BRINGING SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING TO LIFE Whole school enjoys ‘out of classroom’ activities and talks
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Spring Term 2012
Sixth Form Winter Show really wowed the audience Magical debut at Greenwich Theatre Marvellous ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ production
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Lydia Fitzpatrick
Jenny attended a high school
Ms Fitzpatrick is mother to two of
and subsequently studied at the
our senior school girls.
Sorbonne in Paris. She then spent
As a resident of Westcombe
three years working in Switzerland
Park for 20 years, Lydia is a former
further developing her linguistic
journalist who works as a Senior
and professional skills. On returning
Manager in Government Marketing
to London, Jenny worked her way
and Commmunications. Her career
up through the commercial world,
has included periods as a Press and
culminating in running her own manufacturing business,
Public Relations Adviser at Scotland Yard; Advertising Campaign
becoming a Liveryman of the Company of Stationers and
Manager for the Home Office and Senior Communications
Newspaper Makers and a Freeman of the City of London.
Manager for energy regulator Ofgem. She has also spent
Jenny educated her two daughters at Blackheath High in the 1990s. Having recently retired, Jenny says “I am looking
several years as a volunteer for Greenwich Victim Support. She said: “I was delighted and honoured to be appointed
forward to being of use to the Governing Board with the
a Governor for Blackheath High School and will do my best
wealth of experience I have gained in my commercial life and
to represent the interests of parents and play an active role in
from the perspective of being both a pupil and a parent.”
school life.”
MAY 2012
Ahead of the Game - Inspiring Girls to become the Entrepreneurs of the Future
UK Maths Trust British Olympiad Danshu Zhang gains 60/60
Our Year 10 Young Entrepreneurs made it through to the 2nd round of GSA’s ‘Ahead of the Game’ competition. A national competition, ‘Ahead of the Game’ was launched by the Girls’ Schools Association along with BBC Apprentice star Claire Young, now a successful businesswoman and Social Enterprise champion. The aim of the ‘Ahead of the Game’ competition is to inspire girls to be the entrepreneurs of the future.
Over 1600 students from across the country took part in the UK Maths Trust Olympiad this year. There are six problems set with a maximum score of 60 available and with an average score of 30 being achieved. The list of the top 50 students includes children from City of London, Eton, Dulwich College, St Paul’s School etc. Danshu Zhang, Y10, was one of only four students to attain the full 60 marks! The examiners commented on the outstanding presentation of her solutions and her precision. They ended with the comment “Incredibly well done!!”
APRIL 2012
English Speaking Union’s Public Speaking competition Our girls win Silver Medal The top seven school teams in the capital battled it out at the ESU Public Speaking Competition. Having beaten last year’s winners, Kings College School, Wimbledon and St Paul’s, our girls were narrowly beaten to the top spot by a fine performance from the Oratory School team, ultimately leaving with the runner up Prize Silver Medal. Molly Atkinson, Laura Nash and Nifemi Alonge were absolutely outstanding. In fact, so outstanding was Laura’s speech, she won the prize for Best Speaker which confirms her position as the ESU’s top GCSE age public speaker in London!
MAY 2012
Our Year 6 magnificent maths team make it through to the Jaguar Cars Maths in Motion™ Challenge (JCMIM) National Final Beating off stiff competition from 1,000 schools across the country, our team of eleven year olds has secured a place in the JCMIM final. The team had previously won a series of internal school races and regional heats within the London region before entering the semi-final knock out round. They will compete in the national final at the British Heritage Motor Centre in Gaydon on Wednesday 27 June. Good luck girls!
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Reflecting on Mrs Skevington’s first term as Head of Juniors On the 23rd of March 2012 we went back to Wemyss Road, to
since Mrs Skevington became Head. She said that she was
interview the new Head of Juniors, Mrs Skevington. She has
particularly impressed with the amount of sport that has been
been the Head there since Christmas and was previously Head
going on and how much we have been winning. “The year 5 and
of EYFS at the school.
6 netball teams have been absolutely extraordinary” she
Mrs Skevington explained that, since she has become Head
declared delightedly.
of Juniors, she has been even more busy; she hasn’t been able
Mrs Skevington also said that she was excited by all of the
to go out to the cinema that often, which is one of her favourite
different events that are happening soon . Including the Year
hobbies. We asked her if she missed being a Reception teacher
5 and 6 production which is “coming along nicely. They will be
and she said: “I sometimes miss being a Reception teacher but I
performing “Alice in Wonderland”, which I am sure will be a great
still go down to see the children and help out when I can. Also,
show!” Mrs Skevington said how pleased she is that “ we have
a few children come to my office every day to show me their
gained planning permission to fit floodlights at the school sport
work, which is lovely”. Mrs Skevington also told us that, before coming to
fields, which will allow girls to play more sport in the winter.” Finally, we asked Mrs
Blackheath, she was a lawyer;
Skevington: “what is your
we asked her “have you stayed
vision for the school?” She
in contact with any of your
said: “to make it as fun,
friends from when you were
happy, lively and busy as
a lawyer?” She explained that
I can make it”.
she met her husband during
Report by Cicely McFarlane
her law career.
(7GN), Jessica Page (7GN),
We spoke about what has been happening at the school
Trinity Western (7GN) and Eleanor Branigan (7PJ). Spring 2012 Blackheath High School 3
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BBC School Report
e are delighted to be part of the BBC News School Report project. The project gives our students (Y7 and above) the chance to make their own news reports for a real audience. Using lesson plans and materials from the BBC School Report website and with support from BBC staff and partners, our teachers, led by Mrs Clements and Miss Johnson (English Teacher), are helping students develop their journalistic skills to become School Reporters. We feel privileged that Richard Westcott, BBC Transport Correspondent and BBC Breakfast presenter, has been appointed our mentor through the scheme and he came to talk to the girls on News Day, putting himself in the spotlight as the girls interviewed him both on the radio and on camera. Miss Johnson explains the project’s attraction. “The most exciting part of BBC School News Report is that the news is real and the reports are real. Our students have had the amazing opportunity to not only cover exciting school events, but also important local events such as the Olympics being held in Greenwich Park and visiting the King’s Troop in Woolwich. They hold interviews, conduct research and write their own reports, building confidence and an impressive set of skills. “ Each March, schools take part in an annual News Day, simultaneously creating video, audio and text-based news reports, and publishing them on the school website, to which the BBC links. This year’s News Day was on 15th March and what an exciting day it was for BHS! Miss Johnson was very impressed with how the girls performed on the day – more than meeting the challenge set. She said “The school was alive with a buzz of excitement. Every year 7 student,
along with their Year 9 editors, faced the challenge of producing real news reports to be published via the BBC News website. Researching, planning and completing the reports by 3:00pm was quite a challenge, but all reporters managed to meet the deadline. Students did a brilliant job of working together to manage their time over the morning. Armed with lanyards, reporters from
Y7 did the school proud, confidently interviewing various VIP guests including local councillors, journalists, a poet and a BBC director. Through holding interviews, girls not only developed their confidence, they also got the chance to hone their close listening skills. After the interviews, students faced the challenge of condensing their research into clear, concise and engaging reports. For some this meant producing a
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It is very fulfilling and fun interviewing interesting people about fascinating events or news and I have enjoyed combining this with learning the skills involved in report writing. I thoroughly recommend becoming part of BBC School Report! Eden Rickson Y7 I was instantly interested in becoming part of BBC School Report as I really enjoy English and thought that involvement would increase my knowledge. I’ve gained confidence through holding interviews and learnt to speak more clearly and precisely, as well as improving the structure of my writing. I have also learnt that, when interviewing someone – do not stop asking questions – ask questions nonstop!” Isis Whyte Y9
written article, for others it meant learning new technology skills in the radio station, or on Apple’s imovie program. Alongside the inaugural BHS News Day, various Y9 reporters have been covering exciting school activities this term such as the cross-country races and the performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in Greenwich Theatre. This meant that reporters had to work outside their comfort zone, approaching parents and members of the pubic in search of a scoop! Looking to the Summer term, there is much more excitement in store for our School Reporters. The term will begin with a BHS report on the London Marathon 2012 and we will see the first issue of a new Year 9 school newspaper. “ We look forward to reading more of the roving reporters’ stories. Check our website’s BBC School Report pages and video/audio galleries for their News Day stories, coverage of recent events and more interviews.
I find working on BBC School Report really interesting and exciting, particularly finding out different peoples’ views on something like the Olympic Games and how they will affect Greenwich. It was great interviewing the teachers!” Anna Yefroyer Y7 As BBC School Reporters, we were given the opportunity of a lifetime as we were able to go and see the King’s Troop. We were greeted by Sergeant Vernon who took us to see the ceremonial guns first, all of which date from WWI including some which were at Princess Diana’s funeral. It was then very exciting seeing the horses riding past and after dismissing the soldiers we got the chance to interview the Commanding Officer, which you can read on our website.” Martha Nash Y7
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senior music
Senior Music
lackheath High School’s many musicians have been busy during the winter and spring months of 2012 participating in an array of rehearsals and performances. Alongside the annual programme of tea time and evening concerts have appeared new experiences and challenges to which the school’s performers have risen admirably. Given the pupils’ success, no doubt we can look forward to a return of some of these events in the future. In February, the Senior Chamber Choir travelled to Oxford to sing Evensong with the Chapel Choir of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University. When we arrived at “Teddy Hall” we were welcomed by one of the college organ scholars who showed us to the chapel. Over thirty colleges make up Oxford University, the majority of which have a chapel of their own. These range from the large and grand (such as the ‘chapel’ of Christ Church, also the city’s Cathedral) to the small and intimate, like that of St. Edmund’s. The Senior Organ
In February, the Senior Chamber Choir travelled to Oxford Chaplain, Fr. Kris, gave us a very warm to sing Evensong with welcome before the Chapel Choir of St. Evensong began. In addition to the choral Edmund Hall, Oxford music, sung beautifully University by the choir, Lata Nobes
Scholar, Rachel, (a post-graduate medical student) began the rehearsal by welcoming us and rehearsing the hymns which the Junior Organ Scholar, Priscilla, (an undergraduate economics and management student) accompanied on the piano. Whilst many of the university’s organ and choral scholars choose to study music, the organ scholars of Teddy Hall, study subjects which range from Physics to PPE. Mr O’Malley rehearsed the “Preces” by Ayleward and the Psalm. The Psalm was sung to Anglican chant, a style unfamiliar to pupils of the school and to some students of the college, and the speed with which the choir became fluent in singing in this style was impressive. An important feature of a college choir, like the choir of SHE, is that students are rehearsed and directed by other students; an opportunity which is not traditionally a feature of many other musical groups. During a break in the rehearsal the
read one of the lessons, and the service concluded with a Prelude and Fugue by Bach. After the service we were welcomed to the formal hall. The high table, at which the Chaplain and Fellows sit, was also set for the Blackheath High School pupils and we enjoyed a very good meal. Before and during dinner, a number of pupils had the opportunity to talk to the undergraduates about life as a student at Teddy Hall. Later in the same month, fifty primary school pupils joined the pupils of Blackheath High School to perform a choral work: a piece unlike music they had performed before. The primary school pupils were participating in the school’s Choral Singing Workshop, a partnership activity with the aim of helping younger pupils access challenging pieces with the
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Junior Music
support of the school’s senior pupils. Pupils from Brindishe Green, Brindishe Lee, All Saints’ Blackheath and Lee Manor Schools learned, from scratch, Handel’s famous Coronation Anthem: Zadok the Priest. Whilst some of the challenging semi-quaver passages had been adapted for the choir, the pupils tackled melismas, dotted rhythms and syncopations with great skill. Many adult choirs might spend a number of weeks learning Handel’s anthem; that the primary pupils learned so much in one afternoon was testament to their exceptional concentration and behaviour. At the end of the day, both junior and senior pupils gave a performance of the work in a choir of over 100 pupils with the additional, invaluable support of all the musical staff who joined us from the visiting primary schools. We are now looking forward to our annual Summer Concert, once again taking place on the banks of the Thames in the Chapel of the Old Royal Naval College.
nother term has flown by, accompanied by the delightful sounds of music-making across the school. Year 5 and 6 began the very busy term with their annual tea time concert. The standard of performance among the soloists and groups was extremely high and all who attended were reminded clearly that we have such a wealth of talent among our pupils at the Junior School. It was difficult to remember that the majority of these girls were only ten years old. We were particularly impressed by the performance given by the BHJS Quintet; an example of ensemble playing at its best. The concert opened with all girls in Years 5 and 6 singing, A La Cart, which tells the story of a young Mozart converting his harpsichord into a go-cart to go hurtling about the streets of Salzburg. Chamber Choir concluded the afternoon singing the poignant and beautiful piece, Flying Free. The Junior Orchestra entertained the whole school in an informal concert held in assembly time by performing two pieces. The younger girls were particularly enthralled to see the older girls playing so confidently together. Following the performance, the girls took some time to explain how their instruments worked, how much they practised and gave a small demonstration on how two instruments can play in harmony. Katie Ewins, our clarinet and saxophone teacher, gave a lovely performance in a KS2 assembly, to show the girls how a clarinet works and the type of sound it can produce. The music department continues to be very busy and we are trying to allocate new pupils with teachers as quickly as possible. If any girls would like to begin learning an instrument or take up a different one, please contact the office for an instrumental lesson form. The term concluded with two very busy
days recording our music CD. It was lovely to hear the range of wonderful singing across the school, from Nursery to Year 6, and hear how the girls progress as they move up the school and the fantastic standards that they achieve. This was a wonderful opportunity for our girls and they were thoroughly excited to be live recording artists! They relished their moment to pretend they were famous pop stars recording their album! All the girls from the Junior School took part; including our youngest Nursery girls and they were joined by the Senior School Choirs and Chamber Choirs. We were extremely lucky that Father Nicholas allowed us the sole use of All Saints’ Church on the heath to record in for two days and that Neil Luckett agreed to do the recording for us. The girls worked really hard and sang beautifully and we are really excited about being able to listen to the finished product which we hope will be available for purchase during the Summer term.
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Senior Sport
he Spring Term 2012 began with a successful ski trip for Years 5-8 to Torgon, Switzerland. Students worked together in teams throughout the week, earning points for skiing effort, team challenges, the climbing wall and much more. The winning team were awarded the grand prize of an evening out at a crêperie to indulge in local delicacies. Back at school our Year 7 girls trained for the cross country event, held at our own Sports Field. Students set some initial course records and were then invited to represent the school in the subsequent London Schools’ Cross Country Championship and the GDST Cross Country Event, with very pleasing results. Our Netball and Hockey teams have continued to make significant progress over the term with many notable successes. Our U12, U13 and U14 teams all gave impressive performances at the Kent Netball Tournaments, especially our U13s who made swift progress into the final stages of the tournament, only being knocked out by the eventual 2nd place team! Our Hockey teams have also made good progress during recent fixtures and are developing into proficient squads. We have extended our fixtures to include Saturday tournaments which have provided our teams with new, challenging opposition. The breadth of our PE curriculum continues to expand and we have recently offered Bikeability courses and have introduced further extra-curricular provision including extra netball coaching and indoor hockey skills clubs. Our small, but quite skilled fencing team have now reached a standard where they are ready to challenge
other GDST schools to a tournament. Our key stage 4 students have risen to the challenge in their games lesson activities, enthusiastically participating in highly competitive orienteering challenges, tag rugby, cross country races and Zumba style conditioning classes. The ‘Day of Dance’ where students rotated through street dance, musical theatre and Irish dancing sessions, was a huge success and inspired many students to sign up to clubs to develop their skills. As the term came to a close, we completed interhouse Netball and Hockey Competitions across the year groups with teams demonstrating their usual competitive spirit with some closely run results and superb, exciting play. Year 8 girls had the opportunity to join a weekend Netball tour to PGL Liddington, where, again their commitment, teamwork and enthusiasm were inspiring. Our A team enjoyed a well-deserved, unbeaten record throughout the weekend and went on to take 2nd place overall, well done! The final major sporting event of the term was Sports Relief, where girls enjoyed a range of fundraising events, culminating in an all year inter-house game of Kingball! We are delighted that our own Netball Academy is now underway and will provide weekend coaching. Information on Tennis coaching has been provided and we look forward to an equally successful, sporting, Summer Term.
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Junior Sport
hat a term this has been, another full sporting calendar at the Junior School with events ranging from Horse Riding to Swimming. January saw the Year 6 A netball team win and draw their last 2 league matches with the B Team unbeaten the whole season! The teams were also involved in many successful friendly fixtures and we proved ourselves to be both fantastic sports women and hosts. The events were also very well supported by parents and staff. The Year 6 also had considerable success in the Trust Netball Tournament, winning 8 out of their 10 games and winning the Plate competition with an overall position, out of 17 schools, of 3rd place. A wonderful, well-deserved result for a hard-working and determined group of girls. The End of Year Netball Tournament saw the Year 6 A and B Teams win both tournaments in style, beating all of the teams in our area! The A team was also placed 2nd in the league result. Also well supported was the Year 6 and 7 Inter- House
Cross-Country Competition where Georgina Elliot set a new course record of 6mins and 39 seconds and everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. Medals were awarded and parents were warmed by fantastic refreshments supplied by the BHSA. This term also gave an opportunity for the Year 3 and 4s to play their first Netball matches. The Year 4s had a fantastic afternoon at their tournament and showed real potential for the future. The year 3s made their debut in style, playing with determination and confidence as they battled valiantly, not only with the opposition, but also against freezing temperatures! On a Frosty February morning several girls met at Mount Mascal Stables in Bexley for a Horse Riding taster session. This was another great success, encouraging some of our girls to start taking lessons. Other events included the Year 5 and 6 Swimming Gala, Hockey Festival, Silly Socks Netball Tournament, Diving Talent Testing and the Inter-School Cross Country races that years 4,5 and 6 have within their lessons. Each year group work toward having the fastest individual time and having their whole class finish in the fastest time. This is excellent for team work and class morale as it is focused on everyone performing to the best of her ability and each pupil fulfilling her potential. Over the weeks each girl has improved her own personal performance. All in all this was a fantastic end to an amazing season!
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art & design
Profiles of our Amazing, Talented Art And Design Team Joanne O’ Connor Head of Art I completed a BA(Hons) in Textile Art at the University of Ulster, Belfast where I specialised in installation art: producing large-scale sculptures from fabric. I then completed an MA in Fine & Applied Art at the same institution. During the MA I chose to work with different materials & techniques, such as printing and stitching into wood and Perspex to express the underlying theme of transience in nature. My time in Belfast culminated in several exhibitions, a terrifying but ultimately exhilarating process. This is a practice I have continued throughout my life & something I try to encourage all my students to experience. I always wanted to teach, but it was the encouragement of my A level Art teacher who inspired me to also continue to pursue my passion for art. During the first year of my degree I was asked to teach on the Foundation Course at Carmel College where I had actually completed the same course a year earlier. I also taught the Textile Art degree course when I was completing the MA and volunteered to teach Art at a primary school for children with hearing and sight impairments. After completing a PGSE at the University of Brighton, I spent two very successful years at a school in Hertfordshire, after which I applied for a job in Japan. This was
a brilliant experience and it gave me more time to produce my own work, which I was fortunate to have exhibited in Osaka. On my return, I worked at St Dunstan’s College before moving to BHS as Head of Art. At present, I do not have a lot of time to complete artwork, although I do make clothes and paint whenever I can. However, instead I am gaining much satisfaction from helping our girls to learn and develop skills to produce exciting and challenging work. I find the way that the students here work so inspiring; some are fearless in the way that they approach an idea and their dedication is impressive to say the least!
art of bronze casting and mould making. During the 1980s I worked as a freelance sculptor and mould maker, working for Spitting Image as a mould maker and A&A Sculpture Casting, a foundry in the East End. There I worked closely with many sculptors including Barry Flanagan, Bill Woodrow and Bill Turnbull. We made sculptures ranging in size from small to monumental, some exceeding 25ft. It was an exciting time to be working in the art world as there was huge investment into public art in the boom years before the recession and collapse of the money markets in the early 1990’s. I haven’t got a studio at the moment, but it is my dream to be able to have one again, to be able to make a mess and have the time and space to work on my own things. I find my energy now is spent on my family and the girls at Blackheath! There will be a time, in the next few years, when I can get back to my work. I still love to look at art and design, especially sculpture; the Brancusi exhibition at the Guggenheim in Bilbao was a high point of my half term last autumn.
Louise Rose Design and Technology Teacher Since studying product design at Middlesex University, I have worked with designers Harvey Bertram-Brown, Carolyn Corben, Sophie Harley & Felicity Jury-Cramp as “New Renaissance” as well as the fashion team Antoni & Alison, before embarking on my projects, where I exhibited and sold my work across the UK. I was commissioned to
Mary Aspden Head of Creative Arts I studied Fine Art Sculpture at Central School of Art in Holborn after leaving medical school. My work has always focused on the human form. I work in clay and then my work is cast into plaster, or if I have sold the work, into bronze. I went on to study in the bronze foundry at the Royal College of Art where I learned the
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ART & DESIGN antique lace, doilies and embroidered samplers as a starting point, my work aims to subvert these traditional practices by ‘digitising’ their structures and reproducing them in unexpected materials. A small range of products is available to buy through my online shop www. produce a piece for a travelling Hillman ‘Imp imogenluddy.co.uk as well as in selected Potent’ Exhibition. I have sold my work in boutiques and shops. Bespoke designs “EC One” in Exmouth Market, “After Noah” and one off pieces can also be made to in Islington and exhibited in both “The commission for commercial environments Hayward” foyer and the “Royal Festival Hall.” or domestic interiors. I worked in Post-Production for twelve I am exhibiting a selection of my years, working on special effects which work in the ‘Made in the Middle’ touring included Harry Potter films and music show, currently at the Birmingham MAC promotional videos for established artists exhibition space. http://www.craftspace. including Radiohead and Madonna. I then co.uk/page.asp?fn=2&id=82&stp=1&grp=2 became Company Director of ‘SALT Media I also run workshops at a number of Software Consultants.’ London galleries, including the Serpentine I have continued to create art and my Gallery and Orleans House Gallery for latest body of work encompasses all my children of all ages. These vary in their interests - graphical art and statement content and can be anything from a screenpieces and my graphics are currently printing session to making giant being used by “ The South raindrops! “As a teacher, London Art Map” for Working with the girls at I think being a working their Pre-Olympic Blackheath High School artist and designer brings Art Tours (www. keeps me on my toes; southlondonartmap. I am always trying my teaching alive. I strive com/events/ to think of new and to inspire the students and I bearspace/1085) . exciting processes teach with the same passion My work was also that they can use that I have for my own work.” recently featured in to develop their the “PRINT & DESIGN ideas further. One Mrs Rose, Design NOW! 2011” exhibition advantage of being a & Technology at SW1 Gallery, London; practising artist alongside Teacher an exhibition showcasing the teaching, is that I am able very best in contemporary to introduce really innovative art & design. processes to the department. For example, I love teaching at Blackheath High our Y9 students are currently using a School; the girls are exceptionally gifted, they are always focussed and produce the most incredible and creative work. It is inspiring to teach my students within such a great creative team.
IMOGEN LUDDY Senior School Art Teacher My own practice spans wallpapers, furniture, homewares and desirable products for interior environments. Working across a wide range of media, including laser-cutting, embroidery, crochet and ceramics, I seek to find new and innovative ways of exploring traditional crafts. Using
metallic foil screen-printing technique, which has seen amazing results in the students’ work. The standard of work the girls produce often leaves me speechless and the amount of time and enthusiasm they dedicate to their art studies is evident. I am always very proud to say I teach at Blackheath High School.
DAVINA DRUMMOND Junior School Art Teacher I graduated with a B.A.(hons) in Fine Art Textiles from Goldsmiths College, London in 2005 and with a postgraduate diploma in Art Education from the Institute of Education, London in 2007 . I work at the intersection between art and art education, purposely blurring the boundaries between the two disciplines in many of
my artworks. I create site or date specific relational artworks, often incorporating the use of text and textiles. My art practice explores modes of making artworks, which involve the process of social interactions and creative collaborations with others. My work has been shown at exhibitions including “Happiness Happenings” at the Southbank Centre, “Tea for Thought” at Tate Modern, “Eight Weeks of Change” at Space Station Sixty-Five, “London and Living In A Material World Art Textiles 3” British Arts Council, London. I currently teach art at the Junior School to Y6 and Y4 girls whilst also working at the Southbank Centre as lead artist for their Visual Arts Young people group as well as continuing to work on my own art practice. I have previously taught Art and Design at the Brit School of Performing Arts and was Director of Education at the Chisenhale Gallery, London. Since joining BHS in January I have really enjoyed working with the girls. I have found the girls’ artistic talent and energy extremely impressive and I look forward to sharing my experiences in industry with them.
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Junior Drama
s usual, the Spring Term being ‘made-up’ by professional make-up artists! They provided many opportunities performed their roles beautifully, singing Queen “I really enjoyed for Junior girls to get Titania to sleep with a lullaby. It was a real taste of being a ‘naughty’ fairy involved in drama with a professional theatre production which they all because it was the first time Y5’s involvement in thoroughly enjoyed. a teacher has asked us to be the Senior School Spring Term was brought to a very Production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s theatrical close with a fantastic production naughty! It was an extremely Dream’ at Greenwich Theatre being of the musical “Splash!”, based on the enjoyable experience and we a particular highlight. They made Noah’s Ark story. Y4 were in sparkling form learned about Shakespeare’s style wonderful fairies in their colourful as the very colourful and humorous animals of writing as well as having the skirts, glittery wings and wellies and on board the Ark, ably captained by Preston thoroughly enjoyed the experience of and Polly the parrots. The animals survived most fun in ages. I would love to torrential rainfall, ‘pie-rat’ do it again and think everyone attacks and animals overboard. else would too!” The fantastic singing and dancing by the Y3s and Y4s really brought the story to life and the evening was greatly
enjoyed by cast, teachers and parents alike. Then, followed the “Drama Club” presentation. Great acting talent was displayed again as the girls in Y2 performed a story based on an Australian folk tale, and Y3 performed their own versions of well- known tales. The audience were further entertained by a variety of plays and sketches which the children in Y4 and Y5 had written themselves; involving a huge cast of characters, from vampire babysitters to grannies with secret crime fighting powers!
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senior drama
Senior Drama “Tuesday 20th March at Greenwich Theatre was truly an unforgettable evening. In the professional environment of Greenwich Theatre girls from both Seniors and Juniors enjoyed putting on an superb play as well as trying out the lighting and sound desks, the Green Room and, of course, the changing rooms with lights around the mirrors! The play was a sell-out success and the actors, including all the Year 5 fairies, were excellent! Now... how can we top that...? Watch this space!” Mrs Tyrrell, Head of Performing Arts “A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays, with three interlocking plots; the Athenians, the Fairies and the Mechanicals. The Athenians include the four lovers, who all end up running away from Athens and in
the woods they are seen by some of the Fairies who try to fix things, but end up making matters worse. Meanwhile, the Mechanicals are rehearsing their play in the wood and they too encounter Fairies, who turn one of them into a donkey who then briefly becomes the lover of the Fairy Queen who has been put under a spell. Despite the sometimes confusing story and the fact that it was in Shakespearian English; it was fun to perform and we all soon got used to the language, as did the audience. I thoroughly enjoyed performing and rehearsing for “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” and I know everyone else involved did too. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to perform at Greenwich Theatre and I would love to act in another school play there!” Elara Shurety
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science, technologhy & engineering
Science, Technology &
uring the Spring Term we celebrated National Science and Engineering Week across the school with a full programme of events and activities to excite and inspire! The Sciences and Mathematics are amongst the most popular A level choices for our girls and we were very lucky to be visited by Dr Kate Gill an Aerodynamicist and Dr Elizabeth White, Animal Behaviour Scientist and Technical Director of the BBC’s Frozen Planet Series, who gave fascinating talks. They gave the girls much food for thought regarding the study of science and engineering at university and the range and diversity of career opportunities available to those who do. Junior girls enjoyed science themed trips, including Y1 and Y4 visiting London Zoo with a focus on animal diversity and habitats (Y1) and bones and movement (Y4). Y6’s excursion to the Science Museum included meeting
an actor who took on the role of Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin the Soviet pilot and cosmonaut. The Kinetic Theatre Group also performed a Science themed play on bones and teeth and the importance of healthy eating. The Senior Science Faculty’s programme of fun activities really engaged the girls and further provoked their interest in learning about how science affects the world around them. Students competed to find the best chemicals to ‘launch’ a carbon dioxide rocket (35mm film canisters), ducking as the projectiles returned to earth! ‘Fireworks’ was the chemistry topic, with experiments including flame tests to find out how we get colour. Dr Mustafa used a spray bottle of alcohol to create a flame – the heat from which could be felt across the room and caused the girls to erupt in delighted screams! Perhaps the highlight was the “screaming jelly baby” demonstration which really got all the creative minds thinking! Investigative studies continued through to Biology,
where the girls learnt how to identify most of the bones within their bodies and how the rest of their muscles and organs can be found from these landmarks. Innovation in teaching and learning is a central theme of the School Strategic Development Plan. We believe that ICT can be used to support most aspects of learning and that it is essential to ensure that our pupils are fully equipped for the modern world. Our positive and pro-active approach to ICT and the benefits it is bringing to our girls’ education, has been officially recognised by the Becta ICT mark and by us recently reaching the finals of the Naace ICT Impact Award in recognition of the exceptional work of the Art and Design Faculty at the Senior School. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is now very much a part of the educational experience of our girls…and goes way beyond using a computer! ICT is embedded throughout the curriculum. Having access to a wide range of software and hardware products extends and
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y & Engineering enhances the girls’ learning. ICT has an integral role to play in the development of the Creative Curriculum. It provides a perfect tool to enhance the learning in a context that is relevant to the topic. Our girls are naturally interested, enthusiastic and curious about ICT and this has contributed to their engagement and motivation. Independent learning and sustained thinking can be supported admirably through the use of ICT. The senior school is extremely well resourced; all Sixth Form students have their own personal laptops and all other pupils have access to ICT suites or laptops to use in the classrooms. PC and Apple technologies are available. Our pupils have access to specialised software to support their learning from Modern Foreign Languages to Media Studies and, in Science, the use of data logging, with a range of probes, is well established. Our girls are confident in the use of ICT both within and outside the curriculum. The production of movies is commonplace, as is the use of the digital radio station to interview guests and
produce radio programmes. This year sees our team of school journalists using multimedia technologies to regularly report on local events and upload onto the BBC School Report pages (www.bbc.co.uk/ schoolreport. ICT skills also enable pupils to develop enterprise activities such as the production of gifts to sell for Red Nose Day, Mothers’ Day, Valentine’s Day and as Olympics memorabilia. Our industry standard ICT software and Computer Aided Machinery(CAM) machines, including a laser cutter, laptops with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator software, provide the girls with endless creative opportunities.
The Naace Press release said the following: ‘The winning schools and practitioners of the Naace ICT Impact Awards 2012 demonstrate how pupils can fully engage with their learning in technology rich environments. Charles Clarke, former Secretary of State for Education, presented the awards to successful candidates in a glittering ceremony. The Naace Board of Management wishes to extend their congratulations to all of the winners and commend all those shortlisted for their excellent contributions.’ “Last week we watched a very interesting science show. It was all about bones and teeth and I learnt a lot.” Charlotte Williams, 4EK on the visit from The Kinetic Theatre Group “Professor Kate Gill came to our school to talk to us about her job. She is an aerodynamicist and a scientist and her job involves catching drug smugglers and people doing illegal things! I really enjoyed her visit and I think that one day I would like to have that sort of job.” Danica Hadzic, 6LN
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Dramatic, Dreamy Show
ur GCSE and A level students’ abundance of creative talent was showcased in February at another hugely successful Winter Show. Impressively, as well as all the garments having been designed and made by the students, the event itself was completely organised and directed by the sixth formers. The audience showed their appreciation with rapturous applause and a delighted and very proud Mrs Elliott, Head of Sixth Form, said “I was really bowled over by the show this year – the standard of the designs as well as the meticulous organisation was outstanding! “ “Organising the Winter Show was a challenging but rewarding experience. It required a lot of hard work, commitment and organisational skills, but was a responsibility that I do not regret undertaking. Having decided on the theme ‘Dreams and
Nightmares’, our task was to oversee the garment designing, direct the catwalk routines, organise the lighting and technical effects and raise funds for the professional hair and make-up used on the night. This experience was perfect for my UCAS application, as I have applied for a degree in Event Management. On the night, we felt very proud of our achievement, as the show ran smoothly and we were delighted to receive many compliments after the performance.” (Lily Lubowitz, Organiser) “I very much enjoyed modelling in the Winter Show. The event was a great opportunity to socialise with different year groups, wear some extremely beautiful hand-made garments whilst gaining confidence too! As models, we were required to dedicate time and commitment to learning routines which had been very well choreographed by the social events prefects. However, we were rewarded for our efforts
when, on the night, we were treated to a professional make-over! Finally the moment arrived... walking on the catwalk with the music playing and the spotlights beaming was a hugely exciting experience that I would love to repeat in the future.” (Grace Englefield, Model) “As it has been a long-standing desire of mine to become a fashion designer, I was delighted to produce eight dresses for the Winter Show. Inspired by the imaginative theme of ‘Dreams and Nightmares,’ I was able to create some unusual dresses which challenged and improved my sewing skills and were a great addition to my portfolio, which was extremely useful when I applied for Art Foundation courses. Although a lot of hard work was required, seeing my dresses modelled on the catwalk was a thoroughly rewarding experience which has made me even more excited and determined to pursue a career in fashion.” (Geena Nguyen, Designer)
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Sixth Form Destinations
ach year we are delighted by the diversity of subjects that our girls go on to study at University; last year’s leavers’; destinations included: reading English at Oxford, Economics at Warwick, Medicine at King’s and Chemical Engineering at Bristol, Fashion Journalism at UCA, Art History at Nottingham and Music Production at Leeds. As Mrs Laws explains, “The outcome of an outstanding education should leave young people with more than just GCSE and A level certificates. It should help them to develop the qualities, competencies and skills that will help them to make a success of their adult lives. Education should widen horizons and give young people choices. I compare qualifications with keys to doors; the better the qualifications, the more keys a young person acquires and my aim is to ensure that, by the time girls leave Blackheath High School, they have keys to all the doors that they might wish to open, leading them on to many different career paths and opportunities.” Applying to Higher Education is obviously an important process; we do all that we can to help students through this with a thorough information programme. We inform students, right from the start of Y12 about the things that they need to take into account and what they need to do to plan ahead, so that they are well equipped to make a great university application. We are very proud that, on leaving Blackheath High School to pursue their Higher Education courses, our girls are “Assuming I achieve the required grades in my A-levels this summer, I plan to go to Cambridge and study Psychological and Behavioural Sciences. BHS organised mock interviews for me which I found very useful. I also found completing a psychologyrelated Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) really helpful as it gave me something interesting to talk about at interview.” Anna Edgar, Y13 “Next year I’m planning to read English Literature at Oxford University. The English Faculty staff were really supportive with my application and helped me through every step of the process from the personal statement through to interview practice. The group visit to Cambridge was
well qualified and resilient, confident and adaptable young women, with a love of learning, who are recognised for their friendliness, sense of responsibility and independence of thought. Our Sixth Form leavers 2011 chose to pursue a wide variety of subjects, including: University
Oxford Warwick Durham Leeds Kings Bristol Loughborough Manchester UCL
De Montford UCA
Art Foundation Fashion Journalism
English Economics Biology Music Production Dentistry Psychology Industrial Design and Technology Fashion Buying and Merchandising Chemical Engineering
particularly useful as it allowed us to get a feel for Oxbridge and meet other students applying for the same course. Having the teachers’ full attention and support throughout the process, together with preparing for my personal statement in the Summer Term of Year 12 really helped me through to successfully gaining a place.” Lauren Benson, Y13 “I am currently in my second undergraduate year at King’s College London studying Dentistry and I have to say I love what I’m doing at the moment and thank my teachers for all their encouraging words and advice with mock interviews, work experience and careers guidance which all helped to cement my determination to
follow this path. Although it is very different from a school environment, Blackheath High prepared me fully for the step up, making the transition feel seamless. Ultimately, Blackheath High challenged me, but always in an environment in which I felt wholly supported and encouraged. Over the years I have learnt to consider my education as something much more than just academic achievement. This is a lesson that is taught here from day one whether it’s joining the sports team, a lunchtime club or meeting new friends. I cannot express how well this set me up for the exciting prospect of University and the wider world beyond.” Libby Richardson, studying Dentistry at King’s College London
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Forthcoming Events
1st JUNE Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations throughout the school
25th JUNE Year 5 residential trip to Liddington Year 6 residential trip to France
12th JUNE Junior Sports Day
26th JUNE Senior Sports Day
14th JUNE Year 5 & 6 Production ‘Alice in Wonderland’
29th JUNE Sixth Form Ball Year 8 residential adventure weekend
21st JUNE GCSE and A level Art Exhibition
1st JULY Residential trip to Rambouillet
3rd JULY EYFS Sports Morning OGA Pimms Party for those who left Years 11 and 13 since 1994 5th JULY Summer Music concert, Chapel, Old Royal Naval College 9th JULY Year 6 Prize Giving 10th JULY Year 7 & 8 Prizegiving 2:00pm-3:00pm
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