Guide to Giving 2016 - 2017

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Guide toGiving 2016-2017 CELEBRATE WITH US


The Annual Guide to Giving offers opportunities for you to make a difference in our community through donations of money, food, gifts, or your time and talent during the holiday season and beyond. This list is derived from nonprofit and public agencies that serve Howard County and the region. When you contact the agency, please mention that you found the opportunity through the Volunteer Center Serving Howard County’s Annual Guide to Giving 2016-2017. The agency listing is alphabetical. If you are interested in collecting food to help a family in need enjoy a special meal at holiday time, look for ❋ notations below agency requests indicating that they can identify those families. If you are interested in helping in a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day, the following agencies may need volunteers. Please keep in mind that these organizations need help every day and that opportunities to volunteer on these specific days fill up quickly.

BEANS AND BREAD A soup kitchen in Southpoint Baltimore


ELIZABETH HOUSE A soup kitchen operated by FISH of Laurel Inc.


FRANCISCAN CENTER A soup kitchen in Baltimore • 410-467-5340 MANNA HOUSE A soup kitchen and drop-in center in Baltimore


THE SHEPHERD’S TABLE A soup kitchen in Silver Spring • 301-585-6463


a A-OK Mentoring-Tutoring Inc. Enhances the successful academic and social development of identified Howard County elementary and middle school students through the encouraging, ongoing support of an adult mentor-tutor. Mentoring services are designed to have a positive impact on students in the areas of academic achievement, behavior, social skills and self-image. Volunteer requests: • Mentors and tutors for elementary school students in Howard County schools. They provide one-on-one mentoring/tutoring or serve in after-school programs working with children individually or in small groups. A commitment to serve during the school year is requested. No mentor/tutor sessions are held in the summer. • Information sessions are held monthly to provide details about the organization, available volunteer opportunities and the process. Upcoming information session is Monday, Nov. 14. • Volunteer opportunities require that you be at least 21 years of age and have availability on weekdays, during daytime hours and during the school year. Contact Susan Burger at 443-895-2457 or Website:

Accessible Resources for Independence Inc. To maximize the independence of people with disabilities so they enjoy self-directed, productive lives. Volunteer requests: • Web developer needed to update and enliven our website. • Board members to add value to the governance of our organization. Commitment typically less than five hours per month. • Committee members. These committee positions usually meet less frequently. Donation requests: • Monetary donations for crisis assistance. ARI offers a fund that provides monetary assistance in crisis situations where all other options have been exhausted. • Program and services support: $25 supports one hour of independent living skills instruction. $50 provides three hours of peer mentoring to a person with a newly acquired disability. $100 educates a group of 10 adults about maintaining benefits while working. $500 pays for a ramp allowing a person to leave home and access the community. Contact Betsy Hein at 410-636-2274 or Website: ❋Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

The Arc of Howard County Works to achieve full community life for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities — one person at a time. Volunteer requests: • Sign language instructor/coach to support the work of The Arc. • Committee members for a variety of program and event committees to support the mission. Continued on next page

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


Donation requests: Donations accepted year-round, both monetary and in-kind. Please see for further information on how you and your organization can help. • General items always needed: variety of arts and craft supplies such as crayons, markers, scissors, card stock, construction paper, modeling clay, etc. • Household items needed: household vacuum cleaners, new sheet sets (all sizes), portable CD/radio players, laundry soap, children and young adult books, gift cards to Home Depot/Lowes, Target, Walmart and Costco. • Gift cards/tickets for community activities: movies, bowling, restaurants, sporting events, performing arts, community events, etc. Contact Dee Athey at 410-730-0638 or Website:

b Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake Strives to help children reach their full potential through professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships, including a full range of youth mentoring programs with measurable impact. Volunteer requests: • Mentors: Help build a life by creating an ongoing relationship. Donation requests: • Seeking companies and individuals interested in sponsoring families in need for the holidays by providing donations of food baskets, toys, clothing and/or gift cards to large retail and grocery stores. • Food baskets, gift cards and food for Thanksgiving or Christmas for families. Contact Susan Hagis at 410-319-0998 or Website: * Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

c Columbia Pregnancy Center Empowers women to choose life. Donation requests: • Gift cards to Target, Walmart and local grocery stores to help clients in financial need with holiday goods. • Ongoing need for sleepers (newborn-6 months), clothing, bath towels, diaper bags and receiving blankets. Contact Kim Hartman at 410-730-3223 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


Community Action Council of Howard County Provides programs and services to eligible low-income residents of Howard County to alleviate the effects of poverty by enabling self-sufficiency and advocacy. Volunteer requests: General volunteer information • Must be 16 years or older to volunteer without a parent or guardian. • Opportunities are available Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm. • Find available opportunities at • Required online application — CAC Main Office • Engage in a variety of events throughout the year to raise awareness and responsiveness to the needs of low-income families in our community. • Administrative, clerical and support staff, duties such as filing, completing computer data entry and assisting with large mailings. • Grant researcher. • Most projects require you to be 18 years or older. Community Garden Provides in-season fresh fruits and vegetables for Food Bank families. Seasonal opportunities include: • Hands-on gardeners to build beds, plant, weed, water and overall garden maintenance. Tools and garden equipment provided, but please bring your own gardening gloves. • Limited Saturday opportunities may be available, and must be arranged with the volunteer coordinator. Garden is available from April through mid-November. Food Bank A community resource where individuals and families with proper documentation certifying their eligibility can shop for needed food and other personal items. • Sorters, organizers and stockers with the ability to lift 25 pounds. • Shopping assistants and distributors. Head Start Program Provides preschool experiences and family support services for children ages 3-5. • Assist teachers with activities such as art projects, music, exercise and story time. • Encourage children to learn and explore through play. • Must be at least 18 years old to volunteer. Donation requests: Community Garden needs: Seeds (produce), hand tools, wheelbarrow Food Bank needs: Holiday: Turkeys can be donated to the Howard County Food bank to give to those families in need. Ongoing: Eggs Box cutters Cheese Clear package tape Rice Sharpies Soup Clipboards Diapers (all sizes) Pens (blue/black ink) Cereal Canned food Feminine hygiene products Fresh or frozen vegetables/fruit Toiletries Milk Continued on next page

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


Head Start donation needs: Holiday: Individuals or groups can adopt a family or center from one of our four Head Start centers and provide them with boots, toys, clothes, etc. for the holidays. Ongoing: Movement/exercise/play Gift cards • Balls – all sizes • Payless ShoeSource for shoes and boots for children • Jump ropes • Grocery stores • Tricycles – five per center • Art supplies Clothing • Yarn and felt squares • Clothing for children ages 3-5 • Large buttons and beads • Entire change of clothing sizes 3-5 [4T through 6T], • Crayons, washable markers, watercolors, including socks, underwear, shirts, pants colored pencils and markers • Caps and mittens • Construction paper • Coats • Play-Doh® (new) and Play-Doh cutters Musical • Beanbags • Musical instruments (adult-sized and gently used) • Bristle Blocks • Guitar, electric keyboard, recorder, flutes, cymbals • Lego® and tambourines, etc. • Puzzles • Children’s CDs • Hand puppets • Movement/exercise CDs • Paint smocks • Quiet time CDs Miscellaneous Educational • Hand sanitizer • Educational/art items for the children • Tissues • Backpacks • Marble composition books • New children’s books — especially picture books and multicultural books Contact Dorcas Schindehette at 410-313-0703 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

The Community Ecology Institute Enhances community health and well-being by fostering the connection between all people and the natural world. Volunteer requests: • Adults in the Howard County area with naturalist, gardening, outdoor recreation, and/or environmental education experience who are willing to talk with groups of families during community events several times a month in our Columbia Families in Nature program. Contact Chiara D'Amore at 410-730-0394 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


g Girls on the Run of Central Maryland Inspires girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum that creatively integrates running. Volunteer requests: • Race Day support staff to help with course monitoring, race registration, buddy runners and other needs for our 5k events: Saturday, Dec. 3 and Saturday, June 3. • Coaches, mentors to serve as role models for the girls who participate in 70+ GOTR programs in Carroll and Howard counties. Donation requests: • Monetary donations for scholarships, new sneakers, jogging bras and running gear. • Gift cards to grocery stores for healthy snacks. • Gift cards to Walmart/Target for program supplies. Contact Jessamine Duvall at 443-583-7740 or Website:

h HoCoPoLitSo Howard County Poetry and Literature Society Enlarging the audience and appreciation for contemporary poetry and literature through the production of live and taped literary programs. Volunteer requests: • Event hosts on Friday, Feb., 10, 2017, for the 39th Evening of Irish Music and Poetry with Belinda McKeon to assist artists and patrons. Hosts are expected to arrive at 6:30pm for a 7:30pm performance and be able to stay through 11pm at the Smith Theatre lobby, Horowitz Center, Howard Community College, Columbia. • Book sorters and baggers. Inventory, sort and bag books in preparation for sales and presentations. Two hours a week from February-April 2017. Donation requests: • Gift cards to purchase books for high school book awards and to be used as raffle prizes at Irish Evening. Contact Pamela Kroll Simonson at 443-518-4568 or Website:


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Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit

HopeWorks of Howard County Supports and advocates for people in Howard County affected by sexual and intimate partner violence and engages the community in creating the change required for violence prevention.: Volunteer requests: • Community outreach, community engagement advocates, and special events. • Child care assistants. • Office assistants. Donation requests: • Thanksgiving Project 2016 — adopt a family for which to provide Thanksgiving dinner • December Adopt-A-Family Project 2016 — adopt a family for which to provide gifts from a list of requests for the holidays Contact Joyce Hoelzer at 410-997-0304 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

Howard County Conservancy Educates children and adults about our natural world, preserves the land and its legacy for future generations and models responsible stewardship of our environment. Volunteer requests: • Holiday events supporters with enthusiasm! Contact the conservancy for more information about how you can help. • Wednesday morning drop in gardening from 9:30am-noon, weather permitting. Call ahead. Donation requests: • Hand shovels/garden trowels in good condition. • Portable, rolling coat rack. • Light- to medium-weight convertible dolly. • Working coffee maker in good condition. • Monetary donations are also accepted. Contact Heather Veale at 410-465-8877 or Website:

Howard County Office on Aging and Independence Provides dedicated, coordinated volunteer assistance to persons living within the county, with the highest quality services and support to respect the dignity, individuality and cultural differences of people, their families, volunteers, staff and the communities we serve. Promotes a full, dignified life for older people in Howard County, encouraging their involvement in all aspects of life and recognizing them as a vital force in the community. We seek to enrich the lives of older people across their lifespan. Donation requests: • Items for low-income seniors who reside in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and in the community such as socks, lotion, body wash, moisturizer, toothpaste, shaving lotion, shampoo, conditioner, toiletries, gift sets for both men and women, blankets/throws and monetary donations. • Drop off your donations by Friday, Dec. 2, 2016 at any Howard County 50+ Center or the Howard County Office on Aging and Independence site at 6751 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 200, Columbia. Contact Darlene Vaselaros at 410-313-5951 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


k KidsPeace Provides a variety of foster care and community-based treatment programs to help foster youth in need to overcome challenges and transform their lives by providing intensive education, support services and placing children in safe and nurturing homes. Volunteer requests: • Loving foster homes throughout Howard County and Maryland, especially for teenagers. Training and support is provided. Donation requests: • Care packages for teenagers placed in a new foster home (blankets, bedroom linens, toiletries, journals, socks, gift cards, music, etc.) • Transition items for youth turning 21, aging out of care and starting out on their own (bedroom/ bathroom linens, kitchen supplies, cleaning supplies, gift cards, etc.) and new or gently used suitcases and large duffel bags. Contact Jocelyn Kennedy at 410-964-9329 or Website:

m Metropolitan Washington Ear Provides free news and information services for blind, visually-impaired and physically disabled residents of Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. Strives to substitute hearing for seeing, improving the lives of people with little or no vision by enabling them to be well-informed, fullyproductive members of their families, their communities and the working world. Volunteer requests: • Readers to read The Washington Post, USA Today, Time and Washingtonian magazines and other current local and national publications daily. In addition, volunteers read grocery and shopping ads, magazines, TV listings and audio-described theater listings. • The Washington Ear studios are located in Silver Spring. Volunteers are asked to give two hours a week. A short audition is required of all applicants. The Ear’s services are available throughout the Metropolitan area 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Donation requests: • Monetary donations are welcomed on an ongoing basis to help support our free services for the blind, visually impaired and physically disabled individuals of Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. Contact Rene Schecker at 301-681-6636 or Website:

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


Moveable Feast Provides nutritious foods and other services in order to preserve quality of life for people with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening conditions. Volunteer requests: Holiday • Holiday meal delivery drivers, kitchen helpers, pre-holiday prep workers, greeters, kitchen runners, cookie packers, present wrapper and holiday decoration maker. Ongoing • Year-round meal delivery drivers, kitchen assistants, janitorial assistants, clerical assistants, data-entry assistants, bakers, garden volunteers and special events assistants. • On occasion, we need someone to staff a table at a recruitment event or help out with special events that come up throughout the year. Donation requests: • Microwave ovens • Toiletries • Toys • Gift cards (Walmart, Target, Sam’s Club) • Clothing: socks, gloves, hats, scarves • Toys/gift drives are preferable to canned food drives due to the medical needs of our clients. Contact Angie Elliott at 410-327-3420 x31 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

n NAMI Howard County Improves the lives of individuals with mental illness and their families through education, advocacy and support, and to increase awareness of mental illness throughout the community. Volunteer requests: Holiday • Gift wrappers on Dec. 20 and 21 from 9am-9pm; two-hour shifts. Ongoing • Group facilitators and tabling staff for community events are needed on an ongoing basis. Training provided by NAMI. • Basket Bingo fundraiser assistants from 6-10pm on Saturday, Nov. 12. Donation requests: • Monetary donations are needed to support our year-round In Our Own Voice presentations in the schools and throughout the community. The In Our Own Voice presentation demonstrates how individuals with severe mental illness experience recovery. Each program presenter has been trained to translate the story of his or her own struggle and success. We provide a small stipend to demonstrate our thanks to those who donate their time every week, all year long. Contact Beverley Francis-Gibson at 410-772-9300 or Website:

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


National Family Resiliency Center Inc. Specializes in helping children, teens and adults cope with family transitions. While specializing in fostering healthy family transitions, NFRC also works with clients to foster healthy marriages and remarriages. NFRC’s mission is to help children and adults, regardless of family composition, cope with relationships throughout the life cycle of family development. Volunteer requests: • Clerical and office support including data entry, answering phone, light typing, office organizational tasks. Hours of office assistance are needed between 2-5pm, Mondays-Thursdays. Flexible schedules. Volunteer one or two days per week. Donation requests: • Gift cards for grocery stores and toy stores with a focus on single parents with children ages infancy through teens. Contact Kathy Helt at 410-740-9553 x208 or Website:

Neighbor Ride Enhances the health and quality of life for Howard County's seniors by providing affordable, volunteer-based supplemental transportation. Volunteer requests: • Road Trippers to provide a couple of quick trips a month to local seniors, giving them the lift they need to remain healthy, active and independent. Rides for medical appointments, shopping, social outings, faith-based services, volunteer activities and other day-to-day needs are requested. Incredibly flexible and rewarding daytime, evening and weekend opportunities are available. Volunteers choose to provide rides that fit their schedules and are convenient to their homes, offices and daily routines. Parents are welcome to bring their children along when volunteering for a fantastic intergenerational experience. • Volunteer orientations are held in the Neighbor Ride office on Tuesdays at 9:30am and one evening a month. Orientations for groups of five or more can be arranged. Contact Patrice or Holly at for more information. Contact Patrice Cerwonka and Holly Waddell at 410-884-7433 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


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o Office of the Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division Provides mediation services to consumers to help resolve complaints against businesses and health insurance carriers. The division also provides information about complaints that have been filed against businesses, information regarding new home builder or health club registration, and publications to help consumers make good decisions in the marketplace. Volunteer requests: • Mediation Unit volunteers willing to learn consumer protection law and mediate consumer complaints by phone and letter. You may also be trained to answer our consumer hotline. Position requires a minimum time commitment of two days per week, five hours per day, and at least a six-month commitment. • Health Education and Advocacy Unit volunteers to assist people who have a billing dispute with their healthcare provider, or a coverage dispute with their HMO or health insurance company. For information on that unit, please call Adrian Redd at 410-576-6448. Main office is located in downtown Baltimore and a branch office in Prince George’s County. A stipend of $9 per day to help defray transportation expenses is available. Contact Alisa Bralove at 410-576-6358 or Website:

p Project Linus, Howard County Provides love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized or otherwise in need through the gifts of new handmade blankets and afghans lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.” Volunteer requests: • Blanketeers to make blankets. • Label sewers to sew labels on blankets. Donation requests: • New handmade blankets. • Monetary contributions. • Gift cards for Jo-Ann Fabric, Michaels or Walmart. • Acrylic yarn (worsted weight) in bright colors. • Fabric, especially fleece, in bright, child-friendly patterns or colors. Contact Joyce Hoelzer at 410-418-4994 or Website:

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


r Rebuilding Together Howard County Provides free home repairs to low-income families, veterans, disabled individuals and elderly homeowners living in Howard County. Repairs are provided by a thousand volunteers with funding from sponsor organizations. Our mission is to provide a safe and healthy home for every person. Volunteer requests: • Workers for home repairs needed year-round. While Rebuilding Together Howard County is always in need of skilled volunteers (plumbers, electricians and carpenters), unskilled workers also are necessary. • Corporate and group sponsors needed to form volunteer teams. Nonprofit volunteer groups provide a team and $2,700 in funding. Corporate sponsors provide volunteer teams and a donation of $3,200 to repair and renovate a specific property. Volunteer teams range in size from 10 to 50 participants. Donation requests: • Gift cards from Lowe’s or Home Depot. • Monetary donations to purchase building materials such as $50 for paint, $300 for window replacement, or $1,000 for major plumbing or electrical repairs. Contact Ann Heavner at 410-381-3338 or Website:

s S.A.F.E. Food Pantry

Supplying Allergy Friendly and Emergency Food Pantry Provides gluten-free and allergy-friendly food to those in need. Volunteer requests: • Board members, advisory council members, CPA with nonprofit expertise, marketing specialist, volunteer manager, website SEO specialist, social media maven, blogging team members and food pantry operations coordinator. • Willing to discuss how your skills can help build and structure this organization. Donation requests: • Monetary donations to open a gluten-free and allergy-friendly food pantry. • Gift cards to grocery stores and health food stores in order to help people in need obtain gluten-free and allergy-friendly food. • Gluten-free and allergy-friendly food donations can be dropped off at One Dish Cuisine, 8001 Hillsborough Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043. Contact Tiffany Holtzman at 443-741-1060 or Website:

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


Special Olympics Howard County Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for persons eight years of age and older with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community. Volunteer requests: • Volunteers and coaches are needed year-round to assist athletes at sports practices. All practices are held on evenings and weekends. • Bowling coaches on Sunday mornings, 11:30am to 1:30pm. • Experienced WordPress volunteers to help us with website. Donation requests: • Monetary donations to help with expenses such as uniforms, sports equipment and facility rentals. • Gift cards to purchase sports shoes for those in need and also to be used as raffle prizes at fundraisers. Contact Janet Larrimore at 410-740-0500 or Website:

Success in Style Helps men and women with limited incomes, find employment by providing interview attire. Volunteer requests: • Donation processors to process donations of clothing and accessories from holiday clothing drives. • Throughout the year, we are in need of volunteers to help process donations of clothing and accessories (belts, ties, scarves, shoes, jewelry) for men and women. • Check website for additional opportunities. Donation requests: • For men — new items: dark dress socks, white T-shirts, briefs, boxers. • For women— new items: bras, hosiery (black, brown, tan and beige only). • Gently-used items for men in very good condition: two-piece business suits (urgent need for men’s suits sizes 38 chest and smaller); business dress shirts (white, blue); and business dress shoes. • Gently-used items for women in very good condition: two-piece business suits (current/classic styles); professional blouses (crisp white preferred) and business-appropriate shoes. All donations, including wedding gowns and support of retail shops Charity’s Closet, Phil’s Closet and Cherie Amour, are greatly appreciated. Contact Kathy Botsford at 443-486-2478 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit



The Village in Howard Enables our membership community of Howard County residents 55 and older to actively age in place by providing mutual support services and activities and by coordinating with public and private resources. Donation requests: • Two armless padded desk chairs. • Hanging folder frames and folders. • Four folding round tables that seat 6-8. • Folding chairs. Contact Susan Hailman at 443-367-9043 or Website:

Voices for Children, Howard County’s Court Appointed Special Advocate Program Trains and supervises community volunteers to become Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs). Their primary role is to ensure that abused and neglected children who have been removed from their families are provided necessary services and placed into safe and permanent homes. Volunteer requests: • Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) training available. Donation requests: • Small denomination gift cards to Target, Walmart, fast food. Contact Erica Byrne at 410-740-0933 or Website: ❋ Agency can identify families in need of Thanksgiving/holiday food donations.


Winter Growth Inc. Provides community-based services for older and disabled adults that support them in achieving their highest potential for independence, dignity and life satisfaction. Volunteer requests: • Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24, meal helpers from noon-2pm. • Visitors the week of Dec. 26 between the hours of 10am-3pm. • Musicians, singers or dancers to share music with adults in our day program. • Arts and crafts teacher for occasional art activities with individuals in our day program. • IT support to include monthly updates on all office computers. Continued on next page

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


Heart to Heart volunteer — Enjoy an hour or two of laughter and high energy with our more active residents; or, if you prefer, make quiet connections with seniors struggling with physical or cognitive challenges. You can make a difference by lending a hand with lunch, playing board games, participating in arts and crafts activities, chatting with residents, teaching basic computer skills or leading small group learning encounters. Have ideas or talents to share? Bring them along! We love trying new things. Winter Growth has a special one-hour orientation program to get you started. Donation requests: • Small holiday gifts for men and women • Gift cards to Target, Walmart, Safeway or Giant for program supplies • Twin sheets and comforters • Bath towels • Tablets for programs • Bed pillows • Depends (adult undergarments) • Personal care items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, unscented lotions and body wash) Contact Cyndi Rogers or Vivian Golden at 410-964-9616 or or Website: •

Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County The Women’s Giving Circle is building a community of philanthropists and creating a permanent legacy to address the needs of women and girls in Howard County. Volunteer requests: • Committee members: grants, donor development, communications, leadership and youth development Donation requests: • Donors Contact Alison Canning at 443-804-5591 or Website:

y Y in Central Maryland The Y is a charitable organization in Central Maryland dedicated to developing the full potential of every individual through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Volunteer requests: • Race Day volunteers for Y in Ellicott City Turkey Trot Charity 5k — Thursday, Nov. 24. A variety of opportunities on Thanksgiving morning including: volunteer coordinator, setup, race registration, packet pick-up, food/beverage table, course post, mile sign holder, water station, cleanup/breakdown, odd job runner, finish line assistant, photographer, parking/traffic attendant. To register go to Contact: Eric Somerville at 443-322-9622 or Website:

Opportunities in the Guide to Giving are subject to change and managed by the posting partner organization. For current details and additional opportunities, visit


Save the date January 16, 2017 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

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For further information, please contact The Volunteer Center Serving Howard County 6310 Hillside Court, Suite 100 • Columbia, MD 21046 410-715-3172 • phone 410-715-0845 • fax • email • website


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