Manifesto for race equality 9oct2015b appendix

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The Bristol Manifesto for Race Equality “Batook’s Blueprint” Agenda for a Better Bristol

Introduction We believe Bristol is a great city. In 2013 The Telegraph stated, “Bristol is the best city to live in the UK for wealth and happiness.” The European Commission recognised Bristol’s success in creating a green city with a high quality of life by naming the city as European Green Capital 2015. The diversity of races within Bristol played a key part in these recognitions. Yet within this great city, racial inequality still restricts many of Bristol's citizens from sharing in its wealth and happiness. We – members of Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) and equalities communities from Bristol believe that firmly tackling such inequality would secure Bristol’s place as a truly great city, benefiting all Bristol’s citizens. We call on the city to adopt this Manifesto for Race Equality and to work with us to make Bristol a city that belongs to, and with opportunity for, all who live and work in it regardless of ethnic origin. This Manifesto highlights key areas where racial inequalities persist and where the gaps are widening. We ask public agencies to: commit to positive change in key areas; review progress on a regular basis; and work with us to keep the Manifesto alive. Background Race equality appears to be at a standstill in Bristol. Inequality, lack of social mobility and exclusion from the economic, social, cultural and political spheres are among the key challenges facing Bristol’s BME communities. Such exclusion and inequality, whether it is driven by race, class, gender or any of the other means of dividing our world, has a huge cost. The levels of social mobility in Bristol for most BME communities are today as low as they were in the 1970s. There continues to be a stark under-representation of BME people within mainstream organisations and there is a lack of diversity within the decision makers and leaders of the City. There is a cycle of self-perpetuating poverty, powerlessness and exclusion for BME people, which needs to be broken. This document, written and agreed by local BME people, seeks to provide some practical steps to address the inequalities currently still disproportionately faced by BME communities. 1

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