2014 VCS infographic

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2014 in Bristol’s Voluntary & Community Sector

Challenges Historic ways of working are disappearing

Growing demand for services Little capacity to take advantage of new opportunities Cuts in council funding and changes to priorities

Hard for small & medium groups to engage with commissioning More and more older people isolated and lonely

Many are in debt, struggling to pay fuel bills, find jobs, and access affordable housing.

Continued reduction in budgets to publically-commissioned services Keeping expert staff in the sector Young disproportionately affected by cuts

Opportuntiies Jointly seek private/charitable funding to plug service gaps

Chance to innovate & be creative Community stewardship of land, buildings and services

Find new ways of responding to local need and encourage communities to take a greater role in helping themselves

Mobilise people around a shared vision of social change Work more closely and creatively with partner agencies

First Response Get people of all ages to work with our older residents so that they stay connected Focus attention on tax evasion rather than welfare cuts

Look collectively at solutions, despite competitive tendering More partnership and consortia working

Self-directed support - difficult to attract individuals and shifting attitudes of service users

Seek commissioning practices that genuinely encourage the growth of a vibrant VCS

Protecting our independence as a sector especially if delivering government services

Green Capital for 2015 - vehicle to promote green agenda

Lack of community services and amenities

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