22 minute read
Day Off
By Marshall Cunningham
Opens on a TV playing Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. It’s on the final scene of Ferris lying on the bed.
FERRIS: I said it once and I’ll say it again: Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
The screen fades to black, “Oh Yeah” by Yello plays, and the face of GRANT WALKER is seen in the reflection of the TV. He has brown, disheveled hair and is dressed in a high school bowling T-shirt and Star Wars pajama pants. His mouth is agape.
GRANT (In awe) That’s it...that’s it!
Grant pops up from his seat and darts over to his desk. On the way, he passes by trinkets on his walls and shelves. He goes by group pictures of his AV club over the years, awards for Quiz Bowl and bowling, and a whole wall covered in polaroids from his school’s plays over the years.
He sits down at the computer and throws on his headset.
GRANT: Scotty! Scotty Scotty Scotty Scotty—
Dawn peaks through the blackout curtains. The room is pitch black except for a TV illuminating the outline of SCOTTY STAPLES playing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Scotty’s hair is long, clothes plain, and eyes glued to the screen while his hands dance across the controller. His phone is on next to him while a headset covers his ears.
SCOTTY (Jumping) Geez, Grant, don’t jump back in the call screaming.
Grant starts looking around for a paper and pen.
GRANT: Yeah, sorry, but man, I got it. I know how we’re spending senior skip day today.
Scotty shakes his head but doesn’t move his eyes from the screen.
SCOTTY: Dude, I told you, I’m doing Smash from 3 to 3, breaking for food or whatever, then grinding the rest of the shinies in Pokémon until I physically can’t keep my eyes open. It’s perfect.
GRANT (Over the headset) That’s just your average weekend.
Scotty’s face tightens in anger, and he rolls his eyes.
Grant finally grabs his paper and starts writing. He scribbles down Grant Walker and Company’s Day Off.
GRANT: Just listen. You ever seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?
SCOTTY (Over the mic) Yeah, man, who hasn’t?
GRANT: Great. Well, I spent all night watching it, like, three times, and it’s perfect, dude, like, perfect. And just what we need for our day. Everything Ferris does is genius, and we can replicate it.
Scotty shakes his head.
SCOTTY (Sarcastic) I’m listening.
As Grant talks, he writes down everything that happens in the movie.
GRANT: We get me, you, and Novella and go around town and live it up, just like Ferris, Cameron, and Sloan. I don’t know where yet, but we’ll do what Ferris does, like eating somewhere fancy, a museum, baseball game—
SCOTTY: Nah, dude, this sounds like a plan to get with Nove. And what’s there to do around Conway anyway?
GRANT (Over the mic) No, it’s not like that, um, no, Nove’s just gonna be like Sloan, like—
As Grant stutters, Scotty grows a wide smile.
GRANT: We’ll figure it out when we talk with her. I’ll pick you up and we can drive over and surprise her. It’ll be great. Promise.
Grant holds up the piece of paper, leaving space to fill in all they want to do during the day.
SCOTTY: Woah, dude, I never said I was going.
GRANT: Brrrrruuuuuhhh, come on! College is gonna be here before we know it, and all we’re gonna have are the memories we make now. You wanna sit in your dorm and think about crushing nine-yearolds in Smash all day?
Grant leans closer to the computer, waiting for a response.
SCOTTY (Over the mic) I’ll go for a $50 eShop card.
Grant starts smiling uncontrollably.
GRANT: $25.
SCOTTY (Over the mic) $50.
GRANT: Deal. Be ready in twenty minutes.
Grant ends the call and jumps up from his chair, punching the air in happiness.
The walls are covered in pendants for colleges all across the nation.
A large corkboard covered in college acceptance letters made out to Novella Estella leans against a desk that is fully organized except for a stray pair of car keys and phone.
The phone starts ringing and displays the name “Violet.”
NOVELLA enters and snatches the keys and phone before declining the call and darting out the door. She’s dressed in her school clothes with a backpack on her shoulder.
Novella cruises down Oak Street in her car. She’s fixing her blonde hair in the mirror while listening to “Scared to Live” by The Weeknd.
Suddenly, a car next to her starts honking, and a figure hangs out the window waving their hands. She looks over in shock.
NOVELLA (Confused) Is that...Grant!?
Grant starts motioning for the window to be rolled down. Novella complies.
GRANT (Yelling) Nove! Pull over, we gotta talk!
NOVELLA: What the—what’s going on!?
GRANT (Yelling) Just pull over!
Novella shakes her head in confusion, flips her blinker on, and pulls into the Freddy’s parking lot.
Grant, Scotty, and Novella stand in the parking lot. Novella leans on the side of her car with her arms crossed.
NOVELLA (Annoyed) Make it quick. I’m gonna be late.
SCOTTY (Confused) Late for what? It’s skip day.
NOVELLA: Not for me. I can get work done and free up my schedule for next week, leaving room for the AP Euro test, AP Lit essay, Chem lab—
GRANT shakes his head and steps between her and Scotty.
GRANT Nove, listen, I got something 100 times better than that. Ever seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?
NOVELLA Yeah, who hasn’t?
GRANT Great, ‘cause that’s what we’re doing today. We’re gonna go around town and do all the stuff they did.
Novella shakes her head and starts opening the door to her car.
NOVELLA: Just because I sit with you two at lunch doesn’t mean I’m gonna roleplay Ferris Bueller with you. I gotta get going, class starts in—
Grants moves closer, almost in her face.
GRANT (Cutting her off) We’ll go wherever you want! Any store, any restaurant, a-a-and I’ll pay, and drive, all of it.
Novella blushes a bit, and Grant looks her dead in her eyes, smiling.
GRANT: Just...take the day off. You’re lightyears ahead of everyone else. I know you can afford it.
Novella glances down at the ground, then looks behind Grant at Scotty. He shrugs and smiles.
SCOTTY (Sarcastic) It’s a better deal than I got!
Grant is driving with Novella in the passenger seat. Scotty sits in the middle seat behind them with his face twisted in anger. His eyes glance at the passenger seat that was obviously supposed to be his.
Grant pulls out his pen and paper and hands them to Novella.
GRANT (Trying to focus on driving) That’s the list of what they do in the movie. We’ll fill it in and go from there. Oh, and Scotty, get your phone out and film.
SCOTTY (Confused) What?
Grant turns his head back to face him. Novella, fumbling with the pen and paper, grabs the wheel to make sure they don’t wreck.
GRANT: We’re gonna wanna look back on this, right? Plus it’s more like the movie; We can break the fourth wall and stuff.
Scotty shakes his head and pulls out his phone, turning it horizontally to start filming.
SCOTTY (Under his breath) All for $50...
Grant turns back around and starts focusing on driving again. Novella shakes her head while looking down at the list.
NOVELLA (Confused) Grant, how are we gonna do any of this? Conway doesn’t have an art museum, parade, or—the Sears Tower!?
GRANT (Trying to seem calm) I know. The parade we won’t do, but the others I have plans for.
Novella gives him a glare of confusion.
NOVELLA: You have plans for the Sears Tower?
GRANT: Yeah, we’ll head up to Round Mountain. The view there’s incredible.
Novella thinks on the idea and slowly nods.
NOVELLA: Okay...and the art museum?
Scotty leans forward to be in between the two.
SCOTTY (Jutting in) The bowling alley.
Both Grant and Novella turn to him in confusion, but Novella taps Grant to make him focus on the road.
NOVELLA (Confused) The bowling alley?
SCOTTY (Sarcastic) Duh. They have the pics after you get a strike. I love ‘em.
Novella glares back at Grant in confusion. Grant, eyes staying on the road for once, nods at her.
GRANT: Write that down, that’s good.
Novella shakes her head and sighs, scribbling it down.
NOVELLA: You also have down a baseball game and fancy restaurant. I doubt they have any games going today.
GRANT (Trying to sound sweet) Then replace it with whatever you want.
Grant turns to her and offers up an awkward, kind smile. Novella slowly nods, then stares out the window to think.
NOVELLA: How about...we go shopping. At the Commons. I...don’t get to do that a whole lot.
GRANT: And the restaurant?
NOVELLA: Pasta Grill. It’s fancy enough.
She looks back at him, smiling. Grant glances from the road and blushes a bit, smiling as well.
GRANT (Overjoyed) Perfect! We’ll do the Commons, bowling alley, and Round Mountain, then end with Pasta Grill. Whad’ya say, Scotty?
Suddenly, Novella starts rolling down the window and waving at Grant to slow down.
NOVELLA (A bit frantic) Hey, pull over! There’s Violet and Davo!
GRANT (Confused) What?
NOVELLA: Just stop the car!
As Grant slows down the car, Scotty rolls his eyes.
SCOTTY: Her? Really? You’ve got the weirdest friends, Nove.
VIOLET, a dark-haired, goth-looking high school senior, walks along the roadside with DAVO, her tall, country, redneck boyfriend.
Honking bursts from behind them, and Violet turns around to see Novella waving from the car. Her jaw drops in shock.
VIOLET (Angered) No. Freaking. Way.
The car pulls up, and Violet and Davo move towards the passenger side to talk with Novella. Scotty rolls down the window and sticks his camera out, videoing.
VIOLET (Bashful) Nove, what’re you doing!? I’ve been calling you all morning!
Novella slowly drops her smile.
NOVELLA: Well, um, I was on my way to school—
VIOLET (Cutting her off) School!? It’s skip day! We were supposed to go thrifting and wildflower hunting. Now I gotta go to Toad Suck with this brick head.
NOVELLA (Anxious) I know, but I felt school would be better, then Grant called-or, um, found me, and—
Grant leans over, basically on top of Novella, to see out the passenger window.
GRANT: Y’all ever seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?
VIOLET: Yeah, who hasn’t?
Davo nods by her side.
GRANT: We’re doing that today and needed Nove to—
NOVELLA (Jutting in) Y-You two can come along! It’ll be great, and I’ll make it all up to you.
Grant’s eyes widen, and he looks back at Scotty. He motions with his hand to cut the camera.
VIOLET (Pondering) Meh, why not. Where y’all going?
Grant leans over once again, this time anxious.
GRANT (Nervous) Um, uh, bye.
Suddenly, the car peels away and takes off down the street.
Novella whips her head around to face Grant, face furious at his actions.
NOVELLA (Angered) What are you doing!?
GRANT (Stuttering) I-I-It won’t work right with five. Three’s the perfect dynamic, just like the movie.
NOVELLA: I’m rooming with her in college, Grant! I just can’t blow her off like that!
GRANT: Hey, it’ll be fine, promise. No reason to think that far ahead anyway. We’re taking the day off, remember?
Novella shakes her head and starts to roll up the window. Grant slowly motions for Scotty to start filming again.
NOVELLA (Coming around) I guess. Let’s just get this thing started already.
Grant smiles, winks at her, and turns up the radio. “Daydream Believer” by the Monkees starts to play as the car speeds off.
Scotty rolls his eyes at their antics and holds up the phone to film.
Violet and Davo are left standing in the same position. The music stops completely and only silence is heard. Their hair is blown back by the car whipping out.
VIOLET (Furious) That skank! Leaves me this twice morning to roleplay Ferris Bueller with a couple of nerds!?
DAVO (With a deep country accent) Them’s tags ‘spired.
Violet whips her head around in anger and looks up at her boyfriend.
VIOLET: So what?
DAVO: Could cost ‘em a pretty penny.
Violet squints her eyes at him; however, she realizes his scheme and immediately pulls out her phone. She dials 911.
She puts the phone to her ear and smiles at Davo.
VIOLET (Sweetly) This is why I keep you around, babe.
Grant’s car pulls into the Target parking lot, and “Daydream Believer” picks back up; the montage starts.
Grant and Novella are messing with the ball tower in the toy section while Scotty films. Grant tosses a ball back at the top, but the bottom comes out, and balls suddenly fall out everywhere.
Grant and Scotty sit outside of the dressing rooms. Novella is inside trying on clothes. Scotty is bored out of his mind.
Novella walks out in a new dress. She gives it a spin, and Grant stands up, clapping with a big smile. Scotty shakes his head and sighs. Grant, however, snatches the phone from his hand and videos her.
Grant hands Scotty his $50 eShop Card. Scotty smiles and shakes Grant’s hand.
Grant, Scotty, and Novella have their heads pressed against the glass windows of the animal cages, similar to the Sears Tower scene from Ferris Bueller.
Grant looks down at a small puppy; Novella looks at a kitten; and Scotty looks down at a plump, old hamster.
OFFICER MOONEY, a calm, laid-back male in his 40s, drives down the road. He’s singing “Daydream Believer,” turning the song diegetic again, when his dispatch radio goes off. Begrudgingly, he turns down the music and listens to the gurgle of words, sighing before responding.
OFFICER MOONEY (Trying to sound official) Yessir, I’ll be on the lookout, over.
Mooney shakes his head and focuses back on the road.
OFFICER MOONEY (Talking to himself) And to think this was supposed to be my day off!
(This part is filmed from the perspective of Scotty’s phone set up on the bowling ball rack.)
Grant rolls a bowling ball down the lane. He runs behind Scotty and Novella and crosses his arms, just like in the art scene from Ferris Bueller. The trio looks up at the bowling alley TV, which displays a horse knocking over a set of pins with the words “Great Way to Strike!” slapped on it in bold letters. They try to hold the pose for the camera, but all three break and start to smile and snicker.
Suddenly, off-camera, yelling is heard from the bowling alley owner. The phone can’t pick up what’s being said.
Scotty jumps from his position and grabs the phone.
The film transitions back to the use of a regular camera, showing the trio being kicked so far out they end up in the Cold Stone Creamery next door.
Once inside, they look at each other confused, then glance over at the ice cream. Grant smiles and slams down cash on the counter.
Grant, Novella, and Scotty sit on a grassy overlook. The wind brushes by them as they lick their ice cream in silence. There is the sound of the rushing of the trees and birdsong in the distance. Before them is all of Conway, and behind them is a stomped-on “NO TRESPASSING” sign.
SCOTTY: I think this beats the Sears Tower.
NOVELLA: Really? You think so?
SCOTTY: Heck yeah! You ever been?
SCOTTY: It’s high up, right?
SCOTTY: And scary?
NOVELLA (Slower this time) Yeah...
SCOTTY: That’s why this here’s great. Not too high up, totally not scary—
GRANT (Cutting him off with a dreamy voice) I think it’s perfect. All of it.
Scotty and Novella nod. All three lick their treats. A moment lingers of their peace.
Officer Mooney stands with a Target employee in front of the destroyed ball tower with balls covering the floor. He has his notepad out, writing down notes about the situation.
OFFICER MOONEY: So it was...all the balls, right?
A ball rolls over, and Mooney slowly kicks it out of the way.
Grant, Novella, and Scotty sit in the dim light of Pasta Grill, eating their meals. Grant and Novella share a chicken parmesan while Scotty downs a bowl full of ravioli.
NOVELLA: You know, Grant, I think it’s been a pretty good day off.
Grant winks at her while slurping up a noodle.
GRANT: I was thinking the same thing. Think Ferris would be proud?
NOVELLA: 100%.
The waitress walks by and drops off the check. Grant smiles, takes it, and starts to pull out his wallet to pay. However, nothing is left inside.
SCOTTY: You, um, alright there, Grant?
Grant looks at him wide-eyed.
GRANT (Frantic) Y’all don’t happen to have any spare change...do you?
Novella pats her pockets and gives Grant a hard glare.
NOVELLA (Shocked) You’re out of money!?
GRANT (Stumbling over his words) I, um, well, the bowling, a-a-and clothes, and—
SCOTTY (Butting in) Think they’ll take the eShop card?
Novella puts her head in her hands in distress. Grant sees this and straightens up, trying to act like he has a plan.
GRANT (With fake confidence) Alright, um, here’s what we’re gonna do—
Before he can finish, the sound of music and people is heard coming from the outside. Grant leans over to look and sees the start of the Toad Suck Parade going down the street. His eyes light up with joy.
GRANT: Yes! The parade! Come on, we’ll sneak out now with all the commotion. They won’t notice, a-and I’ll pay later.
Novella and Scotty swap looks of confusion and distress but slowly nod. Grant looks around, makes sure there’s no waiter, and bolts to the door, dragging Novella and Scotty behind.
People line the streets and slowly start to follow the moving floats. The floats carry dancers and people in toad costumes with a band marching in the middle.
The trio makes their way away from Pasta Grill and near the front of the parade. Once free, Grant eyes the leading float, which is full of dancers and toads. He looks back to the others with a mad look in his eye.
GRANT (Excited) Remember what I said about no parade?
NOVELLA (Realizing) Grant Walker, you are not getting on that—!
Grant grabs Novella and Scotty and, without question, jumps on the float amidst the dancers and toads. He shoves to the front, where they are met by cheers and applause from an audience who believes this all to be planned.
Scotty takes out his phone and films while Novella laughs and looks longingly at Grant. His focus is on the crowd. He starts to dance and go wild, acting just like Ferris.
Behind him, everything starts to fade as “Twist and Shout” by the Beatles plays. Confetti flies over him while time stops. He’s able to sing and dance in his own world. The crowd grows large, and he’s suddenly in Chicago on a massive float. His life cannot get any better.
The song changes back to the parade noise and switches to Novella’s view. She’s laughing at Grant’s antics but looks out into the crowd. Violet and Davo stand looking up at her. Violet shakes her head in disapproval, giving her a mean glare before turning around and leaving with Davo.
The eyes of Novella grow wide. She is taken out of the fun and brought back to reality. Embarrassment seizes her. She suddenly starts to shake Grant.
NOVELLA (Angry) Grant! GRANT!
Grant finally exits his daydream and looks at her, confused.
NOVELLA (Angry) Get off! We’re leaving! NOW!
Grant, startled, slowly nods, and he motions for Scotty to stop filming. The trio hop off the float and start walking through the crowd with Novella sternly leading the way.
The entire car is silent. Everyone is in the same seats as before.
Scotty is in the back doing something on his phone, not paying attention.
GRANT: I-I just thought it would be fun, you know, ‘cause we cut out the parade—
NOVELLA (Cutting him off) Shut up, just, shut up. I told you I don’t wanna hear it.
The car rolls into the Freddy’s parking lot. The second it stops Novella grabs her Belk bag and storms out. However, she stops and looks around after a moment.
NOVELLA (Confused) Where’s my car?
Grant and Scotty hop out and look around as well.
GRANT: Did you lock it?
NOVELLA (Angry) YES! I locked it!
SCOTTY (Frantic) I’ll call the cops.
As Scotty goes to pull out his phone, blue lights flash behind the trio.
The trio are handcuffed to a metal table in a dim interrogation room. A TV is mounted to the wall. Officer Mooney slams down a file folder.
OFFICER MOONEY: Public disturbance at Target. Refusal to leave at the bowling alley. Trespassing on Round Mountain. Pasta Grill dine and dash. And on top of it all, expired tags.
Mooney takes a seat and looks at the trio.
OFFICER MOONEY: What on earth were you kids up to today?
GRANT (Frantic) Ever seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?
OFFICER MOONEY: Never heard of it.
NOVELLA (Annoyed) Grant, just shut up! Officer, I apologize, my friend here’s crazy and forced us to do all this today. Please don’t let it go on my record—
GRANT (Cutting her off) Forced you!? You wanted to! We all did!
NOVELLA: I didn’t agree to commit any crimes! Violet was right. I shouldn’t have gone with you and your stupid plan. You’ve ruined my future, Grant!
OFFICER MOONEY: Hey, hey, calm it down now. No need for yellin’.
Grant hangs his head. Tears form in his eyes.
GRANT (Sorrowfully) I...I just wanted a good day. I’m scared of the future, Nove. I don’t want this part of our lives to end. I don’t wanna grow up. I just wanna stay here, with you two and this life, forever...but I can’t. Everything we did was stupid and useless and won’t stop life from moving on. I’m...sorry. I’ve messed everything up.
Silence fills the room. A moment passes by. Suddenly, the TV illuminates, and “Fine Line” by Harry Styles plays. Grant, Novella, and Mooney look over to see Scotty playing his edited footage on the TV via a cable. They watch as the best moments of their day flash on the screen. Everyone starts to get teary-eyed.
Once it ends, Mooney clears his throat.
OFFICER MOONEY: Listen, kids, I ain’t gonna pretend to know about who you are or what you want. But I’ll tell you one thing you’re better off learning now than later: you can’t live in the past. Or the future. You have to take it a day at a time. Make what you can in the moment; do it long enough, and you’ll always have something to look back on and look forward to.
Novella lifts her head to look at Grant, who looks at her, eyes watering. She slowly grows a soft smile.
NOVELLA: I...think what he means is that...life moves pretty fast...
Grant, realizing what she’s saying, brightens up and smiles.
GRANT: And if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
The two smile and try to hug as best they can while being chained to the table. Scotty chuckles to himself in the background while Mooney sniffles and smiles.
OFFICER MOONEY (Trying not to cry) Yeah, something like that.
Suddenly, time stops, and Grant, Novella, and Mooney are frozen in time. Scotty chuckles and looks directly into the camera. As he talks, he starts to undo his handcuffs and walk out of the room.
SCOTTY: I know Grant oughta be doing this part, but he’s, uh, y’know, a bit busy. But just to let you folks know, everything turns out alright for our heroes. The script’s getting long, and we could use some wrapping up. Mooney’s about to drop the charges and let us go (he’s a real softy), and bring in ol’ Violet and Davo for stealing Nove’s car. Grant gets the girl and his act together, and Nove starts to give leisure a shot. As for me, well, I’ll never end up redeeming the eShop card. It’s what I’ll hold onto throughout college to think about the memories we made today; but more than that, it’s a reminder to not stay static, or in the past, or in the future. It keeps me here, in the now. I’m sure it makes Ferris—and Grant— real proud.
Scotty winks at the camera and turns a corner.
FADE TO BLACK. “Oh Yeah” by Yello plays.
However, after the credits, Grant emerges from a hallway in a bathrobe.
GRANT (Confused) You’re still here? It’s over. Go home. Go.
He starts to walk back but turns around with a smile on his face.
GRANT (Ecstatic) How was that Scotty, did we get it?
SCOTTY (Off-camera) Yup, perfect!
Grant jumps up in amazement.
GRANT: Yes! Yes!