IN 2012 I craved a unique piece of underwear which would not only be of high quality but also succeeded in fulfilling my esthetical needs. Unfortunately, most compositions didn’t diversify practically at all or their “ingenuity” revolved around the feeling of utter chagrin and thus I decided I would design and tailor such collection especially for me. Having established a connection with a modest tailor’s shop in Wieliczka I managed to sew dozens of prototypes that were modified multiple times. I’ve always had and still have an immense luck regarding people with whom I surround myself. For over a year before vonCoda was established I’ve tested more than a hundred types of materials. Every trip to a foreign country granted me further peculiar fabrics. I shared these explorations with my friends and due to their positive feedback I was encouraged to transform that “desire”, which drove me in the beginning, into a company. I am most astound that various worldwide modeling agencies as well as several finest photographers of leading magazines expressed their interest in cooperation before the collection premiere itself. In so doing, vonCoda’s underwear for men has debuted on December 1. Every single product of vonCoda is hand finished and by virtue of that it will never be manufactured in thousands nor will it become commercial merchandise.