Members' Brochure

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Thinking of joining Voscur?

This leaflet explains what we do and some of the benefits of becoming one of 600+ members. Voscur is a member-led charity the more diverse our membership - the more exciting and relevant our work will be!

The Support Hub

What we do We work to support, develop and represent the voluntary and community sector in Bristol. Our work is made up of many different parts and two of our key services are:

Voice and Influence

Our Support Hub helps Bristol-based voluntary and community sector groups and organisations to improve their performance and provide longterm, quality services. It can offer advice on a range of topics, one-toone sessions with skilled development workers, access to free or low cost training, information and signposting and referrals to specialist partners.

Our Voice and Influence service is about ensuring that our sector has a strong voice and is able to influence decisions affecting it in Bristol and beyond. We organise themed network meetings, events, and support a group of VCS advocates who represent the views and interests of the sector in local decision making processes. Anyone can be involved - to find out how visit:

Benefits of membership

Funding advice

Thrive! magazine

Members’ desk

Our members have exclusive access to GrantNET through Voscur, a free service for identifying suitable funding for their organisations/projects. GrantNET is an interactive database covering a huge range of funding sources.

Members contribute to and receive our quarterly magazine, packed full of information on funding, training, events, good practice and lots more.

Members are welcome to come in and use the facilities on the members’ desk which include a computer and internet access.

Other things we offer: e-bulletins Our e-bulletins are full of relevant news, events, training, jobs, funding and resources. To subscribe visit our website. Promotion You can list your events and activities on our website. We include a range of these in our popular e-bulletins.

Discounts Members receive discounted rates for our training courses, events, advertising in our magazine and placing job adverts on our website which receives, on average, around 134,000 page views every month!

Information and resources Our websites include news, information and resources tailored for Bristol’s voluntary sector. Conferences and briefings We organise one-off briefings and consultation events on a range of topical issues (local, regional and national). Signposting Our friendly staff team is always happy to answer any queries. If we can’t help, we will do our best to direct you to someone else who can!

To become a member of Voscur and for further details about membership fees and criteria visit: joiningonline or call us on 0117 909 9949.

Supporting Voluntary Action

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