Supporting voluntary and community action
April / May / June 2014
In this issue: Healthy workplaces Celebrating volunteers Bristol Ageing Better Bristol’s fight against food poverty A look at crowdfunding Upcoming training The Care Bill explained and more...
Pictured: Shana and Mike B, participants from a Ujima Radio youth project, who now produce their own show ‘Temple of Bass’. Ever considered using community radio to promote your work and activities? Read more on p24-25.
Contents Voscur
What is financial sustainability?
3 Editorial
20-21 Power of the crowd - a look at crowdfunding
New members
Commissioning in Bristol - one year on and getting there
Do you have a healthy workplace?
Celebrate volunteers!
Bristol Ageing Better
26-27 Local ways to engage young people and reduce risky behaviours
Food for thought - fighting food poverty in Bristol
28-29 The Care Bill explained
Painting the town green
Support Hub 16-17
Support Hub training
Good governance: managing conflicts of interest
Ensure you have a happy, healthy team
Voice and Influence 24-25 Love is in the airwaves
Neighbourhood focus: Easton and Lawrence Hill
Women in Bristol politics
Keep up to date with Voscur online:
Thrive! is also available online as a pdf at If you require it in another format, please get in touch on 0117 909 9949. Disclaimer: some of the views expressed in this publication are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of Voscur. Publications, events and services mentioned in Thrive! are not necessarily endorsed by Voscur.
April / May / June 2014  Issue 24
Dear members and friends of the local voluntary and
to a number of our colleagues
community sector.
within Bristol City Council who
• Volunteer Bristol’s team and services are integrated and supported.
have long championed our sector. Many have gone above and beyond the call of duty and we would like to say thank you, and
Looking forward
wish you well in the future.
We were delighted that our
We said a heavy-hearted goodbye
intensive lobbying and influencing
to a stalwart of our sector and a
campaign in response to the
courageous champion of race and
Mayor’s proposed budget led to
social equality, Batook Pandya,
significant success. Not only were
who died in February. Batook was
a number of items reviewed or
an activist held in high esteem
reinstated, but we have begun
in the sector and across the city.
vital facilitation with some of
His passing is a sad loss to Bristol.
In December 2013, Voscur and
our members to consider new
We extend our commiserations
Volunteer Bristol announced that,
approaches involving collaboration
to Batook’s family and to our
after a lot of hard work behind the
and different ways of working.
friends at SARI, and will strive to
Wendy Stephenson, Voscur’s Chief Executive
Better together
scenes, the two organisations had merged.
Our work with partners in the West of England area to ensure that
honour Batook’s legacy – actively challenging discrimination and inequality wherever it may exist.
Two of Volunteer Bristol’s trustees
we have a voice within the Local
have joined Voscur’s board, adding
Enterprise Partnership is beginning
Best wishes,
their expertise and experience
to make an impact – look out for
to an already impressive mix of
Wendy Stephenson
more news later in the spring.
Chief Executive
people and talents.
From spring 2014 we will be
Earlier this year, our board spent
exploring new approaches to
time together reviewing and
social investment in community
planning. The board restated its
and neighbourhood organisations.
commitment to Bristol’s voluntary
This will begin with a major event
and community sector and agreed
in the refurbished Trinity Centre
priorities for the year.
and will lead to a series of related
These are to ensure that: • Voscur champions the sector
activities seeking to bring fresh impetus and new investment into our sector.
and demonstrates its impact and value to the city. • Voscur keeps its focus by responding to the needs
Goodbyes Reductions in public spending
Key to symbols Equalities Article Training Information & Resources Event
mean that we are saying goodbye
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
New Voscur members Knightstone Housing Association
SKY-Taekwondo classes/sky-taekwondo
0845 872 9729
Trinity Community Gardens
DCF Premier Workshops
0117 935 1200
Bristol LETS
Dragonbird Theatre
0117 908 6824
Greville Smyth Community Bowls Club
Albanian Community Association
0117 963 1032
07810 637 284
Learning Partnership West 0117 987 3700
For more information on becoming a member of Voscur and the range of member benefits, visit www.voscur. org/about/joiningonline or call us on 0117 909 9949.
Khaas has received funding to continue its valuable work with the Carers Project, for a further five years. Khaas works with South Asian families who are carers for disabled children who are likely to be experiencing isolation. Facebook: khaas charity
0117 955 4070
Khaas is a registered charity No: 1109895. Company No: 5392624
April / May / June 2014  Issue 24
Commissioning in Bristol – one year on and getting there Many voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations are interested in and involved with the commissioning of public services; some have experienced barriers and challenges. Mark Hubbard, Compact Liaison Officer, updates on recent developments, plans and good practice. In February 2013, Voscur, Bristol City Council (BCC) and Bristol Compact held an event at the M Shed, entitled ‘VCS Experiences of Commissioning’. Attended by representatives of VCS organisations and commissioners, it led to a detailed and ambitious action plan to improve commissioning. Much has happened since then – some good progress has been made (see p7) yet many actions have stalled in the context of a new Mayor, public sector funding cuts, restructuring and job losses at BCC. We have been working with BCC to effect change but it is clear that VCS organisations continue to experience difficulties with commissioning. Some have been excluded from delivering public services to the detriment of their organisations and the communities they serve. To make sure that we continue to push this agenda, another event was held last month. Mayor Ferguson and Strategy Director for Neighbourhoods, Alison Comley, reiterated commitments to work with the VCS, updated on current challenges and committed to doing things differently.
“VCS organisations are vital to the health of the city. It’s also vital for the VCS and council to engage in a meaningful way. There are still lessons to be learnt.” George Ferguson Mayor of Bristol
Many issues were raised and suggestions made at the event (see bullet points below). There are also to be some policy developments that should contribute to positive changes in the city – some of these are described in the following bullet points. • Small organisations being excluded Small, local and equalities-led organisations have stated that the size of contracts being procured does not allow them to bid. There is a strong focus on minimising risk to the allocation of public funds and procurement is seen to deliver reduced risk. In the procurement context, it is apparent that track record and history of delivering do not equate to low risk. The Mayor
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
George Ferguson, Mayor of Bristol, at the event
stated that, “We should invest in people [organisations] that have the record.” New EU procurement regulations place an onus on commissioners to explain reasons for not offering smaller contracts and lots. More overleaf...
#BristolCommissioning14: @GeorgeFergusonx “Let’s get rid of the idea that big is safe and small is risky”
also needs to be a cultural shift in the VCS’s understanding of commissioning being a replacement for grants. In viewing commissioning as a source of funds, many VCS organisations miss the opportunities to influence in the early stages and then do not see their place in bidding against plans that do not include their ideas. VCS organisations that have succeeded in commissioning have been closely involved throughout the process: inputting data and information about people’s needs; proposing solutions and the best outcomes; forming collaborations to bid for contracts.
A local representative from the VCS asks a question at the 2014 commissioning event
• Appropriate purchasing processes The key concepts of commissioning (defining level of need, securing solutions to meet need, and then monitoring effectiveness) are appropriate and sensible. However, the ways in which services are purchased can feel onerous and disproportionate. It appears that the default position in purchasing services is to apply EU procurement regulations and that commissioners do not always know that there are other options. For example: > It is possible for commissioners to seek three written quotes for services valued £15,000-100,000. The use of such an option would be proportionate and, notably, enable smaller organisations to deliver services in their communities. > A useful ‘funding method support tool’ is also available to commissioners – this has been used in Safer Bristol’s
commissioning process for Hate Crime Services. The tool enabled the commissioners’ decision to run a competitive grants process, rather than procurement – resulting in a VCS partnership led by SARI. • Ongoing learning Several organisations have expressed frustration at the apparent lack of ongoing learning – organisations experience issues, give feedback and then experience the same issues repeated in another commissioning process. This lack of overall learning is a major issue that needs to be addressed. As Alison Comley said, “How do we make best use of learning to make sure good things feed in and we don’t make the same mistakes?” • Advance information and cultural shift It was noted that VCS organisations benefit from advance notice so that they can form collaborations and prepare proposals in time. There
In addition to issues and concerns, there are examples of good practice in commissioning processes. Safer Bristol’s commissioning process for Hate Crime Services has won national recognition in a Compact Award for Advancing Equality. Over the coming months, we will work with BCC’s Strategic Leadership Team to help to ensure that the Mayor’s vision of small organisations delivering in their communities is shared by commissioners and procurement officers. We expect to agree a manifesto of commitments that complements the Bristol Compact. We will work with the Strategic Leadership Team to find solutions and to support Bristol’s valued small, local and equalitiesled organisations to engage with commissioning.
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
What’s changed in a year? Progress on the action plan from the February 2013 event: 1) A glossary of standard commissioning terms has been published: 2) BCC has published guidance ( for commissioners about facilitating TUPE in commissioning processes. Voscur has launched an HR and Employment Service: 3) Guidance has been published about commissioners’ expectations of provider organisations working together for grants ( yCsrYn) and procurement ( 4) Work to make a searchable website of BCC’s commissioning intentions is progressing. Further information on this was delayed during the Mayor’s Budget process and restructuring in BCC – it is due for publication. 5) We have been working with BCC to develop the city’s response to the Social Value Act. The draft policy is being linked with the Mayor’s Vision for Bristol and is due to be released for wider consultation. To see the detailed action plan and update on progress, visit:
BME organisations and commissioning Voscur, BCC’s BME Employees’ Group, Bristol BME Voice and Bristol Compact are working together to support BME organisations to influence and engage with commissioning. Participants in a recent event reported their exclusion from commissioning processes and the lack of consideration given to equalities organisations. Organisations are being supported to work together to influence the agenda (to include BME organisations), and get ready for collaborating to deliver services. Read more online:
For more information about Voscur’s work on commissioning, including a report of the recent event and a case study about the commissioning process for Hate Crime Services, visit: For commissioning-related resources, visit: keywords/commissioning
Live-in House Parent Role Unseen is seeking a ‘one in a million’ couple with bottomless hearts and a real passion for parenting, to become an integral part of our new project to provide the first specialist accommodation and care service for trafficked children in the UK. This couple must be in a position to move into our family house for a one-year period. Duties include: the domestic running of the household; creation of a safe, loving and familial environment; advocacy, empowerment of education and life-skills and organisation of fun evening and weekend activities. You’ll work in close partnership with an experienced team of professionals and receive training, salary, regular time-off and continual support. For more information, email - application deadline is early May 2014.
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
Do you have a healthy workplace? Liz McDougall, Health Improvement Coordinator at Bristol City Council, explains why it is important to have a healthy, productive workplace and introduces the Bristol Workplace Wellbeing Charter, a new initiative that organisations can work towards with support from Bristol City Council. Approximately one third of adult life is spent at work. Work is an important element in many people’s lives. It not only generates income but can also
• Drink or smoke more than is good for them.
Sickness absence costs the Bristol economy about
• Find juggling work and family life hard.
£240 million
provide a sense of purpose and
It is in everyone’s interests to
satisfaction. That sort of work
do something about this, and
is known to be good for mental
it makes good economic and
and physical health. The opposite
business sense. Healthy workplaces
is equally true. Jobs that are
are productive workplaces.
insecure, low paid and expose
Sickness absence costs the Bristol
staff to stress and danger are
economy about £240 million per
more likely to make people ill.
year. Stress and mental health
Given how much time most adults spend at work, it’s important for workplaces to promote good
per year.
and mental health. It is suitable for organisations of any size, in any sector. It is run by Bristol City Council and it is free. The
are now the single biggest
Workplace Wellbeing Team can
contributors to sickness absence
provide advice on how to go
and this continues to rise.
about meeting the standards,
health. Research shows that many
So, what can we do about it?
provide ideas and suggestions for
working adults:
The Bristol Workplace Wellbeing
how to achieve them and signpost
Charter is a new initiative,
to sources of additional help
designed to help make workplaces
and information. Participating
• Do not take enough exercise.
organisations are accredited and
• Do not take breaks while they
The Charter contains eight
certificated in recognition of the
• Are overweight or obese.
are at work. • Do not eat healthily while at work. • Have rising levels of stress and anxiety.
standards which organisations
progress they’ve made.
can work towards at their own
A wide range of Bristol
pace. These are: leadership,
organisations in the voluntary,
attendance management, health
public and private sectors
and safety, smoking, alcohol,
(including Voscur) have made a
healthy eating, physical activity
commitment to the Charter.
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
For more information, visit: uk/wellbeingcharter For an information pack, email wellbeing.charter@ or call 0117 922 4789. Wellspring’s website: Mike Brown, a Wellspring member of staff, doing some gardening at the Centre.
Wellspring Healthy Living Centre Wellspring Healthy Living Centre is one of
or where to get support, and accreditation at the
the Charter’s success stories. Ian Lawry,
end to demonstrate to staff, trustees and funders
Chief Executive, explains why Wellspring got
that we are making real progress.
involved: Wellspring Healthy Living Centre was founded in 2004 by a group of local residents and is a community-run charity based in inner city Bristol
Did it work? • Our sick leave has reduced by a third. • Service users are benefiting as we now deliver
serving one of the most vibrant but deprived
more services and activities with the same
communities in England.
level of staffing.
Wellspring got involved for a number of reasons:
• Staff morale has improved.
• Our mission is to improve the health and
• Our costs have gone down because we do not
wellbeing of inner city residents and therefore
have to pay for temporary staff to provide
it built on our organisational values to do this
while looking after the health and wellbeing of our staff. • Our staff sick leave was higher than we would
• The award has brought public recognition; achieving it has enhanced our reputation as a good employer and demonstrates our
have liked, which was causing some services
commitment to our partners, funders and
and events to be cancelled and putting a
strain on the staff providing cover (as well as those who were off sick).
Wellspring Healthy Living Centre has found the Workplace Wellbeing Charter very beneficial
We had been trying to reduce our sickness
and worthwhile. We would not hesitate in
absence before we heard about the Charter. It
recommending other organisations to spend the
immediately appealed to us because it gave us a
time to get the accreditation.
framework to work with, examples of things to do
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
Celebrate volunteers! Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June) is a national celebration to recognise the contribution of millions of people who give their time to helping others. It’s a chance to thank and reward your volunteers, put on socials or awards for them and let the rest of your organisation know how essential they are to the services you provide. Volunteer Bristol (now merged with Voscur) has been offering a range of services to volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations for over 40 years. Dealing with over 15,000 enquiries about volunteering every year and offering over 600 volunteering opportunities for around 400 voluntary and community organisations across Bristol, they have many success stories to share to celebrate Volunteers’ Week. Elizabet’s story is just one...
For ideas of ways to thank your volunteers: For more information about Volunteer Bristol’s services, visit:
Elizabet’s volunteering story Spanish-born Elizabet has found volunteering to be a brilliant way to boost her career and improve her English. With a degree in fine art from Madrid and a passion for teaching, learning English was the hurdle between her and her dream job in Bristol. Regardless of all her dedication and numerous evening classes, the language barrier was making it hard to find employment. Encouraged to volunteer by a careers advisor, she took action and found Volunteer Bristol. She was given information on a number of volunteer roles and was quickly hooked by the Bristol Children’s Playhouse - a charity located in Greenbank, which offers pre-school activities and a drop-in centre for local families. She has been volunteering there for over six months now and it has become an integral part of her life. For Elizabet, supporting the local community at the Bristol Children’s Playhouse has meant an opportunity to increase her skills whilst using her qualification practically. The past six months have seen a dramatic improvement to her English and the initial communication challenges and the struggle creating connections with the families have been overcome. She now feels an overwhelming sense of gratification and joy when the children seek her out to play and tell them stories. Overall, volunteering has introduced Elizabet to new people, integrated her into a local community and inspired her to continue with a career in care work.
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
Photo provided by Age UK Bristol
Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) is a collective of organisations and individuals working together to reduce isolation and loneliness amongst older people in Bristol. Ruth Richardson, BAB Programme Manager, tells us more about the project... Loneliness is the distressing feeling that people experience when they have less contact with other people or weaker friendships than they would like. It is estimated that there are between 6,000 and 11,000 older people in Bristol who feel lonely a great deal of the time. Studies have shown that loneliness in later life is as detrimental to health as obesity or smoking. In February 2013, the Big Lottery Fund invited 100 local authorities to submit an expression of interest to the Fulfilling Lives: Ageing Better programme. Bristol was one of 32 areas shortlisted and Voscur facilitated the selection of the lead agency in the city, Age UK Bristol.
A bid will be submitted to the Big Lottery Fund in April 2014 for £2m6m for projects lasting 3-6 years, aimed at tackling isolation and loneliness in later life. There are over 100 voluntary, statutory and private organisations involved in the BAB partnership, including many small VCS organisations. Contributions from the private sector have included logo design by Bristol-based Aardman Animations. Throughout February and March 2014, the BAB partnership consulted widely with older people to gather their views on loneliness, and what they thought were the best ways of stopping people getting lonely. A focus group of older people made contact with other areas in England who had success addressing these issues, including visiting the Wayfinders project in Dorset and a teleconference with older people in Manchester (Britain’s first ‘age friendly city’).
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
All of the information gathered was presented to 100 BAB partners and older people during a conference in March, and the priorities for tackling loneliness in Bristol were discussed and decided. This information helped BAB to write a vision and strategy that will be submitted to the Big Lottery Fund in April. Bristol will be notified in July 2014 if it is one of the 15-20 areas selected to receive funding. In the event of Bristol being unsuccessful in its application, the BAB partnership is determined to continue to bring organisations and individuals together to prevent and reduce loneliness and improve the existing services for older people in Bristol.
To find out more, visit: or follow them on twitter: @BabBristol
Food for thought -
fighting food poverty in Bristol Bristol, like many other UK cities, has experienced an unprecedented rise in the number of people needing emergency food from foodbanks over the past year. More than 3,100 people received a three-day aid package from one of the three Bristol-based foodbanks between April and September 2013. Find out how you can help to ensure that those most in need get the relevant help. The 5k
Partnership was
and Wiltshire. FareShare collects
our volunteers. We work with
founded to ensure that all of the
and distributes around 40 tonnes
around 45 volunteers each week,
activity around food poverty in
of surplus food every month. This
many of whom are or have
Bristol is effectively coordinated.
is all perfectly fit to eat but would
been vulnerable, and we offer
The Partnership is an umbrella
otherwise end up as waste due to
support, as well as training and
organisation built on the principle
reasons like barcodes not working
accreditation, to help them move
of cooperation. It provides a
or out-of-date promotions. Forty
on with their lives. If anyone
context for existing organisations
tonnes of food is equivalent to
knows of organisations that can
to improve support for some
over 95,000 meals and a saving
benefit from our food, please get
of the most vulnerable people
of 180 tonnes of CO2 (if this food
in touch. Equally, if anyone knows
in the city. 5K members include
was sent to landfill). FareShare
of potential food partners then
FareShare South West, The Trussell
has established relationships with
please let us know.”
Trust and a number of faith-based
most of the major food retailers
and manufacturers, either on
Andy Street, 5K’s Chair, said: “Each of the member organisations is already making a major impact, but we hope that by working cooperatively, we will be able to do much more to combat poverty in this city.”
FareShare South West has been operating in and around Bristol for just over six years. Every week, it delivers food to over 120 charities and organisations working with disadvantaged people from all walks of life within Bristol, Bath, Somerset, Gloucester
a national or regional basis, and is therefore able to access significant quantities of food that can then be distributed to those in need. FareShare is also working with all the foodbanks across the city, and providing food on a regular basis.
The Trussell Trust operates the largest and fastest-growing foodbank network across the UK. It has over 400 operational food banks, and in 2012-13 it provided food to nearly 350,000 people – almost triple the number for the previous year. Currently there are three Trussell Trust foodbanks operating within Bristol (East,
Jacqui Reeves, CEO of FareShare
North and North West). People in
South West, said: “The need
need are issued with a voucher
for food across the South
that can be redeemed for food
West has grown massively and
at one of the foodbanks. The
we see this continuing. We
aim is to meet emergency need,
would not operate without the
providing families and individuals
dedication and commitment of
with food for at least three days.
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
Photo by Alameda County Community Food Bank CC BY-ND 2.0
Over 90 per cent of food given
established relationships with
out is donated by members of the
some national supermarkets who
public. Food donations are given
now ‘top up’ the donations made
by individuals, schools, businesses,
by their shoppers by 30 per cent.
Some facts about our foodbanks:
The system relies on voluntary and
Between April and
community sector organisations
September 2013,
and frontline care professionals
people used Bristol
across the city who identify
foodbanks. Over a third –
churches and other community organisations. Since March 2011 the three Bristol foodbanks have provided food to over 12,100 adults and children. According to the Trussell Trust, that number has risen from 1,700 in the equivalent period in 2012. People donate non-perishable, in-date food to the foodbank so that volunteers can put together nutritionally balanced food parcels as designed by dieticians.
people in need and issue them with a foodbank voucher.
1,383 – were children.
Foodbank clients then bring their
North Bristol foodbank
voucher to a foodbank centre
saw the biggest increase in
where it can be redeemed for
footfall, up from 68 in 2012
three days’ emergency food. Longer-term support is also provided where the need is
1,124 in the equivalent
six-month period in 2013.
greatest. Volunteers are able to
Huge numbers of people also
Supermarket collections are one
signpost people to agencies able
visited Bristol’s North West
of the main ways that food is
to address longer-term issues.
foodbank, which saw the
donated: these are food drives
number of people it helped
held at supermarkets where
increase from 962 to
volunteers give shoppers a ‘foodbank shopping list’ and
If you would like to
ask them to buy an extra item
find out more about
or two for local people in crisis.
the 5K Partnership, or
Volunteers sort food to check that
make contact with any of the
it is in date, and ‘bank it’ ready
organisations involved, visit:
to be given to people in need.
during the space of a year. East Bristol foodbank helped
999 people, compared to 714 people during the same period in 2012.
The Trussell Trust has recently
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
Painting the town green In 2015, Bristol will become the Green Capital of Europe. This historic opportunity will put our city on the world stage like never before. Whilst a huge amount of work is already taking place across Bristol to make it a fairer, greener, more sustainable city, there are many opportunities for local individuals and voluntary and community groups to get involved... The European Green Capital
community leaders and
Award was set up to reward cities
achieving high environmental
groups. Bristol
standards, and to encourage them
to commit to further improvement
that only with
vision within
and high-quality sustainable
these two
their area of
development. Bristol, with its
forces working
history of grassroots environmental
activism and its thriving eco-
would the city
technology sector, is the first city in
be a beacon of
the UK to have won it.
sustainability to the UK,
Working with Bristol City Council, the Green Capital Partnership produced a bid that captured the imagination of the European
Europe and the world.
The Green Capital Partnership
judges with its emphasis on
The Bristol Green Capital
learning, innovation and leadership.
Partnership is a network of
Crucially, the judges were impressed
businesses, voluntary groups, community organisations and
member organisations and individuals tasked with establishing a
and creating a network for support and collaboration to deliver it. Some of these action groups are topic based (e.g. water, transport), and drive forward change and improvement in their area. Other groups have cross-cutting roles to support and enable the Partnership itself (e.g. communications, inclusion, etc.).
with Bristol’s
social enterprises, which has been
particular style
working for almost a decade to
of leadership:
make Bristol a low-carbon city with
a strong
a high quality of life for all.
a new platform to ensure wider
Action groups
the city, which will continue and
top-down commitment to sustainability from a directly elected Mayor, in addition to work with local
In the run-up to 2015, the Partnership has established a series of action groups – groups of
These groups will use Bristol’s year as European Green Capital as participation in green activities in intensify well beyond 2015. A full list of these groups is available from
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
Why should you get involved? Voluntary Sector groups will be a key part of Bristol Green Capital 2015. Any group committed to
volunteering is happening, because
Bristol’s ‘green credentials’ and
working together and sharing
promote cooperation in the run-
resources, will do so much more to
up to the year of celebration
achieve that vision.
which aims to promote new green
As part of its commitment to support activity in the run-
a vision of a fairer,
up to the beginning
more sustainable,
of Bristol’s term as
greener Bristol has a part to play.
European Green
There is no part
Capital and Big Green
of the city where
Week 2014, Voscur will be working with the
green volunteering
sector and partners to
isn’t going on.
host an event on 12 June in
There is amazing
central Bristol.
work being done in our neighbourhoods, in our schools and on our streets by hardworking volunteers who give their time and energy because they believe in what they’re doing.
In addition to providing a showcase for the tremendous range of work around sustainability that is being done across the city by voluntary and community groups, the event will also provide a valuable
and communities across the city. To book your place visit: bYFVNB
How your organisation can get involved • Sign the Green Capital Pledge at www. contact/pledge • Join a Green Capital Partnership Action Group (contact details available at: www.
The Green Capital Partnership
opportunity to engage with key
is determined that Bristol’s
issues and network with those
to the West of England
time as European Green Capital
involved in the Green Capital
Carbon Challenge at:
should belong to the whole city.
working groups, such as those
The partnership wants to reach
focusing on food and the new
out to the neighbourhoods
economy. The event promises to
and communities where green
be an opportunity to celebrate
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
• Sign your organisation up
Balloon image taken from a photo by Rognonton CC BY 2.0
parks and green spaces, in our
initiatives and practices to people
Support Hub training Business Planning
Good Practice in Social Media
Wednesday 2 April 2014, 9:30am - 1pm
Thursday 15 May 2014, 9:30am - 1pm
Many organisations know they have to change the way they are funded but are stumped when it comes to making it happen. This is where planning comes in. This session will go through the principles and practice of making a solid business plan. It will give you the tools to begin your own specific plan and show you some templates and examples to get you started.
This interactive workshop will encourage you to reflect on the kind of things you share – updates, chitchat, sales pitches – and help you avoid some of the common pitfalls. As well as providing some guiding principles, you will be given examples of how enjoyable and productive using social media can be.
Developing a Fundraising Strategy
Minute Taking for Administrators
Thursday 24 April 2014, 9:30am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 21 May and Wednesday 4 June 2014, 9:30am - 1pm (course over two half-day sessions)
Not sure where to go next with fundraising or feeling like it is a lot of work for little gain? If so, this course is for you. It introduces fundraising strategies and explains why they are useful, looks at external challenges and opportunities and starts to think about a variety of funding sources.
All organisations need minutes. They are essential if teams, committees and boards are to have a clear record of the decisions made and the actions required. Whether you minute the occasional team meeting or more formal meetings, the aim of this course is to provide you with the tools to minute with confidence.
Recruiting Volunteers
Being a Good Trustee
Tuesday 6 May 2014, 9:30am – 3:30pm
Thursday 22 May 2014, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
The session will cover volunteer motivation; barriers to volunteering; recruitment techniques and processes; developing adverts for volunteer roles; and action planning. This session will be run by Voscur and Volunteer Bristol.
Governance has never been more crucial, and in challenging times a strong board is increasingly essential to survive and thrive. This course clearly sets out trustee roles and responsibilities, and suggests a range of tools to help ensure your board learns and leads (rather than impedes) your organisation’s impact.
Supervising and Supporting the Wellbeing of your Staff Thursday 8 May 2014, 9:30am - 1pm This course offers participants opportunities to explore and understand the potential to improve the supervision and supportive frameworks within their organisation/workplace.
Volunteer Organisers’ Forum (Volunteer Bristol members)
Monday 12 May 2014, 9:30am - 12pm
Preventing Injury to Children and Young People Wednesday 4 June 2014, 1pm - 4pm With around 13,500 preventable childhood injuries being treated by emergency departments in Bristol every year, this is a big issue for families and those who work with them. Get the most up-to-date knowledge about serious childhood injury and how to prevent it in the course of your work. This session includes the chance to visit the Lifeskills entre.
A chance for volunteer managers to meet up to discuss volunteer management issues and share good practice.
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
Train the Trainer
Being an Even Better Trustee
Tuesday 10 - Wednesday 11 June 2014, 9:30am 3:30pm
Thursday 26 June 2014, 6:30pm - 9:30pm
This two-day course is for those who deliver training within their organisations and whilst not having a training qualification, want to improve skills and techniques. It will guide you through the principles of training and provide you with tools and resources for making your training more engaging and interactive.
Focused on governance, managing risk, effective meetings and how to make the most of the skills in your trustee team, this course is designed to support your development beyond the basics of being on a board. A natural follow-on for people who have previously attended ‘Being a Good Trustee’ or have some trustee experience.
Lunchtime training: Mind the Gap: Fill in the Gaps in your Organisation’s Knowledge 2. Outcomes, what are they? Wednesday 21 May 2014, 12pm - 2pm This session will explain not only what outcomes are, but why they are important. It will help you to decide on outcomes which will meet the needs of your communities and will inspire funders. It’s all about the difference which your projects make.
Struggle to find time for training? Gaps in your team’s knowledge? These lunchtime sessions, which we deliver in our training room at Royal Oak House, are designed to be flexible. You can come to one, two, three or all four sessions – and bring your lunch if you wish.
Photo by Rubbermaid Products
1. Events Planning and Management, Tuesday 29 April 2014, 12pm - 2pm This session will provide you with a framework for ensuring that your events are well planned and successful. Voscur will share ideas and tips, based on its experience of planning and managing great events.
3. Introducing your organisation to Twitter Tuesday 24 June 2014, 12pm - 2pm Do you feel as if the whole world is tweeting and you are being left behind? Are you nervous about giving it a try? Come and find out what it’s all about. You don’t need a smartphone for this session, but if you have one, please bring it with you. 4. Creative and Effective Team Meetings Thursday 17 July 2014, 12pm - 2pm What do you get out of team meetings? Are they boring and unfocused, or creative and inspiring? This session will explore how you can use creativity to make meetings more effective.
‘Early Bird’ rates available for four weeks before the day of the training. To book or to find out more, please go to: Alternatively, you can call us on 0117 909 9949.
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
Good governance: managing conflicts of interest Jane wanted to join the board of
Trustees pointed out that it is
conflicts of interest. Until that
a community transport charity
not surprising that conflicts of
time, the Charity Commission
- however, she also managed a
interest arise when some people
website provides a range of
garage specialising in servicing and
are trustees of more than one
resources to help you identify,
repairing small vans and buses.
charity and have many interests.
prevent and manage conflict-
During talks with the chair of the
Some are consultants, some run
of-interest situations, including
charity to discuss the roles and
businesses or work for other
writing a policy, keeping a register
responsibilities of a trustee Jane
charities; some have extensive
and guidance on gifts to trustees
declared her *interest*. It was
links in local communities. Indeed,
(see link in box below).
agreed that she could make a
these are the kind of dynamic
huge contribution to the board
individuals that bring useful skills
and that she would absent herself
and experience to boards.
from all decisions relating to the
Paula Cannings, who runs Voscur’s popular trustee network and trustee training, said: “Conflict
Conflicts of interest arise when
of interest is a topic that often
there is the possibility of board
comes up. Voscur’s network
members (or their families,
and training sessions provide a
friends, businesses) benefiting
great place for trustees to share
from a board decision. Conflicts of
experience and learn from each
“A conflict of interest is any
loyalty can occur when a trustee’s
other. We also provide resources
situation in which a trustee’s
friend is employed by the charity,
and expert advice on this and a
personal interests or loyalties
for example.
range of other topics that trustees
repair and servicing of vehicles. This is a great example of a conflict of interest and how it should be dealt with…
could, or could be seen to, prevent them from making a decision solely in the interests of the charity,” says Nick Mott, Head of Policy Development, Guidance and Review at the Charity Commission. Ninety eight people attended an event organised by Voscur in partnership with the Charity Commission in Bristol earlier this year. Conflict of interest was high on the agenda. Half of the trustees present said that they had
interest can be devastating for organisations. Handled well, these demonstrate that the organisation has integrity and is focused on its mission (that is, it is putting its beneficiaries’ interests first). It is important that charities identify any potential conflict, put in measures to prevent it happening, and record any action taken.
dealt with conflicts of interest on
The Charity Commission will soon
their boards.
be issuing new guidance on
grapple with. Come and join us!”
Handled poorly, conflicts of
Voscur is running some training sessions for Trustees on 22 May and 26 June, see p16-17. Next trustee network meeting: 15 July 2014, visit: www. For Charity Commission guidance on conflicts of interest, visit:
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
What is financial sustainability? Steve Sayers, Chief Executive at Windmill Hill City Farm, shares his view and experience around how best to make our services financially sustainable in a time of growing demand and shrinking funds... Anyone in the voluntary sector who has ever submitted a grant application will be familiar with the question ‘how will your project become financially sustainable?’ It’s a difficult question to answer, especially as our services are often for people who can’t afford to pay us directly for support – that’s usually the reason we’ve applied for grant funding in the first place. Most people would agree that as the ‘age of austerity’ starts to really bite, demand for voluntary and community services is growing at the same time that government provision is being cut. From a purely business perspective, greater demand for our services should be a good thing, but we’re not in this to profit from people’s misfortune and without adequate funding for these services, this demand goes unmet. Austerity and the trend towards procuring rather than commissioning services are challenging the relationship between the voluntary sector and local authorities. We are encouraged to bid for contracts and local authorities can safely rely on voluntary sector
Two of the locals at Windmill Hill City Farm
organisations to deliver services; however, I would argue that organisations should not become reliant on local authorities for survival. Organisations that don’t win bids find greater competition for charitable or earned income to survive. So to my view on being financially sustainable as an organisation (at the risk of teaching grandma to suck eggs). First, voluntary sector organisations need focus and selfdetermination. We need to know what we’re about and why we exist to avoid just chasing money to survive. We need to make the case for addressing a social need, probably in terms of investment and return
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
rather than in terms of helping ‘the needy’. We then need to be able to prove we can address the need effectively – evidence and accountability are today’s watchwords. For the City Farm, financial sustainability is the ability to adapt and respond, to balance earned income with grants and contracts. It’s a massive challenge, not just to find the funds (and to control the costs), but also to take hard decisions when familiar services have to end. We will never meet all the need we identify, but with a focused mission and a flexible approach we will improve the lives of those who most need it. More overleaf...
A Farm Tale - two examples from Windmill Hill City Farm When Bristol City Council put out its youth and play work to tender, it was immediately clear that the Farm’s adventure playground would be under threat. Despite attempts to build a consortium to bid for the contract, and efforts to include the service in the new commission, there came a point where we had to recognise it was going to close. Staff and service users were transferred into the care of the new provider (LPW) and the Farm was left with a set of structures too risky to open unsupervised (with no funds for supervision) and an indoor activity centre with little activity. Some negotiation with the local authority secured capital to redesign the outdoor space into one that is now a playful public space. For the most part it is enjoyed by all ages for free. It also has the capacity
to host closed sessions from which we can earn an income. For the indoor space we have attracted Pinnacle People (a social enterprise) as a full-time tenant, who are running training for unemployed people. A double win as the work is right on the button of our charitable aims – and we get a rent for their use of the space. To contact Steve Sayers, email or call 0117 963 3252. Find a range of resources around finance and fundraising on our resources hub at:
Photo by Incase CC BY 2.0
Power of the crowd From the interest at Voscur’s recent ‘Fund It!’ event, it is evident that crowdfunding is creating a buzz among voluntary and community sector (VCS) groups as a possible way of generating income from individuals who want to support their cause. Sponsorship by a large number of donors, each making a small individual donation, allows organisations or individuals to take their ideas forward and make them a reality with the power of
the crowd. Jonathan May from Hubbub, who brought his expertise to the crowdfunding workshop at our ‘Fund It!’ event, says, “We hope it stimulates you to think creatively about new ways to engage communities.” It may surprise you to find out that in 1997, the rock band Marillion crowdfunded the tour which promoted their seventh
album, raising $60,000 through the internet. This is believed to be the first online crowdfunded project. The first crowdfunding website appeared in 2001 and by 2012 there were 500 crowdfunding platforms online; 2012 marked a milestone with the first £1m crowdfunded project.
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
So, is crowdfunding for you? Indiegogo has compiled a list of mistakes to avoid:
According to Hubbub, there are four key stages to a crowdfunding project.
Crowdfunding is not winning the Lottery
• Preparation is the key to success. • Campaigns require effort and constant promotion.
Build your tribe: use your contacts, a blog, Facebook and Twitter.
Get excited! Set your fundraising target, post a video, decide on ‘rewards’ for your supporters.
• Make sure you have a plan before you start.
Setting a goal which is too high
• Crowdfunding is part of your fundraising strategy, not a magic bullet. • Use it to fund a specific project or activity.
Jumping the gun when marketing
• You have only one chance to make a first impression. • Timing is everything. • Your marketing schedule is key.
Dry, business-like pitch
• Tell a compelling story. • Personal touch, transparency. • Know your audience.
Ask for what you want: identify people who will be your first sponsors, use all your networks, contact people, use social media, get your project in the news, reach out to your local community, add updates to your crowdfunding site. Say “Thank you” (it might sound simple but it is very important!)
Useful links and resources: You can download a free Crowdfunding Handbook on the Hubbub website (just scroll down the page to find the link) account/create Crowdfunding: Kickstarter is aimed at creative projects: Indiegogo is ‘a welcoming, supportive community that embraces collaboration, fearlessness and authenticity.’ It has been helping people to raise funds since 2008: Fundsurfer is the ‘UK’s newest and most innovative crowdfunding platform.’ It is based in Bristol. This is not an exhaustive list, but if you take a look at these sites, you will get an idea of the types of projects which are looking for funding.
Voscur’s Support Hub supports voluntary and community sector organisations in a range of different areas – visit: or call 0117 909 9949 for more information.
• Use visuals.
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
Ensure you have a happy, healthy team It seems we have been lamenting
devastating. If you do not know
This service is for local VCS
the ‘current economic climate’
where to start, Voscur can help.
organisations. Initial advice is
for some time. Yet the latest Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) research shows times are changing in the job market. “After years of labour market stagnation,” it states, “jobseeking intentions have reached a two-year high.” Talented people are changing jobs and how employers look after employees is in the spotlight, so management processes and progression opportunities will become even more
Unsure of which areas are the
Once your requirements and
most important to focus on, they
eligibility are established, we can
contacted us for advice.
offer information and support to
resources. Unsurprisingly, there are disproportionately more grievances and disputes in the VCS than any other sector, and the investment required to
resolve your issue and move your
“We have limited HR expertise
organisation forward.
internally,” they state. “The organisation may have to enter
Relevant issues include: advice
into a commissioning process in
regarding employment terms,
the next year, so we want to make
conditions and contracts; drafting
sure that we are ready for this.”
and maintaining a staff handbook;
requested advice about
that they are running on limited
is required.
policies may be out of date.
sector (VCS) organisations is
Voscur members if further advice
staff and is concerned that their
The organisation has initially
voluntary and community
a special rate is available for full
supporting has ten part-time
important factors for successful
The challenge for so many
free to eligible organisations and
One organisation we are currently
guidance about producing and updating policies and procedures; managing specific disciplinary
employment contracts and their
or grievance issues; consulting
staff handbook - common areas
staff and managing TUPE*
of concern for the VCS. Aware
transfers; and assistance with the
of this local need, Voscur, in
redundancy process.
partnership with Cornhill HR, provides tailored support about
In most cases, we provide
day-to-day HR management, so
enough advice in an initial hour of
is able to offer this group some
consultation for an organisation
specialist support.
to ‘get on with’ an issue; more complex issues may require
prioritise human resources (HR)
“We are really excited about this
management is often not readily
service,” they say. “We have been
struggling to provide good-quality
* TUPE: Transfer of Undertakings
HR support for our employees.
(Protection of Employment)
They deserve it, but we haven’t
Regulations 2006.
However, there is no denying that it is essential to get HR right as the cost of getting it wrong can be
further discussion.
been able to afford or justify the cost.”
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
Photo by peteself CC BY-SA 2.0
Good staff management - a current issue for many groups A report by consultancy firm Deloitte predicts that the most pressing HR issues facing organisations in 2014 will be providing leadership and holding on to talented staff who may be tempted to look for a new job. Here are some options for keeping your staff and volunteers motivated: • Give staff and volunteers opportunities to express their views and come up with creative ideas for the future. Be willing to make changes and keep staff updated on how their ideas are used. • Provide ways for staff to develop their careers within the organisation, so that they are less tempted to leave. This might include continuous learning, chances to take on more responsibility and apprenticeships. • Use staff appraisals and supervision meetings to focus on coaching and developing the skills of employees, as well as recognising and rewarding good work.
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
• Ask staff what would help to motivate them in their roles. Consider reviewing the organisation’s management practices, working environments and staff benefits. • Communicate the vision and strategy of the organisation clearly to all staff and volunteers. If the trustee board and management provide clear leadership, then this will help staff to contribute more effectively and feel more secure in their roles.
For help with HR or employment issues, call Voscur on 0117 909 9949. For more resources on HR matters, visit our resources hub: www.supporthub.
Love is in the airwaves Do you listen to community radio? Have you even used it to promote the work of your group or organisation? It might be time to take a closer look...
Many of us will be familiar with the large, local radio stations, BBC Radio Bristol and Heart FM, but do we know about our local community radio stations, who have been producing communityfocused radio content for over ten years?
target community and show how they will benefit people within that community. This is usually achieved by training local people in broadcasting skills or helping local people and community groups spread the word about their work.
In Bristol, we are talking about BCfm 93.2FM and Ujima Radio CIC 98FM.
BCfm and Ujima Radio are committed to offering air time to communities and local VCS groups and collaborate on air through the recent Voscur award-winning “One Love Breakfast Show”.
Community radio can present a number of opportunities for the voluntary and community sector (VCS); indeed, the stations themselves have evolved out of the same successful community development model which has formed the foundations of many of the VCS organisations in our city. Community radio stations, all not-for-profit, can only obtain a community radio licence if they can demonstrate that they will meet the needs of a specified
Pat Hart, presenter of the One Love Breakfast Show, is passionate about the reasons why this needed to happen: “A shared breakfast show means a combined audience and increased reach for local community work and campaigns and general promotion,” he said. Rhiannon Evans from Victim Support was interviewed recently
and found it “offers an essential link to the local community which can’t be solely captured by the mainstream broadcasters”. Ujima Radio’s chair, Roger Griffith, added: “Our One Love stage at Bristol St Paul’s carnival last year attracted over 25,000 people for the majority of the day. It reflected both stations’ messages of celebrating diversity whilst also promoting unity and community cohesion across the city.” BCfm is a registered charity and carries out a range of charitable and community-orientated activity across the city. Over nine languages can be heard throughout the week, including broadcasts to local Somali, Polish and Spanish-speaking communities. BCfm was awarded the BME Community Award for improving people’s lives in 2013. Pat was delighted with this recognition for the station, which has been fighting injustice in the city since it began back in 2007. “We were honoured to receive this on behalf of all of those working voluntarily for community radio in Bristol,
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24 Photo by Cogdogblog CC BY-SA 2.0
volunteers whose enthusiasm and dedication keep them fresh and relevant. “It’s essential that we stay connected with our communities,” said Pat. ”It’s our lifeblood.”
Participants from a Ujima radio youth project, producing their own show
including our cousins at Ujima Radio,” he said when he collected the award. “The award means so much to us because it is from the people of Bristol.”
“Community radio offers an essential link to the local community which can’t be solely captured by the mainstream broadcasters.” Rhiannon Evans, Victim Support
Ujima Radio CIC, began life as a media training project and secured an OFCOM licence to broadcast in 2008. One of the key messages in Ujima’s vision is to showcase local talent, and raise awareness of issues and campaigns that support the local community. It offers a platform for black and minority
ethnic communities in Bristol in particular, but not exclusively. It provides news, current affairs, community campaigns and cultural discussion programmes, as well as music of African and African Caribbean origin. Ujima Radio is also a social enterprise or Community Interest Company (CIC) providing support and training in all aspects of media for disadvantaged young people and community members. One example of a recent project working with disadvantaged young is its ‘Dubplate to Dubstep’ project, a heritage media project with local young people creating two short films, three radio shows and an educational online resource. The project secured six young people further training at the BBC, two of whom were offered a long-term paid placement with BBC Bristol. Both BCfm and Ujima Radio are run almost exclusively by
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
Edward Kellman of Nilaari (a community-based drug-treatment provider that administers accessible, high-quality and culturally appropriate counselling, advocacy and support, primarily to black, Asian and minority ethnic (BME) adults and young people) was on Ujima Radio recently talking about social value and procurement alongside representatives from the city council, Voscur and the Bristol Pound. “Community radio is a great opportunity to get our voices heard and hopefully make sure funding agencies and the local authorities take note of what we are saying,” said Edward. If you have a project or campaign that you would like to promote, why not contact BCfm and Ujima Radio? They are always on the hunt for local issues and content to broadcast - what have you got to lose?
Both stations broadcast on FM (BCfm at 93.2FM and Ujima Radio at 98FM) and online at www. and www. To get in touch and to submit your stories, contact both stations on their respective websites.
Local ways to engage young people and reduce risky behaviours Organisations can play an important role in the resilience and wellbeing of children and young people, by developing connectedness and sense of belonging. This can have a positive effect in reducing participation in risky behaviours such as substance misuse and crime. Risky behaviours (also referred
Behaviour through the Provision
activities. We asked Alistair Dale
to as ‘exploratory behaviours’
of Information” by the Centre
and Delroy Hibbert to tell us about
in the Chief Medical Officer’s
for Understanding Behavioural
their organisations; how they are
annual report 2012: “Our Children
Change, March 2013, shows that
engaging young people; how
Deserve Better: Prevention Pays”)
interactive activities are best at
they measure the impact of their
can be reduced if young people
changing behaviour.
work (particularly in relation to
can engage with organisations and interventions that increase their sense of belonging. The Department for Education’s report entitled “Reducing Risky
Local organisations Full Circle and Youth Moves deliver interventions in two different parts of Bristol, that help reduce risky behaviours and engage young people in
engagement and reducing risky behaviour); and how the delivery of Bristol Youth Links has changed the way they deliver services (if at all). Here is what they said:
Youth Moves Alistair Dale “Meet young people on their terms then build up a relationship with individuals and groups.”
Youth Moves is a youth work organisation based at The Park, Knowle West, providing direct services to young people aged 8-19 years old across South Bristol. We believe passionately in the power of youth work as an informal education tool which allows us to work with young people and help
them to develop personally and socially during the transition from childhood to adulthood. Our services include sports, music and environmental projects, alternative education programmes, youth and play sessions, and more targeted one-to-one or outreach services to engage harder-to-reach groups. We are always looking for innovative and creative ways to meet with new young people, particularly those who are hardest to engage. This has included developing our mentoring service through the Breakthrough programme, building a parkour facility and club, opening our music studio at The Park, and more. However, the best way is still to get qualified youth workers to interact directly with the young people, meet them on their terms on the (cont...)
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
streets/in youth provision/schools and then build up a relationship with individuals and groups.
attendance levels), the police (on levels of antisocial/criminal behaviour), and the community.
We measure the impact that we make in a variety of ways that include:
Our service has been operating for more than ten years and has a good reputation. The Bristol Youth Links commissioning process has meant that we no longer get local authority youth service funding. Luckily we have a very resourceful board of trustees and staff team. We have adapted, make more by trading our services, and have increased donations and grant funding to keep Youth Moves going. More
• Talking to the young people and getting their thoughts about their own personal journeys. • Staff evaluations of young people’s engagement levels. • Collecting testimonies and evidence from partners such as schools (on exclusion and
Full Circle Delroy Hibbert “The best way to measure success is by talking.”
We provide a range of activities for children and young people including a Girls Club for 7 – 13-yearolds, open access youth club (mixed) aged 13 – 19 years at Docklands Youth Centre in St Pauls, open access youth night for 7 – 13-year-olds (mixed) and a female-only night for over-13-year-olds at Docklands. Activities include sports, music production, recording, arts and crafts, computer games and socialising, plus holiday programmes. We engage young people in a variety of ways. We recently started an all-female night for over-13year- olds in response to a request from a member of the Somalian community for a single-sex space where young women could engage in sport and other activities, as they were discouraged from using mixed venues for religious and cultural reasons. Simultaneously, young women who were happy to
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
on Youth Moves at:
attend a mixed venue were not keen on doing sport and other physical activities in front of young men. Docklands was the only centre locally we could use to ensure it was single-sex. Since then numbers have been steadily increasing, particularly Muslim girls and women. The best way to measure success is by talking. Our consultation with the young people at the youth club, about their feelings about Docklands Youth Centre and other community buildings in St Pauls, showed that young people were almost unanimous in saying that if they were not at this activity they would be on the streets of St Pauls. Police crime figures show an increase in anti-social behaviour and youthrelated crimes for the Ashley ward in the first six months of 2013 when, due to local authority changes in youth funding, Docklands was largely closed to young people. Bristol Youth LInks has changed the way we work. We lost our funding for youth delivery, and were forced to close activities and reduce work with young people. The problems that affect young people remain. We found alternative funding and restarted work with young people, using more volunteers rather than paid staff. Full Circle’s ability to adapt has been key to its survival over the 34 years of its existence. I have also been delivering youth work and helping with cooking at Wednesday night sessions at Docklands! More on Full Circle at: www.
The Care Bill explained The Care Bill (the bill) is an important piece of legislation that is likely to become law this year but comes into effect in 2015. The act covers a large number of social care issues, but the two main areas are: 1. Clarifying and enhancing the role of local authorities in social care. 2. Plans to improve government support to fund the cost of care. The role of local authorities in the provision of care is clarified by setting out a consistent approach to eligibility for public care and support. The bill says assessments must focus on a person’s needs and what they want to achieve, so a package of care is designed around this. The bill also sets out a clear approach to charging.
set up a Safeguarding Adults Board, which must work with local people to develop plans to protect vulnerable adults. Safeguarding Adults Reviews are also strengthened; for example organisations or individuals must provide information to them if requested.
include the value of any home (unless a partner or dependent lives in the home). This will mean more people can benefit from state support towards the cost of residential care.
Carers’ rights are also strengthened. Carers have previously been entitled to an assessment of their needs, but not entitled to support. Now carers will be entitled to support if they are eligible.
Local authorities will have a duty to promote the efficient and effective operation of the local market in care services – that there is variety of services of high quality and there is sufficient information on market needs to allow providers to develop new services. There is also a duty to hold and provide information on local providers.
The support for care costs in old age and disability has been reduced from the original proposals in the Dilnot report, which recommended a lifetime cap for payment of care at £35,000. The plans are now for a cap of £72,000 on the eligible cost of care over a person’s lifetime, based on an assessment of ‘substantial’ care needs (local authorities will have to make the assessments). The cap does not include the daily living costs of accommodation, food or energy bills for residential care. These ‘hotel costs’ are to be set at £12,000 a year for residential care, where an individual can afford to pay.
Following the mid-Staffordshire Serious Case Review, the role of local authorities is strengthened. They will have a legal duty to
From April 2016 the financial limit used in assessing state support for residential care will rise from £23,250 to £118,000, which will
The Care Bill sets out a new legal right from 2015 for people to defer care home costs, meaning they do not have to sell their home during their lifetime. Many local authorities run such schemes already. What will be the impact for VCS organisations? We hope the duty on local authorities around market shaping will lead to clearer information on future trends – so providers can develop services to meet those needs. With more people likely to receive support for care costs, we anticipate a growing need for more advocacy and information services for those in receipt of care, particularly as ‘behind the scenes’ cost of care can count towards the personal cap on the cost of care, and people will be uncertain about how the cap will work. The bill gives local authorities discretion to authorise third parties to carry out certain care and support functions of a local authority. There may be pressure on local authorities to contract out more of their care functions;
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
Photo by Kai Hendry CC BY 2.0
we could see, in the future, the independent sector carrying out much of the work traditionally delivered by social workers. We asked local contacts about their thoughts on the impact of the Bill. Here’s what they said: Mike Hennessey, Service Director, Bristol City Council People Directorate: “There is a requirement on the Council to market shaping so we will be talking to the VCS about potential demand and trends for services to better enable them to respond. We will do this through a Market Position Statement which will provide the evidential background and is expected to stimulate a vibrant and innovative variety of care and support options. Part of the changes we make locally will be to look for a focus on commissioning for outcomes which will be of interest to the VCS. “The Care Bill also gives a new duty
to local authorities to help people who will be self-funding with an assessment. Many of these people do not currently come through to us for an assessment, so there is likely to be an increase in the number of people we signpost and who may wish to purchase services direct.” Keith Sinclair, Chief Executive of The Carers Support Centre: “There has been real success in gaining major changes to the law after years of campaigning to improve young carers’ lives. “Introducing new measures through both the Care Bill and the Children and Families Bill will ensure that young carers are considered in the assessment of the person they are caring for and are given a right to their own assessment for support, regardless of the amount or type of care they provide. The bills, which are due to come into force this spring, will give the 166,000 children in England who look after
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
their parents, siblings and family members stronger rights to an assessment and support. “Adults and carers will have the same rights to an assessment on the appearance of needs. For carers this means that the previous requirement to provide ‘substantial’ and ‘regular’ care will be removed. The whole family will also be entitled to an assessment. Assessing what capabilities and existing resources a person may have needs careful consideration so that local authorities do not unduly rely on family and friends to provide care and support.”
To read more about the Care Bill go to Voscur’s Voice and Influence resources web page at: www.voiceandinfluence.
Neighbourhood focus: Easton and Lawrence Hill If you want an example of a neighbourhood where community engagement is thriving then look no further than Easton and Lawrence Hill. Over the past two years the Neighbourhood Forums in this area have grown from small community meetings to busy hubs of local action (over 100 residents and voluntary organisations attending the meeting in February 2014). The Neighbourhood Forums are part of Bristol City Council’s Ashley, Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Partnership. Meetings are organised by Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management (ELH NM), a community-led organisation based in the area. Stacy Yelland, who works for ELH NM, spoke to us about their plans for the coming year: “We are really pleased with how well the Forums have developed and that is a real indication
of how much residents in this community care about their area. We hope to continue that growth through 2014 and use the Forums as a way for local people to influence decisions happening in the city. Of course there are challenges ahead as cuts to the public sector mean more pressure on services, but that only strengthens our resolve to have a strong voice for this area. As well as the Forums, we have got lots of other activity on the cards for the coming year. On Thursday 17 April we are organising a fun Easter egg and treasure hunt for young people in Barton Hill and on Thursday 24 April we are holding a ‘think space’ which will be an opportunity to
discuss and debate the topic of leadership in our community. We will continue producing our quarterly newsletter, Up Our Street, which is packed with local news and features stories about residents and community groups doing amazing work in this neighbourhood. In October we will hold our fourth annual ‘Thank You Awards’, which is always a fun celebratory event. Anyone who wants to know more can visit our website www. and subscribe to our updates. You can also follow us on Twitter (@upourstreet), on Facebook or call 0117 903 9975. The next Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Forum is on Thursday 8 May 2014, 6.30pm to 8.30pm, St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School, Somerset Square, Bristol.
April / May / June 2014 Issue 24
Residents working with Bristol City Council and Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management to improve their local park.
Women in Bristol politics The next local elections will be held on 22 May 2014 to decide who our councillors will be for the next two years, until the change of the election cycle in 2016. Even though the result of these elections is not yet known, one thing is clear - the number of women elected as councillors is unlikely to rise above the current figure of 28.5% (which equates to only 20 out of 70 councillors). The Bristol Women’s Commission, a groundbreaking initiative set up to oversee and champion the implementation of the Charter for the Equality of Women and Men in Local Life (which was signed by Bristol Mayor George Ferguson in March 2013 ), is currently looking at the issue of women in public life. The Commission’s view is that it is essential that the numbers of women serving as councillors rises to a number that adequately reflects the make-up of Bristol communities. This is not simply to address the issues of justice and fairness but also effective representation and policy-making. Participation: inspiring and enabling individuals to become a Councillor In order to address this issue, Bristol Women’s Commission
is recommending the adoption of a special code of conduct by the city council. Recommendations include ensuring that job descriptions for councillors are both provided and publicised, and clearly stating the support offered to carers and disabled councillors once elected. Examples of good practice such as the shadowing opportunities offered through the very successful ‘Operation Black Vote’ campaign (which was designed to bring more black and minority ethnic groups into political life) are also highlighted, along with a suggestion of an ‘outreach roadshow’ to promote the work of the council to community groups, schools, and colleges. In addition, the Commission is encouraging political groups and parties to get involved, introducing initiatives such as shadowing and mentoring schemes for prospective candidates and making sure that unreasonable demands are not put on potential candidates with caring duties. The commission is also urging parties to make a public commitment, stating how they will ensure no one gender constitutes less than 40% of its
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To take the concept of representative leadership a step further, the Commission has also made a number of recommendations relating to gender inequality in council structures, practices and cultures more generally, as well as some around city boundaries and how wards are decided. They hope that by refining and reforming these areas, there will be more opportunities for new people to get involved with the council, which should result in more representative leadership for our diverse communities.
To read the full briefing paper, visit: For more information on the Bristol Women’s Commission, visit: www. bristol-womens-commission/
Issue 24 April / May / June 2014
Voscur Ltd. Royal Oak House Royal Oak Avenue Bristol BS1 4GB
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April, May, June 2014 - training & events April 2014 Date
Business Planning
St Werburghs Centre
What is Social Investment?
Trinity Centre
Health and Social Care Network meeting - Small and Local in South Bristol (two repeat events planned in North Bristol and Inner City/East Bristol in May - details tbc)
The Withywood Centre
Developing a Fundraising Strategy
The Gatehouse Centre
Events Planning and Management
Royal Oak House meeting room
May 2014 Date
Recruiting Volunteers
Easton Business Centre
Children & Young People’s Network meeting
Barton Hill Settlement
Supervising and Supporting the Wellbeing of Your Staff
Southville Centre
Volunteer Organisers’ Forum (Volunteer Bristol members)
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Good Practice in Social Media
Knowle West Media Centre
Minute Taking for Administrators (part 1)
Barton Hill Settlement
Outcomes, What are They?
Royal Oak House meeting room
Being a Good Trustee
Barton Hill Settlement
June 2014 Date
9:30am - 1pm
Minute Taking for Administrators (part 2)
Barton Hill Settlement
1pm - 4pm
Preventing Injury to Children and Young People
The CREATE Centre
10th & 11th
9:30am - 3:30pm
Train the Trainer
St Werburghs Centre
10am - 4pm
Painting the Town Green - the City and the Sector
Trinity Centre
12pm - 2pm
Introducing Your Organisation to Twitter
Royal Oak House meeting room
6:30pm - 9:30pm
Being an Even Better Trustee
Barton Hill Settlement
For details of all the above training and events, visit:
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