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Dun Laoghaire,Sallynoggin and Loughlinstown Bus Review
Dublin Bus
LI* rr ;ffimghair"e*,, Saltynoggim amd Lrl *g iiiinsts o-+'i"l ffi 'utg ffi eview to Dublin Bus and the National Transport Authorlty (NTA) propose improve your bus seryice in the Dun Laoghaire,-Sallynoggin and Loigntinitown area. The proposals tollow a review of public transport services undertaken in thc area. f6'i'c*irg
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-...1^.1.. a: ' .;..4 :.1â‚Ź .er,':;+ :la1'*ii.c tre 'Biiui;erleri:i: lmprove journey times on the key bus routes in.tfe grea . g"tte, mit"n the level of service to the demand for travel from
individual areas Provide more consistent frequenoies on looal services
i.+i!UC: 3. .l.ii) lef Ie j!{'' A simple, easy to understand better connected network of bus services
. . . .
lncreased frequency and capacity User friendly timetable evenly spread through the day Simplified route numbering
pages' You These proposals are desoribed in greater detail in the following and are invited to consider the proposals and to send baok your comments suggestions. Contact details are provided on the back cover'
Prroposall Route 7 Route 7 Current (with the Route 7 cunently oPerates three buses per hour from Loughlinstown Park eroption ot a ten minute service from 08.00 hrs to O8.30hrs) and an hourly service from Cherrywood Business Park to Mountioy Square via Pearse Park Sallynoggin and Slackrock Village to Mountjoy Square.
Proposed Route 7 The Route 7 proposal is to operate a 15 minute service along the main Route 7 (a bus al8nment all day with the service split evenly between Loughlinstown Park eulry go minutes) and Brides Glen Luas Slation Cherrywood (a bus every 30 minutes)' ]-he seruice will be re-aligned
the Sallynoggin area and instead of operating via
Sallygten Road will be provided and there is good pedesfian access to these stops trom Loth sides of Sallyglen Road. This change will benelil customers all along the route by being faster, more direct and customer travel times will be reduced' Route 7 will also be re-aligned in Blackrock Village on journeys travelling towards the gty câ‚Źntre. City centre bound services will remain on the Blackrock bypass One new ous stop is proposed on the by-pass and the route will continue to serve the existing reduction in DUs stop at Fraseati Centre. The benefit ofthis change is a significant flstomer travel times.
Proposal 1 Route 7
Prcposal3 Route 7d
Ploposal2 Route 7b Route 7b Current Route 7b operates five departures from Shankill Church to Mountioy Square rn the mornrng peak via Ballybrack Village. Rochestown Ave, Abbey Road, Stillorlgan and termrnating at Mountjoy Square. There are also four return louFneys in the evening peak from Mountjoy Square to Shankill Church.
Route 7d Current Route 7d operates two mornrng departures from Dalkey via Sandycove. Glenageary Rd, Bakers Comer, Deans Grange Cross and Stillorgan to Mountjoy Square.
Proposed Route 7b
It is proposed to keep the 7d on its current inbound alignment as far as Bakers Corner, but will in future turn right onto Abbey Road (the 7b route) and serve Strad-brook Hill, Monkstown Ring Road, Stillorgan Road to City Centre terminating at Mountjoy Square.
It rs proposed to retarn the current morning and evening peak service with
some slight timetable adjustments.
Proposed route 7d
Proposed New Time Table for Route 7b
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Proposal5 Route 59
Proposal4 Route 45a Route 45a current Route 45a currently operates a thirty minute service from Kilmacanogue to Dun Laoghaire via Ballybrack Village, Sallynoggin Road.
Route 59 current Route 59 currently operates a 40 minute service from Dun Laoghaire to Mackintosh Park via Dalkey and KillineY.
Proposed route 59
Proposed route 45a It is proposed to retain the current timetable on Route 45a. However an alrgnment change is proposed in the Rochestown Ave/Sallynoggin area. The proposed route will operate as it currently does to the Graduate Pub, will then serve a section of Rochestown Ave and will serve Rochestown Park, Pearse Villas and Sallynoggin Road where i1 returns to its curtent alignment. This change will maintain a direct link in the Sallynoggin / Pearse Villas area to
Dun Laoghaire Dart Station,
It is proposed to operate a consistent thirty minuts service in both directions on the 59 route from Dun Laoghaire to Loughlinstown Hospital via Dalkey, Killiney Road' Ballinclea Road, cluny Grove, Avondale Road, Churchview Road, Wyattville Road , terminating at opposite Loughlinstown Hospital. The benefits of this change include a direct link between Dun Laoghaire and Loughlinstoiln Hospital, a faster and more direct route and a frequent and very oasy to understand timetable As a result ofthis change, Route 1 1 1 will be cancelled.
Prcposal6 Route 63 Route 83 current
operates a thirty minute service from Kilternan to Dun a"iyogan, Foxrock, clonkeen Road, Deansgrange' Monkstown L""sh"i" "r""ntly Farm and Dun Laoghaire.
Proposed Route 83
is frequent and it ,s'proposed to retain the current Route 63 timetable which i" *"0 The route will largely remain as it Is except that rnstead of ",*li" along Clonkeen Road, the route will lnstead serue Cabinteely' "g RoIo, eottery Road' Mackintosh Park and back onto its route at "p"i"t J5n".ioff in Dun nlU"V no"O. lt will conlinue to serve Monkstown Farm and terminate Laoghaire.
on toute 8 are insufficient for the seryioe to be main-
rn" tuito."t
""tryings The increased frequenoy on Route 59 will ofler "rrrunitoimat. options as does the existing Route 7d departure. A departure uli"r*iir" trur"r i'iio'ii"t o"fxey providing a link to Monkstown will be operated during "t school terms. As a result, Route 8 will be cancelled'
tuin'Jrn iit
Summary cnrnoes'inroads,lnfrastruotureandcustomerstravellingrequirementshas
proposal to Bus and the NTA being able to put together a and and bus timetables in-the Dun Laoghaire' Sallynoggin Loughlinstown area. The main changes will be as follows
iliE; i; D;ali"
r"r""JUr" rort"s
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ll9 "" 15 minute servicâ‚Ź on the main a"r*r-etween by operating more direot routing a f-aster, 1.*1"
be maintained. A routing to change on Rochestown Ave to offer better connections
so-30 minute all day timetable will remain un' ohange from clonkeen Road to Pottery A routing ohanged. -current and direct a more qrreut route lrrele Ine roure i6iakake maKe the Sionificant routino change to Hospital lmto Loughlinstown Connection direct a fr6vioe pror"J ft"qu"n"y of every 30 minutes on an easy to underRoutes The route wAibe discontlnued wilh altematives being 7d and Route 59 and a specmc departure at 8:00 during
orsmntinueo with alternatives being Routes
Dublin Bus and the NTA will welcome any comments which can be emailed, posted or downloaded to the web. The final date for comment is ???? 31 July 2015. We value customer feedback and invite you to submit your comments on these proposals.
click here
Dun Laoghaire Feedback, Dublin Bus 59 Upper O Connell St, Dublin 1.
Feedback before 30 July 2A1.5
Dublin Bus