suppor streng fit all and the sector has shown that hird Se ts the ed fu ar sh a c g in t ev o hi r Ac . , n es a iti d un n m i n m i co ncreas a flexible, less prescriptive approach g oppo e in rtunitie convey rs ne rt s pa re t he o w suppor vision is often much more cost effective t this has sta lligence rted knowledge and inte and delivers those more sustainable Integration Joint outcomes. Spend to save The Third Sector & Partnership Third Sector forum members have Board signed off a Third Sector be involved at 21 20 ly Ju in t en em been asked to support the HSCP Agre the outset when decisions system pressures caused by Covid relating to service design and delivery are being made Consid eration of the b There have been 7 to long arriers term su stainab consultation events with groups ility for More accessible a l r e support structur a d y deliveri es ng loca Third Sector since this report and training, dem l service onstrating s Discuss collaborative, co ion has -produced and begun w ith the Procure joined up working m e n Commi t& Forums have faci ssionin litated training fo g T e ams ac r the Part ross Introduction to C nership Clearer understanding of hild Protection an t o s u p d port thi the Implementati s exactly what constitutes on of the United Nations Convent volunteering and how best to ion on the Rights of the Child (UNCR tap into and manage this key C). The forums no w also link in to wid resource effectively er training opportunities wit The creation of the South h partners.

Contents Page


Ayrshire Volunteer Strategy

What our Forum members said: “First time at a VASA forum and was impressed by the relaxed and friendly atmosphere yet equally professional. This is hard to achieve in Zoom!”

“I connected with another organisation... learnt that we are not alone, but we can help and support each other"

“I find the Forum a really useful platform to share information, ideas and to network”

"...The size of your organisation does not matter when informing of the work we do and the pitfalls and hurdles we are presented with, when you realise others are in similar situations and that we all have so much that can inform and help with the production of future policies and strategies”

“Being a small organisation, these forums are invaluable”

Third Sector Logo South Ayrshire's Third Sector ‘Stronger Together’ logo was initiated and agreed by members, giving ownership to Third Sector providers that attend VASA Forums and work together to make communities and partnerships stronger.

The South Ayrshire Partnership Agreement The Third Sector were delighted that the South Ayrshire Partnership Agreement was agreed by the Health and Social Care Partnership to fully and meaningfully involve the Third Sector as a key partner in the delivery of the Integrated Joint Broad Strategic Plan. South Ayrshire Partnership Agreement Health and Social Care Partnership ( Contents Page

Marie Oliver (VASA CEO) & Tim Eltringham (Director of Health and Social Care in South Ayrshire) signing the South Ayrshire Partnership Agreement


CAPACITY BUILDING Community Capacity Building November 2020 saw the start of yet


another lockdown, one that proved to be just as hard as the start of the pandemic earlier that year, if not worse, as winter

changed on a weekly basis. At the end of January 2021, an increase in support requests from local groups was evident as

drew in and more isolation and loneliness prevailed. Many voluntary and community groups, charities, not for profit and others,

they were starting to look at building themselves back up, adapting services. recruiting new volunteers, seeking funding, embracing all things digital and

within the Third Sector, were facing a variety of issues that saw them unable to operate or needing to adapt to suit the new environment.

Application form completion

Funding Fridays.

Volunteer support

Governance Advertising Digital & social media tutoring

Support given to 125+ groups over the past 6 months

Contents Page



In response to increasing requests for support we now run weekly

Setup/Legal Structure




starting to network again. This was very encouraging, as were the enquiries from people who had more entrepreneurial ideas, with lots of passion for community. Many of them were interested in setting up Social Enterprises.

The main obstacles for groups were: staff working from home, loss of premises, loss of volunteers who were shielding or who felt vulnerable, normal services undeliverable, social distancing and lack of ventilation as well as many other

Funding searches



A variety of Zoom workshops and surgeries were run over the first quarter of 2021:

4 Funding Sessions attended by 83 groups 3 one-to-one surgeries attended by 13 groups 50+ bespoke funding reports

7 FUNDING Surgeries & Events

CASE STUDY Ayrshire Healing Centre called looking for guidance on legal structures as they were interested in setting up a community hub that would primarily benefit under 18’s who were suffering with their mental health, but they did not have much experience in the Third Sector. They also had premises that they wanted to run as a business offering holistic therapies. After finding out more

the hub was being refurbed to become a local Healing Centre. The centre has been open for some months now, generating an income and offering a resource to deliver on-going 6 week programmes for school children to improve their mental health and adopt coping mechanisms to manage it, adopting some of the holidtic techniques. Support was also given with an application

about the aims of the founder and their idea, a discussion on the pros and cons of the various structures led to the set up of a CIC. Guidance was given on the completion of this process which took several months.

to The National Lottery Community Fund which was successful and is also playing a large part in resourcing these programmes.VASA are still working with the group to identify further funding

While this was happening, the premises for

streams to build on this initial success.

CASE STUDY A local quilting group, which was part of an organsiation's calendar of weekly activities, had to close down at the start of the pandemic. When the organisation made the unfortunate decision not to resurrect their activities, the volunteers who led the quilting group decided to set it up on their own. VASA supported the newly formed Quirky Quilters to find new premises, become constituted and open a bank account, source funding for digital equipment and help with their advertising. Within the first month of set up they were building the social group back up with approximately 10 members weekly all supporting each other in many more ways than simply quilting.

SOCIAL ENTERPRISE Social Enterprise activity was significantly curtailed during COVID. However, in recent

Going forward, VASA are very much focused on working with partners in

months an increasing number of Third Sector groups have set up, predominantly

Health & Social Care and South Ayrshire Council procurement to open up

as Community Interest Companies (CIC’s),

opportunities for Third Sector service

to offer health and wellbeing services. VASA are keen to support these new projects and would encourage anyone considering setting up as a business in the Third Sector, to please get in touch with any questions.

providers and to ensure they have skills and confidence to see the tendering process as a means to securing contracts that offer potential for growth and sustainability.








support to VASA and the local Third Sector, whether through funding, community benefits access or project facilitation. BEATS worked closely with small, mostly rural, groups who were meeting the needs of their local communities, ensuring groups were able to access




During 2020-21 Ayrshire BEATS continued to provide


were stretched. A direct result of this was the coming together of these groups to establish the Type Food Community somet Network, hing

Pilots are now underway in Ayr, Girvan and Maybole. BEATS are now part of VASA’s support to the sector in the recovery

the first in South Ayrshire, whose key objective included creating Food

phase of Covid, and to date, have accessed £230,000 funding for local Third


Sector services, working with VASA to strengthen their role as a recognised Community Anchor

appropriate funding as the pandemic gained momentum

Organisation with funders, including the Scottish

and services


Contents Page


Community Benefits Ayrshire BEATS, on behalf of VASA, have continued to build and utilise Community Benefits as a resource for local Third Sector groups. They’ve had some significant successes this year, making a huge positive impact on groups. Professional Services: Advising groups on how to introduce affordable digital technologies which in turn gave them additional capacity to delivery on-line services. Architectural advice around modifications to a local social enterprise and HR services, all helped

Before: Hansel Respite Caravan Park in progress

groups in forward planning and future proofing. "Wanted to say a big thank you for your help and support in the Caravan Pathways they look great! We Couldn’t have done this without you!"

Smart Boards (6): Supplied by Kinly, allowed Ayr Housing Aid and other organisations to deliver essential training more effectively and improving the quality of service provision to many vulnerable users. Sponsorship & Donations: Morgan Sindall supplied freezers and promotional bags for the new Food Pantries. Money from RJ McLeod contributed to fridges. Howdens donated to support independent living. Portable Access Ramps (8): Ashleigh gave access to

community venues and services previously inaccessible, addressing social isolation. Hansel Respite Caravans: Morgan Sindall created a fantastic local facility by laying access roads and pathways, allowing people being supported, and their families, respite. Improving their quality of life. What may appear to be a small contribution can radically impact on what smaller local projects can achieve, as many of the groups acknowledged.

After: Hansel Respite Caravan Park complete thanks to Morgan Sindall

The Ready4Ayrshire conference, 2019, organised by TACT and VASA, focused on the potential role for the Third Sector in the Ayrshire Growth Deal. VASA are delighted that, along with colleagues from TACT, we are now part g of the Community Wealth Building pe somethin y T Lead Officers Working Group set up ‘to progress and promote the development of a collaborative approach to Community Wealth Building in Ayrshire. It is intended that the Commission (and Lead Officer Working Group) takes forward a programme of work to develop and embed Community Wealth Building practices across Ayrshire. The suggested workstreams are aligned to the Community Wealth Building pillars and have been identified as priority areas which are likely to be relevant to all Commission members. These proposed workstreams are: Procurement, Fair Employment, and Land and Assets. VASA very much look forward to representing the sector, working with partners to ensure that collaboratively we make an impact locally. 9 Contents Page

VOLUNTEERING Volunteering Development Re-connecting with Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) after such

had diversified, moving from face-to-face to online alternatives during the

significant changes during the previous year gave VASA the opportunity to assess their current situation with them and plan how to build from there. Organisations found they had significant losses of volunteers after a furlough period or that they needed a different skill set from their volunteers because they

pandemic. Reflecting on these changes VASA recognised that volunteer opportunities need to be available on a digital platform. They are promoted on social media and a QR code is shared on all hard copy advertising to make it easier to access current information.

The Volunteer Friendly Award was launched in June. It has been redeveloped by Volunteer Scotland and TSI Scotland Network. The new standard reflects current volunteer good practice and trends. Volunteer Friendly will be a key award and development tool in the quality pipeline. It is based on the national UK standard Investing in Volunteers (IiV), designed for small groups and organisations who may not be ready to undertake IiV. One of the changes is that once a VIO achieves the Volunteer Friendly Award they are offered continuous professional development creating support networks throughout the 3 years they have the award.

Team Kinetic is a free web based toolkit to help manage and support volunteers and volunteering opportunities for small and medium sized VIOs. This is a fantastic tool to support funding applications and evaluations. VASA will be running information sessions on this over the coming months. Please keep an eye on our social media and our fortnightly e-bulletin for further information on these.

Contents Page


Volunteers Week June 2021 Each year VASA hold a celebration in June, recognising the contribution of groups and their volunteers to our communities.

14 organisations Type something nominated 404 volunteers

This year’s Volunteers Week was probably the most poignant and heartfelt we’ve 286 attended the 3 events ever had. something held inType Girvan, Kirkmichael It was a celebration and thank and Ayr you to all those volunteers who supported their neighbours and wider communities during the height of the pandemic. They were the people who made sure prescriptions and food were delivered, they were there at the end of a phone offering support and comfort. They were the people who are owed a huge debt and enormous gratitude from all of us.

Communities Back Together August 2021 With lockdown lifting over the summer, VASA

and friendly environment. VASA launched the

partnership with South Ayrshire Council Locality

recognised the importance Communities Back Together Planning Team VASA played of reconnecting local people initiative during August at host to 52 organisations and with their communities and outdoor venues in Troon, 90% of them said they would allowing local groups to recruit volunteers in a safe

Contents Page

Girvan, Maybole, Prestwick and Ayr. Working in


like to attend a similar event in the future.

Investing in Volunteers (IiV) and VASA Investors in Volunteer Award VASA are delighted to confirm that they have been awarded the very prestigious Investors in Volunteers Award for the fourth time. An industry quality benchmark, it demonstrates VASA's on-going commitment to our volunteers that provides an inclusive and rewarding experience for anyone volunteering with us.




Telephone Befriending


Christmas Companions

Volunteers at VASA

Board Members


7 Living Well


South Ayrshire Volunteering Strategy: 2021 - 2024 VASA was commissioned by the South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership to take the lead in developing a South Ayrshire Volunteering Strategy. The aim was to ensure co-participation, inclusivity and giving voice to partners, volunteer involving organisations, volunteers and all who have an interest in volunteering. The strategy includes an action plan which sets the path towards a more definitive and complete collaboration of all partners. The South Ayrshire Volunteering Strategy is a strategy for all; the public, stakeholders and organisations. It is for the well-being of the entire community. Contents Page


SERVICES Self-Management Programme: Living Well Started February 2021 The free, six-week Living Well Programme is The 7 facilitators live with health conditions open to any South Ayrshire resident who lives and understand the benefits of selfwith the physical, emotional and social management. They attended facilitator impact of a long-term health condition. The training to equip them with the skills to aim of the group is to help participants deliver the programme and have now all develop skills to better manage their facilitated several programmes in 62 referrals own health conditions. Participants 9 programmes run pairs. The programme largely consists of can be referred from a heath care professional or self-refer. The programme discussions and guest speakers covering a has been delivered on Zoom by trained variety of topics: Food and Mood, Keeping volunteer facilitators but going forward it is Active, Motivation, Goal setting/action hoped that face-to-face meetings can be planning, Relaxation, Keeping safe online, arranged. and Connecting to the Community. Participants have faced isolation issues in the last eighteen months due to COVID restrictions and their health conditions. All of them welcomed the chance of reconnecting with others and were keen to continue this contact once the programme ended.

Feedback video: 4OkwKtYi51M

“It has helped “I feel less “It has helped my me focus on isolated now” mental health and helping myself” motivated me to re-join “I really enjoyed activities again” meeting other people who are having similar experiences to me”

Living Well Moving On To continue support after the programme has ended, there is a weekly informal online drop-in session to allow participants to keep in touch and have a chat as well as a Facebook page. Contents Page


SOUTH AYRSHIRE LIFELINE South Ayrshire Lifeline Telephone Befriending Service Started March 2020 The Telephone Befriending service is for Initially set up as a crisis response service clients who are suffering from social to help people stay connected during the isolation, low mood or are lonely. The first lockdown, it has since been identified as a much-needed area of service matches a referred client “I don’t know how with a vetted and trained support, regardless of the I would have volunteer, who will contact them pandemic. This service is open coped without my once a week offering a friendly to anyone over the age of 18. weekly chat” So far there have been 295 voice and often a listening ear. The ‘chat’ is a social call about hobbies, matches with 135 volunteers over the ‘days gone past’ or simply the weather. period. A further 73 referrals have been signposted to more appropriate services. Its purpose is to lift the client’s mood. CASE STUDY Mr M is in his mid-50’s and spent years battling addiction. He has been clean for 15 years. During the pandemic, Mr M became isolated and feared his demons may return. He was offered Telephone

“My call from the befriender gives me joy every week”

Befriending and was phoned regularly. He now felt he had “someone to look forward to CASE STUDY Mrs C is in her late 80’s and cared speaking to” every week. As restrictions lifted, he felt he no longer needed to receive calls but instead requested to volunteer. He said “If I can give back even a little of the help that I have received, then I’ll know I have helped make a difference in someone’s world”. Contents Page

65 104

Volunteers Matches


Befriendees referred to other VASA services

90hrs Support per week

for her husband who had dementia. His condition made him aggressive and her only respite was when she was on a phone call. Sadly, Mrs C’s husband died several weeks into her phone calls. Her befriender was experienced Type something in speaking to people living with grief and supported her through those first weeks. Mrs C began to make friends who took her for coffees. She said she found confidence through speaking to her befriender and after just a few months withdrew herself from the service. 14

South Ayrshire Lifeline Helpline and Website November 2020 - October 2021 South Ayrshire Lifeline is a community information resource which provides signposting to activities and support services. Through the freephone helpline and the website, local people of all ages can access a wealth of information on groups and services to help them tackle loneliness and social isolation, manage long-term health conditions and connect with their local communities. Now approaching its fifth anniversary, South Ayrshire Lifeline has adapted

and developed through challenging times. As well as handling increased calls from members of the public, other organisations and health and social care professionals seeking information, the helpline provides an ordering service for replacement hearing aid batteries and sensory packs. The website has been completely redesigned to make it easier to use than ever, with details of new activities and services from all over South Ayrshire being added daily as they return to ‘normality’ after COVID.

1,647 people signposted Type something

2,955 Hearing Aid Battery Packs 1,172 Sensory

South Ayrshire Lifeline’s drop-ins have also re-commenced, with a wide range of organisations offering regular walk-in advice and information sessions. Contents Page

11 monthly dropin sessions

Packs arranged


100+ events 355 activities 217 organisations 152 venues


268 services within 24 Support Guides



48,254 page views, accessed from a variety of sources Desktop Tablet Mobile

CASE STUDY Mrs A is 78 years old. She is visually impaired. She contacted South Ayrshire Lifeline as she is struggling to get shopping due to her worsening sight.

SAL signposted her to Morrisons’ Assisted Shopping Service where someone now goes round the store with her. The team also put her in contact with the Sensory Impaired

As she is socially isolated, it mattered to Mrs A that she was able to go and do her

Support Group (SISG) who can offer more support to help her remain as independent

own shopping.

as possible.

CASE STUDY Ms B is 43 with a history of mental health issues. She was forced to flee her home when it was vandalised and was now in temporary accommodation in a strange area with no money for food. Ms B was signposted to a foodbank which was open at the time of her call. “I’ve never had toType use something a foodbank before but they were so nice and even gave me little bath treats so I can pamper myself.” The team also signposted Ms B to the Women's Hub, SeAscape, Room @ Wallacetown and the Scottish Welfare Fund. Ms B said: “I can’t thank you enough - it’s good to know there are people out there who take the time to help.” Contents Page


“It’s a fantastic website. We use it all the time" The Good Morning Service

“This is a resource we use every day to support patients to live better...the helpline staff will go above and beyond to assist” Community Links Practitioners

South Ayrshire Lifeline Out and About Service Started July 2021 The Out and About service is for people within South Aged from 23 to 90 years old Ayrshire who are feeling anxious about getting back out into the community. The service co-ordinator 'buddies’ those referred to going about their business help get them back out into and following the ‘rules’. the community, building The outings include things confidence and showing such as: going back on the clients that they can keep bus, going for shopping, to the bank, to a group themselves safe while still activity, for a coffee etc. Clients are supported for a From


54 referrals

To Girvan

maximum of five sessions with the main focus on moving them on through their journey of recovery, especially after the

pandemic. Each client has a bespoke package of support created for them, depending on their needs, health and circumstances. For all clients, there is an underlying focus on

350hrs with clients

socialising and getting active again. Many clients were also signposted onto other local organisations which provide support and friendship.

CASE STUDY Mrs F, 55-years-old, suffering from severe anxiety as well as other physical and mental health problems. She was very unhappy in her flat and shielding there worsened her anxiety dramatically. Mrs F loved the outdoors and horses so a visit to a local stable with the Out and About Service boosted her mood. "It was a relief to Mrs F is now attending painting and relaxation "Having the have my problems classes arranged by the co-ordinator and is support made taken seriously" taking regular walks, and is hoping to volunteer as the journey a side walker at the stables. easy" Contents Page


FootcAyr and the Book & Bun Café FootcAyr re-opened April 2021 Book & Bun re-opened August 2021 The footcAyr service and the Book & Bun café are VASA’s Social Enterprises “Feels like FootcAyr is an affordable toenail cutting I’m dancing service, for anyone who is having difficulty on air” cutting them. After closing down six clinics at the start of the pandemic, and only managing to open one for 6 weeks prior to the second big lockdown in December 2020, the footcAyr service reopened at the end of April 2021 and has remained open for the past 6 months.

“Oh what a relief – I’ve not been able to get my shoes on for weeks”

600+ clients back as 2 clinics Initially only able to open one clinic in Ayr, a second clinic has Type something re-opened in Ayr also reopened in Girvan 2 months ago. Being almost back to full capacity for both the clinics that have managed to reopen, it is and Girvan

hoped to build on that capacity and gain access back into the other clinics.

The Book & Bun café is a coffee shop selling pre-loved books. Unfortunately the café was closed due to the pandemic for 15 months and just reopened in August 2021. It was great to see many of the regular customers coming back and also lots of new ones. The café has now closed for a reconfiguration to accommodate a Food Pantry with reduced café capacity. This is a new, and well-needed, addition to VASA’s portfolio and all are very excited about this new project. Contents Page



South Ayrshire Lifeline Digital Community Connection Service Started April 2021 The Digital Community Connection Service is a referral service for agencies and partners who work with clients suffering digital isolation and have financial barriers that contribute to their exclusion. The clients referred have a bespoke package of hardware and support created, where they receive a device, possible mi-fi (if needed) and ongoing remote online tutoring. With multiple funding streams for this service, there are a variety of

There were a total of 130 devices available for eligible clients across South Ayrshire. Referrals for this service have come from Sheltered Housing, Community Links Practitioners, Ayrshire Housing, Ayr Housing criteria that possible clients can Aid, AILN, VASA Services, Social meet: elderly, disabled, Work, Three Sixty, GP surgeries, geographical area, self- CLD and a variety of other Third Sector organisations. management etc.

“This service has opened up a whole new world for me"

“I saw my eight month-old grandchild on Zoom for the first time”

“Getting my device and support has been life-changing”

CASE STUDY Mrs P, 63, lives on her own. She was on long-term sick leave from the NHS and suffering from loneliness, isolation and depression. At the start she was reluctant at the prospect of a digital device and felt like she “didn’t have the energy” to learn any new skills. After walking through the basics at her doorstep and setting up support calls for the coming week, Mrs P quickly began to get the


devices issued

800+ hours of client interactions

hang of the device and soon was using it regularly between sessions to access services and entertainment. Mrs P is now confident with her device and getting online has had a huge impact on her feelings of isolation and she no longer needs regular support calls. Mrs P decided to return to her job, feeling she could now handle the new computer systems at work.

South Ayrshire Lifeline Digital Helpline Started April 2021 The Digital Helpline is a free service for everyone in South Ayrshire if they are having any issues with any digital devices. It is for anyone who needs a helping hand to get set up, get connected and get online. The service helps the general public and voluntary organisations with their computers, tablets, phones, smart TV’s, voice

So far, the service has seen 445 hours spent on initial calls, research and delivery of solutions to clients, from teaching people to access websites and do their weekly shop, to joining social media sites and taking part in Zoom quizzes with friends and family! For many people in South Ayrshire, who had a device

controlled devices and but had never had anyone basically any other device spend the time to teach that requires connectivity to them to use it, they’ve been access digital platforms. given access to a whole



On calls to clients


new world that’s reignited old passions or nurtured new hobbies giving them an opportunity to escape their isolation in a way they didn’t previously think possible.

CASE STUDY Mr S, 77 years old, can now confidently join Zoom meetings, share his screen, navigate a

Word document and use his browser for research. All of these things are goals he felt Areas of multiple deprivation he would never be able to achieve and not Areas of low deprivation

Type 35% of calls to thesomething helpline come from

the areas with the highest levels of multiple deprivation Contents Page

without help. He now does so regularly and is extremely excited about his upcoming college course. 20

“Getting my device and support has been life-changing”

GOING FORWARD VASA have always tried to be innovative in response to both the national landscape and local need. Over the past twelve months we have strengthened relationships with local groups and built on our existing partnerships. Nationally the Third Sector and specifically the Third Sector Interfaces (TSI’s) have been involved in Scottish Government conversations on how best to support our communities going forward. This has resulted in funding being made available to TSI’s to disburse across our community groups and organisations to meet specific issues. Many of which are as a result of the pandemic. The new Community Mental Health & Wellbeing fund, which in South Ayrshire £340k is being administered by VASA in conjunction with a local multi agency Steering Group to address the up surge in mental health issues amongst adults. VASA see this as an opportunity to connect directly with the smaller ‘grass roots’ organisations to offer one to one, bespoke support. The aim is to ensure that not only do individuals benefit directly but communities will acquire skills to enable them to continue to make a difference with future projects. Opportunities are likely to present themselves in Health & Social Care as VASA continue to encourage local service providers and social enterprises to consider working collaboratively to compete for tenders. In turn this offers potential sustainability, creates jobs and delivers much needed services. VASA will be building on their calendar of Events/Training/Information sessions to offer appropriate support. Funding support will also have a priority in the coming months. More bespoke support, more Funding Surgeries, on-going Funding Fridays. We want to attract as much finance into the Third Sector as possible. Another priority area is volunteers and volunteering opportunities. VASA will use its’ years of experience and expertise, recently leading the South Ayrshire Volunteering Strategy and being awarded the IiV, to open as many doors to volunteering. In particular, for those who may not have previously considered it. By building capacity amongst our community groups we will work together to create new and exciting opportunities. All of this reflecting our mission to ‘make help happen’. Contents Page


Events Calendar

Follow us on social media to stay up to date with the latest events throughout the year. Contents Page


VASA MEMBERS  2 PinsCommunity Company  ABC Home Education  Aberlour Child Care Trust  Acorn Wellbeing Hub  Action Against Stalking  Action for M.E.  Affinity Trust  AILN (Ayrshire Independent Living Network)  Alloway Scottish Women's Institute  Alzheimer Scotland  ARC Scotland (NIN Ayrshire Invovement Network)  Ayr & Prestwick Lions Club  Ayr Ark  Ayr Arts Guild  Ayr Film Society  Ayr Housing Aid Centre  Ayr United Football Academy  Ayrhsire Hospice Council on Alcohol  Ayrshire Type something Housing  Ayrshire  Ayrshire Pregnancy Crisis Centre  Ayrshire Sportsability  Ayrshire Tigers Powerchair Football Club SCIO  Ayrshire Women's Hub CIC  Ayrshire Young Parkinsons Group  Barnardos  Biosphere Bikes  Bipolar Scotland  Blue Triange  British Red Cross  Bruce Tait Associates  Brush Strokes  Cafe 141  Carrick Activity Centre  Carrick Community Leisure Groupt  Carrick Complementary Therapies  Carrick Rugby

 Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland  Children 1st  Circles Network Advocacy  Coylton Community Association  Crossroads (South Ayrshire)  Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland  Defence Medical Welfare Service  Dementia Arts Trust  Dundonald Community Sports Recreation & Heritage Ass  Dundonald Gymastics Club  Enable  Equal Futures  Faith in Older People  FFU Scotland CIC 563212  FreshAyr CIC  Friends of Dundonald Castle  Friends of Newton Park  Girvan Community Market  Girvan Community Sports Hub Youth Trust  GirvanType  Hansel something  Home Energy Scotland  Hope Counselling & Wellbeing  Irvine and Troon Cancer Care  Key  Kirkmichael Village Renaissance  Ko-Nekt  L & M Wellbeing Consultancy CIC  Little Art stars  Nartyre CIC  NAS One Stop Shop - Ayrshire  New Life Trust (Diamonds)  No One Dies Alone  North Ayr "The Gither"  OiR Ayr  Oshay's FASD  Partners for Inclusion Group  Pinwherry and Pinmore Community Development SCIO  Poppy Scotland  Prestwick Howie Bowing Club

Voluntary Action South Ayrshire (VASA) Company Limited by Guarantee Company Reg. No: 25334 Scottish Registered Charity SC028234 Our Accountants Stewart Gilmour &Co 24 Beresford Terrace, Ayr KA7 2EG Contents Page 23

 RHET Ayrshire & Arran Countryside Initiative  Riverside Community Trust  RNID  Royal Voluntary Service  Sanctuary Care Queens Care Home  Scottish War Blinded  Seascape  Shelter  SISG  South Ayrshire Befriending Project  South Ayrshire Christmas Toy Bank  South Ayrshire Community Transport  South Ayrshire Dementia Support  South Ayrshire Foodbank  South Ayrshire Table TennisClub something Galloway  SpredType  Spring Back  St Ninian's Episcopal Church  Stepping Stones for Families  Symington Community Projects  The Ballantrae Trust  The Conservation Volunteers  The Richmond Fellowship Scotland  Three Sixty  Troon Old Parish Church  Tsukure Hub CIC  Turning Point Scotland  Unity  Vics in the Community  Victim Support Scotland  Whiteleys Retreat  Whitletts Victoria FC  Who Cares? Scotland  Workers Education Association

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