Volsol australia brochure 2016 compressed

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2 0 1 6 BROCHURE



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Cont ent s 0 1 Cover ent s 0 2 Cont r al i aOv er v i ew 0 3 Aust V OL UNT E E R

r al i a-Al lPr ogr ams 0 4 Aust v at i onVol unt eer i ng 0 5 Conser i on 0 6 YourAccommodat i onandL i v i ng 0 7 Accomodat ar tDat es 0 8 CostandSt ngf or ? 0 9 Whatam IPayi ngf or ?( Cont d. ) 1 0 Whatam IPayi ngst oDo 1 1 Thi oAppl y-ThePr oc es s 1 24 How t -1 nTouc h 1 5 Geti

www. v ol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om

0 3

Aust r al i aOver vi ew Thel anddownunder , Aus t r al i a, i sapi c t ur es quec ount r yc ont i nent t hatat t r ac t st r avelent hus i as t s ac r os st he gl obe.Laden wi t h pl et hor aofac t i vi t i est odo,t hi sgeogr aphi c al l ys ec l udedc ount r yi s devel oped,t hr i vi ng and l i vel y.Fr om bungee J umpi ng,Sc uba Di vi ng, t oSnor kel i ngandexpl or i ngt heGr eatBar r i erReef-t her ei s nodear t hofadvent ur eac t i vi t i esi nAus t r al i a. Tot opi tal l , awi l dl i f e s af ar ii nt hel andofKangar oosi ss omet hi ngunmi s s abl e. Vol unt eer i ng Sol ut i onsbr i ngsyou t he oppor t uni t yt o notonl y t r aveli nt hec ount r ybutal s oexpl or et hec ount r yt ot hef ul l es tby vol unt eer i ngi nt her egi on.A mus tdopr oj ec tf ornat ur el over s , Cons er vat i onVol unt eer i ng i nAus t r al i ai st hebes twayt oenj oy Aus t r al i a.

Tr i pHi ghl i ght s Oppor t uni t yt ot akeuppl ent yofadvent ur es por t sl i kes nor kel i ng,s kydi vi ngands c ubadi vi ng Vol unt eer i ngpr oj ec tdes i gnedes pec i al l yf ornat ur el over s-gett owor kf ort heAus t r al i anwi l dl i f eand r ai nf or es t s Over14di er entAus t r al i anc i t i est oc hoos ef r om Comf or t abl el i vi ngar r angement s ;al s oagr eatwayt omeetnew peopl eandmakef r i ends Uni queandaor dabl ewayt ot r avelandexpl or et hel anddownunder

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0 4

Aust r al i a-Al lPr ogr ams Ourc ons er vat i onpr ogr amsar eavai l abl ei n: Adel ai de

Bat hur s t

Br i s bane

Newcas t l e

Cai r ns

Hobar t

Canber r a

Towns vi l l e

Dar wi n

Bendi go

Mel bour ne

Geel ong

Per t h Sydney( asďŹ r s tgat ewayci t yonl y)

Bel ow i st hemapf orar r i valai r por t sf ort hes el oc at i ons :

Dar wi n

Cai r ns

Br i s bane

Per t h Sydney Adel ai de Canber r a Mel bour ne

www. v ol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om

0 5 Conser vat i onVol unt eer i ng St ar t i ngf r om $385

Pr ogr am Requi r ement s Mi ni mum AgeLi mi ti s18year sand above Vol unt eer sneedt ohaveanopen mi ndandflexi bl eat t i t udef orwor ki ng i nanew anddi ffer entenvi r onment . Thevol unt eers houl dbr i ngener gy andent hus i as mt omakeadi ffer enc e. Vol unt eermus tbei ngoodheal t h. Mi ni mum r ec ommendedt i meper i od -2weeks

A pr oj ec tf or nat ur e l over s ,c ons er vat i on vol unt eer i ng i st he oppor t uni t yt owor kf orMot herNat ur eandhavef ul fil l i ngvol unt eer and t r avelexper i enc e.Thevol unt eer s ’dut i esi nc l udehel pi ngi nt he c ons er vat i on and pr es er vat i on wor k as gui ded by t he pr oj ec t c oor di nat or ,hel pi ng i nt he mai nt enanc e wor k and upkeep oft he f or es t soral l oc at ed pr oj ec tar ea,and al s o an oppor t uni t yt o know aboutAus t r al i a’ swi l dl i f eflor aandf aunai ndet ai l .Thi spr oj ec thasa s pec i albenefitf orbi ol ogys t udentt o per kup t hei rknowl edgeand expos ur et omot hernat ur e. Avai l abl eI n: Adel ai de

Sydney( asfir s tgat ewayc i t yonl y)

Br i s bane

Bat hur s t

Cai r ns

Newc as t l e

Canber r a

Hobar t

Dar wi n

Towns vi l l e

Mel bour ne

Bendi go

Per t h

Geel ong

AddOnTour Tour sc anbebookeddependi ngonyourc hoi c eofc i t y. Youc anc ont ac tt r avel des k@vol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om t obookanaddont ourf oryour s el f

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0 6 YourAccommodat i on

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0 7 Accommodat i onandLi vi ng Si nc et her ear evar i ousl oc at i onst oc hoos ef r om,vol unt eer swi l l beei t herpl ac ed i n ahos t el s t yl es har ed ac c ommodat i on,ora c ar avan orc ampi ngs etup.Al lt heac c ommodat i onswoul d be c l ean,c omf or t abl e and wi l lhave s ame genders har i ng s etup.

Accommodat i onHi ghl i ght s

youc hoos et hec i t y.Ac ompr ehens i vepr edepar t ur ebookl etand

Ac c ommodat i onwoul dbeei t her hos t el s t yl e,orwi l lbeac ar avanor c ampi ngs etup

anor i ent at i ons es s i onwi l lal s obepr ovi dedf or .Meal sf ort hr ee

Ful l yf ur ni s hedandc l eanhous e

t i mesar epr ovi dedi nal lpr oj ec t sandac c ommodat i ons ;however ,

Thr eemeal sadayorasdi r ec t edby t hepr oj ec t

Mor ei nf or mat i onwi l lbepr ovi dedont heac c ommodat i onaf t er

vol unt eer swoul dber equi r edt os har ei nt hec ooki ngandc l eani ng ut ens i ldut i es .

Pr oxi mi t yt opr oj ec ts i t esandl oc al mar ket s Vol unt eer sc ont r i but ei nc ooki ngand c l eani ngofdi s hes Mus tc ar r yas l eepi ngbag

www. v ol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om

0 8 CostandSt ar tDat es So,whydoIhavet opayf orvol unt eer i ngabr oad?Imean,Iwantt ohel pt hem andal lands t i l lIwi l lhavet opay?Thati sa c ommonques t i onpeopl eas k. Peopl eof t enf or gett hatvol unt eer i ngi sneverf r ee. Vol unt eer i ngAbr oadi sdeďŹ ni t el yac hoi c e, andwhenyouc hoos et odos o,youhavet opay.Forwhat ?Foryourai r f ar e,f oryourl odgi ngs ,f oryourmeal s ,f orl oc alc ommut e,ai r por tt r ans f er ,f oryourpr oj ec tpl ac ementt i eups !Ther ei smor ei nt hel i s t ,butagai n,al lofusdr eadt hewor d" pr ogr am f ee" So,wet houghtwes houl ds i mpl i f yi tf oryou.Yourpr ogr am f ees ol el yai mst opr ovi deyouc omf or t ,whi l eyouvol unt eer abr oad.I ti ss t r uc t ur edt omeetyourmos tbas i cneeds .

Aust r al i aPr ogr am Cost s( i nUSD) Pr ogr am Name


Cons er vat i onVol unt eer i ngCos t


2Weeks 3Weeks 4Weeks 5Weeks $700




6Weeks 7Weeks 8Weeks $1845



Ext r a Weeks $315

Pl eas eNot e:Anappl i c at i onf eeof$225i sc har gedoverandabovet hepr ogr am f eeasanappl i c at i onpayment .

Expensesot hert hanpr ogr am f ee Ai r f ar e Depar t ur e,ai r por tandai r l i nec har ges Laundr y,medi c alexpens esandi t emsofaper s onalnat ur e Tr ans por t at i onandl oc alt r avel Vi s aFee Per s onalexpens es Tr avelt os t ar t i ngpoi ntatt hel oc alpr oj ec toďŹƒc eanddepar t ur e

Aust r al i aPr ogr am St ar tDat es

www. v ol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om

0 9 Whatam Ipayi ngf or ? Mos tpeopl ear es ur pr i s edt oheart hatt heyhavet opayt ovol unt eerabr oad.Whatt heyof t endonotr eal i z ei st hatt her e ar es i gni fic antadmi ni s t r at i vec os t si nvol vedt oar r angef orawor t hwhi l evol unt eerabr oadpl ac ement .Vol unt eer i ngSol ut i onsi snots uppor t edbyanygover nmentf undi ngandr unsi t spr ogr amsent i r el yf r om t hef eet hatvol unt eer spayt ot ake par ti nt hevol unt eerpr ogr ams .Vol unt eer i ngAbr oad,i nvol vesi nc ur r i ngofmanyc os t ss uc hasf ood,ac c ommodat i on, t r ans por t at i on,t r ans f er s ,pr oj ec ts el ec t i onet c .Thepr ogr am f eec har gedbyus ,goesi nt opr ovi di ngyoual lt hes es er vi c es . Themoneyt hatyoupayt ousi sdi s t r i but edatvar i ouss t agest opr ovi deyouameani ngf ulvol unt eerabr oadexper i enc e.

Pr oj ec tSuppor t& Fi el dCos t

Food& Ac c ommodat i on

Admi ni s t r at i onCos t

Pr oj ec tDevel opment

I nCount r ySuppor t

VOLSOLPr ogr am CostI ncl udes Adver t i s i ngOnl i ne/ Offli ne

Cr edi tCar dpr oc es s i ngc har ges

Sal ar i esf ors t aff

I nc ount r ymai nt enanc eofoffic es ,vehi c l eset c .

NGO financ i alhel p

St affr ec r ui t ment

Communi c at i onwi t hvol unt eer sandpar t ner s ,by phone/ emai let c . I nt er nat i onalt r aveldonebyours t afft omoni t or pr oj ec t sandat t endl oc almeet i ngswi t hpar t ner s

Vol unt eerr ec r ui t ment Mai nt ai ni ngoffic eandot herexpens es

Webs i t emai nt enanc e. Gover nmentt axes .

www. v ol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om

1 0 Whatam Ipayi ngf or ?( Cont d. ) Admi ni st r at i on I ti snec es s ar yf oranor gani z at i ont oempl oyf ul l t i mes t afft or ec r ui tandmanagevol unt eer s .Ther ei sl otofwor kt hatgoes s i debys i deens ur i ngt hatyouar es uppor t edbef or eanddur i ngyourpr ogr am. Wear ededi c at edt omakeyourvol unt eer i ng abr oadamemor abl eexper i enc eandwar doffofal l pos s i bl ehunc hesatever ys t eps .Ouradmi ni s t r at i onc os ti s28% oft he t ot alc os twhi c hi nc l udeadver t i s i ng,s t affs al ar y,webs i t emai nt enanc e,t axes ,vol unt eerr ec r ui t mentandot herexpens es . Theappl i c at i onpr oc es s i ngf eei spar tofyouradmi ni s t r at i vec os t s ,unl i kemanyot hervol unt eert r avelc ompanywedonot c har geanyaddi t i onal c r edi tc ar dpr oc es s i ngf ee. Thes ec ompani esc anc har geasmuc has6% onyourappl i c at i onf eet aki ng i tt oadi ffer enc eofal mos t$100ext r a.Wehaveaflatr at eandt hati swhatwec har ge.

Tr ai ni ngandor i ent at i on Youmaybeendowedwi t hexc ept i onals ki l l sandac umeni nyourar eaofexper t i s ebutt ofigur eoutyourexac tr ol ei nt he pl ac ementagenc yandt ogai ni ns i ght sofi t soper at i onsr equi r et r ai ni ng. Toknowc ul t ur al pr ac t i c esandet i quet t esi sofs ubl i mei mpor t anc et oc ar r youtyourt as ks .Soyouneeds omeonewhoc oul di mpar tt r ai ni nganddi s pelyourdoubt satever y s t ep,obvi ous l yhe/ s hedoubl esasyourf r i endandt r ai ner .

Foodandaccommodat i on Wec har gef orf oodandac c ommodat i onbas edonyourpr ef er enc es .Youmaydec i det odohomes t ayorgr oupac c ommodat i onorr el i s ht hec ui s i nesc ookedbyhos tf ami l yandpayt hem. Youmayc ookf oryour s el fi fyoufindi tec onomi c al oryour pl ac ementor gani z at i onmaypr ovi deyoul unc h.Youhavepl et hor aofopt i onst oc hoos ef r om andc har gesar edet er mi ned ac c or di ngl y.Hos tor gani z at i onpr ovi desas af eandwel c omi ngat mos pher ef ort hevol unt eer s .Foodandac c ommodat i on c har gesc over40% ofyourt ot alexpendi t ur e.

I ncount r ysuppor t Vol unt eers er vi c eor gani z at i onof t enempl oysi nc ount r ys t aff t opr ovi del oc als uppor tandt omakeyourvol unt eer i ng abr oadexper i enc ememor abl e.Asl ongasyouar evol unt eer i ngout s i dewhi c hmayt akeupt os i xmont hs ,ours t affi sc ont i nuous l ywor ki ngf oryoubehi ndt hes c r een.Sowepayt hem f r om pr ogr am f eeswer ec ei vedes pi t eot hers our c esl i ke gr ant sanddonat i ons . Not hi ngc anbemor edi s c omf or t i ngt hant os t r uggl ef orget t i ngbas i cs er vi c esl i keheal t hc ar e, banki ngorevenvi s ar evi ewi ngi naf or ei gnl andt hatot her wi s ewoul dhavebeenc ompar at i vel yl es sdi ffic ul ti nanEngl i s hs peaki ngc ount r y.Asavol unt eer , youhavenotbeent i edupt ot heagenc yonl ybutyoumayr oam ar oundt hec i t yt owat c hhi s t or i c al pl ac es , z oo, movi es et c .ands houl dhavet ot alac c es st oever yt hi ngi nor dert odi s t r es syour s el f .Vol Solhasi nc r edi bl ei nc ount r ys uppor t ( ar ound12%)t oens ur eyourt r i pr unss moot hl y.

Pr oj ectDevel opment Themos ti mpor t antpar toft hevol unt eer i ngf eesi sont hepr oj ec twhi c hyouhavec hos en. Pr ogr am f eeshel pf undt hepr oj ec tac t i vi t i esandr es our c es . Thusor gani z at i onsneedpai ds t affmembert oens ur ec ont i nui t yofyourpr ogr am andadmi ni s t r at i vedut i es .Pr oj ec tdevel opmenti nvol ved11% oft het ot alpr ogr am f ee.

1 1 Thi ngst odowhi l evol unt eer i ngi nAust r al i a SydneyOper aHouse Thet ankhous eofar tandc ul t ur e,t hat ’ st hes i mpl es twayt odefinet hi sent hr al l i ngpi ec eofar c hi t ec t ur e.A c l as s i fied UNESCO wor l dher i t ages i t e,SOHi sc ons i der edoneoft hes i t est hatputAus t r al i af amous l yont hegl obe.Vi s i t i ngAus t r al i a andnotexpl or i ngt hi svenuemakesyourt r aveli nc ompl et e.

Beaches I ti ss ai dt hatwhent heAus t r al i anspl ant o' goaway' f ors ummerhol i days ,mos toft hec r owdheadst ot hebeac hes .Wi t ha whoppi ng11000pl usbeac hesmar ki ngac oas t alper i pher yofnear l y37000kmsoft hec ount r y,youc anhi tabeac hwi t hi n anhour ' st i menomat t eri nwhi c hpar toft hel andyouar e.

Gr eatBar r i erReef Oneoft hes even‘ nat ur alwonder s ’oft hewor l d,t hi s2300kmsl ongpi ec eofs er eni t yi ss heerbr eat ht aki ngone.The mes mer i z i ngaquat i cl i f ei ts us t ai nswi t hi ni t s el fi st obebl amedt ohypnot i z eyouandc apt ur eyours ens es . Now, yous i mpl y don’ tgett os wi m al ongwi t hadol phi never yday,doyou?

Aust r al i anFood Aus t r al i ai snotj us tapl ac ef ornat ur eadmi r er sbutal s oi sahugef oodi e’ spar adi s easwel l .Fr om apl at t eroffis handc hi ps t ohotbar bec uedmeat ,t her ei snodear t hf ors omeonet ogetgl ut t ony.Thef amousPavl ovai soneoft hei c oni cdes er t sof Aus t r al i a.Whowoul dhavet houghtt hatvol unt eer i ngi nAus t r al i ac anhaves uc hmout hwat er i ng‘ c ons equenc es ’ ?

Ul ur u Al s oknownast heAyer sRoc k, t hi sbl udgeoni ngpi ec eofs ands t oner oc ks t andsfir mi nt hewi l der nes sofKat aTj ut anat i onal par kofc ent r alAus t r al i a.Ver yf ew know t hatt hi st al lnat ur als t r uc t ur ei ni t i al l ys atatt hebot t om oft hes ea,whi c hnow s t andsfir m at348m abovegr ound.

Tr i pNot es Aus t r al i as pel l sadvent ur e, t akes omeaddont ourt oc ombi nemount ai nc l i mbi ng, hi ki ng, bungeej umpi ngandl ot mor e.

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1 2 How t oappl y-Thepr ocess

01 Fr om t hedr opdowns el ec t ei t herVol unt eerAbr oad,I nt er n Abr oadorSummerpr ogr ams abr oad.

I fyouar eal r eadyf ami l i arwi t ht hewebs i t eandar evi s i t i ngj us tt oappl yi gnor et hi ss t epands i mpl yc l i c kont heAppl yNow but t onatt he endoft hedr opdownheader .

02 Whenyouc l i c kont heappl y now but t on,youwi l lgeta wi ndow l i ket hi s :

Wher ei twi l las kyout oc r eat eal ogi nandpas s wor df oryourMyAc c ountl ogi n.Youremai li dwoul dbet r eat edast heus er nameorus er i d.Cl i c kont hepr oc eedt onexts t epbut t on.Thenexts t epbut t onwi l lt akeyout oaf or mt hatyouhavet oďŹ l lt opayyourappl i c at i onf ee of$225.Thi sappl i c at i onf eewi l lbookyours eati nt hepl ac ementunt i lyoupayt heent i r epr ogr am f eeamount .I fwef ai lt opr ovi deyou t hepl ac ementwewi l lr ef undyout hemoney. **Poi nt st oHeed **I fyouar eapas tvol unt eerandal r eadyhavemyac c ountus eri dandpas s wor dt henl ogi nt oyourmyac c ounts ec t i ondi r ec t l y. **I fyouar ear et ur ni ngvol unt eerwi t hi nayear ,t henyoudonotneedt opayt heappl i c at i onf eeagai n.

1 3 How t oappl y-Thepr ocess

03 Fi l loutt hef or msmar ked2t o4 ands ubmi tappl i c at i on,i twi l l ber edi r ec t edt oyourpayment gat eway,wher eyouc anmake t hepayment .

I fyoumaket heappl i c at i onf eepaymentnow,yourMyac c ountl ogi nwoul dbeac t i vat edass oonaswer ec ei vet hepayment .I nc as eof anygl i t c hesi fyourMyac c ountl ogi ni snotac t i vat ed,pl eas ei nf or m usandwewi l ldoi tmanual l y.



Youwi l lr ec ei veaThankyoumai lf orbooki ngt heappl i c at i onormaki ngyourmyac c ount l ogi n.Youwi l lgett hi semai li r r es pec t i veoff ul lpaymentmadeornot .

Thi semai l woul dbef ol l owedbyaWel c omemai l andac ommuni t yemai l wi t hpl at f or mst o hel pyouc onnec twi t hourpas tvol unt eer s .I fyouar eus i nggmai l ,pl eas ec hec kyour pr omot i onsf ol derors pam f ol derandmar kt hem nots pam ands hi f tt hem t oyouri nbox. Ac t i vel ypar t i c i pat ei nVol SolFac ebookpageandGr oupsandal s oj oi nt hes oc i al c ommuni t ymadebyvol unt eer s ,t hatwi l lhel pyoubet t erpr epar ef ort het r i p.

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1 4 How t oappl y-Thepr ocess 05

I fyourpl ac ementi sc onfir medyouwi l lgetanemai lf r om uss t at i ngt hes ame,al ongwi t h t hefinalpaymentdueamount . Youc anpayyourpr ogr am f eef r om yourmyac c ounts ec t i onorf r om paymentpage.The l i nksf ort hes amewoul dbepr ovi dedi nt heemai l .Paymentdet ai l swoul dbeupdat edon yourmyac c ountpage.


Onemont h pr i ort o yourbooki ngyou wi l lgetyourpr edepar t ur ebookl et .Thepr edepar t ur ebookl etwoul dc ont ai nal lt hedet ai l saboutyourpr oj ec tandpr oj ec tl oc at i on.

Whi l eont hepr oj ec t ,wewi l ls endyouanemai lt oc hec konyou,whet heryouar edoi ngfineornot .Youc ans endyourpi c t ur es ,bl ogsor vi deosoranyt hi ngr el at edt oyourongoi ngwor kt ousandwewi l ls har ei twi t hot herpr os pec t i vevol unt eer s . Af t ert hec ompl et i onofyourpr oj ec t ,wes endyouaf eedbac kf or m,fil lt hi sf or m outandhel pusi mpr oveours er vi c es .

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Cont actus 1-8887903096( Tol lf r ee-US/ CAN) 0-8000148160( Tol lf r ee-UK) Websi t e www. vol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om Emai l i nf o@vol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om


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