West of England’s Voluntary Sector 2016
*From the combined data of five voluntary sector surveys carried out in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, and Bath and North East Somerset in 2016.
Top 10 areas of support:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Volunteering Social activities
Most supported: Families
Health and social care
Community development Recreation/leisure Employment/skills/training Adult learning
Disabled, socially excluded or vulnerable people.
People with mental health issues
BME Communities
Arts/culture Community buildings/venues
62% of organisations use volunteers and each benefits from an average of
Most organisations (57%) have between
1-10 staff members and 69% have up to 50 volunteers
of volunteer time each week!
22% expect income to go up, 22% down and 47% expect it to remain the same as last year.
have been operating for more than
10 years!
West of England’s
Voluntary Sector 2016 cont...
Range of annual Income: £10k - £100k (31%)
£100k - £500K (18%)
More than £500K (14%)
Austerity has had the double impact of reducing grant reducing (52%) and increasing the level (60%) and complexity (44%) of client demand.
Less than £10k (30%)
Don’t know (7%)
VCSE response to pressures:
69% 42% 57%
are collaborating with other organisations.
said it was “possible”or “very likely” that they will have to use their reserves in the coming year to support operations.
West of England Civil Society Partnership:
Regard themselves as a social enterprise.
Plan to increase the number or level of services they provide this year.