Supporting Voluntary & Community Action
July / August / September 2012
Inside this issue: Local Impact of Cuts Your Photos Summer Events in Bristol Upcoming Training Courses Payment by Results Police Crime Commissioner Election Children and Families Bill Community clear up in Fox Road, Easton, organised by Easton & Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management
and more...
Get on Your Soapbox. Tell the mayoral candidates what they need to know about Bristol’s
Voscur’s AGM and Annual Event Wednesday 26 September, 11:30am, MShed. After official business and lunch (where you will have a chance to network with colleagues), take advantage of your chance to meet the people who want to be mayor of Bristol and raise key issues for your group/organisation and the sector as a whole.
Photo by John H McCarthy
voluntary sector...
Contents Voscur
3 Contents
Payment by Results — Get Engaged Early
4 Editorial
Voice and Influence
New Members
Member Profile: Light Box
Snap Happy: Some of Your Photos
Bristol’s Summer Events
10-11 The True Impact of Cuts on Bristol’s Voluntary Sector 12
Ethical Community Banking — Bristol Credit Union
Feeling ‘Smart’? Make Use of New Technologies
Working to Build Lasting Neighbourhood Partnerships
Police Crime Commissioner Election: Get Your Questions Answered
22-23 Quality of Life Survey: How Does Bristol Measure? 24-25 Q&A: Sue Brazendale, Health and Social Care Network Coordinator 26-27 Where Does Power and Influence Lie in Bristol? 28
Integrate Bristol: Help for Young People in the City
14-15 The Health Check: Getting Your Ready to Make a Difference
Children and Families Bill — Support for Families When They Need it Most
16-17 Upcoming Training Courses
30-31 ‘Looking Back, Looking Forwards’ — BME Voice and Influence in Bristol
Support Hub
Volunteer Bristol: Make the Most of Short-Term Volunteers
Keep up to date with Voscur online:
Thrive! is also available online as a pdf at If you require it in another format, please get in touch on 0117 909 9949. Disclaimer: some of the views expressed in this publication are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent those of Voscur. Publications, events and services mentioned in Thrive! are not necessarily endorsed by Voscur.
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Dear Members and Friends nearer to the time of the election
Start covers a wide range of areas,
(see page 21).
from which governance model
The other shift in power will happen with the election of the Police Crime Commissioner, a position that will cover Bristol, the West of England and Somerset. We will be holding a Question Time event in October in partnership with colleagues from neighbouring
Wendy Stephenson Chief Executive
feedback to help us improve all
More information about these
our publications. We hope that
changes is on page 26.
you find the magazine useful, and
you for the changes that await us
is that we are now providing one-
all in Bristol this autumn.
to-one support for groups that
of power need to know how important the voluntary and community sector is to Bristol. We will be inviting the mayoral candidates to our Annual General Meeting on 26 September so that you can have a conversation with them. In November, we will then hold a Question Time event where you can quiz the candidates
it up to more people.
from their local voluntary sector.
The biggest change for the sector
(and how), and people in positions
we are looking for ways to open
survey. We’ll be using your
break that refreshes and prepares
needs to know who to influence
it has been so well received that
candidates an opportunity to hear
within Voscur during the past year.
are governed locally – the sector
through the Support Hub, but
responded to our information
forward to an active summer, or a
to date with changes to how we
available to groups referred
Police Crime Commissioner
changes that have taken place
It’s important that we keep up
This course is currently only
Finally, thanks to everyone who
I hope that you are looking
election of a mayor for Bristol.
fundraising for your activities.
areas so that we can give the
We have been bedding in the
A big change for us is the
to choose, to how to go about
do get in touch if you want to talk to us about any of our work. Have a good summer. Wendy Stephenson Chief Executive
come to us through our Support Hub service, (see an example of how this works on page 14/15). This is the first time that this type of service has been available in Bristol and as a result, we have been overwhelmed with demand. We are looking at creative ways to meet this demand and to encourage groups to learn from each other.
Key to symbols Equalities Article Training
A great success recently has been the piloting of Kick Start (another first for Bristol) – a six week
Information & Resources
course that covers everything you need to know about running a
voluntary/community group. Kick
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
New Voscur Members At-Bristol
Friends of Glenfrome School
Working Group for Older
0117 9157116
0117 3772247
People (NP area 3)
0117 9509621
Bristol Child Contact Centre
Kingsmeadow Community Flat
0117 3295201
0117 9048425
BYEP 07930147193
Light Box Project CIC
0117 3290908
Catch22 0117 3534282
Lockleaze & Horfield
Community FC
0117 9798978
Claire Berry 07960098093
The Matthew Tree Project
07912 639959
Deaf Studies Trust 0117 958 3040 voice + minicom
North Bristol Somali
Women’s Group
07943422965 northbristol.somwomen@yahoo.
Fired UP
0117 9374367 Forging Ahead
Voscur is a member-led organisation, made up of
Social Capitalist
hundreds of community,
0117 315 5250
voluntary and social enterprise
groups active in Bristol.
St Werburghs Arts Trail
For more information on
01761 241714
The team here at Voscur welcomes our new members!
becoming a member of Voscur and the range of member benefits, visit: or call us on 0117 909 9949.
Issue 17  July / August / September 2012
Member Profile: Light Box Taking time to appreciate things. Eating better.” When asked if their need for mental health support has decreased/increased/stayed the same since taking part, one participant reported: “A lot of my mental health problems have dramatically reduced. I’ve learnt strategies to focus on the positive, bits of life rather than brood on
A Light Box workshop in action, photo courtesy of BS6 Photography
bad things.” Light Box is passionately
this challenge with refreshed
committed to advancing the
motivation after receiving
community’s strength and
survey results from the project’s
happiness. It delivers creative
participants, one year on from
workshops and courses which
their involvement in Light Box
motivate people to invest in their
activities. Through art-based
wellbeing. Light Box is empowering
workshops, participants explored
people to take action and to take
a number of well researched
a creative approach to life.
methods for promoting mental
Preparations are currently underway for the public reopening of Light Box’s city centre shop in Broadmead this autumn. Planning ahead, this small, local Community Interest Company is focusing on changes to NHS mental health services in
wellbeing and how these could be applied in daily life. Themes explored include ‘gratitude’, ‘nurture and kindness’, ‘mindfullness’ and ‘goals’. These are accompanied by creative activities such as making giant paper sculptures.
“The aim of our workshops is to bring to life the idea that we can all create happiness with the things we habitually think and do,” explains the project’s cofounder Lucy Barfoot. “For most people, especially those who have experienced mental health issues, mental health problems, feeling stronger and happier are universal goals. But there is not much straight-forward information out there for the public about how this can be achieved. We want to show people how simple and fun it can be to invest in positive mental health.”
the city and the changing role
The survey results showed that of
of Bristol City Council’s Health
the 11 contactable participants
and Wellbeing Board in order to
from the 3 month Happiness
make the transition from running
Project in 2011, 10 reported they
largely on charitable grants for
are applying things they learnt
For more information,
one-off projects to getting paid
in the workshops to their lives
visit Light Box’s
as a provider of a continuous,
now. One case study reported
innovative health service in Bristol.
several changes they have made
The Light Box team of 3 staff and 9 volunteers has risen to
as a result of taking part: “More positive thinking. Meditating. Mindfulness.
Facebook: lightboxhappiness Twitter: lightboxbristol
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Snap Happy: A Selection of Your Photographs... Easton and Lawrence Hill Neighbourhood Management
Some lovely painted eggs at the 2012 Easter Egg Hunt in Urban Park, Barton Hill
acta Community Theatre
1625 Independent People
Young homeless people in Bristol participating in a ‘Grow Club’ in April 2012 and learning to grow together.
Age UK Bristol
Photo by Mark Simmons Photography, 2012
Actresses in ‘We Have Overcome’ by acta and the Malcolm X Elders Theatre Company, taken at the COAST International Festival of Community Theatre
Jill and Iris make a cup of tea together. Age UK Bristol’s Housing Support Service helps older people to stay independent.
British Red Cross (Avon, Wilts & Glos) A big thank you to those who sent your photos to us. We are always looking for images to demonstrate the local work of sector. For more information on sending photos to us, see: Pamela of Stoke Gifford and Annette, who visits her as part of the Home from Hospital Service.
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Summer in Bristol Bristol Urban Sport Exhibition
Foodies Festival
July Filtones Choir’s 12th Annual
13-15 July, Bristol Harbourside
Charity Concert
Bristol’s new food and drink
7 July, St Gregory the Great
extravaganza, Foodies Festival will
Church, Horfield, Bristol
celebrate the finest food, drink and culinary talent in the beautiful
23 May-9 September,
Charity concert, featuring a
M Shed, Bristol
performance by guest soloist Julia
The exhibition will look at the
Hwang. Proceeds will be shared
range of sports (both usual and
between the charities Shine and
unusual) that take place using the
Singing for the Brain (an activity of
city’s infrastructure – both the
the Alzheimer’s Society).
Bristol Brouhaha
natural landscape and the urban
For more information, call
13-21 July, Bedminster, Bristol
Mike Watson on: 0117 9083778
Bristol’s Tobacco Factory Theatre
Tantalising talks and tastings!
and the Hen & Chicken play host Ping! Bristol
setting of Bristol’s Harbourside.
The Bristol Cycle Festival
to 24 shows presented as 12
7-15 July, Bristol
double bills by some of the most
Pulling together the best events the city’s vibrant cycling
inventive acts in the UK.
community. The Festival’s main Family Day ‘Carnivelo’ takes place
Southmead Festival
in Queen Square on 15 July where
14 July, The Greenway Centre
toddlers can take their first key 29 June (for 1 month), Bristol-wide
steps towards learning to ride.
To bring about a sense of community spirit and get more
With an Olympic theme, the festival will feature all sorts of races for almost all age groups. Also planned is a parade from
Bristol Pride Week
Glencoyne Square along to
7-15 July (Bristol Pride Day
Greenway, with flags of the
Saturday 14 July) Bristol-wide
Olympic nations.
spread all over Bristol for free
Pride Week promises a vibrant
To get involved or for more
play! When the month is up, the
week of events from film, music,
information, call:
tables will be donated to local
theatre, shopping and sport, and
0117 950 3335.
community groups to keep the
Pride Day, a huge outdoor festival
fun going.
on College Green.
people playing sport on the run up to the Olympics, this street ping pong project will see tables
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Voscur Stockwood Community Festival
Bristol Thai Festival
14 July, 1-4pm
28-29 July, Queen Square, Bristol
Craydon Road Open Space, Bristol
Celebrate Thai culture at this festival and enjoy Thai dance, food
A free community festival with
and music. See Thai boxing and
various local groups, schools and
enjoy a Thai massage!
churches taking part. Stalls, face painting, bouncy castles and more! For more information, contact: kenjoyce_wooster@blueyonder.
August Redfest Bristol
the general public. Some buildings
animation, graffiti, photography,
may need to be pre-booked to
art and fun to the community
ensure you don’t miss out!
this summer to take over the city’s Balloon Fiesta Pic by Wojciech Borzemski
Brisfest 22-23 September,
Due to popular demand, Brisfest returns to Ashton Court Estate this year and over 400 volunteers, 2,000 artists, the media and a diverse range of local groups and
Activity Day
businesses will come together to
22 July, Victoria Park, Bristol
put on this local music festival. 9-12 August, Ashton Court,
include a 24 foot mobile climbing
Over 100 balloons of all shapes
wall, basketball coaching sessions
and sizes will take to the Bristol
and more.
skies again this year, along with
Ashton Court, Bristol Bristol International
Love Parks Week – Youth
for young and old alike, which will
of Bristol’s most important and
music, film, cabaret, comedy,
Bristol Harbour Festival returns
organising this exciting free event
opportunity to see inside some
which are not normally open to
Victoria Park Action Group is
For one day only, you have the
arts and music festival bringing
20-22 July, Bristol Harbourside
8 September, Bristol-wide
impressive buildings, many of
group of volunteers from the local
circus, dance, music and theatre.
Pic by Robert Kirberich
Redfest Bristol is an independent
of Redfield. Redfest is run by a
harbour area with a programme of
Bristol Doors Open Day
2-4 August, Redfield, Bristol. Bristol Harbour Festival
the festival’s usual array of stalls, activities, demonstrations and night glows.
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Further listings can be found at: You can list your summer events on our online calender: month.
The True Impact of Cuts on Bristol’s Voluntary Sector Voluntary sector support and development agencies from England’s core cities* have shared Voscur’s concerns about the impact of last year’s public spending cuts on local people and their communities. We are aware that the cuts had a major impact, with cities losing up to 30% of their budgets, and we know there are further cuts to be made.
The impact of spending decisions
only 41% were able to meet this
(and increased demand for) the
on individual services, whether
demand. 36% hope to be able
services of advice agencies.
delivered by public or voluntary
to continue to meet demand
One respondent told us:
sectors, has taken a while to
and 66% were aware of new
filter through, so until recently it
needs emerging.
was difficult to evidence. Once services have gone it is difficult to collect data, but until services are withdrawn it is difficult to understand the impact on communities. In March 2012, Voscur carried out a ‘snapshot survey’ of its membership so that we could add Bristol’s contribution to the core cities’ report. 44 groups responded to our online survey. 39% of respondents said that they
Whilst Bristol City Council (BCC) has been very supportive
One group reported an
to the advice sector and has
enterprising response to
ring-fenced its allocation to the
changes in funding:
main providers, advice agencies
We have had a BCC Health and Social Care block-grant withdrawn and our older people’s Day Care Service decommissioned but we have developed a transition plan, remodelled our service and successfully re-launched it using a commercial approach.
will be facing significant cuts due to the withdrawal of many areas of civil legal aid. This is projected at £550,000 for voluntary sector agencies in the City per annum from April 2013 (almost the same level of funding received annually from BCC), at a time when many changes in benefits are due to come on stream.
Others told us that they are
Advice agencies are already
cutting staff hours, making
experiencing unprecedented
redundancies and reducing
demand for their services and
opening hours. The more severe
this is only set to increase. The
the impact on the sector, the
announcement of the extension
56% reported cuts to services to
greater the long-term damage,
of the Advice Fund will do little
children and young people, 38% to
meaning that future recovery
to compensate for this overall
older people and 25% to disabled
and growth will demand further
loss and whilst agencies
people. 80% of respondents
individually and collectively are
have had to cut services to their users since April 2011, and 78% knew of other organisations that had done so.
reported increased demand for their remaining services, but
Of significant concern are anticipated cuts in funding to
developing different strategies to cope with this, the net result
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
will be that fewer people will
so requiring interventions will
contribute our knowledge and
have access to advice that they
grow faster.
ideas about how best to manage
clearly need and agencies, where they are able to continue providing services, will not be able to meet demand.
It is clear from the information we have gathered that there everywhere, alongside rising demand which cannot be met
demand for debt, housing,
despite some valiant efforts.
employment and benefit advice,
Some information has been
plus support with mental health,
collected about how different
drug, alcohol and long-term
groups are being affected; the
recovery issues. One respondent
group most often highlighted
told us:
as the worst hit by the cuts is
well and drug free are turning up in crisis as changes to benefits and housing kick in. We asked about gaps in service provision and were told: The ‘prevention’ agenda
maintain essential services.
have been severe cuts to services
Groups reported increased
Individuals that were doing
public service changes and
children and young people, but services to older people, disabled
*English core cities are: Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield
people and people from black and minority ethnic groups have also
We have produced
been affected or lost all together.
a Decommissioning
Voscur will continue to work with public sector partners in Bristol, through the Compact Partners’
Checklist for voluntary sector organisations that are experiencing reductions or ending of funding
appears to be sliding down the
Group and the VCS Assembly
priority scale. Talk appears to be
(including the BME Voice and
very much around targeting
Influence initiative, Children and
resources to those in greatest
Young People’s Network, Health
need; however, without a wide-
and Social Care Network, and
ranging and robust prevention
Neighbourhoods and Communities
strategy, the number of individuals
Network) to maintain an open and
hitting crisis and critical points and
positive dialogue so that we can
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
arrangements. This will help groups to ensure fair processes are followed.
Ethical Community Banking Barely a minute’s search on the internet brings up an array of loan offers. If household bills are pouring in and you are running out of money these can be very tempting – especially if you have already visited the bank and been refused credit. At the click of a mouse it would seem, your financial woes can be solved. The reality of course is very different with many online (and doorstep) lenders applying massive interest rates to the money they hand over. A small sum can quickly mount up when an interest rate between several hundred to well over a thousand per cent is applied (not to mention the fees that are often charged for missing a payment). If that were not bad enough, this is the legal end of unfair money lending. Loan sharks also operate in our communities, offering money without a credit licence from the Office of Fair Trading. Again, they usually charge very high interest rates, but they often
have the least choice when they
to borrowers. Any surplus is either
need to borrow money, so they
ploughed back into improving the
are often forced to go to the
Bristol Credit Union or used to
most expensive lenders – both
pay a dividend to its savers. As a
legal and illegal. Many Bristolians
local co-operative controlled by
find themselves trapped in a spiral
its members you can be confident
of debt as a result.
(as a borrower, a saver or both),
take benefit entitlements or
However, there is an alternative!
other valuable items as security
Bristol Credit Union (BCU) exists to
and sometimes use threats, even
provide affordable loans, ethical
violence, to frighten people who
savings and accessible financial
cannot repay.
services to anyone who lives or
Nearly everyone has to take out a loan at some time to cover unforeseen expenses. However, those on higher incomes can generally access the most competitively priced loans. It is people on lower incomes who
works in the city. Put simply, local people deposit their savings with them, and the money is then used to offer loans to other local residents. These loans are set at much lower interest rates than many lenders, so they are fairer
that fat cats are not put ahead of members’ financial wellbeing.
BCU has seen enormous growth in membership in recent years – but the need still remains vast. For more information about the Bristol Credit Union’s services visit or call 0117 924 7309.
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Feeling ‘Smart’? Make Use of New Technologies Although still relatively expensive, both to purchase and to use, smart phones and tablets (such as the ipad) are changing the communications landscape rapidly, in business, in education, in personal lives and in the way services and support are delivered in the voluntary sector.
Photo by John Watson
What are they?
calls and send text messages,
is trialling the use of QR codes in
A smart device/phone is one that
there are many other options –
this edition of Thrive! (see one
has a continuous connection to
be it checking e-mails, listening
on p17).
the internet and gives you access
to music, watching programmes,
to libraries containing thousands
surfing the internet, taking and
The future?
of small software programmes
sharing photographs, checking
Many phone companies are no
(often called ‘apps’) which can
train times – you name it – there
longer making the older type
be easily installed to customise
is an ‘app’ for just about anything
of handsets so smart phones
the phone/tablet to your exact
these days! Using social media,
and tablets are the future.
requirements. Internet connection
such as facebook or twitter on
They are changing the way we
is enabled either through 3G (via
smart devices is very popular. You
communicate, allowing us to not
the suppliers network) or by wi-fi
can also keep a diary, store notes
only consume information, but
where available. Finding the right
and reminders and download files.
to interact with it and each other
balance of these is the key to
The ability to ‘sync’ data with a
keeping down running costs. Who has them? Everybody is getting them, from teenagers to older people. Most companies now have contract deals for as low as £10 a month with a smart hand set included on signing up. By the end of 2011, over 50% of mobile phone users in the UK owned a smart phone. How are they used? Smart devices allow people to do a whole range of different things. Although primarily used to make
computer means that for many, their phone is increasingly used to keep up with work ‘on the go’. The “KILLER” ‘app’ automatically syncs the information you gather/ produce whilst on the move with your computer so it is all in one place when you return. Another
‘in the moment’. This technology has a huge amount of potential for voluntary sector organisations in areas such as fundraising and social networking. Organisations should begin to take part in this exciting area and experiment with new and creative ways in which to use it to your benefit.
popular app is a barcode reader. The barcode reader can be used to access ‘QR codes’, something
For further
increasingly added to posters and
information, contact
advertisements specifically for
Sean Kenny on
smart phone users to access extra
0117 909 9949 or e-mail:
information or buy tickets. Voscur
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
The Health Check: Getting You Ready to Make a Difference. What is it? • A Health Check is an organisational tool that can help you identify where you need to improve so that you can achieve the goals of your organisation.
When do we use it? • On approaching Voscur for support, your organisation will be screened to ensure that the Support Hub is best placed to meet your needs. If so, a Health Check session will be arranged and a plan drafted. • In carrying out the Health Check you can be supported by the Development Worker (either face-to-face or over the phone). If you (board members or senior staff for example) feel confident, you can carry it out independently.
What are the benefits? The Health Check can have the following benefits: • Helping your organisation to improve its performance and increase its chance of long-term survival (and growth). • Encouraging the organisation
to carry out a thorough
Check you will identify both
review of internal capabilities,
strengths and weaknesses. It
process and policies to
is not merely a tool to identify
inform its development or
what’s going wrong.
business plan. • It can enable board and staff members to identify areas needing development so that the organisation operates more effectively. • It will help us to find out more
The Health Check in Practice: reflections from Salaam Shalom’s Project Coordinator, Rebecca Bellamy.
effectively target the support
What is the purpose of Salaam Shalom?
that we can provide.
Salaam Shalom is a Jewish and
about your organisation and
• It will help in demonstrating that you are striving for ‘good practice’. This is a benefit when seeking funds or other support, for example from Bristol City Council. • It may help in preparations to gain quality marks or standards for your organisation.
Muslim-led organisation that builds bridges between faith and cultural communities in Bristol through media, dialogue, education and the arts. Salaam Shalom aims to: • Build relations between Bristol’s Muslim and Jewish communities
• As it is ‘structured’ by Voscur,
as well as relations between
it can give outside objectivity
these communities and the
in assessing your capabilities
wider communities that they
and capacity.
are a part of.
• It will enable your trustees and
• Use media as a tool for positive
management team to feel more
social change; empowering
confident that the organisation
young people to bring about
is running efficiently.
changes they want to see. • To engage members of the
community as active volunteers.
• In carrying out the Health
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Support Hub
Why did you contact the Support Hub?
as a result of the Health Check meeting?
The past year has seen Salaam
The action plan was useful in
Shalom develop rapidly in a
determining the next steps for
renewed direction, with new
us. It is great to be able to refer
premises, new staff, new projects
back to it and see what we have
and broadened aims. We sought
the support of Voscur during
We have been successful in gaining some project funding and fee income.
What are your plans for the future? • Continue bringing about positive inter-community
to accommodate these changes,
What support was your organisation offered by the Support Hub?
whilst ensuring that we worked
Salaam Shalom were given
projects to make them as
guidance by a development
self-sustaining as possible.
this transitional period to ensure that we developed the skill set
to best practice.
How did the Support Hub Health Check meeting help your group?
worker, templates and resources, as well as bursary places on training courses.
relations and positive social change through our range of projects and events. • Continue developing our
• Strengthen partnerships with other organisations and groups. • Secure further funding for aspects of the project which are
project it is easy to forget to stand
What recent successes has your group had?
back and look at the project as a
Salaam Shalom have a renewed
whole. The Health Check meeting
mission statement, along with
provided us with the objective
updated aims. We have monitoring
For more information
and independent support that
and evaluation systems in place,
on Salaam Shalom
enabled us to focus our energy on
enabling us to show our outcomes
covering critical areas for running
and prove the difference we are
a successful project.
making. We have a number of
How useful was the action
fantastic projects and partnerships
When you are deeply involved in a
plan that was developed
which are developing very well.
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
trickier to cover (core costs).
For the Support Hub, visit:
Support Hub Training Courses The Support Hub is offering a range of new courses to help organisations be even more effective. We now offer courses at different
We are continuing our work in
Charity HR as well as the Ethical
levels to ensure we reach a wide
partnership with skilled trainers
Property Foundation.
range of staff, volunteers and
and professional organisations
trustees. For example, we are
including courses on recruiting
pleased to be offering a 3 day
volunteers with Volunteer Bristol
Managing for Managers course
and developing a business plan
(delivered by Directory of Social
with Social Enterprise Works. Our
Change) which will give managers
partnership work means that we
in organisations a wide range of
can access professional support
skills to help them carry out their
through training, workshops and
roles effectively.
advice. Later in the year we will be
At the end of July the training programme for the whole year will be on our website: so keep a look out for courses that will help you and your organisation.
running courses with Foot Anstey,
Using Proactis Plaza (formerly known as Bristol e-Procurement System — BePS)
Recruitment of Volunteers
Monday 9 July 2012, 9:30am-1pm
and would like to know more about recruiting them
In order to access Bristol City Council’s commissioning opportunities, organisations need to register with Proactis Plaza. This is slightly different from using BePS. Representatives from Bristol City Council will answer questions you have and guide you through registration, common issues, practical exercises and where you can find help.
Developing a Business Plan Tuesday 10 July 2012, 9:30am-4pm This workshop is aimed at organisations that are planning to write a business plan. This session will be delivered by Social
Monday 16 July 2012, 9:30am-3:30pm This course is for anyone who manages volunteers effectively.
Managing for Managers Monday 16, Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 July 2012, 9:30am-4pm This course is for Managers who have not had any formal management training or would like in-depth management training. This is a highly participatory course, using exercises, case studies, self assessment tools and group work to allow participants to make full use of the learning. This training will be delivered by Directory of Social Change.
Enterprise Works.
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Support Hub Funding Applications — Getting it Right! Tuesday 18 September 2012, 9:30am-3:30pm This intermediate course will help you develop your fundraising skills. You will need some experience of fundraising but want to know more about writing successful fundraising applications.
Building Effective Partnerships with Businesses Monday 1 October 2012, 9:30am-3:30pm Is your organisation seeking to build great relationships with local businesses but doesn’t know where to start? This course will provide
Other useful training: Every Business Matters (NAVCA) Thursday 6 September 2012, 9:30am-4:30pm Every business matters is a free training and information day designed to help local groups and organisations develop their business skills. This course is designed for development workers and staff working and volunteering in voluntary and community groups who support children, young people and families through the business planning process.
advice, guidance and practical suggestions to apply
when starting or developing partnerships with the
business sector.
Trustee Series 1: Why am I on the Committee? Wednesday 3 October 2012, 6:30pm-9:30pm This course will give anyone who has the role of a trustee a basic overview of their legal duties and responsibilities and is ideal if you have just become a trustee or want to brush up on your skills. To book onto any of these courses or
Using Proactis Plaza (formerly known as Bristol e-Procurement System — BePS) Thursday 4 October 2012, 1pm-4:30pm In order to access Bristol City Council’s commissioning opportunities, organisations need to register with Proactis Plaza. This is slightly different from using BePS. Representatives from Bristol City Council will answer questions you have and guide you through registration, common issues, practical exercises and where you can find help.
to find out more, please go to Alternatively, you can call us on 0117 909 9949 This is a QR code, designed for smart phones and devices. You can download an ‘app’ which will allow you to scan these codes for instant access to additional information on your mobile/smart device.
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Support Hub
Short and Sweet: How to Make the Most of Short-Term Volunteers Over the last year almost 4500
their skills alive whilst they are
people have signed up with
between jobs or newly freelance
Volunteer Bristol, keen to find
workers looking to build up their
voluntary work. 35% were
under the age of 25. With many young people eager to find meaningful work experience at a time of record levels of youth unemployment, what does this mean for Bristol’s volunteerinvolving organisations and how can they get the best outcome for the young person and for their organisation? The answer may lie in Volunteer Bristol’s new volunteer management system.
In order to help organisations to make the most of this developing trend in volunteering, Volunteer Bristol is working with Slivers of Time, a social enterprise based in London, to develop and pilot a new online system for recruiting and managing volunteers. In short, it gives organisations the ability to search a database of volunteers who have listed their skills, interests and the precise
Young people can bring fresh
times when they are available and
perspectives, useful skills (such
then offers the chance to contact
as IT and social media) and bags
them directly.
you wish – perhaps volunteers
Imagine, for example, that you
need to attend training or they
of energy to your organisation. But the desire to build up their CVs and the need to find paid work means that they may not be willing (or able) to stick around for long. We know that reliable, regular and long-term volunteers are the backbone of many organisations. But those organisations who are also able to identify one-off, short-term or flexible volunteering opportunities will open the door to many types of volunteers, not just young people: civil service employees looking to make use of their volunteering leave, experienced professionals keen to keep
Photo by Robert B. Livingston
are a voluntary organisation
need to provide two references.
with a fundraising event taking
The system will be launched
place in a few weeks. You are
soon and Volunteer Bristol hopes
going to need some marshals to
that it will help to meet the
help things run smoothly. Using
changing demands of volunteers
our new system you can easily
and the voluntary and community
identify any volunteers who have
sector organisations with whom
an interest in events and who are
they work.
available on the precise day that you need them. You can select which ones to contact and send
For more information
a text message to their mobile
or to register your
phone. If they wish to take up
interest please e-mail:
the opportunity, then they can
text you back and, that easily, you
or go to:
would have a ‘booking’. You can
also attach certain conditions if
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Bristol Compact
Payment by Results — Get Engaged Early
Challenges facing the VCS in light of PbR • Clarity – the voluntary sector is looking for clarity about PbR, the longer-term environment for public service markets and
Payment by Results (PbR) has
whenever PbR is described.
how cash-flows and contracts
been around a while but it is a
In short, it entails funding an
will operate. This is under
relatively new concept for the
intervention or service on the
voluntary sector. Mark Hubbard
basis of the results or outcomes it
• Governance – many voluntary
(Compact Liaison Officer),
achieves, rather than the activities
sector organisations do not
who works with public sector
or outputs it delivers. There are
understand PbR or know how to
commissioners and voluntary
several models that range from
engage with it. Trustees tend to
sector groups to implement the
absolute (no result = no payment)
be cautious.
Bristol Compact, introduces recent
to phased payments over time.
developments and challenges for the sector.
What should the voluntary
PbR is a large part of the
Government’s agenda to improve the efficiency of public service provision. It is an approach that intends to strengthen the incentives on service providers to develop innovative solutions
sector expect from PbR
In these cases the outputs are clear (rubbish collected; a hip replaced) and rewarded when met. However, the application of PbR to social outcomes is much more complicated and has generated controversy and challenge. What is it and how does it work? There is no single definition
organisations in PbR situations. – many PbR programmes are
PbR and describes the following
long term and organisations
expectations for the future:
may need to fill the funding
• It is only beginning – we must and expand.
services and hospital operations.
sector and this presents risks to
Organisations (NCVO) has reviewed
meet service users’ needs.
For example, waste management
contract skills in the voluntary
• Working capital and finance
expect this agenda to develop
service areas for many years.
there is a lack of business and
The National Council for Voluntary
to complex problems and better
It has been used in some public
• Business and contract skills –
• Bureaucracy will not reduce – the focus will be on robust performance and contract management. • Trial and error is inevitable – PbR is an attempt to improve
gap between the start of the service and first payments. Loans and investment may be new to many voluntary sector organisations. • Implications – at present, there is no clarity about how PbR challenges affect organisations of different sizes.
quality of services; there will be successes and failures. • It will not apply everywhere – the costs of service restructure and commissioning are high. PbR is likely to be implemented first with expensive, acute services, rather than preventative, community services.
PbR is described in more detail, along with a Bristol case study in the Payment by Results Briefing: vcse/PbR
but there are common themes
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Voice and Influence
Working to Build Lasting Neighbourhood Partnerships It has been over four years since
The group is using the survey
Bristol City Council introduced
findings and other information to
To read more about the
Neighbourhood Partnerships (NPs)
prepare a report with comments
VCS Neighbourhood
with the intention of involving
and recommendations to help
Partnership Working
more people in local decision
strengthen and improve NPs. The
Group, visit:
making. The 14 Neighbourhood
report is due to be finalised by the
Partnerships across the city now
end of July and will be presented
have the opportunity to influence
to Bristol City Council. Di Robinson,
Council decisions in areas such
Bristol City Council’s Strategic
as highway and pavement
Director for Neighbourhoods will
maintenance, small traffic calming
be responding to the working
schemes and investment in parks
group’s report at the September
and green spaces. In addition,
Neighbourhoods and Communities
Confirm your place online at:
each partnership has a ‘wellbeing
Network meeting. The working
budget’ to support local initiatives
group hopes
or call (0117) 909 9949.
and projects. Many voluntary and
that its report
community groups/organisations
will help to
have received small wellbeing
grants from their NPs.
Come to the Neighbourhoods and Communities Network meeting on 19 September to hear the Bristol City Council response to the working group’s report.
The Voice and Influence Service has been supporting a working group of residents, community group members and equalities reperesentatives from the 14 NPs to evaluate their involvement in the schemes. The group has carried out a survey with others involved, asking their views on the following areas: • Membership, accountability,
ongoing commitment from Bristol City Council to strong voluntary and community sector involvement in NPs, as well as from the candidates who are seeking to be the new elected mayor
representation and diversity
for Bristol and the Police
within NPs.
Crime Commissioner for Avon
• Communication, community
and Somerset.
involvement and community development within NPs. • Devolved decision making and devolved funding.
Bristol’s 14 Neighbourhood Partnerships
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Voice and Influence
Police Crime Commissioner Election: Question Time X
Police Crime Commissioner election
On Thursday 15 November voters across the Avon and Somerset Police area (including Bristol) will go to the polls to vote for the first elected Police Crime Commissioner (PCC). The new PCC will be responsible for setting the budget for policing and community safety as well as setting policing priorities (day to day police decisions will
continue to be the job of the
candidates. Full booking for the
Chief Constable).
PCC Question Time event will
Through the Home Office funded ‘Safer Future Communities’ project, Voscur has been working with organisations across Avon and Somerset to develop a voluntary
open in September, but you can register your interest online at: VCSPCCNetwork#meetings, or by calling Voscur on 0117 909 9949.
and community sector network to engage with the new PCC. On the evening of Thursday 18 October we are holding a Question Time event at the Council House in Bristol to enable people to hear from and question the PCC
What would you ask the candidates who want to be the PCC for Avon and Somerset? Crime Commissioner candidates
What Would You Ask?
at the Question Time event on Thursday 18 October, 2012. Submit your question at:
The Voice and Influence Team at Voscur wants to hear the questions you would like to put to the Police before 11 October. A range of questions will be chosen – yours might be one of them.
Question Time event with Bristol’s elected mayor candidates In advance of the first election
can register your interest in this
of a mayor for Bristol we are also
event online at or
organising a Question Time event
call Voscur on 0117 909 9949.
in November with candidates. Full details will be published in the October issue of Thrive! but you
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Quality of Life Survey: How Does Bristol Measure? The results from the 2011 ‘Quality of Life in Your Neighbourhood’ annual survey by Bristol City Council have been released, providing an insight into how people feel about living in Bristol. Areas covered in the survey include: health and wellbeing; safety; climate change; arts and culture and children, young people and families. In this article, we hear from both Voscur’s Voice and Influence and Support Hub Teams who will speak about what the results mean for the local voluntary and community sector and how we can all make the best use of the results in future work.
Voice and Influence — Celebrating the Positives Matthew Symonds Development Manager – Participation
The results of the Quality of Life Survey suggest some improvement related to communities and local
partners in our Voice and Influence
will continue to champion the
work. Through Voice and Influence,
contributions of the sector and
we want to build on these results
help them to influence important
as we continue to partner with
local decisions.
local individuals and groups to strengthen the links between the sector and local policy makers.
There is still a way to go in these areas, not to mention those which show little change (or
influence. The latest results show
The percentage of residents
even a decline) over recent
for the first time that there has
satisfied with their local area has
years. However, it is important to
been three years of continuous
also shown a continuous increase
celebrate the imporvements and
improvement in the percentage
since 2006 (75%) with the latest
the wide variety of contributions
of respondents who feel that
results showing 83% satisfaction.
that local voluntary and
they can influence local decision
64% of respondents feel that they
community groups make on a daily
making. In Bristol 25.9% of
belong to a neighbourhood, which
basis to the lives of local people.
respondents say that they can
has increased since the last survey
influence decisions; the wards
and more residents agree that ‘the
where respondents indicated
police and local public services are
most influence are Southville
successfully dealing with crime
(41%), Ashley (38%) and Henleaze
and anti-social behaviour’ (40%
(34%) whilst the wards where
compared with 35% in 2010). For
respondents felt least influence
both these indicators, the gap in
are Hillfields (13%), Brislington East
the difference between responses
(17%) and Avonmouth (18%).
in deprived neighbourhoods and
This improvement is encouraging, particularly for the VCS Advocates who work closely with other
the rest of the city has narrowed. Strong Bristol communities are a key focus for voluntary and community organsiations and we
Find out more: The Neighbourhoods and Communities Network meeting on Wednesday 19 September will include a presentation on the Quality of Life responses from equalities communities. See the full findings at:
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Voice and Influence
Support Hub: Turning Negatives into Positives: A Focus on Outcomes Ruth Pitter
relation to a few key indicators
and sense of shared purpose
Support Hub Manager
such as an increase in those
for your team; motivation for
who are overweight and obese
staff and users who will begin
and a reduction in the amount
to see results; a more focused
of people who particpate in
and efficient use of time; useful
active sport at least once a
information gathered for a range
week) the outcomes for users
of reporting and monitoring
of a community health/fitness
tasks; added quality assurance.
Although we never like to see Bristol taking reverse steps in relation to any of the areas included in the Quality of Life Survey, it is important to know the realities we are facing. The survey is a resource that can help you to identify some key outcomes for your project so, where appropriate to your organisation, you can address inequalities, deprivation and/or social exclusion in Bristol.
project might include: • improved access to local fitness services • reduced inactivity
The term ‘outcomes’ is often confused with other terms such as ‘inputs’, ‘outputs’ and ‘impact’.
• improved health and wellbeing. Outcomes can identify what works well and what your project
Outcomes, as outlined by the
might change or improve. This
For a complete
Charities Evaluation Service, are
will help you use your resources
picture of all
the changes, benefits, learning
efficiently to meet your users’
of these terms,
or other effects that happen as a
needs and will help towards
download this useful briefing
result of your work.
your applications and reports to
on outcomes:
For example, if we look at
health (as it is an area which
Other benefits of a focus on
appears to have worsened in
outcomes include: role clarity
We are running some useful training courses in the coming months that will help you to understand outcomes and help in your hunt for funding: 18 September – Funding Applications – Getting it Right! 23 October – Ten Steps to the Perfect Tender 14 November – Commissioning and Outcomes
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Extra Resources for the Voice and Influence of Health and Social Care Groups April saw the appointment of a new post holder at Voscur, Sue Brazendale, as Health and Social Care Network Coordinator. We asked Sue to tell us about her first 6 weeks in the new role, and a little about herself. What are your first impressions
Council Commissioners looking
of the voluntary and community
at issues around the impact of
sector in Bristol?
personalisation on voluntary
It strikes me as robust, diverse
sector groups, and an Advocate
and very skilled. People have a
on the new Health and Wellbeing
great passion for social justice and
Board. I’d like to develop more
wanting to change things for the
formal links with decision makers
better. Bristol feels a compact
to promote the voice of the
city, and groups have strong links
with each other. The relationship with Bristol City Council, overall, seems positive, although with cuts in funding and staff reductions on Sue Brazendale at Voscur
Like many people, my first experience of the voluntary sector was as a volunteer. In 1995, I volunteered at a drop in centre for homeless people in London. Since then I’ve worked supporting and recruiting volunteers; as a community development worker; a stint for the Care Quality Commission; running small grants schemes; voice and influence work in Herefordshire, and supporting carers to have a say in planning services. Along side this I’ve continued to volunteer in a variety of projects. I moved to Bristol in February this year.
What do you think are the challenges ahead for the sector?
both sides, tensions do arise.
The impact of self directed
What is the focus of your job?
personalisation. We are really
To strengthen the voice and
beginning to see how this changes
influence of health and social
things for the sector. Groups have
care groups – we have a relatively
to get very smart around full cost
new network, which meets three
recovery and must not under sell
times a year. I think the meetings
their services; that’s a big culture
serve three purposes: to bring
shift for a sector that’s used to
information to the sector; to listen
getting grants for services, and
to sector issues (and take them to
usually providing more than they
forward); and an opportunity for
were funded for. There will be
networking (it’s really important
more administrative overheads in
that voluntary sector groups can
managing money, demonstrating
share their thoughts with each
your worth and proving the
other, and with us). We currently
quality of services. These must
have two formal opportunities
be included in the cost of service
for influence: a monthly working
delivery. Groups may also start to
group who meet with Bristol City
see each other as competition and
support, also known as
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Voice and Influence
The most important thing is to take voluntary sector concerns forward and see real change. It’s one thing identifying and raising issues, it’s another to see change, that’s real partnership working. Sue Brazendale, Health and Social Care Network Coordinator
some of the informal support
for the sector. For example,
It’s not always possible for us to
and sharing of information
we’re having a close look at the
mail out papers to all groups we
between groups may dwindle.
Community Support Services
have on our list (currently we
I’m hopeful however that the
Contract that governs all spot
have over 250 health and social
voluntary sector will find ways
purchase arrangements and
care groups on our records) and
around this difficult issue.
we’d like to see improvements
we are often reliant on e-mails
in layout so it’s easier for smaller
and our web page. We’re in the
groups to understand, and more
process of updating the Voice
importantly, we can negotiate
and Influence website to make
on terms in favour of voluntary
information clearer to access.
sector groups.
If anyone does not have access
The new Health & Social Care Act 2012 is also a big challenge, significant change for health service delivery is a concern, and there is a great deal of uncertainly about new structures. Support for new and small groups is also a concern, resources are scarce and small groups will need to be self-sufficient and look more to their own community resources than ever before.
I’m also delighted that the voluntary sector has a place on the new Health & Wellbeing Board. The board takes up its full powers next April and this is a good example of the voluntary sector having a voice at the highest level of decision-making. We’ll be
What do you hope to
monitoring our impact closely on
achieve in the role?
that one.
The most important thing is to
I’d like to see smaller groups
take voluntary sector concerns
get more involved in voice and
forward and see real change. It’s
influence work, I know resources
one thing identifying and raising
are an issue and people can’t
issues, it’s another to see change,
always attend meetings, so we
that’s real partnership working.
need to find ways to get them
We have a few opportunities to
involved and their voices heard.
influence the processes around
to computers or would prefer paper copies of information let me know, I work part time, and am usually in the office Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. I’d love to hear from any health and social care groups about their views, good or bad, on the state of health and social care in Bristol.
To find out about the Health and Social Care Network’s activities, visit: Sue Brazendale can be contacted on
commissioning at the moment
Anything else to add?
0117 909 9949
but I’m hopeful that we can
Yes, good communication with
make some positive changes
the voluntary sector is critical.
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Where Does Power and Influence Lie in Bristol? Knowing the key decision making structures in Bristol is essential if you want to engage at a local level and have a voice and an influence in the city. These structures have, and are undergoing change. This article lays out some of the new and existing key people, democratic structures, important documents and key partnerships in Bristol. An extended version (including useful diagrams) can be found here:
Key People Bristol elected mayor New The mayor will be responsible for setting the city’s annual budget of over £350m. The mayor will also decide key policies and have a place on the Police and Crime Panel, the Health and
Democratic Structures
Mayoral election New The vote for the first Bristol elected mayor will take place on 15 November 2012. The mayor will
Wellbeing Board, the Bristol Partnership and the
be in addition to the 70 Bristol councillors.
Local Enterprise Partnership.
PCC election New
Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) New
The Avon and Somerset Police Crime
The PCC will be responsible for setting the Avon and Somerset police budget of over £270 million. The PCC will also set the policing
Commissioner election will also take place on 15 November 2012.
Council elections
priorities, however day to day control of the
Bristol City Council elections are scheduled to
police will remain in the hands of the police
take place in 2013, 2014 & 2015, there are no
chief constable.
council elections scheduled for 2016.
Members of Parliament (MP) There are four Bristol MPs covering the parliamentary constituencies of Bristol North West*, Bristol West*, Bristol East* and Bristol South. The next general election is due to take place in 2015. * Parliamentary constituencies with new boundary from 2015.
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Voice and Influence
Important Partnerships
Important documents
Police and Crime Panel New The Police and Crime Panel (PCP) will be up to
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
20 people (including councillors) from each
The JSNA compiles detailed information on local
council in Avon and Somerset. The PCP will
health and wellbeing needs and looks ahead at
scrutinise the elected PCC. The Bristol place will
emerging challenges and projected future need.
be filled by the elected mayor or their nominee.
Find out more at:
Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) New
Health and Wellbeing Strategy New
From April 2013 the Bristol CCG will be responsible
Wellbeing (H&W) boards to produce a H&W
for commissioning most local National Health
strategy by April 2013. The strategy will be
Services, previously commissioned by the Bristol
informed by the JSNA and will set the health
Primary Care Trust (PCT).
priorities for Bristol. Find out more at:
Bristol Health and Wellbeing (H&W) Board New
The government is requiring all Health and
Police and Crime Plan New
The H&W board will oversee the production of
The elected PCC will set out their priorities for
the JSNA and the Bristol H&W strategy. These
local policing and crime reduction in this plan.
will set out local priorities for health funding
The first plan will be published in April 2013.
and commissioning.
Find out more at:
Neighbourhood Partnerships
Bristol City Council Budget
There are 14 Neighbourhood Partnerships in
The 2013/14 Council budget will be prepared
Bristol made up of two or three council wards.
by the new elected mayor. Draft budget
Each includes councilors, local residents,
proposals will be published in late 2012, followed
community groups and local business
by a public consultation until January 2013.
(see page 20).
The proposals will be scrutinised by elected
Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
councillors and must receive support from one third (24) at the budget setting meeting in
The West of England LEP covers the area
February 2013. Find out more at:
of Bristol City Council, Bath and North
East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. The LEP is responsible for driving economic growth across this area. The LEP board includes the council leaders,
For more information and useful
key business leaders and the Vice Chancellor
diagrams, visit:
of the University of Bath.
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Voice and Influence
Integrate Bristol is a charity formed to help young people who have arrived from other countries and cultures to adapt to and integrate into life in Bristol. They provide opportunities for young people to learn about and explore issues that affect their lives and learn new skills that develop self-confidence and self-esteem.
Young people at Integrate Bristol’s ‘Silent Scream’ film shoot
This summer, the young people
This work will build on previous
and ‘Easton’ (a story of bullying
involved in Integrate Bristol will
efforts around FGM, including
involving time travel and a very
be hosting a national, three
the short film ‘Silent Scream’, and
unusual encounter with the bard
stranded conference on female
a drama-documentary for radio
himself). The latter has been
genital mutilation (FGM), a
called ‘Why?’
nominated for the ‘Best School
culturally specific example of violence against women and girls (VAWG). Over 60 young people are organising and hosting the conference at Bristol University’s School of Chemistry on Saturday 14th July. The three strands are aimed at
In preparing for the conference, those involved will work together to fully explore the complexities of the issue. The young people are being mentored by professionals and university students and supported by Integrate Bristol. They are
very different audiences:
learning new, transferable skills
Strand one
work collaboratively to plan and
and gaining confidence as they
Medical Clinicians, Midwives,
research for their most ambitious
Nurses and Medical Students.
project yet.
Strand two
Integrate Bristol’s previous
Policy Makers, Educationalists, Close Protection Officers and the Police.
Production’ award at the Limelight Festival this June. ‘Islam Ain’t that Scary’ saw two young Muslim men from Bristol investigate whether Islamopohia exists in the city and was intended as a follow-up to the BBC’s Panorama documentary ‘Hate on the Doorstep’. The ‘urban’-style documentary was a finalist in the Asian London Film Festival this year and has also been nominated for an award at the Limelight Festival.
projects include the short films: ‘Shakespeare’s Mobile’ (an educational film made by a group of EAL (English as an
For more details visit:
Strand three
Additional Language) students
Young people.
from Whitehall Primary School)
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Voice and Influence
Children and Families Bill The planned Children and Families Bill is expected to be introduced early in 2013. The main elements of the Bill include the following changes: Special Education Needs (SEN)
Family Law
For more information visit:
• Replacing SEN statements and
• Speeding up care proceedings
Learning Difficulty Assessments
in family courts by allowing the
(for 16 to 25 year-olds) with a
judge to set the length and
single, simpler 0-25 assessment
renewal requirements of interim
process and Education, Health
orders for a period which they
and Care Plan from 2014.
consider appropriate.
• Providing statutory protections
• Requiring parents to consider
similar to those currently
mediation as a means of settling
associated with a statement of
a dispute.
Further resources:
SEN to people up to the age of 25 in further education (not
Shared Parenting
cutting off at 16).
• Strengthening the law to
• Requiring local authorities to
ensure children have a
publish a local offer showing
relationship with both their
the support available to
parents after family separation
disabled children and young
(where it is safe and deemed in
people and those with SEN and
the child’s best interests).
their families. • Giving parents or young people
• More flexible parental leave provisions.
with education, health and care plans the right to a personal
Office of the Children’s
budget for their support.
Commissioner: • Strengthening and widening
SEN reforms for 30 years are set out in the Support and Aspiration Green Paper (published and consulted in March 2011). Adoption – see Action Plan for Adoption: Family Law: the Government’s response to the independent Family Justice Review:
adoption process; not hunting
out assessments of the impact
for a perfect match if there
of new policies and legislation
Flexible Parental Leave and Flexible Leave: the Government published consultation on modern workplaces (May 2011):
are suitable adopters available.
on children’s rights and to hold
Office of the Children’s
The ethnicity of a child and
the government to account.
Commissioner: Dr John Dunford published an independent review of Commissioner’s work (December 2010):
the Commissioner’s remit by
• Cutting down on delays in the
granting new powers to carry
prospective adopters will come second, in most cases, to the speed of placing a child in a permanent home.
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
‘Looking Back, Looking Forwards’ — BME Voice and Influence in Bristol Following the event held for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Voluntary and Community Sector groups in June 2011, Voscur collaborated with Bristol City Council (BCC) to explore new ways to ensure that people from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds are able to influence decision makers in Bristol. Throughout Autumn 2011,
What has been the most
councillors but it was a challenge
Skyers-Morris Consultants were
effective way of listening to
to fully utilise this. We have not
commissioned to research
and enabling the voices of BME
seen vast changes in policy or the
different Voice and Influence
communities to be heard?
strengthening of race equality
(V&I) models. In light of their
CW: Our commissioners were
practices. This has created apathy;
recommendations, Voscur and
from the communities they
people have asked ‘what’s the
BCC are committed to developing
represented. For instance,
point of having a voice because
a new way of working to enable
we had representatives from
nothing gets done?’ This is an
effective and purposeful BME
the Black Police Association;
ongoing challenge to be
Voice and Influence.
UWE’s ‘Aim Higher’ project that
Voscur talked to two people who
focuses on the attainment of
managed structures enabling BME Voice and Influence within Bristol City Council: the Bristol Legacy Commission and the Bristol Race Forum. We asked them what we can learn from these two Council initiatives, which have now come to an end.
Black individuals; the NHS Race Equality Service, faith groups, anti-trafficking campaigners, BME elders, Paul Stephenson (a successful activist and campaigner) and politicians from the 3 main political parties, each representing the diverse voices
What have been the most lasting areas of work, or work that will be taken forward by public or other agencies? CW: A number of areas of work are proving to have a lasting legacy. A key one is the Bristol Education Attainment
of their local constituents.
Partnership which involves
Cherene Whitfield (CW),
SN: An area of strength has been community engagement and
professionals (including head
Project Manager, Bristol Legacy Commission (BLC)
bringing people together, but the
established 4 years ago until
BRF’s voice carried less weight
its closure in March 2012.
because it did not employ a range of forms of engagement and
Simon Nelson (SN), Manager, Bristol Race Forum (BRF) which closed in January 2012 after 15 years of existence.
lacked thinking around how to communicate which meant it did not work to the best of its ability.
BCC and Black attainment teachers and college principals) in devising a plan to improve attainment of under achieving BME groups. This ongoing work is now carried out within BCC’s education department. The BLC has employed a Community Development and Support worker
Being seated in the Council House
through LinkAge to encourage
gave the BRF access to individual
empowerment and sustainability
July / August / September 2012 Issue 17
Voice and Influence The challenge is equipping agencies to be better able to meet BME needs, paired with actions enabling BME communities to improve how they articulate their needs. Photo by Marc Wathieu
Cherene Whitfield, Project Manager, Bristol Legacy Commission
of BME elders’ groups in the
communities won’t lose out in
voices and the concerns of BME
Lawrence Hill and Ashley wards and
the commissioning of services.
communities being heard?
Services should be designed
The race equality agenda of
to meet all needs; we need to
the 1970/80s has changed; the
move away from creating
challenge is for all agencies
SN: The BRF developed over its
specific spin-off services for
to understand where the new
history and its work will feed into
BME communities. Therefore
equality agenda of the 21st
this exciting phase of BME voice
the challenge is equipping
century is going; this has to be
and influence. We need to identify
agencies to be better able to
reflected in any model of BME
how we ensure that voices are
meet BME needs, paired with
voice and influence.
being heard in an ever changing
actions enabling BME communities
arena of equality. We need to
to improve how they articulate
ensure that all agencies have
their needs.
has funded the Ethical Property Foundation to provide support for BME groups to manage properties.
knowledge and skills to promote race equality. These are challenges to address. What do you feel are the most pressing issues to address in this new phase of BME voice and influence? CW: We need to address the apathy that exists in terms of political engagement – though I
Any new model should strive to ensure BME communities can feel part of Bristol in the way that City of Sanctuary has achieved. Some of the above proposals can help to achieve this and reduce the need for separatist initiatives. That being said, I do realise there is a need for specialist services to provide for niche requirements.
am aware this is not just an issue
SN: We need to address race
for BME communities. There
inequality in the face of current
is a need to guarantee that
austerity plans and the impact
For more information,
BME communities, individuals
these are having on BME
please contact
and groups have fair access
communities, for example health
Ruth Pitter on
to opportunities available,
and wealth being interlinked;
0117 909 9949 or e-mail:
for instance, ensuring that
what impact will this have on BME
Issue 17 July / August / September 2012
Voscur Ltd. Royal Oak House Royal Oak Avenue Bristol BS1 4GB
Tel: 0117 909 9949 Fax: 0117 933 0501 Email: Web:
Training & Events Diary July-October 2012 July 2012 Date 2nd
Time 6pm-8:30pm
Event Trustee Network: Practical Responses to Change
Location Barton Hill Settlement
Using Proactis Plaza (formerly known as Bristol e-Procurement System – BePS)
Knowle West Media Centre
Developing a Business Plan
The Federation of City Farms
Health & Social Care Network Meeting
Southville Centre
Finance Forum
Black Development Agency
Recruitment of Volunteers
The Gatehouse Centre
Voscur Extraordinary General Meeting
St Werburghs Centre
16th-18th 9:30am-4pm
Managing for Managers
Easton Business Centre
Briefing and Open Space Discussion on Community Right to Bid (Assets of Community Value).
Unitarian Chapel, Brunswick Square
Location Barton Hill Settlement
September 2012 Date 6th
Time 9.30am-4:30pm
Event Every Business Matters (NAVCA)
Funding Applications – Getting it Right! Windmill Hill City Farm
Neighbourhoods and Communities Network Meeting
Voscur AGM
M Shed
October 2012 Date 1st
Time 9:30am-3:30pm
Event Building Effective Partnerships with Businesses
Location Arnos Vale
Trustee Series 1: Why am I on the Committee?
Barton Hill Settlement
Using Proactis Plaza (formerly known as Knowle West Media Centre Bristol e-Procurement System – BePS)
Children & Young Peoples Network Meeting
Barton Hill Settlement
Retention & Support of Volunteers
Greenway Centre
Making the Most of the Media
Withywood Centre
Ten Steps to the Perfect Tender
Gatehouse Centre
Trustee Series 2 – Good Governance, How to be a Better Trustee
Barton Hill Settlement
For details of all the above training and events visit: Company limited by guarantee registered in England no. 3918210 Printed on 100% recycled paper using vegetable based inks