Supporting Voluntary & Community Action
March / April / May 2011
Inside Voscur’s Magazine The new Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly Localism Bill – Opportunities for VCS Thanks to Children and Young People VCS Representatives Alternatives to Redundancies Sustainable Funding: Across the Income Spectrum Alive! – new Charity Connecting with Older People in Residential Care
Image: Alison Hunte, Bernash Residential Care Home
Bristol Children and Young People’s Plan 2011-2014 Community Groups are Part of ‘Two Wheeled Revolution’
Shape a life. Be a foster carer.
TACT is a well respected fostering and adoption agency. TACT will offer you excellent training with 24hr support and a break from caring when you need it. TACT pay between ÂŁ322 & ÂŁ574 per week per child as well as additional allowances for birthdays, festivals and holidays. Although fostering can be challenging it can also be very rewarding. If you believe you have the capacity and commitment to support vulnerable children and young people between 10-16 years old, then we would like to hear from you. To make a difference give us a ring now on: 0117 927 7725 or email
Charity no. 1018963
Contents 4 Editorial 5
New Members
Have Your Say
Member Profile Alive! – new Charity connecting with Older People in Residential Care
20-21 Children and Young People
The new Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly
Bristol Children and Young People’s Plan 2011-2014
Sector News
Member Profile: The Station – after an Uncertain Wait
Localism Bill – Opportunities for VCS but no Consultation
22–23 Equalities
VCS Organisations unite in Light of Cuts Exploring Future Support for Community Buildings Thanks to Children and Young People VCS Representatives
10-13 Training and Learning Alternatives to Redundancy
ow to use the Equality Act 2010: H The Public Sector Duty
ommunity Groups are part of C ‘Two-Wheeled Revolution’
25 27
Improving Commissioning Processes
Developing ICT Tweeting your Work
Upcoming Training and Learning Dates
14-15 The Compact
Green Pages
Volunteering Bristol A new Era
16-18 Funding Pages Sustainable Funding: Across the Income Spectrum
Keep up to date with Voscur online:
Thrive! is available on disc. Please contact the office if you would like to receive your Thrive! this way. The newsletter is also available online
as a pdf at
Disclaimer: some of the views expressed in this publication are those of individual contributors and do not necessarily represent those of Voscur. Publications, events and services mentioned in Thrive! are not necessarily endorsed by Voscur.
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
Dear Members and Friends, The government has placed much
and support on debt, housing,
emphasis on, what it sees as the
benefits, immigration, family law
increasingly important role of
and more – and this is just a taste
the voluntary and community
of what’s likely to come. A new
sector to deliver its ‘Big Society’
website –
vision. A flurry of policies and uk
consultations on the Localism Bill
– has been created to enable VCS
including the Community Right to
groups to report and highlight
Challenge and Community Right to
cuts to their funding, so that we
Buy – assets of Community Value
can build up a national picture.
Please report any cuts affecting
localismconsultations) suggest
you and your organisation.
exciting opportunities for VCS. However it appears that many VCS groups will be too preoccupied with struggling to survive to be able to grab these opportunities. Whilst one part of the government is creating these ‘opportunities’ another is kicking the ‘funding stool’ away from many VCS groups who are providing the very activities and community led services that the government says it wants to see everywhere. Cuts on both national and local government are impacting on VCS groups providing front line support; those working with the most vulnerable are particularly affected. In 2011/12 reductions in the Home Office funded Drug Interventions Project will affect Bristol VCS organisations, some Bristol City Council VCS funded community organisations will see a 7% reduction in their funding,
If your group is facing difficulties and in need of support – do get in touch. (See the insert ‘Creating a new Voluntary and Community Sector Support Service’.)
Wendy Stephenson
The difficulties facing the voluntary and community sector highlight the need for the sector to speak out with a strong and influential voice. This month – as part of the new VCS support service we’ll be developing the new VCS Assembly (see details on page 6) to help ensure the concerns of the VCS are heard and action is taken to influence decision makers in Bristol. I hope that all VCS groups will become involved in the new VCS Assembly during the coming months and make sure it genuinely is representing you and making an impact for you on the issues that matter.
others have been asked to find
Wendy Stephenson
10-15% savings. Cuts to legal
Chief Executive
Key to symbols Equalities Article Training Information & Resources Event
aid will restrict access to advice
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
New Voscur Members
Who’s Joined Voscur Recently? Above and Beyond
Freeways Trust
Sparc Teams
0117 927 7120
01275 372 109
07751 617814
All Nations Community Services
Independent Advocacy Volunteers
Stokes Croft Museum
0117 939 8130
Migrant Rights Centre Bristol
Tambora Foundation
Anglo-Iranian Society
07582 412353
07866 226797
0117 924 5525 / 07912 984998
Punjabi Virsa School
The Severn Project CIC
0117 965 5639 / 07735 021625
0117 955 6736
07866 936495
Association for Alternative and Complementary Medicine 0117 230 2931
Ronald McDonald House Bristol
Transition Mentoring
0117 908 1375
07740 354189
Bristol & SW Bereavement through addiction
0117 973 7132 www.bereavementthrough
Saxon Road Greenspace Group
07952 777637
Tynings Field Shared Harvest
0117 909 0440
Business over Breakfast (BoB) Clubs – Wessex Region
07817 170348
Social Anxiety West
0117 230 7735
01781 328456
Easton Community Centre 0117 954 1409 liz@eastoncommunitycentre.
Somali Education Development society of Bristol (SEDSOB)
Ecomotive 0117 924 1263
South West Academies
0117 985 7262
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
Have Your Say
A new VCS Assembly for Bristol The new VCS Assembly for Bristol will be launched in Autumn 2011. An opportunity for the voluntary community sector (VCS) to respond to the challenge ahead. Across Bristol, voluntary and
working with children and young
the development of a new VCS
community organisations are
people, older people, equalities
Assembly. That will help get your
witnessing significant changes and
and other vulnerable groups,
views across to strategic decision
challenges in almost every field of
to protecting the environment,
makers on the issues that matter
work – in health, care, education,
animal welfare, providing
to make sure the VCS has a strong
planning, and many more areas.
housing, health care, debt
and influential voice.
The government is driving
advice, community transport and
forward ‘change’, ‘modernisation’
community buildings. Together
Get involved
and ‘liberation’. However it is
we play a valuable part in almost
We’re looking for members of VCS
described, it’s going to impact
every sector and neighbourhood
groups to volunteer to be part of
on the VCS.
of the city.
a steering group to develop the
Whatever your point of view
The wide diversity in the VCS is
about individual proposals, there
one of its strengths – but it can
is no argument about the fact
also present challenges, such as
that there are some big changes
when trying to ensure that the
on the horizon which will have
VCS has a collective strong and
implications for the sector. Since
influential voice. The new VCS
the general election, a torrent
Support Service opens up the
For more information or to
of policy initiatives has emerged
opportunity to create a more
volunteer for the new VCS
from central government.
effective way to get the sector’s
Assembly steering group contact:
The sector’s ability to respond
voice heard and be able to
Matthew Symonds, email:
to this new agenda has been
influence decisions that affect us. or call
compromised as it is faced with
by the combination of a worldwide recession, local and national
The VCS Support Service in Bristol
deficit reduction plans and the
will provide the potential for the
ending of many established
VCS to harness the expertise and
funding streams.
knowledge within the sector and
groups. This has been made worse
In Bristol, VCS organisations are involved in everything from
group will meet monthly between April and June to guide the development of the Assembly and to make sure it’s set up to meet the sector’s needs.
0117 909 9949
Preparing for the opportunities and challenges ahead
fewer sources of funding for VCS
new VCS Assembly. This steering
use it to inform and influence decision makers. Over the next few months we’ll be supporting
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Have Your Say
Some of the opportunities and challenges facing the VCS
Dates Neighbourhoods Network
Issues affecting VCS groups in neighbourhoods
The Localism Bill is set to radically alter the local policy agenda with,
Thursday 31 March, 2011
the government anticipating and proposing that the VCS should have
a bigger role. Whether it’s the community right to challenge to deliver public services, the right to buy assets of community importance or the proposed creation of neighbourhood plans.
Issues affecting groups involved with children and young people The government launches the National Citizen Scheme pilot later this year and in Bristol the new Children’s Plan will come into effect. The removal of education maintenance allowance (EMAs), the rise in tuition fees, and closure of Future Jobs Fund could mean there are
For details visit: www. voscur. org/Neighbourhood NetworkMarch2011 or contact Matthew Symonds email: or call 0117 909 9949 Health and Social Care Network Meeting
fewer opportunities available for young people post 16, with a greater
May 2011 – details to be
need for specialist services from VCS groups.
Issues affecting groups involved with health and social care
Children and Young Peoples
New statutory Health and Wellbeing boards involving new local
Tuesday 14 June, 2011
HealthWatch groups (evolved from the current LINks to represent
people who use health services) are to be introduced. The transfer of commissioning of about 80% of the £100bn annual National Health Service budget to General Practitioner (GP) Consortia and the
Network Meeting
For details visit CYPNetworkJune2011
responsibility for public health passing to local authorities from 2013
or contact Asma Ahmad, email:
will mean big changes for VCS groups involved in H&SC. or call 0117 909 9949
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
Sector News
Localism Bill – opportunities for VCS but no consultation The Localism Bill published by the government in December includes proposals of interest to the voluntary and community sector. The proposals have been published as a ‘white paper’ and presented straight to Parliament,
Community Right to Buy – Assets of Community Value Local authorities will be required to maintain a list of assets of community value. Communities will have the opportunity to nominate the assets that are most important
Barbara Janke might become Bristol’s first executive Mayor
to them. When listed assets come up for sale or change of ownership, community groups will have time to develop a bid and raise the money to buy the asset.
Bristol to get a Mayor – before a referendum
to seek clarification on how VCS
Local referendums
for a referendum in Bristol (and
groups could comment on the
Local residents will be able to instigate referendums on a wide range of local issues; however local councils or other public bodies will not be bound by the result of the referendum.
11 other cities) to decide whether
rather than as a green paper which includes a period of consultation before a final decision is made in December. Voscur wrote to all Bristol Members of Parliament
bill and expressed concern that consultation on the content of the Bill was limited. Since then the government has begun consultations on parts of the Localism Bill. See www.voscur. org/news/localismconsultations
What’s in the Localism Bill? Community right to challenge Voluntary and community organisations will be entitled to express an interest in providing any service which is supplied by a council. Once the expression of interest has been lodged, the local authority will be under a duty either to accept or reject it. If accepted, the service will be subject to a competitive procurement process.
Local plans Communities will be able to produce local development plans which will be approved if they receive 50 per cent of the votes in a referendum. Find out more about the Localism Bill and how you can comment at bigsociety
The Localism Bill includes proposals
a directly elected mayor should replace the current leader of council. At present the leader of council is chosen by elected councilors only. The referendum is scheduled to take place in May 2012. However, if the bill becomes law, the present leader of council will become a ‘shadow elected mayor’ prior to the referendum. Voscur has started a discussion on its Facebook page on whether an elected mayor would be good for the voluntary sector in Bristol. Join the discussion at or email A campaign group in support of an elected mayor has been formed. To find out more visit
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Sector News
VCS organisations unite in light of cuts The impact of reduced public
Locality which will be chaired by
NAVCA (National Association of
funding has resulted in the
current bassac (and Voscur)
Voluntary and Community Action)
announcement that a number of
Chair Joanna Holmes. Youth
has a merger resource page
national charities intend to merge.
charity Fairbridge has announced
for VCS organisations on their
The merger of bassac (British
they will be merging with The
Association of Settlements and
Prince’s Trust and from April 2011
Social Action Centres) and the
will operate under the name of
Development Trust Association will
The Prince’s Trust.
create a new organisation called
Exploring future support for community buildings Voscur has supported a Community Buildings Network (CBN) for groups involved with running or managing community buildings since 2009. Several members of the CBN have been discussing the idea of a federation
for community buildings, with the possibility of sharing some resources and collective purchasing. A meeting was held in February to explore the federation idea further. Voscur will be joining with others to discuss
the possible future functions of a federation and the role of the CBN. If you would like to join the CBN email list to be kept informed of developments, contact: info@ or call 0117 909 9949.
Thanks to Children and Young People VCS Representatives Fran Harrison, Fairbridge West, the Voscur VCS representative on the Children’s Trust Board and the Bristol Youth Links Board is stepping down in this role as she is starting a new job. On behalf of the sector, Voscur would like to thank Fran for her dedication and commitment to ensuring the VCS voice has been heard at a
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
strategic level. We wish Fran all the best in her new venture. John Pendlington, Children’s Scrapstore, the Voscur representative on the Raising Attainment Delivery Group, has stepped down due to work commitments. Thanks to John for providing a VCS input at these meetings.
14-19 Partnership Board and is now leaving. Many thanks to Trevor for his valued contribution over the years and best wishes for the future. Finally, our thanks also go to Lorraine Milliard, Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, who has stepped down as the EC3 locality partnership rep.
Trevor Jones, Young Bristol, has been a crucial member of the
Voscur Training and Learning
Alternatives to Redundancy Funding cuts and loss of contracts will mean that many of us will have to tighten our belts – this means that organisations will be looking to cut costs. Redundancies might be the first cost-cutting option that people think of, but there are other options that you could consider.
The case for considering alternatives to redundancy
Some alternatives available to you
without a really clear business
If you can keep skilled and
Consult. Ask the views of your
knowledgeable staff, you won’t
staff or trade union – they may
Reduce hours. You could agree
need to re-recruit later when the
have some good thoughts about
with some, or all of your staff,
economic climate improves. Re-
how the organisation could run
to reduce hours for a specific
recruiting is expensive, in terms
more efficiently and save costs.
period. Part-time working may
of advertising, management time,
Involving them also demonstrates
well be preferable to being made
induction and training costs.
that you value their thoughts.
Making staff redundant is also not
Remove overtime. If your
Tap into your reserves. Assuming
free of costs – if employees have
organisation pays overtime,
there is agreement from all
two years service or more, you will
removing it is a simple way to cut
trustees of the organisation and
need to pay statutory redundancy
staff-related costs.
subject to financial advice, you
Freeze recruitment. Instead
could use some of your reserves.
of recruiting, consider (where
This shouldn’t be an alternative to
possible) training up your existing
seeking appropriate cost savings,
staff to take on the required
though, or a means of avoiding
work. Offer vacant posts as an
tough decisions.
The impact on staff that remain
alternative to redundancy, after
Offer sabbaticals. You could offer
can be high – they may feel
appropriate consultation.
a period of unpaid leave. Some
Freeze pay. A pay freeze is likely to
employees may even welcome a
be preferable to jobs being lost.
period of time off, knowing that
pay at a maximum pay of £400 per year of service (this new figure has been introduced in February 2011). Employees aged 43 or more are entitled to more than this.
unsettled and morale may suffer. There is of course also the human cost; no one wants to go through the distressing process of
Cut pay. If you need to, you
redundancies, if it can be avoided.
could consider negotiating a pay
case, so take advice on this
they will still have a job at the end of the period.
cut with employees. You cannot
Communication and
do this without the agreement
consultation. Whatever option
of each of your employees and
you are considering, make sure
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Voscur Training and Learning Further information Redundancy Handling – Acas ashx?id=877&p=0 National Association of Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) has a model redundancy policy you can adapt: uk/about/navcapolicy/ For information on changes in Employment Legislation visit: employment.htm#weeklypay Voscur is looking at putting on some free HR sessions on managing redundancy and downsizing your organisation within the new infrastructure service, visit: training
Image by: JohnSeb
There are a number of legal
with your employees. They may
What to do if you need to consider redundancies
have other ideas, and getting
It is sensible to develop a strategy
follow if you are contemplating
them involved will help to maintain
for redundancy so that it is there
redundancies amongst your
morale and commitment.
when you need it. Make sure
Remember also your long-term
you understand the law, have
Information taken from
reputation and responsibility
thought about things in advance
National Council for Voluntary
to act as a fair and sympathetic
(at least three months before you
Service (NCVO) Workforce
employer. Get advice to help you
anticipate redundancies may take
Development Sheet
make sensitive and considered
effect) and establish a procedure
to follow. In particular, make sure
you consult and communicate
obligations you will need to
you consult about redundancies and use fair and objective selection criteria.
Issue 13  March / April / May 2011
Voscur Training and Learning
Voscur Spring Training and Learning To book onto any of our courses, please go to training or call Voscur on 0117 909 9949. Free places may be available to your organisation. To find out more, please call Sophie Bayley on 0117 909 9949.
Improving Diversity in your Volunteer Workforce
Training Skills for Volunteer Managers
Thursday 3 March, 9:30am-3:30pm
Wednesday 16 and Wednesday 23 March, 9:30am-4:30pm
The Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol, BS10 5PY This session will cover equalities and socially excluded communities; who you are reaching and who you are not; equalities communities in Bristol; legislation supporting volunteering of equalities communities and the benefits of a diverse team.
Fully booked
St Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9TJ This two day training course is for Volunteer Managers who deliver training to a diverse group of volunteers. It will give you hints, ideas and some theory to be a more effective trainer.
Speaking with Confidence FREE
To go on the waiting list please email
Wednesday 9 March, 9:30am-3:30pm
“It was a very in-depth course, well organised and delivered really well. Very good course. Full of lots of activities and I liked the resources to take away”
The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2QQ This practical session will help you explore some of your fears and barriers to public speaking; how to put together presentations and cover skills needed to speak in public.
Supervision Skills for Volunteer Managers New - Low Cost Tuesday 29 March, 9:30am-3:30pm The Gatehouse Centre, Hareclive Road, Bristol, BS13 9JN Supervision is a more formal way of supporting volunteers through one-to-one or group catch-ups and can be key to retaining volunteers and improving their impact. This new course will be run by Voscur and Volunteering Bristol as part of the Volunteer Management project.
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Voscur Training and Learning
What do School Governors do and how can you take part? FREE Thursday 31 March, 7pm-9pm Colston Hall, Colston Street, Bristol, BS1 5AR This informative and practical session is aimed at anyone who might be interested in taking up an active volunteer role in a local school. It will explore the role of a school governor, explaining responsibilities and rewards.
Recruitment of Volunteers Wednesday 4 May, 9:30am-3:30pm Windmill Hill City Farm, Phillip Street, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 4EA This course will be run by Voscur and Volunteering Bristol as part of the Volunteer Management project. The session will cover volunteer motivation; barriers to volunteering; recruitment techniques and processes; developing adverts for volunteer roles and action planning. “This course was well organised and the trainers thoroughly knew their subject. Well done.”
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
Bristol Compact
Improving commissioning processes Over the last few months, Bristol City Council and the Bristol Compact have been working closely on several important commissioning developments that will help the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector engage with commissioning. Mark Hubbard, Bristol’s Compact Liaison Officer, provides a progress update. The Select Committee took evidence from December 2009 to May 2010 and produced its Final Report in July. The report has been approved by the Council and Cabinet and its 11 recommendations are being implemented, some of which are described in the highlights below. In my opinion, the work of the committee and its Report and Recommendations were valuable. It really helps to have elected members championing best practice and the implementation of
and NHS Bristol, so our findings and recommendations were ‘reality checked’ as we progressed. It is encouraging that our recommendations have been agreed by Council and Cabinet, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I hope local organisations will help us track commitment.” Councillor Helen Holland (Leader of the Labour group of Bristol City Councillors, Chair of Select Committee on Third Sector Commissioning)
their recommendations will effect positive change. I hope that VCSE organisations experience these improvements in their relationships with the Council. “We chose “Third Sector Commissioning” for in-depth scrutiny by Select Committee, developing policy and recommendations working closely with VCS partners. Local authorities (and other public sector) are moving increasingly to commissioning local organisations to deliver services, and we wanted to look at best practice. VCS representatives sat alongside councillors, officers
Recommendation 1. Championing the Third Sector
funding” – is being incorporated into the Enabling Commissioning Framework (ECF). This will mean that procurement activities may lead to grants in kind, outcomesbased grants or open tendering. These options will be considered in each commissioning process and applied according to the particular service area.
Recommendation 5. Sharing Learning and Development Part of the implementation of the ECF is a comprehensive training programme for elected members, service and commissioning managers. The programme has been informed by a training needs
The Leader of the Council is now
analysis and includes peer support,
the lead member within the
based on specialist commissioning
Cabinet for the VCSE sector. A
expertise. The differing cultural
network of Compact Champions
approaches of public and VCSE
is also being developed – these
sectors are included in the
will be points of contact for VCSE
organisations in their relationships with different parts of the council.
Recommendation 2. Commissioning and Grants
Recommendation 6. Support during the Commissioning Cycle This recommendation states that
This recommendation – “a
the involvement of the VCSE sector
‘mixed economy’ which includes
in all stages of the commissioning
commissioning, competitive
cycle should be mandatory. This
grant processes and direct grant-
will mean that the VCSE sector will
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Bristol Compact Recommendation 10. Decommissioning Decommissioning Guidance has been developed under the ECF and has been used in some council departments already. This means that all decommissioning decisions will be evidence-based and placed in context of strategic reviews and commissioning processes. For more information, contact Mark Hubbard, Compact Liaison Officer Tel: 0117 909 9949 Email: Or visit:
throughout the commissioning
Recommendation 8. Improving Communications
process. In addition to being
The imminent publishing of
involved in the early stages of
‘commissioning intentions’ (the
service design and specification,
services that Bristol City Council
potential service providers will be
(BCC) will commission during
supported at the later stages of the
2011/12) is a direct result of this
– the council’s guidance for
commissioning cycle so that they
recommendation. This is important
commissioners to standardise
are able to understand the process,
as it will enable VCSE organisations
commissioning processes. More
timescales and regulations, and
to allocate resources to engage
engage to win contracts.
with future commissioning
Final Report and
be engaged at the start of and
Recommendation 7. Capacity Building
Enabling Commissioning Framework (ECF)
Recommendations of the
The select committee recognised
Recommendation 9. Accessing the Commissioning Process
the need for capacity building
This recommendation – to develop
support to enable VCSE
a “fully accessible alternative to
organisations to engage with
BePS” – was controversial due to its
commissioning. It identified some
demand on additional resources.
priorities for development and
BCC has instead worked to improve
– BCC’s online system for
some of these are included in the
BePS, based on VCSE sector
registering interest in
new VCS Support Service delivered
feedback and concerns, and the
commissioned services and
by Voscur. There is also some
new version will be live in April 2011.
receiving notifications.
discussion of targeted support in
It is possible that a paper based
specific commissioning processes –
application option will be offered
to respond to sector-specific issues
for any small grants processes.
Select Committee can be seen at thirdsectorcommissioning Bristol E-Procurement System (BePS)
and needs.
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
Finding Funding
Sustainable Funding: Across the Income Spectrum. Income options available to voluntary and community organisations What is sustainable funding? Sustainable funding isn’t about locating one ever-lasting source of income. It is an approach that begins with strategic planning and takes account of opportunities to diversify funding across a range of income streams available to the VCS. Sustainable funding can range from donations and grants through to contracts and trading. Loan finance can also be used to develop capacity and invest for the future.
Sufficient: there never seems to be enough money, but understanding your costs properly allows you to make informed decisions about accepting contracts or undertaking project work.
The Funding Mix Thinking about a wider range of funding sources can help your organisation diversify its income and become more financially sustainable in the long-term.
Gift economy: Giving and public fundraising is about asking people for money or donations to continue the charitable aims of the organisation or to run specific projects. There are many ways to generate income through giving and public fundraising, for example membership fees, street collections, fundraising events, payroll giving, Gift Aid, legacies and corporate sponsorship. Grant funding: Many VCS organisations could not exist
How can I achieve sustainable funding? In order to be sustainable your funding needs to be: Stable: it’s important to have a mix of income streams so that if one ends it doesn’t threaten your organisation’s viability overall. Suitable: there is a wide range of funding and finance options which are appropriate for different situations. Understanding what each can offer, and ensuring there is a good match between your objectives and the type of funding or financing you are seeking, is essential. Image by: jaytay
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Finding Funding without grant funding in some form; this can be a valuable way of enhancing budgets. Some organisations depend on grants entirely. But keeping all your eggs in one ‘funding basket’ is not recommended. Funders are the first people to discourage you from becoming dependent on them. Structured market: The delivery of public services under contract is one option that VCS organisations may consider; this offers many opportunities and longer contracts than traditional funders. However, the process is legally binding for both parties and you should choose contracts carefully, making sure the intended outcomes are in line with your organisation’s mission and aims and that you have the right skills and resources to tender for and manage public sector contracts. Open Market: Trading is not about turning VCS organisations into commercial businesses, but enabling them to become more financially sustainable. All trading is associated with selling goods or services on the open market. Think about what you can sell: your assets; your people skills; your property? How can you sell it and who will buy it? Assets: both physical and invisible, can be used in a variety of ways to assist VCS organisations achieve long-term financial sustainability. Underused equipment, room space and staff skills can be used to raise income. You could rent out a spare office as public
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
meeting space, allow members of the public to use your photocopier or fax for a small fee, turn an unused computer room into a resource centre for the community or provide administration services for other organisations in the area.
Look out for Voscur’s new training course on the Funding Mix – Diversifying your Income or call Sophie Bayley on 0117 909 9949
Loan finance: The availability and accessibility of loan finance to VCS organisations has increased considerably in recent years. Loans are used where large amounts of money are needed to buy property, land or equipment, or to establish new projects and ventures. Alternatively, as organisations develop new income streams, such as contracting or trading, they may also require significant investment to create new services. Wherever investment is needed to drive organisational growth, loan finance may be a viable option. Loan finance is not an income stream but a financial enabling tool. It is not a replacement for grants but is simply seen as another way to finance an organisation. Loan finance should only be considered if it will benefit your organisation and appropriate structures and systems are in place to repay it.
Income spectrum online tool NCVO’s Funding Central website has an on-line tool to help you to explore your current income streams and assess whether a more diverse funding approach may benefit your organisation. The tool will require you to provide information about your sources of income; it will then indentify your level of risk and provide you with suggestions about how to investigate opportunities across the income spectrum: www.fundingcentral.
Finding Funding Sustainable Funding: Across the income spectrum Income options available to voluntary and community organisations
Gift Economy
Grant Funding
Structured Market
Open Market
Philanthropic giving, voluntary donations, pure charity. Provides unrestricted income for an organisation to use at their discretion to further their charitable aims.
Usually restricted funding provided to deliver specified outputs and/or mutually agreed outcomes. Grant funders are likely to want to monitor what is done with their investment and have clear expectations about what will be achieved.
Philanthropic giving, voluntary donations, pure charity. Provides unrestricted income for an organisation to use at their discretion to further their charitable aims.
Philanthropic giving, voluntary donations, pure charity. Provides unrestricted income for an organisation to use at their discretion to further their charitable aims.
Different income types are accessed and managed
Within the range of options there is enormous variety
in different ways and involve different relationships
and possibility. Sustainable funding can involve all
with the individual or organisation supplying the
these income streams, or a more limited range –
funds. As you move across the spectrum from
diversification across the spectrum, or if that is not
left to right – from asking to earning – the level of
possible or appropriate, within a particular stream.
expectation regarding what is received in return for the income increases.
The key to sustainability is knowing which streams are the right ones for your organisation to explore and how you can develop the capacity to be able to secure and manage them.
Source: _ we _ do/Sustainable _ Funding/About _ SFP/Income _ Spectrum.pdf
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Voscur Member Profile
Helping care home residents feel Alive! Alive! is a new charity dedicated to connecting with older people living in residential care. Sadly, we have all seen examples of older people sitting in front of a communal TV for hours on end.
Tim Lloyd-Yeates at Harefield Hall Residential Care Home
Many care home residents endure long hours of non-activity, some
The focus of the workshops
making music using the touch
locked in their own personal world,
is on treating participants as
rarely relating to or speaking to
valuable individuals and finding
others. Alive! is a new charity
commonality in each group by
which offers care home residents
identifying shared experiences,
a breath of fresh air and a change
as well as aiding reminiscence
from their normal routine with a
through singalongs, poetry, verse
range of interactive workshops
and monologues, quizzes and
to stimulate their wellbeing at
physical games such as giant
all levels: physically, mentally,
balloon play, being in a percussion
emotionally and spiritually.
band, and conducting the
Alive! was started a year ago by
The results can be astonishing; Tim has seen introverted, isolated people join in and break down barriers between themselves, care staff and other residents. People who are no longer able to hold a conversation sing whole songs, and one lady who had not spoken for several weeks suddenly amazed everyone by reciting the
Director Tim Lloyd-Yeates, and
Alive! is pioneering reminiscence
whole of William Wordsworth’s
now has a regular client base of
and life story work using the
poem ‘Daffodils’, reducing Tim
over 40 homes in Bristol, Bath and
internet and other visual and
and the care home staff to tears
North East Somerset and South
physical materials from times past
of emotion and joy.
Gloucestershire. The workshops
to stimulate residents’ memories
generally last for one hour, and
and promote discussion as well
Tim aims to conduct them at two
as being the first organisation
or three different homes each
to offer Cognitive Stimulation
For more information about
day. Alive! engages with people
Therapy in the South West. The
Alive! contact Tim Lloyd-Yeates,
who are very old, people living
charity is also at the forefront of
Executive Director on
with Dementia and/or Alzheimer’s,
using iPads to help older people
0117 377 4756 or
physical and/or learning
and those living with memory
disabilities, and degenerative
difficulties to access the internet
or visit
illnesses such as Parkinson’s or
and unleash their creative
Motor Neurone disease.
potential by painting pictures or
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
The cover image shows an Alive! workshop.
Children and Young People
Bristol Children and Young People’s Plan 2011-2014
needs assessment. Participants at two VCS Children and Young People’s Network meetings last year had the opportunity to feed into this needs assessment. Delivery of the plan will be guided by a set of principles which are shared across the Children and Young People’s Trust and by priorities identified from the needs assessment, which have been grouped under four key themes: Theme 1: Keeping our children and young people safe
Image by: cuellar
Theme 2: Tackling the causes and
The Bristol Children and Young People’s Plan will inform commissioning and delivery decisions over the next three years in a wide range of agencies. The draft plan, produced by The Bristol Children and Young People’s Trust, has already been strongly influenced by contributions from the voluntary and community
effects of child poverty Theme 3: Ensuring that all our children and young people achieve to their full potential
sector (VCS) and there is still time to comment.
Theme 4: Improving our shared
As those in the VCS are well aware,
achieved – through partnership/
the needs of children and young
recent significant national policy
joint working.
changes and the recession have people and their families in Bristol
Better outcomes for children and families
and also the organisations that
The plan sets out how better
serve them.
co-ordination between CYP
affected many children, young
VCS agencies are currently faced with numerous challenges:
service providers can achieve better outcomes for children and families. Working in partnership
• a shifting policy landscape
can add value to the work
• organisational change
undertaken by individual agencies,
• increasing demand for services
by sharing priorities no agency
• a reduction in resources.
could address alone.
It is crucial that these are managed
The plan places a particular focus
in order to protect the outcomes
on issues where performance
for children and young people.
needs to be improved or where
The Children and Young People’s
improvements have not been
plan sets out how this can best be
sustained, as highlighted by the
understanding and planning for people. The plan also refers to details of actions that are set out and monitored elsewhere e.g Bristol Safeguarding Children’s Board Plan, Child Poverty strategy, Community Cohesion strategy and Youth Housing Delivery Group Action Plan. For details, view the full plan at http:// bristolchildren. Post your comments on the site until Friday 18 March, or alternatively email your views to: childrensneeds.assessment@
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Voscur Member Profile
After an uncertain wait … the Station
that young people need to access like counselling, sexual health or careers advice. The Station will be a safe, neutral place, accessible by public transport and will be open at times when young people need it, especially at weekends and evenings. The Station is a £5.75m partnership project and will deliver a 32,000 sq ft facility for all young people in Bristol. Key partners who have been instrumental in the vision include: Young Bristol, Bristol City Council, GWE Business West, Fairbridge West, Basement Studio and the Real Ideas Organisation. Young people have been engaged throughout the process too. From concept to design, the young Client team are ensuring that it really will be a vibrant youth centre for all.
A new youth project planned for
Sandy Hore-Ruthven, Chief
the Old Fire Station on Bridewell
Executive of the Kingswood
Island in the centre of Bristol is
Foundation said, “We are thrilled
getting myplace funding and is
at the news and that we can
now going full steam ahead. This
continue with our plans. So much
inspirational partnership project,
hard work and planning has gone
headed up by the Kingswood
in to the Station to make this
For more about partnership opportunities at The Station contact or telephone 0117 947 7948.
Foundation, had been plunged in
a world class centre for young
For other information contact:
to doubt with the Government’s
people and we thank everyone
public spending review but the
involved for their efforts, support
recent funding announcement has
and belief in the vision.”
The Kingswood Foundation, 20 Old School House, Britannia Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 8DB
meant the waiting and lobbying has been worth it.
The Station will host state of the art technology and equipment and
Support for the Station has been
will give young people, including
overwhelming at all levels. MP’s
those from disadvantaged
from all parties supported the
backgrounds, a place to go. It will
scheme, whilst a vocal Facebook
provide workshop spaces, theatre
campaign has allowed the public
and dance studios but as well as
to show its desire for the dream
being a hub for creativity. It will
to be realised.
also host a range of other services
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
Emma Williams, Marketing & PR Manager email: t: 0117 303 0078 or Sandy Hore-Ruthven, Chief Executive email: t: 0117 947 7948
How to use the Equality Act 2010: The Public Sector Duty A guide for voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations The Equality Act 2010 updates,
gender equality duties. The new
• taking steps to meet the needs
simplifies and strengthens Britain’s
duty replaces and extends these.
of such people when they are
equality laws. It introduces broadly similar provisions across all forms of discrimination – age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation (these are called the protected characteristics). The Act gives VCS organisations some powerful tools they can use in advocacy, service delivery and campaigning work.
The public sector equality duty has two parts: a general duty and specific duties. The general duty is most important because it has clear goals for public bodies. These are: • eliminating discrimination and harassment; • advancing equality of opportunity; • fostering good relations on each of the specified protected characteristics.
Public Sector Equality Duty
Previously some public bodies
What is this?
gender duties to mean that
The Act requires public bodies to take account of equality, discrimination and good relations between groups in the way they make policy, deliver services, buy goods and services and employ people. This duty, expected to
have incorrectly misinterpreted the existing race, disability and they must always treat everyone exactly the same; leading to some damaging decisions, such as for example, that groups providing
• encouraging people to participate in public life or in any other activity in which their participation is low. Additionally, public bodies must take account of disabled people’s impairments even where that involves treating disabled people more favourably than others. Public authorities must tackle existing inequalities; they will need to find and use evidence about those who are disadvantaged and what problems exist in relations between different groups. The duty does not require public bodies to meet the demands of any or every group.
certain ethnic groups could not
Commission (EHRC) Code of
be funded.
Practice and other guidance for
intended to prevent institutional
advancing equality means:
public bodies may also be helpful for VCS organisations:
• Removing or minimising disadvantages people
Public bodies already have
suffer linked to a protected
separate race, disability and
protected characteristic);
The Equality and Human Rights
The Act makes clear that
equality in practice.
others (who do not share that
services only to women or only to
come into force in April 2011, is discrimination and advance
different from the needs of
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Image by: jyoseph
How can VCS organisations use the public sector equality duty? The duty is a vital tool for VCS organisations working on equality, diversity and good relations as a way of holding public bodies to account and to challenge decisions.
Holding public bodies to account • Public bodies must involve relevant VCS organisations when they consider and select equality objectives and make plans. If not, VCS organisations should point this out because
be consulted about the equality impact of proposed policies or
implement either the specific
or the general equality duty.
The new act will ensure that a public body must look at the equality impact of its decisions. There should be opportunities for VCS organisations to challenge these equality impact assessments if they believe they are wrong or based on inadequate or inaccurate information. Impact assessments of proposals for spending cuts are particularly important. The EHRC has produced some helpful guidance in this area:
authorities cannot achieve the
Challenge plans and decisions
equality duty’s goals without
If an organisation believes that
doing so. Additionally, it will help to improve decision making and can also help save money. • VCS organisations can ask to
• Alert the EHRC to any failure to
The EHRC has a range of powers such as carrying out assessments and requiring action plans, or bringing court proceedings. • If a public body is failing to fulfill the general equality duty, this can be challenged in court by way of a judicial review by any organisation that can persuade the court it has a sufficient interest in the issue. There are time limits for seeking judicial review.
a public body is not fulfilling its public sector equality duty, it can do a number of things:
This article has been produced by the Equality and Diversity
see assessments of the equality
• Challenge public bodies directly,
impact of decisions on policies
drawing attention to the legal
Forum (
and services before those
standing of the equality duty
The full version can be found on
decisions are made; relevant
and failure to apply it can be
Voscur’s website: www.voscur.
VCS organisations can expect to
challenged in court.
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
Green Pages
Community Groups are part of ‘two-wheeled revolution’ Ben Hillsdon, Communications Officer for Cycling City, explains how community and voluntary groups have worked together with Bristol’s Cycling City Project. Cycling is good for Bristol. When
resources, more ‘customers’ are
people cycle more they help
able to develop their mechanical
reduce congestion, improve air
skills and build themselves an
quality, become healthier and
affordable and sustainable form
make Bristol a more pleasant
of transport.
place to live.
Over the last two years Cycling
Many voluntary and community
City has invested in 22 community
organisations are set up on the
projects and several hundred
same basis - to inspire greater
community events, helping the
social good and improve the
city in its push to get more people
standard of living in our cities.
saddled up and biking towards a
Recognising this, the Cycling City
brighter future.
project has worked closely with a range of organisations through Bristol and supported grass roots, community-led cycling initiatives with grants and resources.
Although Cycling City funding comes to an end in March 2011, the city’s ambitions for cycle growth certainly won’t. As the number of bicycles on our streets
Since 2009 we’ve been funding
continues to rise and Bristol’s
small events and community
cycling culture continues to grow,
projects, as well as initiating larger
so too do the opportunities for
projects such as city cycling
more community groups to get
courses for adults (delivered by Life
involved. A two-wheeled revolution
Cycle UK) or Bristol Cycle Festival
is happening in our city and
(coordinated largely by a volunteer
everyone is invited to get involved.
steering group).
More about Cycling City’s
Bristol Bike Project works with
community involvement can be
groups who do not have the
found at:
opportunity to buy their own
bicycles. James Lucas and Colin Fan applied for a Cycling City grant which they used for tools, cycle locks and lights. With these
Image by: Bristol City Council, 2010
Some of the other voluntary and community organisations have received funding through the Cycling City Project • LifeCycle UK • St Werburghs Community Project • Upper Horfield Community Trust • Baggator • Lawrence Hill Community Bike Loan • Friends of the Earth • Cycle Tourists Club • Bristol Cycle Campaign • Lawrence Weston Young Action • Play and Early Years Training Unit (PEYTU) • Emmaus • Windmill Hill City Farm Find out more about these Cycling City funded community projects at: cycling-city-community-fund
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Developing ICT
Tweeting your work The fastest growing communication medium in the last 12 months has been the Twitter phenomenon. Initially set up for “microblogging”, it allows its users to send and read other users’ updates. Organisations and their staff and volunteers have been successfully adopting it to promote their work, cover their activities and raise funds.
As with other forms of
• Write more DOs than DON’Ts.
communication, your organisation
Empower your audience with
may need to have a policy for
what they can do, not what
tweeting its activities. The good
they can’t do. Simple stuff
news is that it doesn’t need to be
like: DO be honest. DO use
too specific: it can apply to how
appropriate privacy settings.
you interact on the internet in
DO share content that is
any form, commenting on blogs
publicly available.
or setting up a news page on Facebook.
Follow Voscur on Twitter:
What should you have in your policy?
Voscur staff tweeting
• Who is the policy for? Start
with writing a policy for your employees. It may help to focus on a single employee, perhaps
For more information on Twitter see:
To “tweet” about your group you will need a Twitter account. It’s very easy to set up! Step 1 – go to Step 2 – click on the “sign up” button
the one most involved with
For case studies, resources and
social media. Don’t worry about
worksheets on social media in
Step 3 – complete the simple
expanding or altering the policy
general visit: www.wearemedia.
form with your name, user-name,
for different audiences such as
password and email address
board members or volunteers until you have a good basic policy written. • Refer to your other policies.
Step 4 – search your address book for people you know who might already be on Twitter.
Don’t crowd it with too much
You’re now an official
information. Stay focused on
Twitter user.
the social media issues.
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY Spouse/ Fiancé Visa Visa Sponsorship Statements Visitors/ Family Visa Visa Extensions/ Transfers Dependants Visa Indefinite Stay Visa Students – Points Based System Certificate of Approval Work Permits – Points Based System European Nationals (EEA)
British Passport Attesting Documents Home Office Travel Documents Employer or Educational Sponsor License APPEALS: Referral Panel Home Office Related Correspondence Home Office Related Research British Nationality FREE ADVICE DURING SURGERY TIMES MONDAY AND SATURDAY BETWEEN 10-12
CONTACT: MR ZAHEER SHABIR LLB (HONS) ON 07711957425 All instructions are fee paying and confidential.
During May Voscur will be moving to a new centrally located office in the same building as Volunteering Bristol and Quartet Community Foundation.
Our new address will be: Voscur Royal Oak House Royal Oak Avenue Bristol, BS1 4GB
For more details visit
T: 0117 9413991 E:
Your sector, your story Do you have a story about your organisation you would like to share? We’re keen to feature the work of the voluntary and community sector (VCS) in future publications. This could be: • Good practice case studies • Examples of VCS achievements • Innovative projects and ways of working If you would like to write an article to help others learn from your experiences, please contact Voscur by email: or call 0117 909 9949
Advertise your jobs with Voscur Voscur’s popular jobs pages are viewed over 20,000 times each month. A quick and easy self-service means you can add your jobs to our website at any time. New jobs are highlighted in our ebulletin and distributed to Bristol’s Voluntary & Community sector members. ‘Wellspring has used the Voscur website for both salaried and volunteer recruitment. It is well regarded as the place to visit when looking for voluntary sector jobs in and around Bristol and represents good value for money. We recently recruited volunteer trustees and had an outstanding response of which the majority of interested candidates had seen the vacancies through Voscur.’ Ian Lawry, Chief Executive Officer Wellspring Healthy Living
Costs: Image: guz_007’s
Full Members £30 per job Associate members £65 Non-members £100
March / April / May 2011 Issue 13
Volunteering Bristol
Volunteering in Bristol: a new era We are entering a new era for volunteering in Bristol. If I say the words ‘cuts’, ‘Big’ and ‘Society’ then you probably get the idea. Things are changing and if Volunteering Bristol wants to continue to support individuals, organisations and society at large, then we need to change too.
We link organisations that need
support needs to take their first
help, with individuals who have
steps into unpaid work.
time. There is a great interest in volunteering: every month we have over 15,000 visits to our website. And there is no shortage of demand from organisations: at any one time we have around 700 different volunteer vacancies available.
But you are also likely to see the introduction of charges to use some of these services. It has been estimated that every £1 spent on volunteering within an organisation can be worth up to £30. For over 40 years Volunteering Bristol has provided
There is, however, a shortage of
a valuable service to the voluntary
cash to support the service which
and community sector. Our
brings these two needs together:
challenge for the future is to
the Volunteer Centre.
provide a service to a standard
Over the coming months, you will see changes at Volunteering
To do that we need your support,
Bristol as we, like everyone else,
your ideas and, ultimately, your
try to do more for less.
custom. So, if you are a Volunteer
We hope you will see our service becoming slicker; more effective at finding the people that you need, when you need them; more integrated with other organisations such as Voscur; and more high-profile. There will be a brand new programme which
Stephen Dale
which organisations would pay for.
Manager, a Chief Executive, a
To find out more please contact me by email: or call 0117 9897734.
Trustee or a volunteer, we will be approaching you tell us what you think of what we are doing now, and what you feel we should be doing in the future. We hope that you will work with us to help meet challenges that we face.
recruits highly skilled volunteers
Stephen Dale, Chief Executive,
to help build the capacity of your
Volunteering Bristol
organisation, as well as (fingers crossed) a service which provides a buddy to help people with
Issue 13 March / April / May 2011
Voscur Ltd. The CREATE Centre Smeaton Road Bristol BS1 6XN
Tel: 0117 909 9949 Fax: 0117 933 0501 Email: Web:
Voscur Diary — March / April / May / June 2011 March 2011 Thursday 3 March Improving Diversity in your Volunteer Workforce The Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Bristol, BS10 5PY (9:30am-3:30pm) Wednesday 9 March Speaking with Confidence The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2QQ (9:30am-3:30pm)
Thursday 31 March What do School Governors do and how can you take part? Colston Hall, Colston Street, Bristol, BS1 5AR (7pm-9pm)
April 2011 Wednesday 6 April Action Learning Set for Volunteer Managers Venue to be confirmed (10am-3pm)
Monday 14 March Bristol Compact Training – Commissioning for Beginners Barton Hill Settlement, 43 Ducie Road, Barton Hill, Bristol, BS5 0AX (9:30am-1pm) Wednesday 16 and Wednesday 23 March Training Skills for Volunteer Managers St Werburghs Community Centre, Horley Road, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9TJ (9:30am-4:30pm) Monday 28 March
May 2011 Wednesday 4 May Recruitment of Volunteers Windmill Hill City Farm, Phillip Street, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 4EA (9:30am-3:30pm) Date and venue to be confirmed Health and Social Care Network – part of the new VCS Assembly
Ten Steps to The Perfect Tender – Compact Training Venue to be confirmed (9:30am-3:30pm)
Date and Venue to be confirmed
Tuesday 29 March
June 2011
Supervision Skills for Volunteer Managers The Gatehouse Centre, Hareclive Road, Bristol, BS13 9JN (9:30am-3:30pm)
Tuesday 14 June
Thursday 31 March
Community Buildings Network
VCS Children and Young People’s Network Venue to be confirmed (1:30pm-3:30pm)
VCS Neighbourhoods Network Venue to be confirmed (10am-1pm)
For details of all the above training and events visit:
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