Volsol shanghai brochure 2016 compressed

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2 0 1 6 BROCHURE



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Cont ent s 0 1 Cover ent s 0 2 Cont V OL UNT E E R

na-ShanghaiOv er v i ew 0 3 Chi s abl edChi l dr enCent er 0 4 Di ngi nKi nder gar t ens&Sc hool s 0 5 Teachi i on 0 6 YourAccommodat i onandL i v i ng 0 7 Accomodat ar tDat es 0 8 CostandSt ngf or ? 0 9 Whatam IPayi ngf or ?( Cont d. ) 1 0 Whatam IPayi ngst oDo 1 1 Thi oAppl y-ThePr oc es s 1 24 How t -1 nTouc h 1 5 Geti

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0 3 Chi naandShanghai Famousf ori t ss i z e, Chi nai si ndeedhuge. Chi nai sver ydi ver s eand hasl otonoffer .TheFor bi ddenc i t y,Ti ananmenSquar e,t heanc i entar tandar c hi t ec t ur ei nBei j i ngandShanghai ,t hef ood,c ul t ur eandal otmor e.Tal ki ngaboutpoi ntofi nt er es t si nChi na, t hen Gr eatWal l ofChi nai snotapl ac et obemi s s ed, Templ eofHeaven, Nat i onalMus eum,SummerPal ac eandSi l kMar ketal s of ol l ow i n t hemus ts ees i ght s eei ngs ui t e. Shanghaii st hel ar ges tc i t ybypopul at i oni nChi naandal s ooneof t hef as t es tdevel opi ngc i t i esi nt hewor l d.I ti soneoft hef our pr ovi nc el evelmuni c i pal i t i esi nt he Peopl e' sRepubl i cofChi na, wi t hat ot alpopul at i onofover23mi l l i on.Duet oi t sr api d devel opmentovert hel as tt wodec adesi thas bec omeal eadi ng gl obalc i t y,wi t hs i gni fic ant i nfluenc ei nc ommer c e,c ul t ur e, financ e,medi a,f as hi on,t ec hnol ogyand t r ans por t .Shanghaii s now amaj orfinanc i alc ent erandt hebus i es tc ont ai nerpor ti nt he wor l d. Wi t ht her api ddevel opment ,t hedemandf orEngl i s ht eac her si s ver yhi ghast her ear emanys c hool swhi c hc annotaffor dt ohi r e nat i ve Engl i s hs peaki ng t eac her s .Shanghaii sone oft he mos t popul art our i s tdes t i nat i onsi n Chi nawi t hi nt er nat i onalt our i s t s t hr i vi ngi nt hec i t yf r om al lac r os st hewor l d.

ShanghaiTr i pHi ghl i ght s Expl or et her i c hher i t ageofanc i entChi nes e

Pr ogr amsi nShanghai ,Chi na

c ul t ur eoft hi smagni fic entmet r opol i s Fi nds ol ac eatt hebankoft heHuangpuRi ver

Teachi ngi nKi nder gar t ens&School s

whi l evi s i t i ngBund Wor kf or t he di s abl ed c hi l dr en and make

Di s abl edChi l dr enPr ogr am

t hem s mi l e Teac hatt hes c hoolt obr i nggl obaleduc at i on t ol oc als t udent s Donotf or gett hepopul arc i t yhi ghl i ght sl i ke Nanj i ngRoad,YuyuanGar den,J adeBuddha Templ e,andXi nt i andi

www. v ol unt eer i ngs ol ut i ons . c om

0 4 Di sabl edChi l dr enCent er St ar t i ngf r om $680

Pr ogr am Requi r ement s Vol unt eer smus tbe17year sorol der att hebegi nni ngoft hepr ogr am Vol unt eer sneedt ohaveanopenmi nd andflexi bl eat t i t udef orwor ki ngi na new anddi ffer entenvi r onment Thevol unt eers houl dbr i ngener gyand ent hus i as mt omakeadi ffer enc e Bei ngoodheal t h.

Vol unt eeratt heDi s abl edChi l dr enCent eri nShanghai , whi c hi sl oc at ed i nt hes out hofShanghai .TheCent r eac c ept sc hi l dr enwi t hCer ebr al Pal s y. Ac hi l dwi t hCer ebr al Pal s yhast r oubl ei nc ont r ol l i ngt hemus c l es ofhi sbody.Nor mal l y,t hebr ai nt el l st her es toft hebodyexac t l ywhat t odoandwhent odoi t .Butbec aus eofCer ebr alPal s y,dependi ngon whatpar toft hebr ai ni saffec t ed, ac hi l dmi ghtnotbeabl et owal k, t al k, eat ,ori nt er ac ti nt hewayot herki dsdo.Thedel i ght f ulc hi l dr enatt he Cent r ewher ewewor kmayhavemor edi ffic ul t i esl ear ni ng,r el axi ng andpl ayi ngt hanot herc hi l dr en-andt hi si swhyyouc omei n! !Thi si sa t r ul ywor t hwhi l eandr ewar di ngvol unt eerpr oj ec ti nt hevi br antand c ol or f ulwor l dofShanghai-Chi na.Vol unt eer sj oi ni ngt hepr oj ec t si n Shanghaineedt oar r i veonMondayorWednes day(c hec ks t ar tdat es ) af t erwhi c ht hepar t i c i pant sar egi venani nduc t i onbef or es t ar t i ngt hei r pl ac ement .

AddOnTour Bei j i ng

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2Ni ght / 3Days


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2Ni ght / 3Days

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0 5 Teachi ngi nKi nder gar t ens& School s St ar t i ngf r om $680

Pr ogr am Requi r ement s Vol unt eer smus tbe17year sorol der att hebegi nni ngoft hepr ogr am Vol unt eer sneedt ohaveanopenmi nd andflexi bl eat t i t udef orwor ki ngi na new anddi ffer entenvi r onment Thevol unt eers houl dbr i ngener gyand ent hus i as mt omakeadi ffer enc e Bei ngoodheal t h.

Vol unt eer swor ki ngi nt heTeac hi ngPr oj ec twor ki nKi nder gar t en, Pr i mar yLevel andSeni orSc hool si nShanghai c i t yaswel l asar easnear Shanghais uc hasSuz hou,ChongMi ngI s l andandChangXi ngXi ang I s l and. Vol unt eerj oi ni ngt hepr ogr am f oraper i odof2t o3weeksar e pr ovi dedpl ac ementi nki nder gar t ent eac hi ngpr oj ec t .Par t i c i pant s enr ol l edf or4ormor eweekswoul dbepr ovi dedpl ac ementi nas c hool . Sc hool sar ec l os edi nChi na' ss ummervac at i onf r om J ul yt oAugus t . dur i ngt hi sper i od,al t er nat i vepl ac ement si nt hes ummerc amp, ki nder gar t enordi s abi l i t ypr oj ec tar epr ovi dedt ot hevol unt eer s .By vol unt eer i ngi nourvol unt eerpr oj ec t si nShanghaiyouwoul dgeta f ant as t i coppor t uni t yt o geti mmer s ed i nt hel oc alc ul t ur eand al s o hel pi ngi nTeac hi ngPr oj ec t s .

AddOnTour Shanghai

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ful lDayTr i p

Yangt z ei

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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1 1 YourAccommodat i on

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0 7 Accommodat i onandLi vi ng Vol unt eer i ngSol ut i onss t r i vest opr ovi desbes tpos s i bl es t ayt oi t s vol unt eer swhi l evol unt eer i ng.I nt hi sendeavourwehavet r i edt o ar r angeac c ommodat i onf oryouwhi c hi sc l ean,neart oyour pr oj ec ts i t esandhasal lbas i cameni t i es .Ass oonasyouar r i vei n Shanghai ,youwi l lbemetbyourr epr es ent at i veatShanghai I nt er nat i onalAi r por ti nShanghaif r om wher eyouar et r ans f er r ed t oyourpr oj ec tl oc at i on. Vol unt eer sneedt oar r i veont hepr ogr am

Accommodat i onHi ghl i ght s Ful l yFur ni s hedAc c ommodat i on Meal s( Monday-Fr i day)orasgui ded byt hepr oj ec t

s t ar tdat esonl y.Pi c kupf r om t heai r por ti spr ovi dedf r om 8am t o 5pm onl y.Ont hear r i valdat evol unt eer swi l lbepi c kedupf r om

Nearbyal lpr oj ec ts i t es

t heai r por t ,t akent ot heac c ommodat i onandwi l lbes hownt he ar eaar ound.Ont hes ec ondday,vol unt eer sar egi venand i nduc t i onandc ul t ur ec our s ebef or et heys t ar tt hei rpr oj ec t pl ac ement . Thr eemeal swoul dbepr ovi dedf r om Mondayt oFr i day.Nomeal s woul dbepr ovi deddur i ngOr i ent at i ondaysandonweekends . Vol unt eer swi l ls t ayi nt hevol unt eer ' sflataf t erar r i valanddur i ng i nduc t i onc our s e.Thi sflathass har edr oomswi t hs hower sandal l bas i cmoder nameni t i es .Af t erc ompl et i ngt hei nduc t i onc our s e, mos toft hevol unt eer swi l lmovet odor mswi t hi nt hes c hool pr emi s es .Fort hos epl ac ement swhi c hdoes n' tpr ovi de ac c ommodat i on,vol unt eer swi l ls t ayi nvol unt eer ' sflatt i l l pr ogr am ends .

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0 8 CostandSt ar tDat es So,whydoIhavet opayf orvol unt eer i ngabr oad?Imean,Iwantt ohel pt hem andal lands t i l lIwi l lhavet opay?Thati sa c ommonques t i onpeopl eas k. Peopl eof t enf or gett hatvol unt eer i ngi sneverf r ee. Vol unt eer i ngAbr oadi sdeďŹ ni t el yac hoi c e, andwhenyouc hoos et odos o,youhavet opay.Forwhat ?Foryourai r f ar e,f oryourl odgi ngs ,f oryourmeal s ,f orl oc al c ommut e,ai r por tt r ans f er ,f oryourpr oj ec tpl ac ementt i eups !Ther ei smor ei nt hel i s t ,butagai n,al lofusdr eadt hewor d " pr ogr am f ee" So,wet houghtwes houl ds i mpl i f yi tf oryou.Yourpr ogr am f ees ol el yai mst opr ovi deyouc omf or t ,whi l eyouvol unt eer abr oad.I ti ss t r uc t ur edt omeetyourmos tbas i cneeds .

ShanghaiPr ogr am Cost s( i nUSD) Pr ogr am Name


Teac hi ng&Di s abl edPr ogr am


2Weeks 3Weeks 4Weeks 5Weeks $680




6Weeks 7Weeks 8Weeks $1220



Ext r a Weeks $220

Pl eas eNot e:Anappl i c at i onf eeof$225i sc har gedoverandabovet hepr ogr am f eeasanappl i c at i onpayment .

Expensesot hert hanpr ogr am f ee Ai r f ar e Mobi l ec onnec t i onandr ec har ge Ent r yf eest omonument sors i ght s eei ngpl ac es( i fnoti nc l udedi npr ogr am) Tr ans por t at i onandl oc alt r avel Vi s aFee Per s onalexpens es Ret ur nAi r por tDr op

Shanghai-Chi naPr ogr am St ar tDat es

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0 9 Whatam Ipayi ngf or ? Mos tpeopl ear es ur pr i s edt oheart hatt heyhavet opayt ovol unt eerabr oad.Whatt heyof t endonotr eal i z ei st hatt her e ar es i gni fic antadmi ni s t r at i vec os t si nvol vedt oar r angef orawor t hwhi l evol unt eerabr oadpl ac ement .Vol unt eer i ng Sol ut i onsi snots uppor t edbyanygover nmentf undi ngandr unsi t spr ogr amsent i r el yf r om t hef eet hatvol unt eer spayt o t akepar ti nt hevol unt eerpr ogr ams .Vol unt eer i ngAbr oad, i nvol vesi nc ur r i ngofmanyc os t ss uc hasf ood, ac c ommodat i on, t r ans por t at i on,t r ans f er s ,pr oj ec ts el ec t i onet c .Thepr ogr am f eec har gedbyus ,goesi nt opr ovi di ngyoual lt hes es er vi c es . Themoneyt hatyoupayt ousi sdi s t r i but edatvar i ouss t agest opr ovi deyouameani ngf ulvol unt eerabr oadexper i enc e.

Pr oj ec tSuppor t& Fi el dCos t

Food& Ac c ommodat i on

Admi ni s t r at i onCos t

Pr oj ec tDevel opment

I nCount r ySuppor t

VOLSOLPr ogr am CostI ncl udes Adver t i s i ngOnl i ne/ Offli ne

Cr edi tCar dpr oc es s i ngc har ges

Sal ar i esf ors t aff

I nc ount r ymai nt enanc eofoffic es ,vehi c l eset c .

NGO financ i alhel p

St affr ec r ui t ment

Communi c at i onwi t hvol unt eer sandpar t ner s ,by phone/ emai let c . I nt er nat i onalt r aveldonebyours t afft omoni t or pr oj ec t sandat t endl oc almeet i ngswi t hpar t ner s

Vol unt eerr ec r ui t ment Mai nt ai ni ngoffic eandot herexpens es

Webs i t emai nt enanc e. Gover nmentt axes .

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1 0 Whatam Ipayi ngf or ?( Cont d. ) Admi ni st r at i on I ti snec es s ar yf oranor gani z at i ont oempl oyf ul l t i mes t afft or ec r ui tandmanagevol unt eer s .Ther ei sl otofwor kt hatgoes s i debys i deens ur i ngt hatyouar es uppor t edbef or eanddur i ngyourpr ogr am. Wear ededi c at edt omakeyourvol unt eer i ng abr oadamemor abl eexper i enc eandwar doffofal l pos s i bl ehunc hesatever ys t eps .Ouradmi ni s t r at i onc os ti s28% oft he t ot alc os twhi c hi nc l udeadver t i s i ng,s t affs al ar y,webs i t emai nt enanc e,t axes ,vol unt eerr ec r ui t mentandot herexpens es . Theappl i c at i onpr oc es s i ngf eei spar tofyouradmi ni s t r at i vec os t s ,unl i kemanyot hervol unt eert r avelc ompanywedonot c har geanyaddi t i onal c r edi tc ar dpr oc es s i ngf ee. Thes ec ompani esc anc har geasmuc has6% onyourappl i c at i onf eet aki ng i tt oadi ffer enc eofal mos t$100ext r a.Wehaveaflatr at eandt hati swhatwec har ge.

Tr ai ni ngandor i ent at i on Youmaybeendowedwi t hexc ept i onals ki l l sandac umeni nyourar eaofexper t i s ebutt ofigur eoutyourexac tr ol ei nt he pl ac ementagenc yandt ogai ni ns i ght sofi t soper at i onsr equi r et r ai ni ng.Toknow c ul t ur alpr ac t i c esandet i quet t esi sof s ubl i mei mpor t anc et oc ar r youtyourt as ks .Soyouneeds omeonewhoc oul di mpar tt r ai ni nganddi s pelyourdoubt sat ever ys t ep, obvi ous l yhe/ s hedoubl esasyourf r i endandt r ai ner . Gener al l yyourt r ai ni ngpr ogr am ext endst of ewweeksand t i r el es seffor t soft het r ai nerneedt obepr oper l yr emuner at ed. Goodgr as poft hel oc all anguagei sanaddedadvant aget hathel psyout oc ommuni c at eeffec t i vel yandl ear nt hec ul t ur e pr ompt l ys oi ns omec as est heyal s oas s i gnl anguaget r ai ner st ohel pyououtwhoi spai dbypr ogr am pr ovi der .

Foodandaccommodat i on Wec har gef orf oodandac c ommodat i onbas edonyourpr ef er enc es .Youmaydec i det odohomes t ayorgr oup ac c ommodat i onorr el i s ht hec ui s i nesc ookedbyhos tf ami l yandpayt hem.Youmayc ookf oryour s el fi fyoufindi t ec onomi c aloryourpl ac ementor gani z at i onmaypr ovi deyoul unc h.Youhavepl et hor aofopt i onst oc hoos ef r om and c har gesar edet er mi nedac c or di ngl y.Hos tor gani z at i onpr ovi desas af eandwel c omi ngat mos pher ef ort hevol unt eer s . Foodandac c ommodat i onc har gesc over40% ofyourt ot alexpendi t ur e.

I ncount r ysuppor t Vol unt eers er vi c eor gani z at i onof t enempl oysi nc ount r ys t aff t opr ovi del oc als uppor tandt omakeyourvol unt eer i ng abr oadexper i enc ememor abl e.Asl ongasyouar evol unt eer i ngout s i dewhi c hmayt akeupt os i xmont hs ,ours t affi s c ont i nuous l ywor ki ngf oryoubehi ndt hes c r een.Sowepayt hem f r om pr ogr am f eeswer ec ei vedes pi t eot hers our c esl i ke gr ant sanddonat i ons . Not hi ngc anbemor edi s c omf or t i ngt hant os t r uggl ef orget t i ngbas i cs er vi c esl i keheal t hc ar e,banki ngorevenvi s a r evi ewi ngi naf or ei gnl andt hatot her wi s ewoul dhavebeenc ompar at i vel yl es sdi ffic ul ti nanEngl i s hs peaki ngc ount r y.Asa vol unt eer ,youhavenotbeent i edupt ot heagenc yonl ybutyoumayr oam ar oundt hec i t yt owat c hhi s t or i c alpl ac es ,z oo, movi eset c . ands houl dhavet ot al ac c es st oever yt hi ngi nor dert odi s t r es syour s el f . Vol Sol hasi nc r edi bl ei nc ount r ys uppor t ( ar ound12%)t oens ur eyourt r i pr unss moot hl y.

Pr oj ectDevel opment Themos ti mpor t antpar toft hevol unt eer i ngf eesi sont hepr oj ec twhi c hyouhavec hos en.Pr ogr am f eeshel pf undt he pr oj ec tac t i vi t i esandr es our c es .Thusor gani z at i onsneedpai ds t affmembert oens ur ec ont i nui t yofyourpr ogr am and admi ni s t r at i vedut i es .Pr oj ec tdevel opmenti nvol ved11% oft het ot alpr ogr am f ee.

1 1 Thi ngst odowhi l evol unt eer i ngi nShanghai J adeBudhaTempl e Thoughi ti sI ndi awhoi st heepi c ent erf orBuddhi s m andf r om wher et hephi l os ophys pr ead,i t si mpac tands t r ong s i gni fic anc ei nt heChi nes ec ommuni t yi snotahi ddenf ac t or .I nf ac t ,t henumberofpeopl ewhof ol l ow Buddhi s mi nChi na i snearnextt ot henumberoft hos ewhof ol l ow t hei ndi genousphi l os ophyofTaoi s m.TheJ adeBudhaTempl ei st he epi t omeoft hemanyBudhat empl ess etupi nt heent i r eChi na.Beher et oenl i ght enyours pi r i t s .

TheOr i ent alPear lTower J us t i f yi ngi t sname, ‘ Or i ent al Pear l ’ , t het oweri soneoft he26s c i nt i l l at i ngpi ec esofar c hi t ec t ur es t andi ngt al l oppos i t et ot he Bund. Thi smagni fic entwor koful t r amoder nt ec hnol ogyus i nganc i entc onc ept s( us i ngs pher i c al pear l s )i samus tvi s i tpl ac e f oranyt r avel eri nShanghai .

Magl evTr ai n TheShanghai ’ sMagl evt r ai n( Magnet i cLevi t at i on)maynothavet hepower sl i ket hatoft heSuper man,butar i dei ni tmay j us tbr i ngyouc l os eenought of eels o,f oronc e.The‘ float i ng’ t r ai nr unsonl ybet weent heShanghai ’ sI nt er nat i onalai r por t andLongyangLumet r os t at i on,bas i c al l yf ort het our i s tat t r ac t i onandnotl oc als er vi c es .Runni ngatawhoppi ngs peedof 431kms / hr ,i tc over st hedi s t anc eof30kmsi nj us tl es st han8mi nut es .Now,whatbet t erwayc ani tbet oent ert hec i t y! ! !

YuyuanGar den Exuber at i ngar t i s t r y,s er eneambi enc e,adel i ghtt ot hemi ndandeyes …. .Igues swor dsar ej us tnotenought odefineor expl ai nt hebeaut yoft hi smaj es t i cl ands c apes etupi nt hehear toft heol dc i t yofShanghai .Cover i ngahumongousar eaof ar oundfiveac r es( 2hec t ar es ) ,t hi s400yearol dpl us hgr eengar denhasqui t eaf ew at t r ac t i onsonec anr el i s h;i nc l udi nga 5t onexqui s i t eJ adeRoc k.

Cui si nes I fyout houghtt hatChi nes ef oodi sal laboutj us tabowlofnoodl esanddumpl i ngswi t hc hops t i c kst ohel p;wel l ,yous er i ous l yneedt ovi s i tandt r ys omeoft hemos texqui s i t edel i c ac i ess er vedf r om t heki t c hensofShanghai .Peopl ei nShanghai , es pec i al l y,ar equi t ef ondofs eaf oodpr epar at i ons( c r absmos t l y)andr el i s ht hel oc als pec i al t y,t hemi ntc akeandTi aot ou c ake.

Tr i pNot es Mus tt r yi nShanghai i st heFl oat i ngt r ai n-Magl ev.

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1 2 How t oappl y-Thepr ocess

01 Fr om t hedr opdowns el ec t ei t herVol unt eerAbr oad,I nt er n Abr oadorSummerpr ogr ams abr oad.

I fyouar eal r eadyf ami l i arwi t ht hewebs i t eandar evi s i t i ngj us tt oappl yi gnor et hi ss t epands i mpl yc l i c kont heAppl yNow but t onatt he endoft hedr opdownheader .

02 Whenyouc l i c kont heappl y now but t on,youwi l lgeta wi ndow l i ket hi s :

Wher ei twi l las kyout oc r eat eal ogi nandpas s wor df oryourMyAc c ountl ogi n.Youremai li dwoul dbet r eat edast heus er nameorus er i d.Cl i c kont hepr oc eedt onexts t epbut t on.Thenexts t epbut t onwi l lt akeyout oaf or mt hatyouhavet oďŹ l lt opayyourappl i c at i onf ee of$225.Thi sappl i c at i onf eewi l lbookyours eati nt hepl ac ementunt i lyoupayt heent i r epr ogr am f eeamount .I fwef ai lt opr ovi deyou t hepl ac ementwewi l lr ef undyout hemoney. **Poi nt st oHeed **I fyouar eapas tvol unt eerandal r eadyhavemyac c ountus eri dandpas s wor dt henl ogi nt oyourmyac c ounts ec t i ondi r ec t l y. **I fyouar ear et ur ni ngvol unt eerwi t hi nayear ,t henyoudonotneedt opayt heappl i c at i onf eeagai n.

1 3 How t oappl y-Thepr ocess

03 Fi l loutt hef or msmar ked2t o4 ands ubmi tappl i c at i on,i twi l l ber edi r ec t edt oyourpayment gat eway,wher eyouc anmake t hepayment .

I fyoumaket heappl i c at i onf eepaymentnow,yourMyac c ountl ogi nwoul dbeac t i vat edass oonaswer ec ei vet hepayment .I nc as eof anygl i t c hesi fyourMyac c ountl ogi ni snotac t i vat ed,pl eas ei nf or m usandwewi l ldoi tmanual l y.



Youwi l lr ec ei veaThankyoumai lf orbooki ngt heappl i c at i onormaki ngyourmyac c ount l ogi n.Youwi l lgett hi semai li r r es pec t i veoff ul lpaymentmadeornot .

Thi semai l woul dbef ol l owedbyaWel c omemai l andac ommuni t yemai l wi t hpl at f or mst o hel pyouc onnec twi t hourpas tvol unt eer s .I fyouar eus i nggmai l ,pl eas ec hec kyour pr omot i onsf ol derors pam f ol derandmar kt hem nots pam ands hi f tt hem t oyouri nbox. Ac t i vel ypar t i c i pat ei nVol SolFac ebookpageandGr oupsandal s oj oi nt hes oc i al c ommuni t ymadebyvol unt eer s ,t hatwi l lhel pyoubet t erpr epar ef ort het r i p.

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1 4 How t oappl y-Thepr ocess I fyourpl ac ementi sc onfir medyouwi l lgetanemai lf r om uss t at i ngt hes ame,al ongwi t h


t hefinalpaymentdueamount . Youc anpayyourpr ogr am f eef r om yourmyac c ounts ec t i onorf r om paymentpage.The l i nksf ort hes amewoul dbepr ovi dedi nt heemai l .Paymentdet ai l swoul dbeupdat edon yourmyac c ountpage.


Onemont h pr i ort o yourbooki ngyou wi l lgetyourpr edepar t ur ebookl et .Thepr edepar t ur ebookl etwoul dc ont ai nal lt hedet ai l saboutyourpr oj ec tandpr oj ec tl oc at i on.

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