Workshop 1 - Big Lottery Fund

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Reaching Communities ‘Ingredients for a successful application’

Big Lottery Fund Outcomes Community learning and creating opportunity

Outcome People having better chances in life, with better access to training and development to improve their life skills

Promoting community cohesion and safety

Outcome Stronger communities, with more active citizens, working together to tackle their problems

Promoting wellbeing

Outcome Improved rural and urban environments, which communities are better able to access and enjoy

Outcome Healthier and more active people and communities

Reaching Communities  

A ‘demand-led’ programme Ongoing 2010/2011

£10,000 to £500,000 available (Max project size £750,000) Max capital grant £50,000 (Max capital project size £200,000)

   

New and existing projects Funding for up to 5 years Full cost recovery

Reaching Communities Helping deliver our mission to bring real improvements to communities* and to the lives of those most in need.  To support the best projects that are responding to locally identified needs  Those most in need including hard to reach groups  To ensure that communities are involved in helping to deliver projects *Communities of interest as well as geography

Mothers for Mothers ÂŁ139,809

Programme overview • Up to £100m each year up to 2013 • Same criteria: – Broad range of project/applicant types – £10,001-£500,000 – Up to five years’ funding – Capital contribution up to £50k – Mainly funding voluntary and community sector

Improvements • • • • •

Better chance of success at full application stage Clearer feedback at outline proposal stage Better support where needed Proportionate approach to full application stage Shorter time from initial approach to final decision • Projects can reapply taking account of feedback

Outline proposal stage • Information asked for is similar: focus is on the project idea • Change to layout of form and phrasing of questions • Will assess outcomes, need, user involvement and previous relevant BIG funding

We will look at: • Extent to which desired outcomes will make a real difference • Link between outcomes and activities • Evidence of need • Beneficiary involvement • Amount of previous funding to local area • Other relevant funded projects

Full application stage • Projects will have 4 months to submit a full application • Different application forms for projects depending on amount asked for • Quicker decision time for smaller projects (9 instead of 16 weeks)

Full application stage: larger projects • Similar to current form • All applications involving changes to buildings, even if small, go via this route

Full application stage: smaller projects • Same outline form as for larger projects • Quicker process, open to projects needing up to £40,000 per year • Up to five years funding i.e. max £200k • Less asked for at full application stage


Exercise – A good project summary should tell us: • The overall aim of your project • Where it is based • What activities will take place • What the funding will be spent on • Which of the programme outcomes the project addresses Read the example provided and underline the key points of information as described above

Evidencing need & understanding outcomes BIG’s approach to need and outcomes for applicants

What BIG expects from applicants      

Identify the need Develop an aim Develop SMART outcomes Work up activities Measure progress Monitoring

Aim, Outcomes & Activities  Project aim: The overall purpose of the project, described in simple language  Project outcomes: What needs to change for the project to achieve its aim? What difference will the project make for the beneficiaries?  Project activities: What is going to be done to bring about the intended outcomes? What tasks, services, activities will you carry out?

Outcomes  Big Lottery Fund will ask projects to identify 4-6 outcomes  Currently outcomes must be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based  Example: 300 young people will have increased their fitness levels and have enjoyed improved physical health by 31 December 2010

Outcomes quiz 1. Set up and advertise 10 training courses 2. 60 young people have reduced or eliminated their drug use by the end of the project 3. Deliver a befriending service for 150 disaffected young people 4. Build village hall 5. 25 older people report reduced isolation through volunteering by the end of year two 6. 15 low-income families eat more fruit and vegetables

Identifying the need  Identify the need and explain it  What difficulties do people in the community face?  Why do they face these difficulties?  What needs to change to address this issue?

What sources can you use to evidence need?    

Consultation and community involvement Strategies - generic and specialist Statistics and area or community profile Research (reports, surveys etc)

Cont…. What sources can you use to evidence need?  Other existing services/current provision (or lack of)  Evaluation of existing services  Letters of support  Anecdotal evidence

Questions that may be asked on the application form  What is the need? – existing services and gaps  How have you identified the need? – consultation and research you have done  What priorities have been identified as most important in your area? – link to strategies  How will your project address the need?  Why is the project the best way of meeting the need?

Some useful websites - facts, figures and strategies  Census statistics:  Community Health Profiles:  Association of Public Health Observatories:  Regional Observatories:  Government Offices:  10 Downing Street:  Government Directory:

Some useful websites - research and consultation  Community Toolbox:  Consultation toolkit: (type ‘consultation toolkit’ into Google and you will find a number of other similar toolkits)  National Association for Voluntary and Community Action:  N.B. The Big Lottery Fund is not responsible for the content of external websites

What grants officers are looking for…  Is the need for your project supported by robust evidence or research?  Have you consulted with all relevant stakeholders?  Does the consultation support the identified need?  Do you have a good understanding of similar work already taking place?  Do other stakeholders know about your project and are they supportive of it?  Are you aware of relevant local, regional and/or national plans, and strategies? Can you explain how your project relates to them?

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