Thrive! Magazine Oct-Nov-Dec 2012

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Supporting Voluntary & Community Action

October / Novemeber / December 2012

Inside this issue: Engaging with businesses Upcoming training Local experiences of commissioning News from The Station BME voice and influence Bristol Mayor and Police Crime Commissioner elections

Photo by Camilla Adams

and more...

A young person taking part in a filmmaking course with the Creative Youth Network. See inside for information on the launch of their exciting new building, The Station.


Welcome to our Autumn edition of Thrive! to be learnt from the Olympics

2006 (Trusted and Independent:

that we can take forward in

Giving Charity Back to Charities)

our work with volunteers

has recommended the payment

(see Volunteer Bristol’s article

of trustees of large charitable

on page 9).

organisations. I share the view of

Demand for skilled volunteers in the sector has never been so high. Voscur has been working with Business in the Community to develop Business on Board – which aims to get business people to bring their skills to trustee boards. Voscur has also worked

the NVCO and NAVCA that paying trustees is in principle not a good idea. As Joe Irvin, Chief Executive of NAVCA has said: “The voluntary nature of trustees is what makes charities special. This move could blur the distinction between charities and other organisations.”

with Volunteer Bristol to develop

Of course it may be that this

the Boost programme – bringing

is part of a wider blurring of

skilled people into organisations to

voluntary action with the delivery

The Olympic euphoria may have

help out with special projects or

of public services. But I don’t

passed by the time you are

pieces of work.

believe that’s a good idea either.

reading this, but as I write, I feel

We currently have two volunteers

Wendy Stephenson

in the Voscur office – the

Chief Executive

Wendy Stephenson Chief Executive

that it is important to say a word about volunteering. It was great to see that the volunteers who helped to make the Olympics a success were recognised and thanked by so many people. As readers of this magazine will be aware, volunteers are an invaluable part of society, carrying out so many different roles and giving their time freely – quite simply without them many things just wouldn’t happen.

experience gained at Voscur by current and previous volunteers

has helped towards some getting

paid work. We owe it to those who volunteer for us to make sure that we have up to date safeguarding policies (where these are necessary) protect our volunteers; that we understand our responsibilities and volunteers’ rights; that expenses are paid on time, and that volunteers know

get behind a high profile national

that they are valued. Volunteers

event such as the Olympics is very

are justifiably a cost as well as an

different from recruiting and

asset to an organisation.

managing volunteers in a local

It is a concern within the sector

Nevertheless, there are key lessons



volunteer policies; that our

Of course, recruiting volunteers to

voluntary sector organisation.

that Lord Hodgson’s report of

Key to symbols Equalities Article Training Information & Resources Event

his review of the Charities Act

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Contents Voscur



New members



Community Learning Trust gets the go-ahead


Well-placed to compete? Experiences of commissioning in Bristol

Support Hub

Voice and Influence 17

Get ready, get set, get involved! November’s VCS Assembly meeting

18-19 Know your community rights


New funding for activities for deprived and disadvantaged communities


Inspire a generation – of volunteers!

10-11 Business and community engagement 12

What’s the point of the Compact? Quite a lot!


Report on Neighbourhood Partnerships


VCS Advocate elections


The story behind The Station


Positive for Youth: October’s Children and Young People’s Network meeting

Power of Partnership 2012

13-15 Upcoming training courses

24-25 BME voice and influence 26

A new vision for social care

28-31 Bristol’s Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner elections

Keep up to date with Voscur online:

Thrive! is also available online as a pdf at If you require it in another format, please get in touch on 0117 909 9949. Disclaimer: some of the views expressed in this publication are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent those of Voscur. Publications, events and services mentioned in Thrive! are not necessarily endorsed by Voscur.

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012



New Voscur members Art & Power 0117 317 8099 Aspire Bristol 0117 954 0861 Audrey Michel 0117 902 2005 Photo from the launch of Bristol Women’s Voice

BasicNeeds Glos Community Animation Programme

Jane’s Holistic Centre and

School of Excellence


The team here at Voscur welcomes our new members!

Make it Worth it Campaign

01225 325900


Bristol Muslim Cultural

Open College Network

Society (BMCS)

hundreds of community,

01752 831500

voluntary and social enterprise

groups active in Bristol.

Bristol Women’s Voice

People Can

For more information on

Emmaus Bristol

Trinity Care Service

0117 954 0886

0117 983 8878


Voscur is a member-led organisation, made up of

becoming a member of Voscur and the range of member benefits, visit: or call us on 0117 909 9949.

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18


Community Learning Trust gets the go-ahead Photo by BC Gov

The West of England Learning

August 2012 and August 2013, the

Learning Trust pilot is a diverse

Partnership is one of fifteen

pilot Trusts will work to:

and exciting community learning

partnerships from across the country that will take part in a pilot scheme supported by the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) that will give communities more power to choose which adult learning courses are available in their areas. The Community Learning Trusts will involve colleges, adult education services, businesses and voluntary organisations, working together with their surrounding communities to provide courses that local people want. Between

• Boost the number of people participating in learning. • Motivate and help people who are disadvantaged. • Have a positive impact on people’s lives. • Generate income to reinvest in learning.

partnership. Voscur, along with our colleagues in the West of England (Voluntary Action North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CVS) is carrying out a survey on voluntary and community sector groups’ involvement in community learning, so that we can ensure that the interests of the sector

Get involved – complete our short survey

are represented in the proposed

Voscur and the Voice and

completed online at:

Influence service want your help

to make sure that the Community


West of England Community Learning Trust. The survey can be

Community Learning Partnership VCS Network meetings: Wednesday 17 October, 10am-12pm at

Wednesday 12 December 2012, 10am-12pm

Shirehampton Public Hall.

Venue – tbc

This meeting will include an update on the

This meeting will include a presentation on

agreed terms of reference for the new

engaging equalities groups with presentations

community learning partnership and VCS

from voluntary sector organisations who have

Network; choosing voluntary sector

been successfully commissioned to deliver

representation and a presentation and

community learning. To confirm your place at

discussion on what the voluntary sector can

this meeting visit:

contribute to the partnership to get more people learning. To confirm your place at this meeting visit:

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012


Well-placed to compete? Experiences of commissioning in Bristol Voscur and Bristol City Council’s (BCC) Strategic Commissioning and Procurement Service has recently carried out research and published a report on voluntary sector organisations’ experiences of commissioning in the city. This partnership was established to ensure that the development of commissioning processes can be informed by actual experiences from the sector.

Between February and April,

Partnership and consortia

Support and training

a number of Voscur members



completed a telephone survey.

Many organisations reported

The following priorities emerged

The responses have helped us

that they already work in

for support and training:

to understand local experiences

partnerships, half of which

business skills; understanding

of commissioning; working in

reported positive experiences.

the commissioning process;

partnership; the use of quality

The flip side of the coin often

partnership and consortia

marks and people’s understanding

related to these key areas:

development; e-procurement

of social value. The report consists of several main sections: Awareness of commissioning processes and registration on BCC’s e-procurement system Levels of awareness of BCC’s commissioning processes were

• Difficulty in finding appropriate partners. • The resources needed to develop and maintain partnerships. • Working together whilst preserving their own identities. • Managing conflicting interests.

systems and TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations). Improving commissioning relationships Many respondents described tangible and constructive ways in which commissioning relationships

higher (60%) than awareness of

“It’s not very straightforward”

could be improved. These include

the commissioning practice of

one respondent said, “it’s great in

dedicated points of contact;

other public sector bodies (33%).

theory, but it’s a lot of work and

better and earlier involvement of

it is hard to find partners. It feels

voluntary sector organisations in

like we’re being forced down this

the commissioning cycle; advance

route without being sure we have

notice of contracts coming up

the time or resources to do it.”

and more realistic timescales

Most reported that they were already registered on BCC’s e-procurement system yet there was little correlation between being registered and an awareness

Others recognised that

of commissioning procedures.

partnership working could be

(especially when partnership working is required).

useful if the correct support is available.


October / November / December 2012  Issue 18


How does the sector assure

How does the sector assess

appropriate definition of social

the quality of services and

social value?

value and its role in


Social value is the term used in

commissioning processes.

Questions about the use of

the Public Services (Social Value)

quality marks and standards were

Act 2012, which describes the

included so that we could work

requirement for local authorities

with commissioners to ensure

to consider how the services they

that requirements are realistic.

commission and procure might

Less than half of respondents

improve the economic, social

reported that their organisation

and environmental well-being of

worked towards an official quality

the area. The government has

mark or standard. Of those

heralded the inclusion of social

without a formal quality mark,

value in commissioning processes

many robust approaches were

as a way to ‘level the playing field’

described for ensuring quality,

for the voluntary sector.

many of which center on service user involvement.

Recommendations and next steps The report includes many recommendations for commissioners, support organisations, BCC and the voluntary sector. These are being considered by Voscur and BCC in their development of an action plan for future work.

However, just a third of respondents were able to

The diversity in the sector’s

articulate the meaning of social

approach to ensuring quality

value and its relevance to their

Further information

is notable. This gives reason to

work. This is not surprising as

To download a copy of

commissioners to avoid making

the Act itself does not include

the report, go to:

specific quality marks compulsory

a definition. This highlights the

for all and keeping the assessment

need to develop a sector response


of quality more open to providers.

so that we can lobby for an

This report gives us very helpful insight into our partners’ experiences of our commissioning practice. It will help us to further develop the Enabling Commissioning Framework so that voluntary sector organisations can become stronger, more effective and be well-placed to compete for public sector contracts.

It is clear from the report that Voscur needs to lobby for change and support the sector in commissioning. Our Support Hub and Voice and Influence services are reviewing these recommendations and will respond to the sector’s needs. Max Beseke, Chair of Voscur’s Board of Directors

Nick Hooper, Chair of the Enabling Commissioning Board, Bristol City Council

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012


Support Hub

New funding for activities for deprived and disadvantaged communities Photo by Metro Centric

A new pot of funding has been introduced from Bristol City Council (BCC). The Community Investment Small Grants Fund is managed by Quartet Community Foundation, working closely with the Council’s Community Investment team.

The primary aim of this small

• Organisations/groups should

Voscur recently ran a workshop on

grant funding is to encourage

not be in receipt of any other

the BCC Community Investment

local people to become more

funding from BCC, including

Small Grants Fund and have

involved in community-led

Neighbourhood Partnership

produced some useful resources

activities that enable deprived

Wellbeing funding.

that you can read here:

and disadvantaged communities

• It will not fund capital items.

to respond to and cope with

• Self help activities can be


change. Unlike the previous BCC

funded, including the provision

Development Fund (managed by

of emotional support, advice or

the Community Foundation), this

information exchange.

fund is not for capacity building or organisational development. There are full guidelines on the Fund on Quartet’s website – it is really important that people read these before making an application. Quartet will be happy to advise organisations by phone if they have any questions on the guidelines. Key points are: • Organisations/groups should

The guidelines give two outcomes that need to be addressed in the application, these are: • Increased participation by people in activities that improve their community. • Local people benefit from opportunities that would otherwise not be available to them. It is important that you say what you will actually do to achieve

have an maximum income

these outcomes and what

of £50,000.

difference the activity will make.


For Quartet’s guidelines, visit:

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Support Hub

Inspire a generation – of volunteers! Your organisation may not have an Olympic-sized budget or the glamour of the ‘greatest show on earth’, but you could learn a lot from the London 2012 ‘Game Makers’ programme. Volunteer Bristol highlight some top tips to ensure gold medal success for your organisation. The Olympic and Paralympic volunteering programmes didn’t do everything right in terms of volunteer management, but the contribution of the 70,000 Games Makers was undeniably a great success. There has even been talk of a ‘volunteering renaissance’ in the UK, inspired by the Games. A huge number of people in Bristol want to volunteer (over 350 register with Volunteer Bristol each month), so surge or no surge, the will is already there in our city. What we can take forward from the Games is how to ensure that volunteers are attracted to and stay with our organisations. Some top tips: Big up your volunteers. The London 2012 volunteers weren’t called Games Makers for nothing – it couldn’t have happened without them – and this point was made publicly at every opportunity. Likewise, you should ensure that everyone in your organisation understands the role of your volunteers, values the contribution that they are making and finds frequent ways to say “thank you”.

Photo of Olympic ‘Games Makers’ by David Ian Roberts

Paint the big picture. Many volunteers want to feel part of something bigger. Make sure they understand what your organisation does, the value of its work and how their particular role relates to the mission of your organisation as a whole. Embrace diversity. Volunteering attracts people from all walks of life and successful volunteer programmes involve people with a wide range of expertise and backgrounds. You can actively encourage people into your organisation by being openminded, friendly and flexible. Think short-term. Regular, reliable volunteers are essential to many organisations, but there is a large (and growing) number of people who have experience and skills, but who don’t wish to commit long-term. Think about setting up one-off events or short-term projects that may attract help from people who are between jobs or trying to

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012

juggle volunteering around family commitments or term-time study. Observe the 1-week rule. When a volunteer offers their services, they expect a prompt response. If phone messages or emails are not replied to, it looks bad and may put someone off volunteering for your organisation. The earlier you reply, the better (even if you don’t need volunteers at the time). Pay expenses. When you are applying for funding or setting a budget, factor in the cost of volunteer’s out-of-pocket expenses. Not all will claim, but make the offer anyway. It reflects well on your organisation and may attract people who have plenty of time, but not a lot of money.

For more information, visit or call Volunteer Bristol on: 0117 989 7733.


Business and community engagement The world of business is

Suppliers, customers,

changing. If you are waiting for a

consumers, employees and

pure philanthropic output you

investors increasingly build

are not going to get it.

expectations of socially

Mike Barry, Head of Sustainable Business, Marks and Spencer Many charitable organisations have yet to understand the wide range of ways businesses engage

responsible business practice into their judgements about any individual company. International Centre for Corporate Responsibility

with their local communities. The

Trust. Reputation. Profile. Brand.

traditional scenario of a large

These aspects of business are

company giving an over-sized

firmly in the spotlight and a

cheque to a worthy social cause

sense of corporate accountability

once a year is now considered

is undoubtedly increasing.

outdated. For companies of all

Once seemingly indestructible,

sizes, a one-sided giving approach

corporations have been hugely

is being overtaken by more

affected from very public scandals

creative and strategic ways of

such as phone hacking, Libor rate

connecting with the communities

fixing and Wikileaks.

in which businesses have a stake – as employers, service providers, suppliers and delivery partners.

away from a top-down method – nominating a charity to support or undertaking ad hoc fundraising activities. Companies often adopt a more consultative and strategic approach to developing community links, which includes engaging employees and customers in the process of choosing local charitable causes

to this change by harnessing

take part in meaningful activities.

their relationships with local

estimates that £1.6 billion is

their reputation, profile and

donated to the community sector

longevity. It is therefore not

by companies each year but the

surprising that a recent survey

overall amount given has been

by the Harvard Business School

declining for several years. As a

found 93% of CEO’s citing social

result, ‘in-kind’ support such as

responsibility as ‘important’ or

donations of goods and services,

‘very important’ to the future

specialist pro bono contributions

success of their business.


many businesses are moving

and then encouraging them to

communities as a way to boost

is on the rise.

becomes more sophisticated,

Businesses are responding

The Directory of Social Change

and employee volunteering time

Photo by Melissa Segal

Businesses are also increasingly harnessing their own resources, expertise and networks to have a real tangible impact on a community issue that links to their core business values. To illustrate this, the table on the next page provides a brief overview of some of the key sectors in the UK, the popular community ‘themes’ and

As the approach to becoming

programmes some companies

a socially responsible business

have developed:

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Support Hub


Key community themes

Example of programmes and activities

Financial services.

Financial literacy and capability. Education and enterprise. Social investment.

Triodos sustainable banking: investing in organisations that benefit people and the environment.


Access to justice. Social mobility. Employability. Education.

The PRIME commitment: law firms provide fair and equal access to work experience for young people.


Employability. Local recruitment. Apprenticeships.

MITIE’s ‘The Real Apprentice’ scheme: providing local, sustainable recruitment opportunities.


Local community support. Schools and education. Customer involvement.

Asda’s ‘Community Life’: identifying and responding to local community needs. M & S: a one-day wardrobe clear-out for Oxfam raised £3.3m.

Technology and Media.

Social innovation – design and delivery. Digital literacy. Youth engagement . Foundation: product donations and training for non-profits to use their cloud technology systems. Google: ‘Hack Days’ with young people to address unemployment issues through online technology.

Does your organisation want to find out how to build great relationships with business? Building Effective Partnerships with Business Monday 1 October 2012, 9:30am-4pm This course, organised by the Support Hub, will provide advice, guidance and practical suggestions to apply when starting or developing partnerships from within the business sector including: • Being able to identify what your organisation has to offer and gain from partnerships with business. • Gain a range of methods and approaches to building partnerships. • Hear from several local businesses regarding their current partnerships with the voluntary and community sector. Trainers: Corinne Thomas and Davina Pilkington, Business Unusual

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012


Support Hub

Power of Partnership 2012 Now in its eighth year, Business in the Community, in partnership with their Bristol ProHelp Group, is hosting the Power of Partnership event on Tuesday 16 October 2012 at St Werburghs Community Centre, Bristol.

Suit image by Anynonymoose.

Runners in the Sports Relief Mile for 1625 Independent People.

Power of Partnership is a free event, providing a unique opportunity to meet businesses face-to-face, receive free professional and business advice, forge working partnerships and be inspired by best practice case studies of business and community partnerships. The event will include a varied programme of plenary speakers, best practice case studies, workshops and advice surgeries from some of Bristol’s top professionals. Bristol ProHelp comprises of 30+ professional firms including lawyers, accountants, architects, consulting engineers, surveyors and PR/marketing consultants. Representatives from these areas of business will all be


British Red Cross service user with his home from hospital volunteer.

available for you to meet and receive free advice. We are also inviting organisations to exhibit at this event. The exhibition space in St Werburghs Community Centre will be utilised by community, voluntary and professional organisations, displaying relevant material on working together for the benefit of the local community. There is no charge for exhibiting. Over the years, the advice given at these events has led to valuable long-term relationships between the organisations. Mark Stevens, Partner at GSS Architecture, Chair of Bristol Prohelp and The Prince’s Ambassador, South West commented: “Staff enjoy working on these projects. They feel they

Tea time at Windmill Hill City Farm

are assisting organisations in the worthwhile services they provide and putting something back into the communities where they live and work.”

For further information and to register please email Nicola Prince at BITC: or call 0117 930 9380. To apply to Bristol ProHelp for free professional and business advice please email:

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Support Hub

Support Hub training courses Support Hub training is offering some new courses to help your organisation be more effective in these challenging times. Keep an eye out for our new year courses at:

Building Effective Partnerships with Business  New

Retention and Support of Volunteers

1 October 2012, 9:30am-4pm

9 October 2012 – 9:30am-3:30pm

Developing long term partnerships with businesses

This course is helpful for those that are relatively new

will add value to your services and improve your

to volunteer management or those who may have

resources. This course, delivered by Business

some experience but want to know more. Its purpose

Unusual, will provide advice, guidance and practical

is to support volunteer managers to get the best

suggestions when starting or developing partnerships

out of their volunteers and ensure they have a good

with the business sector.

volunteering experience. This will help you to keep your volunteers as well as gain extra support!

Trustee Series 1: Why am I on the Committee?

Making the Most of the Media

3 October 2012, 6:30pm-9:30pm

17 October 2012, 9:30am-4pm

This course will give anyone who has the role of a

This workshop will help you learn how to make the

trustee, a basic overview of their legal duties and

most of the media, giving you the skills you need

responsibilities. It is ideal if you have just become a

to boost your chances of winning regular and

trustee or want to brush up on your skills.

positive editorial coverage across newspapers, radio, TV and websites.

Using Proactis Plaza (formerly known as Bristol eProcurement System, BePS)


4 October 2012, 1pm-4:30pm Bristol City Council has replaced Bristol E-Procurement System (BePS) with Proactis Plaza – an online system which organisations need to use if they want to be commissioned for work. Representatives from Bristol City Council will answer questions and guide you through registration, common issues and practical exercises.

Preventing Injury to Children – is Cotton Wool Hazardous?  New  18 October 2012, 1pm-3pm With around 13,500 preventable childhood injuries being treated by emergency departments in Bristol every year, this is a big issue for families and everyone who works with them. Rob Benington, Injury Prevention Manager from NHS Bristol will share the most up-to-date knowledge about serious childhood injury in Bristol.

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012


Ten Steps to the Perfect Tender

Commissioning and Outcomes

23 October 2012, 9:30am-3:30pm

14 November 2012, 9:30am-3:30pm

This course is aimed at those who already have

Outcomes and commissioning go hand in hand.

a good knowledge of raising funds for voluntary

In order to understand how your organisation can

sector organisations and who want to know more

engage in commissioning, you will need to first

about being commissioned for services through

understand outcomes. This course is aimed at

Bristol City Council and the tendering process.

people with some understanding of income generation, fundraising or tendering.

Trustee Series 2: Good Governance – How to be a Better Trustee

Health and Safety in the Workplace  New

24 October 2012, 6:30pm-9:30pm

20 November 2012, 9:30am-4:30pm

This session complements ‘Why am I on the

This course is aimed at anyone needing an

Committee?’, looking in greater detail at how

understanding of the essential aspects of health

trustees can be more effective in their role.

and safety and how to work safely within your organisation. You will be asked to carry out a written

Greening your Organisation

assessment on the day which will lead to a certificate

7 November 2012, 10am-12:30pm

valid for three years.

from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health,

Greening your organisation can save you money. This session, delivered in partnership with Business West, is packed with lots of ideas how. Each organisation that attends will receive a free energy saving device.

Updating your Equality and Diversity Policy 28 November 2012, 9:30am-3:30pm The Equality Act 2010 brought in new legislation and

Managing Sickness and Absence  New

organisations need to be clear on how this impacts

8 November 2012, 1pm-4:30pm

Council’s baseline standards.

their service. This course will help you to review your equality and diversity policy, in line with Bristol City

This course will be delivered by Charity HR and will cover what constitutes absence; what are sickness and absence policies; the importance of up to date record keeping; fit notes; return to work interviews;

Costing your Project – Using Full Cost Recovery

planned absences and how to manage these; when

3 December 2012, 9:30am-3:30pm

absence becomes a problem and case studies to

This course will give you an introduction to the theory

work through in groups.

and methods of full cost recovery (FCR), to ensure projects are costed effectively. This is for anyone who needs to know more about how to cost projects, unit costs and FCR.


October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Support Hub Equalities Monitoring – Getting it Right 11 December 2012, 9:30am-1pm

To book onto any of these courses or to find out more, please go to

Many organisations have concerns about asking their

Alternatively, you can call us on

service users equalities information. Organisations

0117 909 9949.

need this information in order to understand who they are reaching and how to reach a wider

This is a QR code,

audience. This basic course will give you all you need

designed for smart

to help you monitor your service users.

phones and devices. You can download an

Prove it! – Convincing Funders your Project is Needed

‘app’ which will allow

13 December 2012, 9:30am-3:30pm

access to additional

Do you need to show evidence of need for your

information on your mobile/smart device.

you to scan these codes for instant

project or service? This basic course will equip you with the skills and resources you can use to prove to funders there is a need for your new or existing project.

How training can help Stacey Vallis, Youth Volunteering Development Worker at Young Bristol, attended our Funding Applications: Getting it Right training. She recently got in contact with us to let us know some good news... Following on from my training with you I built up the confidence to submit a funding application to the Clubs for Young People’s ‘Do Something Environmental’ project.

Three ‘Woodlanders’ involved with Young Bristol.

The project granted us £1000 to build an outdoor education kitchen for young people so they can learn about sustainability & self-sufficiency. In June this year we built the kitchen with the help of 15 young people and Bristol’s fantastic Conservation Trust. We will be using the site with many groups, to develop skills in foraging, cooking, woodwork and survival. Thanks so much for the great training; I would never have applied for this money if I hadn’t attended. To find out more about Young Bristol, visit their website: You can also view a youtube video of the building of the outdoor education kitchen at:

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012


Bristol Compact

What’s the point of The Compact? Quite a lot! The Compact (the agreement between local public agencies and the voluntary sector) is a bit like one of those appliance manuals. You know you ought to read it but you don’t because you’re busy. You remember it when things go wrong and you realise that, if you’d looked at it earlier, the problem might have been avoided. The Bristol Compact is being

voluntary sector) commitments.

consultations, allowing enough

revised for the first time in four

The Compact partners have

time, using a variety of methods,

years. The update (which will

done this to reinforce the

avoiding duplication and working

follow a review that is taking

importance of both sectors

with service users to represent

place until the 7 October) will

working in partnership.

their views.

to the national Compact in

Compact themes

4. Promoting volunteering

December 2010. Bristol’s Compact

The new version focuses on the

Commitments include recognising

Partners’ Group (comprised of

following themes:

that volunteering is a choice

and voluntary sector groups)

1. Allocating resources

working with volunteers requires

proposes to include the following


resources and volunteers need

things, all of which are relevant

Commitments include intelligent

to be managed respectfully and

to Bristol to provide a new focus

commissioning, social value,


for the Bristol Compact. Proposed

co-development, full cost

new Compact values include:

recovery, realistic timetables

incorporate the revisions made

representatives of public agencies

• Partnership working for the benefit of Bristol, its people and communities. • Sharing a commitment to maintaining and developing a thriving voluntary sector in Bristol. • Sharing a commitment to the Bristol 20:20 Plan. • Working within available resources that are linked to current priorities.

Shared commitments

and should be open to all;

5. Managing changes to services

and multi-year funding.

Commitments include recognising

2. Promoting equality and

to an end, the impact on service

community cohesion

users and employees should be

Commitments include

considered and minimised, and a

representation and involvement

reasonable notice period

of groups that work with under-

is required.

that when things change or come

represented people/communities, and delivering the public sector duty on promoting equalities and tackling discrimination. 3. Consulting with the voluntary sector, service users and governance bodies

For the first time, the new version

Commitments include being clear

proposes to include a description

about the purpose and limits of

Don’t miss your opportunity to have your say! The consultation on the revised Bristol Compact closes on 7 October. Only 10 questions – do it now! www.bristolcompact.

of our shared (public and


October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Voice and Influence

Get ready, get set, get involved! November’s VCS Assembly meeting Photo by Aartj

The next VCS Assembly meeting

sector organisations a range of

To confirm your place at the VCS

takes place on Wednesday 7

opportunities, including the right

Assembly meeting visit:

November (2-5pm). The meeting

to bid to run council services

will include details of the new

(Right to Challenge – see page 18)


City Deal and what it will mean

and the opportunity to nominate

for the voluntary sector, updates

and potentially bid for land or

on the Mayor and Police Crime

buildings of community value

Commissioner elections, policy

(Right to Bid – see page 19). As

news and updates, and practical

Thrive! goes to press, more details

advice and information on how

are awaited on when and how

those in the voluntary sector can

the new Community Rights are

make the new Bristol Compact

to be introduced. There will be

work for you.

an update on these at the

1. Learn about the City Deal

Assembly meeting

and what it means for the

3. Find out how the new Bristol

voluntary sector.

Compact can work for you.

In July 2012, the Government

Graham Sims, Bristol City Council’s

announced that it had agreed a

acting Chief Executive, will launch

Bristol City Deal which will include

the revised Bristol Compact at

transferring more power from

the VCS Assembly meeting. The

central to local government.

next six months will see significant

The Government says that the

changes in leadership of key

five-part deal will be delivered in

public bodies, with the election

return for strong local leadership

of the first Bristol Mayor and

and strengthened governance

Police and Crime Commissioner

structures. Come and find out

(see page 28-31) and the start of

more and join in the discussion on

GP Commissioning. The revised

the role of the voluntary sector in

Bristol Compact will be a helpful

the City Deal.

tool to ensure a positive and

2. Get an update on Community Rights.

effective relationship between the voluntary sector and these new partners. The meeting will include

The new Community Rights

a presentation on the ‘top tips

(included in the Government’s

for making the Compact work for

Localism Act) offer voluntary

your organisation’.

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012

Another Voice and Influence event: Special meeting to give the voluntary sector a chance to inform the new Bristol Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The draft of the first Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Bristol is due to be released in December 2012, followed by a formal consultation period. The Voice and Influence team and the voluntary sector Health and Social Care Network have worked in partnership with The Care Forum to organise a special meeting on Thursday 8 November, 1-3:30pm, to enable voluntary sector groups to find out about the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, and contribute to it prior to the publication of the draft. To confirm your place at the special Health and Wellbeing Strategy meeting visit: or call Voscur on 0117 909 9949.


Know your community rights As many of the new community rights from the Localism Act come into effect, we’ve prepared a brief introduction to the Community Right to Challenge and the Community Right to Bid, setting out what they involve and what they’ll mean for the voluntary and community sector.

Community Right to Challenge — in brief Mark Hubbard

What’s happening in Bristol?

making panels and the

Bristol Compact Liaison Officer

This part of the Act came into

processing of challenges.

force in June 2012. The Act and its accompanying statutory guidance leave it to the authorities to

What is Community Right to

develop their own processes for


handling challenges.

Community Right to Challenge

Bristol Compact and the Voice

(CRtC) will let communities challenge to take over local services that they think they can run differently and better. The Act defines local services as those delivered by the local authority and fire and rescue service. Under the new arrangements, virtually all council services will be open to CRtC. If a challenge is accepted, a procurement process will

and Influence service have been

that we should be cautious.

become part of the Enabling

If a procurement process is

Commissioning Framework

triggered, the original challenger

and be clearly defined in the

has no privileged position; the

commissioning cycle.

procurement process would be

So far, a couple of focus groups (of council and voluntary sector

event to discuss the following:

what is described as a ‘relevant

• Timings for when challenges

the detail. By the time you read

may be submitted. • Information required to enable interested parties to submit a challenge in the correct format. • Clarity about decision


Voscur’s position

The intention is that CRtC will

Challenges can be made by

and fire and rescue authorities).

Bristol City Council.

may be a useful tool, but

this there will have been a further

a ‘relevant authority’ (local councils

early October Cabinet meeting at

to develop those processes.

Who can make a challenge?

or groups of 2 or more staff from

the proposal being made to the

We believe that the new CRtC

determine future service delivery.

community groups, parish councils

has now been used to finalise

working with Bristol City Council

officers) have discussed some of

body’. These are voluntary and

The product of those discussions

open to any provider. Voscur’s services (Support Hub and Voice and Influence) are developing a response to the new Rights.

Find out more: For more information about developments in Bristol, email Mark Hubbard: You can also visit: www.communityrights.

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Voice and Influence

Community Right to Bid — a quick guide Matthew Symonds Development Manager – Participation

What is Community Right to Bid? The new Community Right to Bid (CRtB) (part of the Localism Act) aims to keep valued land and buildings in community use by giving local people the chance to bid to buy them, if and when they come onto the market.

sale, the Right to Bid is triggered,

The Social Investment Business

giving people up to six months to

has launched the Community

prepare a bid and compete

Ownership and Management of

the sale.

Assets (including CRtB) grants

What if there is a disagreement over whether an asset should be added to the register?

based on the CRtB guidance. The make-up of the panel has not yet been agreed, but is likely officers (possibly) and external

use’ mean?

representatives. Voscur has

privately owned, buildings or land that is currently or has recently been used by the local community. This could include village shops, pubs, former schools, swimming pools or a public open space. How will CRtB work? Once in place, charities and community groups will have the opportunity to nominate public and private land and buildings to be part of a register of ‘assets of community value’. The register will be held by the Council and will be publicly available. If something on this register is offered for

£100,000 are available.

nominations and make a decision

and buildings in community

assets’) could be private, or

feasibility grants of up to

to consider any contentious

to consist of councillors, council

to in the Act as ‘community

grants of up to £10,000 and

The Council will convene a panel

What does ‘valued land

Valued land and buildings (referred

programme. Pre-feasibility

agreed to be involved in the CRtB panel if appropriate. Is CRtB different from Community Asset Transfer (CAT)? Yes, Bristol City Council have an existing CAT policy which enables them to transfer land and buildings to communities for less than their market value. Is there any funding or support to help charities or community groups secure assets through CRtB? The Government is funding Locality to provide advice and support for groups to use CRtB, including capacity-building support to make a bid feasible.

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012

Find out more: Community Right to Bid information: community-right-to-bid Bristol City Council – Community Asset Transfer: Social Investment Business, Community Rights Grants Programme: www.thesocialinvestmentbusiness. org/communityrights Locality’s website: The VCS Assembly meeting on Wednesday 7 November will include an update on the introduction of CRtB in Bristol. (See page 17 for more details).


Voice and Influence

Voluntary sector report recommends improvements for Neighbourhood Partnerships The Neighbourhood Partnership

2. Devolve funding decisions

(NP) working group, established

to local Partnerships

following the voluntary sector

Increase the wellbeing fund

Neighbourhood and Communities

given to each NP, explore

Network meeting in November

incorporating funding from other

last year, has published its final

partners and possibly set up two

report. Following its evaluation

funds – one fund for councillors

of resident and voluntary sector

to allocate and another fund that

involvement with NPs, the working

would be decided by the NP or

group made 29 recommendations

its sub-groups.

The report concludes that NPs have been a positive development, creating opportunities for residents and voluntary and community groups to get involved in local decision making. However, some aspects of NPs do not work as effectively as they could, acting as a barrier to reaching and engaging more people.

3. Develop genuine partnerships with local people Local community members of the NP together with councillors

and what role local residents,

community engagement workers to focus on community development work.

network of NPs, supporting one

with only council business on

another and sharing good ideas.

them are not partnership agendas. The process for setting the agenda for NPs should be opened up to ensure that in each NP, part of the agenda can There are many different ways

understanding of what NPs are

NP area coordinators and

agreeing NP business. NP agendas

recommendations are:

Develop a more generally shared

producing local communication.

5. Develop a strong city-wide

be set by the local community.

part of Bristol

community groups already

should have more control over

The report’s five main

1. Ensure good NPs in every

sub-group or be given to local

This would free up the time of

to help strengthen and improve the Partnerships.

NP area coordinator, possibly a

that this could be done. To allow this to happen it may be

Once established, a city-wide group for NPs could share good examples of their activities and consider city-wide and relevant strategic issues that affect NPs. This group could also oversee improved communication and links between the 14 NPs.

necessary for NPs to choose which council agenda items they want at their NP meetings.

community groups, councillors

4. Improve communication so

and statutory partners have in

that local people are better

The full report can be

them. The NP terms of reference

informed about their NP

found online at:

should be reviewed and revised.

NP communication should be

Each NP needs to be closely involved in this process.


led by someone other than the NPreportcompleted

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Voice and Influence

VCS advocate election Voluntary and community sector (VCS) advocates are chosen by voluntary groups and organisations in Bristol to provide a voice for the sector. Through the VCS Assembly and Network, the advocates engage with others in the sector, taking a range of

VCS advocate election timetable Notice of election and VCS advocate positions available Monday 17 September 2012

Nominations open Monday 17 September 2012

views and experiences forward

Nominations close

when representing the VCS at

Friday 2 November 2012

partnerships, meetings and during important decision making processes. The advocates actively take part in these meetings/processes, ensuring that they relay views, knowledge and expertise from the local sector to influence thinking and decisions in the city. Nominations are now being invited for the election of VCS

Notice of candidates Monday 5 November 2012 – shortlist published

Election Voting begins Monday 5 November 2012 Voting closes Friday 7 December 2012

Notice of results Monday 10 December 2012

Advocate induction/VCS advocate meeting Wednesday 12 December 2012

advocates for the following boards and partnerships: • Bristol Safeguarding Children Board (two places). • (Children and Young People) North Area Partnership Executive Group (one place). • Bristol Provider Forum (one place). • Physical, Sensory Impairment (PSI) Partnership Board (one place). • Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) group

Four of our current VCS Advocates giving video updates to the sector.

(to be confirmed, see website or call Voscur for details). • West of England Community Learning Partnership

For full details of the VCS advocate election, as well as contact details and video reports from your current VCS advocates visit:

(one place).

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012


Voice and Influence

The story behind The Station In anticipation of the launch of The Station, Wendy Stephenson, Voscur’s CEO, recently met with Sandy Hore-Ruthven from the Creative Youth Network, hoping to get the story behind the creation of the new Bristol youth centre. Wendy Stephenson (WS): I remember attending an event about 4 years ago at the Fire Station when the concept of The Station was first forming. What have been the major challenges that you have faced getting from there to here? Sandy Hore-Ruthven (SH): A medium sized organisation taking on a project of this scale has its challenges. We have had to expand very quickly; systems and structures were not in place, people have been over-worked

Young people involved with the Creative Youth Network.

SH: We haven’t always, especially

together in new ways to offer

internally, but we have learnt a

support to young people.

lot. We have done a good job of

and stressed.

keeping partners on-side – it’s

Another big challenge has been

the vision; keep people involved;

the fact that The Station is developing at a time when other youth provision is being cut. Some have taken the view that money is being diverted into The Station, but this is not true. Through communicating and engaging with our critics, many I would say are now enthusiastic about the project (or at worst – neutral!).

important to keep communicating

We have put a lot of time into

every minute. Keep the vision,

working with partners, having

the plan in mind at all times and

regular meetings, dealing with

don’t underestimate the internal

things like joint branding and

infrastructure you need to make

how those practical things will

it happen. Oh, and don’t let

work. I also feel we have managed

consultants tell you what to do –

the youth involvement element

stick to your plans and tell them

well – young people are now

if you think they are wrong!

getting excited as it comes to

keeping young people involved

WS: What has been the biggest

be creative in how we keep

success? SH: The biggest success has been

them engaged.

the partnership working. I know

WS: How have you managed to

than the sum of its parts. We are

keep people on-side?


taking on such a massive project? SH: Go for it! I’ve loved almost

opening time.

(4-5 years) and we have had to

give to someone contemplating

accept and respond to criticism.

Another challenge has been in such a long term project

WS: So what advice would you

that The Station will be greater

The Station launch will be on the 20th October 2012, 12-10pm. Silver St, Broadmead (launch events will continue over two days). For more information, visit:

already seeing partners working

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Voice and Influence

Positive for Youth: October’s Children and Young People’s Network meeting In a recent Voscur survey, members requested more information on youth work. ‘Positive for Youth’ brings together everything the Government is doing to support young people and will form the focus of the upcoming Children and Young People’s (CYP) Network meeting on the 4th October, 2012. The meeting will highlight the current drivers for youth work and what the Positive for Youth strategy means for the voluntary and community sector. Fiona Phur, voluntary and community sector specialist at the Youth Work Unit at Learning South West will

present, followed by feedback from VCS Advocates. The first half hour of this meeting will be an optional tour of Barton Hill Settlement, highlighting the groups that are based there and the work they do, particularly with children, young people and families. Following on from this CYP Network meeting, there will be a free event (organised with support from Voscur, separate booking necessary), ‘Understanding Payment by Results for Small Organisations’. This is a peer learning seminar, facilitated by the National Council for Voluntary Youth Services as part of the Department for

Get involved, get up-to-date, get connected – benefits of our CYP Network: On the hunt for new direction in my work-life, I accessed the Voscur website and found lots of useful resources, low cost (or free) training and details about local events. I attended the CYP Network and through these meetings I found clear links between my previous roles and some potentially new areas of work. I also met up with old and new colleagues and caught up with current policy and practice. My confidence and enthusiasm returned, alongside my determination to continue to work to improve services and opportunities for children, young people and their families. I am now working as the Family and Parenting Co-ordinator for Imayla. Thank you Voscur.

Fiona Castle, Family and Parenting Co-ordinator for Imayla

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012

Education funded Overarching Strategic Partnership (led by Children England in partnership with Social Enterprise UK, Race Equality Foundation, NAVCA and Community Matters). Diane Mak, an associate at Social Finance UK, will explain how the Payment by Results model works. Participants will discuss the implications of this approach for small organisations and devise principles to enable their effective participation. The Troubled Families Programme is using Payment by Results for commissioning and funding services. This free seminar is aimed at voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations that work with children, young people and families.

Positive for Youth – Implications for the Voluntary and Community Sector Thursday 4 October 2012, 9:30am-11:30am Barton Hill Settlement, Bristol. To book your place, visit: Understanding Payment by Results for Small Organisations Thursday 4 October, 2012, 11:30am-2:30pm Barton Hill Settlement, Bristol Please book separately for this event here:

For more details about the CYP Network meeting, contact Asma Ahmad on 0117 909 9949, or e-mail:


BME voice and influence Information on Bristol’s commitment to strengthen the voice and influence of black minority ethnic (BME) communities and groups, plus interesting news and events for BME organisations.

News Following the work of the BME Voice and Influence Steering Group, Voscur and Bristol City Council (BCC) have committed to contribute resources to a

The BME Voice and Influence programme will seek to progress

the voice and influence of

the aspirations set out in the

any disadvantaged groups

vision statement produced by the

or individuals, regardless of

steering group in November 2011,


this includes aspirations to: • Work with BME communities

programme of work that

to strengthen their voice and

co-ordinates and increases

influence, ensuring they play

BME voice and influence for

a full part in decision making

individuals, communities and


groups in Bristol.

• Work with Bristol’s institutions to improve the dialogue with BME groups.


• Build coalitions that strengthen

Visit the Voice and Influence website for regular updates, minutes of steering group meetings and the full vision statement: BMEvoice

and 2011/12. 118 of 153 local

voluntary and community sector

authorities responded.

organisations was down. Around £3m in social care funding was cut

The Afiya Trust have published

One in five respondents did

findings from their research

not declare whether equality

examining whether public

impact assessments had been

sector cuts are impacting

conducted. One in five authorities

Patrick Vernon, the Afiya Trust’s

disproportionately on BME

also said they did not collect

chief executive, said: “There is

families and voluntary and

data on the funding allocated to

clear evidence that many local

community groups.

BME voluntary and community

authorities are not delivering on

sector organisations (which the

their legal requirement as part

Trust described as “alarming”).

of the Public Sector Equality

Some local authorities indicated

Duty to conduct equality impact

that they did not and would

assessments when making funding

not conduct equality impact

cuts that affect BME communities.

As part of their ‘Living in the Margins’ campaign to reduce inequalities for BME families and voluntary and community organisations, the Afiya Trust used a freedom of information request to obtain details from all local

assessments on their adult social care budgets.

to BME voluntary and community sector organisations in 2010/11.

This comes at a time when BME communities are experiencing one

authorities of cuts to BME services

The findings also showed that

of the largest increases in health

and communities in 2010/11

the overall funding for BME

inequalities and one of the largest


October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Voice and Influence reductions in social mobility since the 1940s. From our initial findings, they are also bearing a significant brunt of the cuts.” The Trust called on the Government to review guidance to local authorities funding cuts and to ensure that “all local authorities undertake equality impact assessments with clear evidence that the impact on BME communities…[is] factored into all decision making processes and

Chinese elders at a luncheon club, photo care of Afiya Trust

• Develop best practice guidance

equality impact assessments

final council budgets”.

to ensure all local authorities are

and to produce an action plan

The Trust also recommended that

carrying out the Public Sector

to support BME communities.

local government should: • Establish a network to support local authorities to develop best practice around race equality to minimise the impact of the cuts on BME communities.

Equality Duty. • Establish a team of peer reviewers to support council leaders, elected mayors, councillors and cabinet members to develop robust processes around the cuts and

To find out more visit: and category/keyfindings/

Events Black History Month 2012: October 2012 Black History Month in Bristol is widely recognised and celebrated, with a diverse programme of activities across the city. These events are often collaborative, organised by voluntary groups and public sector agencies. While some people believe that one month focusing on Black history undermines or pigeonholes work that ought to be on-going throughout the whole of the year, some groups find it a useful opportunity to showcase certain services or important issues that sometimes lack attention.

Black and Minority Ethnic Fair 2012 – ‘Money, Marketing and Media’: Thursday 25 October, 1 - 6pm, the Council House, College Green, Bristol. An opportunity for voluntary groups supporting BME communities across Bristol to showcase their services, network with public sector agencies and find out about how they can get involved in having an increased and co-ordinated voice. The event is facilitated by Voscur, SARI and Bristol City Council.

For more information about the month’s activities visit:

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012

Find out more at:


Voice and Influence

A new vision for social care? At the end of July, the Government published its White Paper, Caring for our future: reforming care and support. White Papers are the first step in creating legislation and it is anticipated that a new Act of Parliament will be on the statute books by 2015.

Photo by Mercy Health

The White Paper sets out a

However, the Government will not

Others are not so optimistic

broad vision for a reformed care

set the financial criteria for at least

however. The Kings Fund said

and support system. The new

another year and possibly not until

“despite its commitment to

system will:

after the next election.

the urgency of reform, the

• Focus on people’s wellbeing

There will also be a new

and support them to stay

government website, from

independent for as long as

April 2013, which will provide


a clear, universal source of

• Introduce greater national consistency in access to care and support. • Provide better information to help people make choices about their care. • Give people more control over their care. • Improve support for carers. • Improve the quality of care and support. • Improve the integration of different services. Amongst the many proposals is a long awaited revision of the financial and personal needs criteria for social care support.


information on the health care and support system.

Government has failed to produce a clear plan for how care should be funded or a timetable for how these decisions will be considered. Nor has it acknowledged the growing pressures on the current system, maintaining instead that

‘Portable care assessments’ will be

local authorities have sufficient

introduced; meaning that people

funding to meet current needs.

in receipt of social care who

This flies in the face of evidence

move from one local authority

that care spending is falling while

to another will not have to face

the numbers of people needing

delays while they wait for their

care is rocketing.”

support needs to be re-assessed. The Social Care Institute for Excellence described the White Paper proposals as “helping to raise the bar for quality, independence, information,

The White Paper can

choice and control, building on

be downloaded here:

the work the sector has already

been doing in these vital areas”.

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

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Bristol votes for its first directly elected Mayor As Thrive! goes to print, twelve candidates have declared their intention to stand in the election for the first ever directly elected Mayor of Bristol. The election takes place on Thursday 15 November (the deadline for formal nominations closes on 19 October). The declared candidates for the mayoral election so far (correct as of September 2012) are: Craig Clarke – Independent (State Education Party) Tim Collins – Independent (Save Filton Runway) Geoff Gollop – Conservative George Ferguson – Independent (Bristol First) Spud Murphy – Independent Eric Mutch – Independent (renamed Mr Corrupt Self Serving Lying Thieving B’stard) Neil Maggs – Respect Party Daniella Radice – Green Marvin Rees – Labour Jon Rogers – Liberal Democrat

held at the M Shed in September. Each candidate was given the opportunity to pre-record a one minute video, setting out their response to the following question: ‘How do you see the voluntary and community sector contributing to your vision for Bristol?’. The videos were played, following which the candidates heard from voluntary groups/ organisations about priorities and issues that they think the elected Mayor needs to be aware of. The videos from the mayoral candidates, as well as other news and information about the election can be found here: www.

Pledges for the mayoral candidates At the June VCS Assembly meeting, voluntary sector groups were invited to take part in a discussion on whether the sector should identify some pledges for all mayoral candidates to sign up to. Since the meeting, Six pledges have been developed further: Draft VCS pledges for

Andy Thorne – Independent

the Mayor*

Stoney Garnett – Independent

If elected as Mayor of Bristol:

All the declared candidates were invited to attend the Voscur AGM


1. I will establish regular communication with the






voluntary sector, meeting with and listening to representatives at least every month. I will support the Bristol Compact and seek to ensure my policies are implemented in a Compact compliant way. I will ensure that there are fair funding opportunities for the voluntary sector and that it is not disproportionately affected by any budget reductions I make. I will recognise and champion the contribution of the voluntary sector to Bristol, including its role in supporting and empowering smaller and disadvantaged communities. I will work with the voluntary sector to support the Bristol Partnership priorities of reducing the number of children living in poverty in Bristol and tackling youth unemployment. I will work with the sector to support and empower young people by supporting Bristol’s young MPs and introducing a Young Mayor of Bristol.

* As Thrive! magazine goes to press further consultation is taking place with the voluntary sector on the pledges before they will be finalised in October. Find out more and give your support to the VCS Mayor pledges at:

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Voice and Influence Putting the mayoral candidates on the spot The Voice and Influence service and Voscur are working with partners to organise Question Time events with the mayoral candidates.


Bristol Mayor Election Question Time

Mayoral Question Time at the

Mayoral Question Time at the University of Bristol

South Bristol Skills Academy Tuesday 16 October, 6:30-8:30pm

Friday 2 November, 6pm start. The Great Hall, Bristol University, Clifton.

Organised in partnership by Voscur, Hartcliffe & Withywood Community Partnership, Knowle West Media Centre, Community In Partnership Knowle West and supported by the City of Bristol College.

Organised in partnership by University of Bristol Students Union, the University of Bristol and Voscur. This event is primarily for students but is also open to the wider community.

Mayoral Question Time at the Greenway Centre

Mayoral Question Time at the Trinity Centre

Monday 22 October, 6:30-9pm The Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Southmead.

Thursday 8 November, 6:30-9pm The Trinity Centre, Lawrence Hill.

Organised in partnership by Voscur and Southmead Development Trust.

Organised in partnership by Voscur, St Pauls Unlimited and Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management. This event is primarily for residents and community groups in Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill wards.

What would you ask the Bristol Mayor candidates? To make sure that a diverse range of issues are covered at the Question Time events, we are asking people to submit questions online in advance. A range

of questions will be chosen – yours might be one of them. To submit your questions visit: or call Matthew Symonds on: 0117 909 9949.

Further details about the election Approximately 320,000 people within the Bristol will be eligible to vote. You must be on the electoral register to vote in the elections on 15 November. If you are not yet registered, do this by the 8 October by calling Bristol City Council’s Electoral Services on: 0117 922 3400. Providing you are on the electoral register, you can just go to your polling station which will be open from 7am - 10pm. The vote will use a supplementary voting system –

there will be two columns and voters will be able to cast a first and second choice vote. If no candidate wins 50% of the first choice votes then the top two candidates go through to a second round and the other candidates’ second choice votes are redistributed. The process continues until a candidates passes the 50% + 1 threshold to secure a plurality of votes. Whoever is elected as Mayor of Bristol will serve until the next mayoral election takes place in May 2016.

Keep up to date with the mayoral election at: mayorelection2012

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012


Police and Crime Commissioner election Photo by John Jones

A million to one — voters prepare to choose the first ever elected leader for the police. On Thursday 15 November, 1.1 million people across Avon and Somerset will be eligible to vote to choose the first ever Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). Elections will be taking place in each of the 41 police authority areas in England and Wales, to choose the PCCs who will set the budgets and priorities for police and community safety issues for the next three and a half years. The PCC will have five main

to the Community Safety

Avon and Somerset. A guide to the


Partnership* in the police

voluntary sector in this area has

force’s area).

been prepared for the candidates,

1. Appointing the Chief Constable and holding them to account to run the police force. 2. Producing a 5 year Police and

*In Bristol this is called the Safer Bristol Partnership.

giving useful information and data about the contribution local groups make. A public Question

As part of the Safer Future

Crime Plan that will set out

Time event is also taking place on

Communities project, Voscur

local police priorities.

Thursday 18 October (see details

has been working with voluntary

on the next page).

3. Setting the annual policing

sector partners to make sure

charge element of the local

voluntary groups across Avon

council tax bill and the local

and Somerset are informed

police budget.

about the new PCCs and able to

4. Cooperating with the criminal justice system in their area. 5. Working with partners and funding community safety activity to tackle crime and disorder by awarding grants to other organisations (including but not limited


influence the candidates on issues that matter to them and the communities they serve. Work is already underway to help make sure that the PCC candidates are informed about the voluntary and community sector across

Find out more The VCS PCC Network for Avon and Somerset: /VCSPCCNetwork VCS Voice and Influence briefing on Police Crime Commissioners:

October / November / December 2012  Issue 18

Voice and Influence

Avon and Somerset Police Crime Commissioner Question Time


Police Crime Commissioner Election Question Time

Thursday 18 October, 7-9pm The Council House, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR

Tuesday 6 November, 7-9pm

Candidates for the Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner election will take part in this public Question Time debate. The event, organised by Voscur as part of the Safer Future Communities project is free but booking is essential.

To book your place, visit: or call:

To book your place visit: or call: 0117 909 9949.

County Cricket Ground, Taunton, TA1 1JT

0117 909 9949.

What would you ask? If you’d like to submit a question for the PCC Question Time event you can post it online at: or call Matthew Symonds on the number above. A range of questions will be chosen to be asked at the event.

What do the figures tell us about crime in Avon and Somerset? In 2010/11 the number of offences in Avon and Somerset was 1,521 (762 in Bristol). 17% of the people in Avon and Somerset were victims of at least one incident of crime in 2010/11. There were 2,751 prosecutions for violent crimes against women, 2,069 resulting in conviction. The conviction rate for Avon and Somerset is 75.2%, higher than the England and Wales rate of 71.6%. From 2009/10 to 2010/11 there was a 10% drop in recorded incidents of anti-social behaviour, higher than the 8% recorded drop across England and Wales. In 2012/11, there was 1,894 racist incidents recorded, a drop of 7% from 2009/10. 5.3% of all recorded crimes in Avon and Somerset were recorded drug offences. In Bristol, 30.8% of adult offenders reoffend, 41.1% of juvenile offenders reoffend. These figures have been drawn from the Safer Future Communities’ Statistical Toolkit that gives information on crime and reoffending, anti social behaviour, arrests by ethnicity, victims of crime, substance misuse, violence against women and girls, youth crime and hate crime, by police force area.

Find out more at Clinks’ Stats Support website documents/clinks.html

Issue 18  October / November / December 2012


Voscur Ltd. Royal Oak House Royal Oak Avenue Bristol  BS1 4GB

Tel: 0117 909 9949 Fax: 0117 933 0501 Email: Web:

Training & events diary October 2012 Date






Building Effective Partnerships with Business

Arnos Vale, West Lodge



Trustee Series 1: Why am I on the Committee?

Barton Hill Settlement



Using Proactis Plaza (Formerly Known as Bristol eProcurement System, BePS)

Knowle West Media Centre



Children and Young People’s Network meeting-Positive for Youth – Implications for the Voluntary and Community Sector

Barton Hill Settlement



Understanding Payment by Results for Small Organisations

Barton Hill Settlement



Retention and Support of Volunteers

The Greenway Centre



Changes to the NHS, a Voscur briefing session

Royal Oak House



Bristol Mayor Election Question Time event (South Bristol)

South Bristol Skills Academy



Making the Most of the Media

Withywood Centre



Community Learning Partnership Voluntary Sector Network meeting

Shirehampton Public Hall



Preventing Injury to Children – is Cotton Wool Hazardous?

The CREATE Centre



Police Crime Commissioner Question Time event

The Council House



Bristol Mayor Election Question Time event (Southmead)

The Greenway Centre



Ten Steps to the Perfect Tender

The Gatehouse Centre



Trustee Series 2: Good Governance – How to be a Better Trustee

Barton Hill Settlement

November 2012 Date






Bristol Mayor Election Question Time (Clifton)

Wills Memorial Building



Police Crime Commissioner Question Time Event (Somerset) Taunton County Cricket Ground



Greening your Organisation

The Southville Centre



VCS Assembly Meeting

The Colston Hall



Managing Sickness and Absence

St Pauls Learning and Family Centre



Bristol Mayor Election Question Time event (Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill)

Trinity Centre



Help Shape the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Bristol

St Pauls Learning and Family Centre



Commissioning and Outcomes

Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens



Health and Safety in the Workplace

St Werburghs Community Centre



Updating your Equality and Diversity Policy

Wellspring Healthy Living Centre

December 2012 Date






Costing your Project – Using Full Cost Recovery

The Gatehouse Centre



Neighbourhoods and Communities Network meeting




Equalities Monitoring – Getting it Right

Easton Business Centre



Prove it! – Convincing Funders your Project is Needed

Phoenix Social Enterprise

For details of all the above training and events visit: Voscur is a registered charity and a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. Company no. 3918210. Charity no. 1148403. Printed on 100% recycled paper using vegetable based inks

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