The Warm and Fuzzy Volume 3

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P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

We are gangster.... Rihanna turning things up a notch in the Giggles during a interview on POWER106fm


P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

KATY PERRY ON SET in VZ Straight from the set of her video shoot today Ms. Katy Perry rocking the Karmic Lucre by VZ.... Epic!

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009


P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

CHRIS BROWN IS DOWN! Chris Brown shows up in the Elmore as well!

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

do you wanna dress like ashley greene? Who is Ashley Green? Why did they Place the Clutch as part of her Kit? I’m not sure either, but we still got some loving from For more info go to:

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Rick Thorne - Keeping busy Biker in Black, Host with the Most, Band Leader, Personality Featured in Rebel Ink Magazine

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

P R O D U C T - HOLIDAY 2009

Chakra on Nice product hits on the super popular women’s site

P R O D U C T - HOLIDAY 2009

Bushwick featured on For more info go to:

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Surfer - December 2009

Snowboarder - October 2009

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Snowboarder - November 2009

Snowboarder - October 2009

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Snowboard Canada- December 2009

Transworld Snoboarding - December 2009

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Freeskier - December 2009

MXP - January 2009

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Racer X - January 2009

Juxtapoz - November 2009

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Complex - November 2009

Pilates Style - December 2009

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Destination Weddings- December 2009

Foam - December 2009

P R E S S - HOLIDAY 2009

Arizona Foothills - December 2009

SI Kids - January 2009

A D V E R T I S I N G - HOLIDAY 2009

ad v e r t i s i n g

V I C E - N O V E M BER 2 0 0 9

P R O D U C T - OCTOBER 2009

TRANS W O R L D S U R F I NG - N O V E M BER 2 0 0 9

P R O D U C T - OCTOBER 2009

S U R F ER - N O V E M BER 2 0 0 9

P R O D U C T - OCTOBER 2009

TRANS W O R L D S U R F I NG - D E C E M BER 2 0 0 9

P R O D U C T - OCTOBER 2009

P R O D U C T - OCTOBER 2009

SN O W B O ARD C ANADA - N O V E M BER 2 0 0 9

P R O D U C T - OCTOBER 2009


T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

parko interview on surfline....brah! P a r ko ta l k s a b o u t w h e re h i s h e a d i s a t g o i n g i n to t h e f i n a l c o n te s t o f t h e W C T a n d t h e ra c e f o r t h e h i s f i r s t Wo r l d T i t l e .

WHAT ARE SOME THOUGHTS AS YOU LOOK BACK AT THE YEAR SO FAR? It’s been really good. I’ve learned a lot this year. I’ve learned how to approach a whole year. I had that one hiccup through the middle part of the year but it’s been a real learning curve. But everything happens for a reason. There’s so much enjoyment in it for me this year. If you’re enjoying it, you have no worries about doing it for as long as you can.

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

I HEARD YOU’RE WORKING ON A BOOK? I am, with Sean Doherty. John Frank and Shorty are shooting it. It’s all starting to come together. It’s not a biography or anything like that. It’s more epic photos from everywhere and short stories from my friends -- people that have real connection with places I’ve been. HOW’S THE ANKLE? ARE YOU COMPLETELY HEALTHY NOW? My ankle feels fine. I’ve been all cleared and I’m ready to go. HOW ARE YOU PREPARING FOR YOUR SHOWDOWN WITH MICK AT THE BILLABONG PIPELINE MASTERS? It’s just like any contest. You’re in it to win it. I was thinking the other day... it’s not the end all or be all of my career. It’s one year -- win, lose, draw, whatever happens. 2010, 2011, 2012, whenever, I’m going to still be challenging the title. I’m in it and I want to be in it. It’s not about the hiccups I’ve had; it’s more about the opportunity in front of me. IS THE VANS TRIPLE CROWN A THOUGHT OR IS IT JUST ABOUT A WORLD TITLE? It is. To me, the Triple Crown is up there with a Title. It’s probably the hardest thing to win. For an outsider [of Hawaii], it’s one of the biggest challenges you have in surfing. I love it. I respect anyone who can win it. I’ll never not do it... Although, it’s always my wife’s birthday during the Triple Crown so I promised her I’d miss it when she turns 30 in two years. HOW’S YOUR EQUIPMENT? WHAT WILL YOU BE RIDING THIS YEAR? My boards are pretty much the same as the past two years. I’m riding all JSes. The last two seasons in Hawaii my boards have been going really good. Everything has a little bit of subtle differences but nothing major. I’ve got this one little red fish that I’m in love with too.

P R O D U C T - OCTOBER 2009

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

LOOKING AT THE TEN SPOTS ON TOUR, IS PIPE WHERE YOU’D CHOOSE TO BATTLE FOR A WORLD TITLE? OR WOULD YOU THINK YOU MIGHT HAVE A BETTER CHANCE SOMEWHERE ELSE? I think it’s all equal. It’s a pretty exciting thing for the whole world to have it here. I was thinking about it the other day, and this is going to sound stupid, but can you imagine perfect Snapper and me and Mick at home? Maybe one day we’ll do it. But Pipe has the history behind it and a lot of World Titles have come down to it here. IS THE SHOWDOWN GOING TO BE EASIER OR TOUGHER CONSIDERING YOU AND MICK ARE GOOD FRIENDS? There’s no friends in the water so I don’t think it matters. It’s kind of ironic that it is Mick and we’ve grown up surfing together. But it’s still a challenge. I’m respecting him and he’s respecting me and at the end of the day we’re going to be good mates. MICK HAS NEVER WON A NORTH SHORE EVENT. YOU’VE WON AT SUNSET AND LAST YEAR’S TRIPLE CROWN. DOES KNOWING THAT HELP YOUR CONFIDENCE? I guess it helps my confidence. I like Hawaii. I come here early and I try and make an effort to put in a good performance at all the events. I guess I definitely have some confidence in the waves here. WHAT WOULD IT MEAN TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY TO WIN THE WORLD TITLE? It would make all the hard work and sacrifices -- not only that I’ve put in but my dad, my wife and my kids -- worthwhile. HOW DIFFICULT ARE WILDCARDS IN HAWAII, ESPECIALLY AT PIPELINE? Very difficult. Here and Tahiti have the most lethal wildcards. It’s such a challenge if you draw a wildcard. My approach is: it doesn’t matter who it is. Half the time it’s you against the ocean. I try and win that battle first before worrying about beating another person.

For more info go to:

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

MORE SURFLINE... Yet more Surfline hits from Twiggy, Greg and Corban Campbell...

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Grant “Twiggy” Baker has been seen lurking around various NorCal beaches over the last month or so. He’s probably been waiting for this drop. Photo: Frank Quirarte Read the full story at:

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Turkey day Todos! Our fearless surf leader Snips headed to Todos Santos with fellow VZ chargers Greg Long and Grant “Twiggy� Baker over the weekend... They rode some clean bombs and ended up bringing a special mystery guest...

Greg Long on the wave of the day, showing the benefits of getting it early. Photo: Aaron Goulding Check it:

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

From Hawaii with love..... The Rock is heating up and the sheep are getting in line to take part in the madness that is the North Shore. VZ Surf Ninjas Andy Irons, Granger Larson and TJ Barron on Surfline keepin’ the stoke alive in the 808.

Andy Irons Read the full story at:

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Granger Larson

TJ Barron

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

VZ 1 - 2 Punch @ the Rip Curl Grom Search The Rip Curl Grom Search went down this weekend @ GT’s secret spot. A little bend in the coast we like to call Salt Creek. The sun was shining, the waves were pumping (kinda) and the kids were ripping! Kolohe Andino took home 1st place in the Boys 16 & Under division with the Kauai Kid, Nathan Carvalo coming in 2nd. Frankie Harrar, our little salty sister from Malibu got 4th in the Girls 16 & Under division.

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Greg Long Wins The Eddie!! This Just in from the Rock... VZ supercharger and all around good human wins the Eddie Aikau big wave surf contest in 25 foot+ surf today... Greg came from behind and defeated Kelly Slater with 4 massive rides including a perfect 100 point ride...

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Parko handles biz @ Sunset Joel Parkinson claimed victory at Sunset yesterday, beating out current world tour #1 Mick Fanning in the the final. The Pipeline Masters starts this week and Parko will be battling his way towards both his 1st ASP World Tour Title and his 2nd Triple Crown of Surfing Title.

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Check it:


Parko slashes to victory at Sunset


T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Taj Wins Pipe & Parko Wins the Triple Crown!! Big day at Pipeline as Taj Defeats Kelly in the final at the Pipe Masters And Parko takes home the Triple Crown title... $90K goes to TB and $50K fattens up Joel’s wallet... It’s on tonight!!!


Hawaii Shown Up and Blown Up!! Happy Holidays VZ People~ Check out the quick recap from Hawaii.. We killed it (as always)... Our VonZipper surfers ruled it in the land of aloha, winning 4 of the 5 main surf events (Sunset- Parko, Pipemasters- Taj, The Eddie- Greg Long, & the Triple Crown- Parko). In additon to the aquatics, we got slippery on land with the Aloha tour with Mickey Avalon and Andre Nicatina in Maui, Waikiki & The big isle. Diamond Donny blew everyone’s hair back with an in store show in Haleiwa and a concert in the Wiamea Valley. There was as many shades on the north shore as there were coconuts, its no surprise Suzuks won the A/O contest!! Needless to say , It was a great Hawaii season for VZ....

Greg Long Scores a perfect 100 pts on this Drop at Wiamea, winning the Eddie and pocketing $55,000

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Three nights of slipperiness in the Islands w/ Mickey and Andre

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Surf n Sea In Store signing with the boys

T E A M / S U R F - HOLIDAY 2009

Diamond Donny Played outside on the deck

AI is Back and in form @ Pipe

P a r k o ’s W o r l d T i t l e h o p e s f e l l f r o m t h e s k y - B u t w o n t h e T r i p l e C r o w n ( t h e n e

ext best title)

Ta j w a s i n f o r m i n a l l c o n d i t i o n s & W i n s t h e P i p e m a s t e r s along with $90,000

B O S S M A N - HOLIDAY 2009

Transworld Biz Online..... The Man, the Myth, the Legend........GT!

Ten “Top Five” Questions With GT, Von Zipper’s Marketing Director Top five trips you’d like to go on next year: I do a fair bit of traveling throughout the year, which is one of the aspects of my gig I really enjoy. Any trip is a good one as far as I am concerned. I’ve always said the best two days of a trip is the days you leave and the day you come home, but anyway! In no particular order: 1. Mammoth. A road trip with me and my kids (partners in crime), shredding the gnar, bunny slopes and all. 2. Australia. I need to do a bit of a walk about. I’d like to hit the four corners. Besides I think I was born a misplaced Australian. 3. Indo “boat trip dealio.” I think I am the only one who has never been on one, even though I feel like I’ve been there one hundred times from all the videos, stories, and slideshows I’ve seen and heard. 4. A full blown Eurotrip would be nice. A couple of weeks worth. Trains, autobahn, ferries, funny languages, no business diversions. Just me, Hunbun, bread and cheese… 5. I just got a sailboat (yikes), so I’ve been planning a bit of adventure. The whole deal: treasure, broadsides, flaming beards, Rum. No port of call will be safe!

B O S S M A N - HOLIDAY 2009

Five things you’d rather be doing right now instead of sitting at your desk: Really? I dig my job but… 1. Splashing around with my kids. We’ve been doing a bit of spear fishing lately and soon the water will be too cold for my arthritic joints. 2. A motorbike ride would be nice today. 3. Fixing my motorbike (see answer #2) 4. Somewhere there is snow… I’d like to be riding it. 5. Warm and tropical? Anytime is the right time. Top five non-productive Web sites to visit at work: I don’t really geek out on too many sites that don’t have to do with work in someway or another. The typical stuff: 1. Facebook 2. twitter 3. Ebay 4. craig’s list 5. anything to do with Motorbikes/NBA/Surf/Music/Political/News and gear Top five favorite iPhone apps right now: I just lost a bunch but the one’s I use the most are: 1. TEXT 2. Facebook 3. Scrabble 4. Skpe (where I can) 5. GuitarToolKit Top five sunglass styles of all time: 1. Rayban Aviators (stole my dad’s when I was 12 and never looked back) 2. Anything that Jackie O wore in the day~ big, dark, heavy frames (she made sunglasses mysterious) 3. Vaurnet Cat Eyes (the first pair I actually shelled out my own loot for) 4. Rayban Balorama - the original wrap around bad ass, rock n roll steez. 5. VonZipper Rockford - the frame that defines who VZ is (and has helped to keep my kids fed) Top five excuses to get out of work: 1.Kids are sick & Hunbun has to work 2. Ooops my motorbike broke down on the way to work (happens more than I care to admit) 3. Missed my flight 4. Waves are firing - its been too long since I used that one… 5. Famine! Flood! Fires! Wild Dogs! Locusts! I couldn’t find my keys! Top five lunch meeting spots: That would be MILF mountain: it is close to the office, has all the food groups covered and it occasionally lives up to it’s name… 1.Thai This 2. Mitsui 3. Nalu’s (kine kine thanks Tony & James) 4. Albertson’s (when it’s a not so formal meeting) 5. Juice it up (But they just closed it. Dayum!)


Five of the most interesting things in your office right now: I have way too much junk in my office… No particular order: 1. Custom Ukulele made by Wolfgang Bloch (newest addition) 2. Signed Laker Basketball Shoe by Shaq (oh, memories) 3. Weird “Thomas and Smith” single fin surfboard ( I tell everyone it’s pre “Gordon and Smith”) 4. A Sergeant Pepper’s Suit (just in case I get the urge to play the Benefit for Mister Kite) 5. People seem to like my “J.NUB,” a painting of some city girls on a bunch of sewn together denim. Oooh la la sasooon! Top Five places you’ve surfed lately: I am a bit broke off at the moment so I’ve doing a fair bit of acupuncture and physical therapy.. 1. Doheny - completely underrated. All you need is no expectations. 2. Right’s at Point - Couple weeks back. I struggled on a couple and nearly got run down by a stand up paddler. Dayum, I gotta get back down there and regulate! Ha! 3. I recently body whomped gravels - that was fun. 4. Went to Mundaka, but didn’t ride a wave. Wait there’d have to be one to ride one, snap! 5. I’m saving it for Hawaii -Yeah, that’s it. Top five sales lines of all time: 1. You’d be a fool not to buy this! 2. The price? That’s the best part… 3. No really, It sells itself, but if it doesn’t I’ll take it back. 4. This is the next big look, totally on trend… 5. Did I tell you my kids are really hungry?

T E A M / S N O W - HOLIDAY 2009

Pat Milbery on Pat Milbery with a trick tip on how to do a Miller Flip. Get some!

Check it:

T E A M / S N O W - HOLIDAY 2009

Nicki V and Milbs on The Windells Shredcasts’ 2nd episode! Featuring Pat Milbery and Nick Visconti, this episode has some creative snowboarding with the Windells Dream Features.

Check it:

Webisode Wednesday VZ Snow Shredder and Mammoth local, Eric Jackson bouncing around on a pillow line in this webisode from Standard Films “Black Winter” .

Check it:

T E A M / S N O W - HOLIDAY 2009

Pooch got the Cover! Jam Master Jibber, Nick Poohachof gets the cover of Playboard Magazine this month.

T E A M / S K A T E - HOLIDAY 2009

bucky spins and wins! B u c k y L a s e k w i n s t h e f i n a l s to p o f t h e D e w To u r, t h e P l a y s ta t i o n P ro i n O r l a n d o . A f te r w i n n i n g 3 o u t o f t h e 4 to u r s to p s , B u c k y a l s o to o k h o m e t h e ove ra l l t i t l e o f “Dew Cup Champion”

T E A M / W A K E - HOLIDAY 2009

Brian Grubb aka Mr. Shifty VZ’s Wakeskate crew getting slippery in the new issue of Wakeboarding Magazine. Brian Grubb grabs the cover, Ben Horan pops it and drops it, and James Balzer brings his A game to a Philippine cable park.v

T E A M / M O T O - HOLIDAY 2009

DAY IN THE DIRT Wait!!! Not done yet... How’s about a lil day in the dirt partnering up TWMX... Go here for more info:

T E A M / M O T O - HOLIDAY 2009

T E A M / M O T O - HOLIDAY 2009

Deegan seals the deal and walks away a champ..... Brian Deegan walked into the last and final stop of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series sitting in 2nd place and just 9 points behind the leader. Deegan battled his way to a 1st place finish in the main event on Saturday and with that he moved just 6 points away. Sunday came and the General finished 2nd still 2 points behind, but after the race the top 3 trucks were impounded for a mandatory inspection. The points leader was disqualified for illegal truck modifications giving Brian Deegan enough points to win the Championship.

It takes Hard work, Determination and Heart to win a championship, three things, which Brian Deegan displayed this year at the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series. Last weekend was the final stop of the series and proved to be one of the most exciting race weekends of the season. The much-anticipated event took place back where it began in Primm, NV. Apparently what happens in Nevada doesn’t stay in Nevada. In April, the series launched its first event at the Primm Valley Motorsports Complex in Primm, NV. Deegan a rookie at the time was determined to prove that he had what it took to win a championship in a sport that was dominated by racers with years of experience in Short Course Off Road Racing. After battling through the weekend, Deegan ended up walking away with a 3rd place finish and a realization that with a little hard work, he could beat the top competitors in the sport.

T E A M / M O T O - HOLIDAY 2009

“The first race was an eye opener when I realized that I have a shot at battling for the number one spot in the series. I knew it was going to be an exciting year!” Deegan continued to dominate through the series, weekend after weekend, month after month. One of the most exciting and emotional times for Deegan came to fruition in his hometown of Lake Elsinore, Ca. “Elsinore was my first taste of blood. Leaving that race I knew what I needed to do to continue winning through the rest of the series. Out of all my career accomplishments that win was in my Top 5. Compared to my first Supercross win and landing the first 360 on a dirt bike it was definitely an emotional moment” Throughout the season Deegan had his share of domination and defeat, but through it all he remained focused on winning a championship. Deriving from his early beginnings as a Freestyle Motocross Rider, Deegan pushed himself to the limits and lived life on the edge, but as with everything it came at a heavy price. After almost dying three separate times, Deegan knows firsthand what it’s like to battle the toughest of battles. Coming into Primm, NV for the final stop of the series Deegan had managed to battle his way to 2nd in points, 9 points behind the leader Chris Brandt. This was it, either put it all on the line and walk away a champion, or get left in the dust and settle for a 2nd place finish. Deegan a racer at heart wasn’t going to settle for anything short of a championship. Saturday’s Unlimited Lites main event proved to be an exciting one for both the fans and Brian Deegan. Pulling out all the stops, Deegan fought to the end and took 1st place putting him just inches away from the championship. With only 6 points separating Deegan from the leader Chris Brandt, both drivers could taste victory. Sunday’s race seemed at first a disappointment to Deegan locking down a 2nd place finish which would’ve put him 2nd in points behind Chris Brandt, but later turned out to be the sweet taste of victory. When all was through and the dust had settled, the top 3 trucks were impounded for a mandatory tech inspection. The results came back and the tech officials determined that due to an illegal truck modification of an elongated wheel base, Chris Brandt’s truck was disqualified from the race, giving Brian Deegan enough points to win the Unlimited Lites Championship of the Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series! “I would’ve liked to win the championship by battling it out on the track. I came to race a professional series that followed the rules they put in place and I think the officials and Lucas Oil made a statement this weekend. In the end I’m stoked to win the championship. For me this win wasn’t about this moment, it was about every race this year; the team, friends, family and everyone who helped me win the championship. In the end, it feels good win the championship!”


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